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04x09 - So Long, Marianne

Posted: 11/20/19 07:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us My nephew came back into my life.

No matter how much I told him to scram.

You should come to Philly with me.

For Thanksgiving.

Deja, I'm sorry we haven't taken you to see Shauna.

I'd actually like to invite her here.

For Thanksgiving.

Aw, open up.

- There you go.

- Oh, my, this is Well, this is terrible timing.

Kate, you did it.

He's eating it.

First solid food, buddy.

I'm not gonna go see some doctor just because you're overreacting.

- I'm just worried that there could be - I said I'm fine.

- Mom.

- Randall!


- I hate Thanksgiving.

- Shh.


And Layne finishes it out, hitting the 101 mark in touchdown passes for a Lions win, 28 to 24.

- Yes.

- Dang it.

Pay up, daddy-O.



Where the hell are you?


It's okay.

Where were you?

What, too much thankfulness going on in there?


Grandpa's three sheets to the wind and won't stop asking me if I'm scared of being drafted next week.

Mom burned the bird and Dad's about to blow.

And it's only 11:00.

Well, it's the best day of the year, every single year, like clockwork, isn't it?

Oh, yeah.

You want to split?

And just ditch Thanksgiving?



Ready to, uh, hit the road to Philly?

Wow, well, look at you.

You look sharp.

- I look like I'm in a Viagra commercial.

- You do not.

You look very, uh, you know, newly sober chic.

I'm not sure about this, Kevin.

I'm telling you.

I'm a 100% on this.

Pleated pants are in.

GQ did a whole spread.

I'm not talking about pleated pants, you nitwit.

Uh, coming to your brother's for Thanksgiving, you know, with your whole family.

- Nicky, everyone's really excited to see you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They are It's gonna be perfect, trust me.


What are you gonna do about that monstrosity of a trailer out there?

Uh, I don't I haven't, you know, called to return it yet.

I don't I-I was thinking, you know, after Thanksgiving, I'd drive you back here and maybe spend a little more time in Bradford.

- Really?


- Maybe.

All right.

Good morning, my turkeys.

Good morning, my giblets.

This would be easier to do if you had two hands, you know?

Hey, why are we setting up a card table in the foyer?

'Cause our dining table only seats eight, and we've expecting 13 guests with all the birth moms and long-lost uncles.


- Just lean in, baby.

- Yeah, yeah.

Hey, Deja.

You look nice.

Uh, you sure it's not too fancy?

- I think your mom will love it.

- Thanks.

Um, I don't know.

I'm still gonna change.

I'm not feeling it.

Oh, dear God, please let Shauna be okay.

Deja is so nervous.

I just want today to go well for her.


Just go talk to her.

It's Thanksgiving.

She probably wants to make up as much as you do.


You guys are up and cooking already, huh?


So, Randall, I'm putting, uh, chorizo in the stuffing.

- Barefoot Contessa-style.

- Nice.

Mom, Kevin and Uncle Nicky are en route and Kate just texted.

- Their flight is on time.

- Great.

Okay, so I'm gonna go set up the VCR for Police Academy 3, and let you guys have an opportunity to talk.


I got all the traditional staples.

The saltines, the hot dogs, the Kraft Singles.

Randall, I did not forget.

I was just gonna make myself some tea.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize.

You know, I also managed to make the cranberry sauce this morning - without blowing up the house.

- Of course you did.

Mom, I didn't mean to overstep last night.

- I'm sorry if I - Yeah, you know, I-I really want to try and put last night behind us.

I know.

Me, too.

But at some point, we need to talk about what's going on with you.

- If we think this - Okay.

I need some space.

I need to get out of here for a minute.

- Where are you going, Mom?

- I don't know.

I'm gonna go get dressed and just take a walk, clear my head, I don't kn Maybe I'll go see a movie.

I'll be back in time for dinner.

And I would, um, appreciate it if you kept this little argument of ours between us.

- Of course.

- Okay.

I will pick up a pie on the way back.

Dad, I can't find the Thanksgiving box.

The Pilgrim Rick hat is in it.

Oh, and there's this really funny hat that your Grandpa Jack - used to wear.

