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06x08 - I Want to Be Free

Posted: 11/15/19 15:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How to Get Away with m*rder" I cheated on you with Asher.

You made a mistake.

Mistakes happen.

Your feelings for her are absolutely not real.

Asher Oh, my God!

- Aah!

- Just stop!

What about letting someone get close?

- You are not ready for this.

- Try me.

You can tell me anything.

Do you know if Ron was in contact with the Governor?

No, I don't remember him talking much about the Governor.

- Who gave you the order?

- D. A. Miller.

We're filing a wrongful death suit against the state.

You're naming the Governor?

You're going to scare Tegan from filing.

The Castillos got to me.

God forbid I'm gonna let them do to Cora what they did to your father.

I'll file it.

I'm your lawyer.

Get me everything we have on Ms.

Winterbottom - by morning.

- You got it.

I never told you about that night.

No, you haven't.

I was the one who chopped up the body.

I did it!

Arrest me!

I'm the m*rder*r!

Welcome to your final final criminal law exam your last chance to convince me that you deserve to graduate.

Now, in your packets is your client's file.

You have 10 minutes to review the case, come up with a defense, and argue against me.

Whoever comes up with the best defense wins this.

The 64-K C&G bonus that no one won last semester.

If either of us wins, we split the money.

When I win, I'm keeping that money for me.

Now, I will pick names to determine the order.

Once someone tries a strategy, it's off the table for good.

So the person who goes last has more time to know the case?

It's as unfair as the American justice system.

Now, today's case?

Is a conspiracy to m*rder.

The client?

Is a famous, powerful, legendary woman.

Her name ?

Snow White.

The prosecution alleges that Ms. White manipulated the Seven Dwarfs to push her stepmother, the Queen, over a cliff.

Ms. White claims that the Dwarfs acted alone.

Now, the rest of the details are in your packets.

Your 10 minutes start Now.

Governor, what's your response to Nate Lahey's claim - that you conspired to k*ll his father?

- The only conspiracy here is against me.

Mr. Lahey's suit states there's proof you were involved in the m*rder.

- Fake news.

- Aren't you at all concerned that this wrongful death suit could lead to criminal charges?

My concern here is for Mr. Lahey.

He's pointing his grief in the wrong direction.

It was Emmett Crawford who conspired to k*ll Nathaniel Lahey Senior, not me Then why doesn't the suit name Mr.


Because Mr. Lahey's attorney is leading him astray.

Do you think Ms.

Winterbottom has a conflict of interest?

That's up for the Judge to decide As my client, you have the power to waive any conflict of interest.

I'm filing the waiver with the judge this morning.


You're good.

You're just realizing that?

Do you believe Emmett Crawford bribed D. A. Miller to take part in the m*rder?

I have no idea.

I imagine the FBI will be able to shed more light on that once they release the results of their investigation.

I don't think this suit was about money for Mr.


That said, grief is a powerful emotion that can cloud anyone's judgment Is it bad that I agree with her?

Tell Bonnie.

She's the idiot that took the case.

Which is none of our business.

So, let's study.

- Okay, any chance she'd do O. J. ?

- Too obvious.

- Uh Al Capone?

- He was AK's exam in '05.

Lizzie Borden?

Leopold and Loeb?

Green smoothies with omega-3 sh*ts!

- Perfect brain food.

- That and Adderall.

Throw some ganja in there that's my type of study bud.

If we fail, we don't graduate.

You do both realize that, right?

There is no way that Annalise is gonna fail you all at this point.

- Of course she would.

- Hell, yeah, she'd fail us.

What's it matter?

We're at the bottom of our class, anyway.

- Not true.

- You're 98th out of 123.

At a top law school.

That doesn't mean you're gonna work at a top firm.

I have a solution.

We should just form our own law firm Millstone, Millstone, and Walsh.

- Where am I?

- You're the second Millstone after we get betrothed.

I'm gonna graduate, pass the bar, and have an incredible legal career.

Oh, Casey Anthony?

- Ew.

- Why?

No, not the case the smoothie.

Really gross, Ols.


The Governor knows your name now.

Nate was gonna file this with or without me.

At least this way, we're the ones managing him.

And who's managing you?

That's not why you're here right now?

