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02x07 - It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough

Posted: 12/07/19 08:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on Legacies Hope, you can't leave me here.

I can't leave with you.

- Who are you?

- The entire world has forgotten that I exist, and the boy I love has moved on.

Send me back, and I will be the bad guy.

Call me Headmaster.

I'll make you proud.

I will destroy Hope Mikaelson.

The monsters are back.

I have no idea how or why or if it's gonna stop.

I did black magic.

You said you had something that could help.

I think it's working.

Yes, it is.

I found a way to bring back everyone's Malivore memories.

You do remember her.

That changes things, right?

I don't know yet.

Have you ever had a memory where you can't tell if it actually happened or if it was just a dream?

Your head can't make sense of it, so you let it go.

You convince yourself it was your imagination.

What if you realize it wasn't a dream at all?

It was real.

It was all real.

Reporting for portal duty!

I brought backup.

And so you start a new day, armed with everything you never thought you needed to know burdened with a choice no one should have to make knowing all eyes are on you to do the right thing.

So, this is nice, right?

Together again.

- It's great.

- It's awesome.

I mean, for the two of you not to be talking to each other just because you're competing for the love of the same garden gnome I think we're more evolved than that as women.

- Absolutely.

- Without a doubt.


Because, personally, I've never been better.

My work paid off.

My mind is sharp.

All perceived mental breakdowns were a figment of my imagination fed by two manipulative vampires who will remain forever my enemies.

What's going on with Sebastian?

Headmaster Downton Abbey wants us to enroll him to keep him off the streets.

But after deliberately letting me think that I was unwell, I will not let that happen.

You should forgive MG.


He didn't want to hurt you.

He hid things from me.

Zero stars.

He's not the only friend keeping secrets.

I didn't want to hurt you either.

Yeah, well, zero stars.

Is that what I think it is?



I don't need it anymore.


Look at us.

Clear hearts and minds.

Letting the power of our intellect rule the day over our emotions.

Moving forward with dignity and grace.

This is the true definition of girl power.

I'm proud of us.

Greetings, witches.

Who the hell are you?

An answer for an answer.

There are two sisters.

One gives birth to the other.

And the other, in turn, gives birth to the first.

Who are they?


Night and day.

The sisters are Night and Day.


Your reward for answering correctly is to know that you are in the presence of the master of the ancient lands.

The all-holy, ever-divine sphinx.

People are usually more impressed.

It's been a long semester.




Girl power.

Headmaster Vardemus, please.

I'll hold.


So, good news.

We caught another monster.

It's a sphinx, in case you had that on your Malivore bracket.

Which must mean that the zombie's probably roadkill by now, right?

Unless Malivore is actually starting to send two monsters at a time, in which 'Kay.

Uh, good morning to you, too.

You told me your story.

But now, with the memories, I'm just happy to have you back.

I wish everyone else felt the same.

You're just gonna have to give them time.

Actually planning on doing just that.

I'm headed home to New Orleans to do research on how to close the portal with my aunt and her circle of witches.

I see.

Now, this trip to New Orleans, is it round-trip or one-way?

To be honest with you, I don't know.

I'm sorry I don't have a straight answer for you.

I obviously care about you, and I care about Hope, too.

Look, I have hit girl power rock bottom.

I hate myself for having to ask you this, but cut to the chase.

Who are you gonna choose?

I still don't know, because I'm not him.

I'm a prismatic hologram from your subconscious.

I only know what you know.

You have to find out - what he knows.

- Yeah, but he's holed up in the library, doing research - and avoiding everything.

- Then you know where to find him.

- What do I say, though?

- Look.

Look at me.

You still want him, right?

Of course I do.

Everybody wants him, though.

That's the problem.

Malivore even wants him.

It's too bad I can't just give them you.

But what if you could?

You know, you don't have to sit with me.

I'm sure you have better things you could be doing.

If you're here, I'm here.

