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Pretty Woman (1990)

Posted: 11/11/19 13:28
by bunniefuu
Pretty Woman (1990)

No matter what they say, it's all about money.

Imagine that you're a savings and loan officer.


One, two, three.


You've got it all, and we've got nothin'.

You have all four.

Take a look.

I wouldn't trust you with gold.

That's why this is only worth a penny.

If you wonder where the other went...


- A penny from the ear.

How much for the rest?

- Have you seen Edward?

- No.

Great party, Philip.

My wife went to a lot of trouble.

She called the caterer.

- Howard, how are you?

- Edward's taking over Morse Industries?

- He's not here to get tan.

- Can I get in on it?

- Yeah.

Just call me.

- When?


I'm Philip Stuckey, Edward Lewis's lawyer.

- Where's the guest of honour?

- I don't know.

He's probably in a corner charming a pretty lady.

How are you?

I told my secretary to make the arrangements.

Didn't she call you?

Yes, she did.

I speak to your secretary more than I speak to you.

- I see.

- I have my own life too.

This is a very important week for me.

I need you here.

You never give me any notice.

You think I'm at your beck and call.

I do not believe that you are at my beck and call.

That's the way you make me feel.

Maybe I should move out.

- If that's what you want.

- When you get back, we'll discuss it.

- Now is as good a time as any.

- That's fine with me.


Goodbye, Jessica.

- Phil suggested that I...

- Phil is just my lawyer.

How did the Morse stock open on the Nikkei?

- I don't know.

- You don't know?

Tokyo opened 90 minutes ago.

You have to keep on top of it.

- Hello, Mr.


- How you doing?

I want this done as soon as possible.

I gotta get to New York.

I got tickets to the Met.

- Your coat.

- Thank you.

- Edward.

- Susan.


- I was sorry to hear about Carter.

- Thanks.

- I heard you got married.

- Well...

Yeah, I couldn't wait for you.

- Tell me something.

- Yes.

When you and I were dating, did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?

She was one of my bridesmaids.


Your husband's a lucky guy.




- Do you?

- Absolutely.

He's leaving.

Edward's leaving.

- Excuse me.

- Sure.

Is this Mr. Stuckey's car?

- Where are you going?

- You got the keys to your car?

- What's wrong with the limo?

- The limo is buried.

Darryl can't get it out.

Please give me the keys.

I don't think you should drive.

You're excited.

Don't drive my car.

What kind of a system is this?

Can you move these cars out of here?

Look, Edward...

Are you familiar with a stick shift?

- Yeah.

- Just be ginger with it.

- It's a new car.

- I can do it.

- Give me a break, please.

- I love this car.

You don't know where you're going.

You're gonna get lost in the dark.

Beverly Hills is down the hill!


Maps here.


- What do you say, blondie?

- Hi, honey, want some fun?

- Baby, you lookin' for a date?

- Yeah, we're looking.

- Here I am.

- I'm Al.

This is my friend, Joe.

Wait a minute.

You don't seem to understand.

That's my job.

At the end of the month, I collect everybody's rent.

Now, gimme the money, or you're out of here.

Welcome to Hollywood!

Everybody that comes to Hollywood got a dream.

What's your dream?

Hey, mister!

What's your dream?

Have a good one.

- What happened?

- Some chick, she bought it over there.

Detective Albertson.

- What do you know about her?

- I don't know who she hangs with.

Come on.

We just pulled her out of a Dumpster.

Who was her pimp?

Cocaine her pimp.

She a strawberry.

She be out on these streets, day in, day out, trading her sorry self for some crack.

- And what do you do?

- I cool.

I'll bet.

Hey, excuse me.

- Are you from the press?

- No, we're from Orlando.

I don't believe this.

I got tourists photographing the body.

- Hey, Pops, Kit been in here?

- Upstairs in the poolroom.

- Yo, Viv.

- Is it all gone?

Carlos, my roommate, Vivian.

This is Angel.

I know everybody.

Is it all gone?

Carlos sold me great shit.

We had this party.

I was hostess.

I can't believe you bought dr*gs with our rent.

What's going on?

- I needed a little pick-me-up.

- We need rent money.

Calm down, chica.

She only owes me 200 more.

- Another $200?

- That was from way before.

That's right, 200.

But if you want to work off her money with me, - we can work something out.

- That's a sweet offer, but not now.

- Come downstairs.

- What are we working out?

You really like her, Carlos?

You took it while I was sleeping?

You were unavailable for consultation.

- Let's go.

- Snack.

- Besides, it's my apartment.

- I have to live there too.

You came here, I gave you money and a place to stay and some valuable vocational advice.

He was on my case.

I had to give him something, so don't irritate me.

This ain't a buffet.

Irritate you?

I just saw a girl pulled out of a Dumpster.

I know, Skinny Marie.

But she was a flake.

She was a crackhead.

Dominic tried to straighten her out.

- Don't you want to get out of here?

- Get out of where?

Where the f*ck you want to go?

Nothin' but garbage.

Excuse me.

Can you tell me how to get to Beverly Hills?

You're here.

That's Sylvester Stallone's house right there.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Hey, Rachel.

- What?

- You see the stars on the sidewalk?

- Yeah.

Well, Vivian and me, we work Bob Hope, the Ritz Brothers, we work Fred Astaire.

We work all the way to Ella Fitzgerald.

This is our turf.

We got seniority.

You better get off of our corner.

Forgive me.

I was just taking a rest.

- Besides, she's new.

- Yeah, well, I'm old.

So go rest up by Monty Hall or Esther Wilson.

- Williams.

- Esther Williams.

Back off, Kit.

You're really becoming a grouch.

- Am I really a grouch?

- Yes.

- Sometimes.

- Well, just cos I'm hungry.

- I'm gonna get something to eat.

- Hey, girls!

Hey, baby.

How about a freebie?

It's my birthday.

Dream on.

It's looking really slow tonight.

Yeah, well...

Maybe we should get a pimp, you know.

Carlos really digs you.

And then he'll run our lives and take our money.


You're right.

We say who, we say when, we say how much.

Do you think I look like Carol Channing?

I love this look.

It's very glamorous.

Glamour choice.


Catch this.

Wait a minute.

That's a Lotus Esprit.

No, that's rent.

You should go for him.

You look hot.

Don't take less than 100.

Call me when you're through.

Take care of you.

Take care of you.

Work it, baby.

Work it.

Own it.

Yes, you can handle this.

First is here somewhere.

Hey, sugar, you looking for a date?

No, Beverly Hills.

Can you give me directions?


For five bucks.

- Ridiculous.

- Price just went up to ten.

- You can't charge me for directions.

- I can do anything I want to.

I ain't lost.

All right.


All right.

You win.

I lose.

Got change for a 20?

