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04x09 - For Want of a Nail

Posted: 11/19/19 19:18
by bunniefuu


"Damn" is right.

What's this bed made out of?

- Goose feathers.

- Goose feathers.

Well, a whole lot of geese had to die so Her Majesty could get some shut-eye.

They did not die in vain.

I don't think we should sleep in here tonight.

Last night was one thing, but the more I look around this room, I No more of that.

I just want us to live in this moment.

There's too many ghosts in this room.

What we need to do is rip all this shit out.

This bed, that weird little tree over there.

Look at all this space.

We could bunk, like, ten comrades in here.

Then that's what we'll do.

- Oh, shit.

- Move, move!

Everybody get down to the shelter, now!

We got a radio call at 6:45 from - our allies in Aztlan.

- Their spotters caught a flight of HE-200 heavy bombers moving in over Fremont.


Brace yourselves.

Everybody, take cover!

Get down!

Everybody, take cover, come on!

Get down!

Lord, if it'll be your will What the hell is this?


"People of San Francisco, resist your n*gro overlords.

" I've been called all kinds of shit in my time, but - "overlord"?

- Don't know, Leon.

The cat with the bayonet kind of looks like you.

"The Reich is coming to liberate the city of San Francisco.

" Next time it won't be paper they're dropping.


How was your flight?

Very smooth, thank you.

I've begun to think of New York as my second home.

Oberstgruppenfuhrer Eichmann, I'd like to introduce to you Reichsmarschall John Smith.

We've met.


Welcome to Berlin Reichsmarschall.


The Fuhrer is ready for you.

If you'll come this way.

I'm afraid this will take a few hours.

I'm sure you'll want to get some rest.

Show the Reichsmarschall to his quarters.

I prefer the 5th Panzer by rail across Wyoming and the 83rd by rail across New Mexico.

You, uh might want to work on your presentation.

The knives will be out and sharpened.

Soon, the last ship leaves for Japan and with it the life we have made here.

This concludes the final broadcast of Empire TV San Francisco.


Long live the Emperor.

May the Emperor's reign Continue for a thousand Eight thousand generations Until the pebbles Grow into boulders Lush with moss We've got activity.

It's all going haywire.

What's happening?

What's going on?




You okay?


Yeah, fine.

Did that lithograph fit?

We've packed too much.

That's our whole future in that suitcase.

It's taken me years to curate this collection.

Are you sure you saw a Pon near here?

The place looks empty.

Just stay hidden no matter what you hear.

I didn't see anyone.

Let's check it out.

Yeah, that's clear.


Excuse me.

Can I help you?

This your store?

Yes, it is.

A Pon was spotted on this block couple hours ago.



I don't know anything about that.

You don't mind if we do a little look around, then?


Go ahead.

Suit yourself.

There's a gold nugget in that case behind you.

The glass case.

Back there.

Was, uh, discovered in the Blackfoot River in 1860.

I don't see any gold nugget.

This might be of interest to you.

Signed by Lipman Pike, the first Jewish professional baseball player.

Get out of my shop.

Get out!

Okay, all right.

We get it.

We're leaving.

It's okay.



Get out.

Stay out!

You all right?

We have to get out of here.

Davenport Women's Clinic.

How may I help you?

This is Helen Smith.

Yes, Mrs.


I I'm calling to confirm my appointment for 11:00 tomorrow.

Uh, thank you.

Thank you.

We'll see you then.

We're on.

11:00 a. m. tomorrow.

Thank you.


I didn't hear you come in.

Are you feeling all right?

Nothing to worry about.

Attention, attention.

All passengers for Japan Move it!


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

- Japanese only.

- Excuse me.

In line.

- Please, come on - Go.

- Come on.

- Japanese only.


- Sir, sir, if I may?

- You, too.


- Japanese only.

- Uh, yes, I'm aware.

This is a letter of transit signed by Her Majesty the Crown Princess.

Uh, your assistance in this matter, I'm sure, would be greatly appreciated by the royal family.


Step aside.

No, no, no.

This letter is genuine.

This is the that's the crown princess's signature.


- He won't even look at it.

- Sergeant.

We could arrange to pay for our passage with your help.

The ship is full.

Sir, we have money.

What's in the suitcase?

Uh it's It's, uh This is junk.

Sir, no, no, no.


If you'll permit me, this this is a a verge fusee quarter repeater.

Its hands have marked every moment in the lives of the Tokugawa shoguns and of Louis Quatorze.

They'll mark the moments of your own life, and and it'll become an heirloom for your descendants.


Get your things.

Get your things.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

Not you.

Just her.


Sir The ship is leaving.

If you don't want your space, I'll give it to someone else.



- Here, a diamond ring.

- No, no.

Give it to your mistress.

- Yukiko, don't.

- It's okay.

Sell it, buy a car.

Take it.

Just let my husband on board!

- Hey.

