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06x16 - The Thanatos Guild

Posted: 11/28/19 09:25
by bunniefuu
Oliver: Previously on "Arrow" Mr.

Ramirez suffered a traumatic hemothorax.

I'm recommending he be transferred to a facility that can provide the care he needs.

- Where's my dad?

- Have a seat.

He's gonna be ok, but I need to tell you about it.

- Unh!

- Want to keep going, or are you gonna testify?

We're leaving.

Oliver: I've seen what having Felicity in my life has done for me.

You deserve that same kind of happiness.

I've located the heir of Ra's al Ghul.

So where are we going?

Wherever you want.

It's up to me?

I'm the well-traveled man.

I've been every place in the world there is.

But you want to get out of here because if the police knew you were alive, they'd come after you.

The Arrow, too.


If someone knew where I was, it would be unfortunate for both of us.

So why did you reach out to me?

I don't want to hurt or get hurt.

Never again.

I can teach you to be strong in heart and body.

I can teach you to protect yourself so no one will ever hurt you again.

That's what every father wants for his daughter.

Malcolm Merlyn's legacy lives on.

This is a new dawn.

Al Sa-Her was going to bestow on us a new golden age and lead us into the realm of Thanatos, yet for what greatness Merlyn possessed in his soul he lost in his heart.

He swore that our great journey would be nothing without his blood legacy at our side, and thus before he gave up his life, he made sure this journey could not commence until his beloved was ready.

Step forward.

I have to say the new uniforms do not impress me.

We have cleansed ourselves of your father's sins for our rebirth, which couldn't be further from your fate, daughter of the Demon.

Nyssa: I would so relish slitting your throat, Athena.

One thing we have in common.

Except I've grown a taste for the contemporary such as plastic expl*sives.

[Grunting.] [Boom.] Arrow 6x16 The Thanatos Guild I still want you Oh, my gosh.

You'd be in so much trouble if your dad saw you doing that.

You're lucky you have such a cool aunt, you know, who approves of bad behavior.

- I'm gonna miss you.

- And I'm gonna miss you, too.

Just promise me that you're gonna watch over your dad, ok?

But he's the Green Arrow.

You know, before he was the Green Arrow, he actually used to be really afraid of the dark, and he needed a nightlight in his bedroom till he was, like, what, six--16?

It was not a nightli-- I was-- it was not a nightlight.

I couldn't sleep with it being pitch black.

By the way, I did see that.

Go get a fork and a--and a plate and get yourself a reasonable slice of cake.


Thank you for doing this.

It's actually pretty cool.

Why do you sound surprised?


I--I don't know.

I just thought that maybe you would-- you'd be a little more anti me going.

I'm the one who encouraged you to go follow your heart.

I know, I know.

It's just that now that it's all real, I just--I I thought that maybe you would be, like, a tad less supportive.

I am completely supportive of anything and everything that makes you happy.

Speaking of which, I did tell Roy that the two times that I shot him with--with arrows would be nothing compared to what would happen to him if you end up unhappy.

- Ah.


- Do you understand?

I spy an overbearing big brother.


No, no.

He's never been like that.



I know we've said it a million times, but we're gonna miss you.

We're really going to miss you.

Well, you guys have to come visit us once we find out where we're gonna land.

Where do we think that's gonna be?

Well, we don't really know exactly, but that--that's kind of the best part.

I mean, we're gonna figure it out as we go along.


That's so spontaneous and romantic.

Roy: As long as we're together, that's really all that matters, right?

Thea: Heh.

Roy: Heh heh.

So how's your new roommate?

She's just as messy as my Laurel, but, uh, surprisingly, she's a better cook.

- You trust her, Lance.

- I'm not stupid, you know.

I--I know who she is.

I know what she's done, but, you know, she says she's-- she's trying to get better, and, you know, that Intel she gave you last week on, uh, Diaz, that panned out.


He still got away.

Don't they always, though?

Oliver: I see a-- ahem--work conversation, so where are we with the SCPD?