That's cool, but I'm pretty sure you haven't left my side for 22 straight hours.

And if a monster were to slip past the girls, who would have been right here to protect you?

Yeah, but you're my brother.

You're not my bodyguard.

I'm whatever I need to be to keep you safe, Lan.

I owe it to you.

Because of Hope?

Raf, you don't owe me - anything.

- Just let me owe you this.



Any chance we can talk?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll give you guys some space.


I have a crazy idea.

As crazy ideas go, this one certainly takes the cake.

But it could work, right?

I suppose it could.

However, it would require a certain level of black magic, and I know how your father feels about you practicing such sorcery.

It's life or death.

He'll deal.

Technically it is possible.


This trident will be of use.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

Technically, the only person who has to do anything dangerous is Hope.

What do you think she'll say?

Probably that we lost our minds and should stay out of the hero business.

And what will you say to her in return to convince her?

I guess there's only one way to find out.


Don't go.

I need you.

Uh, I-I have to figure out a a way to close the portal.

Then I'll come with you.

I just couldn't stand losing you again.

I love you, Hope Mikaelson.

Landon, I love you, too.

Of course I love you.

Aw, hell.

You had to find Hope?

What the hell is happening?

This is the opposite of girl power.

This is the opposite of clear thinking.

There are two Landons?

We are calling the other one SimuLandon.

I used the prism to manifest my subconscious, and then Josie turned him into a golem.

- Show her.

- Oh.

Headmaster Vardemus helped us.

We used this object called a trident to bind the mind, body and spirit of SimuLandon with a spell.

What kind of spell?

Nothing that you need to worry about.

He gave me this weird magical hourglass that prevents any side effects.

Josie, Dad will melt you if you're dabbling in black magic.

I'm not dabbling.

I'm doing what needs to be done to close the portal.

We're gonna use him as a decoy.

We'll let the sphinx take him into the portal.

I don't want to go in the portal.

I want to stay here with Hope.

Uh, I think we need to talk to your subconscious about personal space.

I didn't realize he'd be so vocal.

And fast.

He ran away after we created him.

I guess to find you.

There's one catch, though.

I bound him to the lunar cycle.

So, when the moon reaches its apex tomorrow night Simu-me will disintegrate.


Uh, no one told me that part!

- How does that close the portal?

- That's where you come in.

We need to pump SimuLandon full of Hope's blood, so when he goes in, the Tribrid blood will close the portal.

My blood's not enough to keep the portal closed.

I have to activate my vampire side.

Malivore is just gonna spit him out and create a new portal.

Not if he disintegrates before there's anything to spit out.

Portal closed, no new portal opens.

Both problems solved.

Life goes back to normal ish.

And you thought it was smart to give Landon's subconscious a voice?

It's the only way anyone could think of to close the portal.

Or maybe you just wanted him to spill the beans about who he wants.

Pretty sure I got that question answered already.

I love you, Hope.

Please stop saying that.

I can't help it I want to shout it from the rooftops.

- I love Hope - Ad somnum.

Look, I'm not letting you get anywhere near Landon, so let's make this easy on both of us, okay?

There is a creature.

At the dawn of life, it has four feet.

At the middle, two feet.

And in its twilight, three feet.

What is it?

A baby walks on four feet, and then it stands on two feet.

And then when it gets old, it walks with a cane.

The answer's man.

That's an easy one.

Classic riddle of the sphinx.

My reputation precedes me.

What else has been written about me?

Uh, all sorts of things.

The Greeks were all about your riddles.

But according to Egyptian mythology, sphinxes were protectors.

Stood guard outside the temples of oracles.

So many books.

So few facts.

I am not a protector of oracles.

I am the oracle.

And seeing as you've answered my riddle correctly, you've earned yourself an answer to any question.

First thing they teach us in Monster 101 don't listen to the monsters.

Sphinxes can't lie.

Come on.