For 20, I'll show you personal.

- Show you where the stars live.

- I've already been to Stallone's.


Down the street.

Make a right.


Lights would be good here.

- This is a hot car.

- It's a little temperamental.

- Yours?

- No, it isn't?

- Stolen?

- Not exactly.

What's your name?

What do you want it to be?


My name is Vivian.

So, what hotel you staying at?

- The Regent Beverly Wilshire.

- Down the block, right at the corner.

Man, this baby must corner like it's on rails.

Beg your pardon?

Doesn't it blow your mind?

This is only four cylinders.

You know cars.

Where's that from?

Road & Track.

Boys back home I grew up with were really into Mustangs, Corvettes.

They bought 'em, fixed them up.

I paid attention.

So, how is it you know so little about cars?

My first car was a limousine.

So, where is this...

...heavy metal home?

Milledgeville, Georgia.

I think you left your transmission back there.

You're shifting wrong.

This is a standard H.

Standard H?

Like I know what that means.

You ever driven a Lotus?

- No.

- You're gonna start right now.

- You're joking.

- It's the only way I can get you off my coat.

Fasten your seat belt.

I'm taking you for the ride of your life.

I'll show you what this car can do.

Are you ready?

Hang on.

Here we go.

This has pedals like a race car.

They're close together.

It's probably easier for a woman to drive, cos they have little feet.

Except me.

I wear a size nine.

You know your foot's as big as your arm from your elbow to your wrist?

- Did you know that?

- No, I didn't know that.

It's a little bit of trivia.

Tell me, what kind of money do you girls make these days?

- Ballpark.

- Can't take less than $100.

- Hundred dollars a night?

- For an hour.

An hour?

You make $100 an hour, and you got a safety pin holding your boot up?

- You gotta be joking.

- I never joke about money.

Neither do I.

Hundred dollars an hour.

Pretty stiff.

Well, no, but it's got potential.

Good evening.

- Will you be needing the car tonight?

- I hope not.

We're here.


So, you'll be all right?

Yeah, I'm gonna grab a cab with my 20 bucks.

Go back to your office.


My office.


Well, thanks for the ride.

- See you.

- Goodbye.

No taxis?

No, I like the bus.

I was thinking, did you really say $100 an hour?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Well, if you don't have any prior engagements, I'd be very pleased if you'd accompany me - into the hotel.

- You got it.

What is your name?

- Edward.

- That's my favourite name in the world.


I tell you what, this is fate.

That's what this is.

Why don't you put this on?

- Why?

- Well...

This hotel is not the kind of establishment that rents by the hour.


It's all right.

- Holy shit.

- You're gonna be fine.

Come with me.

And stop fidgeting.

Good evening.

- Hello.

You have messages?

- Yes, several.

Could you send up champagne and strawberries?

Of course.

Room service for Mr.

Lewis, please.

Oh, honey.

You know what's happened?

I've got a runner in my pantyhose.

I'm not wearing pantyhose.

Well, colour me happy.

There's a sofa in here for two.

First time in an elevator.

Close your mouth, dear.


Couldn't help it.



- The penthouse.

- Yes.

To the left.

I miss keys.

You impressed?

You kidding?

I come here all the time.

- They do rent this room by the hour.

- Sure.


Great view.

I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here.

I'll take your word for it.

I don't go out there.

Why don't you go out there?

- I'm afraid of heights.

- You are?

- How come you rented the penthouse?

- It's the best.

I looked for penthouses on the first floor, but I can't find one.

Well, now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?

You want to know something?

I don't have a clue.

- No?

- I hadn't exactly planned this.

Well, do you plan everything?


Yeah, me too.

I'm actually...

No, I'm not a planner.

I wouldn't say I was.

I would say I was a kind of fly by the seat of my pants gal.

You know, moment to moment.

That's me.



You know, you could pay me.

That's one way to break the ice.

Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.

I assume cash is acceptable.

Cash works for me.

You're on my fax.

Well, that's one I haven't been on before.

Very cute.

Thank you.

All right, here we go.

Pick one.

I got red, green, yellow.

I'm out of purple, but I do have one gold circle coin left.

The condom of champions, the one and only.

Nothing is getting through this sucker.

What do you say?

- A buffet of safety.

- I'm a safety girl.

- Let's get one of these on you.

- No.


Why don't we talk for a little bit.


Yeah, OK.

Edward, are you in town on business or pleasure?

- Business, I think.

- Business, you think.


Let me guess.

That would make you...

- ...a lawyer.

- A lawyer?

What makes you think I'm a lawyer?

You've got that sharp useless look about you.

I bet you've known a lot of lawyers.

I've known a lot of everybody.

What is that?


Well, might as well make myself useful.

Take a load off.

- Good evening.

- Hi.

Where would you like it?

- Where would we like it?

- Over by the bar.

- Excuse me.

- It'll be on your bill.

Thank you.

What are you looking at?

- What is he looking at?

- Yes.

Here you go.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, sir.

Have a nice night.



- I missed that one.

- Don't worry about it.

- You mind if I take my boots off?

- Not at all.

So, do you have a wife?


- I have both.

- Where are they?

Shopping together?

My ex-wife is now in Long Island, in my ex-home with my ex-dog.

There you go.

My ex-girlfriend, Jessica, is in New York, moving out of my apartment even as we speak.

- You should try a strawberry.

- Why?

It brings out the flavour in the champagne.


Pretty good.

- Don't you drink?

- No.

Listen, I appreciate this whole seduction scene you got going, but let me give you a tip.

I'm a sure thing, OK?

I'm on an hourly rate.

Can we move it along?

I'm sensing that this time problem is a major issue with you.

- Why don't we get through that now?

- Let's get started.

How much for the entire night?

Stay here?

- You couldn't afford it.

- Try me.

- Three hundred dollars.

- Done.

Thank you.

Now we can relax.

I'll be out in a minute.

That champagne got to me.

- What did you say?

- I said I'd be out in just a minute.

What do you have?

What are you hiding?


All right, I do not want any dr*gs here.

I don't want this.

Get your money and please leave.

I don't do dr*gs.

I stopped doing dr*gs when I was 14.

What is this?

- This is dental floss.

- Yeah?


I had all those strawberry seeds.

And you shouldn't neglect your gums.

I'm sorry.

Please, continue.

Thank you.

Are you gonna watch?

No, I'm going.

Thank you.

It's just that very few...

people surprise me.

You're lucky.

Most of them shock the hell out of me.

- You're watching.

- I'm going.

Yes, that may be true, Vance.

I still need the numbers on Morse Industries.

I've got them from London.

I need Tokyo.

I'll call down and get them when I want them.

Thank you very much.

I have a little carpet picnic here.

You don't want a drink?

I'm high on life.

