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03x08 - Kasumi (Through the Mists)

Posted: 11/17/19 08:59
by bunniefuu
We're expecting a crowd in the hundreds of thousands.

I have to say, I'm a little concerned about public safety, Mr.


As are we, Reichsmarschall.

Our best pilots have been training for weeks.

Mock exercises in the Bay of Fundy.

I expect it to go off without a hitch.

Mein Fuhrer, I believe Ms.

Dormer has something else she'd like to show you.

As we prepare for the Jahr null celebrations, we're adding something that will delight you.

A surprise.

I like surprises.


Simply fantastic.

"Different worlds"?


What horseshit.

Give her a chance to explain.

I know it's hard to imagine, but it's it's not a trick.

What good is dreaming about different worlds?

This is the best of all possible worlds, right here.

It's not.

The film proves that.

Look, this place and this world will not last if we don't change it for the better.

It's only a matter of time; it will get worse.

There's nothing we can do about that.

It is in God's hands.

It's in our hands.

That's why I showed you this film, so we could learn from that world and apply it to this one.

The fascists can be beaten.

It's real, isn't it?

It's possible.


Yeah, it's real.

Well, I'm sorry.

But you, uh you have to admit that that is a difficult thing to believe.


And you still don't.

I'd love to but no, I don't.

I believe you.

I believe the film.

Thank you.

I'm a physicist, not an engineer.

This is what lab fabricators call a build-ready blueprint.

They're building it.

I know they are.



Well, whatever it is, it's massive, and it uses an enormous amount of energy, enough to light up a small city.

Well, what do you make of it, Doctor?

It's a quantum transfer device.

A machine to travel between worlds.

I mean, physicists have been working along these lines for years.

I had no idea the Nazis were so close.

Y you don't happen to know where, do you?

A tunnel.

A mine shaft in the mountains.

Makes sense.

You'd want to situate it near a quantum anomaly, where the membrane is the thinnest, but you'd also want it underground, in case of accident.

Well, what would happen?

The potential expl*sive yield would be catastrophic, it's like a small atomic b*mb.

But underground Even so, it'd decimate everything for miles around, turn it to cinders.

Your memory.

An accident?

Unless someone blew it up.

You're home.

Yeah, I was, um John, the school called today.

They they want to schedule Jennifer's test.

Can't she just not take it?


I I You're the Reichsmarschall.

Precisely, Helen.

Setting an example to the public.

Helen, if Listen, if we try to evade this, it's gonna look like an admission of guilt, and it'll be used against us.



And if she tests positive?

What are you having?

It's a bit early for me, but be my guest.

Good as it gets, hot off the government press.

How'd you manage to get something this good?

Well, I still have a few teeth in my head, and a few friends in the GNR.

It's all there, pal.

It's not that I don't trust you.

Feeling's mutual.

Got to go.

You have a good holiday.

Who said I was going anywhere?

I just figured, a pretty lady like that, you and her Just business.

Remember what I told you.

See you next time.

You f*cking idiot.


What the hell?

You greedy bastard.

No, I didn't Yes, you did you n*zi fucker.

Before I get out of bed in the morning, I I I run through a list, just in my head, of all the things that my three children will need for school and the day.

Then I remember.

I only have two children, now.

Not three.


It's inefficient, when you think about it.

What is?

My son wasn't useless, he could've contributed in countless meaningful ways.

Well, the Reich's policies benefit us all.

I'm sorry, I I don't see what benefit there is.

To preserve and protect the family.

The, uh genetic purity of the Reich.

Minister Goebbels has a deformity.

He's a great man, he's done great things Helen, that is an ugly rumor.

You mustn't give it any credence.

Mm, it isn't.

It isn't a rumor.

I've met the minister.

Why are you thinking about this now?

Well, I don't I don't know.

I just I wake up every morning and I am sad.

But I'm also angry.

It isn't it isn't fair.

Of course I I'm gonna lash out, I I'm gonna act on impulse, so I don't know what you're alluding to.

I just wish that I could turn back the clock on so many things.

We all have our regrets, and speaking of the clock, I'm afraid, uh, we'll have to leave it there.


I so appreciate your patience with me, Daniel.



I think it's important to maintain decorum for your analysis.

Yes, of course it is.



Oh, my.

Oh - I'm sorry.

Oh, I shouldn't have done that.

- That's all right.

- I it was an an impulse.

- It's all right.

It's, no, it's, uh, transference, it's, uh, totally normal.

It's normal?

Nothing about this feels normal.

Is that a new kata?

What is that one called?

- Kasumi.

- Kasumi.

"Through the mists.

" I see you.


Like a crane.

Graceful, yes.

But it is a kata for combat.

To k*ll your enemy.

Trade Minister, it is time.

You seem more worried today than usual.

These are dark and uncertain times, Tamiko-san.


I have faith in you.


That's him.

He says he's a friend - of yours?

- He is.

Thank you.

Frank, Wyatt.