They k*lled Emmett, they almost b*at Frank to death.

You don't think they're gonna do the same thing to you?

What happened to you in rehab?

You came home afraid, hiding behind restraining orders.

Any time we've hit back at those people, they've come at us even harder.

This is what you've always wanted for me to stand up and fight.

Be proud of me.

Bonnie This isn't your fight.

Isn't this the penthouse?

Send me a copy of the Winterbottom file tonight.

No problem.

How to Get Away With m*rder 6x08 I Want to Be Free Maybe we sit this one out?

Let Bonnie do her thing in court, pray Miller stays guilty.


God works in mysterious ways.

God wants us to keep Bonnie alive.

Or did you already go back to loving Laurel?

Don't act like I'm the only one with skin in this game.

I never said you were.

I mean Nate.

- No way you're done with that guy.

- Oh, shut your damn mouth.

You're talking about tanking a case that could get the guy some damn peace about his father Enough.

She was screwing a man that she's accusing of m*rder.

The conflict of interest is insane.

Bonnie already filed the waiver.

Well, we have to make it sound worse You got something?

Get Bonnie's phone records.

Before we bring in the jury, I understand the Attorney General has a request.

Your Honor, the State wants a hearing on Ms. Winterbottom's conflict of interest in this case.

My relationship with Ronald Miller pre-dates my knowledge of any information linking him to the conspiracy.

It's not Ms. Winterbottom's relationship with D. A. Miller that's the conflict, it's her relationship with his mother.

Here we have phone records proving that Ms. Winterbottom and Mrs. Miller spoke frequently after his death.

In addition, Your Honor, we'd like to call Sheila Miller to testify here today.

Mrs. Miller, Bonnie Winterbottom has accused your son of being involved in a m*rder, yet you spoke on the phone with her many times.


Well, at first, Bonnie didn't accuse Ron of anything.

In fact, she told me she thought he was innocent.

And she was going to help me prove it.

Objection to relevancy.

It speaks to Ms. Winterbottom's motives in bringing this case.

I'll allow it.

Mrs. Miller, do you think Ms. Winterbottom ever actually cared about you or your son?

When Ron d*ed, there was so much pain, and I needed someone t-to share it with me.

And that person was Bonnie.

But it was all lies.

All of it.

You're sick.

You're really sick.

Mrs. Miller, please.

Why are you doing this?

Is it for money?

Your Honor, I have nothing further for Mrs. Miller.

Ms. Winterbottom, you have any questions for the witness?

No, Your Honor.

Because this testimony doesn't change the fact that Mr. Lahey expressly waived any conflicts.

And yet now I find that conflict too severe.

I'm siding with the Attorney General on this.

Mr. Lahey, I suggest you find another lawyer and refile the suit.

No need, Your Honor.

Tegan Price, Managing Partner at Caplan & Gold.

I'll step in and take the case.

Your Honor, Ms.

Price's conflict of interest is equally glaring.

Conjecture by the defense has no bearing on a conflict determination.

Bonnie got kicked off the case.

Good job.

Except now Tegan's the lawyer.


Judge just okayed change of counsel.

Trial's on.

Time's up.

Our first victim is Mr. Maddox.

You have three minutes.

A conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime.

But the nature of this agreement, to k*ll the Queen, is a matter of Snow White's word versus an informant's.

Now, if I want the jury to acquit my client, they need to hear her side which is why my strategy is to put Snow White on the stand.

Rookie mistake.

Most defense lawyers advise their clients to avoid testifying.

Snow White's likable.

She's smart, friendly.

It'll be really hard for a jury to believe she'd ever conspire to m*rder anyone.

But once she's up there, you can't control what she'll say.

It's a necessary risk.

Hells no are we putting the Governor on the stand first!

- That's always been the plan.

- Your plan.

My plan is to start with the grunts at the bottom, the guards who k*lled Senior.

The mean-looking one first.

We can't put Gladden on the stand.

- Why?

- I only got her to admit that Ron ordered the hit by offering her immunity.

I got fired before I could do that.

So why does that mean we skip right to the Governor?

Show her.

What happened to being scared for Cora's life?

She's on assignment for the government somewhere in the Middle East with a security detail.

