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05x08 - The Wrath of Rama Khan

Posted: 12/02/19 08:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl


This Earth-Bender has been spotted at the scene of the crime throughout history.

Pompeii, even as far back as Noah's flood.

He literally manipulates the Earth.

You won't survive me again, Kryptonian.


No! No, Russ! Please, somebody help! I beg your forgiveness by submitting myself to the bond.


With his dying breath, he told me that you were Supergirl.

You reassured me, ad nauseam, you would never lie to me.

And all the while, there wasn't a single honest moment in our friendship.

Please, don't leave the fortress with Myriad.

Please don't let my mistake push you to do something terrible.


Intruder! - [LENA]

I'm not a villain.


You shouldn't have treated me like one.



It's the Fortress's defenses.

Someone's turned them against Supergirl.



We couldn't reach you on comms.

What happened?

Are you all right?

I traced Rama Khan's energy trail here.

- I have to find Lena.

- What did Rama Khan do?

It wasn't him.

It was Lena.

She knew.

She knew what?

My identity.

She's known for months.

Lex told her, and she hates me for it.

Lena's in Mount Norquay.

Mount Norquay is one of Lex's old hideouts.

- Where are you going?

- To fix this.

Get Myriad online and operational.

Non Nocere launches within the hour.

And, Hope, excellent work preparing the move.

Our Q-wave generator is ready to integrate with Myriad.



Don't worry.

The bunker's lead-lined.

She can't find us.

These are Lex's countermeasures.


What do we do?






That should keep her at bay.


- [LENA]

What's happening now?


It appears to be re-arming the cannons with Kryptonite.

- Cancel it.

- It's on an a*t*matic override.

- Shut it down.

- It's not responding.

Shut it down now! Lena, don't do this.




We must stay true to our mission.

We don't k*ll people no matter how much they've hurt us.


I'm not gonna give up on you.

What happened?

How did Supergirl and Luther beat you again?

It doesn't matter how.

I just need to explain to her.


I wouldn't do that.

They're whispering about you.

That you've lost your edge.

Earthquakes with no death counts, floods with the ferocity of a leaky faucet.

They're saying that the Elder may put Tezumak in charge.


His tactic of w*r is without limits.

He could accidentally burn down the earth.

I agree.

I have been in charge for two million years.

And you've been losing lately, and he'll hold that against you.

Tezumak is a snake.

Oh, and let me guess.

Next is your advice about how your way is so much more efficient.

Tezumak isn't the only manipulator around here.

Look, what I said yesterday was unfair.

Yes, I believe my technology would work.

But I agree.

Your way is more efficient.


This isn't about ego, Rama Khan.

It's about saving the earth.

The world is at a tipping point.

There's no turning back.

The humans will destroy this planet unless we destroy them first.

But how?

The Kryptonian won't stop.

She will die to protect these humans.

Then let Supergirl die trying.

The planets are coming into alignment for the first time in nearly 2,000 years.

But only for tonight.

The last time this happened, I wiped out Pompeii.

A masterpiece worth repeating.

If a little on the blunt side.

Not even Supergirl can stop a massive volcano.

The Staff of the Shadow World is worthless without the Medallion.

You need the Medallion's power, not the Medallion itself.

And you know where that power is.



Hey, did you find Lena?

What was she doing in Lex's bunker?

Brainy, can you get some line of communication to a bunker three miles below the Norquay mountain range?

Yes, but depending on the processing power Okay, stop.

Just tell me right now, when did Lex tell Lena your identity?

And why was she attacking you in the Fortress?

- What the hell is going on?

- It was after Shelley Island.

- But Lex died there.

- No, he didn't.

He portaled somehow to a safe house where Lena shot him.

She k*lled him to protect me, to protect all of us.

But before he died, he told her.

She's been lying to us for months.

Okay, so why attack you now?

So she could steal Myriad from the Fortress.

Lena stole Myriad?

It's how I tracked her to Norquay, but I don't think this is what it looks like.

She saved me from Rama Khan in the Fortress.

And even at Lex's bunker, the cannons were loaded with Kryptonite, but she didn't use them.

I can still fix this.

I can get through to her, if I could just talk to her.

Brainy, can you get me in there?

We could harness the Kryptonian cache crystals we have here to covertly project a hologram beam into her bunker.

- Great.

- Okay, if not for mind control over the population, then why would Lena need Myriad?


- I think I might know.


Engage Psychic Inhibitors.

- Alex, please.

- Agent Dox, apprehend the suspect.

Alex, please! Malefic and I mind-melded.

I know his true intentions.

He is here to help.

He has some information about Lena.

I was her prisoner.

