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06x18 - Fundamentals

Posted: 11/28/19 09:30
by bunniefuu
Oliver: Previously on "Arrow" No, Adrian!


The two of you are working for Ricardo Diaz.

You're both fired effective immediately.

Obviously, the mayor terminated us to impede the prosecution of his activities as the Green Arrow.

What Oliver Queen did is an impeachable offense.

The way you lead alienates everyone and everything around you.


You put the team at risk by lying!

You leave a trail of bodies every damn place that you go!

My trail of bodies doesn't include my own brother.

Truth is, Oliver, you have become a better man but, with your focus split, a worse leader.

If I'm gonna be the best version of myself, it can't be with you.

You told Rebecca what's going on?

You kidding?

She'd have my nuts in a vise if she knew I was on the take.

She doesn't get it.

It's a different city now.

It's a different world.

We better call backup.

It might just be a power surge.

It's not.

Call backup now!


What the hell?

Come on out, you son of a bitch!

Where's Diaz?

Somewhere inside surrounded by a hundred cops.

You'll never get to him.

- He's here.

- That was predictable.

lockdown mode now.

Protect Diaz.






Where's Diaz?


Where's Diaz?

In there.

This is gonna be fun.

Arrow 6x18 Fundamentals Bethany Snow: Allies are in short supply for mayor Queen as the city reacts in the wake of the sudden firing of Captain Kimberly Hill and D. A.

Samir Armand.

Though city hall maintains the firings had no relation to the ongoing investigation into the mayor's reputed vigilantism as the Green Arrow, sources within the city council say that impeachment is highly possible.


They can't actually impeach you for firing two people on Diaz's payroll.

They can if they claim I did it to protect myself.


We need rock-solid proof that they are working for Diaz.

That's why you have me, but in the meantime, I have something else.

I just got some more evidence on how Diaz has corrupted the SCPD.

So ever since Dinah and company got fired, I have been monitoring the station's internal security feed, and every night at 10:13, this happens, and then--boop-- 45 minutes later, the feed goes back online like clockwork.

He's monitoring his minions in blue.

- He's got to be.

- I agree.

If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you need to stop thinking it right now.

It's bad.

I can't make a move on Diaz unless I know where he is, and you just told me where he is every night at 10:13.

You can't storm the bad cop castle by yourself, Oliver.

- It is su1c1de.

- If I get Diaz, this is all done-- the investigation, the corruption, the impeachment, all of it.

I stop all of it.

You can't go there alone.

You will not come out.

You need help.

All of our help quit.

Well, maybe John has changed his mind.

What are you talking about?

John: Hey, Oliver.


What do you need?

Well, Felicity said that she needed to update the code on my chip.

She also said that you would be at city hall.

Well, I said he might be.

I didn't say he would be, and, yeah, I "Parent Trapped" you, but it was a little naive of you to think that I wouldn't considering how well you know me, you know.

Now that we are all together, we can talk about what happened.

I'm pretty sure John has said everything he needs to say.

I think you're absolutely right.

I did.

Guys, this isn't about what he said or what he said or your egos.

We have bigger problems at hand here.

We need to stop Diaz, and we have some pretty good Intel.

Good Intel tends to fall apart in the hands of bad leadership, don't you think?

Oliver, come on.

It doesn't have to be that way.

How would you like it to be?

Well, it doesn't change the fact that neither of you can take down Diaz alone.

I think there's more than one way to catch Diaz.

I've been offered a job at A. R. G. U. S.

Gonna take it?

Thinking about it.


Last time you needed something from A. R. G. U. S. , you had to steal it.

Oliver, you keep that attitude, man, you're gonna end up all alone.

I've listened to your advice for the last 6 years.

I think I've earned a reprieve.

That is not how I thought that would go.

Sure it was.

This is who he is, Felicity, and no one knows that more than you.

Elected officials cannot fire the very law enforcement personnel investigating them.

To do so is the definition of obstruction of justice.

Captain Hill and D. A.

Armand were actively sabotaging this city by aligning themselves with Ricardo Diaz.

I was not obstructing justice.

- I was serving it.

- From what I understand, Ricardo Diaz is a second-rate drug dealer who was released from prison on a technicality.

I fail to see your point.

The idea that he could compromise a police captain and a district attorney is laughable.

