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06x20 - Shifting Allegiances

Posted: 12/01/19 08:44
by bunniefuu

[Conversations in Russian]


[Arrow flies]

[Man yelling]

[bolo arrow flies]


The rumors are true.

Kapiushon is back.

You cost us a lot of money back in Star City.

And you'll more than make up for it by taking over his drug operation.

You've kept your end of bargain.

Now you keep yours!

By the time you get back to America, it will be done.


I need more than your word.

Show him that.

He'll know it's from me.

Rene: Man, I can't believe how good this crappy hallway looks.

Yeah, and it really is crappy.

I mean, this paint looks like it's been here since the sixties.

It has.

But it must be good to be home, right?

Yeah, to be home and to see my baby.

You told Zoe to come straight here after hockey practice, right?

Actually, she wanted to skip hockey practice today.

Dinah: Welcome home!

- Baby!

- Welcome home!


I missed you so much.

I missed you, too, Dad.

I'm so glad you're back.



You guys didn't have to do all this.

Hey, you've been in the hospital over a month.

You deserve a hero's welcome.

We have cake, too.

Your favorite.

[Curtis and Dinah chuckle]

Is that red velvet?

I'll cut you a slice.

I love you so much.


So how are you feeling?

Better than ever, ready to take down Diaz anytime, anywhere.

We haven't been able to find him or his lair using our usual tracking methods.

That's probably because Diaz is controlling the entire city, including police and cameras.

I just hacked into a new thermal-sensing program from the NSA, so maybe that gets us somewhere.

The point is, now "us" is back to full strength.

That's right.

John: Ricardo Diaz is working with SCPD captain Kimberly Hill, district attorney Armand, and a former Bratva Pakhan named Anatoly Knyazev.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ricardo Diaz has members of Star City's entire governmental infrastructure either bought or compromised.

So how are we supposed to find him?

24/7 surveillance on all of Diaz's known locations and subordinates until either he or someone he is working with makes a mistake.

You have your orders.

Everything all right, sir?

You can drop the "sir.

" A. R. G. U. S. isn't the army.

Just checking to see how you're acclimating.

I feel like I'm getting my sea legs.

It might feel that way, but it doesn't look it.

From where I'm standing, it looks like you've been doing this your whole life.

At least that's what I told the boss.

You were talking to Lyla.

Ha ha!

Talking might be a bit of an exaggeration.

Moldavian phone lines aren't exactly the best.

Copy that.

Got something that might help with Diaz.

Lydia Cassamento-- g*n lobbyist who took control of her family business.

Now she runs weapons for the Quadrant.

The Quadrant?

High-end cartel ruled by moneyed families with ties to all things black market: g*ns, cryptocurrency, dr*gs, humans.

KH-11 picked up Cassamento coming into Star City.

You think Diaz is looking to restock his firepower.

And if she's making the trip personally, that means the deal she's working on is big.

I got a tac team ready to take her out.


Delay that order.

If she's bringing g*ns to Diaz, she may lead us right to him.

What kind of wool is this again?

Rare vicuna.

A suit like this is worth what, 100 grand?

For a basic cut, yes.


I don't want the basic cut.

Leave a little room for the g*ns.

And, don't forget, the muscles are getting bigger.

You said she'd be here by now.

I called her 3 times.

You called me once.

Since when did you let these guys start lying to you?

Don't tell me that the Quadrant's money has made you go soft.

I thought we were supposed to meet up last night.

Well, I guess your men are lying to you again.

I told them I would be down by the docks.

There were some Halcones that needed disciplining.


There's somebody else that needs a little instruction.

The new mayor.

You mean my father?

I thought he wasn't your father.

You know what I mean.

I need to have a conversation with him, lay down some of the ground rules.

I'll talk to him.


I'll talk to him.

You set it up.

You do trust me, don't you, baby?

Of course I do.

I'll make it happen.

[Conversation in Russian]

[TV shuts off]

[Tap tap tap]

[Object rolling on floor]

If I'm supposed to be frightened, you are wasting your time, kapiushon.

I just want to talk.

We stopped talking a year ago.

How you find me?

I got a tip from a friend of yours in Russia.

I have no friends in Russia.

Your doing.

That's fixed.

Also my doing.

This is Pakhan's.

How you come to have it?

You told me that the Bratva exiled you because of your friendship with me.

I owed you a debt, I owed them a debt.

I paid it.

You can go home now, Anatoly.

You said you were an honorable man.

Now, I think you know deep down that Diaz isn't.

Help me stop him.

Well, you're right.

I was honorable man.

[Electricity crackling]

Arrow 6x20 Shifting Allegiances [Grunts]

Handcuffs would've been fine.

