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07x08 - The Hawaladar

Posted: 11/23/19 10:10
by bunniefuu
It's clear.

She has him.

We don't know that.


She has him.

My God, how long has it been?

You go to hell.

No, Ilya.

You're the one who's going to hell.

She's been ahead of us every step of the way, and now she has someone who can tell her everything she wants to know.

- He won't talk.

- That'll be even worse.

We need to find Ilya, and we need to do it fast.

Your friend, whenever he gets here, he'll have to work quickly.

He's not my friend.

It's a mistake to do this here.

Thank you, Eric.

Would you both please leave us?

Bad news, Skip for Ilya, for you.

She got to him first.

I need to know where they are.

- I don't know.

- That's the wrong answer.

It's the truth.

Please, I-I have a family two daughters.

What did you think would happen, Skip?

You sold, to one of my worst enemies, the location of one of my dearest friends.

I didn't know you were involved.

How were you paid?

- Cash.

- What bank?

Not like that.

She did everything through a hawaladar.

How do I find him?

We met near my office.

He He was a driver, a deliveryman.

The cash, he brought it in his travel bag, like an order.

Clay Elephant that was the restaurant.

Dembe, call Edward.

Tell him to get the jet ready for London.

I want us in the air within the hour.

What are you coloring?

Picture of the park.

So, I was thinking, tomorrow we could have breakfast at Camel's Cafe and then maybe go to the zoo.

What do you think of that?

And see the pandas?

If the pandas are awake, we can see the pandas.

Do you think they'll be awake?


Maddy, hey, you're up and at 'em early.

Yes, well, I'm at the train station of all places.

Afraid I have a bit of a situation.

Oh, no.

Is everything okay?

Oh, heavens, yes, everything's fine.

It's just, I've had an old friend turn up in town at the last minute, and he'd hoped to spend a little time together.

If this is about Agnes I promised I'd care for her, and I will.

She's the priority.

If you need me to come by No, go be with your friend.

Don't think twice about it, Maddy.

I'll call Beth.

I'm sure she can cover.

Have fun with your friend.

He's single, I hope.

No, he's not that kind of a friend.

At least not anymore, I'm afraid.

We'll be fine.

Have fun.

Thank you, Elizabeth.

I appreciate you understanding.

Hey, kiddo.

Go pack your bags.

You're gonna have a play date with Shelly.


Sit anywhere you like.


Knight to F-3.

You know, chess was originally devised in India.

Back then, it was called Ashtapada.

Uh, I know who you are.

Then it only seems fair I should know who you are.

- Arjun.

- Listen carefully, Arjun.

Two weeks ago, someone from this establishment delivered a cash payment to a man named Sutherland.

Might I assume it was you?


That payment was made on behalf of a woman I'm looking for.

Did she contact you?

- Uh - Focus, Arjun.

If you need to, by all means check your notes.



I-I remember.

The payment was requested by New York, our main office.

Tell me about the main office.

It's a little place on 12th Street Matangi.

Look, I can be k*lled for telling you this.

On the other hand, you would definitely be k*lled for not telling me this.

New York They run everything, the entire network.

How big is the network?

London 692, $1.

3 million outgoing.

They have 34 outposts in 18 countries.

All front as small restaurants, locally owned.

They make good on financial IOUs sent and received from around the world.

And the person who runs the network, they would have a record of the woman who paid Mr.


If he doesn't know, he knows who would.

I'll need his name.

Reddington, what's up?

Elizabeth, I have something on very short notice.

What is it?

Is something wrong?

It's a case Bhavish Ratna.

He's the next name on the Blacklist.

Hawala It's an Arabic word that essentially means "money transfer without money movement.

" Since 9/11, the hawala system has been a focus of the Bureau.

But according to Reddington, his newest Blacklister has taken the traditional legal method to a whole new illegal level.

I'm sorry, you're gonna have to catch me up.

This hawala it's a banking system?

It's a banking system outside of banks.

A t*rror1st in Kabul wants to make payment to another t*rror1st in Bangladesh.

He can't go into a bank and wire the money, so he goes to see a hawaladar in his city and then gives him the cash.

