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04x01 - Fall From Grace

Posted: 11/17/19 16:45
by bunniefuu

Happy birthday!

"A-deen," "dva," "tree. " Sorry.

It is tradition.

One tug for every year of life.

I thought you said it was a party.

More are joining the celebration a little later.

Until then, it is party of two.


Kept it very quiet.

Can't be a big one.

Can it?

All I know is that it's way too early for a picnic.

Must be a Russian cultural thing.

Where is it?

You know Gina.

She'll want to keep him all to herself.

I'm surprised that she convinced him to do anything.

He's not really the celebrating type.

She's very persuasive.

And possessive.

Does it start with a four or a five?

I'm not telling.

Or a six?

Give me a break.

I know!

Well, come on.

Spill the beans.

No fun in spoiling the beans.

Never been on my bucket list.


I've done a bungee.

But skydiving looks hard-core.

Free fall is at speeds of 200 kilometers per hour.

It is like wrestling with the angels.

The adrenaline, it's very addictive.

Shall we do cake now?

And singing.

Haven't my ears been through enough?

Traditional Russian birthday song.

I have written it out phonetically.

Come on.

We must sing.

With gusto.


What was that?


I think it's Andre.

You know him?

It's Andre Barrington.

My ex-boyfriend.

We can take care of this.

I haven't seen him in years.

I didn't even know he was in Brokenwood.


That's his brother.

And mother.

I don't understand!

Why didn't the computer kick in, launch the reserve chute?

- No way!

- I think he's It's all right!

I'm a doctor!


He's gone.

- Please!

- He's gone.


Please don't leave me!

Not my baby!

Not my beautiful baby boy!

They say you die of a heart attack before you, you know - Hit the ground?

- Yeah.


He would have been fully conscious.

I will return with my kit.

Something's not right.

Why didn't his chutes open?

Why the hell didn't his chutes open?

Sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Um, Felix.

Older brother.

Have you done much skydiving before, Felix?



We all have.

Excuse me.

What happens now?

We will need to speak to you at some point.

But there's no hurry.

Tomorrow's fine.

We should do it now.

Um, honestly, you're in shock.


We should do it now.


Perhaps down at the station.

Where it's warmer.

Get you a cup of tea.

- D. S. S.

Mike Shepherd.

- Nina Jacobs.

Operations manager at the skydiving center.

Not the best day to be rostered on as chief safety officer.

You've informed the CAA?

And the New Zealand Parachute Industry Association.

On their way.


Poor Andre.

The family were talking about a computer.

Not going off.

The a*t*matic activation device.

It should've fired the reserve once Andre reached minimum altitude.

All jumpers in New Zealand are legally required to use them.

It's part of the safety check protocols.

I'll take your word for it.

There's no way he would've jumped knowing it wasn't working?

No way.



I'm so sorry.

This is so unprofessional.

It's okay.

Mike, ready when you are.

Actually, Gina, CAA will need to remove the gear for testing, investigate the site first.

No pilot, therefore no main.

No reserve.

None of the parachutes deployed.

I'm guessing this was part of the problem.

I've never seen that before.

That's for the reserve.

Must have come away.


Looks high grade.

It's a bit hard for it to just "come away.

" I'll see how far away the CAA is.

So, Andre, I know you jumped.

But were you pushed?


It's Mike.

You ringing to invite me to your birthday party?

Not you too.

One dead in a skydiving accident.

But it looks like the chute was tampered with.

Who's the deceased?

Andre Barrington.


In the hospo industry.

And turns out he's Sims' ex.


Is she okay?

Yeah, seems to be.

Even though we were there when it happened.

He just fell out of the sky.



And he was jumping with his family.

They landed safely a few minutes later.

Even more messy.

Given Sims' relationship to the deceased, can you see any issues with having her on the case?

- How long ago?

- She said years.

- Pre Brokenwood.

- You're thinking homicide?

Something's up.

- And she knows the family?

- That was my impression.

She could be a big asset to the investigation as a liaison.

If she thinks she can stay objective.

You know, some people find it creepy, but I think taxidermy is the highest form of respect one can pay our fur friends.

Why anyone would sink so low as to steal them is beyond me.

We will let you know if we hear anything, Mr.


Please, no, call me Sydney.

And I have some authentic lederhosen and dirndl à la "Sound of Music.

" I will keep that it mind.

How's it going?

The world is a strange place.

Who would've thought that people would want to steal stuffed animals?

I meant the deceased ex.

You know.

A bit surreal.

One minute I'm picnicking, the next, my ex-boyfriend falls at my feet.

Not quite what Crowded House had in mind.

The song by Crowded House.

Showing my age.

Yeah, which is how old exactly?

Not getting me that easily.

I've consulted with the operations manager at the skydiving center, Nina Jacobs.

She'll be gutted.

An accident like that'll be bad for business.

It wasn't an accident?

There are early indications, yes.

Do the family know?

They guessed.

Been skydiving enough to know that something wasn't right.

Don't know why I'm surprised.

He was a very divisive person.

I've talked it over with Hughes.

You want me off this one?

It's up to you.

It's not a conflict of interest?

Enough water under the bridge.

No pressure either way.

Andre Barrington, 31.

- Family are here.

- Already?

I said there was no hurry, but the mother wanted to talk.

I'll do the meet and greet.

Get the reunion out of the way.

Lorraine, Felix.

I am so sorry for your loss.


My little Kristin.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were going to be a paramedic in Dunedin.

Well, that's funny how life works out.

I ended up studying psych, and now I'm on the CIB.

Why would someone do this to our boy?

How am I going to get over this?

Come on, Mum.

Come I'm sorry.

It's a difficult time.

What's important now is that we find out what happened.

Always so calm and pragmatic.

Perfect counterpoint to Andre.

I don't know why he left you.

Um, I-I don't think we've met.

Grace Turnbell.

Detective Kristin Sims.

Nice to put a face to the name.


You're experienced jumpers?


Was there anything unusual about today's jump?

We did what we always did.

We completed our checks and then ran through the routines on the ground.

And then what happened?

We got on the plane.

Conditions were okay.

Light breeze.

How do you know what time to jump?

Who decides?

It's a preset altitude.

16,000 feet.

Gives you plenty of free fall.

The routines went without a hitch?

We've done it better, but that's what training runs are for.

It was all going well until it was time to open the chutes.

And Andre's didn't open.

I wasn't too worried at the time.

I thought it was just bag lock.

I figured the AAD computer would kick in.

Apart from that, was there anything out of the ordinary?


