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05x01 - Your Funeral

Posted: 11/15/19 17:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on How to Get Away with m*rder The Supreme Court sided with the plaintiffs, led by Annalise Keating.

Michaela, please tell me you didn't.

This wasn't a mistake, Michaela!

- This was you stabbing me in the heart!

- We all lie.

I didn't drop out.

I failed out.

Can we just bury the hatchet, be friends?

Connor and I have some news we want to share.

We're getting married with a wedding!

- Did you hurt your mother?

- She's dead to me, as are you.

Jorge Castillo, I have a warrant for your arrest.

- My immunity deal?

- You're listed as Jane Doe in all the paperwork, so go to work, keep your nose down.

I took care of Simon.

A felony g*n charge equals deportation, so I made an anonymous tip to ICE.

Denver was keeping files on all of you.

Where are they?

I destroyed them already.

Gabriel Maddox.

FRANK: Looks like the good times didn't last too long.

Her kid's here.

I'ma make sure this a night you won't forget And when I saw that ass walk past, almost spilled my drink And the music's on blast, We should take another sh*t, then let's take it to my spot Bet your clothes gonna be off before you blink I just wanna see you speed it up and slow it down now I swear that ass is royalty, I'm 'bout to bow down All these girlies, they be pumping up my sound now So, baby, turn it up and crank it I just wanna see you shake it, shake Shake it, shake it, shake it Shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah Shake it, shake it, shake it Shake it, shake it, shake it, unh Go ahead, shake what your mama gave you Girl, let me see you on your worst behavior Shake it, shake it, shake it Shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah Shake it, shake it, shake it Shake it, shake it, shake it, unh Go ahead, shake what your mama gave you Girl, let me see you on your worst behavior Shake it, shake it, shake it Shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah Shake it, shake it, shake it Why do you look like someone just d*ed?

Go ahead, shake what your mama gave you Girl, let me see you on your worst behavior Frank, open your damn mouth.

DEEJAY: Let's hear it one more time for Connor and Oliver!


Just 10 more minutes before we cut the cake Shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah [BREATHING SHAKILY]




And I thought Christopher's diapers smelled bad.

She'll weed out the duds.

Unless we're the duds.

Speak for yourself, Waitlist.

Never call me that again.

Are you trying to limit my freedom of speech?

This is Advanced Trial Skills?

If you have to ask, you should just leave now.

And to think they wouldn't even let me step foot on this campus a few months ago.


Despite what you think, this is not an Advanced Trial Skills class.

In fact, this is not a class at all.

This is a sacrifice.

From this point on, you will have no time for friends or family.

Instead, you'll wake up hating yourself for choosing this life.

But you'll get up anyway, k*lling yourself to win cases, only to lose and watch innocent people go to jail, and then you'll drink to make yourself feel better.

Or take pills.

Or fantasize about going to sleep forever.

That's the life you're choosing.

Brutal, mean, depressing, ruthless.

But that's what it costs to change the world.

So, who wants in?

Mr. Chase, stand up.

What are you passionate about?


Uh, I've been pretty obsessed with Prince lately, but the early years I mean your legal passion, that one issue you would take to the Supreme Court.

- Um - Get out.

We have 24 seats to fill.

Let's start culling the herd.

But I signed up for this class.

I don't care if you follow the rules.

I care if you can kick ass in the courtroom.

Are you quick on your feet?

Can you move mountains with your words?

That's not you.

And don't tell me that there are any 1 or 2Ls in this class.

I applaud your nerve, but you will not survive.

Try again next year.

Everyone else, you have 30 seconds to convince me that you care about something other than yourselves.

- Who wants to start?


Schools are the basis for a quality education, but there is no constitutional law that requires children to receive this education.

The Equal Protection Clause forces business owners to provide services that contradict their religious beliefs.

Poverty is at the root of all human suffering.

I would force the Treasury Department to provide a universal basic income for all citizens of this country.

We need to appeal every loitering and trespass conviction in the country.

We need to bring a Title VII workplace discrimination case before the Supreme Court and redefine gender.

These minor violations serve as a pretext to lock up thousands of black men for doing nothing more than standing on a sidewalk.

