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06x09 - Irreconcilable Differences

Posted: 11/20/19 07:56
by bunniefuu
Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen.

After 5 years in hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city.

Today, I fight that w*r on two fronts.

By day, I lead Star City as its mayor, but by night, I am someone else.

I amSomething else.

I am the Green Arrow.

Previously on "Arrow" Hi, Ollie.


[Canary cry.]

Dinah: His name is Vincent Sobel.

He's my old partner.

We have to find him before he hurts anyone else.

The police are coming.

You should go.


Felicity: Will you marry me?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

You're the very best part of me.

I'm a better human being just because I've loved you.

No matter what life throws at us, our love can conquer it.

John: Oliver Jonas Queen, Felicity Megan Smoak, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Please kiss your bride.

There he is.

Hey, buddy.

Aunt Thea said I can have some champagne.

I said a sip and only during the toast.

Mom and dad used to let us do that.

That--that's just fine.

Yeah, and we turned out all right.

I think that they would be pretty impressed with this party and the groom.

- Think so?

- Yeah.

Of course.


Is everything ok?

Felicity was supposed to be here by now, so What's there to be nervous about, Ollie?

You guys are already married, and it's not like you invited anyone but John to the ceremony.

Well, you were still in the hospital, and it was just a little last-minute, ok?


I know, I know.

John: Hey, you.

Oliver: Hey.

Lyla apologizes for not being able to make it. A. R. G. U. S. missions do not stop for weddings.

Well, she was hoping that they would forthis.

Congrats, man.

So where is the bride?

I don't know.

Donna said that she had a plan, but I Woman: and your eyes open for the first time and I see that moment all of my life and I Felicity: Mom insisted that we make an entrance since we didn't have a traditional wedding, which I'm sure I'll never stop hearing about for the rest of my life.

Donna: Welcome to the family.

- Oh!

- Son!

Ha ha ha!

I can call you that now, right?

- Sure.


- Great!

I want you to know that I have forgiven both of you for running off and eloping and for waiting to propose to my daughter until you were under indictment.

Oh, actually, Felicity proposed to me.

Noah: Come on, Donna.

Let's let them have their day.

They did have their day, and we weren't part of it, remember?

I guess she's keeping a tradition of the Smoak women not having traditional weddings.

What are you talking about?

We had a wedding.


Getting married by a Tom Jones impersonating rabbi isn't exactly traditional.

Noah: I thought that you loved Tom Jones.

No, I don't.

You love Tom Jones.

You know what?

At least we had a Jewish wedding.

Seriously, you guys, would it have k*lled you to get a rabbi or a chuppa?

I'm gonna steal Felicity for a moment.

- Oh, yes, of course.

- I'll bring her back.

Donna: Just a chuppa.

Those whack jobs are already your in-laws, so if you're having second thoughts, it's too late for you.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

You really do love me.

Woman: Your eyes open for the first time Pink: so raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways all my underdogs we will never be, never be anything but loud Laura: I always knew you guys would end up together.

- Didn't I say that, honey?

- She did.

Even when I saw on the news that your engagement was off, I kept telling this one, "Adam, Felicity and Oliver "are meant to be together.

They're going to work it out.

" - Didn't I say that, honey?

- You did.

- I did.

- Well, we're so glad you guys could make it.

It's great to see you again.

Adam: I'd tell you guys to move back to Ivy town, but I guess being mayor of Star City would make that kind of tough, right?

We love Ivy town, but Star City is our home.

Rene: Best part about weddings--free booze.




Paul and I had, um, specialty cocktails made at our wedding.

The Holtini and the Peach Paul Sangria.

We also wore matching white tuxes.

Pink: wrong in all the right ways Can I have a glass of champagne, please?

You ok?


Oh, yeah.

Of course.

Just because I'm divorced doesn't mean that I can't handle celebrating people getting married.

Well, I'm not that into weddings either.

- Shocker.

- Well, the idea of spending the rest of your life with one person seems pretty unrealistic, and, uh, also pretty boring.

- Hmm.

- That's probably why I've had so many busted engagements.

- Say what?

