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06x19 - The Dragon

Posted: 11/30/19 18:41
by bunniefuu
Oliver: Previously on "Arrow" Anatoly said that you had a plan to take control of this city.

It's like you were firing Overwatch.

I need to stop Diaz, and in order to do that, I need to bring the mission back to basics.

The impeachment was just the latest step.

And what's the next one?

Star City, it's open for business.

[Bell tolling]

Boy: Get your ass out of bed, chillón.

You can look at that picture all you want.

Your father ain't never coming back, Diaz.


Getting breakfast.

When I come back, this place better be clean for inspection.

No wrinkles on the bed--seriously-- or Get another souvenir to help remind you.

If you do it again, I'll tell sister Heller.

You think they'll believe someone like you, chillón?


You want to take a shot at me?

Go ahead.

I'm right here.

Give it back.

That's my only one!

No family's gonna want to take you in.

Why would they?

You're nothing.

You're a loser.

[Lighter shuts]

You need that reminder now.

You know that they invited us here, right?

Breaking and entering is a bit disrespectful, don't you think?

I'm tired of waiting.

You're the one that wanted to tag along.

To see how you operate, to see your big job.

So far, all we've done is drive in the car for 3 hours and wait outside For two more.


It's one of the most important virtues a person can have.


If you think short-term, you're gonna drift moment to moment.

You want something big, something truly remarkable, you got to think long-term.

We've been waiting out here long-term.

Let me put it in perspective.

I've been working on something for 5 years.

What's waiting two hours?

A slap in the face.

Small price to pay for an introduction to the Quadrant.

I thought they were an urban legend.

They're very real.

They control all criminal enterprises across the entire country.

4 corners.



I get it.

Very clever.

They didn't get that type of power without patience.

Well, if they're so powerful, then why didn't you come with any backup?

I'm not.

I got you.

You're early.

My father couldn't make it.

You don't mind, do you?

Let's get started.

We have a lot to discuss.

Indeed we do.


You made it.


UmI did.

Well, that's great.

I'm glad you did.

- Hmm.

- What's wrong?

You know, it's just been a while since we've done any Helix Dynamics stuff.


Well, we've been busy.

We've been fighting.

Not you and me.

I mean, our teams, yeah, but that's not an issue for me anymore.

Glad it's not for you, but, you know, Rene's still in the hospital.

He's only now just getting out.

I'm sorry about our teams.

I'm I'm sorry.

I'd really like Helix to work.

Looks like you're trying to stabilize the neuro-interface.


I mean, it's just still really twitchy.

You know, actually, I had a thought about this.

I think the serotonin interface is a result of the pathogenic reaction.

Diaz: Star City's open for business.

We have the police, the ports, the whole city.

We got it wired.

Now, you want to run merchandise, you want to move product, launder money, anything, Star City's the place.

Quadrant official: Assuming we're interested-- not saying that we are but assuming, how much you looking to charge?

- It's free.

- Heh heh heh.

Nothing's ever free.

I just want a seat at the table.

Of the Quadrant?


That seems reasonable to me.

Well, you make the Quadrant sound like it's a potluck, as if there's always room at our table for anyone with something to add, but it's not.

We're a family.

We're not really that welcoming to outsiders at least not before we know-- ahem--that you can operate at our level.

I just offered you a whole city.

Now, if you can't see the opportunity in that, why don't I talk to your father?

He sent me.

We're just looking for a little something extra.

Call it establishing your bona fides.

What'd you have in mind?

This is Robert Baylor, one of our guys.


The FBI pinched him.

- That's not ideal.

- Right?

We need to know where the federal marshals are holding Baylor so we can get him out.

Laurel: You want him to audition.

Well, that's not a very productive way of putting it.

Laurel: And yet.

It'll be nothing for me.

It's not a problem.

Whatever it takes to get the deal done, right?

Champion mind-set.


You got a John in this place?

It's right over there.

Arrow 6x19 The Dragon I'm at the location now.

Thanks for the address.

I'd say I owe you one, but you owe me 20.

Armand's contact at the FBI.


So more waiting, then.

Have to get a picture of the guy-- proof of life.

They tell you to fetch, you fetch.

So what's next-- roll over?

Oh, that's right.

You've already done that.

You think I'm giving in to these people too much?

I don't think it.

I know it.

It's just business.

You're ok with all this, how that guy talked to you?

Cartier's nothing.

He's a steppingstone.

Long-term thinking.


Yeah, I remember.

How's that working out for you?

Smoke break.


Roll over, sit.

Good boy.

You know that the Quadrant's the most powerful criminal organization on the continent?

When I joined up with Camden James, I gained a city.

When I join the Quadrant, I'm gonna have an empire.


Try it.

[Computer beeping]

- Success.

