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04x06 - All Serious Daring

Posted: 11/19/19 19:11
by bunniefuu
You're making a quick getaway.

Yeah, I've got to get to Greensboro.

I've got some sales calls that just won't wait.

I kind of wanted to say goodbye to Thomas before I left.

He was gone already when I got up, with no word.

He usually leaves a note when he's gone fishing.


- Thank you.

- What's got you so anxious?

Uh, I guess my head's is in work already, you know?

Uh, yeah, I may be, um, on the road a little longer than usual, might be difficult to make calls.

Are you gonna tell me what's going on?



I just Uh My work numbers are down and I just got to put in a few more hours, that's all.

That's not what I'm talking about, John.

- Well, what, then?

- The fight last night with Thomas, and then Daniel.

You've never been this dark.

- I'm the same as I always was.

- If there's something going on, you can tell me.

Whatever it is.

We've always had that.

We have, and that's why you should believe me now.

But I don't.

Well, then We definitely got to talk, but right now it's just got to wait 'cause I - Sales calls - Yeah.

I'm I'm glad I saw you before you left.

- Listen - I did it.

I thought we were gonna talk about this.

I didn't really see any reason to drag it out any longer.

My recruiter's coming by in a little while to give me and a group of other guys a ride to Parris Island.

- What?

- I need to get my bag packed.

Jesus, whoo No, it's too soon.

John It's okay.

We can handle this.

I'm gonna put in a call to the recruiter.

You acted rashly, Thomas.

I shouldn't have - said those thing.

I'm sorry.

- No, no, no, no, no.

I've been thinking about this for a long time now.

This is my choice.

Oh, this is all happening so quickly.

John, if you had just spoken to him calmly last night, you could've - talked some sense into him.

- What are you implying?

Well, that you of all people would know how to speak to our son.

Oh, so this is all my fault?

This had nothing to do with you?

What are you talking about?

I I I got to get some air and think this through.


I'm sorry to say there's been a misunderstanding here.

Um, my son Thomas, he's, uh, reconsidered his decision.

Don't worry, Mr.


We'll take good care of your boy.

- No, you won't.

- Excuse me?

You think I don't know how this ends?

I understand, Mr.


It's only natural to be concerned about your son.

Yes, it is.

I'm sorry, sir.

He's 18.

- He signed the papers.

- I won't let you take him.

Dad, it's done.

I'm going.

I won't let you.

My boy.

- I love you.

- Bye.


Is there anything that I could've said yesterday that would have made you change your mind?

It doesn't matter now.

Be proud of me.

But I've always been proud of you, Thomas.


It might actually be good for him.

And this this thing in Vietnam, it's gonna blow over quickly.

He might not even have to be sent into combat.


John, say something.

It's it's like some terrible joke.

A joke?

What does that mean?

I got to get back.

I I have to leave.


Our son just went to w*r, a and you're leaving me here alone?

Listen, I can fix this, Helen.

There's a way, somehow, and I'm gonna find it.

But I'm running out of time.

What are you talking about?

What could possibly be more important - than this right now?

- I'm gonna go away.


You may not hear from me for a while, but I'm not gone.


I can't explain.

Just understand I'm not gonna let this happen.

I d I don't understand.

I'm sorry, Helen.

Welcome back, Reichsmarschall.

Get my clothes.

I want to talk to Abendsen.

Rachel Chrisalms thought elections were a keen idea.

Why not decide the fate of America with a popularity contest?

Rachel's dalliance with democracy has earned her a tailor-made straitjacket and a ticket on a b*llet train - bound for Crazytown.

- Yep.

- They turned him.

- Population one.

- Poor bastard.

- Quiet.


One second, please.

Join me, your host, Hawthorne Abendsen, aboard that patrol as it hurtles towards its final destination: the High Castle.

Turn it off.

I'm trying to write it down.

I It's the Ministry of Propaganda writes this shit, - not Abendsen.

- You don't know him.

You don't know how his mind works.

He thrives on riddles and puzzles and paradoxes.


" "Dalliance.

" "Crazytown.

" "b*llet.

" But Abendsen wrote this.

What does it mean?

That I don't know.

Didn't go how you expected, huh?

Well, you're not the first one to try to steal fire from the gods, John.

There were complications.

Course there were.

But they can be dealt with.


What happened over there, John?

You found him, your boy, alive and well.

Helen and the girls.

Uh, no, um In that world, my girls were never born.

Something found, something lost.

Did you imagine slipping away to that world for good?

Of course you did.

