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03x06 - History Ends

Posted: 11/17/19 08:54
by bunniefuu

Edelweiss Edelweiss Every morning You greet Me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy To meet Me Blossom of snow May you bloom And grow Bloom and grow Forever Edelweiss Edelweiss Bless my homeland Forever.

JONES: Let's wrap this up.

The f*ck?

It's light, Mingus.

- Wyatt?

- Oh, yeah, didn't you hear?

The, uh, the bottom's dropped out of the market.

Yeah, the Zone is, uh, is heaving with Zed.

And you got home cooking to compete with.

They're undercutting your fella now.

- The hell they are.

- Look, that's that's more than fair.

I'll be taking a bath as it is.

Don't do me any favors.

Give it back.

Come on.

Deal's a deal.

That's right.

And you're light.


Make it up to you next time.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


WYATT: Mingus, you know I'm your only buyer.

What are you gonna do?

I'll be back next month.

Take all the penicillin you can get, ditto the morphine.

Mingus, he's playing us for fools, man.

Hey, hey, hey, get out there.

I'm-a charge you extra next time.

Sure expect you to.

You are an assh*le.

Oh, hey, Jones?

f*ck off, will you?


WOMAN: Hello.

Is Liam there?

Who's calling?

Tell him Santa Fe.

Hang on.

I'll see.


WYATT: Thought you'd lost my number.

I need a favor.




Cinnadella checked in several days ago.

Paid a week in advance.

A spy.


- Witnesses?

- Not yet.

- The registry?

- Full of false names.

This is a love hotel, pay by the hour.

I am aware.

What was he doing here?


Why would he hide his activities from his own embassy?

Locate the prostitutes that frequent this establishment.

Bring them in for questioning.


- Hatt.


Thank you for coming.

- You all right?

- I'm fine.

Can you get this to Trade Minister Tagomi at the Nippon Building, please?

So, that's the urgent matter you couldn't discuss on the phone?

Deliver a package?

- It's really important.

- No, no, no, no.

I'm not your errand boy.

I'm not gonna do anything for you until you tell me what's going on.

It's just better that you don't know.

Then it's better you ask somebody else.


Please, I don't have anybody else to ask.

All right, I'm in a lot of f*cking trouble.

I need to get out of town, and I can't go until this is delivered.

If I do it myself, I'll be arrested and k*lled.


Morning, ladies.

JENNIFER AND AMY: Good morning, Reichsmarschall.

Acting Reichsmarschall.

It's not official till I'm sworn in.

- That's not what they're saying on the news.

- Well for now, "Father" will do just fine.

Where's Bridget?

Under the weather.

I'm afraid you'll have to put up with my cooking today.

I think you're a great cook, Mom.

Yes, the eggs were delicious.


Thank you, Jennifer.

Thank you, Amy.

It's getting late.

Go brush your teeth, get your books.

It's fine.

I'll get those.

It's like old times.


I thought I'd take the girls shopping after school.

Get them some new dresses for the ceremony.

- That's nice.

They'd love that.

- Mm-hmm.

You don't feel you have to.

I mean, if you're not up to it, we can get something sent to the house.

No, I I think I'm up for it.

- Don't you have Dr.

Ryan today?

- I do.

I can manage.


Excuse me.

The eggs are delicious.




MENGELE: Good morning, Reichsmarschall.

Who is this?

It's Dr.


You expressed an interest in questioning Fatima Hassan.


This morning I am bringing her out of her coma.

Well, thank you for letting me know.

CARLA: I passed a girl in the hallway.

Had you seen her before?


She wasn't a working girl.

Is that unusual?

Not exactly a place you bring your wife or girlfriend.

It's why I remembered her.

Describe her.

Uh, white.

Late 20s maybe.

Um, dark brown hair.



I don't know.

She seemed distracted.

Do you recognize any of these women?




Miss Hassan.


There's no need to panic.

No one's gonna hurt you.