- Oh, and we'll be listening to Police Academy 3.

Which is kind of like PAW Patrol but with humans and swearing.

My CrossFit group text is going crazy for Jack's first solid food video.

They love it, buddy.


And-and my Insta is-is, like, blowing up.

The likes just keep rolling in.

- Toby, I have to tell you something.

- Okay.

Um, and listen, I am, I am so, so sorry.

It was a total accident.

But, um Jack's first avocado was actually at Gregory's house when you weren't home.


Yeah, he just, he wasn't taking food that morning, and-and when he went when Gregory went to feed him, I just, I didn't stop him and then Wow.

This is So-so, you've just been lying to me for the last 24 hours?


You feeding Jack was still a real beautiful moment.

Was it, Kate?

'Cause thinking back on it now, it seems kind of humiliating.

Okay Toby, I'm home alone all day with Jack.


And things are gonna happen.

So what if he takes his-his first steps when you're at CrossFit?

What am I gonna do?

Should I, should I just knock him down?

Yeah, okay, no, so it's my fault that you fed him an avocado and then lied to me about it.

Because I was at the gym.

Okay, got it.

I did not say it was your fault.

I meant that You know what?

I'm sorry, a-and I'm just, I'm tired.


- It's okay.

- You know what?

It's okay.

It's okay.

We're all tire we're all tired.

It's probably why I am overreacting to AvocadoGate here.

There will be plenty of firsts, right?


Like his first Thanksgiving.

- Yeah.

- This is your first one, buddy.

It's gonna be awesome.


You know, I can't believe you bet against Dallas just because Dad loves the Cowboys.

And with Jonny?

- Yeah.

- Touchdown Cowboys.

The extra point will tie it up.

Hey, how much did you bet, - anyhow?

- Mm.

200 bucks.

- 200?

Jesus - It's not like I can bring it with me.

You know what, stop.

You're not going to Vietnam.

You are not gonna get your number called next week.

And the kick is good.

The Cowboys are going to escape with a 24-24 tie.

Oh, co What are you grinning about?

I-It ended in a tie.

All right?

You got lucky.

It's a push.

No, it's not.

What do you got, points?

Jonny gave you points?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks, Jonny.

- How much money is that?

- It's a lot.

It's really nice - to finally meet you, Nicky.

- Oh.

Hey, this place is amazing.

You call this downsizing?

Don't test me, brother-in-law.

And, uh, what fell on your face?

Uh, walked into a wall.

- All good.

- Uh, it would be in the attic.

Yeah, the cardboard box labeled "Thanksgiving" or "Holidays".

- Thank you so much for checking.

- Come on.

My brother.

Happy Thanksgiving.

What happened to your face?

Eh, fly ball to the face.



You look amazing.

Kevin q*eer Eyed you, huh?

I don't know what that means.

- He does.

- Uncle Kevin!


There she is.

Happy Thanksgiving.

What happened to your eye?

Thank you so much, yes.

I'll see you soon.

Great news.

The new owners of our old house found the box - of holiday stuff in the attic.

- Randall - Yes.

- you are really not gonna drive all that way just to get a box of our old Thanksgiving tradition stuff?

I'll go get my coat.

That's my girl!

All right, well, hurry your ass up, because Shauna's gonna be here at 2:00 and I don't want to be here alone if she shows up in a bad way.

- Understood.

- Uh, think I could ride along?

You They're going to Jersey.

I don't mind.

Gives me time to get to know Russell.

- It's Randall.

- See?

- Uh - It's fine, Kev.

Annie, you're driving.

Where's my mom?



You know, I've been here for, like, ten minutes.

You didn't come down and say hi?

Hey, Uncle Kev.

That is not my niece's beautiful smile.

What's wrong?

Tell me.


Get it?


I don't really want to talk about it.

Oh, come on.

Besides, I need something to get my mind off of worrying about my uncle so much.


There's this stupid meme going around school that everybody's posting on Instagram.

"Post a pic of your number one celebrity crush".


So what's going on?

I haven't come out at school yet.

So I could post nothing and be left out.

Or I can post the truth.

I have a crush on Zendaya.


