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04x16 - Run, Iris, Run

Posted: 11/21/19 17:57
by bunniefuu
My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive.

To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist.

But secretly, with the help of my friends at S. T. A. R. Labs, I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me.

But I became lost in time.

It took everything in my friends' power to bring me back, and in doing so our world was opened up to new threats.

And I'm the only one fast enough to stop them.

I am the Flash.

Previously on "The Flash" This is where I came out of the Speed Force.

And a wave of dark matter washed out with you.

DeVoe orchestrated everything to get the people he wanted on the bus.

But why does he need their powers?

I can't figure out his end game.

We got a planner, just like Thawne.

I hereby deem Barry Allen's appeal deni Wait!

- DeVoe?

- Not DeVoe.

It's Ralph.

Barry Allen is hereby ordered release immediately.


Some people don't think you should be back on the force.

When do you think I can come back?

When everyone believes DeVoe is really alive and well.

I call this my thinking cap.


He only wants the bus metas.

He wants their powers.

All of them.

We know a bus meta.

There's three more people out there who need our help, and we need to find them before DeVoe does.

What if What if I just, like, breach all three of the bus metas to, like, Earth-2?

How about this?

We alter each bus meta's DNA by performing intercellular surgery.

And what?

And turn them into chickens?


We're not Frankensteining innocent people.

Listen, Ramon, DeVoe wants these bodies.

All right?

Maybe if we change the bodies, we keep these people safe.

I'm sorry, don't you have, like, six PhDs?

- Seven.

- Yeah, which one of them is in mad science?

Mad science is just an area of study.

It's not a degree, okay?

And by the way, I don't see you coming up with any other ideas.

You know why?

'Cause it's bed time over here on Earth-1.

Do you know what bed time is?

- Do they have that on Earth-2?

- Bed Bed time.

All right, it's this thing where we just shut down to recharge our batteries.

- Oh, my gosh.

- I highly recommend it.


- Harry.

- You're still here?


No matter what you think, DeVoe's already thought of it.

So why don't you just go home, recharge, start again in the morning, all right?

I'm gonna keep going.



Maybe you have thought of everything.

Just like Thawne.

What is all this?

This is gonna give us the edge we finally need to be smarter than DeVoe.

Or me to be smarter than DeVoe, actually.

Take a look at this.

What is that?

This is an intelligence booster.

You put this thing on Dibny here, and even he would be able to understand the point source construction.

You put it on a real genius, I'll finally be able to outthink the Thinker.

You know what, I'm not sure this thinking cap is the best idea you've ever had.

It's an intelligence booster.

It looks like a thinking cap.

You don't like it, blame yourself.

- You gave me the idea.

- What?

You're the one that said DeVoe planned all this just like Thawne in order to stop Barry.

And you said that DeVoe became the Thinker the same night you became the Flash, and so I hacked into security footage of that night to see how he did it.

This is why he's so smart.

DeVoe boosted his intelligence with neurochemical engineering powered by the dark energy from the particle accelerator expl*si*n.

And if we build our own, we can do the exact same.

Wait, you wanna blast your brain with 10 billion joules of dark energy?

I've harnessed energy from the particle accelerator expl*si*n before, and I can do it again.

Yeah, but Harry, reengineering your brain's neurochemistry, that's DeVoe did it.

So can I.

How many more metas have to die before we finally stop DeVoe?

Uh not Not me.

I mean I say we go for it.


Right, guys?

What do you think?

I say we explore it.

Yeah, I agree.


No, this is way too risky.

Of course it's risky, but if we succeed, we will save the lives of the four remaining bus metas, including a member of our team.

You're talking about intense amounts of dark energy going right into your brain, right into that cap, that turned a mac and cheese loving pacifist into a homicidal maniac.

You put that cap on, what's it gonna do to you?

I've run the numbers dozens of times.

The math and the chemistry check out.

I can do this.

I don't think you can.

I can with your help.

Not this time.

All right, let's keep coming up with more ways to solve this.

Just so I'm clear on this, someone finally came up with a way to stop this La-Z-Boy riding lunatic and we just might not do it?

That's really cool, guys.

- I got this one.

- Yeah, thanks.


This is the only way.

I'm gonna do it with or without his help.

Hey, Ralph.

Look, don't worry, okay?

We're gonna figure this out.

Yeah, everybody keeps saying that, and each time we almost get DeVoe, he gets away.