Can't you tell?

You know, I never saw this episode.

What do you want?

- What do you do?

- Everything.

But I don't kiss on the mouth.

Neither do I.

- How you doing?

- Good, thank you.

- Good morning.

- Mr.


- Good morning.

- Good morning, sir.

- Morning, Mr.


- Morning, Marjorie.

Morse is going to fight.

It's to be expected.

He's run his company for a long time.

He's not ready to have his name taken off the stationery.

He wants to meet you face-to-face.

- OK.

- I wouldn't do it.

You wouldn't.

Do it anyhow.



Set it up.

Oh, it's really not a good idea that you see him, definitely not alone.

He's a feisty old guy.

We say the wrong thing, we could wind up in court.

There's always a possibility things'll go wrong.

That's why I enjoy this so much.

- By the way, Phil, about your car...

- Oh, God, what?

- It corners like it's on rails.

- What?

What does that mean?


Well, good morning.



You didn't wake me.

I can see you're really busy.

- I'll be out in a minute.

- There's no hurry.

Are you hungry?

You must be.

Why don't you sit and have something to eat?


...took the liberty of ordering everything.

I didn't know what you'd like.

- Thanks.

- All right?


- Did you sleep well?

- Yeah.

Too good.

- Forgot where I was.

- Occupational hazard?


Did you sleep?

Yes, a little on the couch.

I was working last night.

You don't sleep, you don't do dr*gs, you don't drink.

You hardly eat.

What do you do, Edward?

- Cos I know you're not a lawyer.

- That's right.

There are four other chairs here.

- So, what do you do?

- I buy companies.

What kind of companies?

Well, I buy companies that are in financial difficulty.

If they have problems, you must get a bargain.

Well, the company I'm buying this week I'm getting for the bargain price of about one billion.

- A billion dollars?

- Yes.


You must be really smart, huh?

I only got through eleventh grade.

How far did you go in school?

I went all the way.

Your folks must be really proud.

So, you don't actually have a billion dollars?

No, I get some of it from banks, investors.

It's not an easy thing to do.

You don't make anything and you don't build anything?

- What do you do with the companies?

- I sell them.

Let me do that.

You sell them?

Well, I don't sell the whole company.

I break it into pieces and sell that.

- If it's worth more than the whole.

- So, it's like...

...stealing cars and selling them for the parts?

Yeah, sort of.

But legal.


Now it's perfect.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

Where'd you learn to do that?

Well, I screwed the debate team in high school.

I had a grandpa.

He was nice to me.

He liked ties on Sundays.

Mind if I take a swim in your tub before I go?

Not at all.

Just stay in the shallow end.

- Hello?

- It's Phil.

I wanted to let you know - Morse is set for tonight.

- That's good.

He's bringing his grandson.

He's grooming him to take over.

Oh, yes.

A very intense young man named David.

- Plays polo.

- Look, I gotta say this again.

I don't like you going alone.

I just think it would be better if you went with a date.

Keep it social.


Did you hear me?

- Yes, I'm here.

- What is that?

Housekeeping is singing.

- I know a lot of nice girls.

- No, you don't.

Besides, I already have one.

You just concentrate on finding out what Morse is up to.

I'm on my way.

Yeah, baby.

Don't you just love Prince?

- More than life itself.

- Don't you knock?

I have a business proposition for you.

- What do you want?

- I'm gonna be in town until Sunday.

I'd like you to spend the week with me.

- Really?

- Yes.

Yes, I'd like to hire you as an employee.

Would you consider spending the week with me?

I will pay you to be at my beck and call.

I'd love to be your "beck and call" girl, but...'re a rich, good-looking guy.

You could get a million girls free.

I want a professional.

I don't need any romantic hassles this week.

If you're talking 24 hours a day, it's gonna cost you.


Yes, of course.

All right.

Here we go.

Give me a ballpark figure.

How much?

Six full nights.

Days too.

Four thousand.

Six nights at 300 is 1800.

You want days too.

- Two thousand.

- Three thousand.

- Done.

- Holy shit!

Is that a yes?


I'll be gone most of the day.

I want you to buy some clothes.

You should get travellers' cheques.

We may be going out.

You'll need something to wear.

- Like what?

- Nothing too flashy.

Not too sexy.


You understand?

- Boring.

- Elegant.

- Any questions?

- Can I call you Eddie?

Not if you expect me to answer.

I would've stayed for two thousand.

I would've paid four.

I'll see you tonight.

Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna want to let me go.

Three thousand for six days.

And, Vivian, I will let you go.

But I'm here now.

Three thousand dollars!

- Hello.

- I called and called.

- Where were you last night?

- Ma?

- It's Viv.

- Oh, hi.

- I had to party.

Where are you?

- Are you ready for this?

The guy?

The Lotus?

I am in his hotel room in Beverly Hills, the penthouse.

His bathroom is bigger than the Blue Banana.

- Do I have to hear this?

- He wants me to stay the whole week.

And you know what he's gonna give me?

You'll never guess.

- Three thousand dollars.

- Bullshit!

I swear to God, and extra money to buy clothes.

Oh, man, I am bummed!

I gave that guy to you!

Three thousand.


Is he twisted?

- No.

- Ugly?

- He's good-looking.

- What's wrong?

- Nothing.

- Did he give you the money?

- The end of the week.

- That's what's wrong.

Well, he gave me 300 for last night, and...

...I'm gonna leave some at the front desk for you.

I'm at the Regent Beverly Wilshire.

Write it down.

Are you writing it down?

You'll forget it.

Write it down.



Wil." One more thing.

Where do I go for the clothes?

Good stuff.

- In Beverly Hills?

- Yeah.

Rodeo Drive, baby.

- Hi.

- Yes, ma'am.

May I help you?

I'm gonna leave this here for Kit De Luca.

She's gonna pick it up.

- Don't open that.

- No, ma'am.

- Miss Wilson, do you know her?

- No, sir.

- May I help you?

- I'm just checking things out.

Are you looking for something particular?


Well, yeah.

Something conservative.


- You got nice stuff.

- Thank you.

- How much is this?

- I don't think this would fit you.


I didn't ask if it would fit.

I asked how much it was.

How much is this, Marie?

It's very expensive.

It's very expensive.

Look, I got money to spend in here.

I don't think we have anything for you.

You're obviously in the wrong place.

Please leave.

Tiffany's taking the corner space.

We're very excited about the whole thing.

Do you realise Via Rodeo is the first new street in Beverly Hills in 75 years?

- Excuse me.

May I help you?

- I'm going to my room.

- Do you have a key?

- I forgot that cardboard thing.

- I'm on the top floor.

- You're a guest here?

- I'm with a friend.

- Who would that be?

- He knows me.

- Dennis.

Did you just come off the night shift?

