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02x02 - Inside Out

Posted: 11/28/19 09:09
by bunniefuu
Watch dogs, report to gate control A.

Watch dogs, please report to gate control A.

Uh, she's good.

Deputy Superintendent Harding, please.

And what is your business with the Superintendent?

I'm from the Public Defender's office.


Harding, sir, this is Officer Kane down in Security.

- There's a lawyer here - Sarah Pitman.

Says she needs to speak to you.

Uh-huh, I understand, sir.

Go ahead in.

Squeezing you in, Ms.

Pitman, so if you wouldn't mind getting - right to the point.

- Don't much care for lawyers, do you, Mr.


It's my line of work, you understand.

It's called the justice system, Mr.


We all play a part in seeing justice done.

Goes without saying.

Then why is my client, Peter Murphy, still locked up?

Beg your pardon?

His debt to society is paid in full.

He was supposed to have been released ten days ago.

Ten days, Mr.


- Name again?

- Peter Murphy.

He's not the first prisoner unlawfully held past his court-mandated release date at this institution.

I have a file full of news clippings in my briefcase, if you'd like to see 'em.


May I see?

If this release date is right, he should be out.

That's his release date, but that's not his photograph.

Are you sure?

I know my own client, Mr.


That's his file.

That's not his face.

Does this happen a lot?

Well, how soon can you have him out?

Just hold on.

I'll be right back.

- You getting these?

- Yeah, how'd it go?

He's taking the bait.

I like that one with him and the Governor.

I think this guy's all wrong.

No, trust me, he's all right.

I worry when you say, "Trust me.

" Marjorie, I spent three years in there.

I know these guys.

Duane Harding's a career bureaucrat who's about to retire after 30 years on the job.

The last thing he wants is a lawsuit or a scandal.

- It feels like very long odds.

- Listen, I'm telling you, we're gonna have Pete out by nightfall, we have to, 'cause without Pete, there's no Maggie, - and with no Maggie - You're up against two guys who'll k*ll you and the whole family just to find her.


I know I was missing one headlight, not two.

- You sure?

- Yes, I'm sure.

It may be an old piece of shit, but I know how many headlights I need to replace.

The second one went missing after I smashed into Winslow's car.

Yeah, but but then Pete drove the truck to the city and back.

It could've been lost anywhere.

Yeah, and the police could've retrieved it at the crime scene, which ties my truck to Winslow's m*rder.


- I'll check evidence.

- In Fairfield?

The case got moved to Bridgeport.

Don't worry, okay?

Just to be safe, let's get it replaced, but we don't want a paper trail, so get the replacements from a salvage yard.

- Pay cash.

- Oh, Taylor.

Don't worry, Grandma.

Don't worry.

It's all gonna be fine, okay?

All right?

I'll check the evidence and call you.


I yelled for you downstairs.

My bad.

Uh, where are the kids?

Uh I dropped Jacob at daycare.

Ellen's in the kitchen, having cereal.


Uh Thanks for taking her to school.

Yeah, my pleasure.

Um, you be at the office?

In a while.

I have this errand thing I have to do first.

That sounds mysterious.

It's the DMV.

Wanna come?

- Uh, tempting, but - Didn't think so.


I kinda recognize the name, but I couldn't tell you what he looks like.

We got more than 1,800 inmates down there.

She's right about the release date.

Yeah, well I can't explain that.

I don't need you to explain it.

I need you to get your ass down to the cellblock, tell me if that's his face or not.

Yes, sir.



Oh, shit!

- Hey, watch yourself.

- Sorry?

Our friend from the NYPD just landed.

She's gonna wanna talk to you about the time Winslow came in.


I mean, there's not much to tell her, but sure.

How long is she gonna be here?

She said, "As long as it takes.

" We'll keep the static to a minimum.

Try to get it over as quick as we can, like a rectal exam.

Copy that.


Is that your card?


How 'bout that?

Come on, now you're just guessing.

f*ck you I'm guessing.

You wanna raise the bet?


I actually yes, I do.

Make it double.

That's your f*cking card.

Pay up.

What's your name, inmate?

Sergeant asked you a question.

Pete Murphy.


Hold still.

Hey What's what's going on?


We're done.

- I told you.

- And this guy in the photo?

Marius Josipovic.

Got his release a couple of weeks ago.

Here's the file copy, dated three years ago.

Somebody switched up the photos.

Also changed the release date, pushed it up nearly two years.

We got a situation.

What are you gonna tell his lawyer?

Ma'am, we're gonna have to look into this.

It's gonna take a little time.

Well, what is there to look into?

His release date is right here in black and white.