That hawaladar calls his counterpart in Bangladesh and requests that he front he money to the recipient.

It's an IOU system.

No bank records, no wires, no actual movement of money.

Meaning there's nothing for law enforcement to track and no evidence to build the case.

Which brings me to our suspect Bhavish Ratna, 60, Indian national with no priors.

Last address Jackson Heights, Queens.

If the traditional model is an informal association between brokers, Ratna just formalized it.

34 offices in 18 countries, all moving cash for t*rrorists, human traffickers, drug cartels the worst of the worst.

All run by one man, all with the same front to the public restaurants.

- How much?

- $3. 5 million to 635 Barrow Street, 32nd floor.

New York, 714.

Hong Kong, 381 to New York, 714.

Obtain and support $3. 5 million.

$3. 5 million, obtain and support.

Verify locate.

Locate 635 Barrow Street, 32nd floor, suite 3201.

It's en route.

Consider it done.

According to Reddington, these restaurants have different names but are connected financially and all headquartered in Manhattan.

And Reddington wants us to take it down, why?

It sounds like Ratna is his business partner, not his enemy.

He thinks the woman who took him in Paris used Ratna to pay for intel.

He hopes that Ratna will help him find her.

If he thinks Ratna's that important, why isn't he doing this himself?

Maybe it's a smokescreen, meant to keep us distracted while he works another angle.

I'm sorry, you've been here like 9 seconds.

How are you already more jaded than Agent Ressler?

Um No offense.

The three of you will get to New York, set up surveillance, see what you can find.

I'll have FBI in New York get a warrant.

Based on what criteria?

I have no idea.

I'll figure that out, assuming I can get a judge to believe a word that I'm saying.

I would have done anything for you, Ilya.

When you asked me to help you in Belgrade, you knew I'd say yes.

Never even occurred to me that you would betray me.

Listen Dominic thought I know what Dominic thought.

And he's paying for his sins.

And if he survives, I'll find him again and finish the job.

At least he believed he was protecting Masha.

But you you were my friend.

There are things about this you can't possibly understand.

Oh, but I want to understand.

In fact, I insist.

I've thought a lot about why you chose me as the lamb you could take to slaughter.

You thought I was weak the prey and not the predator.

Ask Reddington how he feels about me now.

Hurting me won't get you answers.

The Townsend Directive is real.

They're coming for you.

Then tell me how to stop them.

I'll die before I talk.

I don't intend to wait for you to give me answers.

I'm going to take them from you instead.

The hell does that mean?

It means I've invited an old friend to pay us a visit.

And by this time tomorrow you will have told me everything I need to know.

This is not right.

We should have a proper warrant, get the evidence.

Cooper's getting a warrant.

We're just trying to corroborate what our source told us.

- We know nothing about this man.

- Bhavish Ratna married, bought the restaurant 23 years ago with his wife.

Taxes paid, not once late on rent.

All we know about his alleged criminal activity - is what Reddington told us.

- Hang on, wait.

Reddington told us that the world's largest underground bank is also serving the best lunch buffet in Manhattan, and that's not enough for you?

I'm only saying we have protocol.

I'm not comfortable trusting what Reddington told us about this.

There's the delivery guy again.

Wait, is that him?

That's him Ratna.

Okay, that's odd.

Why is the owner making a delivery when he's had the kid running deliveries all day?

I don't know, but if I find cash in those bags instead of vindaloo, would it make you feel any better about arresting the guy?

He's not taking the bike.

He's walking from here.

All right, Keen, you and Park flank him.

I'll take his six.

Let's just keep an eye on him, see where he's going.

Keen, you got eyes?

Copy that.

I have eyes.

He can't be going far on foot.

Which means if he's doing a drop, the target's got to be close.

Guys, I think we have a situation here.

Woman at your 10 o'clock, dark hair, blue jacket.

With the newspaper?

I think she's security.

The construction worker behind Ratna he's on radio.

I don't like this.

He's got protection.

We should call for support.


Is that you?

You are, uh Ressler, what's going on?

I don't know.

Could be the target.

- Park, you have eyes?

