21x09 - Can't Be Held Accountable

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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21x09 - Can't Be Held Accountable

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.




Oh, my goodness!

Hi, baby.

- Who are you?

- Oh, thanks a million Oh, Georgie is a handful.

Oh, he's so cute.

I hope this doesn't sound weird, but you are stunning.

- Do you model?

- No.

You should.

I'm a scout for Steve Getz.

He owns GimmieThatBody Fitness.


I yeah, I've heard of it.

He likes fresh, healthy girls like you.

We're launching an athleisure line.

The test photo sh**t's tomorrow.

- Uh I have school.

- It's always after school.

Wouldn't want the mothers worrying.

It's actually just my dad right now.

They're separated, and my mom's in away.

Sounds like you could use a break.


Give us a go.

- Thanks again.

- Yeah.

Just tell me, Ivy.

Tell me, tell me!


You know GimmieThatBody?

Yeah, I've seen their Insta.

They're starting a teen clothing line, and I'm auditioning to be a model.

- You?


- Yeah, but you can't tell Dad.

Can't tell Dad what?


- How are you?

- Good.

Mac and cheese, my favorite.

Good job.

Looks good.

Thanks, Ivy.



- Like this?

- Show me that smile.


Get a close-up of her face.

So loud I think Steve really likes you.

You do?


Ivy, I think I've found my new GimmieThatBody girl.

Wait are you serious?

Yes, and I should know.

I'm the boss.

Granya, make sure that Ivy has the address to the party.


How cool is this?

Ooh, never look back Hey, you.

Oh, my God, this is insane.

Oh, take it in, Ivy.

That model life.

Never look back, never look back Steve.

- Look who's here.

- Just waking up.

- Ivy, glad you could make it.

- Ah, this is Ivy.

Wow, I've heard great things.

Nice to see you.


Slow down I'm miles away from crashing It's all over now Okay.


You keep calling You keep calling You keep calling so I'll turn around Yes, right into the lens.

Now, chin up a little bit.


Very good.

Very nice, Ivy.

Now just the bra.

Tomorrow, tomorrow Ooh, never look back Never look back Tomorrow, tomorrow Okay, over your shoulder a little bit.


You are gorgeous.


Really nice.

- Really good stuff, Ivy.

- Thanks.

All right, now drop your hands.

Um, I I don't know.

Come on, Ivy.

It's GimmieThatBody.

You can do that, can't you?

It does pay more.

Ooh, never look back Never look back Ooh, never look back, never look back There's an extra hundred there for you.

Ooh, never look back Never look back Tomorrow, tomorrow, oh Tomorrow, tomorrow - Ivy, your lunch.

- Oh, I'm good.

Yeah, but you need to eat.

I'll just get something at school.

Tomorrow, tomorrow [DOOR CLICKS SHUT]

Tomorrow, tomorrow - You work with Steve, right?

- Mm-hmm.


Tomorrow, tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Hey, hon.

You're looking good.

Diet's working.

You have a little sister, right?

What was her name?


Steve says bring her next time.


Hi, love.

Thanks for coming.

This place.

It's like a palace.

More fun.

Ivy's little sister.

We've been waiting.

How old are you, sweetheart?

Almost 13.


Isn't that wonderful?


- Ooh, never look back Never look back [DRAMATIC MUSIC]

So he's smart, kind, funny, you enjoy his company, he's good with your kids - What am I missing?

- It's not like that.

We're friends.

We're partners.

We were partners till he left for the DA's office.

Which I'm sensing you have unresolved feelings about.


No, I'm over it.

Not that he even knew that there was a problem.

Did you tell him?

- He should've known.

- Because he knows you?

I see what you're doing.



That's that's the end of the session.

But, uh, next week we should talk about my dad.

He called this morning.

- And you haven't spoken in - 15 years.

- Doorknob comment?


Might've been worth bringing up earlier in the session.

Uh, sorry, Captain, I'm just stepping out of the sh**ting range.