- Yes, sir.

- Do you know this young lady?

She's with Mr.


That's it.

Edward Lewis.


- Evidently she joined him last night.

- Thank you.

Oh, God, what now?


- What is with everybody today?

- Come with me and have a chat.

- I'm coming.

- Thank you.

- What is your name, miss?

- What do you want it to be?

Don't play with me, young lady.

- Vivian.

- Thank you.

Well, Miss Vivian, things that go on in other hotels don't happen at the Regent Beverly Wilshire.


Lewis, however, is a very special customer, and we like to think of our special customers as friends.

As a customer, we would expect Mr.

Lewis to sign in any additional guests, but as a friend, we're willing to overlook it.

Now, I'm assuming that you're a...


- Yes.

- I thought so.

Then you must be his...

- Niece?

- Of course.

Naturally, when Mr. Lewis leaves, I won't see you in this hotel again.

I assume you have no other uncles here?

Then we understand each other.

I encourage you to dress more appropriately.

- That will be all.

- That's what I was trying to do.

I tried to go get a dress on Rodeo Drive today, and the women wouldn't help me.

I have all this money, and no dress.

Not that I expect your help, but I have this.

I have to buy a dress for dinner tonight.

And nobody will help me.

Oh, man, if you are calling the cops...

Yeah, call the cops.


Tell them I said hi.

Women's clothing.

Bridget, please.


This is Barnard Thompson here at the Regent Beverly Wil...

Thank you.

Yes, but I'd like you to do a favour for me, please.

I'm sending someone over.

Her name is Vivian.

She's a special guest.

She's the niece of a very special guest.

This is the jewel in Morse's crown.

Prime industrial property straddling Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Possibilities are endless.

Most of the yard we'll just level.

- I just got the information.

- We just got the Morse update.

Don, can you hold the projection, please?




Morse just got the inside track on a $350 million contract to build destroyers for the Navy.

Navy contract.

I can't believe this.

I thought you said they had nothing in the hopper.

- I thought they didn't.

- That could cost a lot more.

- Stocks could go through the roof.

- No shit, Sherlock.

Maybe we're lucky to get this information now.

- We can still walk away.

- Walk away?

We got a thousand man-hours on this.

Nobody's walking away.

- I think he's right.

- I don't want to hear it!

Gentlemen, relax.

Who do we know on the Senate Appropriations Committee?

- Senator Adams.

- Find out where he is.

The Navy's not going to spend $350 million on anything without going to Appropriations.

I don't understand what's going on today.

That's why I hired you, to do my worrying for me.

I'll be in your office.

Bob, send over the geologicals.

- No problem.

- Thank you.

Everything all set for the meeting tonight?

Who is this girl you're going with?

Nobody you know.

Edward Lewis Enterprises.

Phil Stuckey.

Yes, I have him right here.

Don't worry, Mrs.


I'll call you when it comes in.

- Thank you.

- Have a nice day.


You must be Vivian.

My name's Bridget.

Yeah, hi.

Barney said you'd be nice to me.

He's very sweet.

What are your plans while you're in town?

- I'm gonna have dinner.

- Don't sit there, dear.

You're gonna go out?


Well, you'll need a cocktail dress, then.

Come with me.

I'm sure we'll find something that your uncle would love.

- You're a size six, right?

- Yeah.

- How'd you know that?

- That's my job.

- Bridge, he's not really my uncle.

- They never are, dear.


Sorry, mister.

- I got a dress.

- I'd rather hoped you'd be wearing it.

I didn't want to mess it up.

I got shoes.

Wanna see?

No, I'm sure they're quite lovely.

Thank you.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

Bridget was great, and I wanted to say thanks.

- You're cool.

- You're welcome, Miss Vivian.

- Hello.

- Never, ever pick up the phone.

- Why are you calling me?

- Did you buy clothes today?

- I got a dress, a cocktail one.

- That's good.

I'll be in the hotel lobby - You're not coming to the door?

- This isn't a date.

It's business.

- Where are you taking me?

- I'm taking you to a restaurant called the Voltaire.

- Very elegant.

- All right.

I'll meet you in the lobby cos you're paying me to.

Thank you very much.

Get her back for me, please.

Mr. Stuckey wanted to see you.

Yes, tell him I'm in the middle of an important phone call.

- Hello.

- I told you not to pick up the phone.

Then stop calling me.



- It didn't fit.

- Oh, no.

I've got a little problem.

All right, one more time.

Dinner napkin.

Dinner napkin, laid gently in the lap.


Elbows off the table.

Don't slouch.

Shrimp fork.

Salad fork.

Dinner fork.

I have the salad fork.

The rest of the silverware is a little confusing.

If you get nervous, just count the tines.

Four tines, dinner fork.

And sometimes there are three tines.

The salad fork.

And sometimes...

Pardon me, Mr. Lewis.

I'm Mr. Thompson, the manager of the hotel.

- Excuse me.

I want to make one call.

- I have a message for you.

- From who?

- From your niece, sir.

My what?

The young lady who's staying with you, sir.

- We both know she's not my niece.

- Of course.

The reason I know that is that I am an only child.

Yes, sir.

- What's the message?

- She's waiting in the lounge.

Intriguing young lady, Miss Vivian.

- Intriguing.

- Have a good evening, sir.

- Thank you, Mr...

- Thompson.

I'm the...

...manager of the hotel, sir.

You're late.

You're stunning.

You're forgiven.

Shall we go to dinner?

This way, Mr.


Your party's waiting.

Stop fidgeting.

- Mr. Morse.

- Yes, Mr. Lewis.

I'm Jim Morse.

This fireball is my grandson, David.

I don't know about fireball, but grandson's true enough.

I'm pleased to meet you.

This is Vivian Ward.

- Hi.

I'm really glad to meet you.

- Mr.



Please sit.

Excuse me.

Where are you going?

I'm going to the ladies' room.

- Upstairs, to the right.

- OK.

Excuse me.

- Shall I order for you?

- Yeah.

Please do so.

Thank you.

I'll do that.

My grandfather believes the men who create a company should control its destiny.

Where's the salad?

The salad comes at the end of the meal.

But that's the fork I know.

Let me put it another way.

Between your public statements and the rumours flying around, it's hard to figure out what your intentions are.

I don't know about you, I've never been able to figure which goes with what.

There was a time when we built ships the size of cities.

Men like my grandfather made this country.

- Who ordered this?

- The gentleman did.

- Bon appetit.

- These are escargot.

It's French for snails.

It's a delicacy.

Try it.

If you were to get control, and I don't think you will, but if you did, what do you plan to do with the company?

Break it up and sell off the pieces.

I'm sure you'll understand I'm not thrilled at the idea of your turning 40 years of my work into your garage sale.