- No, nothing.

Too many people.

- Raymond Reddington?

- And you're Bhavish Ratna.

Now we're friends.

He's talking to someone.

Can't see his face.

He's wearing a hat.

You got to be kidding me.

No, that's not possible.

It's Reddington.

I'm here as something of a guardian angel, Bhavish.

It's come to my attention that you're the target of an FBI investigation.

- That can't be.

- And yet it is.

Keen, you want to tell me what the hell he's doing here?

Wait, is Reddington here with us or the target?

He's not with us.

See the rather furtive ginger behind you?

He's FBI.

Or if he isn't, he certainly looks like he's FBI.

Same with the woman by the fence over there.

And why are you telling me all this?

Because there's something I want you to tell me, just as soon as I get you the hell out of here.

See the gentleman behind me, by the black Mercedes?

He's your escape plan.

How do you want to handle this, Keen?

I don't know.

He's got security everywhere.

Say the word, and we're gone.

If it's my clients you want to know about, I don't talk about them.

Yes, well, never say never.

I can take care of myself.

I have more security than you may know.

Are you really sure this is the time or place to get into a sh**t-out with the FBI, Bhavish?

Putting your clients first before yourself while you're surrounded by the authorities may prove to be somewhat shortsighted.


Okay, just remember, when you're left holding the bag, I'm the one who told you so.

We got to fall back.

There's too many civilians.

We're not letting this guy walk.



I said stop!

Ressler, they're armed.



Put the g*n down!

Drop your w*apon!

Drop your w*apon.

Put it down.



Watch out.

Put the g*n down.

Put it down.

You heard the man.

Put the g*n down.

You want to tell me what the hell that was all about?

Guess we're gonna have to ask Reddington.

How could this possibly happen?

My people take every precaution vetting clients, travel routes.

My security people are in custody, and if they talk Quite frankly, I'd be more concerned about your restaurant.

The restaurant, the vault, the books.

The network compromised.

Everyone's going to jail.

But you're not.

You're sitting right here in my safe house.

Have a nice cup of masala chai.

Mr. Reddington, you don't understand.

I was transporting $3.

5 million that belongs to the Zhao Triad.

The money never made it to Atticus.

Eli Atticus, the extractor?

Zhao will come for me if I can't pay.

And with a breach like this, my network will fold.

Money will evaporate.

My resources gone.

What if I could offer you a loan, make you whole?

For the money we lost?

I didn't lose any money, Bhavish.

You did, because you hesitated when you shouldn't have.

Now, normally, I charge 20% for a cash loan of this size, but given the circumstances, I could go as low as 19%.

Why would you help me?

You don't even know me.

As I said, you have information that I seek.

And if I help, this loan, this money, you can access it quickly?

Before your tea cools.

Morgan, it's me.

Yeah, we're working as fast as we can.

Well, tell the fellas upstairs we're in urgent need of 3 1/2 meal tickets.

- Now?

- Yes, now.

Put it down at 19%, and please get it here as quickly as possible.

What is it you want to know?

It's come to my attention that you recently arranged for payment to a British agent named Skip Sutherland on behalf of a woman, Constance Drucker.

- Yes, I remember.

- I need to know what other payments you may have made on behalf of Miss Drucker.

There were, uh There were only two.

The payment you speak of, to the British agent, Skip Sutherland.

And the second?

To some kind of moving company.

Orion Relocation Services.


Thank you, Mr. Reddington!

Hey, Big Red!

What's the story, kemosabe?

Where are you?

Just wrapped up a student driver exam.

Epic fail.

Parallel parking is a lost art.

Glen, clear your schedule.

We have to talk.

I have a job for you.


No, we have the list.

Everything will be ready when you arrive.

A short delay.

He'll be here by tomorrow.

I knew it.

- What kind of delay?

- I don't know.

He's eccentric.

You know how these creative people can be.

Insane, which is what this entire plan was in the first place.

We've talked about this.

No, I talked, and you pretended to listen because you didn't want to face the fact that this is junk science and a waste of time.

It's our best option.

He turns people into zombies.

Half the time without any results.