What, so you can dislocate thumbs and escape?


Come on, Oliver.

Most of your tricks I taught you.

I also taught you not to go into situation alone, hmm?

I've gone back to basics, Anatoly.

I'm working alone.

That explains why you broke into SCPD wearing kapiushon outfit.


Oh, Diaz and I had good laugh on that one.

Maybe one day we will have bigger laugh about this.

So you two are friends now.

I thought you wanted back in with the Bratva, Anatoly, so I delivered that to you.

And I thank you.

But over past year, I see things a little more clearly.

I devote my whole life to brothers.

I even become their Pakhan.

And at first setback [Snaps fingers]

They cast me out.

Oh, Diaz is gonna do far worse than cast you out.

If I betray him, yes, but why would I do that?


Diaz Is going to make me a very rich man.

Bratva took a hundred years to go from prison into government.

Diaz did same thing in months.

I'm still gonna take him down.

Not alone, you cannot.

My mission was always supposed to be solitary.

Put me with a team, fill it with people that I care about It splits my focus.

Is that why you think Diaz was able to beat you?

He took over the city while I was distracted.

If you seriously believe that, then you are even bigger fool that I thought.

And that is saying something.


It is good to be back.

I guess it's true what they say, there's no place like bunker.

I bet you really missed Curtis' bad jokes.

You know what?

I did.

A little.

But I missed this baby more.

Well, good.

'Cause you are gonna be wearing it plenty.

We're the only vigilante team left standing.

What do you mean?

John got into a huge fight with Oliver and joined A. R. G. U. S.

Then Oliver kicked Felicity out of the bunker.

So now he's going solo.


So Oliver finally drove them all away.

I can't say I'm surprised or that I care.

Taking down Diaz was always gonna come down to the 3 of us.

So what's the plan?

Well, we can wait till my NSA lead pans out.

Till then, we're kind of dead in the water.

The city's dying.

We can't just sit around here picking our noses.


You're absolutely right.

And we need to go at this some way that does not depend on finding Diaz, even if that means grasping at straws.

Look, forget grasping at straws.

What if we grasp at his wallet?


The best way to get to Diaz is to go after his operation.

What operation?

He was really deep into pushing Vertigo.

- Was?

- John and Oliver Took out his operation 3 weeks ago.

Well, then that means Diaz has to be in the market for a new supplier.

Or an old one.

Before Diaz went to prison, he led the Scorpions.

That is Star City's biggest supplier.

That feels like a leap.

It may be, but it's all we got.

And even if it doesn't lead to Diaz, we still take down a drug operation.

That's a win-win.

Dinah: Yeah, but the problem is with me boxed out of the SCPD, it's gonna be a lot harder to get Intel on the Scorpions.

Maybe not.

Diaz isn't the only person who grew up in the Glades.

Quentin: Well, I was pretty surprised to get your invite, especially to this place.

You remembered what I said about coming here with my girls, huh?

Ha ha!

And the new location got an upgrade.

Not fancy enough for the new mayor?

It's perfect.

You ok?

I'm really sorry.

What are you talking about?

Diaz: Mr.

Mayor I've been meaning to congratulate you.

I thought I'd come down here in person.

I mean You are the mayor of my city.

And we have a lot in common.

What the hell do you want?

Straight to business.

I love it.

Here's an executive order for a certain piece of municipal real estate to be sold privately.

Now, the good news, it's a bargain.

Well, I'm not signing this.

I'm not signing anything for you.

Diaz: I would reconsider your position.


I bet She'd give you that same advice.

I'm telling you right now, if anything happens to her-- why would I want to hurt Laurel?


She's with me now.

And she is such a smart little thing.



She knows how to pick the winning side.

I hope it runs in the family.

Let's go, baby.

Come on.

Behind that glass door is where the Scorpions do their business.

The problem is it's soundproof.

Not laser-proof.

- You sure this is gonna work?

- Absolutely.

The CIA would k*ll to get a laser microphone of this capacity.

How long is this gonna take?

Just trying to find A signal.

All right.

Well, let's hurry it up.

I didn't get a severance.

Really shouldn't be gambling.

Got something.


Huge deal going down tonight.

New buyer.

He's trying to get some product to tide him over for the short term.

Could be our friend.

They say when it's going down?

No, no, no, no.

I lost the signal.

The big guy is blocking my laser.

I'm on it.

Yo, man.

Yo, man, you think I ain't see that?

You trying to copy my bets, Hoss?

You trying to ruin my odds?

What the hell are you talking about?

Rene: Oh, ho ho!

So we lying now?