But it isn't that easy, is it?

Now you're caught betwixt, in between.

I have unfinished business there.

My son may need my help.

But first, I need to understand the repercussions if I interfere.

You already have, John.

You're already living with the repercussions.

Yes, but I can fix it.

You sure about that?

I'm not gonna lose my son again.

You owe Mr.


We found a partial print on the clip inside the p*stol.

It is yours.

Next time, I promise to be more vigilant.

I remember you, Kido Taisa.

Since we first met all those years ago in Singapore.

Admiral Inokuchi, you are facing court-martial.

Are there any witnesses you wish to call for your defense?

- What has become of you, Taisa?

- It is my duty to remind you of your rights.

Your military command and your freedom are at stake.

This court-martial is a sham.

Under Japanese law, I have a right to a Navy court-martial in Tokyo.

You are on trial for consorting with the enemy.

You know the sentence this charge carries.

I do.

Did you undertake this meeting with Equiano Hampton on your own or did you have allies?

I keep my promises.

Do you keep yours?

I am freer man inside this jail cell than you are out there.

You are a puppet dancing on Yamori's strings.


Shut your mouth, traitor!

You do not remember when Japan was starving, when our families could not provide for us.

You have conspired against your own people.

Now you will face justice alone.

Admiral Inokuchi refuses to call witnesses on his behalf.

As good as admitting he's guilty.

This court-martial should be in Tokyo - with a jury of naval officers.

- We do not have that luxury.

It could be seen in Japan as illegitimate.

That is why we have to move quickly.

Your Highness.

Where is Admiral Inokuchi?

The admiral has been arrested.

He stands accused of colluding with the t*rror1st - Equiano Hampton.

- He was there on my instruction.

Your compassion for the accused is noble, Your Highness, but Are you suggesting I am lying to protect him?

For your own protection, we are confining you to your quarters.

And if I refuse?

The emperor would not forgive me if I did not protect you during these volatile times.


Disconnect her phone lines.

Stiffen your spine, Kido Taisa.

Remember the cause.

Peace talks?

L. A. never signed off on this.

Now, who decided we could trust this admiral?

- Equiano did.

- Nah.

You got set up.

Man, shut the f*ck up.

You don't know shit.

Inokuchi's men was getting shot at, too.

f*ck you know about that, huh?

He didn't know this was coming any more than we did.

There'll be plenty of time to hand out blame later.

We got bigger problems now.

Empire Radio says we're beaten.

Soon our own people are going to believe them.

Sister, if you want to serve the revolution, why don't you start by getting us something to eat.

I am not here to serve you, brother.

The next stage has to happen right now.

We have got to send a message that we are still here, - or this all falls apart.

- We need to hear from China.

From Ch We're trading one master for another?

There's more to this than you understand.

You stepping into Equiano's shoes, Pops?

Because maybe it's time for L. A. to run things.

Here you go.

Seems they always wind up fighting each other.

That's what men do when they're scared they fight.

I'm scared, too.

You're not wrong.

What camp were you in?

Like knows like, honey.

Moulton, Alabama.

The day I turned 13 one of the Aufseherin at the camp told me to step out of line and follow her.

I was still a child.

Thought it was a surprise for my birthday.

Nurse told me I was gonna be fixed so I could work but I couldn't breed.

I didn't know what she was talking about.

I remember I just said, "Thank you.

" 'Cause that's what my mama had always taught me to say.

We escaped the camp.

The wound was infected.

By the time the truck got to Oakland, I was close to dying.

They brought me to an underground hospital.

The movement brought me back, fed me, clothed me, educated me.

All of us.

They saved all of us.

It was years before I met the man who started it.

Now he's dead.

How many tactical units we have up here?


What's our operational reach?

San Jose to the south Eureka to the north, east to the Neutral Zone.

- Man, you can go it alone.

- And I'll take my troops with me.

Ain't no reason for L. A. to answer to Oakland.



Santa Rosa.


San Jose.

You know what they have in common?

I'm not sure what you're saying.

This is the Crimson Pipeline.

Carries oil to the Port of Oakland for transport to Japan.

That oil is the lifeblood of the Empire's w*r with China.

With enough expl*sives, we can cut that vein.

Stops them in their tracks.

Everyone thinks the movement died with Equiano.

We have to show them we're still here.

Well, look at you.

You're a natural with that icing.

The best part is licking the knife when it's over.

I think so, too.

I'm so glad to be back.

Aren't you?


I hated the Neutral Zone.

Well, I suppose you are a real city girl.