But you raise a compelling point.

I don't have to do this.

I can go home, run a bubble bath ooh, I love bubble baths and drink gin.


It's the Governor's car.


It's outside Ron's apartment.

Just days before Senior's m*rder.

They're boning, huh?

- Do you know that?

- No, but how upset you just got breaks my heart a little.

Tegan took over Nate's civil suit.

- Why?

- Bonnie got kicked off.

Do you think, if he wins, he'll share his millions?

Good news!

I hacked into Middleton and found all of your admissions essays.

- Why?

- You've all been so down about your futures, I thought you need a little reminder about why you came to law school in the first place.

God, you're such a nerd.

"After completing a clerkship for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I plan to join the Legal Assistance Corp of California in hopes of running for Attorney General. " Ugh!

Then governor, then eventually the White House.

Fat chance of that happening now.

- They've let worse into the White House.

- Okay, next "Ever since I became openly gay, I've wanted to be a role model for the LGBTQ youth" - Awww, so cute.

- That's inspiring!

You brought a tear to my eye.

- Just get on with Asher's.

- Okay.

"My plan is to become a prosecutor in the D. A. 's office before running for a judgeship and ultimately becoming a federal circuit judge" So basically your dad.

Except I became morally corrupt in a worse way.

Lower your voice.


Oli's right.

I feel better now, murders be damned.


Come on.

You're gonna lose.

I hope you know that.

Thank you for the encouragement, friend.

What about Cora?

Last I heard, you were afraid for her life.

I got over that.

Alright, so what's going on?

Your ego?

'Cause wearing that crown comes with a heavy price.

I've been wearing that heavy-ass crown for a long time, Annalise.

Well, you haven't been running this place for very long.

I'm talking about before.

Before when?

I'm not talking about this here.

You brought it up.

You know all my crap, so go.

I want to understand.

You know I lost my whole family.

Plane crash.

And, uh, how I coped with that Well, it was Jorge who helped me.

- How?

- It doesn't matter.

I-I'm your friend, Tegan.

All you need to know is that asking for Jorge's help put me under his thumb.

And I'm tired of being under any man's thumb.

So screw him, screw the Governor I want to be free.

You of all people understand that.

You want my help?


You're putting the Governor on the stand.

Oh, I get it now, you're jealous.


Then I don't have to cancel my date tonight.

Robert again?

Now who's jealous?

You know, I half-expected you to cancel on me tonight.

I already bought all the ingredients.

- How flattering.

- Yeah.

What I meant was I'm surprised that you're not helping Tegan out with the civil suit.

It's her case, not mine.

Yeah, but you're the one that took the Governor on at the Supreme Court.

How can you not want to face her in open court?

I don't think the case is winnable.

I'm sorry?

Am I hearing this correctly?

The great slayer of all dragons, rage-against-the-machine Ms. Annalise Keating, who I am not an expert on yet.


But I do know this you do not anticipate defeat in the courtroom.

Unless you distancing yourself from the case has something to do with the fact that the client is your ex.

There's plenty of photos of the guy online.

By the way, he's, like, 90% muscle.

Do you expect me to look like that under this shirt?

The state k*lled Nate Senior because of me.

Revenge for my SCOTUS win the one you keep bringing up.

I'm staying away this time.

Don't tell me I'm wrong.

I'm not.

I'm just learning when to stop fighting, is all.

You seem to like fighting with me.


We haven't even gotten close to a fight.

You'll know, believe me.

Need a hand?

Tegan's sending a messenger.

I'm going to bed.

His mother doesn't know a damn thing about you.

It was just the grief talking.

Good night.

Governor, have you ever met or spoken to former District Attorney Ronald Miller?

Not that I recall.

But I I meet a lot of people.

So you never discussed Nathaniel Lahey's Supreme Court case with him?


Or getting back at Annalise Keating for embarrassing you?

Objection, asked and answered.

That's okay.


And I would remember if someone had embarrassed me.

Governor, how many cars does the State give you for official business?

One, but I have access to others if necessary.

Is anyone else authorized to use the official one?

Not to my knowledge.

Is this your car for official business?

I believe so.

This image was taken by a street camera outside of Ronald Miller's residence on October 25th, just days before Nathaniel Lahey was k*lled.

