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03x07 - Excess Animus

Posted: 11/17/19 08:56
by bunniefuu
I have discovered a traitor.

Someone that I made the mistake of trusting.

I trusted you.

And you betrayed me for money.

Not for money.

To show you that my mother's people are your equal.

I'm your equal.

A n*zi collaborator.

A disgrace to the Empire who deserves no mercy.

A hapa dog.

You mustn't be so hard on yourself.

Mm I'm just so tired.

That is just excess animus.

See, in in Jungian therapy, the goal is to bring the masculine and the feminine energies in the unconscious into balance.

Increase the anima.

How do I do that?

How do I increase the anima?

Well, uh Have you given more thought to resuming intimacies with your husband?

Uh I, uh We've We haven't felt amorous since Loss of desire is not uncommon.

But, uh I would urge you to pursue it.

Well, I suppose it's only fair to John that I put in more effort.

Helen It's you I'm thinking of.

Your needs.

Your desire.

You deserve love and affection.

My husband loves me.


But you deserve to be adored.




Yes, dear?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm I'm fine.

What were you saying?

May we please be excused now?

Of course.

Of course, run along, girls.

- Okay.

- Just Can I help you gentlemen?

We're looking for a friend of ours, name's Griggs.


Scraggly dark hair, beard.

Might've passed this way a week or so ago.

Ring a bell?


No, afraid not.

Uh Don't suppose we could take a quick look, see if he I'm sorry.

Not today.

It's not a good time.

Another time, then.

God bless.

That puts my little make-believe home movie to shame.

You bet it does, because it's real.


How could it be real?

I just watched the Allies win the w*r.

That's right, in a parallel world.

You just saw the film.

And it's, uh, it's convincing, but i it could be a fake.

You see what you're up against.

Doesn't matter.

For now, I only need to convince a few, just just a handful.

Convince them to do what?

Hawthorne, do you remember the tunnel film?


I know where that tunnel is and what's going on there.

- That's not in the film.

- I know.

Lackawanna, Pennsylvania.

Coal Mine Number Nine.

Wait a minute.

How do you know that?

I've been there.

You you've traveled?

No, I started having these At first I thought they were visions.

They're memories.

Lackawanna, I've I've been there.

- Memories from parallel worlds.

- It's your destiny, chickie.

You're accessing other lives.

Other lives.

Parallel worlds.

Sorry, it all seems a bit Where in the hell do you think these films - are coming from then?

- I don't know.

I'm asking.

Okay, look, the film we just watched.

That's the film my sister gave her life for.

I gave it to you, you brought it to Hawthorne.

- That's right.

- And now I need it back.


Because it's proof that the fascists can be beaten.

It'll get people k*lled.

Then why didn't you burn it?


Or give it to Tagomi?

Of all the films, why did you hang on to that one?

Sentimental, I guess.

It brought you to me.

Come on.

Come on, you kept it because you knew I'd need it.

Look, if we're gonna stop what's coming, we need to wake people up, fast.

All right?

It's all connected.

The films, the memories, the blueprint What's coming?

What are you talking about?

What blueprint?

We are at this moment building a travel portal to access Die Nebenwelt.

Pierce the membrane, by means of the machine.

Will it work?

There are obstacles to be overcome.

Fatima Hassan didn't need a machine.

She just closed her eyes.

Mind over matter.

Out of her coma, Fatima Hassan experienced a rush of fear-based adrenaline, followed by a brief burst of deep alpha wave meditation.

She willed herself to travel?

There is no other explanation.

Well, couldn't we train people to do the same?

That would take years.

In the meantime, we are close to completing a prototype of the machine.

We are still in the early stages of human testing.


Have any of them traveled?

Not as yet, Reichsmarschall.

Let me know when they do.

They're already building it.

I know it, I can feel it.

What else did Joe Blake tell you?

He said that once the Nazis reach Die Nebenwelt, and all the worlds after that, that it'll dwarf even his father's biggest dreams.

They have to be stopped.

There's got to be a way to destroy this machine.

Means going back to the Reich.

I know.

You'll need help.

What do you know about Wyatt?

He has a reputation of playing both sides against the middle.

Nakamura will not be joining you.

What happened to him?

You remember what I did to your old boss, Taishi?


Your usefulness will determine how long you live.

How can I prove myself?

Our agreement with the Reich forbids either side to operate in the Neutral Zone in any official capacity.

I have business there.

I need you to provide me with a shadow identity.

I can make the necessary preparations.