I don't care.

Others are willing to k*ll for what they want.

Well, so am I.

And if he fails, so be it.

At least I'll know we've used every conceivable means at our disposal.

- You played us.

- Harold, please, calm down.

You wanted Ratna because he has information about the woman who abducted you in Paris.

You never intended for us to catch him.

You wanted him to see us so that you could swoop in and save him.

It's more complicated than that.

Feel free to dumb it down for us.

I say "us" because I've invited Agents Ressler and Park to listen in.

They deserve to know why you double-crossed them in the field.

Actually, they don't.

You gave them an order.

They followed it.

You tipped Ratna off to an FBI investigation you initiated!

Yes, to put him in my debt by setting him free.

You set Ratna free?

As a bird.

You have no idea where he is?

Harold, perhaps you haven't fully explained to Agent Park how this arrangement works, or perhaps her sense of justice simply isn't as nuanced as I had imagined.

You're gonna help us find him.

I appreciate your frustrations.

I'm sorry to put you in this position.

But someone I care deeply about is missing, and I did what I did to try and find him.

- Who's missing?

- That's not your concern.

What is your concern is Ratna's banking enterprise.

It's come to my attention that Ratna is moving $3.

5 million from the Zhao Crime Syndicate to Eli Atticus.

I don't know any Eli Atticus.

He's an extraction expert who has a reputation for breaking high-value targets out of black sites and detention facilities around the world.

If the Zhao syndicate is paying Atticus, it means they've lost someone that they want back.

I don't know who, I don't know when, but I can assure you, there's a prison break on the horizon, and it's going to be bloody.

As my third executioner said, nothing voices contrition better than silence.

Good talk.

You're welcome for the tip.

That's it?

What about the park, what he did there?

We expressed our displeasure.

He gave us a lead.

I just I don't understand.

Well, how could you?

The man's had three executioners.

If it's any consolation, even after all these years, I don't understand, either.

All I do know is that Eli Atticus may be about to commit a crime.

Our job is to stop him before he does.

- Hello?

- Liz, hey, you got a minute?

Yeah, Beth.

What's going on?

How are the girls?

They're good.

We just finished up snack time.

I wanted to give you a call about Agnes.

What's wrong?

Everything okay?

Shelly and Agnes were drawing, and Agnes, what she drew in her sketchbook This totally could have waited.

What did she draw?

It's a picture of a dead man.

What do you mean, a dead man?

Did she say That's why I'm calling.

She said that she saw him in the park.

- The dead man?

- I thought you should know.

- I didn't know - Yes, no, of course.

if it was a dream or maybe some story she heard?

I don't know You know what?

She walked in on me while I was watching TV.

A terrible show.

- Thank God.

- I'm sure that's what she saw.

You're at work.

Go do your thing.

We'll be fine.

We can, um, talk more tonight.

Okay, thank you, Beth.

- Did you find something?

- I think so.

Okay, Mr.

Reddington said that when we arrested him, Bhavish Ratna was moving funds to pay a contractor named Eli Atticus.

- An extraction expert.

- A w*r criminal in Scheveningen, a drug kingpin in Bogotá this guy's team has disappeared prisoners from around the world.

And we think his next job may be right here at home.

Last week, a joint FBI/DEA task force ran a sting on PPR Global, a shipping company that launders money for the Zhao crime syndicate.

14 employees were arrested.

Several were injured.

But one man, Alfred Yang, remains in stable condition, under police custody, at Nations First Hospital.

Atticus isn't gonna go after someone who's already in prison.

He's gonna grab Alfred Yang before he ever gets to prison.

Keen, notify the detail at Nations First, put them on alert.

Ressler, Park, get there and get the target out.

I'll have his transfer to Walter Reed approved before you arrive.

Agent Ressler?

William Truax, DEA.

We spoke over the phone.

The witness is on the fourth floor?

Protective detail's in place.

Notify hospital security.

Execute a code silver till we can get the witness offsite.

The hell was that?

Truax to command.


All right.

Park, call it in.

You got west access.

I'll take the east.

Attention, code silver.

Yang they have him.