We can no longer ignore the need for g*n safety just because the g*n lobby has bastardized the Second Amendment.

We need to tear down and overhaul immigration by filing a civil rights complaint on behalf of every undocumented person.

Congress's failure to adequately tax the wealth is an att*ck on the poor.

This especially applies to LGBTQ people who will be persecuted or even k*lled if they're sent back to their country of birth.

But the law is on our side.

- The D. C. v. Heller - 1983, the Civil Rights Act - Standard of living - As such, hampering children who cannot intelligently participate in a democratic society.


- Go stand to the left.

It's the only way to ensure economic justice for everyone.


- Thereby violating religious freedom.

- Left.

- We must use it now to achieve women's equality.

- Right.

- To help us make a more just society.

- Left.

- Basic human rights.

- Left.







GABRIEL: I'd file suit against Mississippi arguing that every prison in the state is de facto cruel and unusual.

A suit on behalf of prisoners sounds like you're cribbing from my class action.

No, I I'm arguing you didn't go far enough.

I'd lose my Mississippi case, but that's the point.

The 5th Circuit will say that prisoners deserve only to be kept alive.

As the appeals go on, my lead plaintiff will die sad, yes, but the publicity will make SCOTUS take the case and the 5th Circuit will have to eat their words.

I'd sue other states until every prison in the country is under investigation and we're forced to abolish our prison system on a national scale.


Congratulations, right side.

None of you have to suffer my humiliations this semester.

- You're cut.


Everyone else from Round 2, tomorrow, you have to argue the opposing side of your passion.

You exposed your bleeding heart.

Now cut it out of your chest.

What the hell are you doing here?

We wanted to visit Mom on her first day back.

Well, as long as you're not here to see me.

But you you can visit me whenever you like.

I actually do want to talk to you.

Oh, my God!



He was bugging me to see his ma.


You want to go to law school now, too?

- Yes!

- I missed you, too!

- Aww!

- Hey, did you take a job yet?

LAUREL: Yeah, Bonnie said you were interviewing at a bunch of firms.

- We're not doing this anymore.

- Having a conversation?

Making other students think that I'm playing favorites.


That's the word for the year.

Sounds good to me.

FRANK: Annalise.

Don't worry.

She's not always that cranky.

You're back on good terms with President Hargrove, right?

I'm not making a call for you, Frank.

- You got Walsh in off the waitlist.

- I did not.

And why are you so dead-set on coming here anyway?

Can't a guy want better for himself?

No, you want better for Laurel and that boy.

- That's not it.

- You want to be a better man?

Then stop hating who you are and be a better Frank.

Professor Keating!

Gabriel Maddox.

The abolitionist, I remember.

I'll take that as a good sign.

- Don't.

- Right.

Well, I just wanted to let you know you're actually the reason I transferred to Middleton.

You think that's the first time I've heard that from a student?

No, but I bet I'm the only one telling the truth.

Save the sucking up for class, Mr. Maddox.

Trust me, I won't have to.

You're not taking this job.

You're the one who recommended me.

That was the new managing partner's idea.

He's here to clean up the Jorge mess, which is why I can't have you working anywhere near me.

I'm here.

Do you want me to hide in a plant?

Ms. Keating.

Emmett Crawford.

I thought you'd be taller.

That's what a Supreme Court win can do.

Tegan, could you show us to the conference room?

I'm still finding my way around the place.

- New in town?

- From our London branch.

You an Anglophile, by any chance?

- No.

- Then we'll get along great.

We're prepared to offer you lead counsel on any of our criminal trials, and we're also anticipating two SCOTUS cases.

- Partnership?

- Contingent on a board meeting.

Base salary?


You must not think much of me.

- Hmm?

- I've been offered double that amount.

- I find that hard to believe.

- Call to check.

I've got offers from Lindstrom, Shawesh Group, Summers & Powers Summers & Powers is ranked the number-one firm in Pennsylvania criminal cases.

Clearly, we could help repair any hits your reputation's taken.

By "hits," do you mean my over 300 career victories, my 20 years of trial experience, or the unwinnable Supreme Court case I just won?