That's my choice, too.

But your life won't completely explode if you say it.

Hey, let's get out of here.

Let's get a bite.

- There's so much food here.

- Yeah, but I need air.

You know?

I need air.

- Let's go get some air.

Come on.

- Okay.

All right, we're off to get a pre-turkey snack.

And then there was Beth.

Uh, what am I, chopped liver?

Aw, Migs You know I love you.

Shauna, hi.

I know I'm crazy early Oh, that's no problem.

Come on in.

How you doing?

Good, Beth.

Really, really good.


Deja told me you got a new job.

- How's it going?

- Pretty good.

I'm working the front desk at Delaware General Hospital.

The hours are long but the benefits are really good.


That's fantastic.

This is a pineapple upside down cake.

It's Deja's favorite, so Oh, she's gonna love that.

You're early.

Tater Tot.


Mm My God, you are so grown.

And you're so beautiful.

You look better than ever, baby.

You, too, Mom.

Um, you want to help me make cookies?

Lead the way.


Excuse me, William, it's Can I help you with something?

I'm sorry, I thought I thought you were someone else.

Oh, well, sorry to disappoint.

Uh, are you all right?

I'm I am, I'm just not from around here.

Actually, um, could you tell me if there's a bakery nearby, because I need to pick something up.

- Hmm, a bakery?

- Mm-hmm.

Well, there is a nice grocery store around the corner.

Fresh-made whipped cream cakes.



That's what I'm looking for.


Thank you very much.

Thank you to Dad for loving the Cowboys, and thank you to me for hating Dad.

Could you just Could you put it away, all right?

- Look, people are gonna start watching.

- Let them watch.

It's probably more dough than they've seen in their entire life.

Well, it's more money than we've seen in our entire life.

Here's to that.

Whoa, hey.

Oh, here we go.

Here we go.

You realize this is five pounds of shrimp?

- Oh, we realize.


- Good luck.

Don't need luck.

This is a Thanksgiving dinner, huh?


Good job.

Hey, Deja, check this out.

Whiskey Business.

- You get it?

- What?

Come on.

You don't know that?

You're too young.

Oh, Deja, come here, come here.

Look what just popped up on my Facebook timeline.

Nine years ago today.

- My first Cupid Shuffle.

- Oh, look at your little feet go.

I remember that night.

Mrs. Henderson was so pissed.

Hey, Beth.

You okay?

All right.

Here's the thing about AA, okay?

A big part of it is sort of taking things one day at a time, okay?

One step at a time, one person at a time.


Okay, so it got me thinking instead of coming out to everyone all at once, right, well, what if you just come out to one person?

Just a complete stranger.

Someone you don't even have to look in the eye.


Just to see how it feels.

You want me to come out to The drive-through speaker.



No pressure, though.


No pressure.

Only if you want.

But, I mean, think about it.

All right?

What could be less scary than coming out to a-a plastic clown head?

Oh, here we go.

Welcome to Happy Burger.

What can I get you?

Tell you what, I'm gonna do a number four and a chocolate shake.

I'm Tess Pearson, and I'm gay.

Uh, cool.

You want fries or onion rings with that number four?

Fries, please.

Hey, happy Thanksgiving.

- It's so good to be here.

- Oh, my gosh, guys, he's so beautiful.

Must be all the avocado.

I'm on the Gram now.


You should follow me.

- Happy Thanksgiving.

- Yeah, our boy loves avocado.

Hey, do you guys have room for this in your fridge?

It's, uh, it's my tempeh.

I'm on a special diet.

- We travel with tempeh now.

- Oh.


- I'll find some room in the fridge for it.

- Yeah, thanks.

Oh, my God, this apartment This is downsizing?

- Yeah.

- Come on.

Wait, where is everyone?

And every year, someone wears it and pretends to be Pilgrim Rick.

Wait, you're Grandpa Jack's brother, right?


So why haven't we met before?

Because your grandfather erased me.

Hey, Annie, why don't you go ring the doorbell?

We'll be right there.

Nicky are you okay?


I'm sorry.

I I thought I could handle this, but it's too much.

I mean, his own granddaughter has never even heard of me.