And you will accompany me when the time comes.

It will be an honor, Kido-san.

So, you're gonna stop the fascists with a film.

I'm gonna try.

It enlightened me.

It'll inspire others.

You got to start somewhere.

She needs new papers.

I hear you're the man to see.

New papers?

What's wrong with your old papers?

Well, I'm going to the Reich, for a start.

Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.


You don't have to come.

- You can't go alone.

- I won't be alone.

I'll find people.

You might make St.

Theresa's your first stop.

Could be someone there to help.

May not listen, but at least they won't turn you in.

I I don't know.

They stick to themselves.

Can you blame them?

Just saying, they're not interested in the bigger fight.

They got their own.

I'll drop you at Sabra sorry, St.


I'll drive to Denver and find my favorite purveyor of false and stolen documents.

I'll ride with you.

Be safe, you two.


Don't worry about us, we know our way around.

You be careful, okay?

I will.

Good luck, chickie.

Reb Sampson.

You were magnificent.

Mazel tov.

It only took, uh, some off-key chanting and a little flop sweat to make Frank Frink a man.

Wait, you were nervous?

I couldn't tell.

I was terrified.

You should do all our bar mitzvahs.

You're a natural.

Yeah, you should get a real rabbi.


They're in short supply these days.

Listen, so So there's nothing to worry about, huh?

A couple of ruffians, asking after our visitor.

Bounty hunters?

Smelled like.

Oh, shit.

Did did they buy our charade?

Oh, I don't know.

But one of them was giving me the look.

Yeah, they all do that.

They don't actually have a sixth sense about Jews.

They're just looking to see if you flinch.

And you didn't flinch, did you?

I did not.


They're probably halfway to Wyoming by now.

Let's hope so.

So m maybe, I'll drive down to Denver and ask around.

You'll be careful.



I mean, you have enough to worry about, you don't need to worry about me.

You idiot.

I won't have a moment's peace until you're back.

What is it, darling?

Cat got your tongue?

I just had an image of kissing a skull.

Well, that's morbid.

A friend of mine died the other day.

A close friend?

We had a unique connection.

I see.

Don't be jealous.

It wasn't like that.

He and I were like family.

Don't tell me, he was like a brother to you.

More than a brother.

But nothing like you.


Excuse me!

We are closed today.

Come back tomorrow.

This is Uh Pardon me, I am Robert Childan.

This is my home.

No, no, no.

Japanese only.

Now go away.

Too many visitors.

We're not a resort.

I just want to show you this.

I'm not looking to stay.

We are not Resistance, - and we are not looking to join.

- I understand.

I'm not working for anyone, I'm on my own.

I'll take a look.

And you can stay for one night.

Thank you.

Will you pardon me a second?

Go ahead.



Oh, my God.

You're I can't believe When I was well enough to travel, a friend, Mark, smuggled me out of the city, brought me here to convalesce.

You know, I I feel safe here.

And the Pons think I'm dead.

I would've known if you were gone.


Yeah, you would've.

I'm getting used to it, the new face.

Uh, painting is a good distraction.

Glad you're painting again.

Yeah, uh, sunrises, uh, mostly.

Of course.

Of course they're yours.

- You know they're all over San Francisco?

- Yeah.


So I heard.

Hey, Frank, you're famous.

I hope not.

What brings you here?

You remember the film that we watched?

The one my sister gave me?

Yeah, how could I forget?

The Allies win the w*r.

She said she found the reason for everything.

A way out.

Well, I have it.

I got it back.

I want to show it to Sabra.


To open their eyes.

Jules, our eyes are wide open.

I didn't mean it that way, I just I just meant There's something I need to do, and I'm hoping that I can find some Hey.

You God, no.


What are you doing here?

I missed you so much.

Look at you.

I missed you, too.

Hey, Frank!

I found her.

These are Dr.

Wexler's files.

Forgive me, Trade Minister, I don't understand.

I was certain these files were gone.

Taken when Dr.

Wexler was assassinated.

They were delivered to me anonymously.

The synthetic oil papers are of great value to us.

And the other file?

This, I'm not familiar with.

I will have to study it.

The notes refer to a diagram that is not here.

Do you have it elsewhere?

No, that's all I received.

I will do my best, Trade Minister.

Where did you get this?

From the Man in the High Castle.

Well, this can't be true.

That was my first reaction, too.

No, it can't be.

It is.

It's proof there are other possibilities.

That reality isn't preordained.


Let's pretend that it's real.