Yeah, Detective Bucci yeah, he, um he hit on me in a courthouse waiting room.

He's asking for me?

All right, tell him I'm on my way.


- Detective Bucci.

- Hey.

I didn't know who else to call.

I'm kind of going out of my mind here.

Okay, what's going on?

So Detective Bucci's daughters he's got Ivy, 15, and Milly Milly, 12 may be victims of a predator.

And my wife, we're separated.

She's in rehab.

- I have custody now.

- Got it.

Ivy's got this job seemed okay.

Ivy's been working as a model for GimmieThatBody.

That's how they lured her in.

This Getz, he really plays on teenage girls.

Hold up.

Steve Getz, the the billionaire?

Yeah, he's a pervert, right?

Last night, Ivy takes Milly to a party.

Getz is there, older guys, Milly freaks out, Ivy takes her home, Milly starts trying to tell me what's going on, and Ivy denies it.

- Okay.

- She's lying.

I searched her room.

I found four grand, cash.

- Adderall, birth control pills - Okay, okay, none of that none of that is great for a father to find, but we don't know what's going on.

It's Getz.

I know.

Ivy's changed.

I retired, took my 20 six months ago.

Now I'm working private insurance fraud, security, double shifts.

I missed the signs.

- It's my fault.

- What signs?

Ivy's wearing a lot of makeup.

All right, she's staying out late at night.

Short skirts, she's talking on the telephone all the time.

This Getz, this son of a bitch, what he's done to my girls We're we're gonna talk to them, okay?

I don't even know where Ivy is.

I kind of went off on her today, and she stormed off.

Now, I pulled Milly out of school, and uh she's not gonna rat out her sister.

Ivy was so mad when I told our dad.

I'm an older sister.

I get it.

I know you're worried about it, but we just want to help, okay?

It's been so hard.

She's, like, not my sister anymore.

How, honey?

She's mean.

Maybe 'cause she's hungry.

I can hear her crying in the bathroom.

And I think she's having sex.

What makes you think that?

She left her computer on once.

I checked her history.


It was sex stuff.

And there were these guys DMing her, saying how hot they were to do her again.


Do you do you know where your sister is now?

Ivy, look at me.

Right off camera.

There we go.

Looking good, looking good.

Really comfortable.

Really nice, really nice.

All right, take a break, girls.

- Ives, good work.

- So proud of you.

Let's see what you got so far.

Yeah, this is what we want.


- Can I talk to you?

- Do I know you?

I'm a police officer.

Kat Tamin.

- What, did my dad send you?

- Yeah, he did.

Okay, my little sister is lying.

I'm a model, and I got to get back to work.

Hey, Ivy, I don't care what you've been telling your father.

I went through your computer.

We both know what's really going on here.

You did what?

Okay, I don't need to talk to you.

Yes, you do, or I'm going to tell the people that you work for you already did, and that you're giving them up.

- No, don't do that.

- I can, and I will.


Everything okay?

- All fine, Granya.

- Who's this?

Kitty Bucci.

I'm Ivy's aunt.

Yeah, I just wanted to come by and see for myself what all this modeling was about.

- It's so exciting, isn't it?

- We love Ivy.

Could you and I speak privately?

Ivy, they're waiting for you.

She's such a nice girl.


You mean when the men pass her around, and she does whatever they ask?

- Excuse me?

- Cut the crap, Granya.

I know what's going on.

You're taking care of Ivy.

You've got to take care of me too.

That's something we can talk about.

Is that your boss, Steve?

He know my brother's an ex-cop?

It would be a real good idea for Steve to get Ivy's dad and me on his side.

Why don't I introduce you two?

I'm sure he can allay your concerns.

Steve You have a special visitor.

Steve Getz, great to meet you.

What is Kat doing?

Captain said to suss out the gig, talk to Ivy.

- She's calling an audible.

- But Getz is smart.

If he makes her, this this case is blown before we even open it.

So what do you want me to do, sh**t her?

You're her sergeant.

Reel her in.

- I'll talk to her.

