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03x09 - Baku

Posted: 11/17/19 09:01
by bunniefuu


Edelweiss Edelweiss Every morning You greet Me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy To meet Me Blossom of snow May you bloom And grow Bloom and grow Forever Edelweiss Edelweiss Bless my homeland Forever.




- Sir.

The Die Nebenwelt test is on schedule, sir.

You'll be traveling with the Reichsfuhrer.

Thank you, Major.

I also have some new information on the four guards k*lled at the Wyoming-Colorado border.

This was pulled from security camera footage.

We've identified the female suspect.

Juliana Crain.

- Who's she with?

- His name is Wyatt Price.

He's a black market dealer.

Price was last seen by Agent Matthews at a Denver hotel.

He was securing travel documents into the GNR for his female companion, sir.

Later that night, one of our valued informants and another agent were shot down at that same hotel, so we are checking all routes in and out of the GNR.

I want them taken alive.

Make sure you increase the security around the Reichsfuhrer.




SECRETARY (OVER PHONE): Reichsmarschall, the trade minister from Japan is on line one.

Would you like to speak with him?

Put him through.

Ah, good morning, Reichsmarschall.

This is Nobosuke SMITH: Yes, Trade Minister, I know who you are.

I wish to discuss our growing hostilities.

Why am I talking to you?

I was under the impression we had an embassy in San Francisco for that.

w*r is far too grave a matter to go through traditional channels.

I'm requesting an official meeting between the two of us to discuss oil embargo and the Reich's position on defectors, including Mr.

Wexler, who has given us files on Die Nebenwelt.

- Die Nebenwelt?

- Yes, Reichsmarschall.

We know of its purpose and its location in the Poconos.

Where do you propose this meeting take place?

The Neutral Zone.

I'll get back to you, Trade Minister.




- Liam.

- Chuck.


How the f*ck are you?


How you been?


What about yourself?


Come on.

Get in here.




Long time, no see.



- Who's your friend?

- This is Juliana.

- Vince owns the place.

- Pleasure.


Wasn't expecting you for a few months.

Don't suppose you're here to settle up early.

Sure, but where'd be the fun in that?

Then why are you here, Wyatt?

Just popping in for drinks with friends, Vince.



You staying out of trouble?

- As much as I can.

- Who are you?

- Friend of Wyatt's.

- Well, aren't we all?

Go easy there, Ledette.

You're good with a r*fle, aren't you?

Depends what I'm sh**ting at.

Chuck can hit a pfennig from 200 yards.

What are you doing here?

Actually, Juliana has something to show you all.

VINCE: How about later?

After we eat, huh?

Come on, it's post time.

A salute.



Get cleaned up while we put some food together.

Thanks, Vince.

And then you and I are gonna talk.

You in some kind of trouble?


I can handle Vince.

You knew Chuck was a sn*per.

I've seen him before.

- From your memories?

- Mm-hmm.

He's important.

We're in the right place.

FRANK: This is just the beginning.

- We need it to spread.

- ED: You're right.

Let's do another one.

It's got to be bigger.

You know, someplace everybody can see.

- I know just the spot.

- You do?


We'll need a lot more paint.

HIMMLER: Meet with him.

Meet with him.

Find out exactly what they know about Die Nebenwelt, their intentions.

Yes, of course, sir.

You leave tonight.

And while you're in the Neutral Zone, see if you can pick up the trail of High Castle.

This criminal activity involving Juliana Crain occurred not far from his last known residence, and he remains a priority.

Yes, Mein Fuhrer.

Um, with your permission, um, it might be helpful if I could delay the trip by just one day; there's some matters I need to attend to.

You have something more pressing, Reichsmarschall?

No, sir.

Then good.

You'll go.

Yes, Fuhrer.

Meanwhile, John, put your faith in the Reich.

The apartment is beautiful, Helen.

- And these views - Absolutely stunning.

All of it.

I always knew John would be big, but this is huge.

So happy for all of you.

Thank you.

Let's have a cocktail, yes?

You look great, by the way.

- Do I?

- Yeah.

We've just, we've been through so much.

I can't believe how much has changed.

But I I'm happy for you.

How are the girls adjusting?

Uh, well.