One question won't hurt.

Look, the only question I have is how do I keep Landon safe from Malivore?

What did you just see?

There's no keeping Landon safe as long as he remains here.

You must get him out of this place if you wish to keep him from Malivore.


So we're not gonna talk about how you walked away from me after we took down the Croatoan?

I didn't have much to say.

Welcome back?


He has plenty to say.

He is my subconscious.

He has no filter.

I am a complex, evolved being last time I checked.

Evolved people talk to one other.

They don't just stalk off when things get complicated.

So why don't you stop avoiding me?

I'm not avoiding you.

We're literally in the same room.

Oh, you know what I mean.

Tell me how you feel.

It's not about what I feel.

It's about doing the right thing.

There's a shelf life on doing the right thing.

If you wait too long, it's just wrong.

So you don't have anything else you want to say to me?

I love you.

So much.

We got a problem.


I'll tell you who's got a problem Vardemus.

If he thinks that he's allowed to enroll Teen Dracula in the same school as my daughters Ric!

The problem is Vardemus.

Those forensic samples from the crime scene at the bar that you had Sheriff Mac forward to me?

I finally got the results back from a witch friend of mine in Philly.

They're a match with Vardemus.

Oh, you ran Vardemus' DNA.

I told you I'd keep an eye on him.

But it gets weirder.


Wait his results don't make any sense.

It says he's both male and female.

And every ethnicity under the sun?

But only ten percent white, which we both know is not true.

He's also part canine, part deer.

Wait, I've seen this before.

At the Malivore pit, the night Hope disappeared, there was a third person there, besides her and Landon.

I couldn't figure out who it was until You're saying Vardemus was at the pit?

Him or the monster pretending to be him.

So, SimuLandon is running around telling everyone that he loves Hope.

I guess I'm second-rate.

Far from second-rate, Ms.


You are a powerful witch now.

And a long way from gushing nosebleeds.

I'm impressed with your growth.

I feel like I'm gonna explode.

Has that hourglass stop working?

Not at all.

But it holds black magic, not strong emotions.

This is more than strong emotions.

It feels like my head is screaming at me.

Well, your friend lied to you.

Your twin helped her keep that secret.

Your boyfriend's heart clearly belongs to another.

But fear not.

There are other ways to release the demons dancing in your mind.

The trident we used this morning.

I believe you're finally strong enough for this.

Close your eyes.

This spell will channel the rage, the sadness, everything into that object.

It will transfer all the dark energy right out of you.

Repeat after me.

Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras.

Quo animo transibit.

Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras.

Quo animo transibit.

Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras.

Quo animo transibit.

Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras.

Quo animo transibit You can do this.

Keep your focus.

Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras.

Quo animo transibit Keep your focus on the trident.

This will all be over soon.

Oh, my God.

I didn't know I was so afraid of needles.

I guess I'll have to add that to the list.

Small spaces, um, bugs with wings, doors on hinges Sorry.

Am I talking too mu I just get I get chatty when I'm nervous.

Why don't we just sit and wait?


In silence?


So, why you leaving town?

You afraid of the quiet, too?

I'm dead soon.

What's the harm in talking?

I don't want to stay because I I don't want to be where I'm not welcome.

But you belong here.

It's a school for vampires, witches and werewolves.

You're all three.

Yeah, I know.

On paper it makes sense, but in reality, it it's complicated.

What's so complicated?

Your friends don't want you to have to go into the portal, so they created me to die.

- Don't say that.

- It's okay.

It's true.

It's scary as hell, but I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you safe.

You really do say whatever's on your mind.

It must be the subconscious prism thing.

I'm sorry Landon doesn't.

I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a coward, but he is.

That's why he can't say he wants you to stay.

That's why he's not here right now sharing how he feels about you.

Can we hold hands before Lizzie comes to take me away?

Hey, Landon.


What are you doing, bro?

It's a failsafe to protect me against the monster.