Well, uh, Dinah and Curtis, they're growing a list of possible cops on the take, but that could end up being the least of our worries.

- How so?

- The D. A. 's office's refusal to drop your case without Roy's testimony, that doesn't sit right with me.

And who's to say that the SCPD's the only part of the city's power structure that Diaz has got his fingers in.


Oliver, you let me worry about Diaz.

You spend a little more time with your sister before she gets out of here.

And you think this guy's gonna stop worrying about things all of a sudden?

Well, ever since he trusted me to take over.

If that's still on the table.

I'm gonna go grab some cake.

You brought this up last week.

I don't know, man.

I thought we were clear.

You wanted out, I wanted in.

- Has something changed?

- Yeah.


It's--it's just you and me, and we don't know what Diaz has, what he doesn't, and bottom line, I--I don't think that it should be just you.

This is definitely one of the jerks who beat Roy to a pulp last week.

I wonder what food they're serving at Thea and Roy's good-bye party.

Pizza, apps-- heh--maybe, like, some mini-desserts.

That's this new thing.

Like, you go to a party, and then they serve you these desserts, like mini doughnuts, and you just dip them in the sauce.

I mean, that would be reason enough to crash the party.

Not that I'm saying I want to crash the party.

I'm not expecting to be invited, but, you know, Felicity is my business partner - So I just-- - Curtis, focus.

We need to find out how many of these cops are dirty.

Well, officer Hester makes 10.

Yeah, and counting.

You know, the more cops who are dirty, the harder it is to believe Captain Hill didn't know.

Who's next?

- Nick Anastas.

- Hoo.

More like hotnastas.


Well, just because you have the hots for him doesn't mean he's not on Diaz's payroll.

All--all his stats check out.

He hasn't had any influxes of cash into his account, no pressure points for blackmail.


I'm just saying you never mentioned to me that you work with such a hot police officer, not even once.

I guess I never noticed.

Yeah, just like you don't notice beautiful sunsets and rainbows.


You just don't see beauty as--hey, Z. !

How was school?

- Good.

Hi, Dinah.

- What's up, Zoe?

Feeling like some Mac and cheese tonight?

- Again?

- Can you get sick of Mac and cheese?

- Definitely getting there.

- Oh, come on.

Going to my room to do homework.

Heh heh.

You two seem to be getting along well.


You know, it's nice having a little munchkin around.

Well, I'm sure Rene appreciates somebody he trusts taking care of her.


You know, he should be starting rehab soon.

Hopefully, he'll be back to normal ASAP.

I really, really miss that guy.

Me, too.


It's your boyfriend [Cell phone ringing.] Anastas.


Got to go.

You keep digging.

I got to find out who at work I can trust.

He's not my boyfriend yet.

I'm on it.

[Music playing on radio.] Ooh, ooh, ooh I can't believe we're actually doing it.


I can't believe it either.

Happily ever after.


Ever after.


That wasn't so convincing.

Look, Thea.

I--I'm thrilled.

I just--I don't want to jinx it.

Ok, and since when do you believe in superstitions?

Well, ever since I met your brother, there's not a lot I don't believe in.

[Clatter, tires squealing.] Woman: with an open mind Thea: Ok.

Now I may believe it, too.


Are you ok?

Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

Could be south L.

A Please tell me you've packed some weapons somewhere.

Roy: Ohh!

Nyssa: Follow me.


Nyssa, what-- what is going on?

- We need to move.

- What, are there more coming?

Many more.

These are the scouts.

They look like League of Assassins.


The League of Assassins was disbanded.

This can't be them.

Nothing stays dead forever.

Your father made sure of that.


Well, I--I don't care, ok?

I'm--I'm sorry.

This is not me anymore.

I have nothing to do with this.

Like me, you are an heiress to the Demon.

That is something you can never truly run from.


What happened?

Thea, are you hurt?


I'm--I'm fine.

I'm ok.

I'm doing pretty fine myself.

Thanks for asking.

Felicity: They weren't even at city limits, and they got att*cked.

