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03x01 - A Budding Romance

Posted: 11/28/19 07:59
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Good Witch - I saw you and Sam.

- Give me time.

- Of course.

There were complications with the patient and - Sam.

- I couldn't save him.

- Nick, this is - Courtney.

- Courtney.

- Hey.

Some mornings, right when I wake up, I realize I'm thinking about Jake and I remember.

- You lied to me?

- I was trying to protect you.

You may have ruined my one chance at reconnecting with my mother.

When I woke up this morning, I was thinking about you.

(phone chiming)

- - (cell phone ringing)


You don't have to pick me up, Brandon, I can just walk home.

It's not that far.


Okay, I'll look for you out front.

I am going out for a bit.

Would you mind watching the store?

- Sure.

- 'Kay.

- Have you tried the Quadrivium?

- Excuse me?

It's one of my favorite candles.

It really helps when you have a lot of thinking to do.

Sounds like exactly what I need.

- Thanks.

- Sure.

- Oh, hey.

- Hi.

Oh, you look like you're in a hurry.

Where are you heading?

Oh, just out.

- Oh.

Well, enjoy "out.

" - Hey, - these photos are really cool.

- Oh wow, yeah.

I've never seen these before.

Are they new?

Yeah, I just got them in today.

I really liked how the photographer captured nature from such a unique viewpoint.

Life from a different perspective.

- (phone chiming)

- Oh.

Uh, gotta run.

I've got a place I need to be.

What time shall I be back?

You've got a two o'clock and back-to-back appointments after that.

Better get moving.

- Martha.

Did you have an appointment?

- No, no, no.

But I do need to see a physician at once.

Someone's waiting to meet me.

And I'm sure they won't mind that you were tending to the mayor.

- What seems to be the problem?

- Well, nothing too major, but I do get this odd, tingly feeling in my elbow every time I try to get someone's attention by going Yoo-hoo!

Oh, look, there it is right there.

I know it's probably nothing.

I just want to hear it from a doctor.

- I think I can do a quick exam.

- I feel better already.

- Hello, Sam.

- (chuckling)



Yeah, the Middleton Botanical Gardens are very enchanting.

Not talking about the gardens.

Sorry I'm late.

I had a patient who was just, um, desperate to see me.

- Well, I'm glad you could make it out.

- Yeah, me too.


I didn't mean to break up the party.

That's okay, the party can move.

Martha asked me to do some plant care here at the garden.

I wanted to get started in the midday sun.

We should get out of your way.

- What is this?

- That's the Middleton Merriwick.

The one and only.

I figured you would've come out to see it.

I'm not really a "wander through the garden" kind of guy.

Everybody who lives here knows about the Merriwick.

That plant is very important to our town.

I like that I live in a town that has an important plant.

The flower on that thing, when it blooms absolutely amazing.

It's only bloomed 3 or 4 times since Elizabeth Merriwick planted it over 150 years ago.

But when it does, wonderful and magical things happen throughout Middleton.

All because of a plant.

Not just a plant.

That's the Merriwick.

- When's it supposed to bloom again?

- No one ever knows.

But you can tell when it's about to by how green the leaves get - and how tall the stalk sh**t up.

- It looks pretty tall to me.

Those leaves are about as green as they can get.

- Would you look at that.

- What are we looking at?

The last time, just before this plant bloomed, the Merriwick looked exactly like that.

I remember because I was - I was a little younger.

- So, what does that mean for now?

This is the year the Merriwick blooms again.

Did you hear the news?

About the Middleton Merriwick?

I know!

It's exactly the shot in the arm that this town needs so that everyone knows this could be one of our best years yet.

I heard that one year, when it bloomed, there was a rainbow that lasted for seven days in a row.

That might be a rumor, but no one can say it didn't happen, so who knows what that flower might inspire this time?

Well, I'm just excited we all get to see it.

Oh, Chief Sanders.