- What?

- Be right back.

- What?

You just gonna leave on that bombshell--that's what you're gonna do?


Is it me, or has she been acting weird lately?

Oh, no.

She's definitely been on Upswipz.

She's been secretly texting with somebody for weeks now.

Good for her.

You know, maybe you should start dating, too.




I date plenty.

Oh, really.




Oh, man.

You know, so-- so many guys.

- Wow.

- There's one guy in particular who I'm dating.

Uh, his name is Dom Perignon.

He is smooth and expensive, and he's really nice, uh, but there's, like, other guys, too.

I'm not trying to be tied down right now, you know.

I'm trying to live that single life.


Like, Tom Collins, Rob Roy?

Not actually a gin guy.

Congratulations, Mr.


Come on, Quentin.

It's Oliver tonight.

Matter of fact, it's always Oliver.

Well, I got a, uh-- I got a little something for you, Oliver.


I know.

It doesn't look like much-- heh heh--but, uh My dad gave that to me on my wedding day.

Quentin, I can't accept this.

It's not like I got anybody I can give it to, is it, and besides, it's not right you don't have a parent here tonight.

Thank you.

This This means a lot.

Thank you.

LMFAO: party rock is in the house tonight everybody just have a good time and we gonna make you lose your mind everybody just have a good time party rock is in the house tonight [Applause.]

Donna: Right here, right here, right here, right here, right here.

- Oh, my God!

I caught it!

- Yes!


We just want to see you Love.

What is love really?

Oh, boy.

Curtis: It is not tangible, so who's to say it's not just made up?

I mean, there's no hard-core proof that it actually exists.

I mean, look.

I love a lot of things-- sweaters, math, coffee, but, you know, I'm not gonna marry that stuff.

What is marriage anyway?

Like, what is it?

Like, is it--it's a paper that says, "oh, I'm owed to you forev"--I don't--no.

I can leave like that, so what is marriage really when it boils down to it?

I have some more stuff to say.

And everybody give Curtis a round of applause.

Thank you, Curtis.

Thank you.

Um, I--I think what my friend is trying to say is, um, true love is so special that we all dream about it, and when I look at Oliver and Felicity, I'm reminded of how I felt about my wife on our wedding day.

We were so in love.

We would do anything for each other, I mean, no matter what, and that is the epitome of Oliver and Felicity.


I mean, you guys have had your struggles, but you always work through it.

These are two of the most genuine people in the world, and they deserve all the happiness, and I'm so fortunate to call them my friends, so please raise a glass to true love.

Oliver and Felicity.

Attendees: To Oliver and Felicity!

DJ: It's time now for the couple's first dance.

[Etta James' "At Last" playing.]

At last my love has come along This is only a courtesy dance because your speech was so sweet.

I have my moments.

You ok?


You know, just, um, thought a friend might have come.

Would have been nice to see him.

Oh, it's a him?

I'm guessing he's more than just a friend then.

Weddings make you nostalgic for the ones you love.

I definitely miss my wife and my family.

You know, for what it's worth, I did see the DJ checking you out.

Oh, no, no.

I don't do DJs.

I had a thing once.

It did not work out.

Donna: Can you believe our daughter is married?

- Oh, my gosh.

- I really can't.

[Donna sighs.]

Thanks for letting me back in her life.

I made a mistake asking you to stay away.


Felicity needs her father in her life, and just for the record, I think Tom Jones is actually-- he's pretty good.

- I kind of like him.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- I'm sorry.

Is this awkward?

Noah: You two know each other?


It's, um--we--I-- Noah: Well, then this is awkward.

I'll go get myself a drink.


You look, um You look really good.

- You mean I look sober.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry.

The last time I saw you, I was in-- You were going through a nightmare.

[Cell phone ringing.


Uh, it's Jean Loring.

This is Oliver's lawyer, and I got to take it.

I-I-I'm sorry.

Oh, yeah.


Sure, sure.

I was never the girl who dreamed about her wedding, but I have to say this was the perfect evening.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Uh, so sorry.

We--we got a problem.

I think I jinxed it.