- Really, will ya?


Let her play this out.

All right.

Kitty just mentioned she used to be a runway model.

I knew that without you telling me.

This is Granya Marcil, Steve Getz's sometime girlfriend and company talent scout.

- You mean his procurer?

- Seems like it.

Told her I wanted in on the action, and she didn't blink.

You approached her?

Yeah, Kat kind of went off book, but she did get an invitation to Getz's townhouse tonight.

I saw an opening, and I went with my gut.

Next time, don't.

It worked out this time, but, Kat, you could have just as easily blown up the case or gotten yourself shot.

Copy that.

For the record, Getz is not only wealthy, he's in tight with the New York power players.

Politicians, tech founders, athletes.

GimmieThatBody is one of dozens of retail chains that he owns.

Six residences, private islands, private jets So your average billionaire.

Look, you're already in, so get Granya on tape.

Talk to doormen, sit on the house, follow the girls.

We have to hit him from every angle.

If you're trying to arrest Steve, that'll never happen.

- He's too smart.

- They all are.

Ivy, Kitty, so glad you could come.

The girl's a regular.

The tall one, she's new.

A little mature for Getz.

- What's his type?

- Candy stripers.

I've been working security here, girls coming and going all hours.

It's like food deliveries.

Yeah, do you ever see Getz do anything with the girls?

I mean, physically.

If I did, you'd be fingerprinting me.

This place is beyond amazing.

I thought that you said there was a party tonight.

It starts later.

How about a tour?

Homework to do?

Teenagers, you've got to ride 'em.

- Oh, wow.

- It's not real gold.



Ivy mentioned that Mr.

Getz has a state-of-the-art gym.

- I'd love to check it out.

- Not gonna happen.

It's Steve's private area.

Ivy knows all about his private area.

- Let's talk.

- Mm.

So, Kitty, we appreciate your interest in Ivy.


- This is how it's going to work: ten grand.

A one-time finder's fee for you and your brother.

- That seems fair.

- You can take Ivy home now.

The next time she comes, it's without you.

So, let's forget about my brother for a second.

You mentioned a finder's fee.

If I were to find more girls - We're not really hiring at the moment.

- Too bad.

I'm a Catholic school social worker.

The neglect in some of these homes, these sweet, pretty girls Steve might be able to make a real difference in their lives.

You know his type.

Don't waste my time.

Thanks to you, I just lost 500 bucks.

Thanks, Dad.

You arrest the guy?

Frank, you know how this works.

I do know how this works.

The DA's afraid to go after him.

We've got an ADA on our side.

He used to be a cop.

Our Captain just wants to hit him from every angle.


We will take care of this.

Good, 'cause if you don't, I will.

So these are the first three girls that we talked to.

There's a dozen more that we're tracking down.

I get it, but none of these three are willing to testify, right?

Getz bought Palmer's grandfather a new Cadillac.

And Sarah's closets are full of Prada, Louboutin, Gucci.

Okay, what about this one?

Any luck?

Okay, that's Tessa, so her story is, Getz was a gentleman until her 17th birthday.

He's paying for her college.

We do have Granya on tape.

Yeah, which implicates her a lot more than him.

What about Ivy?

Okay, so Ivy's still mad at her father, so she's siding with Getz.

So we have no complaining witnesses.

We have a pattern here.

Yeah, of teenage girls going in and out of his townhouse, which he will claim are photo sh**t - and launch parties.

- Milly and her father are willing to testify.

To what?

That he's a sleaze?

Look, I feel for these people, but legally, there's no there here.

Until one of the victims flips on Getz, I can't take a crowbar to his front door.

Any other advice, Counselor?

Figure it out.

So we keep looking for more girls.

- We bring Granya in.

- Or We go directly to Getz.

This guy is arrogant.

Maybe there's a way that he implicates himself without realizing it.

You think he's just gonna come in?


We have to get inside his Boyd Cycle.

- His what?

- It's a Chief Garland thing.