If I'm not mistaken, Governor Birkhead is finding ways to sidestep that win right now My point is I'll leave unless my salary matches what the two of you pull in.

Say we add a hundred to the base.

Would that make the offer more attractive?

It's not your offer I'm concerned about.

It's your resources.

The only way I can continue the good work of my class action - is with means.

- We have money.

Can you set aside the seven figures I'll need to retry my class action cases?

We'll take the billable-hour requirements off the table.

Don't want you to be hindered by any restrictions.

I'm just not sure about the idea of a smaller firm.

The only thing small around here is the amount of mansplaining we deal with each day.

I'll need to hire my own team.

- We can make that work.

- The other firms said they'd lose the billable-hours requirement.

We just want you working on the cases that you're passionate about.

I'll need complete independence No supervisor.

No staff meetings.

No backseat driving.

You're great because you're you, Annalise.

The last thing we'd want is to micromanage you.

Give me a few days and I'll think about it.

Let me think about it.

I'll think about it.

Take time to think about it.

I don't need to.

It's not a good fit.

We just said yes to every one of your asks, Ms. Keating Well, that's because you're basically desperate.

I mean, one of your biggest clients just went to federal prison because of your firm's ineptitude.

No, we fired Jorge Castillo as soon as we discovered his criminal behavior.

No, that's because the FBI caught him.

Now you're hemorrhaging clients, so you scurried over from London to beg me to take the job so you can stop the blood flow.

- You're wrong.

- Mnh-mnh.

That never happens.



Es la hora de la siesta, precioso.



- I need your help.

- Shh.

I'm about to text Marcus, and we haven't talked since D. C. , and I want to sound casual and breezy.

So, exactly how you don't sound right now?

Just read it.

"Hi, Marcus.

I took the summer off to 'date myself, ' but I am now ready to explore other options " Absolutely not.

We Not flirty enough?

- We're 3Ls.

No more guy drama.


But what if Marcus is the one?

Well, then call him and have an actual conversation.

Just no more subjecting my son to this.

CONNOR: Universal basic income is an illegal redistribution of wealth prohibited by the Takings Clause in the Fifth Amendment.

I'm bored already.

No wonder you failed out.

And then busted my ass all summer to get back in.

No, you got back in 'cause Annalise called in a favor.

Did she tell you that?

I've already said too much.



I just changed him.

Nah, that's his "I want my binky" cry.

I got it.

I hate your manny.

My son loves him.

- And you?

Do you love him?

- No.


But you're having sex again, right?

'Cause otherwise, why is he so happy to be changing diapers?

Because he loves Christopher.


And the sex.

- Ah, there we go.


- Was that a secret?

- Yes!


'Cause you're using him and you feel guilty about it?

I'm not using him.

He just likes taking care of the baby.

'Cause he likes you, dummy.


Nate dawg.

My man.

You looking for me?

- For her.

Talk work.

- Mm.

Just like I assume the two of you were doing.

Ha, funny.

And yes, I was actually just asking Summertop here for some help.

- Summertop's a - Play on Winterbottom.

- I get it.

- Anyway, I, uh, have to give a speech to the judges' panel on why I should stay on as interim D. A. , and I was looking for some feedback.

BONNIE: I will get you these notes tomorrow.



- Walls are made of glass.

- We're friends.

- Who hook up?

- No.

But you want to.

- I'm playing him.


If Denver shared the files he had on us with anyone, it would be Miller.

Annalise know about this plan of yours?

No, and you can't tell her, either.

I've barely seen her since my dad's case.

- Are you sad about that?

- Shut up.


I swear she's a witch.

ANNALISE: Of course I'd love to open Keating and Winterbottom right now, but we need money in order to retry the class action cases, and I've got these firms by their big, rich balls.

Right now, I'm leaning towards Natalia's firm because it's all women, no drama.

But the best part is, I get to bring my own team.

Frank, too?

Well, we'll figure it out.

But the point is, it'll be you and me defending the poor, taking on the man.

Only, this time, with good healthcare.

- Why not?

- It's not smart.

- 'Cause of us?

- No.

It's just, I think one of us needs to stay worried.