They love their school.

Well, the city's a nice distraction.


Alice's favorite drink.

It's perfect.

You know, you're an inspiration to us, Helen.

Am I?

After everything that happened We saw you on television for John's installation.

- Mm.

- LUCY: Standing strong.

Grace under pressure.

You reminded me of Eva Braun.

She had the Fuhrer's ear.

Did you know that?

- She changed Reich policy.

- When did she do that?

During the w*r.

She lifted the ban on women's cosmetics and luxuries.

How about that.

I had no idea she was political.

Yes, well, the history books, they don't mention it.

Then how do you know?

When you are married to the Reichsmarschall, - you hear things.


Like Goebbels' foot.

MARY: Is that true?

I always wondered.

Berlin does a good job of hiding it, but I have met the man.

Who am I kidding?

They all know.

The ones at the top, they are protected.

That's the big difference between Berlin and New York.

You're right.

They'll always be the Fatherland.


You're not drinking, Helen?

No, it's (SIGHS)

a little early for me.



Run it again.


JULIANA: The machine is built to rip a hole into other realities.


Say we blow this fucker up.

What stops them from building a new one?

That's the beauty.

I spoke to a scientist who called the area inside the mine an "anomaly," a place where the barrier between worlds is at its thinnest.

WYATT: This thing draws so much power that when they fire it up, the whole area becomes unstable.

Destroy the machine, destroy the anomaly.

We got to do our homework.

Recon this top to bottom before we come up with our plan.

CHUCK: I know a guy in New York.

He's in the Resistance.

- The Poconos are only a few hours from - Stop.

I'm sorry.

Assuming any of this is true, what good does saving another world from the Nazis do us?

It's not our fight.


How'd you feel when you watched that film?


What about recognition?

'Cause, I mean, the three of us spent the worst years of our lives f*cking dreaming of an outcome like that one.

k*lling for it.

So, go ahead, call your man in New York.

- That was passionate.

- Yep.

You really believed that rah-rah?

I believe in her.

And I wouldn't ask you to sign up if I didn't.

You like her?

She's given me something I can fight for.

Well, she's given you hope.

I haven't seen you like this in a long time, Liam.

So, I guess I like her, too.

SMITH: I want you to convey to the Japanese that we accept their invitation to a meeting on one condition: - that we choose the location.

- Yes, sir.

Tell Matthews to secure High Castle's farmhouse, outside Boulder.

Prepare it for a meeting.

I'll assemble a unit, sir.

No uniforms, no identification.

We don't want anyone to know we're there.


TURNER: Jahr Null will be a live TV event broadcast across the Reich and the GNR.

Where will the Reichsfuhrer and the Reichsmarschall be?

TURNER: On a VIP boat in the harbor.

As close to the action as possible.

And will Nicole Dormer be on the boat?

- Yes.

- And where will I be?

On the boat, with me.

Will I have an interview with her?

No, she'll be directing, but, uh, I'll make sure to get you a statement.

Of course.

I think I have this.

Okay, let's take five before the production meeting.



Don't ever do that to me again.

I had to make a lot of calls to clean up your arrest.

I'm sorry.

Stay away from Nicole.

All right.


ED: Could you ever imagine us doing this in the JPS?

FRANK: Yeah, I know.

We should hit a different city.

You know, do the same as we've done here.

ED: Yeah, w we could do Albuquerque next.

Yeah, I want to do New York, give the Nazis something to think about.

This is what freedom feels like.

For the first time, I feel it.

I really do.

And that's what we're fighting for, you, me and Jules.

Yeah, tomorrow, people are gonna wake up and see it.


All right, go on.

Go see Jack.

- You sure?

- Yeah, I'll be fine.

Let's meet back here.

I'll be, uh, I'll be early.

All right.

Hey, Frank.

- Are we really doing this?

- Hell yeah!





I am so grateful that you would see me.

I didn't know if you would.

When do you leave?


Is it safe?

I apologize.

For what?

All my life, I have chosen a peaceful way.

I choose how to live my life.





HELEN: I don't understand why you have to leave right now.

SMITH: I don't have any choice, Helen.

Himmler's orders.

Uh I managed to postpone the test until I'm back.