F-Four of them.

Went to the west.

Ressler, four gunmen on the move, headed your way.

Breach, breach.

Fall back.

Man down, man down!

They have Yang in the east stairwell.

Hang in there.

Hang in there.

Hang in there.

- Oh!

- Oh!


You okay?


Orion Relocation Services?

Ah, never heard of 'em.

Well, I only just mentioned them.

What are they, some kind of a disappearing service?

That's what I'm trying to figure out, Glen who they are, what they do, how to make contact.

I kinda got a full dance card.

Glen, this is important.

Please, I I need you to find these people as soon as human Yeah.

Yeah, put him through.

I don't know what's wrong with these people.

I told them to hold all Yellow.



Absolutely not.

Jerry, I told you, it's gotta be raspberry.

No, ice cream won't work.

Neither will sorbet.

It's got to be sherbet.

Because that's what she said.

I don't know, Jerry.

I don't work in the grocery store.

Try a different aisle.

Maybe try looking over by those lit - That was Jerry.

- I don't care.

He's trying to make Trudy's raspberry sherbet party punch, which is sort of a casino-night custom.

Glen, there is no casino night.

There is no DMV.

Right now, all that matters is finding Orion Relocation Services.

Okay, take it easy.

Don't tell me to take it easy.

This is important.

You're a tracker, and I need you to find out everything you can about these people, right now.

This is different, huh?


The woman from Paris She took someone I care deeply about.

What's happening to him now, - what she's subjecting him to - Hey, gimme a hand!

I can't even begin to imagine, which is why I need to find him.

- No!

- But I can't do that unless you find Orion Relocation Services.

Glen, I implore you.

This is life or death.

How could you do this?

How could you possibly be willing to die in order to protect him?!

After all we've been through, Ilya.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Why won't you help me?


I'm sorry, uh, say that again?

We lost Yang.

Atticus' men got here first.

Most of the protective detail is dead.

You're telling me Zhao Wing, the leader of one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world, hires Eli Atticus, perhaps the preeminent prisoner-extraction specialist in the world, to target a city hospital?

All to rescue a rank-and-file foot soldier in Zhao's army?

You don't buy it?

No, Elizabeth, I do not buy it.

So, maybe Yang wasn't just a foot soldier.

I don't care if he's the architect of Zhao's entire empire.

sh**ting up a public hospital is an extreme measure, required only in the most desperate of circumstances.

Maybe Zhao couldn't afford to have him talk to the police.

Maybe he was worried Yang would flip.

So you wait to see if he's negotiating a cooperation agreement in the first place.

That sounds reasonable.

So, why the fireworks?

Because Yang knew something, and Zhao needed to know what it was.

Or maybe he knows exactly what Yang knows, and maybe Zhao needs to make sure that nobody else ever hears what Yang knows.

Because Yang's an informant.

Or worse.

Oh, my God.

That's it.


Were you gonna tell us?

- I'm sorry.

You are?

- Agent Keen.

I'm part of the task force who tried to warn you this was gonna happen.

He's one of yours, isn't he, Alfred Yang?

- He's an agent.

- Keep your voice down.

How long has he been undercover?

The Zhaos didn't do this to rescue one of their soldiers.

They did this to eliminate an undercover cop who could have destroyed them.

How the hell do you know that?

I have a source.

Apparently, so does Zhao.

How long?

Just over two years.

The U.


Attorney just authorized RICO charges last week.

He is the linchpin to the entire case.

- Not anymore.

- We think Yang's cover is intact.

This was a recovery mission.

Listen to me.

They're gonna k*ll him.

If we don't find a way to track wherever they took him, they are going to k*ll him.

I think I can help with that.

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I'll be fine.

Tell me, does the hospital put chips in their I.


badges to help locate staff?

Yang was a patient, not hospital staff.

W-Why does this help us?

Because I managed to slip one in the pocket of a perp while he was trying to choke the life out of me.

Can we track it?


- Go!


- FBI!



Don't move.

Call an ambulance.

What are you doing?

Is that a trick question?

Why aren't you working?

