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04x04 - Happy Trails

Posted: 11/17/19 18:56
by bunniefuu
ABENDSEN: Meet Robert Street.

A true believer in the American dream the quaint idea that a man who puts in his time will eventually be rewarded with a better life for his family.

MAN (OVER P. A. ): Robert Street, section T4.

Robert Street.

Please report to your supervisor.

Maybe it's about that raise I put in for.

ABENDSEN: But the America Robert Street has just stepped into is very different from yours and mine.

And this world offers a man like him no guarantee.

What's going on?

I was told the new boss wanted to see me.

I am your new boss.

But that can't be.

I I don't understand how I'm afraid I have some bad news, Robert.

We're going to have to let you go.

You you can't fire me.

Yes, I can.

Oh, and one more thing.

We'll need you to train your replacement.

ABENDSEN: Robert Street has just learned that the American dream is nothing more than an Aryan man's nightmare.

And for Robert Street, that nightmare has only just begun.

You may not know me, but you might've seen one of my films, those terrifying visions where the Allies won the w*r.

My name is Hawthorne Abendsen, and I am the Man in the High Castle.

Tonight, I want to share with you the story of Robert Street, one of thousands from my vaults, another of my TURNER: Cut!


- Hawthorne, you're not giving us what we need.

We're gonna have to go again.

Please, I've read your hateful lines.

I've discredited myself for the whole world to see.

What more do you want?

I want you to make me feel like you believe it.

- But I don't believe it.

- Hawthorne, you want your hour with your wife, right?

- (SOFTLY): Yeah.

- Terrific.

Let's try it again.

- Uh, back to one.



Wait, whoa, whoa.

At least let me punch it up a bit.

Ah, maybe on an alt take, but for now, we do it as written, got it?

- Got it.

- Great.

Take four.

Roll it!


Edelweiss Edelweiss Small and white Clean and bright Blossom of snow May you bloom And grow Bloom and grow Forever Edelweiss Edelweiss Bless my homeland Forever.

MAN (OVER RADIO): In Washington today, the Warren Commission is expected to present President Johnson with a summary of their investigation into President Kennedy's assassination, where 500 witnesses have been called forth to give their testimony on the events of November 22.



DURHAM: Hold it right there, you two!


Ah, show me your hands.

Palms up.

You know the drill.


I don't have them.

I lost them.

I thought at first you were running the fence looking for a "date.

" Oh, yeah?

How do you know I wasn't?

Then what're you doing out here?

You know this is a restricted zone.

Just taking in the sights, you know.

Ha, ha.

- MAN: Headquarters.

- Yeah, it's Durham.

I got a fence runner for pickup, no I. D.

MAN: Finally got something.

We hadn't heard from you in a while, thought maybe you'd starved to death.

Uh, yeah.

- Yeah.


Wouldn't that be a trick.

- Yeah.

Send strudel, right?


MAN: What was that?


Durham, is everything okay?

Durham, what's going on?




We're not open yet, miss.

- 7:00 a. m.

- Uh I'm I'm happy to pay for a loaf now if if you'll allow me.




Where did you get this?



Obergruppenfuhrer Goertzmann is here to see you, sir.

- Heil Himmler.

- Heil Himmler.

Reichsmarschall, what a pleasure to meet you at last.


Your reputation from the Ural campaign precedes you.

I was raised in the mountains, in Bavaria.

I suppose you could say I had an unfair advantage.


Ah, New York such a marvelous city, - like no other in the world.

- Well, I think so, but then I was born here, it's home to me.


Tell me, can you see where the Fuhrer was shot from here?


You've really turned things around here.

My wife Ingrid, she, um, she loves the shopping and the views.

She was sorry not to make the trip.

I had to promise her we'd return for a longer stay.

Sounds like you're thinking of joining us.

The Fuhrer has discussed the possibility with me.

What'd you tell him?

I told the Fuhrer that I'd think it over.

The adventure of a new city, but, as you say, there's nowhere like home.

These are good problems to have.


The Fuhrer can be, um mercurial.

It takes a long time to enter the Fuhrer's favor, but no time at all to fall out of it, as you yourself know.

I've detained you long enough, John.

I look forward to our dinner tonight.


A perfect morning for a good rest and a pot of tea, don't you think?

It's raining hammers and nails.


Since midnight.

Let's get you comfy in the living room.

Would you like something from the library?

- What's ?

- Oh.

A gentleman guest of your husband's left it behind.

Everyone's supposed to have read it.

Well, then, I'll tackle it.

Especially if everyone is supposed to have read it.

"Germania: A Triumph of Aryan Architecture.

" Oh, architecture.

That's boring.

Architecture isn't just about buildings, Bridget.

BRIDGET: Of course.

I didn't mean to overstep.

You didn't.

And thank you.


- Hello, my darlings.

- Yeah.