- Yes!

Pathogenic reaction's completely stabilized.

- Ha ha ha!


- Ha ha!

Damn, we make a good team!

- Well, speaking of team-- - No.

Don't do that.

Why would you do that?

We're having such a good time.

Well, earlier, you said the team thing wasn't an issue for you anymore.

- Did I say that?

- Yeah, you did.

The question is why.

Oliver sort of fired me.

I mean, he--he's saying that he didn't, but--heh--it sure feels like he did, you know.

Not sort of fired.

He fired me.

Wait, wait.

I'm sorry.

What happened?

Long story short-- Oliver had a run-in with Vertigo-- the pharmaceutical, not the person-- and he came out of it with this epiphany that to stop Diaz he has to "Go back to basics.

" - Meaning?

- Meaning he's a lone wolf, so no more team Arrow.

So did he also fire John?


Uh, John left about a week before.



Uh, well, I'm gonna have to try not to take satisfaction out of that.

Try really hard.


So it was down to you and Oliver.

- Mm-hmm.

- Now it's just Oliver.


How are you doing with all this?

Oh, I'm fine.

You're not fine.



So none of your people could find him.

I did.


I'll tell them to start carving the monument.

Laurel: They brought your boy out for a smoke.

Looked more like a guest than a prisoner.

H-honey, ease up.

That's a 30-year-old single malt.


Call me "honey" again, and I might only break your legs.



I like this one.

So I held up my part of the bargain.

Time for you to deliver yours.

You know, uh, your pretty little friend makes an inconvenient point.

It seems that Mr.

Baylor's gotten a little chatty.

- So what?

- So my father's going to have to debrief him, you know, to find out what he told the Justice Department.

- You want me to-- - Fetch him?

What's a little favor between future business partners?

So what's next?

You want me to roll over, you want me to play dead?

You're absolutely right.

Forget I asked.

Thanks for tracking down Baylor for us.

We'll take it from here.

You should have asked me from the beginning.

You wasting my time?

I don't react well when people waste my time.


I--I had no idea that Baylor would be cooperating with the frisbees.

Heh heh.

I'm gonna deliver Baylor to you.

Afterwards, I meet your father.

You solve this little problem for us, and my dad will be asking to sit down with you.

Call me when you've got Baylor.

I'll send over a car.


What happened to your hand?

I got angry at someone.

The Quadrant's making you jump through a lot of hoops.

I hope it's worth it.

Why don't I knock on the door?

[Siren scream]


Hello, boys.



[Bones crack]




Who are you?

Doesn't matter.

You gonna k*ll me?

If you keep asking me questions.

On your feet.

Send the car.



[Siren scream]

Cartiers take care of their own.

Once you're in, you're family.

That's my expectation.

All's I'm saying is I knew they'd send for me.

I would never snitch.

Sure you wouldn't.

I wouldn't take the chance, though.

You're lucky you don't work for me.

Baylor, buddy!

Feds treat you all right?


I didn't say nothing, I swear to God.

Tell him in person.


They're gone.

That packs a punch.

And what would you have done if they shot you in the head?

I'd be dead probably.



Getting shot Wasn't part of my plan.

Understatement of the year.

You just can't trust anyone these days.


Is it done?

Baylor's off the board.

And Diaz?

Never saw it coming.


Idiot really thought he had a shot.

As if we'd share space with a thug like him.

Tomorrow, we'll send a crew to Star City and lean on Diaz's networks, and we'll make his cityOurs.

[indistinct chatter]

So this whole plan of yours has gotten a little complicated.

Anything worth wanting shouldn't be simple.


Not my philosophy.

Plans are like men.

It's best to avoid the complicated ones.

Aw, shucks.

You think I'm not complicated.

You do realize that the guys that you wanted to impress tonight are the same guys that just tried to k*ll you.

And I was prepared.

It still doesn't explain what we're doing back here at their place when we should be on our way back to Star City.

Maybe that's the difference between us.

When you get knocked down, you give up.

- I get up.

- I get up!

I just don't get stupid, too.

[Diaz sighs]

[Cocks g*n]

Must be nice being pretty.

You pout your lips, you bat your eyes, everybody gives you what you want.

Everything I wanted I had to take.

Woman: Hello, girls.

Hello, boys I'm feeling confrontational [3 g*nshots]

Bar's closed!

Everybody move!



Son of a bitch.

In your enthusiasm to take out your man You forgot I was standing next to him when you started sh**ting.

But you're sorry about that, aren't you?

It wasn't anything personal.

b*ll*ts make things personal.

- May I ask you something?

- Um Did you ever have to fight for a meal?

Um, uh Not once.

Not one time.


Silver Spoon.

I had to fight for every scrap of food I ate as a kid.