Every time he gets away, he's one step closer to getting me.

Hey, that is not going to happen.

Well, I can't take that chance anymore, Iris.

So if anyone needs me, I will be downstairs in my tiny guest quarters until this is over.

There are still three bus metas out there, and we're gonna need your help to find them and protect them.

Iris, the only person I need to protect from now on is good old Ralphie boy.

You are part of this team.

Yeah, and I'm the only one with a body that DeVoe is trying to snatch.

You don't have any concept of how dangerous it is for me out there.

Yes, I do.

How could you?

Because I'm the leader of this team.

Yeah, that's right, you are.

But you're always back there hiding safe and sound.

While the rest of us are out in the field putting our lives on the line.

Just take me to your paradise I wanna see the body skies Hey, sorry I'm late.

Some drama in the Cortex.

Thanks for the coffee.

It's all good.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm, you know Cecile's in her third trimester, so it's definitely getting serious.

You guys have any names picked out yet?

Uh, yeah.

A few.

Come on, I'm not gonna tell anybody.

No, you're not, because you're not gonna know until Cecile tells you.

- All right.

- Anyway.

I talked to Singh about getting you back in the lab.

Yeah, and?

It's gonna be a while.


I thought Judge Hankerson and Singh had everything they needed.

We thought so, too, but the mayor wants to sit down with the DeVoes herself.


Look, we can't find Marlize, so the only chance we got is to get Ralph to use his nauseating powers to impersonate DeVoe again.

All right, I'll ask him, but right now he'll barely leave S. T. A. R. Labs.

What happened to that whole buddy system thing you had going on?

It's not enough for him, I guess.

Then I don't know, Barry.

I should be out there.

Helping people.

Putting bad guys away.

Right now, we should be trying to stop DeVoe and finding those last few bus metas.

'Cause I got a bad feeling one of them's gonna show up soon.



Next time, it'll be your hand.

Now, everybody on the floor.

Dude, you got a death wish?

Do what he says.

Stealing is a sin.

You shouldn't be using the powers you've been given this way.

I'll use them any way I see fit.

Including frying you to a crisp if you move any closer.

Oh, I don't think you will.

You don't wanna hurt me or anyone in this bank.

You can still walk away from this.

But the moment you touch that money, your life changes forever.

Now, you don't really want that, do you?

Maybe you're right.

Or maybe you've got a death wish!

What the hell?

My powers!

They're gone!


- No, no, no!


Hey, buddy, you're a real Hero.


- Cisco.

- Hmm?

What do you got?

Oh, you know, the usual.

Just loads and loads of dark matter.

Makes sense.

Eye witnesses said this guy melted this vault door with fire from his hands.

Hmm, figures.

But not just any fire.

This fire melted through ten inches of reinforced steel.

I mean, that would take over 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ten times the thermal output of Rory's heat g*n.

Well, here's where it gets weirder.

Apparently shortly after, his powers stopped working.

Stopped working?

Yeah, so if he was one of our bus metas, I guess we have one less to worry about.

Nobody's powers stop working.

Eric Fry, six months ago, were you on the 405 bus?


Do I look like someone who takes public transit?

All right, then, Mr.


How long have you had your powers?

- A few years.

- Oh.

You're an OG meta.

And you just started using them now?

Here, yeah.

Once Flash showed up, I took this act on the road.

Doesn't matter anymore, though.

Right, you don't have your powers anymore.

'Cause they just disappeared?


Into thin air?


All right, Cisco.

He's clear.

You have any idea how this happened?

One minute I had powers.

The next Nothing.

Will you get him out of here?

That's right.

Get him out of here.

- All right.

- Yeah, get him out of here.

I can't believe his powers disappeared like that.

How does someone lose their powers?

So, I can think of a couple of ways this might have happened.

If this Eric Fry metastasizes solar radiation to create heat, we could put him in the dark to de-power him.

But it was still broad daylight.

Okay, maybe his internal biochemistry has been altered to create its own internal thermal combustion and he just ran out of fuel.

Okay, so if this guy's not one of the bus metas, then that met s that there's still three more out there before DeVoe gets to me.

So, I'm safe.

Safer, I'm safer.

Those are innocent people, Ralph.

I'm innocent.

I'm still gonna get terminated.

Oh, my God.

- I'm Sarah Connor.

- No.

I'm gonna go back to my room.

Get some comfort food.