That's because she jinxed it.

Nyssa: Superstition played no part.

I hear you've taken my husband as your own.


Well, we can talk about that later.

In the League, such talk would take the form of mortal combat.

What the hell is going on?

Thea: Apparently, my dear old dad decided to recruit some loyalists before Nyssa disbanded the League.

For what?

Nyssa: To start his own, the Thanatos Guild.

Began hearing whispers about them shortly after we all returned from Lian Yu.

He couldn't have led for long considering he didn't leave the island.

Moses never entered the holy land, and yet his legacy endured.

His second in command, Athena, took charge, a contemporary of mine and a rival.

Her involvement alone suggests a very dark purpose at work here.

Why would this guild attack Thea?

Before Merlyn gave up his life, he discovered a map that leads to something ancient, powerful.

I do not know what it is, but I do know that he yearned for Thea to be at his side when he unearthed it.

It's really funny he never mentioned this.

Because he knew you were not ready.

Athena believes Thea to either be in possession of the map or at the very least have knowledge of its whereabouts.

Well, you have fun on your treasure hunt, ok?

Nyssa: I told you.

You cannot run from this.

Watch me, ok?

I--Roy and I are getting out of here and back to our lives.

I need your help obtaining the map.

You cannot deny your father's legacy any more than I can deny mine.

They will find you.

What do you want from me?

Merlyn had an associate in Star City.

If he shared the map's location with anyone, it would have been with her.

You haven't spoken to her?

SheDoes not care for me.



Nyssa: But she would not deny Merlyn's daughter.



I will go with you to talk to her.

We--we will help you find your map, and then that's it.

I'm done, for real this time.

It's a drug deal gone bad.

Very bad.

Man was shot over a dozen times.

Maybe he pissed off the competition.

[Door shuts.] I'll take it from here, Lieutenant Drake.

Captain, this is a drug-related homicide.

Isn't it a little below your pay grade?

It's part of a larger, uh, sting operation.

I wasn't aware of a larger sting-- You weren't aware because it's above your pay grade, Lieutenant.


We will head back to the station, then.


You can leave the evidence with me.

Of course.

[Police radio chatter, sirens.] [Rock music playing.] Now I see why you didn't want the boys to come.

That is Tigressa.

Looks like the only thing she knows how to k*ll is vodka.

She has over 200 confirmed kills, one of them being her own brother because he matched her quote.

Al ghul, I should take your hand for what you did to Al Sa-Her.

I never understood your affection for Merlyn, Tigressa, but I always respected it.

- This is his-- - Spawn.

You think I wouldn't recognize Malcolm's own blood?

Your father had much faith in you.


Well, with that new League he created running around, I can't say the same for him.

So you've met Athena.

She's not the leader your father desired.

You are.


Well, I'm sure death has cured him of his disappointment.


The only reason why we're here is because Athena thinks I can open some map for her.

With good reason.

Your father made sure you were the only one that could actually unlock its secrets.

Of course he did.

And that is why Athena needs you.

Your father secreted the mapHere.

And why didn't you just take it?


I rejected the path of the League of Assassins a long time ago.

One day, you're gonna have to tell me how you did that.

- Thank you for this.

- Well, when you find it, you may not be so grateful.

I was being polite.

We should contact your brother.

There's safety in numbers.

Overwatch, are you sure we're alone here?


It is just the five of you.

No other souls for two blocks.


Be cautious.

Merlyn would have laid traps to protect this place.


What kind of traps are we talking here?

We talking "Raiders" or "Temple of Doom" kind of traps?

Roy: You ok?

Thea: Yeah.

I will be once this is all over with.

Yeah, me, too.

Nyssa: Get down!

- A trap.


- Excellent?

We must be close.

John: Thermal imaging is showing that what we're looking at is what we've got.

No hallways, no doors.

Malcolm had a secret chamber in his office.

Maybe he has something here.


Iodine dixonium, a component magnetically attracted to the same type of steel my father used to encase relics.

[Surface breaking.] Ok.