You don't know what it's like to be hungry, to want something so bad you'd k*ll for it.


I've k*lled plenty.

Not--not for survival.

Now when the outcome of your life hangs in the balance.

It's funny you should put it that way.

You really got to tell your guys, creep a little quieter.

There's two to my right, 3 more behind me.


That's pretty confident for a thug who's outnumbered.

You wouldn't think I was outnumbered if you knew what she can do.


[g*nshots, siren scream]


We really need to restock the fridge.

Do you think soda can go bad?

I should probably already know the answer to that.

- Felicity?

- Hmm.


Um, it's working, remember?

- We high-fived.

- Yeah.

Doesn't mean it can't be improved.


Uh, so maybe improve it tomorrow when you've had some sleep and some food and some non-expired soda.


I just want to make a couple adjustments here.

Because that's easier than talking about your husband?


He's going back to basics, so, so am I.

You're the one who described it as getting fired.

I said, "kind of," and that was just shorthand.

As much as I love being a part of Team Arrow-- as downsized as it may have become-- it was taking us away from our real work, Helix.

This is where it's at.

And you're not worried about him?


He can take care of himself, and I have been doing this for 5 years.


In the bunker with computers and body cams and GPS so you knew where he was and what he was doing and if he was ok.



I thought throwing myself into work would work, but it's not working.

I mean, I don't know where he is.

He doesn't tell me where he is anymore.

I need to know if he's ok.

I'm dying here!

[Cell phone ringing]



News alert: sh**t in the Glades.


Bethany Snow: The Green Arrow was last seen in the center of an altercation moments before the expl*si*n overtook the area.

SCPD has yet to issue a statement.

We will keep you updated.

[Low whistle]

You're toying with him.

Oh, come on.

What's a little fun between future business partners?

Well, we wouldn't want him to think that we're wasting his time by sending him on some fool's errand.


That would make anyone furious.

Your daddy buy you this place?

Not-so-shiny toy to distract you while he's running the real business.

I never got anything from my family.

You know I'm an orphan?

It's true.

I grew up in a real-deal orphanage-- nuns and and everything.

The full package.

There was this older boy.

His name was Jesse.

Jesse thought he was better than me, and I believed him, and I was afraid of him.

I'd cry every night.

For years, he-- he treated me like a worm, like I was worthless like I was beneath him.

I'd make his bed, I'd clean our room.

He treated me like I was his damn servant.

- Hyah!

- Unh!


Look at me.

I'm nobody's servant now.

If you cut me, my father will never give you what you want.

That's prospective, the future.

I'm more interested in the past.

Why'd you try and k*ll him, Eric?

- Because I could.

- That's not good enough.




It was my father's idea!

We were gonna take Star City, co-opt your networks.

Take credit for my sweat equity?

That is so inconsiderate.

Sounds like your precious little Quadrant is a bunch of selfish jerks.

They didn't know.

We never told them about you.


My father and I, we never brought your proposal to the Quadrant.

You're a nobody, so Agh!





Satisfied yet?


You're alive now.

You want to stay that way?

Tell me when the Quadrant's meeting.


Well, isn't that convenient?

You gonna give me all the details?

They're not just gonna let you in.

I'm not planning on knocking.

Somehow, we moved past complicated and straight into crazy.

What I did to Cayden James, you think that's crazy?

This is manning up.


Manning up.

I hate that phrase.


Let's talk this through.

If the Quadrant is as powerful as you say, who knows what kind of firepower they have in there?

You're selling yourself short, kiddo.

You're better than 10 men.

And if there's more than 10?

Trust me.

While I appreciate your self-confidence, you could be overestimating your powers of persuasion by just a little bit.

You might not be their favorite person in the world considering what we've just done to the prince of hair gel.

I said, trust me.

And I would find it a whole lot easier to do so if you could just tell me why it is so important for you to be a part of this exclusive club.

There are other ways you can build your empire.

It's not about empire building.

It's about respect.

Right, which you want, and you're willing to disrespect yourself in order to get it from them.

- That's not how it is.

- Really?

Because that's how it looks like it is.

Back at that bar, you were talking about Jerry like he still haunted you.


It's Jesse, and he does.

Little bastard was right.

I was nothing, you know, a loser.

Not anymore.


Now you're a king.

Forget about him.

I can't.

I was afraid of Jesse for so long that all I had was my fear So I--I named that fear The Dragon.

That's cute.

I lived with The Dragon for so long It's all I had But now being a part of the Quadrant, I'm gonna have something else The type of power where I'll never be nothing again.

You remind me of the guy that brought me here To this earth.

HeHe had so much hate inside of him.

Took control over him.

I control The Dragon.

It doesn't control me.

We're here.

You coming or not?

Glad you decided to come.

Someone's got to make sure you don't get yourself k*lled.