Ralph The way I see it, Fry walks into the bank with his fire powers, meets this other guy, and then his powers are gone.


I think not.

So you think this guy did something to Fry?

I think we can ask him some questions.

I interviewed every eye witness in that bank.

Nobody knew who he was.

Cisco, why don't you crosscheck the deposits from today with dad's witness list?

Way ahead of you.

Everyone on the list checks out except Matthew Kim An EMT out of Central City General.

Barry, let's go ask some questions.

Oh, I'll go.

Barry, you can stay here.

Um, okay.

Well, you know, I never go out into the field, so I thought, you know Yeah, I mean, you're the boss.


Uh, Caitlin, why don't you see how this power stealing thing works, and Cisco, why don't you use the satellite's tracking perimeters to scan the city for dark matter?



I'll just come running if you need me.




Can I hang out in here?


Can you Do you mind Can you save the eating till later?

We're actually trying to save lives here.

This is really good, though.


Is it?


You put this together pretty quick, huh?

Yes, I did, for a test run.



I can feel my neurons firing.

Firing at a rate 20 times their normal rate.

And that's without the addition of dark matter.

I can feel my brain's processing systems evolving.

There's a 67% chance you're gonna spill that mustard on the floor.


Okay, how did you do that?

Well, I simply analyzed your eating habits and extrapolated them at a predictive behavior model all within four seconds.

The cap is working.

Eh, cool, but I'm not quite convinced.



You're not convinced?

All right, then.

The answer is none.

And have a little more respect for your body, will you?

This is a veggie dog, man.

I'm not talking about the veggie dog, man.

I'm talking about the wiping the mustard on the pants causes the pant movement which indicates a lack of clothing to bodily friction, which can mean only one thing.

Right, what kind of underwear am I wearing?

And the answer is none.

You got all that from your fancy metal cap?

- Yes, I did.

- It's impressive, Harry.

Except for one very small thing.

Which is?

Your head is on fire.


It's no [BEEPING]



When I mentioned spending more time together, I meant family barbecues, not questioning people of interest.

I know, I just want people to know that I'm not afraid to go out in the field every once in a while.

Who says you are?

- Ralph.

- Ralph?

He should talk.

He won't even leave the building.

I know, but it made me wonder, you know?

What kind of leader constantly puts everyone else's life on the line except their own?

Oh, baby.

We all know you're fearless.

Whenever you've been needed on the field, you've gone.

So don't let Ralph get in your head.

Excuse me.


We're looking for an EMT named Matthew Kim.

Yes, he's right through there.


Thank you.


Matthew Kim?

Detective Joe West, CCPD.

We'd like to ask you some questions about the attack at Central City Bank this morning.


I wouldn't know anything about that.


'Cause I have a dozen witnesses that saw you stand up to the man that melted the vault.

He was going to hurt people.

It was my duty to help them.

Any reason you left without making a statement?

I need to finish restocking my inventory before another call comes in.

I can't help you.

Look, Matthew, we know you had something to do with that guy at the bank losing his powers.

We need to know.

What did you do to him?


So you can steal mine?

No, no!

- Let her go.

- Put the g*n down.

I said put it down.

He didn't deserve those powers.

He was hurting people.


You're not the only one that's been blessed with powers.

I'm helping people, too.

Not like this.

You did this, not me.

I got him.

I lost my speed.

What do you mean you lost your speed?

Uh, guys, I think I found it.




This is amazing.


Yeah, it is.

Well, I've run every test I can think of.

EKG, cellular regression synthesis, brain chemistry, and dark matter confirms it.

Iris is a speedster.

So, what about Barry?

Um Everything that was a part of you Your speed, connection to the Speed Force, the dark matter It's all a part of Iris now.


- Can you - Reverse it?

I don't know.

I can try.

So, Matthew Kim isn't just removing DNA.

He's transferring it to anybody he touches.

He's not getting rid of metas.

He's creating new ones.

Well, that's not the only thing.

Guess who's got an apartment just a block away from the 405 bus line and rides it every day to get to work?

So Matthew is our bus meta, not Fry.

Which means that DeVoe is gonna come after him sooner or later.

And if DeVoe gets Matthew's abilities, he could take away all our powers.

Unless we get him on our side first.

Then he can remove the meta DNA from DeVoe.

- Could that work?

- I mean, yeah.

It could.

As best I can tell, Matthew's abilities work by melting down the highly concentrated bonds between DNA.