Come on.

Come on.


- What's going on?

- Well, listen.

I really did not want to do this right now, but Jean Loring just called, and she said I got to tell you right away.

- It's ok.

What's happening?

- I told her you were in the middle of celebrating your wedding-- Quentin!

What's going on?

The prosecution's smoking g*n.

It's a witness who is willing to testify that you are the Green Arrow.

- Who?

- Well, that information's still under seal, but it's someone on the team.

Arrow 6x09 Irreconcilable Differences I can't believe this is happening again.


Hold on a second.

We do not know this is an Evelyn Sharpe situation yet.

It's a betrayal.

I never should have trusted them.

It's not a them.

It's a one, a one who wants to out you to the FBI that would lock you away for life.

That's an awfully long time.

I'd wait for you.

John: Hey.

Just got your message.

Usually, a bride and groom like to be alone on their wedding night.

What's up?

Somebody on the team gave me up to Samanda Watson.

That's impossible, Oliver.

No one would do that.

Lance got it from Jean Loring.

Jean Loring got it from district attorney Armand.

Felicity: I'm running surveillance on Curtis, Dinah, and Rene, and I have worms crawling through their texts and e-mails.

- You're spying on them?

- I'm not spying on them.

I'm, like, keeping tabs.

Oliver, why not just confront whoever this is and give them a chance to come clean?

What makes you think they're gonna be forthcoming?

How do we know that this isn't just the-- the surface of this betrayal?

Look, John.

I don't want to spy on them, but if you have a better idea, I'm all for it.


If someone goes somewhere suspicious, we'll know.

Felicity, we were all just at the wedding.

The most suspicious place they can go is out for late-night pizza.

John, either Curtis, Dinah, or Rene gave me up.

We need to know why, we need to know who.

Otherwise, when you put the hood back on, you could be next.

All right, all right, all right.

Where do you want to go, bathroom or couch?

Hey, hey, hey.

I am perfectly capable of walking myself-- ohh!


No, no.

That was not because I was drunk.

That is just because I am very clumsy.


So this is the dog house.


Ha ha!

It's actually way cleaner than I thought it would be.


You have flowers.

Why do you--why do you have flowers?

Are you seeing some lady friend or something?

It's not like that.

You know who I am gonna see when I get to my place in the morning?

Some hot dude?


In the mirror.



Do you think it was the vigilantism that drove Paul away, or did--did I just lose my charm or--ugh.

Do you--do you ever feel like life would be easier if there was never a team Arrow?

Only all the time.

You know what, though?

Oliver and Felicity got their happy ending, which is all that matters to Oliver at least.

That's just the booze talking, Hoss, all right?

I mean, you're gonna find someone new, but until then, you got all of us.


That's what I get for being nice.

You have to stop contacting me.

I've done all I'm willing to do for you.

I'm not here to ask for a favor.

Then what do you want?

I miss you, D.

That dress reminds me of the one you wore for the Guzman Op.

Don't do that.

Don't try to dip me in nostalgia.

I don't even know who you are anymore, Vince.

The man I knew would never, could never k*ll an innocent person.

The people I've k*lled weren't innocent.

Oh, no?

Well, what about that cop you accidentally shot last month?

- Collateral damage.

- What?

Are you trying to tell me that there hasn't been any in the w*r the Green Arrow's fighting?



There hasn't.

Sounds like I'm not the only one who's changed.

The Dinah Drake I knew was never this naive.

Oliver brought me back from a very dark, very bad place.

He stopped me from becoming you.

The only difference between him and me is that I don't lie to myself about what I'm doing.


I may not be a Saint, but I do know this.

I care about you.

I always have and always will.

Don't contact me.

Leave town, and if I catch you out in the field again, I won't let you get away a second time.

You didn't have to walk me all the way home, Quentin.

You know I can take care of myself.

You are still recovering from 6 months in a coma, Thea.

Let me be a little overprotective here.

Hello, Thea.

Congratulations on not being comatose.

Cayden James would like a word with you.

- Get away from him.

- Thea.

You just got out of the hospital.

Are you so eager to go back?