It was like every other jump.

No, nothing.


Whose idea was the skydiving display?


We're all experienced at formations.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was going to be part of the big promo event at the domain for the new bar.

The new boutique brew bar.

Just off the main drag.

Is that you guys?

Not me.

Not my thing.

Andre and Lorraine.

And Dean Young.

Their new business partner.

Business was everything.

It's It's what got us up in the morning.

What am I gonna do without him?

What about before the jump?

Did anything unusual happen in the lead-up?


No, I don't think so Come on, boys!

Pick it up!

The bar's going through a refit, which is stressful, of course.

But it was business as usual.

It's Andre.

There's always some kind of drama going on.

We'd had a bit of a fight.

"Bought the wrong type of chocolates" or "sleeping on the couch"?

It was nothing major.

You always do this.

Babe, there'll be other trips.


Nepal, the Himalayas.

They're big, right?

They're not going anywhere.

We liked to fight.

Kept things fresh.

Showed we cared.

And the making up was fun.

Given what they've said, can we find any clear motive amongst the family?

Grace and Andre had just had a fight the night before.

He slept at the brew bar.

But it sounds as if lover's tiffs were not uncommon.

Obviously some things never change.

But that explains why they traveled to the skydiving center separately.

And according to Lorraine, Andre's parachute was packed yesterday and stowed in his car.

The name Dean Young came up a few times.

Was supposed to pick up at the jump domain but was a no-show.

Which is suspicious at worst, rude at best.

Breen, find him and get his statement.

And I want know exactly where Andre's car has been in the last 24 hours, given that it contained his parachute.

We'll be at the skydiving center.

No prizes for guessing which one's Andre's car.

Nina Jacobs.

Detective Sims.

- Hello.

- Hi.

Any news?

CAA called.

Forensics had a preliminary look at the computer once they got back at base.

It was working fine.

Well, obviously not.

It had just been turned off.

Can that happen accidentally?


They also confirmed that the reserve cable had been cut.

My God.

Got any theories on how that might have happened?

What's strange is none of the parachutes activated.

Pilot chute.

When it's launched, it inflates, pressure of which drags the main chute out of the backpack.

So it would've been tampered with?

Either it wasn't cocked or the bridle and k*ll line was cut.

And if that doesn't open, the main chute's not coming out of the bag.

What about the handle?

The handle activates the reserve chute.

Or it's supposed to.

According to his family, Andre packed his parachute yesterday after their last training run.

Then most of the safety checks would've been done already.

If Andre packed it himself, he's not gonna go back and recheck it.

And I remember him doing his preboarding checks.

Which are?

Ensuring the ring system rotates freely, the harness isn't twisted.

Safety pin's free and clear.

Better safe than sorry?

Would he have checked the handle?

Yep, he gave it a little wiggle to make sure the wire was moving at the top.

It's standard practice.

Good luck.

If the wire had been cut, it must've been fixed back together enough to pass that test?

I guess.

- What happened next?

- He turned on the AAD.

We should We should run routine.

Yeah, just give me a sec.


Let's do it.

So between then and the jump, it was turned off.

Plenty of accessibility.

Were other people's chutes racked here?

It was a busy day.

There would've been a dozen, possibly more.

How busy are we talking?

Train station.




Staff member?

We need to talk to them all.


Felix floating around there in the background.


Another tourist.

Where are those people going?


A lot of nervous wees.

Who's that guy talking to Andre?

Don't know his name.

Business colleague I think.

I've seen him with him before, but he never jumps.

Could be Dean Young.

So, what would he be doing there?

To tamper with the gear, would someone need specialized knowledge?

Not necessarily.

Plenty of skydiving info on the Internet.


He definitely doesn't look like he's there for skydiving.

Have you seen the man on the CCTV footage here before?

No, but he caused quite a scene.

Got all up in Andre's face about something.

And this was before the jump?

Right before they headed out.

- You know this, man.

- What the hell are these?

- What was it about?

- Sort it out.

No idea.

They took it outside.

Did anyone else see this?

Andre's Mum did.

Lorraine didn't mention an altercation in her interview.

Ladies first.

Senior citizens get right of way.


So were they all kitted up at this point?

All strapped up and ready to go.

Would you be able to turn off the computer while the plane was in the air?


Let's take that as a no.

It's hard to be discreet when you're wedged in like sardines.

"Kahu Taylor.

" Could be the guy in the CCTV footage.

Looked a bit like a tradie, and he's owed thousands, which might explain the altercation.

Follow it up.

Kahu, this is Detective Kristin Sims, Brokenwood CIB.

Please give me a call on this number when you get this message.


I'm surprised he had any time for business.

Work hard, play hard.

Did you know him well?

A bit.

Definitely a highflier, in all senses of the word.

Could charm the pants off anyone.

Right, then.

Supplies are in the back.

Watch the paint work.

- Dean Young?

- Yeah.

What's it to you?

D. C.

Sam Breen, Brokenwood CIB.

Part of the team looking into the death of Andre Barrington.

Yeah, hell of a thing.

I'm surprised you're still working.

Clearly you're not a businessman.

No, I'm a policeman, and we're backgrounding Andre.

Potentially this is part of our investigation.


He didn't land on the bar.

I can understand you're upset.

Come on.

When humans jump out of planes, sometimes gravity wins.

I'm sad for him.

But right now it's not my problem.

This is my problem.

You're still planning on opening?


I think my boss might have a problem with that.

I don't care what your boss thinks.

This bar is opening on schedule.

It has to.

I don't think you understand the seriousness of the matter.

You want to know serious?

Try sinking half a mil into a new business.

Okay, let me explain again.

I want your people to stand down so that we can have a thorough look around.

Looking for what?

Andre stayed here last night.

We're looking for anything that might explain his accident.

Do as they ask, Dean.

The sooner we get on with it, the sooner they can carry on.

Yeah, fine.

Get a team together.

And while we wait, let's get that statement out of the way.

I think your boss is overreacting.

He just wants to get to the bottom of the accident.

My son was m*rder*d.

Please don't try and dress it up as anything else.

Do you have a Kahu Taylor working for you?

Not my department.

Then do you know if Andre and Kahu Taylor had a disagreement this morning?

At the skydiving center.


What of it?

You never mentioned anything in your statement to D. S. S.


Kahu Taylor was attacking Andre's professional reputation.

There was no need to pass it on, as there was no merit to the allegations.

- He was owed a lot of money.

- I doubt that.

A few weeks late.

So what?

Tradies are never happy.