Did we get those "Home of the Middleton Merriwick" stickers in yet?

I'm picking them up from the printers.

Make sure and put one on every traffic ticket you hand out.

Wait, you're putting stickers on traffic tickets?

- To get the word out, yes.

- So right after someone hears, "Do you know how fast you were going?" they'll be in the mood to learn about one of the best things this town has to offer?

Oh, perhaps I didn't think this through carefully enough.

You know what?

Put a hold on those stickers until I come up - with a better idea.

- Yes, Ma'am.

I just want to document the Merriwick for all of posterity.

It's been known to all of us here, but this is our big chance - to let the whole world know.

- I'll make sure and mention it to anyone who looks like they're from out of town.

Ooh, point out that one of the first times it bloomed, marriage proposals in Middleton tripled the following year.

- Is that really true?

- Maybe.

That's what they tell me.

She could be the one.

Don't let him get away!

Welcome to Grey House.

- Oh, hi.

- Hi.

I was just admiring your beautiful landscape.

You know, I've never seen an apical bud so large on top of a dichotomous plant.

You sound like a woman who knows her way around a garden.

I'm a botanist.

- Oh.

- I like to say that out loud so my parents know they didn't waste their money on my degree.

- (laughing)

I'm Cassie Nightingale.

- Daphne Randall.

Nice to meet you.

- Oh yes, I have your reservation.

- Thank you.

You know, I've been hearing all of this talk about some rare plant - here in town that's about to bloom.

- The Middleton Merriwick.


I didn't realize it already had a name.

Well, it's more traditional than phytological.


You know, the university sent me here to verify the plant and I just can't wait to get to the Gardens to determine its species.

Then I should set you up with our mayor.

She is very eager to show people what's special about her town.

And I'm just as eager to document what, as far as I can tell, nobody's ever documented before.

So this could be the chance to make a name for yourself.

Which would mean that degree of mine was worth every cent.

- Let me show you to your room.

- Thank you.

- Can I help you?

- Yes.

Do you have any flowers?


Now, are they for that special someone - in your life?

- They're for Cassie.

Well, I guess this means you two are officially a thing.

Yeah, I guess we are.

Although we haven't made any big announcement.

Well, I'll be sure to keep it to myself, then.

It's not exactly a secret.

Hm, you never know who has or hasn't heard.

Why don't I pick out a big bouquet that Cassie can put right in the middle of her kitchen?

Sounds perfect.

I'm always here to give people exactly what they need.

Wait, our school has a photography club?

Yeah, and I'm thinking about joining.

They give you a camera and let you take pictures of whatever you want.

Do you get out of class to do it?

- I don't think so.

- Then I don't see the appeal.

- Mm-mm.


- Hey.

- Oh, hey.

- Where you headed?

- Home.

- But mine is that way, so I'll see you later.



So, what did you guys do all day?


Then walking home from school.

Then running into you walking home from school.

Except we stopped at the park because Courtney wanted to hang upside down on the jungle gym.

- Just for fun?

- Yeah.

It looked like she was having fun, although her face was upside down so it was very hard to tell if she was smiling.

Maybe the next time you guys go there, we could all meet up.

Of course.

Oh, hey, I've got a biology test coming up.

Do you think you could help me study for it?


Are you feeling okay?

Nick Radford actually wants to study?


I actually decided I want to know stuff, alright?


Okay, tomorrow, - after school, at the Bistro?

- That's where I'll be.

The Middleton Botanical Gardens are known for their breathtaking floral collections.

I wasn't aware there was so much variety here.

Oh yes, we like to think we have some of the best-kept secrets in the state, not the least of which is right over here where you can find Cassie!

- Oh, Martha.


- Hi.

I was just telling Ms.

Randall about the natural wonders of these surroundings.

- Isn't it lovely?

- It's beautiful.

I like to come here for inspiration.

I especially get inspired standing right here.

- Is this the Merriwick?