Okay, first, how did you escape the Phantom Zone?

I didn't escape.

I was never there.

When the Phantom Zone Projector hit me at the planetarium, I went directly to Ms.

Luthor's lab.

Lena was the one who helped Brainy fix the Phantom Zone Projector.

She must have changed the end coordinates.

But what did she need you for?

Mind control.

She was experimenting with my ability to incept.

If Lena can harness Malefic's Q-waves and merge them with the power of Myriad's distribution, the results would be unprecedented.

World-wide total control in an instant.

But we don't know her intentions.

She's trying to make people less violent.

You use Myriad to impose your will on the world population, not save it.

She's hurting.

All she's experienced are people hurting each other, the same way I did.

- Clearly, she thinks she's doing good.


It's true.

I had long planned to destroy my brother, but Ms.

Luthor said it went against her morality and stopped me.

Alex, she's not hurting anyone.

Not even Malefic, her prisoner.

I can still save her.

- You don't know that.

- Yes, I do.

I'm the one who hurt her, so I'm going to fix this.

Brainy, get the hologram online.

- Acrata.


- I have a job for you.

- And I have one for you.

You can tell them to stop sending agents like you with jobs for me.

After everything Leviathan has done to me, taken from me you can tell them that I quit.




- What are you?

- What am I?

I am Rama Khan, guardian of this Earth, the one who endowed you with your powers.


I understand the pain of loss.

Obey me and I will offer you a way out.



Tell me what you want.

One last job, then you will be released.

And my father?

Your father can keep his riches.

For what little they're worth.


Hologram online and ready to commence.

Good luck.

- It's almost ready, Ms.


- We are so close, Hope.

I'll finish consolidating the data.

We can save them.

All of them.



- Please, just hear me out.

- Save your breath.

You showed me who you really are, and I believe you.

You have every right to say that, but don't do this.

Do what?

Whatever it is you're planning on doing with Myriad and Malefic's Q-waves.

Did it ever occur to you that I was gonna do something good for the world?

With Myriad, people won't understand.

Of course, you assumed the worst.

I'm not the bad guy.

I know.

You spent years trying to be open and trusting, even when everyone expected you to be like your family.

Even when everyone in your life let you down.

Even when I was weak and lied to you, knowing that all you ever asked for was the truth, you were always better.

Lex took advantage of my weakness and he used it to manipulate you.

He wanted my mistakes to change you.

He wanted you to become him.

But you are nothing like him.


Don't let my mistakes turn you into something you're not.

I am good.

And I always was.

Lex didn't change me and you didn't change me either.

You just exposed me to the ugliness of humanity.

You did me a favor, Kara.

I learned what kind of deceitful person you really are, and that's what inspired me to do this.

- Lena - Your words mean nothing to me anymore.

Spare us both the drama.

Leave me alone.



You okay?


I couldn't get through to her.


You know, a part of me always knew that this couldn't be that easy.

And I get it.

I fully understand why she feels betrayed.

It's so hard for her to trust people.

But I made her trust me.

Over and over again, I made her believe that I was the best friend who would never ever hurt her.

And then she finds out in the most horrible way that our entire friendship was based on lies.

Look, you were damned either way, Kara.

Your choice to conceal your identity, it wasn't born out of a place of maliciousness.

It was born out of love and compassion.

And you were just trying to protect your family.

And you were trying to protect Lena from people who could use that information to hurt us.

And look, I love Lena, too.

I am deeply upset by what is going on.

But this This isn't just two friends that are in a fight.

This is someone who has turned a corner.

No, but this is not her.

This is not our Lena.

Well, who is our Lena?

I mean She knew that Lex was out of prison, and she said nothing.

She kept Sam Arias locked in a subbasement at L-Corp, knowing that she was Reign, and she said nothing.

She knows how to make Kryptonite, and she kept that hidden from us.

Lena is leading her own double-life.

You are making her sound like a Luthor.

Maybe that's because she is one.

We can't put our faith in some distant hope that she's gonna do the right thing [SIGHS]

when every single action that she has taken up until now points to the contrary.

Okay, we have to stop her, Kara.

The safety of the world depends on that.

She is not Lex.

I will not treat her like a villain.

I know you won't.

That's why I have to.

What are you talking about?

When you went to speak to her, we used the hologram to piggyback a virus into the bunker's mainframe.

Alex, you used me?

In a few moments, Lena's defenses will be down and Myriad will be stalled.

By then, if we have to take more drastic actions, Claymore 3 is positioned above Mount Norquay.

- What?



- And I will give her time to surrender.


Kara, we have to start thinking with our heads, not with our hearts.