Lorraine, why are you doing this?

Opening the bar.

It's crazy.

It's what Andre would've wanted.

But not now.

You need some time out to grieve, to feel sad.

I want to celebrate my son's life.

This is what I can do for him.

What you can do is find out who k*lled him.

Look, we may have got off to a bad start.

I overreacted.

I'm sorry.

It's a stressful time.

Yeah, trust me.

Whole heap of money in a new business that supposedly can't open because my business partner had an accident.

Except it wasn't an accident.

So you said.

But regardless, it's costing me money every day.

Well, not to mention you're a little bit upset by Andre's death?

Come on, man.

Of course that too.

How did Andre's come about?

Andre approached me six months back.

Pitched the idea of a potential chain of boutique brew bars, starting small in Brokenwood, and the plan was to expand.

He liked to think big.

So do I.

Seriously, dude, I've got to get back to the site.

I've got 12 tradies at 80 bucks an hour standing around doing nothing.

Why were you at the skydiving center?

I dropped Lorraine, Grace, and Felix off for their jump on my way to see a supplier.


And you were meant to pick them up from the landing site in the domain.

But you didn't.

Well, I got held up at the supplier.

So there you are.

You know where to find me.

Kahu, this is Detective Kristin Sims again.

I'd appreciate it if you could return my call.


I've secured the brew bar.

Ready for the morning.

Been a big day.

Yeah, it's not over yet.

That's true.

Kristin is meeting us at the Toad & Lion.

- Why?

- Birthday drinks, boss.

How would you describe Andre's attributes?

You know you can stop working, right?

It's your birthday.

I'm not working.

I'm just curious.

Well, he was charismatic.


Controlling, conceited, and a cheater.

He had a history of infidelity?

Guys like Andre have a sense of privilege, entitlement, like they've never heard the word no in their lives.

And there was crossover with me and Grace.

That's why I broke up with him.

Must've been a tough time.

Well, that's what happens when your mother raises you as a narcissist and you think you can have whatever you want.

Okay, onto the real issue of the day.

Are you a baby boomer or a Gen X?

You're really not very good at this.

Was Keith Holyoake prime minister when you were born?

Well, if he was, I'd be too young to remember.


I had nothing to do with that dead bar guy.

- I swear.

- News travels fast.

Not that we were asking.

- Did you work for him?

- Nah.

Dude wouldn't hire me.

Gave Kimberly a gig, though.

Sounded dodgy as.

He pulled on her ponytail.

Maybe he meant it as a compliment?

Or maybe he was a creep.

Yeah, I'm with Frodo on this one.

I'll keep my ear to the ground.

Let you know if I hear anything on the down-low.

Yeah, you do that.

Ray, Trudy.

Two single malts neat, and a soda for Sims.

- Thanks.

- I hear they're opening anyway.

- Sorry?

- Andre's.

We used to respect the dead in Brokenwood.

Not anymore.

The developer seems very intent.

Craft beer bars.

They're a joke.

- Crap beer, for starters.

- They're just bait.

For big breweries to buy in and create a franchise.

They don't give a damn about the locals.

Can't be good for you guys.

That's why we closed the Frog and Cheetah for a refurb, and we're giving this place a bit of a spruce-up.

We'll fight fire with fire.

Problem with these city boys waltzing in here like they own the place They don't understand the business.

They don't understand the town.

We do.

You make it sound like a turf w*r.

There you go.


Tomorrow find out Trudy's movements this morning.



She seemed pretty het up by Andre's opening.

I thought you weren't working.

I'm not working.

I'm just - Just curious.

- Curious.

- Cheers.

- Happy birthday.

Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but what did you see in this Andre Barrington?

He was charming and fun.

He jumped out of planes and conquered mountains and had big dreams.

He made life an adventure.

It was an attractive quality.

For a while.

Yes to Keith Holyoake.

Only these tears I love this one.


Only because it's your birthday.

Only tears Lonely tears Kristin Sims.

Nina, hi.


I'll be right over.

Mike, I'm heading to the skydiving center.

There was a break-in there last night.

Tablets, laptops, GoPros.

Any cash?

We didn't have much, but that's gone too.

And that.


Schooner or Stonehenge?

They look the same to me.

Your movements yesterday morning and the evening before.

Why do you want to know?

If you just tell me, I'll be out of your hair.

Where's the fun in that?

Can you just tell me where you were?

But you're the detective.

So detect.

Do you know where your sister was yesterday morning and the evening before that?

She playing hard to get?

Sorry, mate.

Can't help you.

You don't know?

Or you're not prepared to tell me?

One of those two.

The skydiving center's been stripped.

And all the electronic gear's missing.

Typical break-in?


And no.

What's interesting is that the CCTV camera's been destroyed.

Smashed to bits.

And all the hard drives are missing.

Kahu Taylor knew he'd been caught on tape.

So he went back to get rid of the evidence.

What else can it be?


D. S. S.


Detective Kristin Sims.

- You left your card.

- Is Kahu Taylor here?

He's down at the bank.

He's got some cash-flow issues.

Can you vouch for his whereabouts last night?



He's doing one of those master classes online.

All night?

You don't seem 100% on that.

Well, sure, I was asleep some of the time.

But what with the baby, I get up a lot, and he was here.

Look, give Kahu a break.

He doesn't need the cops sniffing around, giving people the wrong impression.

Get him to contact us.

He's his own boss, if you know what I mean.


But he needs to get in touch.

Hardly a convincing alibi for Kahu Taylor.

Or maybe she's telling the truth and someone else broke in to cover his tracks.

Good point.

What did Trudy Neilson say?

Everything but where she was.

I'll keep on it.



Thanks for coming in.

- Is this about the break-in?

- No.

CAA have some observations, some interesting points.

Pilot chute.

The bridle to the pilot and its k*ll line's been cut.


It looks easy enough to do.

Look at the end of the wire attached to the safety handle.

It's definitely been cut.

It's smooth, not frayed.

You'd need something sturdy to get through that.

Like a tool from a plumber's kit.

And this was on the other end of the wire, underneath the canvas flap.

So that's how it passed the safety check.

The ends were stuck together just enough to pass that test but weak enough to fail when he tried to actually deploy it.

What is it?

Blu Tack?


It's at the lab.

We'll have a definitive answer in a few days.

Would the backpack need to be unpacked to be tampered with?

Both the pilot and the handle can be accessed from the outside.

Still think anyone could have done it?

The placement of the cut in the wire the way it's hidden under the canvas it's so devious.

You'd have to think the offender knew their way around a parachute.