Denver is dead.

God rest his soul, but his dying was good for us.

Not if he showed anyone those files.


I love you for worrying, but we can't waste another minute being scared.

We have to live again, or at least try.

And I'm saying that I want to do that with you.

- I'm sorry.

- Why?

- I'm protecting us.

- That's my job.

Now it's mine.

Let me do this.

FRANK: We're not telling her.

Just give me some time to figure out why the kid's here first.

I'll make sure he doesn't get too close in the meantime.

Good answer.


Ciao, bellas!

Your delivery has arrived.

- Thank God.

I'm starving.

- I'll Venmo you later.

Actually, I kind of need the money now.

Uh, I already paid you.

Where's my salad?

- It got deported.

- Oliver, where'd this come from?

There's no return address.

It was at the front door when I walked in.

Are you sure you should open it?

It's fine.

What is it?

It's a baptism gown.

My baptism gown.

My mother was saving it for when I had my own baby.

- So, that's from her?

- Of course.

Not your brother, the maid who raised you?

It's from her.

Well, that means you didn't k*ll her, then, so I guess great news all around.

This still a good time?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Your father needs to sign here and here.

Then I can file the paperwork for the appeal.

- How's he doing?

- You know got his bad days.


But just knowing he can get a retrial will cheer him up.

When's this paperwork due?

A few weeks.

You said you needed to drop these off tonight.

- Bonnie thing bugging you?

- Hmm?

That she's not leaving the D. A. for you.

- Oh, God.

I hate that you two are friends.

- Look, don't be mad at her.

- Too late.

- You fired her.

That's the only reason she's at the D. A. 's in the first pl You don't know everything that I've sacrificed for her.

Like what?


You know what?

I'm not mad.

I'm hurt.

And I was your friend first, so You hungry?

Order some Chinese.


I'm confused.

You don't know who ordered this test originally?

- I might.

- Then tell me.

- It's better if you don't know.

- Nate.

I might be making stuff up, so just run a test and see if the DNA on this cup matches the DNA in the report in any way.

I hope you know this means I'm finally gonna take you up on that drink.

About time you said yes.

LAUREL: Privacy rights are the foundation of our country, and one of the most private choices we can make is the way we educate our children, as stated in Wisconsin v.


ANNALISE: What if a parent wants to give their kids no education?

The parent has the right to choose, - as stated in the Constitu - The Constitution doesn't say anything - about parents' rights.

- Let me finish You think the Justices let me finish my sentence?

Loitering statutes actually benefit minority communities by preventing behaviors proven to lead to violent crimes.

You're talking pretextual stops?

Precisely, which were found legal by the unanimous 1996 SCOTUS decision in Whren v. U. S.

Protecting oneself with a firearm is a constitutionally protected right for a reason.

Due process is a right reserved for American citizens, - not illegal aliens.

- You mean undocumented immigrants.

No, they're illegal, pursuant to Section 1325 of the U. S.

Code Title 8 It's wrong to assume freedom of religion is absolute, especially when it impedes the public trade in goods and services Once the government begins regulating what every child learns, what stops them from deciding what books they read?

Just because you're underprivileged doesn't mean you don't know the difference between right and wrong.

Right to bear arms loses all meaning if the government can tell people when and how they can use their g*ns.

So you can regulate dairy products for public safety, but not semiautomatic weapons?

- It's stupid!

I know!


Sit, Ms. Powell.

Who's next?

I'll go.

All right, let's call it a day.

Mr. Walsh, you're first up tomorrow.


Why do you think I need extra time?

I don't.

I just need to make a phone call.

Like the one you made to get me back in?

Just like you did for Wes?

Look, Frank told me that you pulled some strings.

Frank is a liar, and you're an idiot if you don't know that by now.

You helped me with a Supreme Court win, Connor.

That's why you're here.

Better not disappoint me tomorrow.


It's Annalise.

What's going on?

I'm afraid I have some difficult news.

Two days ago, you were wooing the hell out of me.

That was before we came across - some conflicts of interest.

- What conflict?

You're still on probation with the bar.

You knew that when you called me into your office.

We hadn't realized the high price of your malpractice insurance.