At the price I'm paying for this stock, - you are going to be a very rich man.

- I'm rich enough.

I just want to have my shipyard.

Slippery little suckers.

It happens all the time.

I met your father.

What's his name?

- Carter.

- Yeah, Carter Lewis.

He's not quite the bastard everybody says he is.

- No, I have the franchise on that.

- Does that make him proud?

I doubt it.

It doesn't really matter now.

He passed away.

I hadn't heard.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.


Morse, you asked for this meeting.

- What can I do for you?

- Leave my company alone.

I can't do that.

I own ten million shares.

- I'll buy your stock back.

- You don't have money.

We're getting a contract to build ten destroyers.

There will be no contract.

It is buried in Appropriations Committee.

- It will remain there.

- How did you pull that?

What do you got...

You got dirty politicians in your pockets now?


Calm down, David.


Lewis plays hardball.

Yes, I do.

I've heard enough.

Vivian, it was a pleasure.

I'm sorry, Grandfather.

I've got to get some air.



I'd better join my grandson.

You two enjoy your dinner.

I'm sure it will be delicious.

Good luck, miss.

Watch out, Lewis.

I'm gonna tear you apart.

I look forward to it, sir.

You said you never come out here.

Well, I'm only halfway out.

You didn't say much in the car on the way home.

You thinking about dinner?

I was a maniac.

I mean, the business was good, I think.

He's in trouble.

You want his company.

He doesn't want to let it go.

Thanks for the recap.

Problem is, I think you like Mr.


What I would like is for you to get down.

- Come down.

- It's making you nervous?

What if I just lean back like this?

Would you rescue me if I fell?

I'm serious.

I'm not looking.

It's really high.

Look, no hands.


All right, I'm sorry.

The truth is, it really is totally irrelevant whether I like this man or not.

I will not let myself become emotionally involved in business.

I know.

Kit's always saying to me, "Don't get emotional when you turn tricks." That's why no kissing.

It's too personal.

Like what you're saying.

Stay numb, don't get involved.

When I'm with a guy, I'm like a robot.

I just do it.

I mean... except with you.

Of course, not with me.

You and I are such similar creatures.

We both screw people for money.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

- When did he die?

- Last month.

Do you miss him?

I hadn't spoken to him in 14 and a half years.

I wasn't there when he died.

- Do you want to talk about this?

- No.

Well, I'll tell you what.

Cos I got an idea.

Let's watch old movies all night.

We'll just veg out in front of the TV.

- "Veg out"?

- Yeah.

Be still like vegetables.

Lay like broccoli.

I'll tell you what.

I'll be back.

We'll do broccoli tomorrow.

- Where are you going?

- Downstairs for awhile.

Did you say marriage license?

Don't change the subject.

Just give me the stamp.

I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter, Brian, whatever your name is.

Oh, I love you.


I'm in the penthouse.

The guy that was here...

Mr. Lewis?

Have you seen him down there anywhere?

Thank you very much.

I didn't know you played.

I only play for strangers.

I was getting lonely upstairs, all by myself.


Would you mind leaving us, please?

Thank you.

People always do what you tell them to do?

I guess so.

Wake up.

Time to shop.

If you have any trouble using this card, have them call the hotel.

All right?

More shopping?

I'm surprised you didn't buy more than one dress yesterday.

- It wasn't as much fun as I thought.

- Why not?

They were mean to me.

Mean to you?

People are looking at me.

They're not looking at you.

They're looking at me.

The stores are not nice to people.

I don't like it.

Stores are never nice to people.

They're nice to credit cards.


Stop fidgeting.

Get rid of your gum.

I don't believe you did that.

I am Mr.

Hollister, the manager.

May I help you?

- Edward Lewis.

- Yes, sir.

- You see this young lady over there?

- Yes.

Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?

Oh, yes.

Oh, no.

We have many things as beautiful as she...

...would want them to be.

That's the point.

- I think we can all agree with that.

- You know what we're gonna need?

We're gonna need more people helping us.

I'll tell you why.

We are going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here.

We need more help sucking up to us, Cos that's what we really like.

Sir, if I may say so, you're in the right store, and the right city.

Anything you see here we can do.

- Get ready to have fun.

- OK.

Mary Pat, Mary Kate, Mary Francis, let's see it.

This is absolutely divine.

Excuse me, sir.

Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about?

Profane, or really offensive?

- Really offensive.

- I like him so much.

Mr. Lewis, sir.

How's it going so far?

- Pretty well, I think.

- I think we need some major sucking up.

Very well, sir.

You're a handsome and powerful man.

I could see you were someone to reckon with...

- Hollister?

- Yes, sir?

Not me.


I'm sorry, sir.

How are we doing, ladies?

Edward, where are you?

The word's all over the street.

- Morse is gonna raise your offer.

- He's countering?

God, he is a tough old bird.

Contracts are stalled.

Where's he getting money?

I think he's throwing in with the employees.

He needs someone to underwrite the paper.

Find out who.

I'll be in in an hour.

- OK.

You got it.

- You're on your own.

I have to go back to work.

You look great.

- She has my card.

- And we'll help her use it, sir.

- Edward would love that tie.

- Give her the tie.

- Give her the tie.

- The tie.

- He wants to do this.

- He would go crazy for this.

Who ordered pizza?

- May I help you?

- Hi.

Do you remember me?

- No, I'm sorry.

- I was in here yesterday.

You wouldn't wait on me.

You work on commission, right?


Big mistake.



I have to go shopping now.

Thank you.

- Mr.


- Gentlemen.

Let's finish this afternoon.

Jake, set something up with Blair.

You were right.

He mortgaged everything he owns, down to his underwear, to secure a loan from the bank.

And not just any bank.

Plymouth Trust.

It goes without saying, your business means more to them than Morse.

All you gotta do is call the bank.


Excuse me for saying this, but what is wrong with you this week?

Are you giving Morse a chance to get away?

You know what I used to love when I was a kid, Phil?



Building blocks.

Erector Sets.

So, I liked Monopoly.

Boardwalk, Park Place...

- What's the point?

- We don't build anything.

We don't make anything.

We make money, Edward.

We worked for a year on this.

It's what you said you wanted.

I'm handing it to you.

Morse's jugular is exposed.

It's time for the k*ll.

Let's finish this.

Call the bank.

How was your day, dear?

Nice tie.

I got it for you.

Well, my mother was a music teacher...

...and married my father, whose family was extremely wealthy.

Then he divorced my mother to be with another woman.

And he took his money with him.

And then she died.

I was very angry with him.

It cost me $10,000 in therapy to say that sentence: "I was very angry with him." I do it well, don't I?

I'll say it again.

I was angry.

Hello, my name is Mr. Lewis.

I am very angry with my father.