That's what we're doing?

Let me see that paper.

You're crazy.

Oh, damn.

Uh, you-- you know what?

I'm sorry.

I--I was wrong.

Yo, here you go, man.

That's yours.

I just get a little crazy when I lose.

Everybody chill.

I'm leaving.

You get the location?

Got it.

Let's ruin Diaz's next party.

Curtis: What if we're wrong and those crates are filled with something other than narcotics, like lollipops or-- I don't know--puppies?

Dinah: I counted a dozen more guys out front, strapped up.

I'm guessing it's not puppies.

Look, we got to get this done before the group outside notices we're here and before Diaz's crew shows.

Let's do this.

[T-sphere whirs]


Still got it.

Still humble, I see.

Curtis: Definitely not puppies.

Or dr*gs.

The product the Scorpions are moving is M4s.

You guys still think Diaz is the buyer?



Nobody's doing anything in this city without his say-so.


Diaz's crew's a little early.

Come on.

We got more company!

Who are the guys in the suits?

[g*nf*re continues]

We got to get out of here.

Back door!

Over there!

[Canary cry]

We're trapped.

Blow them all to hell.

[Fires p*stol]

Let's go!


The Quadrant.

You know, I heard about these guys when I was working undercover.

I never could get anyone to confirm their existence.

Yeah, well, they are real.

Very, very real.

We were tracking this one, Cassamento, hoping she would lead us to Diaz.

Yeah, we were hoping the Scorpions would lead us to Diaz, too.

Got some Intel they were planning a huge thing tonight.

We just figured it was dr*gs.

Turns out it was an ambush.

The Quadrant wanted the Scorpions dead.

They wanted us dead, too.

It's a good thing you guys showed up when you did.

You probably want a thank-you or something, huh?


What I want is to apologize, Rene.

My feelings on how you guys conducted yourselves aside [Sighs]

Things got really out of hand.

And I'm sorry for the part that I played in it.

Thanks, Hoss.

Let's get back to work.

Everyone who thinks the Quadrant showing up when Diaz gets control of the city is a coincidence, raise your hands.

The muscle that they brought in yesterday were Diaz's guys.

The question is, what are they doing working with the Quadrant?

John: A. R. G. U. S. thinks Cassamento is planning to move a huge shipment of weapons into the city-- Kasnian weapons-- military grade, much worse than what we saw tonight.

We think Diaz may be helping her with that operation.

I wasn't expecting to see you here.

I wasn't expecting to see you either.

Everything all right?

Not really.

Diaz just paid me a visit.

He wants me to sign over a piece of city property to him, a building.

So why are you here instead of talking to your boy?

Because I couldn't get in touch with Oliver.


Quentin: "The Quadrant.

" What is that?

Just a super powerful, monolithic, secret organization.

No big deal.

Diaz was wearing that ring.

So Diaz isn't just working with Cassamento, he-- Joined the Quadrant.

The attack on the Scorpions was to take out the competition--his.

And I'm guessing that that city property would be a really nice place to store all that foreign ordnance that Cassamento is planning on bringing into the city.

This city building that Diaz wants, where is it?

My men have woken up from tranquilizer darts.

Time to go see Diaz.

Think he'll give you a reward?

A man can dream, but I settle for satisfaction.

Enjoy it while it lasts, because, Anatoly, when you are no longer useful, he'll cut you loose Just like Cayden James.

Cayden James made fatal mistake, underestimating Diaz.

I do not.

I see him for who he is.

I understand his code.

Diaz doesn't have a code.

He doesn't have honor.

But you working with him, you are betraying everything that you've ever believed in.

No need to be gentle with this one.


It's pretty quiet around here.

You've been quiet, too.

Should I be taking that personally?

No, Hoss.

We're good.

That apology you made-- you got fiber, John.

What's on your mind?

I can't stop thinking about dying.

Middle of the fight, I just froze.

PTSD Fritz-out.

I mean, actually, it wasn't just so much about dying as it was about-- Leaving Zoe without a father.

Yeah, you get it.

You got a kid younger than Zoe.

How do you deal with it?

I don't, man.

Not out here.

When I put this holster on, I leave daddy home.

I put the walls of compartmentalizing up hard, Rene.

You been out of the game for a month, over a month.

It'll come back to you.

Just give it some time.

Yo, take a look at that.

[Vehicle-in-reverse signal]

Rene: If Diaz's plan is to store the weapons, why are they bringing the crates to the truck?

Cassamento's not looking to move g*ns into the city.

She and Diaz are using the city to ship them out, turning Star City into a way station.

Curtis and Dinah, we've seen all we need to see.