That's why I'm glad.

If the Quadrant's everything you say they are, they're gonna see this coming.


Family can be blinding.

What the hell?

[Slow beeping]

You think they saw that coming?

We got incoming!

Sounds like a little bit more than the 11 guys he said there were.

Had to soften the beach.

C4 sends a message.

Why don't you send another one?

[Siren scream]

Now the beach is soft.

[Punching continues]



I went through a lot of trouble to get to this meeting.

It didn't have to be, though.

You k*lled my son.

C4 k*lled your son.

Do you have any idea who I am, who we are?


That's why I wanted to meet.

If you know who we are, you know I'm not going to k*ll you for what you did to my boy.

Well, that's a relief.

Cartier: I'm going to send you someplace far away from here, to a hospital I own.

They know every way there is to keep a man alive as other men carve pieces out of him.


Sure you could go that way.

You could try But if you do, it'll cost you billions annually.

Take him, but make sure he doesn't die.


He k*lled my boy.

Frankly, I'm surprised your idiot son made it this far.

Talk as if your life depended upon it because it does.

Like I said It wasn't supposed to be this way.


Cartier's son was supposed to arrange this meeting without bloodshed, but Cartier senior, he wanted to go another way.

Because you're not fit to be in the same room as us.

You're a street thug, not even qualified to work on one of our crews.

I came to this meeting because I have a business proposition.

You know what's happening in Star City, right?

I see it's falling apart.

I've seen chaos.

No, no, no, no.

Controlled chaos.

What you see as dysfunction, I see a machine running on full efficiency.

I control the PD, city hall, the ports, the rails.

I control everything, and it could all be yours, all of it in exchange for one thing, one thing.

A seat [Tapping table]

At this table.

I don't see an empty chair.

Even if there was one, I would never sit beside the man who k*lled my own blood.

He pushed me to it.

And he pushed, and he pushed, and he pushed.

A man's got his limitations.

And you are mine.

Look at you.

A street thug who couldn't even keep himself out of prison.

You're nothing A loser.

Diaz: Oh.

Lookit here.

That's an empty seat.

We are successful because we're deliberate, disciplined, and precise.

We're not animals k*lling each other for scraps.

We are civilized.

This is not, but your proposal intrigues us, Mr. Diaz.

We'd like to hear more.




Let's get started.

What's wrong?

You got what you wanted, you're not a loser anymore.

You are a legitimate crime lord, and yet you still seem on edge.

You think a ring and a seat at the table changes things for me.

I think we ran a gauntlet because you thought it would.

It's not over yet.

There's still one last thing I have to take care of.

[Dog barking]

Can I help you?


There are no survivors in the expl*si*n that consumed a city block in the Glades earlier this evening.

Given the power of the blast, experts say that forensics may be required to determine the fate of the Green Arrow.



Oliver: Hey, you.

- Oh, my God!

- You ok?

Oh, my God!

Oh, I saw the expl*si*n on the news, and you were right in the middle of it.



I fired a grappling arrow, and I flew - You-- - backwards right out of there.

I'm f--I'm fine.

- Well, I'm--I'm not!

- Ok.

Worrying about you out here is-- well, it's completely different from worrying about you in the bunker.

Right, because when you're in the bunker, you feel like you can make a difference.

I can.

I can make a difference.

I can--I can deploy backup.

I can do--I don't know.

I can do something.

Out here, I c-- I'm helpless out here.

You aren't helpless anywhere ever, but I'm not helpless either, all right?

Made a promise to that guy in there I would always come back.

Well, William made an excellent point when he said you coming back is not always gonna be your decision.

William does make excellent points, but I made the promise anyway.

I'm making the same promise to you right here and right now.

Felicity I will always come back.

[Felicity sobs]

I've been waiting an hour.

Diaz: Get up the stairs.

I know you hate waiting.

Who's this?

That last thing I have to take care of.

I've got kids.

They need me.

Please, please don't hurt me.

Whatever you want, I can give it to you.

You're lucky if you got two dimes to rub together on a good day.

How--how do you know me?



How do I know you?

I've known you my whole life.


Laurel, meet Jesse Fredericco.

Jesse Meet Laurel.

I don't think people are supposed to know that Laurel's working with a crime lord.


"Crime lord.

Crime lord.

" I love the sound of that.

You really don't remember me?




That is really disappointing.

I thought I made a bigger impression.

On your knees.

- Unh!

- Agh!


What are you doing?

Getting my payback.

I think that this is a little bit more than payback.


See that?

I took this from the fire.

I stuck my hand right in.

I had blisters.

I had raw, cracked skin!

For weeks!

Hey, Jesse.


You still like fire?



I promised myself When the time was right That I'd get my payback When I wasn't a loser.