Hey, hey.

- Sir, please.

Just her.

Sir, please.



There's no other way.

You go on.

You're my husband.

We belong together.

I know.

But it's impossible.

All right?

I need for you to be safe.

You go ahead.

I love you so much, Robert.

I love you with all my heart.


You'll be fine.

Go ahead.

- Next!

- Go on.

- Next!

- Go ahead.

- It's all right.

Go on.

- Move it.


There's a section of the old Southern Pacific rail line that runs right to the migrant camp in Salinas.

Children, the infirm and the elderly will all be evacuated in four days' time.

These, uh, power transformers - are badly damaged.

- Yeah, well, we weren't thinking we might need 'em when we blew 'em up.

The city gonna stay dark, okay?

We need to focus on the resources we actually got.

All we wanted was a homeland.

40 acres and a mule.

We got half of North America.

We've just got to hold down San Francisco.

- Look here.

- We are not going anywhere until someone talks to us.

Get out of here, man.

I can't just have you walk in here.

Who are you to tell us where we can go?

- I don't think you understand - Leon.

Follow me.

We frisked 'em on the way in.

They ain't got nothing here.

All right, who's in charge here?

All of us.

But you can talk to me.

We're here for Kido.

- We know you have him.

- He's in our custody.

Well, you should hand him over.

We're going to put Kido on trial.

- On trial?

- That's right.

Kido never gave anybody a fair trial.

Things are gonna be a little different from here on out.

If he's convicted, he is going to spend the rest of his life on Alcatraz.

Let me tell you something.

If you lynch or loot in San Francisco, we gonna put you right in there with him.

18 years, we live with the yellow man's boot on our neck.

We are not about to Nobody's boot's gonna be on anybody's neck any longer.

Who you kidding?

Nazis roll in here, you Negroes all going in a concentration camp.

And Kido will be sprung, working for them.

We've been in their camps.

We're not going back.

We brought down one empire.

We will bring down another.

Let's go.

You were right.

Okudaira was a good trade for Yanaihara.


Aren't you going to eat your manju?

You can have it.

Coach Egawa says he may move me to shortstop next season.


That is a very important position.

Very demanding.

You must have impressed Coach Egawa.

Ground ball to second.

Out at first.

Someday, I want to grow up and play shortstop for the Yomiuri Giants.

Do not let your imagination run away with you.

Of course.

You will serve in the army.

I'm sorry, Father.

If you work hard enough, you will become a fine ballplayer.

We will go to the park and practice fielding ground balls.

How does that sound?

Davenport Women's Clinic.

How can I help you?

Honey, look who it is.

Do a sweep of the lobby.

Helen Smith.



Davenport Women's Clinic.

How can I help you?

Oh, no, I'm afraid she's not in her office.

All clear.

Keep an eye on the exits.



If you'll come with me.

I'm afraid we'll need you to wait here.


It's right through there, ma'am.


I want to know what's going on.

Please come with me.

Did you search your apartment?


And what did you find?

Two canisters of film in his desk drawer.

And what did you see?

Well, I can't explain it.

It was us.

It was me, John and Thomas.

We were eating ice cream and horsing around.

- But it never happened.

- It did happen, Helen.


I have no memory of it.

It's not just that.

It's not possible.

Uh somebody faked it, - I don't know how.

- If you thought it was a fake, you wouldn't be here.

And if it were a fake, your husband wouldn't be watching it.

And there are other films like that.

The "Allies Win.

" You know, my sister died smuggling that film.

The first time I saw it, it it confirmed something in me that I I'd suspected all my life.

If that world is possible, Helen, this one can be transformed.

To watch that film is to know that I had to make a choice.

And, Helen, now you have to make a choice.



I'm sorry, you'll have to wait in the lobby.

No one else gets in or out.

In that world, Thomas is still alive, and John has been to see him.


The Reich has built a portal.

They built a por portal?


John would have told me.

My my husband and I, we we don't lie to each other.

Whatever else has happened, we have always had that.

And yet he hid the film from you.

Okay, it's it's all it's it's too much.

Listen to me.

The Japanese have withdrawn from the West; the Reich is moving in.

Millions of people are gonna die in those camps, just like they did the first time, and your husband is in charge of it all.

You don't know my husband.

No, you don't know your husband.

I'm sorry, I must have taken a wrong turn.

Is there a bathroom on this floor?

No, ma'am.

Uh you'll have to go back up the stairs.

I'm going to have this whole floor searched.

- Stay here.

- All right.

- What do you want from me?

- The Reichsmarschall has an elite security detail he's never out in the open.

But we know that he travels to the portal by train.

We need to know when and where.


Aah, f*ck!

You want me to tell you the location so you can m*rder him?

Well, it's him or millions of others.

He is the father of my children.

Oh, my God.

Let's go, please.

I'm not feeling well.

Can you call the car, please?