We have to catch Getz off guard, not on his turf, you know throw off his decision-making process.


Chief have any idea where that might be?

No, but I do.

Paige, we have some guests flying in.

- Get some movie theater candy.


Maybe some edibles while you're at it.

Ah, told you.

This is the men's room.

Well, we looked for you in the little girls' room, but they told us you were in here.

Good place to talk to you, Mr.


Am I under arrest?

Not if you come with us voluntarily.

Paige, I'm being harassed.

Call Abrams, tell him to meet me at SVU.

Special Victims.

Let's go.

Would you mind, if I zip up first, or you want to do that for me, sweetheart?

Hard pass.

Wash your hands, sweetie.

What is this, neighbors complaining about my parties?

Well, it's more like the neighbors worried about your guests.

Young teenage girls, coming and going at all hours?

You know who I am.

- I run a modeling agency.

- Oh, so they were modeling.


At 2:00 a. m. ?

Well, sometimes they're guests at company parties.

These young models all have parental permission.

They're contracted employees on a payroll.

We follow all state-mandated working conditions.

Then why does he pay 'em cash and give gifts?

That's my fault.

I like to give my young ones a little something extra.

Their parents cash their checks.

It's just my way of making sure that the girls have nice things.

He can gift up to 15K a year.

You want to charge him with generosity?

Why is my client even here?

Because we've been talking to several girls who "work" for Mr.

Getz, and one of whom was asked to bring her 12-year-old sister to the party.

Yes, they all told me.

They're very loyal.

What I tell them: Jealousy is the thief of joy.

Whoever's complaining just wishes they were me.

Even for just a day.

Thanks for confirming what we suspected.

You have nothing.

You can stop hanging around urinals.

My client won't be speaking to you again.

And by the way Ivy's a great kid.

I'm not gonna hold this against her.

But you might want to think twice about using her as a battering ram.

Her father's a drunk ex-cop who sh**t from the hip flask.

He's in such a deep hole, he sent his sister to shake us down.


- So much for his Boyd Cycle.

The good news?

They're not onto Kat.


- Hey.

I just got a call from the 116 in Forest Hills.

Frank Bucci had some kind of accident.

He's in bad shape, EMTs are taking him to Queens General.

Detective Bucci, how are you?

- I'm fine.

- Yeah, you look it.

Yeah, busted shoulder, bum knee.

They want to rule out internal bleeding.

- Okay, how did this happen?

- Two g*ons rear-end me.

I get out of the car, one blindsides me with a metal pipe.

They took my wallet, but that was just for show.

- Are you sure?

- They didn't take my g*n.

What do you think?

It was a hit.

The thug with the metal pipe says, "Tell your little sister to back off.

" I don't even got a little sister.

So was it that rookie UC?

We'll look into it.

Okay, where are your daughters now?

Now you worry about them?

Milly was in the back seat.

- They could have k*lled her.

- Okay.

What are you gonna do, huh?

What are you gonna do?



That idiot EMT called my wife in rehab.

- Give me a sec.

- Okay, sure.

How's he doing?

Well, he's hurt, and he's angry.

And he wants to know why the guys who beat him up told him he'd better have his sister back off.

Any leads?

EMTs found him unconscious two blocks from his apartment.

- We're pulling security cams.

- Good luck.

Two guys in hoodies, they rear-end him, attack him, steal his wallet.

Getz is trying to make this look like a bump-and-rob.

After we just brought him in?

I don't think this has anything to do with us.

He's trying to send Frank a message, about Aunt Kitty.

Yeah, you mentioned that twice already.

The Captain already talked to me about it.


This is all your frickin' fault.

- Ivy, let me explain - You got my dad beat up.

If anything happens to him, it's on you.

That's that's enough.

Fin, Fin.

Ivy, I'm Captain Benson.

All right?

And I'm her boss.

Ivy, why don't why don't we take a walk, Okay?

Milly, you okay?

I'll hang here with your sister, okay?

My dad could've died, because you sent in that lame-ass UC rookie.