Then why did you offer me partner?

Our clients have to come first.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, though.

You have survived worse, and you'll survive this, too.


- - Annalise - What's the real?

- You afraid I'm still a drunk?

- No.

So it was my stint in prison?

It's what I explained on the phone.

You know what?

I'd rather be mansplained than lied to.

Just tell me.

I can handle it.

Governor Birkhead's office called one of our board members.

- And said what?

- That she'd be taking a closer look at our clients if we hired you.

You took on the entire justice system, Annalise.

You had to know there'd be blowback.



Have you seen Christopher's giraffe?

Uh, no.


I lost the one actual thing he cares about in this world.

How you feeling?


I mean about your ma.


Are you asking me if I'm happy she's alive?

I don't really care, as long as she stays away.

Moms don't typically like to do that.

Good moms.

That's not her.

She just wants to look like one.

That's why she sent me that stupid gown not because she is actually religious, but because she's afraid of looking like a bad Catholic.

Can't hurt to baptize the kid, though, just so he doesn't end up in Hell.

We were both baptized.

You think it helped us?

Don't worry.

If she shows up here and tries to mess with Christopher, I'll take care of her.


It's Laurel.

Leave a message, but I'll probably never listen.

ANNALISE: Just wanted to check and see if my little guy was still up.

It's been a long day, and I thought it's better to sniff his head than a line of coke, so MILLER: If I'm selected as Interim D. A. , I will continue to lead with a system that I call the three C's consistency, continuity, and civility.


What That's what you call constructive criticism?

Just hire someone to write it for you.

Okay, fine.

I hire you.

I have a job.

Yeah, well, one that I can fire you from at any moment.


Come on.

I'm kidding!

Come on.

Like, I would never use my power to thr*aten your job or, you know, be inappropriate or Is that why you haven't done anything?

Because you think it would be inappropriate?

Or you're just not interested?

Obviously, I was interested when I swiped right, - but now I'm your boss.

- My interim boss.

Yeah, which I'm hoping becomes permanent, but that's only gonna happen if you help me write a better speech.

Why would I do that?

So I could guarantee that nothing will ever happen between us?

- Um - refractive All this has made remains I I want something to happen.

I just don't know if I'm allowed to want that.

I'm saying that you are.

Long-toothed man that runs Not here.

Especially when you have to work on your terrible speech.

Oh, yeah.





Marcus, hi.

Um, it's Michaela.


I was thinking about you, and my situation's changed.

I'm single now.

Uh, not that I expect that you're just waiting around.

God knows you have a life.

Um, but I like you.


ASHER: Michaela's a disast.

Like, no way a press secretary would ever date a law student.

Could we drop this topic and move on to my presentation for tomorrow?

To be honest, I am kind of happy to see her squirm while I'm up here in my cockpit going full manwhore.

I thought you haven't slept with anyone since Michaela.

Yeah, I I haven't, but that's just 'cause I'm, uh, being selective.

Or you're not over her.

- What do you think about this place?

- I'm not living there.

You are if we want to save enough money to have a wedding.

The apartment next door's still open.

We could be neigh-bros.

You would have to pay me to move into Rebecca's old place.

Which brings me to my presentation.

Handing out cash to the poor is a violation of Article 1 of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers purposely limited Congress' taxation power to funds that provide for the "general welfare of the United States.

" U. S. v. Butler held that Congress could unilaterally decide what's in the public's interest.

But Congress can't decide that something that's detrimental to public interest is suddenly beneficial.

Universal Basic Income has been proven to dis-incentivize people from improving their plight.

That's in direct opposition to the "general welfare" described by Article 1.

Mr. Maddox, convince us why we need more prisons.

Imagine a m*rder*r doing a couple of years and being released to the streets to k*ll again.

Meanwhile, the victims and the families are never the same.

I mean, think about the injustice in that.

Your loved one's k*ller walks free while you suffer.

I mean, how is that moral or decent?

Once a person commits m*rder, they are broken.

Something inside them is rotten.

Mr. Maddox, where's the legal argument in all of this?

I mean, I can get legal on you.