It's ready, Ms. Luthor.

Supergirl caused you a great deal of pain.

I can see it in your eyes.

After my family and after Andrea, I knew better than to trust in friendship anymore.

All of the anguish that you're going through, it doesn't seem worth it.

It inspired Non Nocere.

It inspired you.

Who needs friends when you can save the world?


Myriad is ready to launch.

Ms. Luthor, this is your moment.

Shall I activate?

- Three, two - One.



- [BEEP]

- What's happening?

- It won't lock onto the satellite.

Something's interfering with the dishes' ability to move.


It's a virus.

It's working through our mainframe.

- Ms. Luthor, the hologram.

- It was a Trojan horse.

Of course.

How could I be so naive to think that Supergirl wanted to talk?

If the virus spreads, the DEO will be able to deactivate our security defenses in 20 minutes.

We need a workaround before then.

We could manually unlock the arrays.

No, Lex has booby-trapped this entire place.

There'll be a lethal failsafe if I try to tamper with the dishes.

Then I'll go.

No, you can't.

You're too great an asset.

Ms. Luthor, one of my prime directives, as you programmed, was to ensure the success of Non Nocere.

If that means self-sacrifice No.

Even if you could manually reset it, there's no telling the extent of the virus's damage.

All right, we may need you.

It'd be short-sighted to lose you now.

If we could replicate the virus, we could reverse-engineer it and override the shutoff remotely, okay?

I'll need some help.


Very well.

Accessing files.

J'onn, you don't need to stay here.

I deserve to be locked up.

We both shoulder the blame for the transgressions of our past, Malefic, but together, we will move beyond them.

- J'onn, J'onn.

- What's up?

Alex, she thinks Lena is past the point of no return.

She's got Claymore 3 pointed directly at the bunker.

But you can talk to her, right?

Show her that she's wrong?

You know people can change.

Look at you and Malefic.

I can still save Lena.

I just need more time.

I was in Alex's position back on Mars when I banished Malefic to the Phantom Zone.

I did so because I thought I was protecting my people.

But I banished him because I was afraid, because there was no other way.

Right, and look at the two of you now.

The only reason Malefic and I were able to come through the other side is because we can see each other's pain.

You've already talked to Lena.

I'm not saying Alex is right, but what other option does she have?



There has got to be another way to stop Lena that isn't blowing her up in a bunker.


Malefic, you said Lena was analyzing your Q-waves, right?


She isolated a frequency which allowed her to replicate my ability.

Maybe you're the key.

If we could harness your Q-waves We could use them to counteract Lena's.

But she's launching a worldwide attack.

The amount of energy Malefic would need to counteract hers It could k*ll him.

It's worth the risk.

No, I am not trading one life for another.


If I can stop Ms.

Luthor from making the same mistakes that I did, then all of the turmoil and pain that I've caused will be worth something.

Let me help.

Let me make amends.


Who's the target?

You're looking at it.

A supervolcano?


You can't be serious.

You'd be k*lling all of them.


Extinction level events have been happening since the beginning of time.

I should know.

I was here to make them happen.

What have these people done to deserve this?


Existence is their sin.


Don't think of this as the end.

Think of this as giving the world a second chance.

For years I've worked for you, telling myself there was a just cause.

No more.

Maybe I can't beat you but you don't think Supergirl will?

Supergirl is not a god.

I am! [THUDS]


- What's going on?

- There's been a perimeter breach.

- Do we have a location?

- Negative.


Help! Rama Khan is coming.

He's gonna destroy the [SCREAMS]




You fool.

I'm saving this planet.



Now I will remake the earth, as I should have done a long time ago.


It's a pity you won't be here to see it.





But Leviathan thanks you for your service.

Brainy, I need a status update.

Eleven minutes until the bunker's defenses are down.

- Alex, about the bunker - And Rama Khan?

I've analyzed security footage of the appearance of the Shadow and of the object she was carrying.

It's called "The Staff of the Shadow World.

" It is an artifact associated with ancient Mesopotamians, but can also be found in Herculaneum.

I juxtaposed our image with historical images of Rama Khan and voilà .

The two were last seen in the ancient city-state of Pompeii.

- That's concerning.

- Indeed.

Especially as it seems the energy given off by the Staff can be found in one other place in National City.

The building where we assumed Leviathan was hiding.

That's across the street from the Tar Pits.

Also the site of a dormant supervolcano.

The last eruption was in the early Cenozoic Era, and was 10,000 times more powerful than Pompeii.

Rama Khan's an Earth-Bender.

So he's trying to recreate Pompeii in National City.

Pompeii times 10,000.


We need to divide and conquer.

