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03x05 - The New Colossus

Posted: 11/17/19 08:52
by bunniefuu

19 seconds.



Please, sir.

Thank you.

To what do I owe the pleasure, Oberstgruppenfuhrer, of this of this unexpected visit?

I wanted to let you know, in person, that my wife will be resuming her analysis.

Oh, well, I'm, uh, I'm very glad to hear that, sir.

I think she shows great potential for progress.

No, thank you.


That's good.

Listen, uh I'm sure I don't need to tell you that my wife has been going through - a lot of strain recently.

- Oh, no, - of course.

Of course.

- And, uh, she's been given to flights of imagination that, frankly, I think are not to be encouraged.

So I would like you to restrict your sessions to the subject of our son, Thomas.

Specifically, her grief over his passing.

That might be problematic, sir.

I, um I mean, the patient really must be allowed - to freely ex - It's not complicated, Doctor.

If she strays off topic, then I'm relying on you to steer her back to the subject of our son.

Is that gonna be a problem for you?


No, of course not, Oberstgruppenfuhrer.

Naturally, anything she says on the subject of Thomas, that's to be between you, private and privileged between doctor and patient.

- Goes without saying.

- Yes.

Yes, of course.

Doctor and patient.


I'm sure you are aware there are those who would be very interested to know that you're treating my wife.

Those who might be prepared to pay handsomely - for any information she might unwittingly divulge.

- Oh.


- Now, I'm just - No.

I I assure you trying to make it clear for you.

If ever I have reason to suspect you betrayed the trust I'm placing in you now, then you and your family will come to regret it.

Do you understand?

Uh, yes, sir.

- Yes, sir.

Yes, I do.

- Good.

Well, then we're agreed.

Thank you so much for, uh, fitting me in at short notice.

Your, uh, loyalty and discretion are greatly appreciated.

Feel free to call anytime.

You get me everything I need?

Oh, yes.

I've got an entire basket of goodies for you, George.

For starters, a letter congratulating a Hitler Youth on being selected to spread the n*zi gospel throughout South America.

- And the youth was?

- Thomas Smith.

Except he wasn't medically sound.

Well, his father always covered for him, now, didn't he?

All right, these are cables from Raeder to the embassy in Buenos Aires authorizing a series of payments for anti-n*zi guerrillas.

Smith was planning to kidnap his own son?

That is the hypothesis.

When will we have proof?

Patience, George.

I am this close to being able to prove Helen Smith a m*rder*r.

We'll put all the dirty little evidence right under the Reichsfuhrer's nose and let him smell the rancid putrefaction.


Last night someone followed me home.


He lurked in the shadows, tracking me like an animal.

Why would anyone do that?

I may be on a n*zi death list.

I believe the man was Joe Blake.

You believe?

Did you see him?

No, I I turned around and he was gone.

A patrol came by.

Why would Joe want to k*ll you?

Look, in the film In the film he kills you both.

Yes, because he knew that whatever was at the end of that tunnel was something worse than death.

I have to know what that something is.

That's Joe in the film, not in this world.

Either way, I know he's connected to Lackawanna.

Why else would Abendsen give you that film?

Look, I know he's still hiding things from me, to be sure, but he's got answers I won't be able to find on my own.

Don't be foolish.

He will tell you nothing.


But I've got to see this through to the end, Tagomi-san.

And if it's a bitter end so be it.

Juliana Then why is Tagomi still alive?

I was interrupted at the last moment, sir.

It's unfortunate.

But I trust you won't disappoint me.

Yes, sir.

And the asset?

Winning her trust has been tricky, sir, but she's definitely hiding something.

And what might that be?

She knows about Lackawanna, somehow.

And I think she spent time with High Castle this past year.

And can lead us to him.

If you can get to Abendsen, it would be a brilliant coup for Die Nebenwelt.

But you will deal with Tagomi.

I arrive in New York this afternoon.

After you complete your mission, you will report to me directly with Wexler's plans.

Yes, Mein Fuhrer.

Sieg Heil.

Why don't we start with something easy?

You know, a memory.

Could be anything.


Well, anything to do with Thomas.

Why don't you sit back, shut your eyes if that helps, and, uh, go back to a moment.