Nurse will come here.


Thank you.

Why is this trip so important?

Things are getting very dangerous, Helen.

There could be a w*r.

So I have to go and see if I can head it off.

Or Jennifer's test will be the least of our worries.


I missed you.

I'm just happy you came back.

Get you all to myself.


Without Childan always sticking his nose in.


I meant to tell you, h he called me the other day.



What'd he say?

I couldn't understand him, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the yakuza paying me a visit.

The yakuza?


They found your stuff.

From the robbery?

Wait, why would they be coming to you?

Tracked me down.

I mean, somebody must have seen us together here.

I thought you'd be excited to hear this.

It's the yakuza.

I don't think they know the first thing about selling antiques.

You could bring them back to Bob.

I don't know.

Jack, I don't know if I'm ready to go back to San Francisco.

I could come with you.

I've always wanted to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Well, you actually can't walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, -'cause it's off-limit to gaijin.

- Ed.


All right.

Let me sleep on it.

Don't tell me you were planning on sleeping tonight.


American Artistic Handcrafts.

Moshi moshi.

- ED: Hey, it's Ed.

- Ed.

Oh, thank heavens.

Where are you?

At the Grand Palace.

Listen, I got all your messages.

- The entire wheelbarrow-full.

- Just listen to me.

You have to get out of there.

Okay, well, that's actually why I'm calling.

I think I may have found our stuff.





Forget the stuff.

- What are you talking about?

- Just get out of Denver.

As soon as possible, with your friend.

Okay, well You know, Jack and I are talking about heading back there together, once we get our stuff back No.

No, no, no.

Your other friend.

The one who can't come back to San Francisco.


- Look, I got to go.

Good luck.


Kobayashi-san, what a delightful pleasure.

How may I help you today?

I was, uh, wondering if you still had that precious baseball.

The one signed by the Murderers' Row.

Oh, sumimasen.

I no longer have that item in my possession.

I see.

Delightful pleasure to see you back.


Um, I almost forgot.

Rumor has it, a great influx of Americana may be moving west from the GNR.

And what is causing this influx?

The Nazis are in the midst of purging American history.

So, if these rumors are correct, it would be a great bonanza for my business.




If you are able to procure these old American artifacts from the Reich, I would very much like to view them.




- Agent Matthews.

- Reichsmarschall.

- Welcome to the Zone.

- Thank you.

Property is secure, sir.


- Major.

- Yes, sir?

I want you to pull up records of all the ranch and farm properties within the Neutral Zone borders.

- Somewhere I can call in.

- Right away, sir.





- That's called freedom.

- It looks amazing.

Look at the people.

They're all stopping.

So you did this?

Well, with a little help from my friend.

Frank, this is Jack.

So, you're the guy Ed won't shut up about.

It's funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you.

ED: Frank, we have to go.

Yeah, let's head to New Mexico.

I need to get a few things first.

No, no, we have to go now.

I talked to Robert.



He said we have to get out of Denver.

- Why?

- I don't know, but it sounded urgent.

What is this?

Uh I don't know.

What do you think?

SATO: If you ask me, looks like vandalism.

Done by a criminal.

KIDO: Do you not agree, Mr. Frink?

You remember me?


- Leave him alone!

- No, no!

- Lying piece of shit!

- Don't you f*cking touch him!

I will blow your f*cking head off.


- FRANK: Tell Jules I love her!



Welcome, Trade Minister.

If you'll follow me, sir.


Trade Minister.

Good evening, Reichsmarschall.

Thank you for coming.

Please, sit.

I wish to extend my deepest condolences for the loss of your only son.

I, too, have experienced the same.

Thank you.

Now On the phone, you mentioned Dr.

Wexler and Die Nebenwelt.


This machine is powerful.

Meant to cross the thresholds between worlds.

The Reich won't be held hostage, Trade Minister.

Nor will we engage in negotiations based on ill-gotten and half-baked intelligence.

I had hoped to discuss these matters alone, apart from our government.

Because we have achieved peace together once before.

What do you mean?

Last year, you presented a film in Berlin.

You averted w*r.

I provided that film for Chief Inspector Kido.

I don't know what you're talking about.

It is possible to reach other worlds without the use of technology.