Supergirl, J'onn, I want you to get to the Tar Pits, find Rama Khan and stop him.

You said the Sonic Cannon defeated him the last time, so go to the Fortress and get that.

- Brainy, I need an update on - Alex, wait.

I have to tell you something.

You don't have to use Claymore.

We think we can use Malefic's Q-waves to counteract Lena's, stop her using Myriad.

Theoretically, he is correct.

Okay, you want me to use a known threat to stop an imminent one?

Handing over a global Q-wave projector to a t*rror1st?

What if Malefic just decides to change his mind once we free him?

- He's changed.

- But you don't know that for sure.

And between Lena and Rama Khan gearing up for Pompeii 2.

0, the last thing that I need is a third catastrophe.

We are running out of time.

You need to go.

Alex, please.

I know you think what you're doing is right, but she is our friend.

If you use Claymore, there's no turning back from that.




I'll get the Cannon.

I'll meet you at the Tar Pits.

She doesn't understand how hard this is for me.

I mean, Lena is my friend, too, and now all of a sudden, I'm supposed to decide whether I should risk everybody's lives just to save hers?

And Malefic, he invaded my mind.

He threatened Kelly, and now I'm just supposed to trust him?

You know what's on the line.

You're the one who taught me how to do this job, and you're the one who's had to make really tough decisions so that people don't die.

You have every reason to fear my brother.

I can't promise you that Malefic has changed for good.

People make mistakes and they do terrible things.

We have to let them do better, bring them back into the light.

Otherwise what's the point in trying to save everyone?


The DEO has sent another warning.

In nine minutes, our defenses will be disabled.

- Do you want me to - Delete it.




What was that?

That felt like a residual aftershock.


A 5.

4-magnitude earthquake right in the heart of National City.

It's knocked the entire satellite array offline.

There's no way I can reverse-engineer anything now.

I can still try a manual override.

I can reposition the dishes myself.

We discussed this.

Absolutely not.

You could be k*lled.

Both Hope and Eve gone, forever.

But it would be worth it for both of us because I believe in you.

Eve did, too.

I have seen the depravity of humans.

I have seen the betrayal and the pain.

Let me help, so that we can stop them from committing any more of these horrible acts once and for all.


I will not allow it.

We will find another way.

Your partnership has meant the world to me, Hope.

You're the only friend I can count on.

But, Ms. Luthor, I'm not your friend.

I'm something you created to serve a purpose.

You're right.

This is the only way.

Anything on your psychic scan?


Could Brainy have been wrong?




Apparently not.

[FIRES g*n]



He's using something more than earth-bending powers.

You're right.

I see the Shadow and the Staff in an underground chamber.

- It looks like she's stuck.

- I've got her.


Has Lena responded to any of our warnings?

None so far.

She appears to be deleting them.

Her auto defenses will be disabled in five minutes.


If Claymore is launched, what are our odds?

98% chance Myriad will be neutralized and a .

01% chance Lena will surrender, which makes it a virtual certainty Lena will not survive.

- And if we use Malefic?

- Our odds shift slightly.

86% chance we will stop Myriad and a 0% chance Lena will be harmed.

Lock Claymore in position, and prep Malefic.

But, Brainy, you let him know that if he so much as smiles, I will have a dozen agents and their g*ns pointed directly at his heart.


It's useless.


The Staff holds me and it needs me.

Together you're fueling what he's doing.

I'm not gonna let that happen.



- I'm here, Ms. Luthor.

- Okay, careful.

Now, at the base of the nearest dish, there should be an access panel.

It's locked, and the keypad's rigged to blow.

Damn it, Lex.

We only have three minutes.

Well, it's a group of satellite dishes aimed at the sky.

Lex loved symbolism.

Perhaps the code has something to do with Heaven.

- Or Hell.

- John Milton.

What was Lex's favorite quote from Paradise Lost?

"Arise or be forever fallen.

" It worked.

Manually positioning the dishes.

Elevation, 14. 9.

Azimuth, 253. 1.

Ms. Luthor, we are locked and ready to launch Myriad.

Amazing, Hope.

You've done it.

And now, so will I.


Myriad has launched! Of course it has.

We have 30 seconds until the first Q-waves reach Earth.


Launch the interception.

Malefic's intercept is working.


No, no, no.


No, it's not working.

Malefic's Q-wave energy output is just shy of the power we need to stop Myriad.

Is there any way to up the power?

We can turn off our Psychic Inhibitors.

- Don't even joke about that.

- I'm not joking.

The Inhibitors absorb 6% of Malefic's energy output, or 4,000 terawatts.