You're safe.

You must be cold.

Do you know where you are?


That's correct.

Where are you from?

I know you're not from here.

When you were, uh, apprehended, you had a film in your possession.

Can you tell me how you got that?

Who gave it to you?

Miss Hassan?



Stand aside, Reichsmarschall.


Give me another, please.


Thank you for coming so promptly.

How may I help you, Inspector?

Joseph Cinnadella is dead.




Someone slit his throat.

In a rabu hoteru.

He doesn't strike me as a, a man who would frequent such an establishment.

- This will cause a diplomatic uproar.

- That is why I wanted you to know as soon as possible.

Robbery and m*rder.

That is the obvious explanation.

So you are questioning prostitutes?

When is the last time you saw Juliana Crain?

A few days ago.


A witness a prost*tute saw her outside his room last night.

I went to her motel and found blood in her bathroom.

Miss Crain has disappeared.

Perhaps the witness was mistaken.


Your relationship with this woman is perplexing.

Why did you invite Miss Crain to engage Mr.

Cinnadella at your reception?

They had a previous relationship.

She was attempting to gain information on the oil crisis.

And what information did she acquire?


I will file a full report with the admiral.

If you hear from her, you will contact me immediately.




: Sir, Chief Inspector Kido is on the line.

All right, put him through.


Chief Inspector, what can I do for you?

I have some bad news, Reichsmarschall.

I'm listening.

RYAN: How you feeling today?

Mmm, more myself.

And what's that?

Uh, a good wife a good mother.


- I made breakfast this morning for my family.

- Wow.

It's important to feel useful, needed.


While you're in this frame of mind, why don't you share another memory of Thomas?

Um, something from childhood.



Wh when I gave birth to Jennifer, um, oh, I was so anxious.

It was for three whole years, it was just me and Thomas, my my sweet, baby boy.

Life was perfect.

I didn't know how he would react.

- How did he react?

- Uh, I came home from the hospital.

John brought Thomas into the nursery.

Thomas didn't even look at me.

He walked right over to the crib.

He peeked over the railing to see his sister.


He turned to us and and he said, "Look.

It's my baby.

" That's a lovely memory.

I was also relieved that John and I, we could finally (LAUGHING)


What's so funny?


Uh, well, it's a rather embarrassing admission.


I was going to say make love again.

Well, there's nothing embarrassing about that.

It's perfectly normal.

I assure you, most married couples feel the same.


HIMMLER (ON SCREEN): You believe the story of a prost*tute?

No, I don't.

Then you think the Japanese k*lled him in retribution?

- For Diels and Wexler?

- I think it unlikely, sir, they would, uh, risk the diplomatic repercussions - of doing so.

- Still, they reap the benefits, don't they?

Wexler's files were valuable.

We must assume they have them back now.

Yes, Reichsfuhrer.

Why did the Japanese call you?

They must think that Josef was your man, not mine.

I don't know.

I'm sending Director Hoover down to the JPS to try to get to the bottom of this.

I leave things in your hands, Reichsmarschall.

Are you ready for your first mission, my boy?

Ja, Mein Fuhrer.

You're going to San Francisco.

To pick up where Josef Heusmann left off.

Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me, sir.

This package was left for you at the reception desk.


One of the Chinese delivery boys.

Arigato, Kotomichi.



We'll gas up.

If the border crossing's open and normal, then we'll chance it.

- And if it's not?


Then we'll wing it.




Damn it.


Maybe there's some gas in that rust bucket over there we can siphon.




What are you doing here?

Looking for gas.


This station is closed.

Where are you going?

WYATT: The border.

OFFICER: Border's closed.

Show us your papers.

Nah, that's all right.

We'll just We'll turn around.

Your papers.


Search the truck!


Stand against the truck.

Come on.

- Now!

- WYATT: Hey!

Shut up!

What's this?

Protection, for the Neutral Zone.


The girl has a g*n!