That's not a map.

The map is inside.

It's an ancient League cipher.

- Does it need a code?

- Try my birthday.

There are 18 digits across 3 alphabets.


So it's not my birthday.

[Dripping.] Guys, about you being the only souls for two blocks, funny thing about those ninjas.

Athena: I want Al Sa-Her's daughter and the map.

I'm always merciful when I get what I want.

I know you better than that.

Stand down.

Not gonna ask twice.

[Ropes whipping.] Come with us, and we will let your friends continue to draw breath.

Stay where you are, and blood will be shed.

I'll go with shedding blood, except it will be yours.

Get that someplace safe.



The exit is kind of blocked right now.

We can help with that.

[Grunting.] You've had the same footwork since you were 8 years old.


Kevlar held Barely.

Let's go.

[Grunting.] Make your father proud.

Come with us.

Felicity, I know you were wondering.

It's from "Raiders.

" Kiss the floor.

[Sword clatters on floor.] Roy on comms: I've got Thea and the map.

Let's move!


Hold on.


Let me help you.



God, that bitch has a really powerful kick.

I think she might have broken one of my ribs.

I assure you that will be the last time you have to face her.


You'll get no complaints from me.

This Athena doesn't seem like a type who will give up easily.

I intend to take the choice out of her hands by taking Merlyn's map far from here.

I know the toll a father can have on a child even long after he's gone.

This is my burden, not yours.

Felicity: You didn't tell me that this was the box from "Hellraiser.

" Take care of each other.


That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Thea: Ok.



How are you gonna open it?

I'll find someone who can unlock the cipher.

My people invented mathematics after all.


No, no, no.

Not this type of mathematics.



You can't-- ugh--you can't go out there by yourself, not with Athena's assassins looking for you.

She said that's what she wanted to do, Thea.



It's not what I want.

- Speedy?

- You made it clear once I acquired the map you'd have no interest in your father or the League.

And you made it clear that this map, it leads to what, something ancient and powerful.


You cannot-- you cannot take this on by yourself.

Plus we have the world's greatest mathematician right there and the protection that you are gonna need to keep that thing safe while you try to open it.

I appreciate the gesture.

- Can you do it?

- Well, in my experience, anything locked can be hacked.

[Straining.] Usually by me.

Roy: Thea, are you sure about this?

Oliver: Nyssa's right.

You did say that you want nothing to do with Malcolm's legacy.

I know, ok?


I can't believe that I am even saying this, butAfter seeing those assassins, I-- this all just became too real.

But Nyssa gave you an out.

I don't know why you don't take it.

I don't know how to explain it to you right now, ok?

I just--I--I need you to trust me.

All right.

You ready?

To go to prison for stealing evidence?

No, not really.

I'm doing the stealing.

You're doing the hacking.


Something tells me the police don't make that distinction.

This could be the last time I'm here not as a suspect.

How long is this gonna take?

My worry is 25 to life.

Come on.

[Door unlocks.] Keep watch.

I thought you said no one else was gonna be here.

We're here, aren't we?

[Sighs.] Oh.

This might take a while.

[Footsteps.] Crap.

Curtis: Come on.

Anastas: This is police access only.

What are you doing here?

Nick Anastas.


It has been a while.

Do I know you?


Of course.

Curtis Holt.

We met through Dinah Drake.

She's my friend and your sergeant or lieutenant, or was it just Detective?

Uh, either way, I'm meeting her here for, uh, dinner, but I kind of got--heh-- lost in this new building.

I mean, I really haven't seen this place since--since it was blown up.

Well, I could give you a tour if you want while you're waiting for Lieutenant Drake.

She usually doesn't show up for her shift for another hour.

Totally Dinah.

She's, like, a major slacker.

Ha ha.

- Come on.

- Yeah.


- Nyssa.

- Husband.


You got to stop doing that.

I--I do have a wife now, and, um She doesn't like it.

But that's the fun of it.

Thea might want you to stay Doesn't mean you have to.

Her point about Felicity's utility was well taken.