I knew he'd never talked about me that much, but I don't know - Hello?

- Yeah.

You must be Randall.

- I am.

- Come on in.

Thank you.


Everything is different.

But I love what you've done with the place.

Thank you.

It's such a beautiful house.

It really was is.

It really is.

- Here's your holiday box.

- Thank you.

Grandpa Jack's hat!

- Now we're talking.

- Yes.

Oh, I also found these.

Uh, are these yours?

Um Yeah.

Sorry, my mom gave me these as a housewarming gift when we first moved in here.

Nobody loves music like my mom.

Excuse me.


Could you tell me where the bakery is?

Yeah, it's just straight down there past the checkout aisles, you can't miss it.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you.

Ooh, so pretty.

That'll be $16.



These bottomless purses, I tell you what, they're all the rage, but you can never find anything in them.



I haven't eaten anything today.

I think that's why my brain's a little fuzzy.

Good Chinese place down the street.

Oh, that does sound good.


Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Wait, so there's no dairy in this?

- 100% cashew, m'lady.

- Wow.

This is some damn good nut cheese.

- Right?

That's what I'm saying.

- Yeah, best I've ever had.

That whole tray is nut-based.

- What?

- Look, you get in the box with me for one week, come meet my trainer KJ, we'll get you on a meal plan, you'll lose five pounds bang like that.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

Not a bunch of weight, just Are you okay?


I'm ashamed.

It's evil.

I'm evil, you know.

I can't even say it out loud.

Okay, well, how about this: you tell me your evil feeling and I'll tell you mine.

I hate that Shauna's doing so well.

Okay, that is bad.

I know, I know.

I was praying for her last night.

Like, praying on my knees that she would show up here today in a good place, but then I see them together watching home videos, or busting out inside jokes, and I don't know.

It's just simpler for Randall.

He's the only father she's ever known, but she already has a mom, you know?

Where does that leave me?

Okay, I said my terrible thing, you say yours.

I hate CrossFit Toby.

I do, I do.

I hate his food charts, his "fat blocks", his CrossFit acronyms.

- What?

- Yeah.

You know, the first thing I said to him when we met was that I couldn't fall for a fat person 'cause I was determined to lose the weight, I don't want anyone to get in my way, - and we-we broke up over it.

- Yeah.

And then we committed to losing the weight together, but we didn't.

And then we had a baby, a baby with special needs, and I have never been more stressed, more tired, more overwhelmed in my entire life.

And then he goes and loses the weight, which is amazing, but all I can think is he did it without me.

You sh you should tell him how you feel.

N I wouldn't even know how to.

Honey, just figure it out 'cause if you're only going to other people about what's happening in your marriage, it's it can be dangerous territory.

Why don't you pick one of those and pop it in, Uncle Nicky?

Come over To the window, my little darling Leonard Cohen?

Oh, man, my dad used to love this song.

"So Long Marianne".

Loved listening to it.

Loved explaining it to us even more.

Over and over This next song was requested via mail from one of our brave troops in Vietnam.

Hoping you're having some kind of Thanksgiving there, boys.

Your loved ones sure are missing you here.

- Come over - I got to change this.

No, no, no, no.

Leave it.

It's Leonard Cohen.

He's a poet.

Nicky, if I wanted a poem, I'd read a book.

No, you wouldn't.

Just listen.

He's singing about the love of his life moving on from him, but there's no bitterness in him.

He's just grateful to have loved her.

Before I let you take me home He was lost before he met her and then she became his home.

And in the chorus, listen, he's saying goodbye, but he can't quite let go.

We began To laugh And cry and cry And laugh about it All again He's sending her away and calling her back in the same breath.

I forget to pray for the angels I just hope that she came back to him and that they laughed again.

And then the angels forget to pray for us Now so long, Marianne It's time We began to laugh And cry and cry And laugh about it all again I hope she went back to him and they laughed together again.

Something my dad would always say whenever he listened to this song.

Uh, nope, he called it a poem.

He'd give us all kind of hell if we called it a song.

Can we, uh, make a quick stop on the way home?


- Everything good?

- It was delicious.

Thank you very much.

I just had it.

Come on.