You said you never met Miller.

How do you explain it being there?

I can't.

No further questions.

Governor, why did you fire your aide Paige Dodson?

Objection, relevance.

Laying foundation, Judge.

I'll allow it.

Go ahead.

Paige showed a pattern of unprofessional decision making.

Booking your official car for her own personal use?

Several times.

And each time, she had to fill out a requisition form - like this, correct?

- Yes.

Can you tell us the date written there?

October 25th.

The same night the car was parked near Mr.

Miller's home.

Are you accusing my aide of conspiring with D. A. Miller?


But Paige was seeing a gentleman friend who lives near Mr. Miller's building.

This is hearsay unless Ms. Dodson testifies herself.

She's out of the country.

But we have the gentleman, Joseph Lee, here to testify to the relationship, Your Honor.

Permission to call him to the stand?

I think the jury would appreciate hearing from him.

Governor, you may step down.

I told you the Governor would sell out all the people below her She doesn't care who she has to throw under the bus or bribe.

Okay, if you're just here to rub salt in our wounds, leave.

What if I know how to win?


Stop going after the Governor and take out the one person who you know ordered Senior's m*rder.


Gladden won't say that on the stand without immunity.

But you have another witness right here.

You figured out Miller was guilty before anyone else.

Tell the jury why.


That's not a terrible idea.

- Nah.

- Why?

Miller's mom already made Bonnie a liability, that's why.

The jury didn't see that.

And as his one-time girlfriend, the jury will believe Miller told her things he told no one else.

Unless you disagree?

Mr. Millstone.

I've decided to have Ms. White plead guilty.

You want Snow White to go to prison?

I'll negotiate an immunity deal for no jail time.

One of the Dwarfs already made a deal, that's how the police got enough evidence to arrest Snow White.

Probably Doc, total evil mastermind name.

But whatever Dwarf it was, we know this to be true he's a man.

And this is olden times, where women are even more subjugated by men than they presently are, so I'll argue that Ms.

White was a victim of male toxicity.

She felt afraid and bullied, and she had no choice but to act in a conspiracy to m*rder another woman.

It was k*ll or be k*lled.

And she chose life.

How can we blame her for that?

Bonnie is about to take the stand, which means she's about to become the star witness in the case she got kicked off of, which means the case is tanked and there's no way that Nate is getting any money You're such a loser.

I know.




All good.

Uh, thank you for still sending me your tax law outline.

Yeah, of course.

We had a deal.

Yeah, I know, but that was before, you know You and Asher back together again?

- No.

- Really?

Because I can feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head all week.


And I meant what I said about wanting to be single.

Yeah, I mean, you you say a lot of things, though.

Excuse me?

I'm just saying you claim to be this independent woman, but from what I hear?

You've been with a guy almost your entire time here in law school.

Did Peyton tell you that?

So it's true?

You are a hypocrite.

I don't need a man in my life to make me feel good.

You sure, considering the whole dad stuff?

Are you I don't have daddy issues.

You make one bad choice of a guy after the next, Michaela.

Hey, study buddy.

Ready to grind?

Yeah, you bet.

Thank you.

Peyton's really smart.

What'd he say to you?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Ms. Winterbottom, would you say you and Ronald Miller were in love?

- Yes.

- So how did you come to believe that Ronald was involved in Nathaniel Lahey's m*rder?

I received first-hand information from someone that the m*rder was orchestrated by Ron.

Does this someone have a name?

I can't give you their name without putting them, and their family, in serious danger.

Or you're making it all up to win a huge settlement for your friend?

I loved Ron.

But now I am here telling all of you that I was fooled.

With anonymous hearsay.

I tried to give this person immunity - when I worked at the D. A.

- Before you were fired by the FBI for fabricating a criminal record?

- Objection!

- Goes to credibility.


I was fired for going after the truth.

Which is what you should be after, too.

All any of us here want is the truth.

No, you want to protect the Governor.

Because I won't let you make up fake witnesses the way you made up a fake criminal record?

This person is real they know what happened.

So if you actually want to hear it, all you have to do is give them immunity.

Agree to that, then I'll give you their name.

Whew, is it hot in here?

Winterbottom turned the heat all the way up!