Quentin: I assume that the mayor will get a chance to address the city council, lay out the facts as he sees them.

Preliminary impeachment proceedings begin this afternoon.

The mayor will have a chance to plead his case, of course.

For your sake, Mr.

mayor, and for the sake of your administration, I hope you have something more concrete to offer the council other than unsupported suspicions.

[Quentin sighs]

Kullens: And I know we haven't always gotten along, but I do believe in due process.

I'll make sure the council approaches this fairly.

I will see you and the council this afternoon with evidence.

Uh, you mind if I ask what evidence exactly?

Felicity's working on it.


I guess that's somewhat reassuring.

On the bright side, if I get impeached, you get promoted.

Heh heh heh!

I'm not much of a politician, Oliver.

Well, with Diaz running the city, it's not really politics, is it?

Is that the only thing bothering you--Diaz?

You've looked better.

John quit.

I'd say he quit the team, but There's no team.

He seems to think I'm to blame for that.

Well, I don't see it that way.

- You're not there, Quentin.

- Yeah, I know, but I was there when the hood first showed up, remember, and that guy bears very little resemblance to the guy I'm talking to now.

I mean, look at you.

You're the mayor, you're a family man.

You're out busting your hump every night for this city.

I've seen how much you've changed, Oliver.

So why is all this happening?

Cayden James and Diaz, they've done a number, but things will get better.

You just got to stay the course.

Where you going?

I'm going to check in on Felicity, see if she's making any progress, and I promised William that I would take him to his science fair.

It's not the best timing.

Eh, I think schools plan it that way.

Well, I mean, you outdid me.

For my science fair project, all I did was hack Napster.

What's Napster?


I am getting older by the minute.

I can't believe you cloned a cabbage.

When I was a girl, cabbage grew in the ground.

Well, you're a long way from home, Raisa.

That I know.

I'll put these in the car.

- Thank you.

- I just really hope it's better than Sarah Epstein's solar hot dog cooker.

She's really been talking it up.

We're gonna be late.

Where's dad?

- Oh, he'll be here in-- - Hey.

- Finally.

Let's go.

- Yeah.

I know.

I just got to talk to Felicity for one second.

- But we're already late.

- Just a minute.

I promise.


Council's convening.

I promised them I would show them something.

Prepare to be happy.

Documentation of threats from Diaz to Hill's family and bank statements proving that he paid for Armand's son's cancer treatment.

- That's it.

That's good work.

- Yeah.

It's really good work.

It might be too good of work.

Without the SCPD, the only person that can really obtain this type of evidence is-- well, as far as city council's concerned is you.

Are you telling me that the single piece of evidence that will stop this imminent impeachment is also the evidence that will directly connect me to being the Green Arrow?

I mean, you could tell them that you're married to a super-hacker.

- That's not funny.

- I know.

I tried to plant a fake trail.

It was just that I ran out of time.

You ran out of time because you're focusing on making John and I reconcile instead of doing your job.

- Hey.

I'm on your side here.

- Are you on my side?

- Of course I'm on your side.

- Are you sure you're on my side?

How could you even say something like that?

- What is wrong with you?

- Dad, you said you'd-- William, I'm right in the middle of something, please.

- We're gonna be late.

- Well, then we're gonna be late!

Buddy, I'm really sorry.

- Get out.

- Felicity, it was an accident.

I will take care of William.

Get out.

[Loud tapping]

- Oh!

- Oh!

What's wrong?

Looks like you half-expected me to be a member of the League of Assassins.


I thought I heard something.

-How's William?

- He won't come out of his room.



I don't-- I have no idea what came over me, what made me lose it, uh, on him like that.

Everything's piling up.

Yeah, I know.

I think we should take some space, Oliver.

Um I'm sorry.


How you lost it on William, that is crossing a line.

I know that you have a lot on your plate with Diaz and John and the impeachment, but that is no excuse.

It can't be an excuse.

He's your son, and you just showed him the man his father really is.

That is not the man that I married.

[Loud tapping]

Quentin: Hey.

- You ok?

- Thanks for coming.


I, uh, know I've said this already, but, uh, you don't look good.

Felicity Felicity found proof that Hill and Armand are in bed with Diaz.

That's great.

It's great.

Why you got a face that says otherwise?

Council's gonna ask me how I got that evidence.

And you don't exactly want to tell them it's-- it's your wife.