- That makes 18.


I told you it's all here.

You want to check the mortars and the .

50 cal?

No, I trust your count.

All right.

Let's get out of here.

All right, boys.

Load it up.

Come on, let's go.

So is this a win - or a loss for you?


Too soon to tell.

You know the JPS is gonna come down on you.

Like a ton of bricks.

But we'll be ready.

What about you?

Regroup, take a deep breath, then raise hell in the Reich with our new toys.

Good luck.

You, too.

CHILDAN: Ah, g*dd*mn it.

WYATT: What is going on with him?

Says he can get a letter to the Crown Princess.

Claims there are some sensible people at the palace who want the att*cks to stop.

Well, of course there are.

You're kicking their arses.



Awfully hard to concentrate with a g*n pointed at my head.

ELIJAH: Hold up, what's it say?

Can you read Japanese?

f*ck you think?

Uh I I'm sorry, I didn't know that Negroes were taught to read Japanese.

ELIJAH: "Your Imperial Highness"?

How the hell they gonna know this is coming from you?

- Uh - Easy.


You're right.


I think I can do something about that.

Just let me, let me try to fix this.

This is horrid writing paper.

Send a messenger you can trust, and have this delivered to Imperial Secretary Hirano's office.

I got it.


General Masuda and I were junior lieutenants in Australia.

One night, he force-marched across a desert to protect my flank.

Without orders.

He was reprimanded, but I am certain he saved my life.

It is a terrible loss for all of us.

This t*rror1st attack is the fault of the appeasers.

We both know who I'm talking about.

Yes, General, I do.

That is over now.

You are free to do what must be done.


Is there a Kempeitai file on Admiral Inokuchi?

It would be unusual to open files on senior Imperial commanders.

I will not let the death of a man who saved my life go unavenged.

I understand my orders, General.

I will have Admiral Inokuchi surveilled, and I will start an intelligence file.

This must be kept within our house.

In your command is an officer who appears trustworthy.

Captain Iijima.

Give him the task.

CAMPBELL: I had just engaged the target, Juliana Crane, sir, when I was att*cked.

SMITH: By whom?

By you, sir.

John Smith.

The Alt-World's version of John Smith.

Go on.

There was a struggle.

You he was very strong, sir.

And committed to saving Juliana Crain.

What happened, Campbell?

He died, sir.

You k*lled m me?

Sir, yes, sir.

I did.

What happened to the body?

I concealed the evidence and disposed of your the body, so that it will never be found.




The Fuhrer's wife is down in the lobby.


Uh Go.


The Reichsmarschall's wife?

BRIDGET: I'm afraid she is indisposed at the moment.

You are dismissed.

HELEN: Margarete.

Ah, we, we weren't expecting you until this evening.

My husband's dietary restrictions.

Of course.

W would you care for some tea?

Stimulants cloud the mind, and my day is full.

I do not have the luxury of lazing around until noon.

I get up at 5:00 a. m.

every morning for exercise, after which I take a cold plunge.

Over breakfast, I review my husband's schedule and edit his speeches and by 9:00 a. m. , I am in my office as Colonel of the Reich Red Cross.

And so I begin my day.

How will you begin your day?

I'm looking forward to preparing our dinner.


Frankly, I am concerned about you, Helen.

You seem tired.

And you've been away an entire year.

A sick relative?


Uh, my brother, Hank.


And your husband approves of your long absences?

Well, he was with us when the demands of the Reich would allow.

Your behavior and absences have not been what the Fuhrer expects from the Reichsmarschall's wife, especially in solch wechselvollen Zeiten.

I'm afraid I'm not fluent enough "Changing seasons.

" To which changes are you referring?


Maybe you have been away too long tending to this sick relative?

Well, he has completely recovered.

- Ah.

- No need for concern.

- I am back now.

- Good.

I am glad we had this talk.

One's health is one's most valuable possession.

My miracle of my husband's health is the talk of Berlin.


Seine Lebenskraft steigt.



"His sap still rises.

" Heil Himmler, Madam Smith.

Heil Himmler.


Until the evening, Helen.

Auf Wiedersehen.

KAZU: It's from Robert Childan.

He says he's a hostage of the BCR.

We think it's genuine.

They're offering a temporary ceasefire in exchange for peace talks.

I don't trust them.

You don't have to.

I've spoken with the Crown Prince.

The Emperor agrees.

It's decided.

Yes, of course, Your Highness.

I serve at the will of the Emperor.

One more thing.

If this meeting should be discovered I was acting on my own.

Thank you, Admiral.


BRAD: It's me.

She says she's Juliana Crain.


Ah, the Reich is slipping.

Trying to pass off a contraband fiver as some kind of proof of their mole's bona fides.

JULIANA: No, just trying to buy a loaf of bread and a place to hide from the police.

Oh, would you look at that.

It's dated 1964.