It kind of blows your theory about the plumber.

But a novice could've done it with enough research, surely?

I guess.

Kahu Taylor.

Had you seen him before yesterday?


He's not a skydiver, if that's what you mean.



I wondered if I could talk to you.

In private.


I know I should've mentioned it yesterday, but I thought you should know that This is awkward.

You were having an affair with Andre?

You knew?

It was something you said the other day.

It was just the once.

His idea.

But you didn't say no.

I was flattered.

But it didn't mean anything.

- To him or you?

- Either of us.

It was just part of the high-octane lifestyle.

I take it Grace was unaware of this?

Pretty sure.

And I'd prefer it to stay that way.

Is that possible?


Unless it becomes relevant to the investigation.

Well, how could it be relevant?

- You tell me.

- It's not.

I swear there was nothing going on between Andre and I other than that night and the fact that he booked jumps from my business.

Look, Andre said they had an open relationship, but I think he might've been lying.

The only way I have of checking is by asking Grace.

And you don't want me to do that.


No, I really don't.

It was a very unprofessional thing to do.

Thank you for your candor.

What was that about?

Nina was just confirming your theory.

Which one?

That Andre liked to share the love.

Sims still thinks it was the plumber.

Easy access to tools and adhesives.

Maybe his online master class was for skydiving.

The brew bar's full of toolboxes.

Anyone could've lifted them without being seen.

And there was no CCTV footage in the bar.

And the car park footage was no help in establishing the time of day the parachute was tampered with.

Roving camera.

There were big gaps.


Let's worry less on the when and more on the who.

Based on what we know, do we seriously think that this can be linked to a family member?

It's entirely possible.

We should make inquiries about their whereabouts last night with regards to the break-in.

Let me guess Trudy.

Someone likes a drink.

They all do.

As I recall, they're a family of functioning alcoholics.

You're a joke!

Go to bed and sleep it off!

Give it a rest!

I wish it was you instead of Andre!

Don't hold back, Mum!

Tell me what you really think!


Who is living here?

Myself, Felix, Grace.

Andre did.

One big happy family.

I'm sorry you had to hear that.

It wasn't for public consumption.

Felix and I butt heads sometimes.

Just silly words.

You know that, Kristin.


You are very different people.

Lorraine, what were you doing last night?

What happened last night?

Well, it all got a bit much.

I, had a few wines.

Took a pill.

I know that's bad.

But I just wanted to blot everything out.

We're We're not here to judge.

I presume you can't vouch for the rest of the household.

Not after about 9:00.

Grace was out for a ride, and Felix was here, I think.

Is he still here?

We should have a word.

Of course.

Up the stairs.

Um What What's up?

Felix, we're following up on your movements last night.

Okay, okay.

Sure, um Around?

Around when?

We'll come back tomorrow.

Talk then.

Over coffee?

Any idea where Grace might be?

Try Forest Park.

Riding her bike.



I thought you said functioning.

Let me rephrase dysfunctioning.

Here we go.

Kristin Sims.

- Detective.

- Is that Kahu Taylor?


How'd you know?

I've dialed your number a few times.

It seemed familiar.


You are a detective.

Thanks for getting in touch.

I was on a break.

I thought we could hook up.


Where are you?

- Home.

- Right.

Stay there.

I'll be on my way.

Second thoughts, I'll come in.

Got to grab a feed.

I'll meet you at the station.

15 minutes.

You ever had scabies?

Um, no.

Me neither.

But it's like a parasite gets under your skin.

It's supposed to be really itchy and painful.

Makes it hard to sleep at night.

My relationship with Andre Barrington was a bit like that.


I can relate to that.

How so?


I didn't know what you liked, so I got a bit of everything.

Please don't make me eat alone.

Nice place you've got here.

Shame about the view, but Have you ever been to the skydiving center before yesterday?


Rich man's game.

There was a break-in there last night.

You know anything about it?


Not really my thing.

No way.

I stay out of trouble.

Well, you don't look like you're staying out of trouble here.

I hate cameras.

They steal your soul.

Look, I admit I was angry.

Mostly at myself.

It was a dumb idea to go down there, especially now it's tangled me up in all this.

I got pots on the boil.

New home, new business.

Mihiata's about to have a baby.

Why would I risk all that by k*lling Andre Barrington?

Have any of your tools gone missing lately?

Not that I've noticed.

Hey, what online master class are you taking?

Tennis with Serena Williams.

Man of many talents.

You know it.

You know, we could have a game sometime.

But I warn you, my topspin's really improved.



I can come now.

Nothing unusual in his system.

No dr*gs, no alcohol.

He died from injuries sustained from the fall.

Massive internal compression.

We'll inform the family in the morning.

We never finished our picnic.

And we didn't get the chance to do the singing.

I think the moment has passed.

No matter.

Have Kristin and Breen guessed your age yet?


Mike, secret is safe with me.

I don't think it's really a secret.

In Russia, it is rude to ask a man his age.

Because a man's life is like the River Volga, long and winding and always full of fish.

But the age of a fish is of no importance.

Only the taste.

Thanks, Gina.

I didn't break into the skydive center, okay?

Why would I?

I was hoping you could tell me.

Well, I can't help you 'cause I didn't do it.

Would it be okay if I grabbed a beer?

Just a bit, um, bit thirsty.

Coffee not cutting it?

No, not really.

Lorraine, hi.

I'm just at your Okay.

Hang tight I'll be right over.

Something's going down at the brew bar.

I'll I've got it.

So how do you fit in, Felix?

- Into the scheme of things.

- Me?

I'm on the payroll.

Andre liked to keep me around.

I made him look good.

Don't you have your own plans?

Never needed them.

Andre kept dangling the promise of a head chef position.

I'd be in charge of my own kitchen.

So the head chef thing didn't really work out?

Andre never really felt that I was great with responsibility.

But you love cooking.

Well, yeah.

Yeah, sure.

So with Andre's passing, maybe you could get the chance to step up?

What, you think I k*lled my own brother so I could take over his business?

No, but I always believed in a phoenix rising from the ashes.

How much of the other night can you actually remember?

Enough to know that I wasn't breaking in anywhere, okay?

These yours?

Tools of the trade.

Part of the dream.

Lose one?

Yeah, chipped the blade.

On a bone.

I'll see you around.

I'll be here.

You'd told me that you'd paid them!

Why would we pay these guys until they've finished their job?

Yeah, but it's my reputation.

- Hey!

That's private property!

- You didn't pay for it.

Do something!