Now the State has to grant Gladden immunity or the jury will think they're shady.

Girl, yes!

If Gladden testifies, we don't know what she'll say.

- I'll break her.

- If you don't, our case is dead.

We lost our only chance to take out the Governor.

Let's see if Gladden gets her immunity, and then we can plan next steps.

Bad news.

The A. G. gave Gladden immunity.

She's testifying tomorrow.

Don't worry.

She hasn't forgotten me.

This is ADA Winterbottom's number.

Tell her Miller ordered the hit.

Do whatever you have to do.

Not a problem.

Just like you taught us Day 1 of our first year of law school, I found a better suspect than Snow White for this m*rder.

Kinda basic going to your 1L days, isn't it, Ms.


Basic or obvious?

I'm just surprised that none of you other 18 people came up with this other suspect Snow White's father, the King.

He framed his own daughter?

- Yes.

- What evidence can you present the jury?

The statistic that 30,000 women worldwide are k*lled by intimate partners every year.

The King also had power and money to command his henchmen to do his bidding and keep their mouths shut after.

Power is how you form a viable conspiracy.

This is all circumstantial inference.

Doesn't matter.

We're convincing a jury.

And regular folks love to believe that the most successful people, "elites", if you will, are hypocrites.

Whether it's true or not, the jury will believe that the rich husband did it just so that their lives don't seem so small by comparison.

You're the rebound, idiot.

Did somebody call Gustav?

Our book-upuncture special is good for maximum relaxation.


What'd he say to you?

He called me a hypocrite.

I'll destroy him.

What if he's right?

I claim to be this badass feminist, but maybe I'm really just afraid of being alone.

That just makes you a person.

A normal person.

I want to be better.

I got to be honest all this makes it really hard not to want to punch his face in again.

It's not about him.

He said mean things to you, and now you feel bad.

And we did things to him, Asher.

I mean, think about that.

He came here to find out things about his father his his father, who I I mean, it's our fault.

What the hell?!

I'm sorry.

I should've asked.

Go home.

I'm sorry.

Just let me study.

I'm too tired to come over.

And I already ate.

Let me make you something real.

I just want to see you.

I'm okay.


Just ignore whatever Frank told you.

I'm not calling about Frank.

He did tell me what's going on, though.


He told me he wants to be with you.

And you?

Are you asking so that you can get involved again?

You know that wasn't me.

I don't, actually.

See, the fact that you say that tells me that you're upset with me.

I'm upset with Frank, but maybe that was your whole point of bringing any of this up.


I want whatever you want, Bonnie.

I don't know what I want yet.



Forget I even brought it up.


- Oh, my God, my brakes aren't working.

- Bonnie?

I can't stop!

Oh, my God!

- Help!

- Bonnie?




The state gave me immunity so that I'll testify.

That's the point they can't arrest me for anything I say in court.


Of course I'm scared, but you're not getting it I don't have a choice.

If I don't show up, then they will arrest me.

No, I don't know what I'm gonna say.


Maybe we turn ourselves in.

If you lose it, I'm gonna lose it worse.


They're gonna k*ll us all if we keep this up.

I'll go to jail, fine, but only after I k*ll whoever did this.

Shh, quiet.

I'm Dr.


I was in the ER when the paramedics brought her in.

Just tell us if she's dead.

My strategy is to put the conspiracy charge itself on trial.

You want to fight a hypothetical on your final exam?

Even if my client said bad things about the Queen, it's free speech.

It doesn't mean she joined a conspiracy.

The state's witness says it was Snow White's idea for them to k*ll the Queen.

So what?

Every kindergartner is taught not to jump off the bridge just 'cause someone says to.

And the Dwarfs aren't children, they're adults.

They have free will.

They chose to do this, not my client.

Charles Manson was convicted of conspiracy to m*rder even though the state couldn't prove that he ordered the slayings.

Manson already had a record.


White's record is unblemished.

She shouldn't take the fall for the Dwarfs' crime.

They have blood on their hands.

They should pay the price.


Where the hell have you been?

- I went for a run.

- No, I mean, why didn't you tell me where you were going?

What's going on?

Look, I love you, and things are insane again, so you can't just disappear without telling me.