If we want to increase his power by the necessary 6%, we have to remove the Inhibitors from the equation.

It's basic math.

I will not expose my agents to that risk.

That assumes there is a risk.

J'onn said his brother has changed.



Two minutes until the volcano explodes, and ten seconds until Myriad reaches Earth.

Do we turn off our Inhibitors or do we activate Claymore?

Seven seconds, Director.


Alex! All agents, Inhibitors off, now.




What's happening?



See, that's the problem with you superheroes.

You align yourselves with the weak.

You fight for these humans, but time after time, all they do is destroy everything around them.

You're one to talk.

Oh, I admit, I destroy.

But with a cleansing fire.

That's the only way to deal with the scourge of humanity.

I have been here for millions of years.

It's how it's always been and how it always will be.





Can you hear me?

Mal stopped Myriad.

Where are you with Rama Khan?




Don't you see?

People never change.

No, Rama Khan.

You're wrong.

People can change.

That is what is so beautiful about this world.





You did it.

- You stopped the volcano.

- You knocked his block off.

- No! - [CRACKING]

They stopped Myriad.

I don't understand.

There's nothing to understand.

I lost.

This is a life lesson to learn.

Sometimes the good guys don't win.




It's over, Rama Khan.


What are you talking about, Gamemnae?

The planets are still aligned.

There's still time! Not for you.

Not anymore.

I can still finish this.

You've had your last go.

Your reign is over.


She'll have something to say about this.

Who do you think appointed me?



This is not over! I'm sorry I failed.

I wish there was more I could do for you, Ms. Luthor.

There is.

I see.

Lena Luthor?

Hands in the air.

It wasn't her.

It was me.

I did all of it.

Drop the g*n.

You're surrounded.

Eve, please.

Take her away.


Ms. Luthor, you all right?


You okay?

I'm gonna be scraping mud out of my cape for a week.

No, I mean, are you okay?

I don't know.

Me neither.

When the FBI went to arrest Lena, Eve Tessmacher was there.

She confessed to the whole thing.

Had proof that she impersonated Lena.

Had proof for all of it.

I wish that were true.

Well, we recovered Myriad, but you know Lena.

- She's not gonna stop.

- I know.

She's alive, thanks to you.

Well, and to you.

I mean, you were right about saving Lena, and Malefic.

He changed.

Well, thank you for trusting him, and me.

You had a lot more faith about that than I did.

Well, if we can save Malefic's soul Maybe we can save Lena's.

But that is for another day.

Kelly and I are gonna get some sushi.

You wanna join?

No, no, you go ahead.





I'm Andrea, by the way.

Oh, I know.

I'm Russell Rogers.

See you tonight?


It's over.


I finally did the right thing.

I'm just sorry that it's too late.

I wish I could have saved you.

You saved us, Mal.

But how can I ever make up for what I've done?

If only things were different.

There is a way.

And there's someone I'd like you to meet.

Her name is M'gann.

She's a friend of mine.

And she's a White Martian resistance fighter.

She can help you when you arrive.

Can't believe the w*r still rages.

- The w*r that I helped fuel.

- But you can go home now.

You can help extinguish those flames.

But what if I can't?

I'm not strong like you, J'onn.

- H'ronmeer never had a role for me - This is your role.

You know the White Martians, you understand them, you know how they think.

You can appeal to them.

Malefic, you can bring peace to Mars for the first time in hundreds of years.

We can start anew.

You were never meant to be the pariah, Malefic.

You were meant to be the promise.

Thank you, my brother.

I will strive to make you proud.

And to end what I helped start.

Not without this you won't.

Not a scratch on it.

I'll do my best.


Well done, J'onn J'onzz.

- You passed the test.

- Test?

You released my brother from the Phantom Zone?

You brought my brother here?

When I saw you fight in Elseworlds, I could see that you were a great warrior, but one plagued by his past, and that made you vulnerable.

You believed it was because you had left Mars, but it was something far, far greater, J'onn.

Your brother.

But now that you have faced those demons, you have come to learn your vulnerabilities are your strengths.

And now you are ready.

Ready for what?

A crisis.





Finally, you've returned.

I don't know if anybody's told you this, but the feng shui of this place is a bit stale.

I brought you back because the universe will need a mind like yours.

Someone who can checkmate anyone?

The time has come for you to fulfill your destiny, Lex Luthor.

You can now become the hero that you have longed to be.

I've always been the hero.


Happy to help.

But first, we have to discuss my sister.

For so many years, I've traveled across worlds, across the multiverse, to do one thing.

To k*ll you.

And now, we're here.

You saved my life.


Submit and begin your life anew.

Show me.

The knowledge is within you.