That makes them totally pliable so he can extract them and infuse somebody else with the exact same meta DNA.

Melting highly concentrated bonds.

Melting Point.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I gotta write that down.

Okay, great, so you guys figure out how to get this Mr.

Melting Point in the same room as DeVoe and not get his brains sucked out.

I'm gonna go get a couple of bear claws and go back to my room.

It's not Mr.

Melting Point.

Look, it's just Melting Point.

You know, somebody out there has Fry's fire powers right now.

We need to find them as much as we need to find Matthew.

I'm on it.

And I'll see if there's a way to reverse this.

Well Until then, what do we do?

We train.




Where There you are.

What are you doing?

Updating some software.

Oh, good.

So nothing.

Great, I need your help.

Try Ralph.

Ralph's useless.

All he does is eat.

What do you want?

Do you have a microfilament compression wrench with cobalt retrieving clamp?


Yeah, where is it?

Why, so you can work on your death cap?

- It's not a death cap.

- It's a death cap.

- No, it isn't.

- I hear there's plenty - of tools on Earth-2.

- Yeah, well I'm on Earth1.

Oh, you need a lift?

TOGETHER: I'll breach you there right now!

TOGETHER: That's not what I sound like!


Cisco, why can't you just help him?

Why am I the only one who thinks putting a rageoholic and dark matter together is a bad idea?

He's trying to stop DeVoe.

That's not a bad idea.

He's trying to match his intellect with a mad man whose innovations are warping his brain.

Have you not seen "Spider-Man 2"?

- No.

- How can you live with yourself?

It might be dangerous, but it also might work.

And we're kind of running out of ideas.

Besides, Harry's gonna do this whether you help him or not.

So maybe there's some way to make this thinking cap and to keep him safe.



She can move.



Hey, Iris, you might just wanna - I can't slow down.

- That's okay.

All right, just gradually ramp your speed down, otherwise you're gonna [GLASS BREAKING]


- Do that?

- Whoa.


Hey, you okay?

Come here.

You good?

Yep, I'm straight.

I'm straight.

Thank God for speed healing, huh?


- Yeah.


Hey, I know this isn't easy on you.

I I'm fine.

Barry I am.

It I lost my speed.

I lost my job at the CCPD.

Just feels like DeVoe is slowly taking everything away from me.

He hasn't taken everything away.

What if I never get it back?


Caitlin is gonna find something, okay?



Until then, you just have to watch me like I've watched you these last three years.

Yeah, I guess so.



Wow, that's super annoying.

What's happening?

Baldwin Tower's on fire.

CCFD's responding, but there's people on the top floor they can't reach.

Okay, Caitlin, k*ller Frost is on fire duty.

Ralph, Cisco, suit up.

- Yeah.

- Not a chance.

This could just be a trap for DeVoe to get us out - in the open.

- Hey, I think we got a bigger problem.

We don't have a Flash anymore.

Yeah, we do.

I don't think she's ready for all that.

I mean, she just got her You just got your powers.

Um No.

I wanna do this.


Okay, all right.

We'll monitor from here, then.

Okay, well, you can't go out there wearing that.



Sorry, Cait.



Thank you, Jesse Quick.


Please, be careful.


Guess you're on comms.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, how do I How do I - Other monitor.

- Wrong monitor.



I'm here.

Oh, boy.

Okay, Iris, there are five people trapped on the 14th floor.

Just get them out of there as fast as you can.

- I did it.

- Great work, okay?

Now you gotta get back in there and put out the fire.


Guys, I'm here.

What do I do?

You know what to do.

Use your arms.

Create wind funnels.

Suck all the oxygen out of the room.

And the fire will go out.

Just like he's done a thousand times.

You got this, girl.

It's making it worse.


Is she rotating her arms the wrong way or?

Just go the opposite direction, okay?



Iris, what was that?


My leg is pinned.

I can't move.

Okay, you have to phase through it.


I don't know how.

You have to vibrate your whole body, okay?

You just you have to feel it.

I can't.

I can't move.

I can't do it.

We're running out of time, Barry.

The integrity of the room is failing.

The ceiling's gonna collapse.


The whole place is going up.




Are you okay?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.


There's still a little bit of irritation in your lungs from all the smoke you inhaled last night, but you should be good to go soon.

And your leg's already healed.

Shouldn't have let her go out there.