I'm an Aryan girl.

That you are.

What Amy, you can't make them all vanilla.

Vanilla's Daddy's favorite.

Yes, but your father's not the only one who likes cupcakes.



Do you still love Daddy?

What makes you ask that?

You don't seem happy when he's around.

Well we can't be happy all the time.

But you're supposed to be.

If not, something's wrong.

I don't know about that.

I think that people's feelings are complicated.

What if you went to one of those reeducation camps?

Why would I do that?

You can't love your family if you don't love your race.

Everybody knows that.

Where did you hear about these camps?

Everybody at school knows about them.


Phipps, the chemistry teacher, he went to one.


He was a degen - Degenerate?

- That's it.

I don't know what it means exactly, but I know it's bad.

Where is Mr.

Phipps now?

You know, most people who go to those camps they never come back.

I'm gonna make a special cupcake just for Daddy.

Forget about Helen Smith.

She's never gonna help us.

It's not worth the risk.

Look, I'm going to New York.

You're not gonna change my mind.

I wouldn't let any of my people - pull something like this.

- Well, you know what?

I'm not one of your people.

And what makes you think we can turn her?

- I know Helen.

- Yeah, she's the wife of an SS officer.

The other version of her is a churchgoing woman who devotes her days to helping others.

She helped me.

In that world, maybe, but not in this one.

No, in this one, too.

Look, I've seen her in both.

That quality is in her, and I know what she's capable of.

She's one of the most protected women in the Reich.

- You're one of the most wanted.

- Yeah.

I'll figure it out.

And even if we put a b*llet in John Smith, what will it change?

There'll just be another general waiting in line to take his place.

Well, he's not just a general.

He's the key.

Whoever controls the portal controls the future.

Do you understand that?

All of this is based on visions that you've had.

And I believe you, but for some of my men, it's a stretch.

Yeah, well, I'm going.

I won't let you.

Look, Liam All right.

But I'm going with you.

You have really beautiful cursive writing, Amy.

I practice it a lot.

I'm not surprised.

You have to practice things if you want to get good at them.

I agree.

What do you have to learn to become a Staatspolizei officer?

Would you like to become one?

That or a veterinarian.


Maybe some day I'll take you to visit our headquarters.

- How does that sound?

- I'd like that.

All the girls in school are wearing German braids, but my mom won't make them for me.

Maybe that's 'cause she doesn't know how.

They had different styles when she was a girl.

I grew up with them.

- I can make them for you.

- You can?


Slide back.

Maybe another time, Amy.


I've come full circle.

I'm back to eating mice.

I'm a mouse-eater.

I made a bowl of udon for you to keep up your strength.

I can get us food.

I can move freely.

Yeah, well, I can't.

If the BCR found out I was alive, they'd k*ll me.

The Kempeitai think I collaborated, so they're hunting me.

I can't go to my apartment, can't show my face in my own shop.

I have to clear my name.


I'll go to Kido, and I'll explain what happened.

Look, I was a victim, okay?

- He'll see that I'm innocent.

- Childan-san.

- No, I can explain to him.

- Your optimism is so American.

What do you mean?

When I was 14, a man came to our village to collect the young girls.

He told us we'd be nurses in the city and work with the w*r effort.

I was excited.

I wanted to go, but my father knew what he meant.

They made the girls Prostitutes.

My father took me to the local authority Sergeant Tanaka a man he trusted.

Tanaka scared off the man from the city, and I felt safe.

And I'm working in the field, and Tanaka came.

He took me in the field.

My face in the dirt.

I told my father what Tanaka had done to me.

My father demanded my honor be restored.

Your father k*lled him?

No, Robert.

He made me marry him.

My father shook Tanaka's hand at the wedding, and I was married with the man for 12 years.

The day Tanaka died was the day I was born.

Never be ashamed of eating mice.

We're survivors.

We will outlive these men.

All their honor, all their ribbons and medals are there to disguise who they really are.

But their crimes are always revealed.

Guard, halt.

In the name of the Heavenly Sovereign, I convene this military court-martial.

This court-martial summons as witness Chief Inspector Takeshi Kido.

Tell us what happened in the course of your surveillance of the accused.

My officers followed Admiral Inokuchi to an abandoned sawmill in a town outside of Moraga.

There, I saw him meet with Equiano Hampton.

The t*rrorists responsible for the gala auction m*ssacre.

Kido Taisa, I was present when the crown princess asked you to find - Tagomi's murderers.

- You are not to speak to the witness.

What did you find, Taisa?