I thought you said you'd stay out of trouble.

I do.

This commode belongs to me.

Have you still not paid him yet?

Accounts are settled on the 20th.

Yeah, right.

That's what you said last month.

And the one before.

I've had to take on another gig.

But you haven't finished here yet.

I've got mouths to feed.

Just pay him what he's owed, and then we can all carry on.


To cover time, inconvenience.

I'd have to pay someone to do my other job.

That's extortion.

Well, good luck finding another plumber, with your reputation.

This is k*lling me.

Come on, then.

Thanks for sorting that.

We're behind enough as it is.

It was hardly rocket science, Lorraine.

The autopsy's all done.

You've got the authority to take the body.

I was thinking a private cremation.

Once the bar's open.

I don't understand.

How is this more important than your son?

It's his legacy.

Sorry, it's not my place, but I know that following times like these, when people don't deal with their grief properly, it becomes problematic later on.

You're right.

We need some kind of memorial as soon as possible.

You'll come?

And now I have to go to the wake.

Business or personal?

I don't know.

I'm guessing it'll be a weird mix of both.

I'll stay for one drink, pay my respects, and then go home.

What are you doing?

I'm curious to see whether this tool could've cut the wire.

Sydney dropped this off.

It's the latest lot to go missing.


Is your age divisible by three?

Every number is divisible by three.

I meant a whole number.


Cute or creepy?

How could it be cute?

Look at those tiny dead eyes.

I don't know.

There's something regal about them.

Staring deep into your soul, judging you.

You can't look away.

Any leads on the break-in at the skydiving center?

Kahu claims he didn't do it, and I tend to believe him.

He's got too much to lose.

Baby on the way.

So, no.

Not at this stage.

I'll be at Forest Park if you need me.

[ Marlon Williams' "Hello Miss Lonesome" playing .] Hello-o-o-o-o Miss Lonesome I see you're back in town It's funny I lose my mind when you come around Impressive.

Not enough jumps.

You come here often?

As much as I can.

Looks painful.

Yeah, been trying to quit smoking.

Nothing seems to work.

You'd think I'd know better, being a doctor.

I meant the bruises.

Must've knocked it on a branch.

You keen on a ride?

Not really my thing.

Then why are you here?

CAA findings came back yesterday.

It looks like whoever tampered with Andre's gear knew their way around a chute.

That narrows it down.

Is Dean Young keen on skydiving?

Not really.

Been on a couple of jumps.

So he'd know what was what, then.

Anyone who's ever jumped would.


See you later on, then.

Later on?

What for?

The wake.



Lorraine didn't mention it?


But, hey, nothing new there.

Last minute, I guess.


And he was my boyfriend.

What does she care?

You and Lorraine really don't get along, do you?

I loved her son.

He loved me.

She found that frustrating.

She wanted him all to herself.

I guess now, in a weird way, she's got what she wanted.

See you at the wake.

Thanks for coming along.

I thought two sets of eyes were better than one.

Everything's reused, recycled.

We use sustainable practices.

Good marketing angle.

All our tap beer is locally made, locally sourced, organic.

We even have a gluten-free pilsner.

I can't see the point.

Won't be long.

Find a spot.

Kimberly will get you a drink.



Red if you have it.

Times two, thanks.

So, um, how's work?

You're an emergency department doctor, right?

Not anymore.

I burned out.

Their words.

Excuse me.

I need a cigarette.

Give us a bell if you need anything.


Grab the Moet out of the fridge.

- Went well, then?

- A formality.

He loved it.

After due diligence, he's going to start in Wanaka and then Queenstown.

He has been dead two minutes.

- Felix.

- It's completely mercenary.

Andre's name will be in every city.

I know he'd want us to celebrate this exciting news.

You know what?

It's been a long day, so No, no, you can't go yet.


Your attention, please.

It's time to focus our thoughts on Andre.

Andre was a shining star.

Right from the start.

Even as a tiny child, I knew he was going places.

We talked about getting engaged in front of the Taj Mahal.

And to celebrate, climbing K2.

We talked about children.

Now that's all it'll ever be.

Just talk.

Thank you, Grace.

And now, Kristin, a few words before you go?

It would mean so much.

What can I say?

He was a man of great vision.

He had a big heart.

Charming, charismatic.

He He knew what he wanted, and he went out there and he got it, so good on him.


Thank you.

Nice speech.

Okay, I think we're done here.

Thanks again.

I'm glad we did this.

Let me call you a taxi.

No, thanks.

I'm a short walk just up on Locke's Lane, so - Good night.

- Good night.


I need to use the facilities.

- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Okay.

What the hell is this?

Calm down, Lorraine.

Why am I not part of this franchise deal?

Nothing to do with me.

What crap!

Says right here.

"50-50 split between Andre Barrington and Dean Young.

" Your name is right here!

It was Andre's idea.

- I don't believe you.

- I'm sorry, but it's true.

He would never have shut me out.

Don't pretend like this is news.

Why would I spend so much time and invest so much energy in something that is of no benefit to me?

Because you're a blind fool.

How dare you?!

He didn't need you anymore, and you couldn't stand it.

- You take that back.

- Lorraine - Get away from me!

- That's enough!

I will sink this deal if it's the last thing I do!

- You wouldn't know how.

- Okay, cool off, both of you!

She knew she'd been cut out.

I swear.

I most certainly did not!

Well, then, clearly one of you isn't telling the truth.

I want you both down at the police station 10:00 a.


tomorrow morning, sober!


I knew nothing about it!

I had nowhere else to go.

Please tell me you didn't drive.

I'm not stupid.

How did you know where I lived?

You said Locke's Lane, and I knocked on a few doors and I found you.


Come in.

I'll put the jug on.

How could he do this to me?

I gave him everything, and this is how he repays me!

Shuts me out of the biggest deal of his life.


I'm sorry.

Which way to the bathroom?

It's straight through on the right.

What's the point?

What's the point now that he's gone?

I should take you home.

Anyone home?


I never should have Never should have?


This is important.

Never should have what?


You're here.

Looks healthy.

But does it have to taste like cardboard to be healthy?

So it was a significant birthday, then.

Dean and Lorraine are coming in.

There was an altercation after you left.

Looks like Andre shut Lorraine out of the brew deal.

Question is whether she knew about it before or after he was dead.

Yeah, she said as much last night.


She came over to mine.



A complete mess.

I had to take her home, put her to bed.

Thing is, Lorraine is the sole beneficiary to Andre's estate.

She told you this?

The will fell out of the bag.