Well, to be honest, there's some confusion - about that release date.

- What kind of confusion?

I can't talk to you about that.

- I beg your pardon?

- You heard me.

Are you familiar with Section 983?

You talking about Section 1983?

Don't patronize me, Mr.


U. S. Code 42 - Section 1983.

- Yes, ma'am.

We can sue you and the Warden and other officers in this prison as individuals for the violation of Peter Murphy's constitutional rights.

Well, I hope that won't be necessary.

Oh, for God's sake.

First call I make when I walk out of here - will be to Bob Schreier.

- Who?

Your supervisor at the Department of Corrections District Office.

You mean Carol Jenson?

Excuse me, Schreier must be another case.

Where did you get this?

You left it at the farmhouse that night.

Look on the back.

"Marius Josipovic.

" That's who Winslow wanted to talk to cousin Pete about.

What's your point, Nancy Drew?

He was looking for this Marius guy.

Hey, maybe he found him.

- Maybe that's why he's dead.

- So, you think that this this this Marius Josipovic k*lled Winslow?

It's possible, isn't it?

Listen, Carly Look, I know I know, it's it's fun to play detective.

f*ck you, Taylor.

Uh, maybe I'm right.

- You're not.

- How do you know?

I just know.


You were really pissed off when you went looking for Winslow that night.

Wait So so so now now you think that that I k*lled Winslow?

- Really?

- Did you?


Carly of course not.

I don't I don't even understand how you think that.

I don't know, everybody in this family's - always keeping secrets.

- Carly I didn't do it.

Then I I don't get why you're not interested in who did.

I am.

I am interested in who did it, and I will give this to the detective in charge of the investigation, But listen to me, Carly, Winslow is dead, because he was in business with some very dangerous people, okay?

And they are still out there.

So listen to me, please.

Let this go Hm?


Carol Jenson, Department of Corrections.

Let's check social media.

There must be a million Carol Jensons out there.

Yeah, but there's only five that live in the southern corrections district, and four have profile pictures that look nothing like Carol Jenson.

Kay, so camera-shy Carol might be our girl.

Only public information is "Friends.

" See if any of her friends have a public feed.

Wait, wait, looks like Carol was tagged in a photo posted by Susie Castro on Instagram.

- Do you see that?

- "Another amazing dinner with @carolj74.

" I got her.

Let's see what Carol's all about.

One fine dining experience after another.

Looks like Carol's a serious foodie.

Sammy Otto, what are you doing here?

I saw you through the window.

I just wanted say thanks for yesterday.

All I did was drink your beer and give you shit.

Well, sometimes that's enough.

You want breakfast, or what Yeah, uh, maybe maybe, uh maybe some coffee.


Actually, no.

I've been looking for you.

What'd I do?

I mean, what what's wrong?

I got car trouble.

What kinda car trouble?

Uh, the house painter we talked about, it's his car.

He left it parked near Irish Moe's, and Moe is afraid it's gonna come back on him.

ANB Bail Bonds.

Sean, Sam.

Uh, car issue this morning.

Probably be a little late.

Eh, it's pretty quiet right now.

Just don't make it too long, okay?

Thanks, boss.


Hey, man pink Corvette on the billboard it really yours?

It's a company car.

'Cause I saw it the other night parked off the, uh uh, Black Rock Turnpike.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah.

Hey, so the who's the model, man?

'Cause she's hot.

That's my wife.

Oh, so the blue one must be yours then, right?

What blue one?




- Hey, Grandma.

- Did you find it?

Uh, no, I wasn't able to get into the Evidence Room yet.

- Well, how hard can it be?

- I'm doing my best, okay?

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just I'm just so shaky, and I No, I understand.

Look, I gotta I gotta - I gotta go.

- But there's something - I forgot to tell you.

- What?

There were two crashes that night.

I'm not sure if the police know about the first Grandma, we can talk about this later, okay?

Love you.

But what if that's where I lost the headlight?



Hi, you've reached Taylor's pho - Administration.

- Carol Jenson?


This is Carol Jenson, @carolj74?

That is my Instagram handle, yes.

Hi, this is Duncan Walker.

I'm the outreach manager for Cafe Blonde.

- How are you today?

- Uh uh I'm fine.

What can I do for you, Mr.


Uh, yeah, call me Duncan.

I, uh listen, I'm I'm not sure if you're familiar with our establishment or not, but, uh No, of course I am familiar with Cafe Blonde.

Oh, have you dined with us before?


I have tried several times, but it is very hard to get a reservation.

Yeah, victims of our own success.

Uh, that's why we're reaching out to up-and-coming online influencers, like yourself, Carol.