Let's regroup at A. R. G. U. S.

[Knock on door]

You still here, Becky?



Not Becky.

Or Laurel, at least not my Laurel.

She wouldn't choose a guy likeDiaz.

You think he gives anyone a choice?

Do you?

That's why I'm here-- to tell you that you don't have a choice.

You have to sign this, whatever Diaz wants you to sign-- Don't pretend like you give a crap about me, all right?

Are you proud of yourself, huh, turning a father's grief against him?

As far as I'm concerned, you're worse than Diaz.

You have no idea what he's capable of.

I know what you're capable of.

You can bring walls smashing down.

You really expect me to believe that you are scared of a thug like Diaz?

He is so much more than just a thug.

And yes.

Yes, I am scared.

And you should be scared, too.

So just sign the damn paper.

[Heavy sigh]

Oh, come on.

I made this so easy for you, didn't I?

I let you into my home, set you up.

The law books, everything.

I bet you and Diaz, you must've just loved that.

Hate me all you want.

I'm sure I deserve it.

But I need you to sign this, or he's gonna k*ll you.

Now that the daughter act is shot There's no need for you to be in my home, is there?

All right.

So when I get home tonight, please--I--I'd like you to be gone, all right?

Please just be gone.

- Quentin-- - Please get out of here now!


John: Those Kasnian weapons Cassamento imported are shipping out tonight for the eastern seaboard.

But even with A. R. G. U. S. backing us up, there is no way we can stop all that ordnance.

So what's the play?

The play is we destroy it, tag the trucks, and let A. R. G. U. S. attack them separately.

Curtis: If Diaz is there, we're taking him out.

That's the plan, right?

That is still the plan.

I won't let anyone split us up ever again, I promise.


You good?

I don't think so.

That compartmentalizing you talked about, it's not kicking in.

Give it some time, man.


I don't know.

But what I do know is if I go out there like this, I'm no good to anyone.

Sorry, but I think I might have to sit this one out.

Curtis: Wait.

What's happening?

Just a tough re-entry, that's all.

The 3 of us plus A. R. G. U. S. we'll be fine.

[Zipper closes]

I'll be gone in a minute.

Just wait.

Listen, back there at my office, I-- I've never heard you sound so scared.

It made me realize you were serious.

Diaz is a monster.

You can't even imagine what it's been like.

Ok, back on the earth you're from, you got a guy named Damien Darhk, a real son of a bitch.


Well, I worked for him.

I did whatever he wanted to keep my Laurel safe.

And then when I betrayed him He k*lled her.

What I'm trying to say is I know what it's like to do a bad thing for a good reason.

You signed it.

On one condition.

You let me help you get away from this guy.

That's not possible.

Come on.

I've known a lot of bad men.

And they've been filled with anger and with hate, but not Diaz.

He's not filled with anger inside because he's not even human inside.

I watched him burn a man alive over a childhood grudge.

If I cross him, what is he gonna do to me?

Well, I'm not gonna let him do anything to you, all right?

Yeah, you're gonna protect me because you're the mayor.

You're not the mayor or anything.

Ok, listen, I'm gonna protect you because I refuse to let what happened to my Laurel happen a second time.


So we protect each other.

[Speaking Russian]

You say I betray myself working with Diaz.

I think much on this.


You may be right, but I realize moment things went wrong-- last year when I trusted you to bring me into city.

So if I betray myself, kapiushon, it is because you, you betray me first.

Diaz is here.

If Diaz and the Quadrant ship even one of those crates out-- They'll be arming their syndicates with weapons and tinder for high-tech warfare.

Yeah, I got it.

The drone is 3 minutes out.

It won't circle long.

Ok, folks, we have a window.

Their weapons are equipped with stealth adaptors, making them invisible to ASMs.

You know what to do.

You guys provide me cover fire, I'll tag all the trucks by hand so the drones know where to aim.

Maybe we should paint the targets?

Olympic decathlon medalist here.

I got this.

Copy that.

Let's move out.

Cassamento: Not having a police presence to worry about has made our jobs easier.

First convoy is ready to move out.


Not again.

This time take care of them, please.

[T-sphere whirs]




[Canary cry]

John: Go!







Drone is en route.

Payload commencing.

5 down, 3 to go!


One left.

You guys aren't gonna make it any easier, huh?

[T-sphere whirs]

Your friends just blew up $12 million in next-gen firepower.

I don't have any friends.



You see this, man?

Savior of the city?

It's pathetic.


[Groans and spits]

I feel like you can do better than that.

Anatoly: Stop it.

This is pointless.

You said you had plan for him, that you needed him alive, no?