I would've been angry at the $10,000.

My father was president of the third company I ever took over.

I bought it.

I sold it off, piece by piece.

What did the shrink say?

Said I was cured.

Well, so you got even.

That must've made you happy.

Did I mention my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe?

So basically, we're talking about wrapped around you for the bargain price...

- ...of $3,000.

- $3,000.


Garbers of the Falcons passes to Keenan.

This is Phil Fricker giving you play-by-play of this charity event.

Watch where you walk.

If you step in something, we're not going back.

And not near the tree.

I don't like the ants.


Have you seen Edward anywhere?

What if someone recognizes me?

They don't spend time on Hollywood Boulevard.

- You did.

- Come on.

Let go.

All right.

You look great.

You look like a lady.

We're gonna have a wonderful time.

OK, don't fidget.

And smile.

...coming around the side.

Penalty on that play.

This is Gwen and Gretchen, the infamous Olsen sisters, who have made marrying well an art form.

- Edward.

- Wait just a sec.

So, you're the flavour of the month.

She's just being testy.

Edward's our most eligible bachelor.

- Everybody is trying to land him.

- I'm not trying to.

I'm just using him for sex.

Well done.

Well done!

Tell me again why we're here.

- Business.

- Business mingling?


That's the chukker, ladies and gentlemen.

Falcons 7, Gems 4.

Excuse me.



Over here.

- Good to see you.

- I want you to meet a friend.

- Vivian Ward.

- Hi.

Philip Stuckey.

This is my wife, Elizabeth.

It's always a pleasure meeting one of Edward's girls.

Oh, my God.

It's Tate Whitley Wallington.


It's me, Elizabeth, from Workout World.

She's a bit of an aerobics queen.

Feel the burn.

Let me get you a drink.

Why don't you start with that?

I'll be back.

By the way, Senator Adams is here.

I asked him.

That is why I have pledged my eternal love to you.

Real genuine guy.

Who is he?

He's my lawyer.

He's all right.

You could freeze ice on his wife's arse.

We'll try that later.

- Are these people your friends?

- I spend time with them, yeah.

Well, no wonder.

No wonder what?

No wonder why you came looking for me.

I need help from you ladies and gentlemen in the audience.

We need help replacing some divots here on the grass.

So, come on out now.

Come on, folks.

You heard her.

The stomping of the divots.

This is a time-honoured tradition.

As old as the game of polo itself.

Kings and queens used to do this.

She's sweet, Edward.

Wherever did you find her?

Only one word of advice.

Avoid the steaming divot.

It's all part of the game of polo.

Your shoes are polished by a member of the club.

I've got something that'll buff that up.

Thank you.

- Hi, David Morse.

- Excuse me.

- David.

- How are you?

- I'm OK.

- I thought that was you.

- I like this hat.

- It's new.

It's nice.

- Come meet my horse.

- Edward's waiting.

I don't want to...

- He's right here.

- OK, just for a second.

I didn't know you were playing.

I was asking for directions.

So, you just ran into her?

That's great.

So, what does she do?

Does she work?

- She's in sales.

- That's terrific.

That's good.

What does she sell?

Why do you want to know?

Just hear me out on this, OK?

I've known you a long time.

I see some differences in you this week, like the tie...

I'm wondering if this girl is the difference.

Especially when I see her talking to David Morse.

I introduced them the other night.

So now they're best friends?

This girl appears from nowhere.

Now she's talking to this guy.

That's a little convenient, don't you think?

How do you know she hasn't attached herself to you and is bringing information to Morse?

This happens.

Industrial espionage.

Listen to me.

She's not a spy.

She is a hooker.

She is a hooker.

I picked her up on Hollywood Boulevard.

In your car.


You're the only millionaire I've heard of who goes looking for a bargain-basement streetwalker.

I'm sorry I told you.

Senator Adams, I'm pleased you could make it.

I hope the information I gave you was helpful.


There's no change in it, is there?

No, it's still bogged down.

- Having a nice time?

- Yeah, I'm having a great time.

Must be quite a change from Hollywood Boulevard.


Edward told me.

Don't worry.

Your secret is safe with me.

Listen, maybe... and I could get together sometime after Edward leaves.

Yeah, sure.

Why not?

We'll just have to do that.

I'd like to mention our sponsors, Jacobs Distributors, Norell Saddlery, and we'd like to give a big thanks to our platinum sponsor, Edward Lewis Enterprises.

The ball is in for chukker number four.

- You all right?

- I'm fine.


That's good.

Seven "fines" since we left the match.

Could I have another word, please?


There's a word.

I think I liked "fine" better.

Just tell me one thing.

Why'd you make me get all dressed up?

For one thing, the clothing was appropriate.


What I mean is, if you were gonna tell everybody I'm a hooker, - why didn't you let me wear my clothes?

- I did not...

In my own clothes, when someone like Stuckey comes up to me, I can handle it, I'm prepared.

I'm very sorry.

I'm not happy with Stuckey at all for saying that or doing that.

But he is my attorney.

I've known him for ten years.

He thought you were an industrial spy.

The guy's paranoid.

Are you my pimp now?

You think you can pass me around your friends?

I'm not some toy.

You're not my toy.

I know you're not...

I'm speaking to you.

Come back here.

I hate to point out the obvious, but you are a hooker.

- You are my employee.

- You don't own me.

I decide.

I say who, I say when, I say who!

I refuse to spend the next three days fighting with you.

I said I was sorry.

That's the end of it.

I'm sorry I ever met you.

I'm sorry I ever got into your stupid car.

As if you had so many more appealing options.

I've never had anyone make me feel as cheap as you did today.

Somehow I find that very hard to believe.

Where are you going?

I want my money.

I want to get out of here.

Come on.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't prepared to answer questions about us.

That was stupid and cruel.

I didn't mean it.

I don't want you to go.

Will you stay the week?


I saw you talking to David Morse.

I didn't like it.

We were just talking.

I didn't like it.


You hurt me.


Don't do it again.

The first guy I ever loved was a total nothing.

The second was worse.

My mom called me a "bum magnet".

If there was a bum within 50 miles, I was completely attracted to him.

That's how I ended up here.

I followed bum number three.

So, here I was.

No money, no friends.

No bum.

And you chose this as your profession?

I worked at a couple of fast-food places.

Parked cars at wrestling.

I couldn't make the rent.

I was too ashamed to go home.

That's when I met Kit.

She was a hooker and made it sound so great.

So one day I did it.

And I cried the whole time.

But then I got some regulars, and...

You know, it's not like anybody plans this.

It's not...

...your childhood dream.

You could be so much more.

People put you down enough, you start to believe it.

I think you are very bright.

A very special woman.

The bad stuff is easier to believe.

You ever notice that?

I don't want to talk to him.