The different truths of those worlds are of great value.

And of great personal comfort.

I received the film from my son.

This is a list of 15 German defectors still living in the Pacific States.

The Empire has approved the return of them to the Reich.

And please, accept this as a gesture of recommitment to our trade agreements.

And in return, the Empire ask only that you honor our oil treaties.

Thank you for meeting, Reichsmarschall.

I will see that the Fuhrer gets your list.

I believe our two countries have great value for each other in peace.

You feel something?

- We're close.


- Come here, you f*cking gink.


- How you been?

- Yeah, I got you.

Jeremy, Paul.

- This is Liam, Juliana.

- Welcome.

- Thank you.

- Now come on.

It's a degree or two warmer inside.


Jesus Christ.

Is this what you saw?


It's a f*cking fortress.

Wish I had my carbine.

WYATT: Who are those people?

In the white.

JULIANA: Test subjects.

They're taking them to the machine.

I was one of them.

And what happened?


I was k*lled before I found out.

We're never gonna make it by them.

Yes, we will.

We've done it before.

HARRY: Here we are.

Uh Here is Mine Number Nine.

And there should be a fork branching off from some-some rail tracks.

Uh yeah Oh.

Right here.

The, uh, car siding.

JULIANA: And that's the only way in?

Well, there's old shafts in Mine Number Two, used to connect up before the w*r.



They were all closed off in '37.

- What for?

- Unstable.

Some sort of magnetic energy that kept messing up my miners.

Sounds like an anomaly to me.

It's been blocked off for years.

Could be flooded, caved in.

But if it's clear, that'll get you inside.

Mine Number Two it is.



No peeking at my cards.

JENNIFER: Diamonds.



There must be some mistake.



It's the nurse.

For your test.

I spoke to your father about this.


Uh, hello.

I I wasn't expecting you.

I was instructed to come today.

There must've been some mistake.

- It'll only take a few minutes.




Uh, honey.

Sweetheart, why don't you go get yourself something to snack on, okay?

NURSE: Have a seat.

Do I have to?


It's mandatory.

It'll be over before you know it.

Would you roll up your sleeve, please?

It's okay.

You'll feel a slight pinch.

- Stop!

- Ma'am?

I'm sorry.

You have to leave.

Right now.

We'll we'll reschedule this.

You okay?


BARTENDER: Here you go.



What's this?

Well, I saw what you did, the other night.

With the f*cking Jew.


- That was really something, huh?


- Good shot, wasn't it?

- Oh!

I'll say.

Profitable, too.

HOLT: Yeah, Jews fetch most with the SD.

Alive more than dead, but Are they, uh, tough to find?

No, no, no, no.

We can smell them.




Is that so?


Then, uh, then, you fellas, y you should really get your noses checked.


Well, because you got one sitting right in front of you.


You work and work for years and years You're always on the go You never take a minute off Too busy making dough Someday, you say, you'll have your fun Why are we going to the beach?

It's cold.

Um, well, Mar Mary said that we could use her beach house for a few days.

I I figured that we'd take a girls trip, meanwhile your father is gone.

What about school?


Why didn't we pack anything?

We can get anything we need.

Come on now, you got to have fun You're gonna take that ocean trip No matter come what may, you've got (CHICKENS CLUCKING)


Evan, get out your g*n.

(g*n CLICKS)

- (g*nsh*t)


- Run, Caroline!

- CAROLINE: Jesus!



Go, go, go!









Where is he?

Where's the Man in the High Castle?





This was once the site of an American-Japanese internment camp.



I was there in 1945 when the camps were liberated.

I have seen those painted all over San Francisco and the Neutral Zone.

I never imagined they were yours.

You have been speaking to me this whole time.

I've been speaking to a lot of people.

They've started to listen.

It's beginning.

I know I am a part of what you did.

I ex*cuted your sister.

Your niece and nephew.

I did what I did out of anger.

I, uh, I never wanted to survive.

Never thought I'd have to face what I'd done.

It changed me.


How have you changed?

Well, I'm I'm free.

So you are not afraid of death?


No, not anymore.


Only a death without honor.


Out of weakness, I let you go.

That was my mistake.

Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.

Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.

Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.