Needn't be anything big.

Could be something nice and simple.

Uh, they they heard me scream and wail when Thomas was walking to that van.

I wept, I pleaded, and all of my neighbors housewives and my friends they heard me beg him to stop.

Stop and go back in the house.

Don't do this.

I'm so so ashamed.

But any mother would've wept and pleaded.

Don't you think?

My son was a hero, I was a weakling.


No, no.

It takes strength to grieve openly.

Does it?

It's the weak who conceal their feelings behind a tough facade.

Now, just by me saying this, you won't magically let go of your shame.

But, if it makes it any easier, there is nothing more important to the Aryan state than a powerful mother who brings the full force of her emotions and convictions to daily life in the Reich.




Uh, are are you here for a meeting with John?

No, dear, I'm here to speak to you.

You see, new evidence has surfaced in the Alice Adler m*rder investigation, forcing me to reopen the case.

I don't understand.

Uh, the man you arrested didn't he confess?

Yes, it's true, he confessed.

But I understand that confession may have been coerced.

Do you recognize this?

I sincerely hope that you have nothing in your closet that matches this, Helen.

Is that blood?


Excuse me.

- Found something.

- Call John.

Put that back.

This one.

Apparently dry-cleaned.

The missing button matches perfectly.

Put my jacket back this moment.

Now, Helen, whoever tampered with the m*rder scene - dare not move the body.

- Yes, I'll hold.

So as a stroke of luck or misfortune, this was found underneath the chair, right next to where Alice perished.

Do you know anything about this?

Well, yes.

Yes, o of course.

I I was wearing that jacket when I went to talk to Alice uh, talk some sense into her th these rumors that she had been spreading.

We argued.

Bitterly, in fact.

She must have just clawed that button right off of my jacket.

As soon as I realized she was being unreasonable, I turned around, and I came right home.

I've just given you a statement.

Don't you want to write it down?

I wanted to be looking you in the eyes when you said those words.

And you believe me.

Don't you, Edgar?

Of course I do, Helen.

And I want you to know I'll do anything to help.

Sorry for the disturbance.

Trust me, Helen, - Trust you, John?

The last time - we're not relying - on Hoover's help.

- I trusted you No?

Because he came bursting in here with two of his men.

Who's to stop him from coming back and arresting me?


Yes, Reichsfuhrer.

Of course, I'll be there.

Yes, of course.

That was Himmler?

It's just a meeting.

Let's let's just be calm.

The Reichsfuhrer just summoned you on short notice I mean, how can I remain calm?

- My God, this - We don't know what this is about.

Let's not jump to conclusions.

That's exactly what scares me.

It terrifies me.

- We don't know what - What have you taken, Helen?

Did you take something?

- What did you take, Helen?

- No.

I - What have you taken?

- I got rid of my pills, if that's what you mean.

I'm a strong woman.

Yes, I know you're a strong woman, Helen.

But it's my job to protect you.

I mean, to look after you and the kids.

Now, you stay home.

Don't talk to anyone.

Don't do anything.

I'll be back soon.

And we'll see where we are.


I'll make coffee.

I would love to, but honestly, I overslept, and Wayne is waiting.

So is my work.


We'll talk Year Zero, then.

Look, Nicole.

New York is a cosmopolitan capital, but it's not nearly as sophisticated as Berlin.

And what you and I are doing as sweet and lovely as it is it can destroy us both.

"Proceed with what You're leading me to" It's such an ancient pitch But one That I'd never switch 'Cause there's no nicer witch Than you.

Don't look so scared.

What's important is we found you.

Doesn't matter where.

I'm always at your beck and call, sir.

Yes, I know.

But you see, it's not enough for you just to be available, Thelma.

Now you're gonna have to step up.

Just ah, the hell with this.

This this is hopeless.

Just go on without me.

Aw, come on, buck up, Robert.

It's a 15-mile walk back to Denver.

20, tops.

We'll get jobs, save up.

- Jobs?

- Sure.

You could be a bartender.

Introduce Campari-based cocktails to the Neutral Zone.

I'd rather commit seppuku, thank you very much.

Or you could take this.

Now, I was unhappy with our split, as you knew.