Right away, ma'am.

We're running out of time.



They're gonna be down here looking for her.

All right.

Let's go.

The conquest of the North American West will unfold in stages.

First, the Luftwaffe will disable critical command-and-control infrastructure and carpet b*mb population centers San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and so on.

Forgive me, General how much value to the Reich will these cities have if they're reduced to rubble?

The aerial as*ault will break the will of the population.

Next, our Panzer divisions will cross the border from the Neutral Zone in a blitzkrieg strike.

Supported by our Wehrmacht battalions, we will have control of the West Coast within a week.


You are a skeptic?

Invading the West is one thing, Mein Fuhrer.

Holding it is another.

The BCR are crude savages.

They rely on animal instinct.

That's what the Japanese thought.

We use different methods, Reichsmarschall, and they have never failed to achieve results, as you know.


The question is not whether or how or when, Smith.

For that is our destiny.

The question is who.

Who will lead the conquest of North America?

A prize second only to Europa herself.

Do you really believe that you deserve it, Smith?

Or should I bestow it on someone else?

Eichmann, perhaps?

Or Goertzmann?

Mein Fuhrer, perhaps this duty can only be entrusted to a member of the German master race.

What do you say to that, Smith?

I disagree.

That is all?

America is a rebel nation, Mein Fuhrer.

A German commander might if you'll forgive me promote unrest in the military.

Only an American can truly control it.

But you do not control America, Smith.

Rebellion is rampant, and I have a b*llet wound to prove it.

Is the problem that he can't control America?

Or is it that he won't?

What are you insinuating, Eichmann?

He is asking where your true loyalties lie, Smith.

And I have been wondering the same thing myself.

But tonight, at last, we are all going to learn the truth about John Smith.


What's the matter?

Why are you crying?

The ARBI's mission is to closely monitor the ideological purity of its citizens.

No one can be above suspicion.

John Smith's allegiance came into question when his wife left the Reich for the Neutral Zone.

Before that, an assassination attempt was made on our Fuhrer's life that Smith let go unanswered.

The question is why.

Smith, do you have no answer?

I crushed the rebellion in Denver.

That was my answer.

And yet Price remains at large.

How is that?

Is my loyalty in question?

Not just yours.

You were questioning Reich policy.

Everything I said was true.

You have the same doubts.

Yes, and I keep them to myself.

Universal surveillance.

Special cameras and microphones mounted in public and private places.

Nothing goes unseen.

Show me a plan.

I found this today.

I've never seen him this bad before.

He's one coughing fit away from having you eliminated, John.

All of us.

I know.

I don't want to stay here.

- Jennifer - I could go live with Uncle Hank on my own.

We've been out there before.

We know where it is.

No, no, no, stop it, stop it.

You can't talk like that anymore, not even in this house.

Why not?

Who's listening?

Someday I'm going to get out of here.

- Gonna live my own life.

- Someday I'll help you.

You know that cooking show she did?

It's all an act.

She's back to playing the perfect Reich wife.

My parents are at the top of the n*zi party.

They're both dying inside.

Things are different out here, John.

People talk about the things that nobody talks about in the Reich.

- What things?

- The things that you and I were a part of.

The girls, they've heard it, they ask me questions You got any idea what would happen to them if they breathed a word of that at home?

This is your last chance to defend yourself and your family.

Speak, John Smith.

I ask you, gentlemen, is this man a believer?

Is this the face of a true National Socialist, or the mask for which he hides behind to protect his family?

Bring the Reichsmarschall to my chambers in one hour.

Good evening.

John Smith's room, please.

We don't have a reservation for the Reichsmarschall, ma'am.

- Danke schon.

- Ja.

Your sidearm, please.

Margarete and I have three daughters.

Those girls are the greatest joy of my life.

You know how it is.

But there are certain things that a daughter can never be.

When a man gets to be my age, he needs a son.

I thought of you as that son, John.

I saw myself in you.

If anyone had hurt you shot you, as those assassins did me, I would have hunted them down and strangled them with my bare hands.

But you did nothing to avenge me.

Where's the tribute to the man who gave you everything?

When did you even visit me when I was sick?


Say something, Smith.

If not for yourself, then for your family.

Say something in your defense!

What can I say, Mein Fuhrer?

You're You're right.

I never loved you.

I never saw you as a, a father.

I saw you as a a petty little tyrant.

You're a mediocre man.

A failed chicken farmer.

The very thought that you see yourself in me it sickens me.

See that the t*nk is disposed of.

"Only an American can rule America.

" I found your words quite moving.

But it seems they found your speech unpersuasive.

The others were, uh, more pragmatic.


I left Hoover for you.

I am not gonna beg for my life.


I wouldn't listen, anyway.

Our deal stands.

North America is yours.

And the rest of the Reich is yours.

You have complete autonomy.

Heil Goertzmann.

Heil Smith.