Just shine a big fat light on the suspicion I'm the Green Arrow.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

My wife wants a separation.

I lost my temper in front of my son.

I scared him.

It was really bad.

Well, you know, I mean, just apologize to the kid, sleep on the couch for the night, and-- a separation just seems a little extreme.

You know, Quentin, with everything that's been happening, it feels like par for the course.

You talking about John Diggle?

John, Curtis, Rene, Dinah.

Why haven't you quit?

Promise of a raise.



You said-- you said I've changed.

I--I appreciated what you said.

Why does everyone keep leaving me?

That's the thing about change, right?

You hope you're doing the right thing by becoming a better person, but you're also becoming a different person.

Some people, they just-- I guess like John, they just react badly.

- That's one possibility.

- What's the other?

That I haven't really changed at all.

Oh, come on.

I don't buy that.

What you've told me about John and Curtis, all those guys, they got their own issues, all right?

They're just putting them on you.

And Felicity?

Felicity loves you, man.

That thing with her and William, it's gonna blow over.

Don't worry about that.

My advice-- you just got to focus on what's right in front of us now, ok?

I'm gonna reach out to Samanda Watson.

Maybe she can help cover us on this.

Quentin, the woman wants me in prison.

But she also wants justice, right?

Taking down a crime boss who's overrun a city seems to fit the bill in my eyes.

Yeah, call her.

Now listen.

That council meeting's in an hour.

I got to focus.

I got to--I got to push this stuff out of my head, but I'll--I'll-- I'll be there.

See you back at city hall.

[Loud tapping]



[Tap tap tap tap]

[Tap tap tap tap]

[Tap tap tap tap]

[Louder tapping]

[Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap]

Hello, Oliver.

Long time.


You-- you k*lled yourself.

Funny thing.

You never did go back for my body.

Guess you were somewhat preoccupied, right?

Still, seems a little careless.


Come on, man!

You've seen people come back from what seemed like certain death.

As I recall You once were stabbed and fell off of a mountain, yet here you are!


Do it!

I didn't last time.

And then I k*lled the mother of your son.

I'm not playing games this time.

This time, I'm coming for you and Felicity and William, anyone and everyone who's ever been close to you And there's only one way that you can stop me.

[Bones crack]


[Tap tap]

Adrian: Oh, now wasn't that better?

You know, you might just have to start considering the possibility that I'm just not killable, Oliver.


No, Adrian.

You're dead.

Still on Lian Yu.

I'm hallucinating.

[Tap tap tap tap]

[Oliver sighs]

Adrian: I knew you'd k*ll me or try to.

I always was the one person who saw you for the m*rder*r you are.


What are you doing?



You're running a blood test.

You think you've been dosed with something.

You know, there is another explanation, a more likely one in my considered opinion.

You're finally going crazy.

It's completely understandable, Ollie.

You've lost everything.


Even the people I couldn't manage to take from you.

I really like this Ricardo Diaz.

If he didn't exist, I'd have to think him up myself.

He's going about all of this exactly right.

Don't--don't hurt the people that you love.

Just get them all to abandon you.

It's actually the easiest thing in the world.

I told you this, Ollie.

I told you this, man.

Everything you touch dies.

What you're going through right now-- losing your team, your wife, the impeachment-- all of it is happening just like I told you it would, and nothing in that blood test is gonna change that.

[Computer beeps]



Absorbed it through my-- Ahh.


Friend of yours?

Apparently not.

Adrian: Don't--don't go talk to Quentin.

You are not in the state of mind to be talking to him right now.

He might have you committed, which would be a shame since by my count he's the only person still left in your corner.


Felicity, William, and I will be fine.

I just need to talk to them.

Maybe, but what about the rest?

It's tough to say you're in a good place when your oldest friend leaves you high and dry.

John made his choice.

Deep down, you know he's right.

You've changed.


Maybe you are a, uh-- a better Oliver Queen, a happier Oliver Queen But it has sure made you a worse hero.

You have a wife, a son, you're the mayor, all of which, yes, may be going away, but still, it's a fair assumption.

You're stretched too thin, buddy.

Maybe you've gotten so good at being Oliver Queen that the Green Arrow's mission is suffering.

You may be happier, but the people that you love, they're not.


What's Vertigo do?

Does it show you your worst fear?