What do you expect us to do?

In this reality?

Help me change it.



It's perfect.

Arigatou gozaimasu.

Just, uh let me just let me, uh Let me look at you.

Um I thought we could have tea first.

Yeah, we could do that.

I'm, uh I apologize that it's cold.

I don't have any cooking facilities.

Well, you're gonna have to pay me, first.

There's a surcharge for cold tea?


Your time is up.

Wha I paid for an hour.

Yeah, the hour's up.

You're way over, actually.

You owe me for another one already.

Two, if you want the tea ceremony.

That's all I have.

I'm sorry.

There's no exceptions.



Not bad.

You always did have a nice touch.

But, I uh, don't go.

- Couldn't we just - Someone will pick that up.


- Hey.

- You okay?

Why are you still up?

I I couldn't sleep.


What are you watching?

Uh it's the Ministry of Propaganda.

They have some, uh, Americana they want me to review.

New campaign.


Are you coming to bed?

When I'm, uh when I'm caught up.

Don't stay up too late.


I think I'm falling in love.

Don't be silly, darling.

I'm sorry.

I I didn't mean it.

You mustn't lose your head.

I know.

I haven't.

Not in this world.

Surely you know that by now.

So, everything okay?


It's fine.


Means we can have some fun.

I thought that's what we were doing.

Don't pout.

I want to take you somewhere.

Are you free or do you have to go home?

I can be.

It's a club.

The Double D.

Have you been?


You'll love it.

Reichsmarschall Smith?

Please hold for the Fuhrer.


Heil Himmler.

I'm curious to know what progress you've made in the Josef Heusmann matter?

Well, we, uh The Japanese they know that he was responsible for the assassinations of Diels and Wexler.

Are they still angry about that?

Couple of traitors.

They lost face.

As intended.

But, uh it seems they also suspect him of plotting against the trade minister, which, uh, came as a surprise.

Traitors being one thing, high-level Japanese officials another.

I thought it best to keep that mission secret.


So, the, uh the order to assassinate Tagomi Has been rescinded.

Guten Tag, Reichsmarschall.

I mean, have you ever tried to kiss a guy in a cowboy hat?


It's not easy.

He's sweet, though.


Happy for you.


Yeah, like old times.


It is.

I've missed this.

Me, too.

Sure is a nice feeling.


You happy here?


I I am, actually.

Yeah, I spent a long time regretting the path I took.

But it's led me here, it's led us all here, for a reason.

Everything happens for a reason.

Frank Frink, do you believe that?

I do.

- You missed his bar mitzvah.

- Oh.

- His bar mitzvah?

- Yeah.

- He had a bar mitzvah.

- My bar mitzvah.

He's a late bloomer.

Yeah, what can I say?

It was, it was beautiful.

There was, uh, music and dancing.

Did you dance?

No, I I sat in a chair and other people danced around the room with me.

It was, uh, it was like flying.

Gosh, I wish I could've seen that.

Me, too.

Yeah, I wish you'd been there.


You were right, you know.

About everything.

You just have to be patient, son.

You can't rush these things.

What'd I tell you?

Oh, it's a big one.

Here you go.

One of them has a sort of a, a birthmark on his face.

I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Look at that.


An Irishman does business with Nazis?

Just like the rest of us.

Nazis, yakuza.

The sea we swim in.



Yeah, why not?

I have JPS travel papers.

Bus crash near Cimarron.

No, I need GNR.


How much?


That's half.

Give me a day.

And I'll need a picture.

Jesus Christ.


- Yeah.


- Everybody and his brother is looking for her up and down the Neutral Zone.

Well, in that case, I will pay you the reward money, too.

'Cause I know that you wouldn't turn around and sell us to the highest bidder.

- I wouldn't.

- No.

No, you wouldn't.

'Cause if you did, I'd have to come back and, um, k*ll you and your family and everyone you ever cared about in a most excruciating manner.


Todd Schmidt?


Sure it is.

I'd recognize your kind anywhere.

We're going outside.

f*ck you.


Pick him up.

Haul his ass outside.

Those the fellas you've been looking for?

Where's our money?

The tea set's right there.

Shut the f*ck up.

You cheat her.

You pay.

Wait, what for?

I I paid her.

Tea ceremony.

W we didn't do the tea ceremony.

No, no, no.

- You cheat her.

- Wait, wait, wait, please, please.

You pay.

Stupid assh*le.

You seem tired.

How many hours a night are you getting sleep?

I'm not sure.