Quentin: Thea!

Laurel, you ca--uh!


Next time, I'll put you back into a coma Speedy.

- Can we get audio on this?

- No.

I tracked her to this location, then accessed street cams.

Guess we know how vigilante escaped the cops last month.

There's no way we can tell what she's saying to him.

It doesn't matter what she's saying to him.

She lied to the team.

About this.

- Oliver, listen.

- What else has she lied about?

- Let's not get paranoid here.

- Well, it's not paranoia if it's a legitimate fear.

I mean, vigilante tried to k*ll Oliver last year.

He wants to out him to law enforcement, he's virtually doing the same thing--it puts him away for life.


I don't think Dinah would do this.

She cares way too much about this team.

Oliver, listen.

She--she supported me through my injury - and as the Green Arrow.

- I know, and I appreciate that, but after what happened with Evelyn, we need to protect ourselves.



You ok?


I'm fine.

I'm fine.

- It's ok.

- Well, what happened?

Evil Laurel.

She took Quentin.

- Oh.

- I tried to stop her, Ollie, but I--I'm not strong enough anymore.

It's ok.

It's fine.

I'm just--I'm glad you're ok.

Felicity: Yeah, but how are you all right?

Not--not that I'm not glad that you're ok, but it's not like evil Laurel to leave loose ends.

She needed a messenger.

What are the chances that that's gonna ring, like, right-- [chimes and vibrates.]


That's not creepy at all.

[Chiming and vibrating continues.]

Cayden: Hello.

This is Cayden James.

- Where's Lance?

- Now why would I tell you that?

- What do you want?

- A nanoaluminum amplifier.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, that's all right.

I'm sure you can research it, and when you do, you'll find that it's secured at A. R. G. U. S.

Deliver it to me or Quentin Lance dies.

The last time we spoke, you vowed to destroy the city.

I'm guessing this amplifier gets you one step closer to completing that goal, so why should I help you?

I did float the concept of Mr.

Lance dying, didn't I?

Now you listen to me-- At nightfall tomorrow, I will text an address to this phone.

You'll be there with the amplifier, or Quentin Lance shuffles off this mortal coil.

Oh, and please don't breathe a word of this to your friends at A. R. G. U. S.

[Phone beeps.]

Felicity: It's safe to say there are no good reasons that Cayden wants that amplifier.

- It sounds like a trap.

- He has Quentin.

It doesn't matter.

He has leverage.

Can you and Curtis make a--a replica of this thing, a fake to pass off to Cayden James?


I mean, we're good, but we're not that good.

It's one of a kind.

Isn't this guy some type of genius hacker?

He knows it's at A. R. G. U. S. why doesn't he just hack in there himself?

A. R. G. U. S. is 100% air-gapped.

I mean, you can't access their network unless you're on site, and I doubt he wants to cross paths with A. R. G. U. S.

Since they held him prisoner for 8 months.

He's using us instead.

John: A. R. G. U. S. isn't just gonna hand over this amplifier.

They have a longstanding policy of not negotiating with t*rrorists.

- Let's bring in Curtis and Rene.

- No Dinah?

Until we know where her loyalties lie, she's out.

Oh, Dan, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this favor.

I know it's not exactly protocol letting me in here, but I wanted to leave this little surprise for Lyla for when she gets back.

Not letting protocol get in the way of romance.


Well, thanks for helping keep the flame alive.

I, uh--I forgot my card.

It's back at security.

I'm an idiot.

I'll go get it.

No, no.

I'll grab it.

Don't need everyone to see you roaming around without clearance.

Good idea.


You're up.

Talk to me.

Ok, you guys.

I'm working on locating the amplifier.

Just stand by.


Ok, you guys.

I got it.

It's in the east wing.

I'll shut down security when I access the panel.

Does everybody copy?

In position.

Still don't understand why the brown guys got to be the janitors, though.

Janitor is a very honorable profession.

They clean up after you puke, which is something I might do very soon.

- Why the hell isn't Dinah here?

- Is it possible that she could be more hungover than I am?

Rene: Definitely not.

Oliver: Guys, focus.