You weren't ready.

I saved a lot of people last night, Ralph.

Yeah, and Cisco had to save you.

All right, look, we just need to make sure this doesn't happen again.

We have to find Matthew Kim and whoever he transferred Eric Fry's powers to.

How close are you to reversing this?

- I don't know that I can.

- What?

I was up all night trying every conceivable solution.

Dark matter splicing, pattern DNA cloning, even regrowing meta enhanced stem material on a cellular level.

Nothing will work.

I cannot replicate Melting Point's powers.

So unless we find him and get him to reverse what he's done Iris is Team Speedster on a permanent basis.

Great, that's, uh That's great.

I'm gonna go work on my will.

Ralph Harry.

Harry, I know you hear me.

Another team member hurt by one of DeVoe's metas.

- I know.

- And we can fix it, but, no, no.

I know!

And you know what else?

Snow wasn't the only one who was up all night working.

I was up all night working.

I'm almost done.

I'm almost finished, but you won't help me finish!

I'm gonna help you finish!

- Finish - The thinking cap.

I'm gonna help you finish the thinking cap.

It's an intelligence booster, actually.

It's called an intelligence booster.

- Two conditions.

- What are your conditions?

One, we stimulate your synapses without using dark matter.

Fine, no dark matter.

And two?

The minute you start acting like Locutus of Borg and start assimilating everybody with your Borg chair You can vibe me back to my Earth.


- Okay.

- Let's go.


Take it easy.

It's just day two.


Oh, man.

You were right about running.


It's so peaceful.

So calming.

Actually makes it easy to think.

Look, I mean, you just got your speed.

You know that, right?

I don't think anyone would hold it against you if you took a minute and maybe just let Cisco and Caitlin handle this meta, just run point like always.

Just stay here like I always do?

No, I You know I didn't mean that.

No, I know you didn't.

I did.

Iris, I You think that what, that you need to prove to the team that you're not afraid?

No, not to all of you.

To me.

Barry, when I was a reporter, I was always in the field putting myself in danger for a story.

And after last year, for some reason that just stopped.

Maybe it was because of Savitar.

Maybe because you were gone into the Speed Force.

I don't know, but I quit my job.

I joined this team, and now for the most part, I just stay here while all of you are out there putting your lives on the line.

Because of our powers.

No, it's not just that, Barry.

And it took me getting these powers to realize it.

But now that I'm the one that has it, it's my turn to do what all of you have been doing.

To prove to myself that that fearlessness that I had is still in me.


Guys, I think we found Fry's missing powers.

Then go get them.

Satellite is tracking temperature at the same intensity as the bank robbery, so - That's him.

- Yeah.

So who's that?

Matthew Kim.

Kim's gonna try and steal his powers.

All right, let's go.


You guys are on point.

I can do this.

You sure about this?

I have to, Barry.

All right, but remember, he can't touch you.

Or he'll take your powers away, too.


Also I'm not sure my clothes are gonna work this time.

I have a fix for that.

It's the best I could do on such short notice, though.

Thanks, Cisco.

I got hangers.

All right, here we go.

Don't make us sh**t you!

Stand down!

Oh, I don't think so, copper.

Not until I get my money!

- This is a mistake!

- Down!


Take him down!

Hold your fire!

You need to stop this.

Oh, I just got going, pal.


Wait, you're that hero from the bank, aren't you?

I am.

And I need you to stop this.

So you can take my powers like you did his?

I don't think so!

You just gave them to me.

What are you talking about?

You didn't know that?

When you took powers from him, you gave them to me.


And now I'm gonna get what he couldn't.


I think you've done enough saving for today.

I'll take it from here.

How about we just end this right now?

That sounds fun.

'Cause I was just warming up.


What's wrong?

Can't stand the heat?

All right, Iris, we need you to run around him.

Create a vortex.

The lack of oxygen should extinguish the flames.

Can't get close to him!

Temperature's at 800 degrees.

Like, how hot is that?

As hot as lava.

Guys, we need a plan!

Oh, I got a plan, lady.

And it's called give me my money before I unleash hell!


What the hell is that?

That is a thermo cyclone.

That fire's gonna get too close to those apartments.

And thousands of people will die.

What do we do?

We turn this thing on.

- Harry, no, don't.

- Iris needs answers.

- Hey, we haven't - She needs answers!

Come on, guys!

What do I do?

Do it.


Barry, come on, I need an answer!