So was her point about wanting nothing to do with Malcolm.

It is her life, and she must find her own truth.

I think her truth is a new life that she's earned.

She's earned your support for her actions, whatever those may be.

I can understand why she would be conflicted with Malcolm.

He was her father.

I am not conflicted.

He was evil, and Thea should not be charged with righting his wrongs.

My father was also evil, and I've dedicated the rest of my life to righting his wrongs.

From what I understand, you've done the same.

But my father asked me to.

With his dying wish, he asked me to.

Back on Lian Yu, Merlyn gave up his life for Thea just as your father did for you.

I believe Thea owes him the same debt.

Well, it is convenient for you to believe that because Thea gets you closer to what you want, so do not pretend that you are selflessly supporting her and never, ever lecture me on what I owe my sister.

If you think I would use-- Felicity: Nailed it!

I nailed it!

I got it!


- You've unlocked the map?

- No.


So what do you mean by "nailed it"?

Well, I figured out how to unlock the "Hellraiser" cube.

I just thought you should do the honors.


You've heard of the Fibonacci sequence, right?

- Let's assume not.

- The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical pattern dating back to Pingala's formula in 450 B. C.

Roy: Wow.

Felicity: Yeah.

When you said ancient, you were not kidding.

- I never kid.

- Except where my marriage is concerned apparently.

The Fibonacci sequence, every number is the sum of the two previous numbers, so finding the two starting ones, that's the tricky part.

What are the starting numbers?

10 and 13.

Is she right?

1013 was the year that the League was founded.

And Malcolm's birthday.



Try 10.



I was always good at math.


That's-- that's right.

[Air hisses.] Yeah.

What does it say?

- Nothing.

- Noth-- [sighs.] Why are you burning it?

She's heating it.

The League writes in hidden text that can only be revealed through flame.

- You don't remember?

- I don't want to.

[Thea sighs.] I don't know what's going on with him, but just keep working on it.

Why isn't the flame working?

There's two possibilities for that.

Either Malcolm was using a different type of invisible ink Or?

Or there's nothing on this, and we are wasting our time.

What's this?

I thought since old school wasn't working, I'd try some new school.

This scanner can make a 3-d voxel-based re-creation.

I didn't start using a computer until I was 25.


That explains a lot.

If I can duplicate the map digitally, there might be some hidden markers on there that we can trace.

- Sounds complicated.

- It is.


So it would be really great to not be distracted, you know?

Very true.

I'll stay here to make sure you remain uninterrupted Sister wife.


[Sighs.] Ok.

So somebody's grumpy.

I'm sorry.

I'm--I'm trying to be supportive.


But--but I don't understand why you think that this is your responsibility.

He died for me, ok, and I don't know what it is, but ever since I found out about this, I just--i f I feel like I can't run away from it yet.

Well, you see, that's where we're different.

You see this as us running away from something, but I see this as us running towards something, something way better.

You know, I just-- I don't know.

I just feel like recently you've just been finding any excuse you can for us to stay here.

Unlike all my boyfriends in the past, I--I do find it kind of cute when you're being insecure.

I just don't want to lose you again, Thea.

That map is not my future.

You are.

I love a good old m*rder board.


Feeling very Alan J.


Sometimes, I forget you're not Felicity.

Now, look, I know this has probably already occurred to you, but all Hill did was take the evidence from your hands.

That's not necessarily proof.

Not to mention her name didn't pop up at all when-- She's dirty.

Are you asking me or telling me?

You tell me.

If these dr*gs are the same kind Diaz pushes And Hill took it off your hands, that would be pretty damning.

And the fact that so much of the department is so crooked would make a lot more sense if it was rotten from the top down.

- So are they Diaz's dr*gs?

- I don't know yet.

Maybe we should just try it.

[Beeps.] Or we can read the analysis.

[Sighs.] - Oh.

- What?

It's Vertigo.

I heard of this back in Central City.

It's a hallucinogenic, right?

Yeah, but, I mean, the good thing is that this isn't Diaz's drug of choice.