WYATT: Juliana!

So, tell me there's another way across.

There's always another way across.

You've done this before.

Oh, yeah.

KIDO: You were working with the scientist Wexler, were you not?

Yes, a sensitive project.

Synthetic oil.

These documents are highly classified Kempeitai files.

Where did you get them?

They were brought to me.

Is it possible they were in the possession of the n*zi spy at the time of his death?

Possibly, yes.

Whoever k*lled him appears to have prevented an attempt on your life.

Tell me, Trade Minister, why would the Nazis want you dead?

A provocation.


A warning.

So, any number of reasons.

Let me ask you something, Chief Inspector.

What are you going to do about the traitor in your midst?

I didn't hear you come in.

No, I, uh Well, how was your day?

Well, I took the girls shopping.

I got them the most adorable blue dresses.

So you didn't need Bridget?


She wasn't really sick, was she?

You gave her the day off?

I may have done.


Thank you.

It wasn't just for you.


The way things are going with everything (SIGHS)

I need you.

I'm aware of the pressure that you're facing, John.

I am.

Joe's dead, Helen.

He was k*lled in San Francisco.

Oh, my God.


Oh, John, I'm so sorry.

That's not all.

It was Joe that k*lled Erich Raeder.



- I don't believe that - He was under orders from the Reichsfuhrer.

Despite everything I did to try to protect him, Himmler felt that, uh that he was a potential liability.

A liability to who?

To him?

To me.

To me, Helen.

He's got plans for me.

He's made it clear that there is to be no margin of error.

Nothing to thr*aten my standing in the Party.


So, I'm glad you had a good day.

It's important you continue to have them.


CHILDAN: A most astute analysis.

Yes, of course, the film, it it's patently absurd.


Stagecoach, it it's not history, it's a a powerful example of American self-delusion.

And John Wayne was, perhaps, the greatest emblem of that mentality.

You may recall the scene in which he he leaped down from his seat, landing between two rows of runaway horses?

- Best scene.

- Yeah.

Risking life and limb, all for the sake of crafting a a mythical Wild West in in the American mind.


I'm sorry?



But, sir, if I may, you're mistaken.

Uh, John Wayne was, himself, a stuntman.

Americans insisted that their, their screen heroes do their own stunts, risk their lives in the pursuit of an illusion.

It's truly rare to find an object of such, um, intriguing historical contradiction.


How much did you get?

Enough to get home.


So this calls for a celebration.

And I happen to know that there's a high-caliber bottle of Kenbishi tucked just behind the bar.




To you.

Safe journey home.


Nice to see you spreading your wings.



Hey, a moment.

Um, I called in about a case of red wine.

- Okay.

- So, can you go see if you guys have that?

Is it Ed Ed McCarthy?

Mr. Sampson?


Um God, it is so good to see you.

You, too.

Uh, well, hello again.

You didn't tell me you knew Ed McCarthy.

The thought would never occur to me.

Um, Ed, could could I talk to you about something?

- Yeah, sure.

- Just just yeah.

Right here, come just come on in here.

I, um, Ed, I I've, uh, I've got some news.

And it's important that you don't react.

At all.


Frank is alive.

How much farther?

I think we crossed a couple miles back.

Why didn't you say anything?

Well, I, uh didn't want to celebrate prematurely.

Thanks for getting me out.


JOE: Here.

Drink this.

Come on.

What have I done?

You did what you had to do.

I k*lled a man once.

How do you live with that?

I don't know.

It changes you.

But you go on.

You have to, Juliana.

You know, you, uh, handled yourself pretty well back there.

Take it that's not the first time you've k*lled someone.

The silence of bad memories.

After the w*r, I joined up with the Rebel American Army.

As good a group of lost causers as you're ever gonna meet.

You remind me of being with them.

Do you still have connections?

Well, the RAA became the Resistance.

Some of them.

- Not you?

- Well I did my best.