I understand this is important to you, and I'm doing my best, but I don't work well when my stomach's - got the growlies and - Have you found them?

Orion Relocation Services?

No, and I have to admit, I'm not getting much closer, which is a problem, 'cause it's almost casino night.

And if I don't have everything set when Jerry gets here with the sherbet, we're gonna have a real problem.

We talked about this.

There is no casino night.

There is nothing but me standing right in front of you.

Look at me.

This thing we do, this whole dynamic?

My indulgence of your relentless nonsense, your insipid banter?

I tolerate it.

But don't lose sight of the fact that this is a business relationship.

You're a finder.

You exist to me because you find things.

Are you telling me that you can't find what I need you to find?

Because if that's the case, I will end this right now.

And don't think I won't because we have a history.

If my friend dies because of you Orion Relocation Services.

Find them.

Don't look so grim, Agent Park.

You saved an officer's life today.

Sir hard to feel cheery, all things considered, sir.

All things?

What am I missing?

An undercover agent is alive because of you and Agent Ressler.

The RICO case against the Zhao syndicate will be prosecuted.

As we speak, the bureau is identifying the various clients and criminals connected to Bhavish Ratna and his hawaladar network.

And Ratna?

He's what?

Helping Reddington?


Could be either or both.

What are we getting involved in?

- I don't follow.

- Reddington wanted Ratna.

Said he needed him, that he was critical to finding whoever abducted him in Paris.

But I have a feeling this is about more than Paris.

What are you suggesting?

That Reddington's in over his head, that he's scared, that he has his back up against the wall.

About what?

I have no idea.

But this I have a sinking feeling this thing is gonna get worse before it gets better.

And whatever he's up against I just don't want it to end up on our doorstep.

Come here.

Give me a hug.

I haven't seen you all day.


Can I ask you something about the, uh the picture you drew today?

- Yeah.

- The man in the picture is he someone you saw?

I don't know.

Is it something you want to talk to me about?

Honey, Agnes, look at me.

You're not in trouble, honey.

I'm just curious where you got the idea.

I saw him in the park.

With Miss Tolliver?


Come on.

What is all this?

This, Ilya, is for an old friend, for the work he's going to do.

He's quite excited to meet you.

Elizabeth, hello.


How's your friend?



I hadn't seen him in ages.

Thank you for understanding.

I hope Agnes got along okay.

Actually, that's what I wanted to see you about.

Uh, is now a bad time?

Not at all.

Is she asleep?

I can come to your place.



I can't imagine what she could have possibly seen, but surely it wasn't a body.

Not Not with me, in the park.

She wouldn't just make that up.

No, of course not.

But like all children, Agnes does have a vivid imagination.

So, she didn't say anything to you?

Nothing at all?

Can I be completely honest with you?

No more secrets?

Uh, I didn't realize we had secrets.

Elizabeth, please.

I've seen the g*n in your purse.

The men outside standing guard?

I know that you're an FBI agent.

Well, what does that have to do with Do you think perhaps Agnes that this body is her way of saying that what you do scares her?

What I do does scare her, and we talk about that.

And you and I have talked about her love of fairy tales and how the v*olence in those stories help deflect what's going on in her mind.

This is not a fairy tale.

I can tell I've upset you, but you have nothing to be defensive about.

I'm not being defensive.

I'm defending my daughter.

I'm not attacking her.

I'm just saying that I was with her in the park.

I was there.

And there was no body.


About earlier.

I must say, I feel terrible.

- What's this?

- Everything you need to know about Orion Relocation Services, which is a corporate loan-out for a small moving company in Paterson.

- You found them.

- I did.

And from what I can tell, they're movers that relocate ne'er-do-wells sort of a witness protection for criminals.

Thank you, Glen.

I'm in your debt.

And about before Save it, Chief.

Another time.

If I can get to the Eagles Club now, I can still make it in time for a little roulette and a cup of Trudy's raspberry sherbet party punch.

Wish me luck.

- Roulette that's your game?

- Of course, baby.

And you know I always bet on Red.

So, he's the one?

This is him.

Don't be afraid.

It's okay.

We're just going to have a little look at some of your, um memories.