Uh, influencer?

Ha That is hardly me.

Well, permit me to disagree.

I read dozens of food blogs and Instagram feeds, Twitter feeds, and Carol, I honestly can't believe you're not a professional food critic.

Well, um you are too too kind.

Which is why we would like you to be our guest today for lunch at Cafe Blonde.

Wait, is this a is this a prank?

I was never more serious in my life.

We we just want you telling your Instagram followers what you think of us.

Please say yes.

Um yes.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Get away from the SUV!

Hi I'm Julia, from Bernhardt Bail Bonds.

I'd like to talk to Luis.

We've bailed out a lot of his people over the years, also his sister, his little brother, his mom.

He knows me.

Tell him it's Little Blondie.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

I'm sorry, I have an appointment with Duncan.

- Um Carol - Duncan?

- Right this way, please.

- Oh, hi.

- I hope you found us okay.

- Oh, absolutely.

- We have a lovely table for you - right by the window.

- Oh, my goodness, that's beautiful.

Do you want me to take your purse?

- Thank you.

- Here you go.


This is Emilio.

He'll be your server today.

- Sir?

- This is Carol Jenson.

Oh, Ms.

Jenson, I've heard so much about you.

Listen, we just found out she's pregnant.

Her coworkers are trying to throw her a surprise shower, so they need to get her out of the office.

She's always wanted to eat here.

It's lovely to finally meet you.

I'm gonna leave you in Emilio's very capable hands.

- Bon appétit.

- Oh Oui.

I never heard back from Otto.

Well, I actually didn't tell him that you called yet.

But I will.

I promise.

I ask for Otto, you don't tell Otto, but you drive all the way out here to tell me you didn't tell him?


You got my attention.

Well, I actually was remembering how you used to come into the bail office.

- I think I was about ten?

- Skinny little thing hiding in the back with her schoolwork.

- Yeah, you used to scare me.

- Used to?

Hey, I scare myself sometimes.

Point is, we got history, right?

Eh, so how 'bout you state your business.

You used to own a coin laundry.

- I own seven now.

- Oh, uh, congratulations.

Oh, yeah, everybody's got dirty laundry, you know?

That yeah, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.

See, I have, um, some valuable, uh let's say linens, and I am really not sure how to launder them.

Mm-hmm, are we talking presidential-type linen?


Ooh Commission on that be 20%.

But on account of our history, - I'll just do it.

- Oh Friend-of-the-family discount, huh?

Mr. Mercado, that would be amazing.

Ah, we're doing business.

Call me Luis.

Thank you, uh, Luis.

And I tell you what you can do for me.

Don't worry, it's not illegal.

Friend of mine, name of Valerie Abeyta, got arrested.

Hey, you bond out Valerie, I'll take care of your linen.

Is Ms. Abeyta by any chance considered a flight risk?

She's got U. S.

and Mexican passports.

That a flight risk?

Well Eh, I guess that's why the bail is high.

But like I said, Valerie's a friend.

Hate to see her locked up in a cage.

Let me guess, you you tried other bail bond companies?

A few.

I really, really appreciate this opportunity, Luis.

Could I have 24 hours just to think it over?

Well, Valerie ain't going anywhere.

But just so we're clear, no bail, no laundry.

- Hey, babe, lunch?

- Great idea.

Hey, let's take my car.

Uh okay, sure.

Sounds like you've been having some trouble with the pink lady.

- What do you mean?

- Somebody saw her parked off of Black Rock Turnpike the other night.

- I don't think so.

- Last Thursday?

When I was in Hartford?

Otherwise, you would've called, right?

Oh Yeah, there's, uh there was a reason I didn't mention that.

I got pulled over.

Traffic stop.

- Really?

- Yeah, by guess who?

You tell me.

Who do you think would pull me over for a broken taillight when I didn't even have one?

Taylor, in his dad's old Plymouth Fury, like he's still in high school, which, in a way, he still is.

Why didn't you say anything about it before?

I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction, and you have enough on your plate.

Babe, you don't need to protect me.

It's the Bernhardts who are gonna need protecting.

The artichoke salad with mint aioli.

That's the best salad on the menu.

Oh, good.

And the brown butter hazelnut torte.

That's amazing too.

You won't be disappointed.

I can't wait.

Oh, could you hand me my, uh, purse?

- Oh, of course.

- Thank you.

You're welcome.

Artichoke salad with mint aioli.

Oh, I have to post this.

This is Duane.

How are you, Ms.


Duane, it's Scott Emerson from the Governor's office.

- Sorry, who?