I swear I wasn't looking.

But she stands to inherit a ton of money.

Dean's here to see you.

Interview Room 1.

Hold that thought.

Put Lorraine in 2.

I'll come through when I'm done.


Smart money's on 50.

You reckon?

Surely he'd celebrate a milestone like that.

Not even Mike's that low-key.

Why would Lorraine work so hard on the bar if she knew she wasn't part of its success?

I don't understand why this whole business deal is so important to your inquiry.

Andre assured me she knew and was cool with it.

She's lying.

Maybe Andre was lying, trying to keep everyone onside.

Doesn't change the fact that she'll probably try and sink the deal.

Can she do that?

She's not even party to the agreement.

She'll get her lawyers to challenge it.

Honestly, watching those two, they were joined at the hip.

But then Grace stopped work at the hospital a few months ago and everything changed.

Andre was becoming his own man.

Lorraine hated that.

Enough to k*ll her own son?

Hell hath no fury like a crazy Lorraine Barrington.



No clean pants?

Got dressed in the dark.

Must be hard to get muddy in a bar.

Must've been when I was taking out the empties.

Speaking of mudslinging, when I woke up this morning, some smart-ass had painted a threatening message all over my place.

"My place"?


It's bad for business.

I'll get D.


Breen to look into it.

Tell me more about Andre's will.

Everything goes to Lorraine, including any future earnings.

Dean believes she knew the terms of the deal.

If she was shut out, that would give her motive.

Punish Andre, then collect his share at the other end.

Yeah, but I think it goes deeper than that.

She created him, gave him a sense of entitlement.

There were never any boundaries.

It's Psych 101 the narcissist and his mother.

They were completely codependent.

Until Grace arrived on the scene.

Lorraine lost him and so lost herself.

Her place in the world.

She had to take the power back.

She's an hour late.

Kidding me.

I see you went with Stonehenge.

It was on special.

Looks good.

On Andre's Brew Bar.

I think so.

So you admit it?

You did the graffiti?

Well, it's true.

Craft beer does suck.

And I'm still waiting on your whereabouts the morning of Andre Barrington's accident.

I've got nothing to say.

Look, I had a complaint of willful damage.

You'd be wise to clean it up.

In my own good time.

- Now.

- Keep your hair on.

I'll be back in 10 minutes.

You want to know where she was the morning Andre snuffed it?


She spends a couple of mornings each week down at Sunset Manor.

The rest home?

What, supplying the old folks with sherry?


That's a bloody good idea.

Playing poker.

Trude's been a card shark since boarding school.

Nothing she likes more than a game or three.

Why all the mystery?

It's no crime spending time with the elderly.

It's not good for her rep.

Folk might think she's gone soft.

It'll check out.

Good morning.

Is your mother home?

I don't know.

Mind if we take a look?


Perhaps she's sleeping off a hangover.



Would you like me to check for you?











Jesus Christ, no.


Is there anywhere you can stay?

Just for a couple of days.

- Some relatives or - Um Are you all right?

I was feeling overwhelmed.

I took a pill.

Um, what now?

If you're up to it, we need to talk some more.

I don't know if I agree with that statement.

Like many people, I'm a fan of the pale ale.

Have you got a minute, Mrs.


For you, Samuel, I have several.

You play piano at Sunset Manor.

Most mornings.

Keeps my fingers limber for my handicrafts.

Is it true Trudy Neilson plays cards there twice a week?


And I can't say I approve.

Well, it's only cards.

Sounds pretty harmless.

For money!

She fleeces the old biddies out of their pensions.

Although I daresay they're grateful for the company.

Was she there this week?


Never misses.

All morning.

I won't take up any more of your time.

Thanks for the chat, Mrs.


I never should've left her.

This isn't your fault.

Well, right now it feels like it.



I'll be straight down.

That was Gina.

Want to come?

I would say between 3:00 a. m. and 6:00 a. m.

But that's not the interesting thing.

First, see the slits in her wrists.

What do you notice?

Both cuts are exactly the same.


Same length, same depth.

Exact same place on the wrist.

The same amount of pressure was applied to both incisions.

Maybe she was ambidextrous, equally strong with both hands.

That could explain the similarities.

Perhaps, but even still, both cuts are never the same.

Once the first wrist is cut, there are many distractions.

Blood gushing.

Perhaps the person is having second thoughts.

They are starting to lose strength, consciousness.

Her injuries suggest that someone else did it and made it look like su1c1de.

This is what I'm thinking too.

Especially considering this blade is tiny and these wounds are large.

So, what could have done it, then?

A knife, scalpel, box cutter.

The incisions are very precise.

I would say whoever did this is skilled with a blade.

Or a sharp tool?


The right tool could do this.


Cordon off the Barrington house.

Yeah, it's now a crime scene.

Felix and Grace are at the motel.

Specialist search are ready when you are.


Tell them that the focus is for a blade of some kind.

Okay, guys, let's do it.

Something came up at the autopsy?

It wasn't su1c1de.

Had all the hallmarks.

That's what the offender was counting on.

Do you think it was the same offender that k*lled Andre?

Makes sense.

The blade found by the body doesn't fit the injuries.

We might be looking for the instrument that cut the parachute.

And there's no sign of forced entry.

Whoever did it had easy access.

You were the last person to see her alive.

Well, obviously not the last.

Unless you think Of course not.

But we need to get your statement.

We're gonna get Hughes to do it.

Tick all the boxes.

Fair enough.

Specialists are doing their thing.

It's like watching paint dry.

In the meantime There goes that theory.

Well, she still could've k*lled Andre, which would be motive for her homicide.


We can take Trudy off the list.

She has an alibi.

For Andre at least.

And besides, she wasn't there to turn off the AAD computer.

So all of the key suspects remain the same.

Dean, Felix, Grace, Kahu.

All have motive.

Gina reckons our offender knew their way around a blade, which all of ours do.

Barman, chef, doctor, plumber.

Isn't Kahu a bit of a stretch?

Yeah, I agree.

He's about to become a father.

Would he really jeopardize that?

Let's keep him in the mix.

For Andre at least.

Both homicides boil down to business or family.

With the Barringtons, business is family.

Let's bring them back in.

No idea what time it was.


Even a rough window would be helpful.

Um Kebab shop was open.

I got a chicken iskender and then wandered home.

Fati-Mamas closes at midnight, so it must've been before then.


It's quite a trek back to your place.

Must've taken an hour at least.

And you didn't see anyone?

It was late.

Why aren't you talking to Dean?