You know, if we're being honest, I didn't tell you where I was going because I'm kind of annoyed at you.

I mean, this whole "look how amazing and great you all were three years ago" thing You're overcompensating.

For what?

Me telling you about the night with Sam.

And I get it.

You don't want to see me like that.

- But - I don't think that's right.

It's a lot to take in, Oli.

I'd be doing the same thing.

Our first night together, you seduced me to hack someone.

I've never thought you were a Pollyanna.

But to know that that's in me?

I mean, maybe my dad was right.

No, your dad doesn't know you.

I do.

And we all have darkness in us.

But you have good parts in you, too.

Just to hide the bad parts.

Well, so?

It's better than not hiding it.

And, yeah, I brought out that essay because I'm proud to be married to the guy that wrote that.

And, yeah, maybe I'm naive, but I still think that you can be the gay hero that we never had.

I don't.

Well, then, I guess we'll agree to disagree.

No, I mean, I don't want to be anyone's hero.

I just want to be safe and boring and happy.

You're not happy?

Are you?

It's called a subperiosteal hematoma, basically a bone bruise on your skull.

Luckily, the airbag helped diminish the injury, but we need to keep you here for observation overnight.

Watch for hemorrhaging, clotting But she's gonna be okay?

That's why we want her here.

To make sure she doesn't lose consciousness again.

Do you understand?

She needs rest.

We'll be right here.

I love you, Bon.

You hear me?

You're my whole damn life.

I love you.


How is she?

She's gonna be okay.

We don't know that.

You feel good about this?


She might die 'cause of you.

You said Bonnie's okay?

You got your justice already.

- I didn't get nothing.

- Miller's dead.

How is that nothing?

He's dead, and Bonnie's the one suffering for it.

Enough, Frank!

You don't get to hurt her anymore.

Frank, stop.

Let's go.


Did you get to Gladden?


You called before I could.


Because there's another way to fix this.

I b*at Xavier to death or the Governor?

Shut up.


You were right, Frank.

You were right.

I can't do it.

You don't have a choice.

Xavier will k*ll me.

I'll k*ll you first.

And your son, husband whoever you love.

Officer Gladden, at the inquest for Nathaniel Lahey Senior's m*rder, you testified that Mr.

Lahey stabbed you with a pencil and attempted to grab your g*n.



And that's why your partner, C. O.

Wagner, sh*t Mr. Lahey.

You called it an act of self-defense?


Were you ordered to lie at that inquest?

I'll rephrase.

Did any person or superior of yours order you and Officer Wagner to sh**t Mr.

Lahey that night?

I was just doing my job.


Let's be absolutely clear.

Was your job that night to m*rder an innocent man?

Objection, leading the witness.


Officer Gladden, were you or were you not ordered to make sure Nathaniel Lahey d*ed that night?

Paula, look at this man.

His father was about to get the mental health care he'd been denied his whole life when he was sh*t and k*lled.

Counsel is testifying, Your Honor!

So who told you to m*rder Nathaniel Senior?!

- D. A. Miller?!

- Objection!

No bona fide basis!

Unburden yourself of this guilt and tell us who made you do this.

- I'm so sorry.

- Judge, stop this!

- Ms.

Price, you are in contempt.

- Who ordered the hit?!

Tell us finally who ordered you to k*ll that man!


Okay Xavier Castillo.

You were right, Frank.

- We need to tell them the truth.

- No.

What's more important to you?

To put Xavier away or to protect a lie?

Bonnie will hurt herself again.

She's stronger now, Frank.

We need to tell them the truth.

That's loving Bonnie.

Did Xavier Castillo use anyone else to communicate with you?


But isn't it true D. A.

Ronald Miller arranged for Mr. Lahey's transfer that night?

D. A.

Miller tried to move the transfer earlier to stop us.

Xavier found out and changed the plan.

Xavier will k*ll me.

I'll k*ll you first.

And your son, husband whoever you love.

Or you can tell the truth.

We were pressured to do this But it was my choice.

I helped k*ll an innocent man.

There are no words to say how sorry I am.

What I did, it it's evil.

I deserve whatever punishment you want to give me.

Okay, you can come down, but keep your eyes closed!

- Oliver.

- We're wasting time.