I don't know, there's somebody I'd like to find.

I don't know where he is, or if he's even still alive.

Do you have his name?

Why are you helping me?

'Cause good dance partners are hard to find.



HOOVER: Ambassador Weber gave me a full briefing on Mr.

Cinnadella's activities here.

Sanctioned by your government.

No, no.

Both Diels and Wexler were traitors.

And under our protection.

Well, nevertheless, from our point of view, the scales are balanced.

And any further retribution, well that would be regrettable.

That is not for me to decide.

I understand, Inspector.

But Reichsfuhrer Himmler?

You see, he's eager to close the books on this investigation.

Put this whole mess behind us.

KIDO: We will be sure to keep you apprised as the investigation continues.

Much appreciated, Chief Inspector.

Thank you for your time.

How long will you be our guest?

Well, that depends now, doesn't it?

I do know Mr.

Cinnadella was not here just to assassinate n*zi defectors.

He had other targets.

Japanese targets.

The scales are not balanced, Director.

HOOVER (ON PHONE): Well, I suspected Juliana Crain was with Joe Cinnadella the night he died.

The Kempeitai has the Yakuza searching the Neutral Zone for her.

I trust our people will find her first?

Well, that would be the idea.

Honestly, though, I don't think the Kempeitai is that interested in catching his k*ller.

Why's that?

Apparently, Mr.

Cinnadella was also targeting an important Japanese official.

At the Fuhrer's behest.

The Reichsfuhrer must have his reasons.

I'm sure of that.

But it does make for awkward conversations with the Pons.

I'm sure you can keep the matter from escalating.

Of course.

Make yourself at home.


Ah, f*ck it.


You're a drug dealer?

I make people feel better.

That's noble.

What is it?


It's an amphetamine.



Wait here, yeah?

Give me a little time.

Got a broom?


Just stay inside.

Try to get some rest.

I'll put some feelers out, see if I can find Lem for you.

Hey, Liam.


Uh, hey.

I'll be up in a minute.

Don't take too long now.

Bye, Bob.

Enjoy Denver.

I'm actually going on a trip with Mr. Sampson.

Oh, where?


All right.

I'm gonna tell you something.

But I need you to promise not to say anything to anyone.

I am a paragon of discretion.

He's taking me to see Frank.

- Frank.

Frank Frink?

- Shh.

He's alive?

I don't know, that's what he says.

He says he's at some Catholic community up in the mountains, less than a day away.

So I have to go.


Well give Mr.

Frink my regards.

I will.

Come here.

You take care of yourself.

You, too.



LEM: Wyatt?

Wyatt, are you there?


Oh, shit.


You the one looking for me?

Look, I need to find Hawthorne.

Hawthorne doesn't want to be found.

Put the g*dd*mn g*n away.

I got hold of some intelligence, okay?

- Major n*zi operation.

- Okay, tell me what it is.

- I will get the message to him.

- No, no, no.

He's gonna want to see me in person.



Who you looking for now?

'Cause there's plenty of folks out there looking for you.

Yakuza's flashing your photo all over town.

SD, too.

For f*ck's sake, Juliana.

I brought you this far.

I think it's time you tell me what the hell's going on.

Ever heard of the Man in the High Castle?

Yeah, of course.

Well, he's who I need to talk to.

Hey, uh, uh, Ed, would would you mind hanging back a sec?


Say, Frank?


Hey, I, uh I brought a friend to see you.


Well, yeah, I, I ran into him back in in in Denver.

Ed McCarthy.

Ed is Well, he's here?



Well, you couldn't have checked with me first?

Well, I I mean, I I was there and then he was there, and so, you know, I figured that You know, he he wanted to see you.


Yeah, but I I don't know if, uh Look, I'm not I'm not ready.

ED: Frank?

It's all right.

It doesn't hurt.

You're back.

Ed, I'm so sorry.




Is that yours?


Uh this?


Yeah, yeah.

It's amazing.