- Named after Cassie's ancestors.

I didn't know you and the plant were connected.

In a spiritual sense, very much so.

But there are plenty of others who feed off the energy of the Merriwick just as much.

That's why it's so important to all of us.

A sense of community is deeply rooted here in Middleton.


- Can I take a closer look?

- Oh, please.

Be our guest.

I do love being able to get right up close.

Where the plant's aura is strongest.

Is there another plant like this in the gardens?


It lives on its own, separate from all the rest.

I've never seen anything like it.

So many things in this town are very unique.

No, but this this is more than that.

I suspect it might be sui generis.

There might not be another one like it on earth.

Then I can see why you're so interested in it.

Isn't this spectacular, Cassie?

Just think, right here in Middleton we have something that is almost certainly one-of-a-kind!

These flowers are beautiful.

Thank you, Sam.

I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.

It's nice to know.

And I just happen to be washing these vases, so I have the perfect one picked out.

Abigail says they can go right in the middle of the kitchen.

I'm afraid they'll get knocked over there.

I'll put them in the sun room.

- The sun room it is, then.

- I'll be right back.

- Oh, wow!

Who are those from?

- Me.

So you show up with flowers now?

I just wanted to surprise your mom.

- Hey, Sam.

- Hey.

This guy is an expert on the Middleton Merriwick now.

I bumped into him and your mom down at the Gardens.

Gave him a little history lesson.

You guys went to the Gardens together?


Was that supposed to be a secret?

Not exactly a secret.

So how much longer are you going to stand out there?


I was waiting to find the right time to knock.

- Can I come in?

- The door's open.

So This whole "you and Sam" thing is moving forward, huh?

Faster than I thought.


You and me both.

Last time we talked, you said you needed time to think about it.

Yeah, which is why it would've been nice to have been told there was a ticking clock before the two of you started ticking.

I had been meaning to find the right time to ask you how you felt about all this.

- So I guess the right time is now, huh?

- Seems like it.

So, how do you feel about all this?

I feel fine.

I mean, I really like Sam, and I see how happy he makes you.

It's just Go ahead.

It's just, everything has been "you and I" for so long, and now it's going to be more crowded than that.

My life will never be too crowded for you.

I know that.

I just wish you would have told me first.

Because now it just feels like I'm the last to find out.

Even though I think I probably already knew.

I should have known.

There's really no secrets in this house.

But now everything is out in the open.

Hey, those flowers were very pretty that he got you.

He has very good taste.

He does.

It's gonna be any day now.

That flower is looking more ready to open than a jar of jam on Sunday morning.

It's hard to tell.

I've been doing readings, and checking the pH balance, but You can check anything you want.

I'm just telling you what I know.

You must be one of the gardeners here.

- I show up when they need me.

- I'm from the university.

They sent you out here to dig in the dirt?

They sent me here to study botanical science.

Well, the Merriwick doesn't seem to care much about science.

- She just opens up when she wants to.

- Oh.

I didn't know anyone else was here.

Just a gardener and a scientist and now this town's very own flower shop owner, which makes you the third expert out of three.

That's me.

Abigail the flower shop girl.

Can you tell me anything about the other Middleton plant life?

I'm not quite the expert George thinks I am.

I've been trying to grow potted plants at my shop to sell and I don't seem to have one of those green thumbs.

Are you looking for something?



Just ideas.

That's why I come here.

Flower ideas.

You must be as eager as I am to see this one bloom.

Yeah, I hear it's stunning.

Maybe I can grow something just like it.

Anyway, it was nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

- George, I'll see you.

I should get back to work.

- All right.

Good luck.

- Thanks.

What are the distinguishing characteristics of a eukaryotic cell?

- A you-carry-a-what-now?

- Eukaryotic.

- It's a kind of cell.

- There's no way that's a word.

- You're making that up.

- No, no.

It is right here in the book.

- Let me see.

- No peeking.

Come on, let me see that!