He was packing himself that Mum would tip the deal over.

Yeah, we will be talking to Dean.

Did you go anywhere else on your way home?

Not that I can remember.

Yet you can remember what you ate.

Brain's funny like that.


What about the mountain bike?

There was fresh mud on the tires.

Well, we're out and about all the time.

And the weather's pants.

It was late.

Maybe 1:00, half past, when I got home.

Was anyone else awake?

Don't think so, no.

D. S. S.

Shepherd said there'd been a fight.

At the bar.

You ended up on the ground.

It was my fault.

I shouldn't have got in the way.

Heat of the moment.

Which speaks to underlying tension.

It was no secret that Lorraine blamed me for Andre's rebellion.

We were competitive.

The way that mothers and girlfriends are.

Are we almost done here?

I really need a smoke.

And no one else was home at the Barrington house?

Not that I was aware of.

I left.

Walked home.

Tried to sleep.

Did a Sudoku, read my horoscope "Expect some ups and downs.

" Ate some cheese.

Just drifted off on the couch around 4:00.

Big week.

How are you coping?

Well, turns out my horoscope was right.

More ups or downs?

You want off?

I think that might be for the best.

In the end it was her decision.

I've given her the rest of the day off.


How's the inquiry going?

You think both deaths are related?

I do.

I'm just not sure how yet.

Well, keep plugging away.

That's all we can do.

You know, sometimes I miss the cut and thrust.

Just not the pay scale, right?

Your whereabouts last night.

Specifically between 3:00 a. m. and 6:00 a. m.

I didn't k*ll Lorraine.

She threatened to sink your deal.

- I didn't k*ll her.

- Just answer the question.

I was in bed.

Asleep for the most part.

With a friend.

Friend's name?


She'll vouch for me.

He was upset after the blowup with Lorraine, and he promised to take me to Queenstown.

My ticket out of Brokenwood.

You believed him?

Not really.

But it was fun.

Dean's not as mean as he makes out.

It's just a costume he wears.

He's a decent guy once he takes it off.

Great abs too.

So it's true love, then?

You were with him all night?

Well, he was there when I woke up, if that's any help.

Yeah, boss, Dean's alibi checks out.



D. S. S.


I thought this was Detective Sims' number.

Day off.

Can I help?

Tell her Kahu called.

She wanted to know if any of my tools had gone missing.

My pipe cutter's gone.

I had it a few days ago.

On the job at Andre's.

Noticed yesterday when I was finishing up.

Forgive my ignorance, but could a pipe cutter cut through wire?

Like teeth through jelly.

And could you use it like a knife?

With a bit of tinkering, I suppose so, yeah.

But why wouldn't you just use a knife?

Kahu, sorry, I need to ask, but where were you last night?


Getting it on with Serena.

Is Serena your partner?

Can she verify that?

I don't have a partner.

I thought the pregnant woman Mihiata?

Whoa, she's my sister.

The father did a runner.

I'm helping her out.

So, yes, I was home.




Was your brother home last night?


All night.

He was watching those stupid tennis videos.

Mihi, it's in your best interests to tell us everything you know.

Tell him.

I've got some info about the burg at the skydiving place.

Go on.

Her mate came around a couple of days ago.

Had some hot property he was trying to flick off.

Tablets, GoPros, that sort of stuff.

Same stuff I saw down at the center.

Got an address?

I'll text some people.

Glad we cleared that up.

I believe you know my brother's cousin, Jared Morehu.

Jared, yeah.

Good man.

Your brother's cousin?

How does that work?

Walter is Jared's uncle so we share the same koro.

George Morehu.

You know him?

Can't say I do.

So, yeah, it's that simple really.


Like you, I'm glad we cleared that up.

We'll need to hold them here as evidence, but you'll be able to pick them up in due course.

Insurance company will be pleased.

Even if not all of them made it.

I wonder what he's thinking.

He's not thinking anything.

What's that?

Fluffy reckons you're 57.

Tell Fluffy he's dreaming.

Detective Shepherd, this may be of interest.

Taken last week.

It's a slow kind of heartbreak Now I know that it's too late For a sign I've been hanging around here Fati-Mamas?

I had a hankering for Turkish.

And you wanted to check up on Felix's movements.

You know me two birds.

And one of my merlots to wash it down.

- You're a saint!

- I am.

A little light reading?

Yeah, actually, you should take these.

Professional burnout pushes people to extremes.

You sound like my ex-wife.

Which one?

All of them?


So, um, Hughes fill you in?

He did.

But I wanted to check you were all right myself.

Well, I will be once we eat something.

I am starving.

I probably shouldn't ask you, but Is there anything new?

Something pretty big.


Pray tell.

Your stuffed animals turned up.

Thank the Lord.

Now I have a reason to wake up in the morning.



Are you following me?

I'm just returning some stolen goods.

And I'm not working on that inquiry anymore so Sorry.

God, I sound so paranoid.

It's been a difficult time.

Are you going somewhere?


Just canceling our trip into Nepal.


That must be hard.

Excuse me.


Grace speaking.

D. S. S. Shepherd.

We've found an item of interest.

Could you pop into the station so we can grab some fingerprints?



So we can eliminate yours from anyone else's.

Standard procedure.


Of course.

I'm in town.

I'll be there in 20?


Your boss.

He says they've found something.

As I said, I wouldn't know.

See you soon, Dean.

Not a happy camper.

Franchise deal's fallen through.


We've been trying to call.


Sorry, the phone's out of juice.

We've found an item of interest.

We're wanting elimination prints from a number of people.

We need yours.

What'd you find?

Your carving knife.

It's a little worse for wear.


I told you I busted it on a bone.

Then you have nothing to worry about.


Um, let me just grab a coat.

It gets better.

Dean's selling the brew bar to Trudy and Ray.

Wonder what they're gonna call it.

The Tadpole & Tiger?

Amphibian & Aga Panther.

You do know agapanthus is a flower, not a big cat?


It's word play.

- Felix?

- Oi!


Nice one, boss.

Come on, Felix.

Hands behind your back.



It was me.

"Me" what?

I k*lled them.

I k*lled them both.


It's mine.

But you didn't use this to k*ll Andre or your mother, did you?

I know from experience that cutting a wire with this, well, the knife comes off second best.

Just like catching the joint of a bone.

A better tool would be a a pipe cutter, right?

Andre took everything.

He sucked the oxygen out of a room.

Everything had to be about him.

Hey, Nepal, the Himalayas.

They're big, right?

They're not going anywhere.

That's what you said last year.