Ivy, it's not on her.

It's on Getz.

He's not who you think he is.

Granya said you'd try to get me to turn on him.


Here comes the: "He's a bad man, who took advantage of you" speech?

Not just you.

What about your 12-year-old sister?

- Nothing happened to her.

- Nope.

- Not yet.

- She's fine.

And if you'd kept out of this, my father would be too.


I was so scared.

My dad was just lying there.

I thought he was going to die, so I called 911.

Yeah, you did good, telling them that he was a cop.

It got everybody there real quick.

Ivy and my mom say this is all my fault.

My dad would be fine if I hadn't said anything.

Your mom?

I'm not supposed to say, but Ivy's been telling her everything.

They're not officially divorced, so even though Mom's the one in rehab, she keeps pumping us for information that makes Dad look bad.

And you're stuck in the middle.

Back off!

Get your hands off me!

- Sir, stop, please - Get out of my way!

Wait here.

- Get out!

- Please take a seat.

The doctor says you need a CAT scan.

I'm fine!


Bucci, you need to calm down.

- Don't tell me to calm down.

- Hey!

- You calm down.

- I got this.

I got it.

Just give us a minute.

Take it easy, they're just trying to help.

Oh, yeah, are they trying to help like SVU's trying to help?

You should've told me about your UC screwing up.

My ex told me everything!

She might've overstepped, but we've got to work this case from the inside out, all right?

You know how that is.

- Where's my g*n?

- Frank - Where's my g*n?

- Hey, hey, hey.

Shh, you don't need that right now.

Getz assaulted my daughter.

- He tried to k*ll me!

- All right.

I should've handled this myself in the first place!

Okay, Frank.

It's all right.

Ivy, Getz went after your father.

He has his sights set on your sister, who is a child.

He's not gonna stop.

That's why you should just leave him alone.

We can't.

Ivy, what he did to you That's against the law.

And we need you to testify, so we can put him in prison where he belongs.


Hurry, Daddy's in trouble!

- What?

- Come on.

I want my g*n back.

You guys took it!

You took my g*n, you guys have it, I want it back.

- Okay, Frank, stay over here.

- Where is it?

- NYPD, it's all right.

- No, it's not.

I want my g*n now.

Hey, Detective Bucci, I need you I need you to stop.

I just want my g*n back.

Daddy, please, you should be resting.

Ivy, take your sister home.

- What are you doing?

- Taking care of you.

I just want to talk to that scumbag.

- That's not a good idea, Frank.

- Dad, please, you'll go to jail.

Detective Bucci, you know that this is not the way.

Ivy, I said take your sister home.

Nobody listens to me.

Detective, I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down!

Nobody listens to a damn word I say!

I'm listening.

We're all listening to you.

Good, 'cause he's not getting away with it.

You hear me?

All right, let's go, girls.

I don't know what that means, Frank, but I can't let you walk out of here with those words.

- Frank - Now!

Dad, wait, stop.

- I said let's go now!

- Stop!

I'll testify.

I'll tell them everything.

Please We've had the house under surveillance.

There is a steady stream of girls coming I heard you, Detective, but all you really have is one 15-year-old girl who's been on Getz's payroll as a model.

She'll testify to nude photo sh**t, forcible touching, r*pe And we also have his procurer, Granya Marcil, on tape, buying off our UC, who is posing as Ivy's aunt.

- A UC Getz is onto?

- Not yet.

But he does know that he is the target.


You didn't bring him in, did you?

You should've come to me earlier.

Getz could've cleared his hard drives.

He could be on a private jet as we speak.

Which is why we need to move now.


Ah, the press are here.

Wonder who tipped them off.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

But if I was you, I'd wipe that smirk off your face.

You had me fooled.

You play a low-rent whore like you were born to it.

You would know.


Take the top floors.

You do know there's an elevator?

Get DNA and fingerprints.

Black-light and Luminol every surface in here.

Mr. Getz, you're charged with r*pe in the first degree, forcible touching, and patronizing a prost*tute.