Um, ma'am?



Um, I need to call my son, and I can't find my phone.

Um, uh, do you, do you have a phone that I can use?

A telephone?

- To call Yeah.

- Oh.

Uh, great.


I don't know his number.

I can't His number is in my phone, and I need my phone to call him.

I need to call my son.

You're not helping me right now.

I need to call my You found it.

- There it is.

- Hey, Tobe.

- Yeah?

- Talk to you for a minute?

Yeah, of course.

Just give me one sec.

These are sweet potatoes.

They are orange.

They're like the regular potato's sassy aunt.

What's up?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

All right.

Oh, come on, that was pass interference.

Hey, you like football now?

Oh, Dej, I'm a die-hard Eagles fan.

- I bleed green and white.

- Since when?

Well, some friends from work get together every Sunday and watch the games.

We all bring different dishes, do a potluck.

I've gotten really into it.

Sounds like fun.

Um, excuse me a second.

After you.



You're early.

It's good to see you.

You look great.

Uh, Nicky, this is Shauna.

She's our, uh, - adopted daughter's biological mother.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- Um, I need a platter.

Oh, it's in the pantry.

Right here.

- Oh, got it.

- I'll be right with you, Shauna.

I can't wait to catch up.

Is my mom here?

- Not yet, baby.

- Huh.

- How's Shauna?

- She's good.

She has a job and an apartment, and, um, made an upside down cake.

That's a good thing?



I'll be right back, okay?


Hey, guys.

One sec.

You're reached Rebecca Pearson.

Please leave a message.

Hey, Mom.

Uh, you haven't returned any of my texts and now your phone's off.

Trying not to worry, but, um, it's almost time to eat, so hope you're close.

Please come home.


What's up, sis?

- Hi.

- How're you doing?


We're gonna sit down to dinner as soon as Rebecca gets back.


Your mom seems like she's doing pretty great.

She is.

She-she loves her new job, and she has a whole bunch of friends.

She has a new apartment and it sounds real nice, too, um, even has a fireplace.

When I was growing up, we'd always say one day that we'd have a fireplace.

Now she finally has one.

Why couldn't she be like this for me?

Oh, honey.

Hey, tell me the story about that video.


With you and your mom and the dancing.

- Oh.

- Tell me about that day.

Um Yeah, I got it.

Our downstairs neighbor, Mrs. Henderson, um, she was as mean as they come, and on that morning, she was out front and she asked me what we were doing for Thanksgiving and I told her we were bringing in takeout.

And then she said something about how my mama wasn't raising me right and how maybe if she knew how to cook, she'd be able to keep a man around.

- Ugh, Mrs. Henderson.

- Right?

And my mom knew Mrs.

Henderson hated when we made noise, so there was no better revenge in her mind than teaching me the Cupid Shuffle.

I mean, music cranked all the way up, feet stomping as loud as we could stomp.

- Genius.

- It was it was perfect.


You may not have gotten the fireplace, but don't let yourself forget all the times you had with her when she was absolutely perfect.


Thank you for the ride, Officers, but this is all really unnecessary.

You're a long way from Los Angeles.


I'm out here visiting family.

We always get together for special occasions.

- Hey, hey.

- So Tell me, how did you know, how'd it go with Uncle Nicky?

Dude, it went great.

- Really?

- He's in the kitchen fixing something to add to our dinner.

Been very secretive about it.

It's cute.

- He is cute.

- Yeah.

- And still no Mom?

- No.

Why would she go off by herself on Thanksgiving?

She must've really wanted to see that new De Niro movie.

- Do you know who Steve Guttenberg is?

- Yeah.

He is one of my top three favorite What about Michael Winslow?

- Excuse me.

- A sound effects genius.

Excuse me.

Uh Well, I've learned that, uh traditions inspired by Jack Pearson are sort of the backbone of this shindig.

So So, uh here goes.

Uh Thanksgivings growing up weren't you know, jolly like this.

But we made do.

So how bent you think the old man's gonna be?

I think this one's gonna be a doozy.

It was actually the best Thanksgiving ever.

Okay, so then, we'll do it again next year.

And the year after that.