In Bratva, we have ways of dealing with conflict like this.

We fight with honor.

We don't do this.

You want me to fight him fairly?

Life ain't fair.

Every drop of blood you draw from prone man is sign of weakness, your weakness.

I'm not weak.

Let's go.

Thank you.

I not do this for you.

Let's make things interesting.

I put you on the ground, you leave Star City forever.

You put me on the ground, I'll do the same.

Is that fair enough for you?


Diaz: Think you're so tough 'cause you spent 5 years in hell?

I was born in it.

Come on.


Yield or I'll break your neck.



[Oliver groaning]



It's like I said [Breathing heavily]

Life ain't fair.

YouYou have failed this city, and I'm gonna take it back.

Diaz: Maybe he won't be so smug when he wakes up.

Thank you.

Bandages, least I could do.

Not for the bandages, Anatoly.

Thank you for giving me the chance to take out Diaz.

What makes you think that's what I was doing?

Maybe I wanted to see for myself.

See what?

Which one of you had honor.

Just like you wanted, no?

And you allow yourself to be captured so I bring you to Diaz.

You know, I just thought that I could count on you to be the man I knew.

That man was my friend.

Hurry up with bandages.

I have plan to get you out of here.

He wants to see him.

You know, I'd almost forgotten how awesome it is being a team, working together.

It's almost like "Captain Planet" or the Power Rangers or whatever reference you guys understand.

Star City Rockets.

Is that like a sports team?

John: I got to get going.

I got a debrief on my schedule.

Having a day job has been a definite change.

Hey, John, um You ever think about dropping the A. R. G.

And, you know, joining "us"?

Dinah: Oh, wow.

I hate puns, especially bad ones, but he does have a point, and we are down one teammate.

Guys, look, I've made a decision.

I'm gonna see it through, but if we need to, it doesn't mean we can't ever help each other.

John: Oh, and by the way, even if I do join you guys, you'll still be down a teammate.

[Knock on door]

- Yo.

- Hey.

What's up?

Is that a cake?


If Zoe keeps this up, you guys are gonna have to open a bakery or something.

Yeah, this is her biology homework.

I'm letting her sleep in.

She crashed hard after finishing her leftover mitochondria.

Gummi worms.

Good choice.

What are you doing here, Hoss?


I'm just checking up on you.

Seeing if there was anything I could do to speed up that compartmentalizing you were talking about.

It's been half a day, Hoss.

Ah Plus, you guys had a big win without me yesterday.

It was a s-small win, really.

Seriously, with Diaz working with the Quadrant now, things are only gonna get worse.

If we're gonna have a chance in hell of stopping him, we're gonna need all the help we can get.

We're gonna need you.

Look, man.

Every time I think about going out there again, all I can think of is Zoe.

What's gonna happen to her if something happens to me?

I'll be fine, Dad.

- Uh-- - Uncle Curtis and I were just talking about How you both wear masks and go and fight bad guys?

It's way obvious.

And you and Dinah talk way louder than you think you do.



Oh, yeah, I can actually hear it.

It's pretty loud.

Sweetheart, come here.

Sit down.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.

I don't need to be Wild Dog anymore.

Dad, this is my home.

And I want you to fight for it.

You know I've been hurt in the past year twice already.

I know.

And that was scary, but you taught me to be brave and face up to the things that scare me.

Come here.

Come here.

I'll be brave just like my little girl, ok?



Now who are we planning on whacking?

That's what I've been thinking on.

Maybe your daddy.

Which is why I came to see you.

Mazel tov.

This is good.

What do you care about owning this property legally?

It's not about legality.

It's about this.

I needed to know if I could trust the new mayor.

And what if he didn't sign it?

What if?

We had an agreement if I recall.

I put you on the floor, you leave the city.

That assumed a fair fight.

Puh-tay-toh, puh-tah-toh.

But I have a certain pang of, uh, conscience.

I changed my mind.

You can stay in the city For 25 to life.

Diaz: I'm thinking about moving up your trial.


Diaz: How's next week for you?

[Handcuffs are locked]

Don't even think about getting bail.

I got a lot of friends At the courthouse.

- Mr. Queen?

- Mr. Queen.

- Mr. Queen?

- Mr.


Bethany Snow: A shocking development today as Oliver Queen's bail was revoked.

Speculation that the former mayor is secretly the Green Arrow has multiplied in recent weeks after his decision to terminate two city officials investigating him led to his impeachment.

The trial is scheduled to begin May 3.

Jean Loring will represent the suspected vigilante, but she has an uphill battle ahead of her.

If convicted, Oliver Queen could face a life sentence.

His fate now rests in Star City's justice system.