I'll call him Monday.

- Did he sign this?

- No, he has to leave.

- You can't disappear.

We're too deep.

- Don't panic.

Morse isn't going anywhere.

I'll be back.

Did you send the tickets to the hotel?

- Where are you going?

- I have a date.

With the hooker?

Be careful, Philip.

Do I look OK?

Something's missing.

Well, nothin' else is gonna fit into this dress.

Maybe something in this box.

I don't want you to get too excited.

It's only on loan.

They let you borrow this from the jewellery store?

I'm a very good customer.

If you buy this, how much would it cost?

A quarter of a million.

A quarter of a million dollars?

So where are we going?

It's a surprise.

If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.

Thank you.

When you're not fidgeting, you look beautiful.

And very tall.

You want to go to San Francisco this evening?

I've never been on a plane.

- How'd you get to LA?

- Bus.

Well, it should be a pretty smooth flight.

The weather's clear to San Francisco.

We should be there in about 50 minutes.

- We're late.

- No, it's all right.

- Opening night never starts on time.

- OK.

- Programme, sir.

- Thank you.

Right this way.

- Doris.

Nice to see you.

- How are you, Edward?

- Sir.

- Evening.

- Congratulations.

- Come here and look.

It's all right.

I've already seen it.

If you're afraid, why do you sit up here?

Because they're the best.

- Is there anything else?

- No, thank you.

The glasses are there.

Enjoy the opera.

So, you said this is in Italian.

How am I gonna know what they're saying?

These are broken.

- Mine are broken.

- That's OK.

It's all right.

You'll know.

You'll understand.

The music's very powerful.

There's a band.

People's reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic.

They either love it or they hate it.

If they love it, they will always love it.

If they don't...

...they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul.


Did you enjoy the opera, dear?

Oh, it was so good I almost peed my pants.


She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.

I moved the queen.

I like the queen.

You can't move the queen.

Do you really want to do that?

Why don't we finish this tomorrow?

I have to work.

Why don't you not go to work tomorrow?

Take the day off.

Me not work?


I do own the company.

Here are the storage reports you wanted.

And Mr. Lewis called.

What'd he say?

He said he's taking the day off.

- He's taking the day off?

- That's what he said.

I'm starving.

There's a Snap Dog vendor.

Do you have any money?

I have money.

I don't know what a Snap Dog is.

I'm gonna...

You'll buy a Snap Dog.

We'll cop a squat under a tree somewhere.

- Cop a what?

- Cop a squat.

All right, read the first two pages.


I was talking to someone.

He sleeps.

I love you.

What are you thinking about, sitting by yourself?

The fact that this will be our last night together.

Then you'll finally be rid of me.

Well, you've been pretty tough to take.

My business is almost over, so I'll be going to New York.

I'd really like to see you again.

- You would?

- Yes.

Yes, I would.

I've arranged for you to have an apartment, have a car, have a wide variety of stores that'll suck up to you anytime you want to go shopping.

Everything's done.

What else?

You gonna leave some money by the bed when you pass through?

It really wouldn't be like that.

How would it be?

For one thing, it'd get you off the streets.

That's just geography.

What is it you want?

- What do you see happening between us?

- I don't know.

When I was a little girl, my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often.

And I would...

I would pretend I was a princess, trapped in a tower by a wicked queen.

And then, suddenly, this knight on a white horse, with these colours flying, would come charging up and draw his sword, and I would wave.

And he would climb up the tower and rescue me.

But never, in all the time...

...that I had this dream did the knight say to me, "Come on, baby.

I'll put you up in a great condo".

- Yes.

- I had to call.

I just got off the phone with Morse.

Get this.

He wants to meet with you.


- Why?

- He wouldn't say.

We got him.

His nuts are on the block.

We got him.

He's really caving in.

I want him to commit his stocks to us this afternoon.

It's no good.

If he's really caving in, I don't want to wait.

Have Morse meet me downtown this morning.


I have to go now.

I want you to understand.

I heard everything you said.

This is all I'm capable of right now.

It's a very big step for me.

I know.

It's a really good offer for a girl like me.

I've never treated you like a prost*tute.

You just did.

Yes, Barnard Thompson here, Miss Vivian.

Could you come to the front desk?

There's someone here who wants to speak to you.

- Her name is Miss De Luca.

- Let me talk to her.

Let me just talk to her.

Yo, babe, would you come down here?

The sphincter police won't let me through.

- OK.

She's on her way.

- Fine.

- Mr.


- Yes.

The window washer is refusing to come down.

It's a Saturday.

Wait here, please.

Watch her.

Yes, sir.

Fifty bucks, grandpa.

For 75, the wife can watch.

I've been calling you.

Yeah, they told me at the Banana.

- You were supposed to come Tuesday.

- I was hiding from Carlos.

If you picked up the money, you wouldn't have to.

I was busy.

I had a life.

Nino got beat up.

I had to visit him in the hospital.

Rachel got arrested.

Anyway, I got the money.

Thank you for saving my arse.

Now Carlos can get off it.

He was talking about you last night.

He'd bust something if he saw you in this outfit.

I was afraid to hug you.

I might wrinkle you.

You look really good.

No, something with shade.

You clean up real nice.

You sure don't fit in on the boulevard, not that you ever did.

Well, thanks.

It's easy to clean up when you got money.


- So, when does he leave?

- Tomorrow.

- You get to keep the clothes?

- Yeah.

Edward asked me if I wanted to see him again.

But I think, definitely no.

I mean, it's just another week, right?

Definitely no?


Oh, no.


- I know this weepy look on your face.

- No, you don't.

- You fell in love with him.

- No.

Please stop it.

You've fallen in love with him?

Did you kiss him?

On the mouth?

- Yeah, I did.

- You kissed him on the mouth?

- It was nice.

- You fall in love and kiss him?

- Did I not teach you anything?

- I'm not stupid, OK?

I'm not in love with him.

I just...

I like him.

- You like him?

- Yeah.

You definitely like him?

Well, he's not a bum.

He's a rich, classy guy.

Who's gonna break my heart, right?

Oh, no.

Come on.

You don't know that.

Hey, he asked you, right?

Maybe you guys could like... know, get a house and buy some diamonds and a horse.

I don't know.

Anyway... could work.

It happens.

When does it happen?


Who does it really work out for?

Did it work out for Skinny Marie or Rachel?

Those were very specific cases of crackheads.

I just want to know who it works out for.

Give me one example of someone we know - that it happened for.

- Name someone?

- Like, give you a name?

- Yeah, I'd like a name.

God, the pressure of a name.


Mr. Morse, you said you wished to speak to Mr. Lewis.

Mr. Lewis is listening.

I've reconsidered my position on your acquisition offer.

