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03x03 - Sensô Kôi

Posted: 11/17/19 08:47
by bunniefuu


Edelweiss Edelweiss Every morning You greet Me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy To meet Me Blossom of snow May you bloom And grow Bloom and grow Forever Edelweiss Edelweiss Bless my homeland Forever.


It's done.

Thank you.

I just It was an accident, John.

I just went there to talk to her.

I I I didn't mean She she att*cked me, and Oh, God, what have I done?


You've done nothing.

The Criminal Police are going to investigate.

She interrupted a burglar.

Suspects will be arrested.

One of them will confess.

- Then it's done.

- No.

'Cause of the connection between Thomas and Dr.

Adler, the SD are gonna take an interest.

- Do you understand?

- Yes.

I need to think very clearly.

No mistakes, Helen.

Hoover's gonna be onto this, and he's someone we have to take very seriously.

- Yes, I know.

I know.

- Don't do anything.

Don't talk to anyone about Alice.

- I understand.

- And I'm sorry, Helen, but you cannot continue with Dr.

Ryan, not with things as they are.

I'm so sorry.

(CRYING): I'm so very, very sorry, John.

I didn't I mean, she was my friend.

She was my friend.

- You you speak English?

- Oi.

I'm looking for a streetcar.


Around the corner.

Two blocks, turn left.

Thank you.



Smith has sent you, hasn't he?

That vengeful bastard.

You should've stayed loyal to the Reich.

The old regime needed to go.

Heydrich and your father, they understood that.

My father confessed his faults.

Renounced his conspiracy against the Fuhrer.

Then your father died a traitor.



My father died a hero.


Reichsminister Goebbels called me.

He held a private screening of my film in Berlin for the Reichsfuhrer and a few close friends.

It went well.


My uncle said that Himmler went crazy over it.

I'll make sure that everyone's aware of Berlin's enthusiasm for your film.

Reichsfuhrer also asked me to start thinking about a new project that would involve you.

I'm all ears, schatzi.

Jahr null.

Year zero.

An experiment.

A reset.

A new America.

What's the angle?

Deprive people of their national consciousness.

Dilute their national pride.

Do not teach their history.

So the Reichsfuhrer wants to erase American history.

They don't have that much of it, anyway.

When do we start?

This morning from Berlin.

Oh, by the way, you will be joining us this evening.

The trade minister is hosting a reception.





He was that important to them?

It was a provocation.




(ECHOING): Halt.

I can remember.


Are you okay?

I was in a military vehicle, and there were SS.

There was a road sign.


Coal mine number nine.

- Film doesn't show that.

- No, but I remember it.

Have you been there?

- Only in my memory.

- Like the memory of my son.

And the world you never visited.


The man in the film.

His name is his name is Joe Blake, and he's a friend.


Do you have feelings for him?

I do.


We lost touch.

Last I heard, he was he was in Berlin to see his father.

He's on the guest list.

Reception tonight.

Joseph Cinnadella.


The new junior trade attaché.

A spy.

That's what he was doing for John Smith when we met, but that is not the man I got to know.

- Do you trust him?

- We helped each other.

We kept each other alive.

I should come to the reception.

Tagomi-san, I want him to see me.

If he's still the man that I knew, - he will help us.

- Difficult.


- What if they find out who you are?

- They won't.

And we'll be meeting for the first time.

MENGELE: The Ahnenerbe Institute will remain focused on the sciences, under my purview.

Reichsfuhrer Himmler asked that I introduce you to some of our more immediate efforts in advance of his visit.

The late Fuhrer's entire film archive.

At your disposal, with Himmler's compliments.

Yes, I watched some of these in Berlin.

Surprising number of them are insignificant or counterfeit.

MENGELE: And many are not so easily explained.

Events, outcomes that cannot be dismissed as fake.

The late Fuhrer knew these films, in the hands of our enemies, could be weaponized against the Reich.

One of the archival projects is to sort, catalogue and segregate the genuine from the ersatz.

The Reichsfuhrer has entrusted this task to you.