No, no, no, no.

You are supposed to know this.

I'd know it if you gave me that book, Grace!


Fine, I give up.



The nucleus and the organelles are enclosed in a membrane.

Oh, okay, so it's like "Eukary" them inside something else.


Yeah, that is a great way to remember it.

It's 'cause I've got the best teacher in town.


Well, thanks for all the learning.

I'll try to remember to thank you during my graduation speech.

Oh no, no, you'd better, since I'll be the one speaking right after you're done.

- Bye, Grace.

- Bye.

- So - Hi.

What's going on with you and Nick?

Oh, nothing.

We were just studying.

- Uh-huh - What, "Uh-huh"?

It's just that he practically had his arm all the way around you, and then I saw him acting all sweet.



That is Nick just being Nick.

- Well, I'll say it again: uh-huh.

There's nothing going on between me and him!


Just make sure to let me know when the two of you start dating.

Okay, here's a lollipop.

See you next time.

Oh, Cassie.

I'll let Sam know you're here.

Oh, except I came here to bring something to you.

- Oh.

It's Malabathrum, grown in northern India.



Oh, smells like cinnamon.

And I love cinnamon.

It makes a great tea, very soothing.

But when you drink it, tell people it's Malabathrum keeps them guessing.

How did you know I would like something like this?

I thought it'd be something you could keep here in the office, for those days when nothing seems to be going right.

- Hey.

What are you doing here?

- She brought me some Malabathrum.

That's "cinnamon tea" if you were going to try to guess.

I wasn't.

Well, you never would have.

You know, before there were doctors like you, people used cinnamon as an anti-inflammatory.

Well, now that there are doctors like me, it goes much better on toast.

- What's next?

- You have a patient in exam room two.

No matter what I do, people just keep appearing in exam room two.

- Then I better let you get in there.

- Thanks for stopping by.

She actually came by to bring me some tea.

Well, then I'm glad my assistant likes tea.

I'll see you later.

- Say hi to your mom for me.

- Yeah.

Is everything okay?

Uh Nick just sent me a text.

"Need to ask you something important.

Tomorrow okay?" You were right.

Nick is going to ask me out.


- What are you making?

- Just something for dinner.


- You okay?

- Yeah, it didn't cut.

Let me do that.

- No, I've got it.

- Let me.

Oh, I called the plumber, by the way.

I said I was gonna call him.

Yeah, but I know you don't like having to deal with that kind of thing, so now you don't have to.

- You can stop acting this way.

- I'm acting?


I already told you I forgive you.

For telling me that my mom didn't call when she really was trying to get in touch with me.

So you, acting like this and doing this You don't have to.

I just want you to know that things are different.


They're way different.

And now we just have to figure out how to live with how different things are.

- Hey, Dad.

- Hey.

- Um, I wanna ask you something.

- Sure.

I know it's been a long time since you were my age, but I'll try to remember back that far.

There's this girl that I want to ask out and I'm trying to figure out exactly what to say.

A girl, huh?

Who is she?

I'm going to wait 'til after she says - yes to make that public.

- Of course she'll say yes.

I mean, what girl could resist the Radford charms?

So far?

Most of them.

Speak for yourself.

I might be a little old fashioned, but I always like to buy flowers and show up with them.

Nobody buys flowers when all you're doing is asking them out.

Okay, maybe I'm a little more old fashioned than I thought.

But there's not much to it, really.

You just say, "Hey, do you want to go somewhere some time and do something?" Then just stand there and wait, see if she says, "Sure.

" You just stand there?

Well, it helps if you have flowers, you can hide behind those.

So I guess it might be worth picking a few.

- Oh.

How are things with the Merriwick?

- Still waiting for it to bloom.

But you can't rush Mother Nature.

Since when have you become a shutterbug?

- What?

- The camera.

Oh, I joined the photography club at school.

Well, don't forget your grandpa if you need a model.

- The camera loves me.