That's a that's a nice touch.

You want to tell us who you really are?

My name is Juliana Crain.

(QUIETLY): Okay.

Juliana Crain was captured in the Poconos a year ago.

Yeah, that's right.

Here I am.


It's just that nobody walks out of a Reich cell.

- Maybe I didn't walk.

- I think you talked, and I think you went over to the other side to save your own neck.

That is, if you are who you say you are, and I'm, - I'm assuming you aren't.

- Hmm.

Have you seen the "Allies Win" film?

Then you know exactly where I've been for the past year, and I'm guessing that you know Wyatt Price.

Why don't you give him a call?

He'll vouch for me.

Let's say you are Juliana Crain.

Why are you here, Juliana Crain?

Why did you come back?


To k*ll John Smith.


- Reichsmarschall.

My apologies, sir, but I think you should take a look at this.

A woman was taken into custody early this morning at the National Mall in Washington, D. C.

We were able to lift a partial print off a door handle.

It matches those of Juliana Crain.

Where is she now?

Unfortunately, she escaped the guard, sir.

Disappeared into the District of Contamination.

House-to-house, building-to-building till she's found.

- Sir.


- Metzger?

- Yes, sir?

Increase the security on my family.

- Sir.



- IIJIMA: Chief Inspector.

- Come in, Captain.

The surveillance you requested.

Would you like a drink?

My reporting on Admiral Inokuchi.

I can only surveil him until he boards his ship.

Shall I try to gain a spy aboard?

Yes, but this will be sufficient for now.

You have done good work.

You are an officer upon whom we depend.

Thank you, sir.

There is one matter I wanted to discuss with you in private.

Outside the office.

Of course, sir.

Per General Yamori's orders, the Tagomi m*rder case is now closed.

The assassin found, the w*apon retrieved, conclusive evidence.

And yet, something unfortunate has come to light.

We found a partial print on the clip inside the p*stol.

It is yours.


Do not worry, Captain.

I have spoken with General Yamori.

He has told me everything.

I have redacted the incriminating evidence.

I only mention this so that next time, you will be more careful in covering your tracks.

Thank you for the correction, Chief Inspector.

Next time - I promise to be more vigilant.

- Good.


- Refreshments, gentlemen?


- Beer?


- Surprise me.

Thank you, Mrs.


Danke, Frau Oberst Himmler.

Danke, Frau Oberst Himmler.

Handmade chocolates!

From Café Demel in Wien, the finest in the world.

Oh, danke, Frau Oberst Himmler, danke!


You remind me of my own little Liebling at her age.

Tell me, how many languages can you speak?


And my teachers tell me - my German is the best in the class.

- Ah.

Had your Uncle Hank recovered from his illness?

Uncle Hank says he has never been sick a day in his life because of fresh air and fresh milk!

Oh, these gifts.

You have been overly generous.

Not at all, Helen.

And I have one final gift.

- For you.

- Ah.


- From a French courtesan.

From a long time ago.


That is lovely.


Why don't I show you the rest of the apartment?

- The Japanese have one hell of a problem on their hands.

- Hmm.

Especially with this n*gro Hampton barking at their heels.


Tell me, Smith.

How do they get out of this mess?

Oh, I don't think they do, sir.

They're overextended and they lack the resources.

You're wrong, Smith.

They lack the will!


Tell Smith how you handled the uprising in Belgrade.


We've created a false resistance movement.

Lured the real leaders to a meeting and (WHISPERS): ex*cuted them all.


That's how you strangle an uprising in its crib, Smith!


You need to sit down and catch your breath.



The Fuhrer's been rattling everyone's cage lately.


Don't worry, John.

You still have friends in Berlin.

But there are many who disapprove of an American in charge here.

There are also those in Berlin who are concerned about ambitious young generals.

These are problems since the days of Caesar, aren't they?

Will you excuse me?

I'm gonna check on the dinner.

(QUIETLY): Margarete is laying traps.

She's using the girls as bait.


- Mm-hmm.

They are building a case against us, John.

- I can feel it.


Let's just get through the evening.


SMITH: Mein Fuhrer, if you'd like to sit at the head - of the table, please.

- Ah, wherever I sit is the head of the table.

But I want the little ones, the beautiful future of the master race, to sit here beside me.

HELEN: Go ahead, have a seat, girls.





The film about your son's life, his commitment to the Reich, everyone in Berlin has seen it, it's - so deeply moving.

- Hmm.

- Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.



- Girls.

- Nein.

This damned mask.


So, Smith.

Why is Die Nebenwelt behind schedule?

Die, uh, Nebenwelt?

Oh, it's, uh, a new device for measuring scientific intelligence.

I don't want intelligence.

I want Lebensraum.

Room to live.

Germ warfare, wipe them out (WHEEZING): if you have to (COUGHING)



Perhaps we should talk about this in private when the girls have been excused.