This better be good.

It's gonna be worth the wait, I promise.

Okay, now open your eyes!


- Why?

- Well, you needed a study break.

What's a better study break than a puppy party?

See, you can't think of one.

Come on, play!

Teach me how to doggy, teach me, teach me how to doggy All my b*tches love me, all my, all my b*tches love me - Teach me how to doggy, teach me - My husband's so smart.

He knows exactly how to cheer me up.

Since Officer Gladden is a state employee who has admitted her involvement in your father's death m*rder.

I've been authorized to award compensation for damages.

How much?

$10 million is the most we've ever awarded a plaintiff in a wrongful death suit, Mr.



Boiler plate.

But the headline is you waive all future claims to sue anyone involved in this case.

- Of course.

- We need time to discuss.

The FBI is probably arresting Xavier right now.

What about the Governor?

Xavier will turn on her.

'Cause he'll make a deal, get less time?

Hell no.

What are my options?

We ask for a continuance to pause the trial and take the time to investigate the Governor's involvement.

- Do that.

- That will also give the Governor more time to doctor evidence, make it go missing.

And even if you win then, there will be endless appeals.

You might not see a cent until you're an old man.

I don't care about the money.

Do you care about going to jail?

Hypothetically, if you were involved in any criminal activity related to your father's m*rder or D. A. Miller's that, too, could come out if we continue the suit.

This doesn't end until we bury Birkhead.

Channel 6 has breaking news on the wrongful death suit of Nathaniel Lahey Senior.

Prison guard Paula Gladden took the stand and confessed that she and her partner were ordered to m*rder Mr.

Lahey by Xavier Castillo.

Gladden alleged that deceased D. A. Ronald Miller tried to stop the sh**ting from happening by moving up Mr.

Lahey's transfer time You and Annalise?

Get out.

I didn't want you to hurt yourself.

Get him out.

- Bonnie.

- Get him out now.

Sir, please.

There's been no word yet whether authorities are seeking to arrest Mr. Castillo, whose father, Jorge, is in federal prison.

Sources tell us investigators have no evidence of a connection between the Castillo family and Governor Birkhead.

I'm as surprised as anyone that Xavier Castillo is involved in this case.

But as I've said all along, it's my belief that Emmett Crawford was at the heart of this conspiracy to k*ll Nathaniel Lahey Senior.

Today's events have not changed my mind.

As a partner at Caplan & Gold, Mr. Crawford had both legal and personal ties to the Castillo family You've reached the voicemail of Annalise Keating.

Please leave a message.


I know you said they wouldn't win, but I got a feeling you had something to do with this.

So, congratulations.

My sympathy for the junior Mr. Lahey notwithstanding, his insistence on my involvement is and always has been complete fiction.

I thereby accept today's turn of events as a total exoneration.

I expect the FBI will be releasing a statement saying as much very soon.

I still think she's guilty.

Even after every single one of your defenses.

- So if I was on the jury, - I would have no choice but to convict Ms. White.

There are at least 20 convincing defenses on that board.

- Not according to me.

- So you're gonna fail all of us?

I didn't say that, but I definitely don't think that anyone earned this.

Maybe I should just keep this check for myself.

Well, that was never mentioned as an option.

Well, I didn't think I would be the only one to figure out this twist in this case.

After all these years, you think that I wouldn't have a trick up my sleeve for your final exam?


Who can tell me what you all missed?



The Queen did it.

The Queen k*lled herself?

T-There's no evidence of that.

I didn't say she k*lled herself.

But she's the victim.


Is she?


- There's no body!

- Explain.

The case study, uh, it says the Dwarfs pushed the Queen off the cliff.

- But not that anyone ever found a body.

- Meaning?

She faked her death and framed Snow White.

And that's the best defense I've heard all day.

Mr. Millstone, come and get your check.


VIP Results.

Good evening.


Would you like to begin the process?


I'm ready.

Okay, let's start with deleting your hard drive.


Now what?

Collect your money, key card, and passport.

Got 'em.

Pack them and keep them close to your person at all times.


Use the back stairwell and exit the building.

A car will be waiting for you.

Get inside, and your driver will take you to a pre-arranged location.

Once you arrive, we'll call you with further instructions.