On one condition: I'm not so concerned about me, but...

...the people who work for me.

No problem.

They'll be taken care of.

Now, if we could address ourselves - to the contracts in front of you...

- Excuse me.

Gentlemen, I'd like to speak to Mr. Morse alone.

Thank you.

You heard the man.

Please wait outside.

You too, Phil.

What do you mean?

I mean, I would like to speak to Mr. Morse alone.

- Why does he get to stay?

- Please.


I'll be right outside.


- Is that better?

- It's all right.

- Would you like a cup of coffee?

- Black.

Mr. Morse... interests in your company have changed.

What is it you're after now?

Well, I no longer wish to buy your company and take it apart.

I don't want anyone else to either.

And it is still extremely vulnerable.

So I find myself in unfamiliar territory.

I want to help you.


I think we can do something very special with your company.

What about our Navy contracts?

They weren't dead.

Just delayed.

I bluffed a little bit.

- You're very good at it.

- Thank you very much.

It's my job.

I think we can leave the details up to the others.

I find this hard to say without sounding condescending, but...

...I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

I think we can let in the other suits now.

Let's continue the meeting.

Come in, gentlemen.

Sit down.

Please, what was this all about?

It's all yours.

Finish it up.

Hold it.

These aren't signed.

Can someone please tell me what the f*ck is going on?

Mr. Lewis and I are going to build ships together.

Great big ships.

I think I'm going to go for a walk.

Just stay here awhile.

Yes, sir.

Well, well.

Hello again.

I'm looking for Edward.

Edward's not here.

I thought he was with you.


Edward is definitely not "with me".


If Edward were with me...

When, actually...

When Edward was with me, he didn't blow off billion-dollar deals.

I think that Edward's with you, that's what I think.

- Mind if I have a drink?

- No.

No, thank you.


I'll just wait.

Edward will be back soon.

Any minute, he'll be home.

You know...

...this is not home.

This is a hotel room.

And you are not...

...the little woman.

You're a hooker.

Maybe you're a very good hooker.

Maybe if I do you, then I wouldn't care about losing millions of dollars.

Because I have to be very honest with you right now.

Right now, I really do care.

I really do.

And right now, I am really pissed, you know?

Right now I am just freaking out.

So maybe if I screw you...

...and take you to the opera, then I can be happy.


Get off me!

g*dd*mn it!

- Come on!

I'm gonna...

- Get off me!

- Is this 20 bucks?

30 bucks?

- Get off me!

- You a fifty-dollar whore?

- What are you doing?

Get off!

You want to hurt me?

You already did.

Get out of here!

- She's a whore.

She's a g*dd*mn...

- Shut up!

- Oh, damn!

- Shit.

g*dd*mn it.

- I think you broke my nose.

- Get out.

What is wrong with you?

Come on!

I've been there ten years!

I devoted my whole life to you!

That's bullshit.

This is such bullshit.

It's the k*ll you love, not me.

I made you a very rich man doing exactly what you loved.

Now, get out of here!

Get out!

Why do guys always know how to hit a woman right across the cheek, wham, and it feels like your eye is going to explode?

What do they do?

Do they pull you aside in high school and show you how?

Is that...

Not all guys hit.

I heard about what you did with Morse.

It was a business decision.

It was good.

It felt good.

I think this is OK.

I gotta get going.

Yes, I noticed you'd packed.

Why are you leaving now?

There'll always be some guy, even some friend of yours, thinking he can treat me like Stuckey, thinking that it's allowed.

What are you gonna do?

You gonna beat up everybody?

That's not why you're leaving.

Look, you made me a really nice offer.

And a few months ago, no problem.

But now everything is different.

You changed that, and you can't change it back.

I want more.

I know about wanting more.

I invented the concept.

The question is, how much more?

I want the fairy tale.

Impossible relationships.

My special gift is impossible relationships.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

If you ever need anything... floss, whatever, you give me a call.

I had a good time.

Me too.

You want me to get you a bellboy?

No, I got it.

I'll carry this.



Stay the night with me.

Not because I'm paying you, but because you want to.

I can't.


I think you have a lot of special gifts.

- I didn't do it, sir.

- No, I didn't say that.

Call maintenance.

Have them deal with this.

- Delegate authority.

- Yes, sir.

Hi, Barney.

Thank you.

I wanted to say goodbye.

Then you're not accompanying Mr.

Lewis to New York?

Come on.

You and me live in the real world.

Most of the time.

- Have you arranged transportation?

- I'm gonna call a cab.

- Allow me.


- Yes, sir.

Please take Miss Vivian anywhere she wishes to go.

Yes, sir.

It's been a pleasure knowing you.

Come and visit us again sometime.

Stay cool.

Is that everything, sir?

- That's everything.

- I'll meet you downstairs.

Thank you.

We look so dopey.

San Francisco's not that great, you know.

It's a bad climate.

It's foggy.

It's unpredictable.

I'll wear a sweater.

What are you gonna do there?

Get a job.

Finish high school.

I got things I can do.

I used to make pretty good grades in school.

I can see that about you.

Sure you won't come with me?

And leave all this?

Not in a million.

Come here.


What is this?

It's part of the Edward Lewis Scholarship Fund.

We think you got a lot of potential.

You do?

You think I got potential?

Oh, yeah.

- Don't let anybody tell you different.

- OK.

Take care of you.

No, I can't.

I can't.

It's your favourite.

What time's your bus?

An hour.

Yeah, well, I gotta split, cos goodbyes make me crazy.

- Take care of you.

- Whoa.

You don't have any messages for me, do you?

No, I'm afraid not, sir.

I'll need a car to the airport.

Darryl will take you wherever you need to go.

- The limousine out front.

- Yes, sir.

Thank you, Darryl.

One last thing.

If you could return this to Fred's for me, please?

Yes, of course.

May I, sir?

Of course.


It must be difficult to let go of something so beautiful.

You know, Darryl also drove Miss Vivian home yesterday.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you, Mr.


Your plane is leaving as scheduled, sir.

You should be back in New York on time.

I'm gonna have to charge you more rent than Vivian.

I got this beauty course I'm looking into, and I'm not gonna be there much.

You know, you just can't turn tricks forever.

You gotta have a goal.

Do you have a goal?

I always wanted to be in Ice Capades.

Help you, love?

Here you go.

Thank you very much.

- You got a lot of stuff?

- Carlos burned most of my stuff when I said I was moving out.

Princess Vivian!

Come down!

- It had to be the top floor, right?

- It's the best.

All right.

I'm coming up.

So, what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?

She rescues him right back.

Welcome to Hollywood.

What's your dream?

Everybody comes here.

This is Hollywood, the land of dreams.

Some dreams come true, some don't.

But keep on dreamin'.

This is Hollywood.

Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'.