You're not my worst fear, Adrian.

You're nowhere close.


I know.

Your worst fear is yourself.

Your worst enemy is yourself.

Guys like me, Ricardo Diaz, Damien Darhk, Ra's al Ghul, when it comes to destroying you, Oliver, we all come in second place.

You're the one enemy you can't defeat.


[Cell phone ringing]

Yes, Quentin?

Hearing's about to start.

Where the hell are you?

Well, Kullens dosed me with Vertigo, and I have been dealing with it.

Didn't you say that Diaz was dealing Vertigo these days?

Well, Kullens is working for Diaz apparently.


Where are we with Agent Watson?

- She's mulling it over.

- She's got to mull faster.

All right.

I'll give her another call.


Just get down here as fast as you can, all right?

I'm on my way.

[Birds chirping]

Laurel: Ollie.

Why are you looking at me like that?


Are you ok?

I don't know.

Adrian: You know, if you tell her the truth, she'll just think you're crazy, Oliver.

You'll break her heart all over again.

Nobody wants that.



You can tell me anything.

You know that.

I know that.

I need to leave.

I thought the boat left at 6:00.

- What?

- The Gambit, the trip that you're going on with your father.

I ran into Sara.

She said that you hadn't packed yet.

Do you want me to help you?

Man, look at how innocent she was, how much she loved you.

-You destroyed that.



Tell her about her future, man.

Tell--tell her about what happens when she becomes the Black Canary.

Laurel's voice: Ollie, please help me.


I'm scared.

I don't want to die.

This is gonna destroy my father.

He can't handle this.

She's got a point.


My question is, why did you let her become the Black Canary in the first place?


She's a lawyer.

What, after a couple self-defense classes and a few sparring sessions with you, you think she's ready to go handle thugs and K*llers?

Oliver: It was a mistake.

Adrian: Yeah.

Your mistake.

Which I had to pay for.

It was a mistake But I knew you, and I knew that you would do it with or without me.

I thought this way I could protect you.

And how did that work out for you, Ollie, huh?

Rene: Yeah, Ollie.

How'd that work out for her?

For me, not too good.


I gave you an out.

I told you to stand down.

- Stay down!

- No way!

[Both grunting]

You know, John came to see me in here.

Felicity, too, but you were nowhere, Hoss.

Curtis: He's got a point, Oliver.

If your conscience is so sparkly clean, why didn't you check on Rene?

You were here.

Rene made it clear.

Matter of fact, all of you have made it clear that you don't want anything to do with me.

Always a comeback for everything.

That's enough.

It's not real.


It's not safe here for you.

A man came.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Raisa, what--what man?

With a dragon tattoo.

He wants to hurt you.

I tried to stop him.

Diaz: Little lady wouldn't go down without a fight.

Your wife and kid aren't here.

They're at some science fair.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

You still think this isn't real?


Does that feel real enough for you?


I always wondered why nobody just does that-- k*ll you straight.

Turns out, it'd be a waste of time.

You're more dangerous as a martyr than you are as Green Arrow, but before that happens, there's a lot left of you that I want to break.


[Birds chirping]








Quentin, hi.

I'm gonna need that hearing delayed.

I'll explain everything.

I'm on my way to city hall.

You have failed this city, and you know why.

Because I got away from you.

You were never supposed to have partners.

There was never supposed to be a John Diggle, a Felicity Smoak, a team Arrow.

There was never supposed to be a Green Arrow.

There was only the mission!

I lost sight of that.

You lost your city!

And now you know what you have to do to get it back.

Kullens: It's been over an hour.

Where is the mayor?

Well, why don't you ask Ricardo Diaz?

[Door opens]

Oliver: Apologies for being late.

Kullens: Over an hour late, and we certainly hope you've come with something worthy of our time.

One minute.

- You all right?

- No.

[Breathes deeply]

Where are we with Watson?

We're on our own.

It's our only card.

You sure you want to play it?

It's our only card.


- Mr. Mayor.

- Ok.

This flash drive, it contains financial data and correspondence linking Captain Hill and D. A.

Armand with a known felon named Ricardo Diaz.

Known by whom?

I've never heard of a Ricardo Diaz.

By design.

He's kept a very low profile.

How did you obtain this purported evidence against our former police captain and district attorney?

The Green Arrow gave it to me.