We can talk about how the Eighth Amendment requires zero restraint when it comes to reoffenders or that four Supreme Court cases upheld this.

But this No, this this is about what kind of society we want to live in.

I mean, how would you feel if your kid got k*lled?

Or your spouse?

I mean, you of all people know what that feels like, Professor Keating.

This is the argument you're taking to the Supreme Court.

It is.

Because that's how you win with emotion, just like how you did in your case.

Take a seat.

And just so you know, I don't believe a damn thing I just said.


Are you sure this is the right address?

LAUREL: Seriously, this is a little sad for a wedding.

Look, guys, Oliver is putting me through school, so I will get married wherever he wants me to get married.

You made it!

Come on in.

MICHAELA: Okay, I'll chip in money for your wedding so that we never have to come here again.

Uh, n we're not having the wedding here.

We're gonna live here.

- BOTH: No.

- Yes!

Come on!

I mean, it's cheap and huge.

And there's even room for a nursery.

I'm not raising my child in an old frat house, Oliver.

You're broke.

The FBI froze your family's money, and it's mean and selfish to keep leading Frank on.

Not to mention, it takes a village to raise a child, so let this be our village!

- You are insane.

- No, I'm resourceful, and unless you want to make up with your father so he'll pay for our wedding, this is our only option.

Your only option.

I'm leaving.

- You owe me this, Michaela!

- How?

Simon is in a detention center right now or, worse, Pakistan, where he can't speak the language or be gay.

So now you have to move in here to make up for it.

- So, Asher already said no?

- Just say yes.

All of you.

Say yes to our wonderful, new, cheap life together.

FRANK: Can't your professor pay get you outta this dump?


I was waiting to see what I could afford.

What's that?

Background checks on the new class.

I didn't ask you to do any of that.

It's how we always pick your team.

Yeah, look how well that turned out last time.

That's why I did it get rid of any bad seeds, like this guy.

Gabriel Maddox is lying to you.

Everyone lies to me, Frank like you.

Why'd you tell Connor that I got him off the waitlist?

'Cause I'm jealous.

But Maddox here, he's a transfer.

I know.

A 2L, though.

You should bounce him.

You know what?

I don't want to know anything about any of them.

- Okay, but - Burn the files, Frank.

I'm a new woman.

Just start your own firm.

You, me, I'll convince Bonnie to leave the D. A.

- I need money.

- You don't.

I need money to retry my plaintiffs' cases.

You're the money, is what I'm saying.

That's you.

Sometimes you just forget.



You're asking us to underwrite your clinic now?

ANNALISE: It's a win-win situation.

The university's resources only go so far, and the firm needs pro bono work to repair your reputation.

You're acting like you didn't turn us down.

- I changed my mind.

- The governor changed your mind.

Hiring you comes with a lot of baggage.

ANNALISE: Well, you have your own baggage, but I can help if we stand together.

Even the governor will be scared.


Uh, you're gonna have to make some concessions on this list.

- No.

- This is a negotiation.

Let's negotiate.

You don't think I deserve every penny that I'm asking - You're asking for a lot more than pennies.

- I'm not here to beg.

I'm here to just get what I've earned.

But if you're not okay with that, if you prefer to listen to your ego and the bottom line, then just say no and I'll go work for someone who understands my worth.

Again, this is a negotiation.





You win.

So come back so we can close this.

I've got good news.

As of today, this clinic is officially being funded by my new employer, Caplan & Gold.

And as a part of the funding, I've created a prize.

Now, the student with the highest ranking at the end of the semester will get this a year's tuition paid in full.

Now let's see which of you will compete.

Michaela Pratt, take a seat.


Money's mine, b*tches.

Theo Hawkins.

Isabel Ortiz.

Justine Malak.

Laurel Castillo.

Noah Glass.

Asha Mahdavi.

Corinne Fenning.

Celia Dodd.

Robert Ling.

Connor Walsh.

One seat left.

Now, before I announce this last name, I have a question.

Mr. Maddox, is it true you're 2L?

- Yeah.

- You broke the rules.

It's because you said you didn't care about the rules.

I mean, this was about passion something I showed you.

I don't doubt your passion.

I doubt that you can handle this on top of your 2L schedule.