Scott Emerson.

Uh, Carol asked me to call you, but but we've met before.

- We have?

Yeah, the, uh the day you got your picture taken with the Governor.

Oh, yes, of course.

Tall, sandy-haired fellow?


Yep, that's me.

Uh, look, you had a visit today from a lawyer named Sarah Pitman.

- Real pain in the ass.


Oh, yeah, we call her Pitman the Pit Bull.

Well, that's the one.

Well, after she left you, she called Carol, and then Carol called me at the Field Office, and we started getting into this.

- Sorry about all the fuss.

- No, it turns out this lawyer might've done us all a big favor.

That's why Carol wanted me to loop you in.

She's she's busy working with the cybersecurity guys right now, otherwise she would've called you herself.


Uh, they're they're trying to figure out how Marius Josipovic's picture got into Pete Murphy's file.

- Got any ideas?

- Yeah, they do, but, uh, it's not good news.


- Ma'am, is something wrong?

- Uh, my my ID badge, I'm almost certain I Um, I'm, uh, so sorry, Emilio.

I I will be back.

- It's hackers, Duane.

- You serious?

As a heart attack.

Well, how bad?

Uh, well, that's what Carol's working with our I. T. guys to figure out.

You know, it could be a little one-time intrusion, but since our system's based on a two-factor identification, it could be bigger, a lot bigger.

Or it could turn out to be no big deal.

Do you know what I'm saying, Duane?

You're saying we don't wanna overreact.


We we just don't want the Warden or, God forbid, the Governor involved, unless it's absolutely necessary, do we?

Uh, is there anything that I can do?

This lawyer, Pitman the Pit Bull, we don't want her going to court, or, even worse, calling the media about this.

You need to neutralize her, Duane.

- How?

- Give her Pete Murphy.

Walt Walt, I must've left my ID badge upstairs.

Do you mind?

I'll bring it right back down.

Thank you.

Don't I need some kinda authorization?


Duane, you told me yourself that the file says he's overdue for release.

But the the date on the hardcopy Look, if Pitman files a lawsuit, it's gonna blow this whole thing wide open.

The media's gonna call it a major breach in security, and give the department and the Governor a black eye.

Is that what you want?


No, and then she's gonna come after you, Duane.

Do you really wanna spend the first three years of your retirement giving depositions and going to court, having prisoners' rights protesters marching outside your house?

No, you don't wanna do that, do you?

Absolutely not, no.

Plus, we're not talking about a m*rder*r here.

Pete Murphy isn't isn't a public menace.

That's true.

No, he's not.

No, he's an idiot who tried to rob a g*n range.

- Sure, but, uh - You know what, Duane, let's switch gears here.

Uh, I'm gonna call the Commissioner.

What's your fax number?

Okay, I put the license plate into the DMV system, got the VIN number, and now I'm using this frankly illegal application to talk to the car's security system and reprogram the doors and ignition codes.

Jesus, it used to be all you needed was a Slim Jim and a pair of wire strippers.

A lot harder to steal a car these days.

- We're not stealing their car.

- What would you call it?

We're doing Irish Moe a solid.

I'll remember to tell the judge.

Okay, there you go.

There you go.

$4,000 security system, - defeated by a $60 app.

- Great.

I'll unlock it when you're ready, then I'm gone.

Any time!


Detective Roby?

- That's right.

- I'm Officer Bowman Taylor.

I'm the guy who talked to Detective Winslow when he was here.

You you wanted to interview me.

I do, but not right now.

Oh, no, I didn't I didn't mean right now.

I just I was just introducing myself.

I'll have Detective Lockley come find you, when I'm ready.

All right.

Uh, door, um open or closed?


- How do you mean that exactly?

- It says it right here.

His release date was eleven days ago.

- We're out of compliance.

- But the file copy says he's got two years left on his bit.

Would you forget the damn file copy?

I have personal authorization from the Commissioner's office right here.

Am I gonna get a release order?

What the hell is the matter with you?

If the Commissioner's office says to kick him, we kick him.

Is that clear?

- Hey.

- Sean knows.

- What?

- Somebody saw our cars parked in that turnout the other night, and told Sean.

Wait, did he did he say something to you?

He he asked if I had car trouble, but he was just testing me.

And what'd you say?

Uh, I told him that you pulled me over, you know, a a traffic stop, to hassle me again.

That's perfect.

That's perfect.

But what if he didn't believe it?

Look, Shannon, he hates my guts, okay?

Your story just confirms what an assh*le I am.

It's it's the best answer you could've given.

Taylor, I love Hey, Detective.

You ready?

I'm gonna go take a look at Winslow's car.