- (chuckling)

- Hey, so how'd it go with Nick?

- What?

- Studying.

- Oh.




Well, everything's almost done here.

- You and Grace want to finish up?

- Sure.

And I wanna see some of those pictures you're taking.

- When they're ready, yes.

- Okay.

So you want to talk - about something?

- I think I do.

- It's a boy, isn't it?

- How did you know?

Men are attracted to Merriwicks.

It's our blessing and our curse.

It's mostly a blessing.

Although thereare a few that I have literally cursed.

It's just, I can't talk with Mom about this because she and Sam are dating, so it's weird to be thinking that my mom's boyfriend's son is about to ask me out.

Hang on, I need to follow the genealogy here.

Your mom's boyfriend's - Nick is gonna ask you out?

- Yeah.


Well, he knows a good thing when he sees it.

- Except - You're not sure you want him to.

- I don't know.

I mean, Nick and I are such great friends, right, but what if we dated and things didn't work out?

That could ruin everything.

So you're going to say no?

I don't know what I'm going to say.

Look, I've been asked out by way too many men to count.

And there's a few of them I actually wanted to stay friends with.

So what you have to do is, before he gets to the asking, you start talking about what a great friend he is to you, and then very smoothly transition into listing all the things you're looking for in a romantic partner, but make sure that nothing applies to him like, totally the opposite of him and he'll start to realize that he's not the guy for you.

He'll back down and eventually he won't even look at you that way ever again.

Well, he'll keep looking at you that way, but you just have to make sure you never look back.

And you think that'll work?

Well, there's always the curse thing, but I don't think we want to turn Nick - into a frog, do we?

- I don't think so.

- No.

- Come on, let's finish up.

You should probably make the salad.

I'm not sure I should be handling food.

I have so much dirt stuck under my fingernails.

Let me see.

Oh yeah, you're a mess.

I lost one of my favorite gardening gloves, which is frustrating because that thing fit like - A glove?

- A glove, yeah.

Cassie, I'm so glad you came by to visit.

I need your advice.

I just came by to return this book you gave me, - but I'm always available to talk.

- I wanna take advantage of the Middleton Merriwick blooming, but I don't know the best way - to let the public know that it's here.

- I'm sure you'll find the right way to make sure it gets seen.

Cassie, you always have such confidence in me.

Much more than I have in myself!

Let's see.

Goodness, I really should organize these shelves someday.


Oh my, look at this.

I haven't seen this book in ages.

The state tourism committee publishes this eye-catcher to showcase the plant life in this region.

I sell copies of it in my store.

It's very popular.

Yes, and it brings oodles of attention to whatever town has its flora featured on the cover.

Cassie, what if this year it could be our town?

With the Merriwick about to bloom, I'm sure we'd be a shoo-in to be the cover of the next edition!

Which would be the perfect way to make sure the public knows.

What a fantastic idea!

I'm so glad I thought of it.

I will call the committee and get them to come out and see our flower - when it is finally in full bloom.

- And then we can prepare for Middleton's most wonderful and magical year yet.

(intriguing music)

Cassie, are you all right?

I don't know.

I just felt I don't know.

I came here this morning to take some pictures like the ones I saw in your shop.

Now, I was sh**ting some cool angles on the ground right next to the Merriwick and I didn't even notice that anything was wrong until I took a step back and saw that.

Oh, my goodness!

I know.

Somebody took a stem right off of it.

Does this mean that the flower isn't gonna bloom?

It's hard to tell.

It has to bloom, so we can get the cover of that book and have a wonderful and magical year.

Cassie, I need this year to be wonderful and magical.

Wonderful and magical!

Now, I'm going to need to see those photos that you took.

I'm going to ask Chief Sanders to open an investigation so we can find out who did this and we can use your pictures as evidence.

- Yeah.

Of course.

- Is something wrong?

Yeah, this thing was at full power but now it won't turn back on.