- So Hill is clean.

- Looks like.

You actually look disappointed.

Well, just because it means we are back to square one.


Think you might take that thing with you?

100% no.

[Snorts.] You ok?

And why wouldn't I be?

I mean, Roy only thinks I'm gonna leave him, and a bunch of crazy assassins my dead dad organized are trying to k*ll me, so my life is just Great.

You know, Thea, you don't have to do this.

You don't have to leave everything to Nyssa.

Myself and John and Felicity, we will stop Athena.

You can go.

You can-- you can live your happily ever after with Roy.

Here I thought you were supposed to go live yours.

Felicity--she told me you stopped being the Green Arrow.


That was the plan.

Life interfered.

- John got hurt.

- He did.

He's not hurt anymore.

I worry that he would be in over his head going up against Diaz alone.

I don't think anything's over John's head.

You might be right.

I don't know.

I--I-- I gave it up because I wanted to be a better father, but William accepts the idea that I'm the Green Arrow, plus I don't want to give it up.

I don't know why.

I do.

Because being the Green Arrow's what makes you feel complete.

- Hmm.

- For some reason, when you-- you put that hood on, it enables you to become the best version of yourself.

We're supposed to be talking about you.

Maybe we are.


I don't know.

Maybe that's the reason why I can't seem to give this life up.

II don't know.

Maybe I'm hoping that somehow I'll get the same thing and find the best version of myself, whoever she is.

John: Athena's group of assassins--found them.

- Where are they?

- Star City gas plant.

John: They can cut off the city's entire supply.

Roy: Or worse, they could blow it up.


It's not their M.


It is if they're using the plant to leverage us into giving up the map.

Felicity: Clearly, Athena doesn't know you very well.


Well, too bad.

It's not Ollie's choice.

It's mine.

You can't give in to them.

I can't let them hold the city hostage, ok?

This is still my home.

So what, am I going alone?

Oliver: Overwatch, do you have eyes on the Guild?

No, not yet, but I'm reading a frequency spike, which means they just activated a b*mb.

Nyssa: Athena's way of putting pressure on our negotiation.

Let's fan out and find the b*mb.

Multiple heat signatures, guys.

They got you surrounded.

Head on a swivel.

Well, where are the new assassins?


Thea: You want your map so bad?

Come out.

Thea: Let's talk.

Athena: Perhaps your father taught you some sense after all, but you are mistaken if you think that all we want is the map.

[Whooshing.] The map is meaningless without spilling your blood.

You're really starting to piss me off.

[Grunting.] Your father spoke often about you.

He was always ashamed of your weakness.

[g*nsh*t.] Felicity: Don't forget, guys.

We still have a b*mb situation.

There's always a b*mb situation.

I can trace the frequency root of the detonator.

It's 17 feet to your right.

- Lead the way.

- Up.

Merlyn said he tried to teach you to be strong.

Clearly he failed.

I'm not my father.

[Grunting.] This isn't working.

I know.

It's a collapsible circuit.

I can freeze it.

I've done it before.



It's a Mercury switch.

That will definitely set it off.

- What do I do?

- You canShort-circuit it.

You know, I'm kind of out of electricity arrows right now at the moment, Felicity.

Felicity: Green Arrow.

[Both grunting.] On its way!

Got it.


Nice work.


You have lost.

It's as clear as your imminent death.

You don't know what you're talking about.

I know that you bleed.

I win.

You don't want to do that.


Are you all right?

Learned a few tricks from Merlyn.


Where did she go?

That woman is hard to k*ll.

Were you really going to burn it?

To ashes.

The other assassins either fled, or they're wrapped up.

John: I really didn't miss those guys.

Speedy, the map.

[Dripping.] They were being literal.

They needed your blood to spill.

That's definitely not "X" marks the spot.

- Wait.

Where does it lead?

- I believe I know where.

Felicity: Nanolithography.

The map's printed with bacteria.

Roy: Ugh.

That's gross.