- Then we'll talk.

- I'll be here.


I had just started the second shift, covering the front desk, and I hear this voice say, uh, "Is anybody here?" Or something like that.

And I could tell by his tone and his, um, demeanor that he was annoyed.

Did he say something specific?

No, he just had that big city homicide detective vibe.

What vibe is that?

You know uh, just, uh little impatient with the slower pace of life here, present company excepted.

What happened then?

Well, he said he was looking for somebody that he thought was in the Bridgeport area.

But, uh, he appeared to be holding a photograph of the individual.

- Man or woman?

- I no, I just saw the back of the photo.

And then his cell phone rang, and he said he'd be right back.

Walked out the door.

End of story.

And you never saw him again?

No, ma'am, never saw him again.

- He show you his badge?

- Mm-hmm That's how I knew he was NYPD.

But he never told you his name?

Mm, no, but, uh you don't forget that eye.


Far enough?


That's a nice car.

Who said it wasn't?

I'm just saying.

Well, it's gotta disappear, the only way it doesn't come back on our friend.

Thanks, Sammy, I owe you.

You think maybe it'd be easier if you'd just left me there in the jungle that day?

I know I do.

All right, where am I gonna drop you?

- Murphy - Yes, sir?

Come with me.

Wh what what did I do?

You got lucky.

Yeah, I'll see you on the street, bitch.

Yeah, I'm still gonna get you, assh*le.

All right, all right, come on.


Marius, you got a text.


We did it.

They got him out.

No no, ma'am.

No No, that's Animal Control.

Right yeah I'll, uh I'll I'll transfer you to City Services, and they can connect you, okay?

S stay on the line.

Stay on the line.

Hey, I gotta get back to the city for this thing.

Do you mind locking these back into Evidence for me?

- Not a problem.

- Thanks.

Look I get it.

I come in here, second-guessing your work, looking over everybody's shoulder.

- It's - No, I understand, you know.

Winslow was one of your own.

Course you wanna make sure we get it right.

I mean, shoe was on the other foot, I'd I'd do the same.

Besides, it's it's not it's not my work that you are second-guessing.

It's the detectives'.

I'll be back tomorrow.


Sorry, Grandma.

You were about to f*cking k*ll me!


Ow Oh, my G Oh God, you scared me half to death.

Looks like you lost something.

Yeah yeah, an earring.

I I lost it the other day hiking.

I was hoping maybe I'd find it again, but, uh, it's like it's like it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

You miss the "No Trespassing" sign back along the way?

Oh, sorry, is is this your property?

Third generation.

It's a beautiful place.

Very peaceful.

Fella got shot dead in his car the other night - Oh, my.

- Down that way.

Blew his brains clean out.

Police have been talking to everybody here about I really have to go.

I I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you.

Take care.

You got a brown streak on your nose.


What are you what are you talking about?

It must be from that ass-kissing you laid on our friend from the NYPD.

I didn't kiss any ass.

I just I kept the static to a minimum, like you said.

Well, you must've did something right, because she requested you to be her liaison.


No, I'm not gonna no, I'm not gonna do that.

No way.

What makes you think you got a choice?

Plus, it'll get you off the desk for a couple days.

- You want me to do it?

- I want you to do whatever's gonna get her gone, quickly.

How you doing, kid?

Fine, Sam, thanks.

Uh, Sean wants to see you in his office.

You wanted me?

Yeah, come in, come in.

Shut the door.

What's up?

You get that car trouble taken care of?

Yeah, it's all good, thanks.

Yeah, you're a valued employee, Sam.

Um, I don't mind giving you flex time.

I trust you.

Oh, good to hear.

Good to hear it.

Uh uh, is that it?

I need you to run a surveillance for me.

- Okay.

- It'll be off the books.

I'll pay you myself.

I don't want anyone else to know about it.

Uh, who's the target?

My wife.

I'm here to pick up Pete Murphy.

I was told he's being released.

Not on the list.

I was assured that he would be here by Deputy Superintendent Harding.



This is Officer Kane, Security.

I've got a lawyer here, says you told her that Pete Murphy was getting out?

I told you to get Pete Murphy out of here.

- And I handled it.

- Well, his lawyer's waiting for him down at Security, and he ain't there.

Well, I couldn't just walk him out the front door without that coming back on me now, could I?

Mm-mm But he's gone.


I talked to a C. O.

I know, told him you'd recommend a bump in his pay grade if he helped us, so he did.


The good news is, he's out.

So, where is he?

That's the bad news.


No, wait!

Hey, wait for me!

Stop the bus!


What the f*ck?