So I put it in my pocket.


You're a goddamned picaroon.

And then when we were surrounded by those motor-psychos, I put it in my underpants.

- Hey!

- What about the What about the photograph that authenticates it - as John Wayne's?

- That's still safe in my underpants.


- You guys need a lift?

- Yes, one second.

Let's just make a clean break.

I'll wait for the next one, - and go my own way.

- But there might not be a next one.

Listen, I don't need it.

There's nothing left for me in San Francisco.

I'm staying here.

Make a decision.

I don't got all day.

God help me, but I can't leave you stranded here by yourself.

Come back with us.

The buckle's yours, no strings attached.

Take it.

Come on.

Oh, I'll need the, uh, photograph, too.

Just not now.


When we're within sight of hand soap.

Just a second.

Come in.

Everything okay?

I don't know yet.

- Wow, you're full of surprises.

- Yeah, so are you.

Guy at the desk said you're registered under Joe Blake.

Well, that's my name.

So what's with the third-rate hotel why aren't you staying at the embassy?

Yeah, well, 'cause they bug the rooms.

I like my privacy, from time to time.

The hell is this?

I use that to dial Berlin.

I it's just a standard-issue secure telephone line for diplomatic staff.

Keeps the Pons from intercepting our negotiations.


I was wrong to come here.

Hold on.

What what's the problem?

Look, I need to know where you were last night, and I need some honesty for a change.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

- No, none?

- No.

And the fact is, I've been a lot more honest with you than you've been with me.

Don't try to turn this around.

You know what?

You're right, you should go.

Why did Himmler let you live?

- You're still here.

- I want to know what they did to you in that cell for all those months.

They execute your father, and all you have to do - is denounce him to go free?

- We're not talking about this.


You're not just a f*cking trade attaché, Joe.

- What did you agree to do for Himmler?

- Stop.

Why are you really in San Francisco?

I said we're not having this conversation.

- Well, that's the problem.

- That's enough!

You want to know how I survived?

My father wasn't just ex*cuted.

They made me do it.

They made me put a b*llet in my father's head.

While Himmler stood there and watched.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't wish I'd put a g*n under my own chin.

And blow my f*cking brains out.

I'm so sorry.

You're late.

Or have you forgotten the ceremony's in a few days?

No, no, I didn't.

I'm sorry.

Is something wrong?

I'm fine.

Where were we?

Book of Leviticus.

Moses seeks to atone for his sins from Adonai, our God.

- And in doing so - Yeah.

Uh yeah, you know what?

Um maybe this bar mitzvah idea's not for me.

I mean, I'm not 13, Mark.

Well, your your age is immaterial.

I thought this was important to you.

Yeah, it was.

Things are changing.

After the whole, uh What I did.

You know what I'm talking about.

Atonement is is a long and rocky road.

It's a whole process.

Just just the fact that you are on that road proves - that you have a moral compass.

- What about men without a moral compass?

I Were you ever gonna mention the Yakuza looking for me?

Lila told me she ran into them in Denver.

I was going to tell you after the ceremony Well, that that might be too late.

Maybe we should drop all this, and I get back to my work.

Slow down, Frank.

There's people who are sniffing around, - but nobody in Denver knows that you're here.

- How do God, you've worked so hard on this.

It's more than a bar mitzvah, it it's a way to bring you into the community, which, in turn, is is a way to safeguard your future.

Mark we both know damn well my future is very much in doubt.

Which is exactly what it means to be a Jew.

Get used to it.

Now, sit down.


- I'm so sorry, sir.

- See, I've been trying to think my way around this, Edgar.

How you could possibly think it was a wise plan of action to send your g*ons into my house.

thr*aten my wife.

I was merely stating the facts, as they stand.

Now, I I respect you, John.

Which is why I've arranged to deal with Rockwell.

You will take an early retirement, and all this will go away, it will all be forgotten.

Now, I hope that sounds good.

Because the alternative reeks of treason execution and other unpleasantries.

You know, reading my Torah verses did kind of shift my perspective.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.



Do I really have to sing them in front of the whole It's more chanting than singing.

- Yes.

- I can do it, and I'm not even a singer.

I'm not even a cantor.