[Others murmuring]

Or perhaps you gave it to yourself.

I'm not the Green Arrow.

Not according to the police captain or D. A. that you fired.

And it also seems rather convenient that you're not the Green Arrow but enjoy a close personal relationship with him.

[Indistinct chatter]

That go down how you expected?

Kullens: Are you aware that we can impeach you not just for obstruction of justice but for perjury and vigilantism, as well?


I am so sorry, but something very urgent has just come in.

I need to speak to the mayor, please, so, uh, please.

10 minutesTops.

Thank you.

Wait, wait.

What's happening?

Are Felicity and William all right?


The urgent thing was just a lie to buy us some time.

Felicity and William are fine, ok?

It is you I'm worried about.

Have you still got that Vertigo crap in your system?

- Yep.

- Ok.


We need to retreat, we need to regroup, ok, so I'm gonna go back in there, and I'm gonna tell them you got a family emergency.

You might not be wrong.



You need to go back to your secret lair.

Get yourself well.

We'll figure out the next steps.

Sorry, Oliver.

Bad beat, but for what it's worth, I always thought you were a halfway decent mayor.

Not a great track record when it comes to hiring D. A. s, though.

This Vertigo is going to be out of my system eventually, and you'll be gone.

Not possible.

I'm not here, remember?

I'm here.

I'm you Which is why you're gonna listen to me when I tell you what you have to do.

The only way to prove that you're the hero that you say you are and keep being mayor is to take down Diaz tonight.


He's got an army.

You mean, all those cops at the SCPD?

I mean that walking in there is a su1c1de mission.

That's the risk a hero takes, isn't it, Oliver?

Diaz is there every night, 10:13 pm.

The question is will you be there to meet him?

Thanks for helping me put my project back together.

No problemo.

Second place, too.

Pretty good even if that cheater Sarah Epstein got the gold for her solar hot dog cooker that I swear I've seen on Amazon.


You know, when I was your age, I could hit, like, 3 science fairs a day, and now one--one knocks me right out.

- Where's dad?

- Ohh.

He's buying us expensive gifts if he knows what's good for him.

Uh, your purse is beeping.


- William, go play video games.

- What-- got to do some work, buddy, all right?

- I'm sorry.

- I know what kind of work.

Good luck.

Pick up, pick up, pick up - Quentin.

- Felicity.

Tell me Oliver's with you.

Well, he was.

I--I just sent him back to the bunker.


He's not on his way there.

I have a GPS on his bow, and it's on the move.

All right.

Slow down.

Let me explain.

It has been a hell of an afternoon.

-What happened?

-Oliver was dosed with Vertigo.

- Kullens did it.

- That would explain why he lost it on William.

He said, you, uh-- you kicked him out.

No, I didn't.

I would never.

Uh, he's on his way to the precinct.

I mean, that's totally my fault.

I told him that Diaz would be there.

Quentin, this is a su1c1de mission.

- You have to stop him.

- I'm on my way.


What's happening?

Is dad all right?


Dad is on dr*gs.

I mean, not that kind of dr*gs.

He's gonna be fine.

I just--I have to go help him, ok?

I know.

I was listening.

You're an angel.

Actually an angel.

[Dart g*n fires]

- Hey!

- Get out of here, Quentin.

What are you doing in that old thing?

Getting back to my original mission.


That's just the Vertigo talking.

- You cannot go in there!

- This ends tonight.


Even if you weren't high, this would be a bad idea.

- You're outnumbered!

- I can handle it.

- Listen to me.

- I said--unh-- I can handle it.




You ok?



Your husband packs a punch.

Diaz's men cannot find the deputy mayor here, ok?

You have to get out of here, all right?

- Ooh.

- I have to go save my husband.


Don't, don't, don't don't, don't, don't!


Do not open that door.

On the other side of that door, there's a bunch of trigger-happy cops just waiting for you.

- It is a trap.

- You're not here!

Yes, I am.

It's me, ok?

It's the real me.

Do not go through that door.

I have to.

I have to stop Diaz.

And you will, but not like this, not tonight.

He is right on the other side of that door!

So are a bunch of angry cops just waiting for you.

You go through that door, what happens to William?

William has you.

Well, what happens to me?

- You left.

- No, I didn't.

That was not me, Oliver.

The real me is standing right here, and I'm not going anywhere.