Why should I trust that you can?

Pick me, and I'll show you.

Welcome to the clinic, Mr.


And the rest of you change the world on your own.

FRANK: You want me to k*ll him?


So just give me a second to regroup, figure out what to do, nobody gets hurt.


Call you back.

Here to celebrate your victory?

'Cause I got some ideas.

Christopher and I are moving out.

Oliver found a place for all of us.

- That's the worst idea ever.

- If I don't leave now, it'll just be harder when I do.

- Then why leave at all?

- Because this isn't right.

Says who?

I love how good you've been with Christopher, and all you've done is be there for me and help me and love me - And never asked for anything in return.

- But you should!

And as much as I want to be there for you, right now, all my energy needs to go to Christopher and school.

But I can't keep using you.

You're not using me.

Well, I feel like I am.

And that makes me no different than my parents, and I need to be better than them.

So, to keep doing this, whatever this is, it's not right.

You know it, too.

- I don't.

- Frank.

This is how right I know we are, Laurel.

Marry me.

I said, "Marry me," damn it.


I can't.

I'm sorry.

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God, you sent your only son into the world to cast out the power of Satan, to rescue man and bring him into the splendor of your kingdom.

We pray for this child.

Set him free from original sin, make him a temple of glory, and send your Holy Spirit to dwell with him.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

- Amen.

- Amen.

- Amen.

- For God so loved the world - Did he really propose?

- And she said no.

Isn't that mean, then, making him godfather?

No, what's mean is you all moving in together after I got booted out of the clinic.

PRIEST: but to save the world through him.

May he strengthen you with his power ASHER: I helped you win your class action.

Like, you wouldn't even be teaching here if it wasn't for me.

My decision was based on who was best in class.

My anti-immigration argument was the best!

Since when is immigration your passion?

Since I witnessed the tragic injustice of Simon being deported.

No, it's because of Michaela.

Because you're still pissed that she cheated on you.

Yes, I'm pissed, but that has nothing to do Do you even know who you are, Asher?

Do you?

Because all I see is a boy who people-pleases and plays the clown, and that's not a good look for a lawyer, let alone a man.

Dear parents and godparents, will you see that the divine life which God gives Christopher is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow always stronger - CONNOR: A little bit higher.

- Michaela, are you gonna help, or are you just gonna stand there all day?

- Michaela?

- Marcus just blew me off.

- But all the people that you made in your image - It's good.

He was a distraction.

A fine-ass, chocolate, future-president one, but I'm moving on.

In fact, I'm gonna block him so that I never have to think about him again.

He's pretty amazing.

Are you sure you want to There.

It's done.

He's blocked.

'Cause this year is about the new, fabulous, abstinent me.


- That's not a thing.

- I need to study more.

- I'll be fabstinent, too.

- Whoo!


CONNOR: Okay, just so we're clear, Oliver and I will not be doing that, so you better be cool with loud sex.

Reject sin, profess your faith in Christ Jesus.

This is the faith of the Church.

The faith in which this child is about to be baptized.

Maybe we should get married here.

Over my dead body are we getting married in a church.

Do you reject Satan, father of sin and prince of darkness?


ANNALISE: It's official.

Anything else?

Just the part where you prove the rest of my partners wrong.

Excuse me?

I was the sole partner who believed in this deal.

Well, I know it ain't, and so do you - Don't embarrass me.

- Dear God I can't believe in PRIEST: Do you reject the glamour of evil and refuse to be mastered by sin?

- I do.

- I do.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord's only son THERESA: Good news.

We got a match.

Our test confirms the DNA on this coffee cup is a maternal match for the DNA on this form.


She's the mother.

He's her son.

You know it's a boy?

The sequencing tells us gender, too.

Now are you finally gonna tell me who these people are?

PRIEST: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord's only son, who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, d*ed, and was buried, only to rise from the dead?


That's game!

Hey, who got next?

I'm up.

The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Your funeral.

PRIEST: Do you believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?


Is it your will that Christopher be baptized in the faith of the Church?


If there's one thing I don't believe in It's you - Dear God - And I baptize you, Christopher, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.