Overwatch, I'm in position.

How long until security is down?

That depends on Curtis.

We're clear.


Also, leaning over-- not a great decision.

You are not throwing up.

I'm already spending my honeymoon in a garbage can.

- I'm not wearing your puke!

- You slapped me.

Oliver, I can only buy you 60 seconds before the security around the amplifier turns back on.

That's more than enough time for me.

Felicity: The floor is still pressure sensitive.

If you touch it, it will retrigger the alarm.

Oliver: Roger that.

On your count.

3, 2, 1.



Almost there.

Guys, you're about to get company.

We need more time.



I got it.

Clear in 3, 2, 1.

Got it.

Come on.

[Deep voice.]

How you guys doing, huh?

Felicity: Good news is this is exactly what Cayden wanted.

- Bad news is it's-- - Exactly what Cayden wanted.

- Yeah.

- At least, now we know what he's gonna use it for.


He didn't want to supercharge his Christmas lights?

Remember that thermobaric b*mb that Cayden stole?

Well, this will multiply the blast radius 20-fold easily.

John: That's the entire city and then some.


I want to save Lance as much as anyone, but he wouldn't want this.

I mean, he wouldn't want us to just hand over something so dangerous to some psycho.


Well, that's exactly what we're going to do.

- Curtis is gonna sabotage it.

- Curtis is gonna do what, now?

The amplifier doesn't have to work.

We just need Cayden James to think that it works long enough for us to get Quentin back.

I could back-channel a path into the circuitry.

If you hide it behind the existing board, it might buy us enough time to get Lance, get the hell out of there.


Dinah: Hey.

Did you guys just get back from the field?

Why didn't I get a call?

We should speak in private.

That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?



I know that you've been meeting with the vigilante in secret.

- You followed me?

- I did.

Dinah: Whatever business I have with Vince is none of yours.

It is when it threatens to put me in prison and keep me away from my son.

What the hell are you talking about?

I'm talking about being arrested off the statement of someone who knows my identity, somebody on this team.

And you think it was me?

What, because I didn't tell you about Vince?

I think you have given me no reason to trust you.

Dinah: Pfff.

And you?

What about you?

You don't trust me either, John?

Dinah, I'm sorry.



Uh, no, no.


I'm the sorry one.

Yeah, I'm I'm the sorry one for having your back all those times.

- Screw you guys.

- I'm not finished.

- I am!

- Hey.

Guys, can we-- can we all just please calm down for a second?


I know everyone's stressed because Cayden's threatening to blow up the city and Lance is kidnapped, but let's just--all just take a breath.

Now, I'm not saying that it's me, but it can literally be any one of us.

Dinah, you were the only one with something to hide.

Everyone else checked out.

- What does that mean?

- Yeah.

What does that mean, John?

Oliver: It means we had you under surveillance.

Curtis: What?

All of us?

Felicity: Yeah.

And by all of us, you mean all of us.

So just the newbies.

We're out there risking our lives just like the rest of you are!

Rene: Stop.

Dinah isn't the witness, Oliver.

- You don't know that.

- Yes, I do because it's me.

I'm the one who's testifying against you.

Agent Watson came to me.

She said she had proof that I was Wild Dog and that she was gonna use it against me to make sure that I never saw Zoe again.

She said she had a solid case against you and that she was gonna arrest you either way.

You were going down.

I just couldn't make the trip with you.

John: You should have told us, Rene.

We could have figured something out.

There was nothing to figure out, Hoss.


There is no other way.

Felicity: Yeah.

Now we'll never know.

Oliver: Rene Get out.

Get out.


Oh, good.

You're awake.

I wanted us to have a little daddy-daughter time.

Because of what happened on Lian Yu?

You make it sound like I should be over it by now.

You shot me and left me for dead.

You seem to have bounced back.


Thanks to Cayden James.

He sent someone for me.

I'm sorry.

I made a mistake sh**ting you.

I'm glad you're ok.


Then you're an idiot.


You're probably right.

You're probably right.


When you, uh-- when you look at me, do you see your own father at all?