Hang on, Iris.

Hang on.

There are 4,827 ways this could go, and all of those ways will fail except one.

If Iris uses her speed to draw enough water from Central City Bay into her wake, she could extinguish that blaze.

You want her to create a tidal wave?

It's our only hope.

Iris, I need you to run as fast as you can.

- On the water.

- On the water?


Make sure when you run you dig your heels in and you move back and forth in a tight formation.

- Why?

- So you drag as much water ashore as possible.

Put out the cyclone.

You want me to create a 100-foot tidal wave?

Are you crazy?

I can't do that.

Yes you can.

You told me that you used to be fearless.

I know that you still are.

You're the bravest person that I know.

You can do this.

I know you can.

We all do.

Now run, Iris.


Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, that's it.

And then tight formations, okay?

Tight formations.

That's it, Iris.

Keep going.

Keep going.

Everybody back!

Move, move, move, now!

Long live rock and roll!



Nice work.

She did it.

Nice work, Flash.

I'm so sorry I did this to you.

I thought I was cleaning up the city, but I was just making it worse.

Well, we stopped him.

He's in Iron Heights, and that's all that matters now.

You sure you both wanna do this?

It's your call.

I have to say running on water is really fun.

But, if you guys will have me back, I would love to get back behind the console again.

- Of course.

- Please, and thank you.

All ready?


- Okay.

- Here?



That's it?

You okay, baby girl?

I think so.

What about you, Flash?



I feel great.


My boy's back.

Well, that's the last time I'm using this power.

The city was almost destroyed because of me.

But you had no idea that would happen.

Yeah, don't be so hard on yourself, pal.

I thought I was chosen for a higher purpose.

This can't be the plan for me.

But maybe you were chosen for a bigger one.

What do you mean?

The guy we mentioned, Clifford DeVoe, he isn't gonna stop until he gets all the bus metas.

Which means we have to stop him.

We could use all the help we could get.

Are you sure I can make a difference?


DeVoe's shown weakness against other bus metas in the past.

With your help, we might actually have a chance.

How do we start?

- I'll give you the tour.

- All right.


No offense.

I like my powers, so [LAUGHTER]

So, Bare You never made your own tidal wave before.

No, I haven't.

You go, girl.

So, what do you say, you wanna teach an old dog a new trick?

All right.


6:00 a. m.

Ooh, don't be late.

- You got it, boss.

- Welcome back.

Hey, Ralph.


You know, Matthew is gonna need a buddy, too.

Well, that's, uh That's assuming he stays.

After he finds out that DeVoe has gotten everyone he's come after, he'll be terrified.

Just like I am.

Look, Ralph, I know what you're going through.

No, Iris, you don't.

Yes, I do.

Last year when I thought that Savitar was going to k*ll me, I was Scared out of my mind.

How did you deal with it?

It was really hard.

But then I realized that if I hid from him, if I hid from the world, then Savitar had already won.

So I made the decision to not give into the fear.

I chose to keep living.

Look, uh What I said before about you never putting your life on the line I was wrong.

You make one hell of a Flash.

In or out of the costume.



- Are you going up?

- Yeah.

I think maybe it's time that Clifford DeVoe paid the Mayor another visit.


I thought you were never leaving S. T. A. R. Labs.

Well, I think maybe it's time I started living again, too.

Plus, we're definitely out of veggie dogs.


Hey, thanks, Iris.


Fresh from this little place in Keystone that Cecile recommended.


Those cravings of hers are getting really intense, huh?

Yeah, tell me about it.

It's a good thing I'm a speedster again.


You know you didn't have to give up your speed, right?

I mean, I would have never asked you to.

I know.

Why'd you do it?

You know what makes a great speedster?


It isn't their speed.

It's being the light that everyone needs when the world grows dark.

It's the kind of person they are.

The kind of person that always wants to help.

That's why being the Flash is your destiny.

It's your way of helping others.

But it isn't mine.

This is.

I'll leave you to it.

All right, take it off!

Take it off, Harry.

That's enough.

We're already 20% over your suggested safety limits.

You've gotta give it a little more time.

No, that's it.

I'm shutting it down.

No, no, we're almost there.

We're almost there!

You're not "Breaking Bad," Locutus!

All right, I'm disengaging the photon flow.



I don't need it anymore.

You got the names?

The last two remaining bus metas.

Janet Petty and Edwin Goss.