Hai, nanika?

Close the door.

Something has come to my attention.

Perhaps you can explain this.



MAN: Hi.

Help you find something?

Yeah, is the, uh, owner here?

- Huh?

- Your boss, Hawthorne Abendsen.

- Mr. Abendsen's not my boss.

- But I am.

Uh, Jory, would you break down the boxes in the storage room, please?

Go on, get.


I didn't expect to see you so soon.

I know.

Listen, I've got something Hawthorne needs to see.

Oh, well, he's not here right now.


Can we wait?

Well, yeah, of course.

Uh, I'll make you some tea.

Thank you.

Um did Trudy ?

She did.

I knew she would.

Well Hey.

It's good to see you.

Uh, one night uh, they'd, uh they'd run out of of morphine, so I couldn't sleep, couldn't move.

You know, lying in the back of this old bus, all wrapped in gauze.


It was agony.

Here you go.

Then, suddenly, I felt this, um, warmth on my you know, my face and arm.


And the pain just left, all of it, all at once for a minute or two.

And I open my eyes, look out the window.

And it was the sun coming up.

It's ironic, I know, "rising sun," but Yeah, it was it was euphoric.

It You know, it saved me.

I painted it as soon as I could move.

It's funny.

I always thought it was the sunset.

- You did?

- Yeah.


- I've seen it all over Denver.

- Yeah.

Mark says, uh, it's all down the West Coast, and and all the way to Baja.

That's because it means something to people.

- Ah, no.

- That's quite an accomplishment, Frank.

I just wanted to redeem myself.

Anyway, seemed like helping the Resistance was the only way to make any sense out of what was left of my life.

It was a mistake.

And you you tried to tell me.

Ed, I k*lled people.

I k*lled people directly.

And I got them k*lled after, too.

You know, the Japs' reprisals were, uh, were terrible.

You can't blame yourself for that.

Yeah, I can.

And I I do.

Not everything's your fault, Frank.

God, you haven't changed.

I'm glad you're here.

Me, too.

So, are you gonna help me get ready?


It'd be my honor.


Now come on.

Let's eat.

You ever find Juliana?

No, I didn't.

I don't know where she is.


- Helen?

- Hmm.

You help?



You look dashing, John.


That'll be the day.

You are the most dashing man I know.

You always have been.




Reichsmarschall of North America.

Can you believe it?

It's not like other promotions, Helen.

The ground isn't solid.

Well, I'm right here.

I'm not going anywhere.

That's good to know.



HIMMLER: Today I give you a new Reichsmarschall!

A man whose steadfast leadership, strength of character, and unwavering loyalty to the Party have proven him fit to hold the highest office in North America.


I swear this sacred oath: that I shall render unconditional obedience to Heinrich Himmler, the Fuhrer of the German Reich and the people, supreme commander of the armed forces, and that in my honorable duties as Reichsmarschall of North America, I vow obedience (ECHOING): to the death.

Ba-r'chu et a-do-nai ha-m'vo-rach.

SABRA CROWD: Ba-ruch et a-do-nai ha-m'vo-rach léolam va-éd.

HIMMLER: A wise woman once told me our destinies are written in the stars.

I was a failing chicken farmer.

And then I met the Fuhrer.

Like me, you must learn to embrace the new role that fate has handed you.

SAMPSON: I knew some of Frank's family for years.

And we've all suffered loss.


Everybody here.

And the the question I think we each struggle with I know I do is: how do we live with our own survival?

How do we make use of this life that we still have?

Now, Frank bears the scars of that question.

But but the Frank I know today has taught me the importance of our traditions.

They hold the pain and joy of 5,000 years.

Today marks the beginning of Jahr Null, Year Zero.

This will become the beating heart SAMPSON: When we connect to the past, Hashem speaks.

And it tells us how to survive.



HIMMLER: We will do away with the old.

Today, history ends!

And the future begins!

CROWD: Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!