Wyatt, this is Frank.


How are ya?

Did you get 'em?

Sure did.

And what's in it for you?

Why are you helping her?

Well, um, I've brought her this far.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Besides, she's on her own.

- I can handle myself.

- Oh.

Oh, I'm well aware.

Look, I fought them in Europe and I fought them here.

I reckon it's time to get back in the fray and, uh, fight them again.

Thank you for this.

All right, I'll be inside.

You haven't really answered my question.

I need to know.

Why are you helping me?

They k*lled half my family in Ireland and the other half in New York.

And I don't know if that film is real or not, but it got me thinking.

Plus, I just admire your grit.

You'll have my back?


Welcome back.

I found your bounty hunters.

I saw them k*ll some poor bastard in the Grand Palace bar.

Middle of the day.

A Jew?

They seemed to think so.

Oh, shit.

You think they'll be back?

Sooner or later.

Then we're gonna have to deal with them.

Like I said.

Son of a bitch.


- The hell are you doing here?!

- What?

I just saw this guy in Denver, talking to a n*zi informant.

- Is that true?

- Look, I'm a friend of Frank's, okay?

I'm Juliana.

This is Wyatt.

- She's okay.

- If you want papers to get you into the Reich, sometimes you have to deal with Nazis.

Papers are for me.

You you trust this guy not to sell us to the highest bidder?

I do.

He's seen my photo, Wyatt.

He knows my face.

He's dead.

You sure you weren't followed here?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I think we should get going.

I'll get my things.

I don't know, really, how, you know, long I'll be gone.

Just You don't have to come back.

Well, I'm gonna take you with me.

One way or another.

You be careful.

I will.

You trust him?

I have to.

Walk me out.


I'm gonna I'm gonna hang back.

If I if I don't see you go, you're, uh you know, you're still here, somehow.

I can tell myself I just missed you at the mess hall or, uh, you're on a run into town and you'll be back in a couple of hours.

Go, go.

See you later, Jules.

See you later, Frank.

- I love you.

- I love you.

Be safe.

- Oh, God.

- You are Childan Robert?

Uh, a actually, it's Robert Childan.

Ne never mind.

What can I do for you, most honored Sir?

Chief Inspector Kido has removed the people who have been illegally occupying your shop.


I am instructed to inform you that it is yours to do with as you please once again.

Uh, I I don't understand.

Chief Inspector Kido rewards you for your service to the Japanese National State.

My s service to Yes, of course.

Arigato gozaimashita.

Oh, God, what have I done?

- Jeff, you say?

- No.

No, no, no.


Um Tall.

Uh, uh, cowboy hat?

Oh, yes.

You want me to get him for you?


Oh, th thank you.

Thank you.

Yes, uh, could you put him on, please?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Hold on.


It's Jack.


Jack, it's Robert Childan.

- Bobby?

- Yes, Bobby.

Um, listen, I need you to get a message to Ed.

He may be in danger.





She's gone.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm not fine, Frank.

That film is enormous.

It's life-changing.

I should have gone with her.

Why didn't I go with her?

I have to do something.

Then come with me.

We're going to Denver.


We need to make a statement.

Something people will notice.

Poke the bad guy in the eyes.

Come on.

Let's go talk to Mark about his truck.



Sir, I I didn't I didn't mean - for you to come here.

- Well, it sounded urgent.

Well, I I could have come to you.

It's more secure this way.

Sit down.

So what'd you have to tell me, Doctor?

Well, it's a bit delicate, I'm afraid.

Uh Forgive me, sir, but, uh I feel it's my duty to tell you that, uh, your wife has been articulating opinions, uh incompatible with Reich orthodoxy.

I see.

Please go on.

Well, this morning, she expressed a desire a desire to rethink the Reich's eugenics policies.

Uh, I think she feels that because of your position, you might have some influence in the matter.

Has she expressed these thoughts to anyone else that you know of?

Not that I'm aware of, sir.


She also spoke today of, uh, having acted impulsively.

- In what way?

- I I didn't probe.

I thought it best to alert you.

Thank you.

Was there something else?

I don't know if you're aware, sir.

There there's there's a phenomenon that occurs in psychotherapy.

It's called, uh, "transference.

" Uh, a patient develops feelings of affection, or attraction for the analyst.

It's very common really.

And has my wife expressed such feelings to you, Doctor?

Today your wife was, uh physically demonstrative in a way that perhaps It's okay.

You can tell me.

She kissed me, sir.

She, uh, gave me a good-bye kiss.

It was just a kiss on the cheek, but under the circumstances I understand.

- Sir, um - Mm-hmm.

given everything else, I really do think it best that I, uh I terminate treatment and resign as her analyst.

You did very well to tell me.

Uh Quiet.

Where is Chief Inspector Kido?

Shouldn't he be here?

He's away, Trade Minister.

I will have him contact you the moment he returns.

Yes, do so.


Kotomichi, please escort Mrs.