Not Rockwell?

Just you, Oberstgruppenfuhrer.

The films are part of several interrelated research projects.

Our coordinated efforts will separate truth from noise.






Who is she?

Fatima Hassan, a film courier.

A courier?

Why isn't she in SS custody?

Research, Oberstgruppenfuhrer.

We believe she came here from another world.

What we've come to regard as a "traveler.


I I don't understand.

The Fatima Hassan from our world had a fatal reaction during clinical research on abnormal skin pigmentation.

Yes, I, uh I keep records of my research, Oberstgruppenfuhrer.


So you're saying that what, different versions of us exist in other worlds?


Across the multiverse.

She's living proof.

Same fingerprints, same individual, who has somehow learned to traverse the astral plane.


She had this film with her when she was apprehended.

Put that aside.

I should, uh I should probably take some of these with me.


Well, I have to say this is, uh like something out of Fredric Brown, Doctor.

Still theoretical, but we are making progress.

Our physicists and engineers are working on mechanical means of travel to other worlds.

Let me show you the rest of the (MENGELE'S VOICE, BEEPING DISTORT, FADE)



Good to see you again, Tagomi-san.

Ambassador Weber, welcome.

Our new attaché from New York Joseph Cinnadella.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Trade Minister.

What a lovely building this is.

TAGOMI: Thank you, Ambassador.

Yes, though it is nothing in comparison to the splendor of your embassy (INDISTINCT CHATTER)


- Good to see you.


Nice of you to come tonight.

MAN: I'm enjoying this evening very much.

WOMAN: Could I see one more cocktail?

WOMAN 2: Would you like some company?

MAN: Yes, please.



Thank you again for meeting me.


I apologize for the long delay.

No need.

I hope you are fully recovered from your injuries.

I am fully recovered.

It is unhealthy to leave certain matters unresolved.

We start with a blank slate, yes?

A new beginning.



MAN: That was for Hamamoto?

- WOMAN: Hamamoto, that's right.

- Right.

MAN: Here you go.



MAN: Yes, ma'am.


Everything all right?


MAN: Here you are, sir.

I saw you talking to the Yakuza.

- The new boss.

- Hmm.


The Wolf.

And he is getting hungry.

Since Taishi's death, things have been uncertain.

And with the embargo, he knows there is money to be made.

I need to persuade him to work with us.

So that's a good thing.

Business as usual.

Business as usual.


What's bothering you tonight?

I've never seen you like this.


Perhaps they should not have come.


My family.

I was resolved.

No, Kido-san you were not.

You've been lonely for as long as I've known you.

I go.

Please come lie down.

Until you feel better.

MAN: Have a good time.



Mr. Cinnadella.

Very nice to meet you.

Excuse me.

Walk with me.

So you're the new trade attaché.

I am.

And you're coming from New York?


Not Berlin?

I was in Berlin before I returned to New York.

I see.

I'm here dealing with the oil crisis.

What brings you here?

I'm a guest of the trade minister.

- What's your connection?

- Why do you ask?

Just curious.

I used to work for him.

And now?

He asked me here because I've spent time in the GNR.

I see.

The trade minister what's he like?

I have to work with him.

Well, to understand him, you'd have to understand the Japanese.

Well, with your knowledge, maybe you can teach me.


(WHISPERS): Juliana.

(WHISPERS): Not here.

You'll excuse me.


- Good night, Ambassador.


Thank you for your hospitality, Trade Minister.

We have much to talk about.


I'll clear my schedule.

I'll be in touch.

- Good night.

- Good night.

Is he still the man you knew?

I don't know.


SMITH: Helen?

Hugo sent over a few dresses for this evening.

I'm not sure which to wear.


Bridget can help you pick something out.

I don't want to go, John.

We don't have a choice, Helen.

Berlin supports this film.

Now it's Reich propaganda.

- Oh, God.


Is Dr.

Mengele going to be there tonight?


Can you ask him to find out exactly what happened to Thomas?


No, Helen.

- Please.

- No.



