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06x06 - Deepfake

Posted: 11/11/19 12:24
by bunniefuu
Get the hell out of my house!

- What?

- Son of a bitch, - get out of here!


- No, no, no!

It's Project Falanx.

- I'm trying to save you.

- I will bash your skull in.

I swear to God, I will tee off on your head!

If the delta waves hit 13 hertz, - then there's no going back.

- You tell the cops.

They're gonna be here any minute.

They'd love to What is?


What is that?



No, no, no.

No, no!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It's the only way.

Get off me, you lunatic!

You got to slow the deltas.

I'm trying to save your life.

- You got to slow the deltas.

- I'm gonna - scratch your eyes out!

- You got to slow the deltas down.

Come on!

The kid was some community college dropout.

No record except for some parking tickets.

So, he broke in.

He didn't take anything.

He wasn't armed.

Except for the Taser.

What was he trying to do?

Well, the FBI will debrief us on his motives.

Mike says he kept trying to put a towel around his head.

- Something about delta waves.

- Oh, boy.

Hanson's Iran investigation is undermining public trust in this administration and stirring up paranoid crazies with conspiracy theories.

It might be time to put security details - on your staff.

- Yeah.

I'm already into it, much as I'm not thrilled about being followed around.

But Mike's okay?

Yeah, he's lucky.

Just a sprained wrist from the fall.

In considerably better news, the Senate Intelligence Committee is postponing Henry and Stevie's interviews.

So, is Hanson backing down?

Yeah, for now.

Daisy's resignation took some heat off the Iran investigation.

Crappy bargain.

Well, this isn't over by any means, but we do have some breathing room.

We can nominate Rachel Ballard to the Federal Trade Commission.

She's qualified.

So is Jeff Hemmings.

And he has the benefit of being moderate.

Rachel Ballard is one of the most respected academics on the planet.

She wants to regulate the economy into the ground.

She sees antitrust violations lurking behind every IPO.

She wants to limit corporate consolidation.

I mean, come on, your party is all about growth and fostering healthy competition.

Do you think we can get her confirmed?

I think Hemmings is an easier win.

And wins are what we need.

Because the new free trade agreement with South Korea doesn't count?

Well, not to diminish your achievement, but it's the same deal we had before.

Huge state visit with the South Korean president.

Live performance at the White House by his wife, the K-pop star.

But to Russell, just another deal signing.

I'm sure the state visit will be very impressive.

And now he's trying to walk it back.

I'm swamped with asylum applications.

I am really sorry, again, about tonight.

Will you stop apologizing?

It's fine.

You're saving the world.

I really wanted to try that new place with you.

Now I am stuck here with licorice and chips.


Well, you might want to hold off on that.


Turn around.


Oh, my God, that's crazy.

I hope you're cool with falafel and hummus.

Griffin, oh, my God.

I can't believe you did this.

Oh, please.

Licorice and chips.

That's like dinner from the gas station.

Yeah, they probably have better food at the detention center.

Oh, my God.

No, no, no.

No shame spiral.




Oh baklava?

Is honey vegan?

- It is today.

- Oh, it is?

Thank you.

Satan worshippers in Washington want you to think 5G cell service is all about faster phones and faster Internet.

But my Shawn-bots out there know what 5G really is: government-funded mind control.

It's all part of a secret program called Project Falanx.

Here's how it works.

Every new 5G cell phone tower planned to go up across all 50 states will be digging into the delta waves emitted by your brain to increase their frequency.

Once you get up to 13 gigahertz done.

Under their control.

How do we know this?

South Korea's number one test subject: White House senior advisor Mike Barnow.

Barnow exhibits all the classic signs of 5G brain poisoning.

The bulgy eyes, the slightly dazed affect.

It's called chronic insomnia, you numbskull.

How do you protect yourself and your loved ones from danger?


The patented Shawn Olson neutralizing wrap.

That's exactly what the maniac who tased me was trying to use.


So he was trying to protect you from cell phone signals with a towel?

Mike's assailant was convinced that he was saving America from a brainwashed sleeper agent.

A little flattered, actually.

Olson got the idea of a protective wrap from a science fiction film.

Total Recall.


Like most conspiracy theories, Olson starts with something real.

In this case, the new 5G infrastructure funded by the ESI bill.

Throw in South Korea's consultation on the new tech as part of the new free trade agreement Jazz it up with some Schwarzenegger references, and you get nine million views.

It's the cat video of conspiracy theories.

Well, this obviously influenced Mike's assailant, so we can shut it down, right?

Olson is crafty about avoiding legal liability.

He never advocates for specific crimes.

He never publishes his own falsehoods.

He only shares theories from anonymous users.

- What are our options?

- Monitor his videos closely.

Look out for anything we can claim is a direct threat.

Other than that, unfortunately, nothing.


Finally got the "all clear" on your itinerary with the South Korean first lady.

Well, that came in under the wire.

There was a lot of back and forth.

Ms. Kwon's tastes are, let's say, kitschy.

Breakfast at International House of Pancakes.

What's wrong with that?

You'll go on a shopping spree right after.

Country music karaoke.

- Oh, boy.

- Tomorrow she wants to see an MLB game.

Is President Choi joining us for any of this?

He has his own itinerary with POTUS.

"An Evening With Rachmaninoff"?

The Baltimore Vocal Arts Society is doing a performance of Liturgy of St.

John Chrysostom and All-Night Vigil at the Kennedy Center.

Okay, but it's not literally all-night - Well - vigil?

I'm kidding.

Kidding, you'll be done by 9:00 p. m.