I'm not even Eddie Cantor.

not just for Frank but for us, a g*dd*mn guaranteed bloodbath.

We'll act fast we'll cut a deal if it comes to that.

You can stop arguing.

I get the situation, and I'm leaving.

I'm leaving now.

There's no consensus on the situation.

- That's right.

- Frank, we're hashing this out, is all.

Look, I am grateful for the shelter, but I can't have the threat of your community on my conscience.

Mark, I need a lift to town.


All right.

Let's vote.

Those in favor of Frank leaving, raise your hands.

You know why we're called Sabra, Frank?

Those in favor of him staying?

- Yeah!

- Hear, hear!

It's from a Hebrew word tzabar it's a cactus that grows in the Holy Land.

They say it's tough on the outside The ayes have it.

and sweet and tender on the inside.

Frank stays, for now.

- Come on.

Let's eat.

- Yeah.


Glad you could make it.

Of course.

What's the occasion?

Something deadly serious.

Let's start with Dr.

Adler, whom you eulogized following his sudden demise from a heart attack.

A man who'd just gotten a clean bill of health from his own cardiologist.

So what caused Adler's fatal coronary?

Undetected coronary blockage, I'd assume.

You you tell me, George.

I can't tell you.

Because Gerry Adler was cremated before a proper postmortem could be performed, per Alice Adler's pleas to anyone who'd listen.

And then Alice went suddenly silent, too.

She died in a botched burglary, according to the police.

But now ARBI agents have come up with a fascinating conclusion: the burglar if indeed it was a burglar who m*rder*d Mrs.

Adler was another woman.

Meantime, evidence has come to light of Smith's scheme to sneak his ailing son out of the country, and then stage a kidnap plot to spirit Thomas to an Argentinian safe haven.

It's treason to cover up your son's illness, and treason to use your office to spirit away your sick son.

Not to mention assassinating a high-ranking n*zi official, Dr.

Adler, and his wife.

Do you have evidence to back up these accusations?

Mein Fuhrer, we have the motive, the means and the proof.

I'm sorry, Reichsmarschall, but I'm afraid you're confused.



The charges you've leveled against Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith are unfounded.

They're mere conjecture.

Why the f*ck would you say that?

I don't understand.

You showed me all those cables from Buenos Aires.

Helen Smith's button, stained with Alice Adler's blood.

Edgar where is it all?

Am I to understand there is no evidence to support these claims or treason?

I have no evidence whatsoever, Mein Fuhrer.

It is, in fact, treason, to falsely accuse a senior party member - of such crimes.

- Mein Fuhrer Get him out of here.

Mein Fuhrer Go away!

Out of my sight.

Out of this country.


Edgar, you set me up.

A put-up job?!

I will f*cking crush you!

Did you really think I would just sit by while you threatened my family, Edgar?

This is not something you want out there.

Well, fine.

You do know that it is all lies, innuendos and gossip that's all it's ever been.

Until now.

You will excuse us while I have a word with the Oberstguppenfuhrer.

Jawohl, Mein Fuhrer.

I've invested heavily in grooming you for high office.

And you nearly let me down.

If Hoover had got to Raeder and interrogated him, it would've been you, not Rockwell, frog-marched out of here Yes, Reichsfuhrer.

You were careless.

Putting a subordinate in charge of your secrets?

That loose end had to be tied up, lest your secrets be revealed.

And an ongoing issue remains.

Your wife.

She's a liability and a vulnerability, just as much as Erich Raeder.

And if you cannot control her or contain her, you will force me to do so.


So, from this moment, you are the acting Reichsmarschall.

Do not disappoint me, John.

It's a makeover.

A do-over, a facelift, a fresh start.

Across the GNR, we enter a new transformational phase: Year Zero.

It's a state of re-becoming, and it begins with the destruction of iconic landmarks of pre-Reich America.

First on the list, a sentimental favorite.

Which is precisely why she must be destroyed, schnell.

Located, conveniently, right here in New York Harbor.

She has the narcissism one associates with the female of the species, particularly the decadent French.

But she's not only an egomaniac, she's a pyromaniac.

You can set up a controlled demolition.

Timed expl*sives.

Collapse the statue in her own footprint.