And then again, the year after that.

And we would've kept that promise.

And we would've kept that tradition.

But life, you know?

Got in the way.

So Here is five pounds of Thanksgiving shrimp.


It's for Jack.

My brother.

And, uh Yeah, to new family traditions, so - Enjoy.

- Hear, hear.

Jack, five-minute warning.

Everyone'll be here soon.

- Those hot dogs smell amazing.

- I know.

Our baby and I need to eat them stat.

Have some shrimp.

There's five pounds.

It was really beautiful, Uncle Nicky.

Eh Hey, kid.

I think it's time for you to get back to L. A.

Live your own life.

I'm gonna be just fine, Kevin.

And if I need you, I'll call you.

If you need me, you call me.

- Okay.

- Good.



Feel like you disappeared on me.

- Look at this Pilgrim Rick.

- Pilgrim Rick.

I know, I know, I know.

Kate, will you grab my phone real quick before he melts down?

- I got it.

- This is a special moment, Jack.

- Oh - There we That's what you call full circle.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Hey, Kate?

- Can you say shrimp?

Can you say five pounds of shrimp?

- Kate?




- Yeah.

We don't want to miss this; he's gonna melt down.





Okay, ready?

- Say "shrimp".

- Got it.



What do we got?

How we doing?

The comments.

- That's what's up!

See, this is great.

- I know.

Look at this.

These are great oh.

- I sense joy here.

- Yes.

- I could use some.

What's happening?

- Well Yeah, you can tell him.

Your daughter came out on Instagram today.

- What?

- Yeah.

Wow, Tess.

- This is huge.

- Yeah.


My phone is, like, blowing up.

I've got to go deal with this.

- Yes.

- Yeah, of course, no.

My goodness.

- Well, look at you, Ray Donovan.

- Yeah.

- Just fixing everybody.

- Well, I don't know about that.


What's next for you?

Uh, next is, um I don't know, man.

You know, I-I spent two months in that small town.

You know, spent every day with-with two virtual strangers, and, uh I got to tell you, I haven't had that feeling since I was a kid.

You know?

Just a feeling of, um just being responsible for other people.

You know?

Sense of a family.

So I liked it.

You know?

I liked it, so I think, um I think that's what's next for me.


For sure.


By the time I'm 40, I'm gonna have a wife, I'm gonna have a kid, - the whole shebang.

- You should probably date somebody first.

You know, it's only nine months till our birthday.

Why you always got to be a buzzkill?


By the way, where is Mom?

I'm starving.

Are you starving?

I'm starving.

Uh All right, ma'am, you're home.

Everything's gonna be okay.

- Mom.

Come on in.


- Hi.

Thank you very much for bringing her home.

Thank God.

Mom, we've been, you know, - calling nonstop.

- I'm sorry, I-I went out to try and get you a birthday cake to surprise you, and then I got all turned around.

- I hope I didn't ruin your whole party.

- No.

- Happy 40th, sweetheart.

- Thanks, Mom.

Thank you.

- Happy birthday.

- Thank you, Mom.

- Here, I got you this.

- Thank you.

You came back.

I was getting worried.

Of course I came back.

That movie was three and a half hours long, and then the line at the store was huge.

I left you a bunch of messages.


I turned off my cell phone for the movie.

I must've forgotten to turn it back on.

I'm sorry.

Hi, everyone.

Look at the hat.

All right, thanks.

Oh, how's she doing back there?

Uh, she's laying down.

She's a little nauseous.

My fiancée's got morning sickness at all hours of the day, so Oh, try ginger tea.

- That always worked for me.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- Ginger tea.

Good tip.

Thank you.

And, um, thank you very much for bringing my mom home.

Yes, thank you.

Good luck with that.

Thank you.

Kevin, is Randall here yet?

No, Mom.

Randall's not coming.

We're not speaking, remember?

Mmm, looks delicious.


- And I'll just take that off your hands.

- Don't Now Stop.


- Hmm?

- Um I'm really sorry, Mom.

About last night.

I was probably overreacting and you know.

I was halfway through the trailer of Cats when I couldn't remember what movie I went to go see.

I think I need to see a doctor.