Because my father died when I was 13.

What happened?

It was my 13th birthday, and he left to go get my birthday cake, like he did every year, and then the phone rang.

There was an accident.

A drunk driver ran through a red light.

Head-on collision.

I'm sorry.

I used to pick up Laurel's cake, too, yellow with chocolate frosting, from her favorite bakery.


Sorry you didn't get to know your father.

I guess you're stuck knowing me.

[Door opening.]

Cayden: Ok.

It's time.

Remember, if Green Arrow reneges on our deal, you k*ll him.

How can you eat this?

You ask me that every time.

He means at a time like this.

Stress makes me hungry.

So does guilt.

I just--I screwed up.

You know, Oliver was right to kick me off the team.

You were in an impossible position.

Yeah, and when you're in an impossible position, that's why there's a team, D.

Just like Dig said.

You're uncharacteristically quiet, Hoss.

Just hungover, doing some processing.

I'm actually doing a lot of processing.

Oliver spying on us, you mean?

Not gonna pretend there's not a difference between the three of us and the three of them, you know, the original 3, but-- Spying on us?

I mean, come on.

- It crosses a line.

- Yeah, and I just don't like the way that it makes me feel.

Now I'm stressed.


It's good.

It's real good.


- Hey.

- Hi.

Felicity told me what happened.

- Yeah.

- Would ask if you're ok, but I think I already know the answer.

Thinking about what Rene did.

What did he do really?

He kept a secret, and he--he put his daughter ahead of the team.

And I feel betrayed.

How can I feel betrayed by somebody doing the exact same things that I've done?

Because you've never sold anyone out on the team, Ollie, and if you're convicted, you could end up spending a really long time in jail.

But having said that, you're doing the right thing, looking at things through his perspective, and having done that, maybe you can see your way to forgiving him.


Well, Rene is a-- a very desperate guy who just did a very desperate thing, but he's also the same guy who just last night was giving such a heartfelt, sweet speech and--and calling you his friend, and I really think that he meant that.

It was a betrayal, no question, but since you've been able to see things from his point of view, youYou should also be able to see your way to forgiving him.

Listen to you.

Quentin needs the team right now, Ollie, but he needs the whole one.

It's almost nightfall.

Let's have the team suit up.

John The whole team.

Copy that.

Thanks for having me back, man.

Let's get our friend back.

This is where Cayden James wants to make the exchange?


It's a no-brainer he picked this place.

It's a digital black hole.

There's no cameras, insulated walls.

Once you guys get inside, I'm totally blind.

But that means so is he.

- Get the amplifier working?

- I hope so because otherwise we'd be handing a crazy psychopath the means to crater the entire city.

I mean yes.

Yes, it's ready.

I will handle the exchange.

You 3 be my eyes and ears.

The priority is extracting Quentin, but if we get a chance to take Cayden James into custody, we take it.

Whatever we're going through, whatever issues we have, let's put it aside and get the job done.

- Agreed?

- Agreed.



Let's go.

Cayden: So we meet again.

Where's Lance?

Oh, somewhere handy.

I'll be taking that amplifier now.

You will be telling me where Lance is.

A fair request.

Equally fair, lay down your bow.

I'll let you speak with him.

I am a man of my word.

If I wasn't, there wouldn't be much point in vowing to destroy this city, would there?

We can't see anything from up here.

Let's search the building.

Green Arrow said stay put until he makes the exchange.


We're--we're his eyes and ears, and we can't even look around?

Felicity: Guys, we need you as backup.

Well, maybe if you bugged Lance like you bugged us, we'd know where he was.


We didn't bug you guys.

We tracked your GPS.

It's totally different.

- Bugging me now.

- You know I can hear you through Wild Dog's comms.

You know that, right?


Screw it.

I'm not gonna sit around here and wait for Oliver to decide to trust us again.


Wasn't that easy?

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm fine.

Accommodations could be nicer, but, yeah, I'm fine.


Well, sit tight.

- I'll be there soon.

- Yeah.

Just don't compromise the city's safety for me, all right?

Now there's a dedicated civil servant.

I wish there were more like him.