Can't you just, you know, reach in and pull the pictures out?

It's digital.

I'm gonna have to take it home and charge it.

- And then you'll bring me copies?

- Yeah, or email them.

Oh, honestly, you kids and your technology.

Do you have the photos or not?

I will try to get them to you.

Thank you.

That's what I wanted to hear.

Oh dear.

Look at that poor thing.

- Do you think it's going to survive?

- It does look a bit off.

But it has to be okay.

It's going to be okay.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

- I bet she'd love those.

- Pardon me?

Well, if a guy like you bought flowers like this for a girl like me?

I know how I'd react.

Except, well, we're not dating.

At least not yet.

I actually need something for my aunt's funeral.


I'll get them somewhere else.

- Hey.

- What are you here for?

- Flowers.

For Cassie.

- Just making sure.

Didn't you just get flowers for Cassie?

Is there some kind of rule about how often a guy can give a person flowers?

Seems like overkill to me, but whatever keeps me in business, - I guess.

- What did that thing ever do to you?

- It's boring, that's what.

- Oh.

So, what do you think she'd like?

- Roses, perhaps?

- I was thinking roses.

- I'm actually out of roses.

- I saw one outside in a bucket.

Oh, I guess I still do have one left.

- One rose can be romantic, right?

- If you say so.

So, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Oh yes, I know.

And I know exactly what you're going to say.

- How can you already know that?

- I mean, I have a feeling.

You and your "feelings. " Look, Nick, we are you mean a lot to me.

- Okay.

- And we're really good friends.

Yeah, that's why I'm here.


So let's say that something were to get in the middle of that friendship, - then - Oh.

I'm starting to see - where this is going.

- Oh no.

Oh no, sh**t, Abigail told me I was supposed to sh**t!

You think that me asking Courtney out is gonna get in the way of me and you being friends.

You want to ask Courtney out?

Yeah, and I wanted you to help me with the right things to say.


- But you don't even think I should ask her.

No, no, no, I didn't say that.

- Then what are you saying?

- If you want to ask her, just go ahead and ask her.

- But what should I say?

- I don't know.

Just start off with "Hey" and then fill in the blanks from there.

Hey, do you want me to pick up something for dinner tonight?

- I can make something.

- Yeah, but you're working all day.

And somehow there are people who manage to do both.

I just don't want you to have to do so much because Because you don't think I can handle it?

I didn't say that.

But you keep treating me that way.

You pick me up and take me places like I'm in the third grade.

You stand over me while I'm working in the kitchen as if I can't do it.

I know that you try to protect me from my mom.

You don't have to protect me, Brandon.

You do enough protecting as part of your job.

So what do you want me to do?

I want you to stop treating me like a child.

I want you to start letting me make my own choices, even if that means I get hurt.


How was lunch?

- Fine.

- Yeah?

- When did these come in?

- Oh, yesterday morning.

- More Quadrivium candles.

- What does that word even mean?

I think it's Latin for "crossroads.

" - Huh.

- Can you help me find something?

- Of course.

- Ben's been working so hard lately, going from job to job, that he says his whole body hurts.

I just thought maybe one of your herbal cream mixtures might take away the soreness.

I'm sure we can find something.

Which is why I always come running to you.

You know, I'm sure any one of these is probably fine.

I wanna find the right one.

- Okay.

- Uh - Well, what about this one?

- I think that might do it, yeah.


How much do I owe you?

- Price is on the bottom.

- Oh.

I was kinda hoping you'd say, "It's a gift," like you always do, because I actually forgot my wallet at work.

Well, then it's a gift.

- You are so nice!

- Mm-hmm.

How bad is it?

Well, it's not good, that's all I know.

This was definitely done on purpose.

It's a cut, not a break.

- Will it affect the plant permanently?

- No, it shouldn't.

A cutting from one stalk doesn't generally affect the system down to the roots.

Except as you said yourself, the Middleton Merriwick is unique.