Well, we know that anxiety is a byproduct of sleep deprivation.


I'm, uh I'm gonna write you a prescription.

With, uh renewed intimacy and a good night's sleep Yes, Doctor.

All right.

There's there's something else.

Never mind.

It's it's nothing.

Are you sure?


I'm sure.

I just so enjoy our time together.

Well, I'm glad you find it helpful.

- What do you want?

- I want my things, please.

Go away or I will call the police.

Just give me my things, I'll go away.

- I am calling the police!

- Jesus, this Do you know this is 24-karat gold?

I am calling the police!

Oh, come on.

This No.

Help me, please!

- I am being robbed!

- Do you have any idea what this is worth with the rubber intact?

Do you?

It's a lot.

This is mine.

That's mine, too.

That's mine.

This is my f This is hand-painted.

Alternate versions of ourselves can just travel here?

That's right.

And Hawthorne says that the films are needed because the universe is out of balance.

Our world is throwing things off.

- But how?

- The death, the destruction, the millions upon millions of people m*rder*d, but it doesn't have to be this way.

We've been living under the fascists for so long, people think it's normal.

They think it's always been this way, - but it hasn't.

- No, it hasn't.

Frank, I I want to show you something.

What is that?

This is a blueprint.

It's it's a machine that the Nazis are building, right now, to break into other realities, and it has to be stopped.

How do you know all this?

I saw it in one of the films.

And I remember being there.

Wait, you're a traveler?

Like Trudy?


All right, look, I've I've started having these memories.


Memories of other lives, other selves.

I know how insane that sounds, but you have to trust me.

I do.

I trust you.

The fascist threat We can end it.

I know we can.

And people need to see these now more than ever, Frank.

Please come with me.

Come with me.

We'll take them with us.

While you show your films, recruit for the fight.

We'll plaster them all over the Neutral Zone and further.

San Francisco.

New York.

Until people wake up.

Fight back.

Jules, I can't, I can't go with you.

Yes, you can.


Then let's just pretend, just for a night.

There's been a terrible mistake.

Unfortunately, not.




No, no, no, no, no.

It's it's my shop.

It's my things.

And I never laid a finger on her.

You frightened her, Mr.


I just want what's mine.

I want my life back.

She claims you abandoned your business, that the shop had been left empty for some time.

Where were you, Mr.


I was, uh, in the NZ.

We were, we were collecting for my shop, which which has been taken over by interlopers.


M m my partner.

- Edward McCarthy.

- Yes.

How is he?

He's he's fine.

Please give him my regards.

Oh, do you know him?

He did a valuable service for the Kempeitai, informing on the yakuza.

I had no idea.

Where did you see him last?

In Denver.

Where in Denver?

Oh, he he was moving around a lot.

Uh, he was staying with a friend.

The friend's name?

Uh Jack.

I'm afraid I I don't know his last name.

And where might I find this friend?

He's staying at the Grand Palace.

Chief Inspector.

They told me to come up.

To what do I owe the honor?

I understand that you are pursuing Miss Crain in the Neutral Zone.

She's of great value to the Empire in dealing with the Nazis.

Please, if you find her, do not hand her over to the Reich.

Would you like a drink, Trade Minister?

If you want my cooperation, you must provide me with some answers.

It is time for the truth.

What is it you wish to know?

Trudy Walker.

The woman I k*lled is the same woman I arrested months later.

They are not different people, as you suggested, they are the same.

They are, indeed, different individuals.

They are not.

They have the same physical characteristics, even the same fingerprints.

But one is from this world.

The other The other is not of this world.

They are different people, separate lives.

Separate histories.

Different memories.

How do you know this?

I am a traveler.

I have visited another world a akin to ours, but but different.

You visited another world?

Where I got the film of the Bikini Atoll atomic b*mb test.

The one that dissuaded the Nazis from attacking us.

In that world, the Allies won the w*r.

It was their b*mb, the Americans, not ours.

We deceived them into thinking we had the b*mb.

And Miss Crain?


Hamahashi has confirmed.

The Nazis are building a machine to invade and conquer those parallel worlds.

Miss Crain is trying to stop them.

I told you she's on our side.

At least for now.

All this change.

But we are lucky to have all this.

I didn't ask for any of it.

None of us did.

But everything you did, you did to keep us safe.

You always do.

Whatever it is you're struggling with, John, I have faith in you.

You do?

I do.

You don't have to sleep in there tonight.

Don't stay up too late.

Sleep deprivation leads to anxiety.