- How do you plead?

- Not guilty, Your Honor.

- People on bail?

- Remand, Your Honor.

Mr. Getz owns private jets and has residences around the globe.

He's the definition of a flight risk.

He has no priors.

He's a respected philanthropist and businessman.

- Oh, please, G - Frank, easy.

He has strong ties to the community.

Save it, Counselor.

The charges are serious.

The means to flee are very real.

I'm granting People's request for remand.

Your Honor, my client's safety is at risk in prison.

We will provide round the clock security for home detention.

He's worried about his safety?

He can be put in protective custody until trial.

Thank you, Judge Catano.


What is protective custody?


Nice work in there.

How long have you been with the DA's office now?

How can I help you, Mr.


Better how can we help each other?

- You've got one complaining witness.

- Yeah, for now, but your client's insatiable.

After the indictment, there's gonna be a line of girls from my office to the Battery.

- All with their hand out.

- Can you blame 'em?

We're still combing through all the stuff we found at his townhouse, but we already have explicit videos, and photos of underage girls.

I hear you, Mr. Carisi.

Listen my client's a sick man.

He's in denial, still thinking this could all go away Well, it won't.

It's already on the front page of every newspaper.

"Billionaire pedophile.

" Now, jurors don't like either of those two words on their own, but you put 'em together Let me talk to him.

I know Steve, and after a night or two at Rikers Already looking for a plea?

- Not likely.

- Hear me out.

Two, please.

Listen, Steve, um he doesn't see himself as a r*pist.

He's not gonna plea to that.

But if I could sell him on say criminal sexual act?

That's four years.

Puts him on the registry.

Yeah, no.

He r*pes these girls.

This would also spare that poor girl, her family, from testifying.

We both know her father isn't exactly stable.

I appreciate your concern, Mr.


I'll have to run that by my boss.

She's already heard.

I headed up a firm with her boss a few years back, but I'll be in touch.

Thanks, Carisi.

Braking news: Getz cut a deal.

Four years.

Getz is no dummy.

He loses that trial, it could be a 25-year bid.

And Carisi's okay with the plea?

Ms. Hadid is, or her bosses are.

Yeah, they want this hushed up, and they really don't want us finding out who else goes to Getz's parties.

Flipping Granya, finding his other vics, going through his guest list it's gonna be a lot easier once he's locked up.

Frank Bucci's not gonna see it that way.

See if you can get him there.

Four years for raping my daughter?

Ivy doesn't have to testify.

And with with the legal judgment against him, you can file a civil suit.

This isn't about the money.

I want that piece of crap to hear in open court what he did to Ivy, my family!

We can ask the DA to let you make a victim impact statement at the sentencing.

- Absolutely.

- That's it?

- Huh?

- I hear you, Frank.

We're gonna keep this investigation open, okay?

And if more of the girls come forward He'll find a way to rig that too.

You and I both know Getz will never be held accountable.


By the way, Counselor.

Taking down a guy like Getz, not easy.

If I didn't say so before Good job.

Thank you.

I'm trying.

What the hell?

Where is everybody?

Let me find out what's going on.

- Hey.

- Can I help you, Counselor?

Yeah, we're looking for Judge Catano.

We're here for a sentencing hearing, People vs.

Steve Getz.


Getz, uh that's Part 26.

Nah, that can't be right.

You sure?

Just moved on the docket.



- No problem.

Thank you.

Court officer said - the case has been - Reassigned.

How did we lose Catano?

Abrams filed to have her removed for bias.

She had a membership at one of Getz's gyms.

They wouldn't let her out of her contract.

- She sued and won.

- Who'd we get?


- Joe Ellery.

- Ellery?

"Let Him Go" Joe?

They're trying to rig this.

Your Honor, lock this predator up and throw away the key.

I pray what he did to my daughters, he doesn't do to anyone else.

Thank you, Mr.

Bucci, for your moving words.

That being said, many aspects of this case give me pause.