Thomas died with conviction.

A strong, fine young man.

A hero.

That's what happened to him.



I I'm so sorry.


Do you miss Japan?



Have you been?

I planned to go.


With my husband.

He was Japanese?

Mm, Tai-i in the Navy.

Stationed over at Pearl Harbor when we first met.

Ah, w*r hero.

Are you married?




I'm sorry.






It's yours.

I've been waiting to meet someone who actually likes my art.

Thank you.

I will treasure it.


I am glad.

What can I get you, señor?

Uh, Campari and soda.



What do you have on draft?


I'll have a beer.

25 yen.

I'll take the same.

Pacific States, huh?



Uh, work.

- You?

- Same.


Scrap metal.


- Fascinating.

- No.

No, it is not.


puts bread on the table.



What's your line?

Rare American artifacts.

My partner and I, we're on an extended buying expedition for my shop.

- Where's your shop?

- San Francisco.

- Yeah, me, too.

- Oh.

So, how's it, uh - how's it going?

- Well, there are some treasures in the Neutral Zone.

We just purchased some exceptionally fine estate items the other day.

Refugees from the Reich, if you know what I mean.

Well, there's a lot of refugees from the Reich, right?


You, um You run across a lot of that?

It's dicey.

It's verboten in the Reich, of course, which means it's incredibly expensive.

Just the blackest of black markets.


What about the Pacific States?

Oh, Pons couldn't care less.

They just want real Americana.

- Right.

- Rockwell.

Norman, not George Lincoln.


Did you just come from the city?

- Yeah.

- How are things?

Well, the reprisals have stopped.


Oh, that's good to know.

Is it safe to go back?

- I'm dying to - For the time being.

So, where where's your shop?

It's downtown.

It's on, um, Geary Street.


TAGOMI: We consider this undeclared embargo a deliberate and hostile act.

This is not an embargo, Trade Minister.

Let me assure you, we're doing everything we can to restore the normal delivery of petroleum.

The United States tried to do this to us.

You would do well to remember Pearl Harbor, Mr. Cinnadella.

- Is that a threat?

- No.

Historical fact.

We are not a vassal state.

This embargo is an act of w*r.

Please convey this to Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith.

Not the ambassador?

Good day, Mr. Cinnadella.



What troubles you, Kotomichi?

I worry Chief Inspector Kido may suspect the worst.

Your connection to Miss Crain.

Her friendship with this n*zi spy.

I'm aware of the risks, Kotomichi.



- Yes, sir.





- WOMAN: Oh, look, she's here!

- WOMAN 2: She's here.

- Ah.

Pleasure, Ms.


- Thank you.


- I hear wonderful things.


- Thank you.

Fraulein, stop it.

You look wonderful.

Exquisite, don't you think?


Nicole Dormer, Thelma Harris, tastemaker and columnist for the Reich Herald.

Pleasure to meet you.

I love your column.

Oh, thank you, darling.

I've been dying to meet you.

Mm, mwah.

You look absolutely gorgeous.

Your necklace is exquisite.


- Chanel.

- Oh, Coco's a dear friend.

Nicole, this is my husband, Wayne Harris.

Miss Dormer, the star of the evening.


- And after tonight, the talk of the town.

Let's hope so.

I'll make certain of that.

Now, at some point, I'd like to do something bigger than an article in my Reich Herald column.

Something deeper.

- More personal.

- Sounds wonderful.

TURNER: We have something big from Berlin.

It's exciting.

I'll coordinate through my office when it's ready.

THELMA: Delightful.

Let me show you around.

Do you mind?

- Of course not.

- You mind if we take a stroll, love?

You two have fun.

Let me introduce you to Manhattan's swankiest and sexiest.



A pleasure to see you.

How are you?

You remember the Schafers.

How are you?

Yes, yeah.

- Pleasure, huh?

- Good.


I love you.

Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith.

Um, Miss Nicole Dormer.

It's an honor to meet you.

Excuse me.

Sorry, she's not feeling well.

I hope it's nothing serious.