Felicity: And when exposed to the enzymes in Thea's DNA, it will reveal itself.

John: Ancient league secret?

Felicity: No, no, no.

This is bleeding edge science.

This requires an atomic force microscope.

- Leave it to Merlyn.

- Nyssa, you said you know - what this map leads to.

- These are Ley lines.

Oh, great.

Ley lines.


We had some experience with those with Damien Darhk.

These are different.

I thought they only intersected in one place on earth.

John: Doesn't look that way from this.

Nyssa: Indeed.

These lines are global and suggest the existence of 3 intersections of the kind I thought only existed at Nanda Parbat.

Right, but what only exists on Nanda Parbat really?

I mean, besides really depressing decor.

I know now why Merlyn called his new league the Thanatos guild.

Thanatos is the personification of death in Greek mythology.

Nyssa: Exactly.

I believe these lines suggest the existence of 3 installments.

- But 3 what?

- Your father discovered the existence of 3 Lazarus pits.

Of course he did.


Thea, come on.

Oliver: Hey, Roy.

Just let's give her some space.

Curtis: Oh.


Nick, or should I just call you officer because we're at work?

Nick's fine.

You're becoming a regular around here.


Well, you know, I was just stopping by.

To see Lieutenant Drake?

To ask you out to dinner or--or drinks or, like, just coffee, or we could just, like, walk down the street and talk.

- I mean-- - Yes.


-I get off of work tonight at 7:00.


So should we say 8:00?

8:00 is awesome.


8:00 is perfect.


Yeah, I mean, I'll make reservations, and I'll text you.

Sounds like a plan.

See you tonight.


- Hey.

- What are you doing here?

Getting back on the horse, D. , back in the game, back in the saddle.

I'm gonna get really right into-- What's wrong?

I checked intake and evidence lockup for any Vertigo-related cases.

- And?

- There aren't any.

Is that not a good thing?

There aren't any vertigo cases because they've all been kicked and the evidence released by Captain Hill.

So she's dirty, and she did it for Diaz.

Ricardo Diaz is pushing Vertigo.




I'm--I'm sorry for storming out last night.

It--I just really needed some space, but it--it really had nothing to do with you.

It's fine.

I'm just trying to figure out if you packed that bag to come with me or--or Nyssa.

I mean, it's pretty obvious she wants to destroy the new Lazarus pits just like she did with the original one.

I mean, well, can you blame her?

I mean, what would happen if the League or the Guild or just anyone got their hands on it, how dangerous that would be?

So you--you are gonna go with Nyssa?


Last night, Ollie and I were talking, and we were talking about how when, you know, he becomes the Green Arrow, he-- he feels complete, and I was thinking that maybe that's because when-- when he puts that hood on, he gets to right our father's wrongs, and maybe this-- this could be my calling, this--this could be whatI've been looking for.

So you've made up your mind?

You know what?

So have I.

[Sighs.] - I'm gonna go with you.

- What?



You don't need to do that.

Yes, I do.

I told you it doesn't matter where we go as long as we go together.


How did I get to be so lucky?


Let me think.

I think it has something to do with a stolen purse.


Oliver: Just--just be careful, all right?

And if you need anything-- and if you don't need anything, just--just call me.

Keep her safe.

You know I will.

I missed you.

You drew her back into this, Nyssa.

That carries with it a certain responsibility.

Thea's your sister and the daughter of Malcolm Merlyn.

She has less need of protection than you think.

This is a Horchis dagger.

In the League of Assassins, it symbolizes the cutting of marital bonds.

I hereby annul our marriage.

Heh heh.

Nyssa, as--as wedding gifts go, this, uh, isn't half bad.

Be well, Oliver.

WellThis is it.

Thanks for clearing a few things up for me.

Of course.

- One more piece of advice.

- Sure.

If you're gonna wear the hood, you shouldn't string John along anymore.

Thought I was the one who gave the wise sibling advice.


That has never been the case.

I am gonna miss you so much.

You'll be with me the whole time.

Good-bye, Speedy.