No, I want it to be more of a spectacle.

And it's not just about what goes down.

It's about what goes up to replace this rock pile, almost before you know it.

America's the Jahr Null generation, perfectly built to dismantle the past.

Your son would be proud.

This is the New Colossus.

Director Hoover, sir.

Congratulations, John.

I'm glad to be working with a man so capable and steady.

And I'm also happy that we've managed to get past our little impasse phase.

Oh, yes.

Me too, Edgar.

Me too.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but we, uh, public servants of the Reich do not have insurance plans, so what I have on you, if you don't mind, I'd like to keep.

- Understood.

- That said, any intelligence you have on me I'd like on my desk by week's end for my review.

I would expect nothing less.

And while you're stalling me on that, Edgar, I'd like you to bring me your file on Rockwell's failed raid on High Castle.

The actual file.

It is my duty to serve.

Heil Himmler.


What's your poison?

Surprise me.

I've been drinking ginger ale for a g*dd*mn decade.

Permiso you are him?

Great man in exile.

Napoleon on Elba.

You were robbed, Señor Presidente.

Well, Bonaparte escaped his island within a year and re-took control.

As will I.

Who are they?

Soldiers of fortune.

Mercenaries, and very good at what they do.

Would you care to meet them?

Not tonight.

Tonight I want a reliable connection.

Catch my drift?

And those two gifted dancers for a private command performance.

Take the sting out of my Cuban hiatus.

No knock on your tropical paradise.

Welcome to Havana, caballero.

World capital of song, sand and sea.

And, of course, our two gifted dancers will be delivered straight to your residence.

describing Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith as a true hero of the Reich, and as a worthy custodian of the role.

Our headlines again: Reichsmarschall Rockwell gave a speech praising Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith at the ceremony honoring the memory of the Oberstgruppenfuhrer's son, Thomas.

In a surprise announcement earlier today, George Lincoln Rockwell declared that he would be stepping down as Reichsmarschall of America, and the Oberstgruppenfuhrer John Smith Daddy, you're home.

Come watch.

You're on the television.

- Is that right?

- In a statement, the Reichsmarschall explained that he intended to retreat to his sugar plantations in Cuba to ensure the quality of this vital commodity to the Reich, and to devote time to writing his memoirs.

An announcement will be made shortly as to the official succession to Reichsmarschall of America.

All right, everyone, sorry.

That's enough.

It's been a long day.

Bridget, you can go home.

Make it real.

I like it real.

Real enough for you?

Smith sends his best.

I can't remember the last time I slept like that.

Joe, there's something I've been wanting to tell you.

I've seen something.

Another film.

With you and me.

A tunnel.

It wasn't in a dream, it was in a film.

That's why I thought you might know about Lackawanna.

Where did you see this film?

If I show it to you Look, I'm hoping it'll just jog something for you, anything, even the smallest, most insignificant detail.


If you think it will help.

I'm gonna go shower.

You looking for this?

It's Lebensborn.

I've seen it before.

On three dead n*zi commandos.

And where was that?

The Neutral Zone.

That's a pretty big place, Juliana.

Where in the Neutral Zone?

- A farmhouse.

- A farmhouse.

The one in Jamestown, outside of Boulder?

- Okay, now you're scaring me, all right?

- Listen, Juliana, to resist is to invite the kind of pain that I went through.

And trust me you do not want that.

And what is it that you think I want?

You want to join me.

For a world full of perfection and happiness.

You hardly seem happy.

Just wake up!

This is the world we live in.

One th that can be perfected, but not by your idea of goodness.

Make peace with that, and there's a way out of this.

But what does it mean Die Nebenwelt?

It means "the next world," a parallel world.

And when we reach it, and the world after that, and the world after that, the Reich will be everywhere.

It dwarfs my father's greatest dreams.

Now get dressed.

Or what?


You know, I've watched you k*ll me so many times.

You know what happens next?

You take that g*n and you put it under your chin, and you blow your own f*cking brain You're gonna take me to Tagomi.

And then you're gonna take me to High Castle.

Get dressed.

I'm gonna be sick.


Just a minute.

Juliana, open the door.

Open the door, hurry up.


Why aren't you dressed?