I hear great things about your film from Berlin.

Hopefully you like it.


Put this in your follow-up.

Alice Adler was m*rder*d.


An arrest has been made.

An unemployed house painter and career criminal.

Of course.

Thank you.

Pardon me.

ROCKWELL: Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith.


Good news from San Francisco.

Diels was the last of the Heydrich-Heusmann g*ng.

Yes, I heard.

Well done.


You should've told us you'd located Hawthorne Abendsen.

Could've helped you bring him in.

Well, Hoover's on the hunt.

Won't be long now.

I hear your adjutant has gone missing.

What happened to him, do you think?

Did he defect, I wonder?

Erich Raeder would never do that.

I would have said the same thing about Oliver Diels.

Well, if you need our help, don't hesitate to ask.

Very generous.

Oh, I understand an arrest has been made in the Alice Adler m*rder.

Yes, I heard.

Suspect had Dr.

Adler's watch.

What a tragedy.

Such a distinguished family.

Both husband and wife m*rder*d.


Adler wasn't m*rder*d, Reichsmarschall.

He had a heart attack.

Of course.

I don't know where these stories come from.

NICOLE (ON FILM): But it is among Thomas' own generation, among his fellow classmates, that he is most honored.

YOUNG WOMAN (ON FILM): I loved Thomas.

I did.


You know, ever since I met him in the second grade, he was always talking about the future.

His plans.

Everything that he dreamed about doing to make the Reich an even better place.

NICOLE (ON FILM): Thomas spoke about the future.

Did he ever talk about his father?

YOUNG WOMAN: All the time.

Thomas idolized him.

NICOLE: Oberstgruppenfuhrer Smith is one of the American Reich's most decorated soldiers.

And just last fall, Smith was honored by Reichsfuhrer Himmler for saving the life from the traitor Heusmann.

ALL: Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil NICOLE: At this time of Smith's greatest triumph, his son Thomas was walking to his death.

At the ceremony at Thomas Smith's high school, I witnessed an astonishing moment.

A boy with a dream in his heart.

NICOLE: Thomas' younger sister, Amy, instinctively stood to salute her brother.

Child after child followed suit.

And I wondered, what kind of man inspired such devotion and passion in his children?

ALL: Sieg Heil!

MAN (ON FILM): That man, John Smith.

He bears a responsibility of being father to children and father to the entire nation.

It's that immense and that simple.


Let's have lunch tomorrow.

HOOVER: It is my belief that Smith eliminated the Adlers to cover up his family's genetic defect.

Anything else?

Helen Smith.

Inebriated in public at two recent high-profile events.

She is, without question, a liability.

Conduct unbecoming the wife of an officer of Smith's rank.

Document all of it.

Report any new developments directly to me.

SMITH: How are you feeling?



After everything you said about Hoover and not making mistakes, - and I - Listen, Helen, the drinking, the pills you got to you got to lay off it for a while, - at least until we're past this thing, you know?

- Uh (SIGHS)

How do we get past this thing, John?

I He is everywhere.

This glorified phony version of him.

Of of our son.


You know, you never told me what you thought of it.

The film.

It sickens me.

All of it.

What they're doing to us.

But we can use this.

We can use it to protect our girls.



This film's a trial balloon.

They're grooming me to become Reichsmarschall.

John, that's I know.

I know.

This is our best chance to survive.

As a family.

Rockwell, he'll do anything to stay in power, protect his position.

And Hoover I have no illusions about about Hoover.

No, he'll go with whoever he thinks will come out on top.

But John?

They may have made a move on Erich Raeder.

He's not sick.

He's missing.


I don't, I don't understand.

W why?

So I need you to just focus on the family.

For now.

Focus on yourself.

Can you do that for me?


NICOLE: Leni's an influence, but I see things differently.

She captured the old world.

My vision is more What next?

Where are we?

Where are we going?

You're ambitious.

And ?

I like that.

I'm the same.

And what do you want?


What about your husband?

(LAUGHING): Wayne?

He knows.

He has his friends, and I have mine.