And the year before that.

Yeah, well, I've got to make money, honey.

I couldn't stand it.

I couldn't stand watching him trample over people.

Cutting the k*ll line had a wonderful sense of irony about it, I must admit.

I just had to make sure it passed the safety checks.

Easy enough when you know how.

It was the computer that I was worried about.

Would I get the opportunity to turn it off?

You don't come here making demands.

I wouldn't have to if you paid your bills.

I'll pay when the job's complete.

And in a cruel twist of fate, Andre took care of that for me.

Really I should have done them both at the same time.

But I guess I thought, with him gone, there would be more space for me.


I wish it was you instead of Andre!

If anything, it was worse.

She never loved me.

Never valued me.

Can you imagine what that's like?

There was a certain symmetry in k*lling them both with the same w*apon.

Where did you dispose of the pipe cutter, Felix?

Bike park.

I was drunk.

I jumped on my bike, and my legs just took me.

Can you be more specific?

The Dance With the Devil run.


Get specialist search up there.

So What happens now?

Someone here to see you, senior.

You wanted to do some prints?

That won't be necessary.

We've made an arrest.


Felix has confessed.

To both?


To both homicides.

We're taking his statement now.


I-I guess that makes sense.

Is he all right?

As well as can be expected.

So, what do you need from me?

Nothing at present.

We'll need you at a later date.

- For the court case.

- Of course.

Sorry about that.

That was Grace.

Does she think I'm a monster?

She seemed to take it in her stride.

Does it matter what she thinks of you?

Not really.

No, I mean, she's just a good sort, that's all.

Are you in love with her?

I can see how that could happen.

She was the only one who listened.

The only one who saw me.

You did it for her.

That cheating, lying bastard didn't deserve her.

Did she know how you felt?

Yes, but it wasn't like that.

I saw her.

Coming out of your room.

The morning your mother died.

She needed comfort.

So did I.

Did you sleep with her before or after k*lling your mother?


You do realize that's not a traditional way to begin a relationship?

It was a one-time thing.

But it was worth it.

What did you use to stick the safety handle back together?

How do you mean?

To pass the safety checks, the handle had to appear operational.

What did you use?

It all happened so fast.

I don't really remember.

Get a 10-1 out on her vehicle.

On it.


Mike, you've got to look at Grace.


Yep, thanks.

On it.

She's changed her flights.

She's heading to India and then on to Nepal.

But her check-in time's in less than three hours.

There's no way that she can make that flight if she's driving.

If she's driving.

Thanks, mate.

I know Auckland's a bit out of your way.

Really appreciate you doing this.

All good.

Let's go.

Just waiting on one more.

This is a private booking.

- Mind if I tag along?

- Detective Shepherd.


Courier service is terrible.

Faster to get it to the lab for DNA testing by hand.

Of course.

More the merrier.

Seat belts?

Off somewhere?

India then Nepal.

You said the case was closed.

Said you didn't need me.

The booking was made before Felix confessed.

I just made the booking.

After I spoke to you.

Not according to Detective Sims.

So from my point of view, it looks like you're trying to do a runner.

Felix confessed to both homicides.

He had motive.

His story made sense.

The way he did it, how it all unraveled.

And the details were true, which made it very convincing.

Except it wasn't him, was it?

You used his feelings to get him to take the rap for you.

Clearly you'd spoken at length how you'd cut the k*ll line, stashed the pipe cutter in the wastewater pipe.

Only there was one vital piece of information you forgot to tell him.

What was that?

What held the safety handle together to pass the safety checks.

Nicotine chewing gum.

It dries hard.

It was the only detail Felix didn't know.

It's with CAA, being tested as we speak.

I understand why you did it.

You just snapped.

After all, you were burned out, forced to leave your job, prone to irrational decision making.

And despite his charm and charisma, Andre was a terrible boyfriend.

Worse than being unfaithful, he was abusive.

Nothing overt.

Quite subtle, really.

Just a little reminder who was boss, who was in charge.

Keep you in your place.

Must've knocked it on a branch.

Easy enough to cover when you play so much sport.

Turns out the damage was more than skin deep.

And then there was Lorraine.

- Lorraine.

- Get away from me!

There was no love lost between the two of you.

That was clear.

But by then, it was more than that.

You're an adrenaline junkie.

You needed your fix.

Extreme sport wasn't cutting it anymore.

The power you felt after k*lling Andre gave you the same endorphin rush you were addicted to.

So you did it again.

Are you all right?

I was feeling overwhelmed.

I took a pill.

You made out it was the pills that made you all Zen-like.

But it wasn't.

You'd had your hit.

It all fits.

Adrenaline addicts crave danger.

They seek out intense sensation without regard for physical and social risk.

There's a thin line between normal and pathological behavior, and you crossed that line.

It's completely subjective.

Your prints will be on the pipe cutter.

Actually that didn't contain the pipe cutter.

It was an old pair of scissors from Kristin's desk.

And we'll have enough to convict you from the DNA off the gum.

It's over, Grace.

It was like living with Frankenstein and the Monster.

Close the door, Grace.

They deserved it.

Please, close the door.




So, what am I being done for exactly?

Accessory after the fact at this stage.

Why'd you take the rap?

Did she pressure you?


No, it was my idea.

I loved her.

I would've done anything.

Get in the shower.



I couldn't see her wasting away in prison just because my family were a pack of hyenas.

And then I turned off the computer while they were fighting.

For that one beautiful night, she made me feel whole.

I'm not surprised she jumped.

She was too full of life to spend it behind bars.

Well done.

You can chalk that one up.

Nothing to do with me.

I left the inquiry, remember?

And the SSG found this at the bike park, just on dusk.

Are you okay?

I've had better days.

The paperwork's gonna be horrendous.

Is he why you don't date anymore?


Brokenwood's gene pool is somewhat limited.

Kahu Taylor's pretty hot.

He has a partner and a baby on the way.

Actually that's his sister.

Did you know he's Jared's brother's cousin?

Brother's cousin?

- How does that work?

- Don't ask me.

Is it time?

I think so.


Happy belated birthday.

You didn't have to.

I know.

She chose it.

He can keep an eye on you guys when I'm not here.

Right, come on.


How old are you?

Fair's fair.


Miles off.

Did you work it out?

Nothing so scientific.

I took odds.

Breen took evens.

Hey, I've just realized something.

You're the same age as my dad.

Good night, Breen.

Night, boss.

There's no one left to blame And no one left who knows Only these tears No need to let them show Only tears Lonely tears