Of course.


I am so grateful.

To dump his body in the street like that?


There's, um There's also been a communiqué , sir, demanding that we end the oil embargo, honor our trade agreements, or face military action.

They won't risk a w*r.

We will crush them.

They do have the b*mb, sir.

I know Europe is secure, but the risk to the American Reich is real.

They're bluffing.

Send them a message.


Tell them we reject their demands categorically.


- Shikkéi.

- You speak Pon?

Not a f*cking word.

I think he was apologizing.

Were you apologizing, Pon?

I said perhaps you should be more careful.

Forget about it, brother.

Ain't nobody paying for Jap scalps I know of.

It's your lucky day, Pon.

As you said.

Lucky day.

The man you seek, Frank Frink, has not been seen, Baku.

It is thought he is dead.

He is not dead.

He is in the Neutral Zone, maybe in this area.

The Kempeitei pay well for information, a sizeable bounty.

This man is a known associate of Frink's.

He also has a friend who may frequent this establishment.

This friend's name is Jack.

Perhaps you would redouble your efforts.

We will cast a wide net.

Oh, my goodness.

However did you find this place?

And how have I never heard about it?

For Europeans only and their guests.

Well, lucky me.

Lucky us.

Good evening, ladies.

What's your poison?

A dirty martini.

I'll have a Manhattan.

All right, coming right up.

So that's where the tunnel is there.

And when we get there, you expect to do what, exactly?

Figure out a way to destroy the machine.

I know it can be done; I've seen it.

f*ckin' hell.

It'll be heavily guarded.

I know.

That's why I got to see it for myself.

See what I'm up against.

What we're up against.


Fair enough.

So it's it's a recon mission, then.

To start.

We're gonna need help.

I hear you're looking for someone.

We understand you know where he is.

Information ain't free.

So, this man "Jack.

" Where is he?

Look, I don't want any trouble.

No trouble.


Regarding your friends, Robert Childan and Ed McCarthy.

I've got nothing to do with their business.

I recovered a cargo of antiques that belonged to them from a group of n*gro outlaws.

Motorcycle bandits.

I am simply looking for a finder's fee.

How can I find them?

No idea.

When I met them, they were just passing through.

Passing through to where?


Albuquerque, El Paso, somewhere like that.

My name is Baku.

Leave me a message at the front desk if you talk to your friends.

For the right price, they can recover their property.


Delicious, isn't she?

She doesn't hold a candle to you.

What a terrible liar you are.

It's true.

This club is closed until further notice.

You are under arrest for decadence and perversion.


Ministry of Propaganda?

I report directly to Reichsminister Goebbels.

- German national?

- Ja.

You can go Wait.

Is she in the Ministry as well?

Thelma Harris, with the Reich Herald.

No dice.

Where are they taking her?

Jefferson Market Women's Jail.

Don't worry, I'll get you out.



Thank God.

- It's Nicole.

- What's the matter?

Thelma's been arrested.

We were having a drink there was a raid.

A raid?

Where the hell were you?

A club.

What kind of club?

For women.

Oh, shit.

Look, I'll make some calls.

There were photographers.

Okay, I I'll find out who.

Collect the film and, uh, send someone to pick her up.

Billy, you have to go yourself.

- If it comes out - Of course.

Of course.

Yeah, you're right.

Let me see what I can do.

Thank you.

You sure that's the best place to cross?

I know what I'm doing.

I go back and forth here all the time for my business.

When does this guy this contact of yours when does he come out?

A couple hours after daybreak.

Come on, let's go.


Um Dr.

Ryan called last night.

He was concerned after your session.

About what?

You were only supposed to talk about Thomas, Helen.

I was talking about Thomas.

You were questioning Reich policy.

Everything I said was true.

You have the same doubts.

Yes, and I keep them to myself.

I can't believe that he talked to you.

I mean, it it's supposed to be private.

Well, he was worried, and he thought I should know.

Did he say anything else?

Should he have?

Well, you won't be seeing him anymore.

- John.

- I think we both understand why it's for the best.


Like I said, uh, Carter's a friend of mine.

Is he around?

Would I be right in saying you guys are, uh you're new here?

There he is now.



There a problem here?

No, it's not her.


I know this guy.

You're just gonna have to take it up with What's going on, man?

Whoever sold you this, f*cked you.

Ah, you're f*cking joking me.

Expired signature.

What does that mean?

The authorizing signature belongs to a dead man.

Unless he's been resurrected, it's a forgery.

Can you not just get us through?

I have enough money with me this time to take care of all of you.

Ordinarily, but these f*cking new guys rabid dogs.

Plus, Little Adolf over there, he thinks he recognizes her.


Look, I'm just gonna turn you around, and get you the hell out of here before Adolf gets back on the phone.

All right.

Time to go.


W what the f*ck's happening?

You're Juliana Crain.

You're under arrest.

Wait now.

H hold on a minute.



Get in the f*cking Jeep.