The defendant had no way of knowing Ivy Bucci's age.

She provided a fake ID.

Ignorance of age is no excuse under the law, Your Honor.

She was paid thousands of dollars, along with being gifted cell phones, designer clothing, an Uber account Your Honor, we've agreed to a plea.

And I'm revisiting that plea.

After reviewing the case file, I don't see criminal sexual acts here.

Oh, my God.

I see consensual sexual activity.

Again, Your Honor, she's under the age of consent.


She's just a kid, Your Honor.

He r*ped her!

- Frank.

- Enough, Mr. Bucci.

I don't want to hold you in contempt.

This girl made her own choice.

If a 15-year-old has the constitutional right to an abortion without parental approval, how should she not also have the constitutional right to consensual sex?

I'm dismissing the top charges of r*pe and forcible touching.

The case can move forward on the prostitution charge.

We plead guilty to that, Your Honor.

The DA's office strongly objects.

And your objection is on the record.


Getz, I sentence you to time served.

You're free to go.

I knew it.


- You lied to me.

- We had a deal in place.

What that judge did, nobody saw coming Frank, we're not gonna let this go.

You should.

He got off.

You put us through all this for nothing.

- Mm-hmm.

- Dad, let's just go home.

- Yeah, let's go.

- Frank, Ivy, just wait.

Why don't you just leave us alone?



No hard feelings, huh?

Listen, Mr. Getz would like you to join us at his victory party on his yacht.

This isn't over, Mr. Abrams.

Not by a long shot.

Yes, sir.

Well, we were outplayed.

The guilty charge on prostitution means the defense will claim double jeopardy.

- We can appeal.

- Don't get your hopes up.

This is on me.

Abrams is a shark.

Should never have let a green ADA like you go up against him.

Getz's lawyer come over here to gloat?

Yeah, he just invited me to the victory party.

Maybe you should go.

I don't know, take Hadid.

- Come on.


- Sorry.

I'm gonna go see my girls.


You okay?

Should I be?

Getz is a child r*pist, and he he just walks out of here?

- With a slap on the wrist?

- For now.

Go home, get some rest.

We're gonna regroup.

Come on, really?

No, we just had pizza.

How about how about Chinese?


Okay, honey, I'll see you then.

- Bye.

- Captain.

Frank Bucci called.

Ivy and Milly are missing.

Bucci thinks they're with Getz.

He's gone out looking for them.

Okay, Carisi told me that Getz is having a a victory party.

Find out where.

Got drinks, champagne, there's food in there, - everything you could want.

- What a host.

Enjoy your time.

All right, let's get this party started.

Hold up.


Captain Benson, I don't think you're on the guest list.

No, but Milly and Ivy are, and we need to speak with them.

The girls are fine.

Why don't you let them tell us that?

That's a great idea.

Milly, Ivy!

Say hi!

As you can see, safe and sound.

You're really doing this, huh?

Two underage girls on your boat, without parental permission?


Oh, they have permission.

Donna Bucci?

Meet our friends from SVU.

Let them know you granted permission.

Oh, hi!

I'm their mom.

I gave permission.

And I'll be supervising.

Does that check all the boxes, Captain?

Let's sail.



We got to get this guy.

Make sure Detective Bucci knows that this ain't over.

Thank you for seeing me after work.

It's been such a long day.

This Steve Getz case, we get completely blindsided.


I've been following.

- Yeah, so you've seen Can we start with your father this time?


It's no big deal.

He, um He called, he's getting married, and he wants me to bring the girls to the wedding.

That's no big deal?

I shot it down, so - Who are you?

- She knows me.

Frank, you can't follow me.

Your g*n.

You left it in the car.

You shouldn't do that.

- You hear me?

- Okay.

Frank, what are you doing?

My kids, I want them home safe, and I want Getz in jail!

- Okay.

- Until then - This isn't the way.

- Sit down!



Don't do this.

- Way past that.

- Don't do this.

I want him in jail, do you hear me?


- I want him!

- Okay.
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