The sphinx can't take me if I'm dead at the bottom of a lake, right?

This is insane.

Yeah, you mean the SimuLandon?

I mean everything.

Do you even see what you're about to do to yourself?

I know that you're a phoenix and that you'll come back, but does that make it okay?

And then there's these monsters and-and the att*cks, and-and the plans and the backup plans, but according to the sphinx, it's not even gonna end any time soon.

The sphinx is a psychic?

Does that mean he'll see this coming?

Does it even matter if he does?

'Cause you guys are just gonna cook up another crazy solution.

I don't even know how we got here.

We came to this school because there was nothing out there that was safe for us.

But now it feels like this is the least safe place on Earth.

What else did the psychic sphinx tell you?

Oh, Josie.




I think I did something bad.

Remember, just casually walk by him and as soon as the sphinx sees you, I'll use magic to open the bars and then he'll grab you and take his new toy back to Malivore.

You make this sound easy and fun when it's actually gruesome and terrifying.



Landon Kirby.


And what exactly do I do with you?

I have no need for you.

Excuse me?


Safe, baby.

Did a hairball get lodged in your brain?

That's Landon Kirby.

The one and only.

Every monster that comes out of that portal wants him for Malivore.

I am not here for Landon Kirby.

Why the hell are you here, then?

An answer for an answer.

Enough with the riddles.


I'll answer your question Great.

in the form of a riddle.


In blackness, a light emerges, illuminating the path for darkened souls to follow.

Two forge their own way, but a third sees a new path.

What is the new path?

Take it easy.

The school's been evacuated, and you're in no shape to move.

You'll be safe here.

What's going on?

In a nutshell, Headmaster Vardemus was a trojan horse for Agent Clarke, and the sphinx doesn't want Landon for reasons no one can decipher, and Josie accidentally created a dark object of indeterminate power.

- I should help.

- No, hey.

You have just enough blood in your veins to breathe.

Lie here and heal while I go and patrol the school.

I'll be right back.

Oh, hey.

Miss me?


How did you get in here?

My trusty ring.

Creates illusions.

I thought I'd camp out while your friends emptied out the school.

- Fluctus Inpulsa.

- Surprise.

I found these in the school armory.

Spelled shackles that neutralize a witch's power.

Yet another of Ric's failsafes against supernaturals.

Yeah, please, go ahead, make yourself comfortable.

And while you're at it, tell me what the hell you're doing here.

I swore to my father I would come back and take you out, but my dad screwed me over yet again.

How did he do that?


He seems like such a lovely supernatural mastermind.

My form started to break down.

He put a ticking clock on me in order to control me.

I had to consume people and monsters to stay stable.

Well, it didn't work.

I burned through my monster food supply and I was still unstable.

Once a mud man, always a mud man.

But not anymore.

I have a new solution.


Why k*ll you when I can become a powerful Tribrid and stand up to my father once and for all?

Ah, everybody wants to be a Tribrid until they actually have to be a Tribrid.

What is that?

Mm, a little w*apon your frenemy Josie helped create today.

Now my consciousness will transfer into the next person I cut.


I know I shouldn't gloat, but you screwed me over.

And now I get payback.

I'm going to enjoy this.

You literally have no blood.

How far do you think you can get?



For an all-powerful being, you're not great at hide and seek.

Clever girl.

Cute little trick.

Now open the door, Hope.

Son of a Somebody help!

Somebody help!

Nowhere to go, no one to help you.

Hello, brother.

I heard you scream.

Are you hurt?

Better now that you're here.

You should have jumped into the pit instead of your little girlfriend.

Are you guys back together?

The relationship drama it's so hard to keep up with sometimes.

- So tired of hearing your voice.

- Don't worry.

You won't have to hear it much longer.

I just don't get it.


Get what?

What our father sees in you.

Sure, you can regenerate, but you have no magic.

Someone always has to swoop in and save you.