Proof of life as requested.

Your turn now, I think.

Take what you wanted.

I think not.

You see, what I wanted was a nanoaluminum amplifier, one that hasn't been sabotaged.

He knows.

That makes no sense.

How could he know?

I'm disappointed, though not nearly as much, I imagine, as your friend, Mr.


k*ll him.

And k*ll him.

[Beep beep.]

Team, everything's gone south.

Back up Green Arrow!


Felicity: Wild Dog, terrific, where are you guys?

- We're on our way.

- On your way?

Why weren't you in position?

Rene: Haven't got time for that now, Hoss.

We've got eyes on Lance.

[Siren cry.]



James is gone.

His men are down.

Where the hell is everybody?

I've got Lance and Laurel.

They're exiting the north side of the building.

I'm on my way.

Laurel's getting away with Lance.

And we've got company.

- Ok.

One last stop.

- Ugh.



[Siren cry.]

- You all right?

- Yeah.

Thanks for coming to get me.

John: Can I get a sitrep?

Felicity: Is everyone ok?


We're good here.

How's Lance?

Dinah: He's fine.

Sleeping it off.

Any sign of Cayden James or Black Siren?


They're completely off the grid.

Curtis: But we got Quentin back.

That was the objective, right?


You and Rene were supposed to be backup.

Where'd you go?

Rene: We were looking for Lance, and from what I can tell, we found him.

Moving off of your position, was that your call or Curtis'?

Curtis: Look.

I was right there beside-- It was my call, and it turned out to be the right one.

You got lucky, Rene.

Doesn't make it the right call.

Look, man.

I know you're pissed at me, and I don't care because you left us blind out there, and I wasn't gonna let Lance die just because you didn't trust us enough to go off leash and look for him.

Oliver: When we are in the field, there is a clear chain of command plain and simple.

I've been the same guy tonight that I've always been since you brought me onto this team.

Rene, yes, that's true.

You have--sometimes, you go your own way.

- That's right.

- And I put up with it because I trusted you.

What's that supposed to mean?

You got a second chance tonight, my friend, and you broke our trust again.

You don't get a third.

- You're off the team.

- Just like that?

Just like that.

It's been real, y'all.

Yeah, I hate to say it, but Oliver is right.

We're a team.

We need to-- we need to trust each other, need to believe in each other.

I don't believe in you anymore.

- Dinah.

- Don't.

It's too late.

I'm out, too.


Guess we should both be glad I didn't leave town like you said.

Oh, thanks.

That's really what I needed right now, an "I told you so.

" You ok?

You don't look it.

I don't really want to talk about it.

Then why'd you reach out?

Because I had no one else to call.

I'll try not to be insulted by that.

I really needed someone who believed in me.

I needed a friend.


I can do that.


My favorite!

Well, I wanted it to feel like home.

I'm not gonna have to leave again, am I?


I won't let anyone split us up ever again.

I promise.

I'm just gonna say this.

I don't think there's anything that has been said or done that can't be undone.

I don't think I agree, John.

I agree with Felicity.

We need to move forward.

Sorry I'm late.

Um, I think I probably might still be a little hungover.

I've also been thinking about a few things.

Oliver, you and Dinah were right.

No trust, no team.

You all spied on me, invaded my privacy.

Whether you couldn't trust me or not, it means that I can't trust you.

Felicity: Curtis, what's that supposed to mean?

I'm still a part of Helix Dynamics, Felicity.

That's separate, but this I'm done.


Like I said, we need to move forward.

- Oliver.

- Cayden James knew that we sabotaged the amplifier last night.

We need to find out how.

When you had me raid their bunker and plant that minicam two months ago Is this the outcome I had in mind?

Quite so, Ms.

Lance, although I must confess, things have worked out even better than I anticipated.

Anatoly: Hardly impressive.

Left to his own devices, Oliver Queen will always push away those closest to him.

Vince: So we've got them fighting with each other instead of fighting us.

Please tell me that isn't your whole master plan.

Cayden: Oh, not at all, Mr.


In fact, I think it fair to say that this Is only the beginning.