Are you afraid to tell the truth?

I will allow the admiral's question.

Did you search for Minister Tagomi's murderers, Chief Inspector?

I conducted a complete investigation, yes.

And what individual did you determine was Tagomi's k*ller?

Say it, Taisa.

Colonel Kido?

Captain Iijima!

It was Mingus Jones, sir.

Whose testimony is this?!

The evidence, Captain Iijima.

Colonel Kido, there was a conspiracy to m*rder Minister Tagomi, was there not?


There was.

What the f*ck are you doing?

A fine morning to you, too.

I heard you're heading to New York.

I am.

Well, D. C. 's gonna need these weapons if we're ever gonna mount an as*ault on the portal.

D. C. can spare 'em.

I shipped in enough to go around.

You're driving a bread truck with a cache of g*ns into Manhattan?


Jesus Christ.

What has she talked you into?

What are you doing, man?

You realize her plan is nuts.

I earned my stripes!

Don't question my judgment!


Admiral Inokuchi, this court-martial finds you guilty of high treason and conspiracy to m*rder Trade Minister Nobusuke Tagomi.

Admiral Inokuchi did not k*ll Trade Minister Tagomi.

He conspired with Tagomi's murderers.

We both know who k*lled the trade minister, and it is not the BCR.

Remember the cause you serve, Taisa.

Admiral Inokuchi, this military court-martial sentences you to death.

We are prepared to offer you the courtesy of a firing squad.

Chief Inspector the duty and honor of rendering justice falls to you.

Escort the prisoner to the execution yard.


Have you fallen this low?


I will die with my eyes open.






General Yamori.

I arrest you for the m*rder of Minister Nobusuke Tagomi.

Captain Iijima!


About face.

Take the General into custody.

Do it.

You will not survive this, Kido.


This file holds the evidence that Captain Iijima was the man who shot Trade Minister Tagomi.

Iijima was working under the orders of General Yamori.

I am shocked.

But I am not surprised.

This occupation has turned our people against themselves.

I understand your son served in Manchuria.

Yes, Your Highness.

I hope for a day we no longer need to send our sons to w*r.

I will see that this information is delivered to the Emperor himself.

There will be consequences.

Chief Inspector, I know where your political sympathies lie.

My loyalties will always lie with the emperor.

This must not have been easy.

It was my duty.

Nothing more.


It's good to see you.

I have a surprise for you.

Close your eyes.


Open them.

It's wonderful.

Thank you.

I told Mom you'd like it.

Good night.

Good night.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, of course.

Did something happen on your trip?



You seem different.

Do I?

Uh Well I guess I've been, um I've been missing the girls.

And, uh I've been thinking a lot about you.

Were you gonna tell me about Martha?


The Staatspolizei agent.



Listen, I What can I say?

I I asked them to provide someone who wasn't gonna interfere with your daily life I'm under surveillance.

That interferes with my daily life.

It's security, Helen.

I have bodyguards, too.

Oh, come on.

Let's at least be honest with each other, John.

Oh, you want me to be honest?

I don't like it either, Helen.

But the fact is I I don't know that I can trust you - not to do anything rash again.

- I don't ask you where you go or who you're with.

Even when you leave for "Reich business" on a weekend and tell me that you can't be reached.

What's that supposed to mean?

I can read you, John.

I know when something has happened.

Helen th there's no one else.

It's just you.

We were apart for a year.

I mean, I'm not a fool, John.

That's different.

I don't object.

It's been 20 years.

We're both adults.

All I ask is you grant me the same measure of privacy that I grant you.

Listen, Helen if you're not happy with Martha, then we can get her replaced.

- But the fact - I don't want someone else.

I don't want another guard.

I want out of this f*cking cell.

How does it end?

John, all of this.

I mean, where does it end?

You still racking your head over that thing?


Getting close.

Oh, yeah, uh, Richie says he's got a squat house for us in Harlem.

The the pornographer?

Judge not.



"Rachel Chrisalms" - becomes "Reichsmarshall.

" - Yeah.

"Join me, your host" becomes "John Smith.

" "Patrol" becomes "portal.

" And then "b*llet train.

" He's telling us Smith travels to the portal by train.

The old bugger's torturing you.

It's one yeah, you laugh.

It's one long string of code.

By the time you crack it, this w*r will be over.


It's freezing in here.

We getting close to the city?

What is that?

Pull over.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, shit.

That's right.

You weren't here.

Where's the Statue of Liberty?

They destroyed it.

That is what they built in its place.