I'm glue, baby.


Where are you?

The Vertigo, it's making its way through your system, ok?

It's on its last gasp, so just--just listen.

Listen to my voice.

No, no, no, no.


Don't listen to her.

Remember what your told yourself.

You were never supposed to have partners.

I know it feels like you've lost everything.

I don't know how to tell if you're real.

That's the Vertigo.

It's just messing with your head.

Don't trust it.


Listen to your heart.

Come on.

Screw it.

Go after him.

- Ohh!

Come on!

- Just like old times.

Well, thanks for coming back for me.


Well, less thanking, more escaping!



- What's this?

- It's an isotonic concoction of my own making.

There are oranges in there for vitamin C, there's almonds in there for vitamin E, there's avocado in there for omega-3s.

Do not smell it.

Just drink it.

- Salty.

- Yeah.

That would be the fermented fish oils.

Supposed to help balance your serotonin levels.

I call it Felicity's party raver hangover supreme cure!


Though that might an insensitive choice of words considering what you just went through, but trust me-- it works like a charm.

Not that I've used it much.

I mean, that was all in the past.

Trust me.


dr*gs are bad.

Quentin: Listen.

That was gutsy as hell, you going in the precinct like that.


Well, my man was in there.

Yeah, but whatever you said to him could have been caught on security cameras.


Diaz had shut them down, so our identities are safe.

Irony sold separately.

Excuse me.

I got to take this.

It's the office.

I haven't seen that in a while.

Wanted to take it for a spin down memory lane - or something?

- Something like that.

- Heh.

- The Vertigo gave me someClarity.

- Sure you're not still high?

- Mm-hmm.

John had a point.

I have spread myself pretty thin.

I'm not giving up on you, not giving up on William, and if by some miracle, I'm not impeached, I will keep being the mayor.

I believe deeply in the good that I can do as the Green Arrow But I need to bring the mission back to basics.

I need to bring it back to where it started.

You mean alone.


Sorry, guys.

I hate to interrupt, but, uh, we got to turn the TV on.


In a shocking fall from grace, the Star City council has voted to impeach mayor Oliver Queen and remove him from office.

We now go live to councilman Kullens' public statement.

Kullens: Mr.

Queen's affect at today's inquiry certainly placed his fitness for office into question, but fundamentally, it was the unilateral firing of Captain Hill and D.


Armand that ultimately sealed his fate.


I just couldn't stand to listen to him any longer.

[Taps foot]



I'm gonna call Jean Loring.

There's got to be legal options we can pursue.


I don't want you wasting any more time or political capital on me.

I don't give a crap about political capital!

You should because you're the mayor now.


Thank you so much, Raisa, for coming on such short notice.

I'm used to it.

Thank you, Raisa.

Are you ok, Oliver?

I'll be just fine, thank you.

I know this question might be questionable, but from what it sounded like earlier-- it's like you were firing Overwatch.

I'm not firing anyone.

I just--I need to go back to doing things like I did when I started, and that--that means doing it alone.

I need to stop Diaz, and in order to do that, I need to have a single-minded focus.

I've got to separate these two worlds.

I just don't think that that's the best possible solution, Oliver.

I respect your concern, and I love you very much for it.

We will talk more about this, but I need to chat with William.


Oliver: Hey.

I didn't know if you'd be awake.

I can't sleep.

I got a news alert about the impairment.

It's impeachment.

Don't worry.

I'll be fine.

I'm worried about you.

I'm really sorry about before.

I would never purposefully try to make you afraid or-- Felicity said you were on some sort of drug.


I was dosed by someone who works for the man I'm trying to stop.

Ricardo Diaz?

Can you stop him?

I think maybe I found a way.

Most importantly, I need to know that I'm not gonna lose you or FelicityEver.

You won't.

[Telephone ringing]


What are you doing here?

I heard about what happened.

I wanted to see how you were.

Clearly, I should have brought a broom.

He's spiraling.

The Vertigo worked even better than I was hoping.

I don't understand why you don't just put a b*llet in him or 20.

Because it'd be a waste of time.

He's more dangerous as a martyr than as the Green Arrow.

I'm gonna dismantle him piece by piece.

Like with the impeachment?

The impeachment was just the latest step.

And what's the next one?

We spread the word that with mayor Queen out Star City, it's open for business.