- You're pathetic.

- I don't care what you or our father think of me.

I only care about her.

Sorry, Hope.

This is family business.

- Okay, I'm impressed.

- Don't be.

He'll always be the inferior son.

Well, it doesn't look like it from this angle.

Just do it.

You don't need her.

You need me.

- Do it.

- Landon, no!

- This is for you, Hope.

- No!

Not what I planned, but at least phoenixes are immortal.

Now you die tomorrow.


I rule.

Oh, come on.

Well this just took a turn.

- You're gonna whammy me, aren't you?

- I am.

Remember that I'm already dealing with the trauma of knowing I'm dying.

- I will.

- Kind of makes the whole sacrifice a little less romantic, though, no?

I mean, where is the real deal?

He must be off with his other girlfr I learned today that, no matter how hard we try, we can't solve the monster problem.

I'm sorry to do this.

I really wanted to avoid this pain, but it's been long enough.

Can I get you anything?



A sparkling soda?

No, but you can sit down.

I'm sorry I didn't have your back with mud boy.

And I'm really glad that you're okay.

Uh, hi.

Can I talk to Josie for a sec?

I'll go and get some ice.

And sometimes pain is unavoidable.

How are you feeling?


But I'm glad you're okay.

Are you okay?


Yeah, I'm just a little drained.

Yeah, I know the feeling.


You should get some rest.

Oh, yeah, I will.

But, um I wanted to know if it was okay with you if I came back to school.

I miss it.

I miss my classes.

Miss morning meetings.

Super Squad.

I even miss Lizzie being mean to me.

I miss you.

But, um, I won't come back if my being here brings you any more pain.

What's that?

Penelope's burn book.

Somebody must be using her pen.

I've come to the realization that monsters aren't the only problem.

I'm the problem, too.

I am at the center of all this heartache.

What is it?

Um, it's Landon.

So I have to leave Mystic Falls, knowing that they'll follow me.

I have to let you live your lives without monsters and without me.

I hope you can forgive me for this someday, but I understand if you don't.

With love and regret, Landon.

You sure about coming with me?

All in, brother.

He made his choice.

We can make our own.

Landon or no Landon, you belong here.

I want you to stay.

I'm really sorry.


Me, too.

Something told me I needed to upgrade from ice to ice cream.

I can tell we are all feeling a lot of emotions right now.

So get this.

Dad says that I'm not allowed to give Sebastian the boot until he has checked him out.

And now that there's no headmaster, no one is going to punish MG for his weaselly little ways.

How ridiculous is that?

Lizzie told me the sphinx's riddle.

It's a tough one.


I wonder what he meant by "darkened souls.

" Did he mean spirits?

It's possible.

Hey, by the way, uh, I just wanted to say, I should've never voted you out.

I'm sorry.

Well, I I should have never put you in that position, so we can both share the blame.

Hey, what if the sphinx isn't talking about spirits, but about monsters?

Every one of them that came out of Malivore had the same agenda.

- They all follow the same path.

- Right.

But I still don't get which two forged their own way.

In blackness, a light emerges.

The portal in Mystic Falls.

Illuminating the path for darkened souls to follow.

The creatures that emerged from the portal.

Two forge their own way.

Hope and Clarke.

But a third sees a new path.


You don't serve Malivore because you see a new path.

You serve a new master.


Well done.

You solved my riddle.

Malivore is terrible, but what's coming - is even worse.

- Well, you're the oracle, so tell us.

What's coming next?

There are two prisoners.

One is the master of his cage.

The other returns home without power.

The sins of the father are visited upon the daughters here.

And not here.

New hero rises but can be felled by the golden arrow.

The wolf among you has many faces.

When time fractures, darkness overwhelms.

But the greatest destroyer of all is love.

Don't worry.

It will all be painfully clear soon enough.

Now that the boy is away from Malivore's grasp, my work here is done.

Until we meet again.