I wondered, when I met him.

It suits us both.

Well, I'd like to be your friend.

I hope so.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Don't do something like that again.

All right, all right.

What's this about?


Are you some kind of Jew lover?



That guy you were talking to at the bar.

You asked him about buying some Jew shit.

Oh, n n-n-no, no!

No, I was gonna turn the f*cking leech in when I got back - to the Pacific States.

- Didn't sound like it.

What do you know about Jews in the Zone?

Wait a minute, you're - you're looking for Jews?

- Yeah.

Heard there's a whole nest of 'em up in the mountains.

Well, I I heard rumors, but Mm-hmm.

You heard of Saint Theresa's?

Yeah, they're customers of mine.

That's where we're going.


Hell, they're all Catholics.

'Cause I heard they hide Jews.

Let's go.


ED: I like it here.

I want to see more of it.

Santa Fe, Mexico, maybe.

Sounds like you caught the gypsy fever.

I just want to make this last.

Nobody cares here, Ed.

I'm sorry, I'm not used to that.

What's it like there?

It's not so bad, really, as long as you don't flaunt it.

It's not like the Reich.

The Pons really don't care what you do, as long as it's in private.

I mean, it's still tough, but Bobby.


Do you mind giving us a moment?

No, that's all right.

I gotta flood the gulch.

It's time to go home.

But I'm not ready.

I'd like to stay a few more days.


All right.

How about another half hour?

That should give you enough time for a proper good-bye.

What's the rush?

It's time.

Reprisals are over.

We can go home.

But I'm not ready.

All right.

Things need tending to.

Your grandfather, my shop.

And, generally speaking, civilization.

There's freedom here.

The kind I've never felt before.

You don't have to worry about what other people think.

And it's good for you, too.


How so?

No Pons to impress.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning.

It's your choice.








Don't move!

- You're the criminal priest Hagan.



(QUIETLY): Come in.

How did you find me?

I thought you were dead.


'Cause Smith lied to me.

He led me to believe it until he wanted something from me.

You're the reason he kept me close.


Sit down.


I went looking for you.

I thought you'd be there.

What happened?

Why did you go to Berlin?

My father.

He ordered me to.

Ordered to?

Who is he?

Um, Martin Heusmann.

Is your father?

Wasn't he ex*cuted?

For treason.

I was arrested alongside of him.

I've spent the last six months in prison.

I had no idea.

I was forced to denounce my father.

Pledge my loyalty to the Reich.

Himmler let me live.

Pardoned by Himmler, himself?

How much re-education did you have to swallow?

Enough to keep me alive.

I know what this looks like.

- Do you?

- I was in a dark f*cking place, Juliana.

You have no idea what I went through.


I know that I watched you walk into that room in uniform, though.

Embodying everything that I f*cking feared.

What, you're gonna judge me on one moment?

It's not one moment, Joe.

I put you on a boat to Mexico.

Next thing I know, you've climbed the ranks in Berlin.

I had no choice.

You know who I am better than anyone.

- That was then.

- Oh, God.

None of that's changed.

- It's just a f*cking job.


It doesn't define who I am.

Juliana, you gave me hope, okay?

That is why I never gave up.

Please You believed in me once.

Us meeting again is not a coincidence.

Then what is it?

Trust me.

What's wrong?

I just um Nothing.

I don't want you to worry about the Pons or about the Reich.

The Pons aren't going to last.

The future is the Reich and the Reich is the future.

Juliana we can be on the right side of history.

You and me.







It's okay.

Trust me.


I have a meeting I must attend.

I know where they are.

They're in the Poconos, in Pennsylvania.

The light, it has a sound.

It's like this mechanical sound.

Like like it's a machine.

- From your memory?

- I think all these films are connected to this film, to this one film.

To this thing.

And I need Joe.

I need him to help me find out what's inside that mine.


Tell him what you told me about the Resistance.



Hagan, what can you tell me about the Resistance?



My ears have never stopped ringing since that day.

Say it again.

Frank Frink is alive.