I'll set up a room at the station.

Start gathering evidence.

I want you to use the conference room so I can track your progress minute by minute.

- Yes, Ma'am.

- I hope you catch whoever did this.

We'll do everything we can.

It's nice to see others who care about the well-being of a plant as much as I do.

It's because of what that plant means.

To all of us.

All my life I've heard stories about the way this plant has inspired the people of Middleton and the wonderful things that happened whenever it bloomed.

Which is why we need to get the Merriwick back up to full power, or else well, I just can't even imagine what might happen to this town if we ever had to live without it!


So how did it go with your friend that I hope is still your friend?

It went.

But I think I should talk to Mom about it.

That's probably a good idea.

Maybe she's got a clearer head than I do right now.

Who's this friend you wanted to talk to me about?

- Nick.

- Are you two not getting along?

Oh no, we're getting along.

So much so that I thought he was going to ask me out.

I was honestly ready for it.

Then he didn't ask me out.

Instead, he wanted my advice on how to ask Courtney out.

- Hm.

And you didn't see that coming.

- Not even a little bit.

What would you have said to him if he did ask?

I would have said no.

Then you should have been honest with him and told him how you really feel.

I guess I didn't realize that was an option.

Why don't you tell me what you're feeling?

About Nick?

He's like a brother to me.

He's the kind of guy that stays in your life forever.

Not just some guy who wants to go out with me on a couple dates.

And there are gonna be a lot of other guys to ask you out on those.

I'm certain about that.

I don't know, Mom.

I just I'm just not certain - about anything today.

It's kind of weird.

- Yeah.

The whole town's been anxious, waiting for that flower to bloom.

- Do you think it ever will?

- I hope so.

I can't wait to see it, if it does.

Me, too.

And then you'll have a wonderful, magical year of your own.

- Hey.

- Hi.

I got you something.

- What is it?

- Well, I called some guys on the force and I managed to get a current phone number for your mom.

- I thought she changed it?

- She did.

And this is what it is right now.

I never thought I'd be able to get in touch with her again.

Now you can.

If you want to.

It's up to you.

He wanted to give you flowers?


He looked so cute standing there with them.

I think he actually picked them himself.

- Wow.

- And then he asked me if I wanted to go out.


What did he say?

He started with "Hey," then he just kind of mumbled a bunch of stuff after that.

Well, look, I think you guys are gonna have a lot of fun together.

- Except not.

I told him no.

- What?


- Well, because - What?

Because I thought you liked him, and I didn't want to get in the way of all that.

No, no.

Nick and I are just friends.


Because you kind of seem like a lot more than that.

Because of how good of friends we are.

So, it would be okay if Oh my gosh, - you like him!


- Only if it's okay with you.

- Yeah?


- It is okay.

So you'd better get back there and say yes before he throws those flowers away.



I'll be next door.

And now that I know that you're not interested in Nick, is it okay if I give your number to one of the guys from the photo-taking club you joined?

Actually, two guys wanted to know if they could ask you out.

They hardly even know me.

Look, I'm just saying that you're popular with the picture-takers, so, you know, it's not a negative that you joined their club.

Because I want to see life from a different perspective.

Just like my mom said.

Hey, maybe one of the guys can get your camera to work.

I think that might be dead forever.

Now go!


See ya.

Guess who?

- Sam?


- I never get to sneak up on you.

- It's for you.

- Aw, beautiful.

Thank you.


Oh gosh.

Abigail must not have gotten all the thorns off.

Let me get something for that.

- No, no, that's okay.

- Let me take care of you.

For once.



I just got off the phone with Ben.

That cream you gave me made him break out in hives.

That shouldn't have happened.

I know, it's weird.

Anyway, now I've got to go to the drugstore and see if I can find something to cure those.

What is going on?

I just cut myself, that's all.


Not that.


I've felt off all day.

- Is something wrong?

- (sighing)

I don't know.