- HELEN: Maybe the girls should be excused.


Bridget will send plates to your rooms.

Oh, come now, Mutti.

Let them stay.

It's not every night that the Fuhrer comes to visit.

I believe I really must insist, Mein Fuhrer.

They have homework to do and it is late already.

Gute Nacht, Madels.

Gute Nacht, Mein Fuhrer.

Good night, Mein Fuhrer.

Night-night, girls.



There you are.

I look forward to seeing you soon, Helen.

It was so wonderful to host you twice in one day.



- Thank you again, Helen.

- Mm-hmm.

And, um, your daughters are beautiful.

- Oh.

- Favoring their mother.

Thank you.

John, thank you for this evening.

Let's get that drink next time you're in town.

Safe travels.

All I see in Berlin are smiling faces, everywhere I look.

But there's no one I can trust.

You'll always have my loyalty.


I don't want your loyalty, John.

I want your devotion.

I've never seen him this bad before.

He's one coughing fit away from having you eliminated, John.

All of us.

I know.

Watch your step.

My, uh, husband and I started building this as a b*mb shelter toward the end of the w*r.

We didn't finish it in time.

JULIANA: Well, they dropped the b*mb on a Sunday, didn't they?

Knowing so many would be in church.

After the w*r, they took my husband.

For his "impurity.

" I was happy to offer this to the Resistance as a hiding place.

Uh I have to lock you in, for the time being.

No, I understand.

Well, please, won't you sit?

I'll, uh, I'll bring you some food in a bit.

I believe that you are who you say you are.

Can I can I ask you something?

Of course.

I've seen the film.

A lot of us have.

There's Roosevelt alive with Churchill and Stalin.

I remember the day Roosevelt was assassinated.


But in that world, he survived.

Please, could you keep going?

W what happened next?

I have something I could show you.


- This is, uh - (SNIFFLES)

This is a sketch that I did from a newspaper clipping after FDR was shot at.

One b*llet could have changed everything.

But it didn't.

Not there.

W what's this one?

That's Roosevelt.

That's after he created the New Deal.

- New Deal?

- Yeah.

Just, um, "Relief, Reform, Recovery.

" That was the motto, and he completely rebuilt the economy.

- Ended the Depression?

- He did.

He also led the U. S.

to victory over n*zi Germany.


- Baby.

Oh, baby.

- Oh, God.

- Oh.

- Oh, baby.

Let me see your face.

Let me see it.

- There it is.


(CHUCKLING): Oh - Hey, Pale Face.



They let you have any sun today?

It was raining.

They brought me some cold tea.



I don't know what else to do to make 'em treat you better.

No, I don't want you to do anything more.

In fact I want you to stop doing what you're doing - altogether.

- Babe if I don't collaborate, they'll separate us or worse.

You are discrediting all the work we've done.

And it's worth it just to see you.

Can't you see it's k*lling you?

What Okay, what if I stop?

What if I stop?

No, I will never, ever, ever give them a reason - or cause to harm you.

- I know that.

But we're dying in front of each other's eyes.

- Well, they'll k*ll us anyway, hon.


- And they're not now?


Go away, I've earned my time.




- Don't!



- What are you doing?

- You leave me alone!

What are you doing?!

- Stop it!

Stop it!

- What are you doing?!

- N no, I'm not going!

- Caroline!

- (SOBBING): Oh, God!

No Caroline!

Damn it!

Damn it!




I was promised time with my wife!

You can go back soon.

I just, uh, have a couple of questions for you.


I'm a c*ptive audience.

There's a a theory the presence of an observer in an experiment alters the outcome of the experiment itself.

Sounds like you've been reading your Heisenberg.

- Is it true?

- Yeah.

That's his theory at least.

Have you read about "action at a distance" in quantum mechanics?

Go on.

What happens in one universe immediately changes another universe, across time and space.

Einstein himself called it "spooky.

" So it's not just the person that changes, it's the it's the world he came from.

Well, it has to, John.

How can anyone who travels the road not taken not be changed?

Why are you asking?

(QUIETLY): What What have you done?

Well be careful out there, John.

You might find out who you really are.

"Happy trails to you until we meet again.

Happy trails to you!

(FADING): Keep smiling " Your wallet with currency.

Your watch.

And your wedding ring I recovered from the the body.

General Whitcroft's been briefed that I'm on a covert mission.

He doesn't know where or what purpose.

Yes, Reichsmarschall.

You'll feel a searing light, but it won't burn.

You'll be a little nauseous, possibly light-headed when you come out on the other side, where you'll find yourself in shaft number two.

Follow the signs.

You'll find your car parked outside the mine.

The portal will be activated in exactly 48 hours.

Put these on for the transit.

Remember to wear them on your return.

Good luck, sir.

MAN (OVER P. A. ): 60%.