The following morning is the illuminated manuscript - exhibit at the Freer Gallery.

- Yes.


And then you ha You get to eat pancakes and drive go-karts?

Trust me, I would much rather be looking at the illuminated manuscripts.

They have half a dozen thousand-year-old Buddhist texts from the Goryeo period.

- It's an incredible acquisition.

- You are my favorite nerd.

Do you know that?

- Mr. President, Ms. Kwon.

- Hello.

Welcome to the United States.

It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Madam President.

And you, Mr.


May I present First Gentleman Henry McCord.

So nice to meet you.


You have quite the fan club.

Those are for my wife.

I'm sure they're here for Sung-hoon, too.

She likes to pretend I'm as popular as she is.

I look forward to our visit, Ms.


Min-hee, please.

Your chief of staff was so helpful.

There's only one thing he couldn't arrange.

A meeting with Beyoncé.

The power of the presidency only extends so far.

Shall we?

This is delicious.

Barley tea.

You can find it in any Korean grocery store.

But it's always been my favorite.

Well, it's good to keep some of the pleasures of home once you move into office.

Yeah, we-we brought our old popcorn maker.

I love popcorn.

Well, we will definitely make you some.

Sorry to interrupt, ma'am, but, uh, I'm afraid there's an urgent matter.

If you'll excuse me for a moment.

He always does that.

Please excuse me.

- What is it?

- Madam President, Shawn Olson just posted a video showing a private conversation between you and Dr.


- How?

- He claims it came from a contact in the Secret Service.

Now it's blowing up on YoureVid and social media.

It's amazing what Choi let us get away with in the trade talks.

Is he naive or just dumb?

Maybe both.

But it's not like we didn't take a hit.

This deal is gonna cost thousands of American jobs.

Well, hey, we gotta give up something if we want Korean 5G.

You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

Oh, my God.

I'll draft an apology to President Choi, - but I think if we attack this from - Angela.

That video is fake.

Henry and I never said any of that.

It it never happened.

With all due respect, does he know that?

The video you saw, President Choi, was what we call a "deepfake.

" A seemingly real video created with deep-learning artificial intelligence.

So the bedroom you see here isn't any bedroom in the White House.

And if I zoom in, you can clearly see the digital manipulation on President McCord's face.

Deepfake technology can place a real person's face over any stand-in, matching lip and facial movements automatically.

The people you see in that video are actors.

That's why they distorted to mask any vocal discrepancies.

The question, of course, is: Who would go to the trouble of making such a video?

Someone wanting to disrupt relations between our two countries.

Particularly our new trade agreement.

This video was posted anonymously to a message board, which was then picked up by Shawn Olson.

So we may never be able to trace the source.

Of course, you understand, Mr.

President, Henry and I would never speak about you or your country with such disrespect.

Yet three million viewers on YoureVid believe you would.

We've already put out a statement debunking the video.

Every legitimate news outlet in the world has taken it down.

But as we all know, illegitimate outlets can still shape public opinion.

This video has already created a great deal of animosity in my country toward the United States.

My advisors feel it's best we take some time before moving forward with the trade agreement.

Mr. President, I think that if you and I responded together, we could show your people that our long and historic partnership can't be disrupted by one crude attack.

It would be a great way to undercut - whatever power these things have.

- Yes.

We'll remain for the state dinner, but I'm afraid we must postpone any further talks of the trade agreement.

Madam President, I hope to see those illuminated manuscripts with you another time.

Of course.

The entire infrastructure bill was sold with South Korea's cooperation on 5G.

If we don't get that deal back in place, the whole upgrade falls apart.

Let's not go full Eeyore.

South Korea's not the only tech game in town.

Yeah, well, only the best.

So, how can one fake video take down the entire trade deal?

Well, it doesn't help that the damn thing is still pinging around social media.

Okay, look, let's release a shorter version of the presentation we just showed President Choi.

We'll turn this into a teachable moment so people can learn to recognize these fakes.

And why?

I mean, for God's sakes, can we get the video off of YoureVid?

Look, we tried.

They said deepfakes do not violate their terms of service.

Oh Call Chelsea Weldon.

I had a long talk with her and some of the tech CEOs on the campaign trail about misinformation.

She said she wanted to take action.

Now's her chance.

Dr. McCord.

Oh, hey, Evan.

I-I know, karaoke's canceled.

Uh, actually, the car will be here in ten.

And it's IHOP, shopping, and then karaoke.


Kwon is not one to miss a party.

Apparently, I'm off to eat pancakes.


Hang in there.



- Uh, it's Dmitri.


- Oh.


Um, I-I couldn't tell who was calling.

I know.

Uh, I'm still using encryption.

Uh, it's an old habit.

- How are you?

- Good.

Um, swamped at the moment.


Uh, sorry to bother you.

I would have sent an e-mail, but, uh, Talia made me promise to call you with my my human voice.

Well, at least she's working directly through you this time.


Anyway, I'm meeting a few people at this bar near Union Station tonight to say goodbye to DC.


Uh, you're leaving?


For Guyana.

Anyway, we're meeting around 9:00, and I thought, if you wanted to stop by You're welcome to bring someone.

That's, uh that's so nice of you.

Um, yeah, I've kind of been pulling these crazy late nights at work recently, so But, uh, yeah, if I if I can get away, I-I definitely I will.

I will come raise a glass.


I'll-I'll, uh, text you the name.


Please thank Talia for the phone call.

Um, it is nice to hear your human voice.

You, too.

Maybe see you later.

That's the plan sort of.


My daughter is working in a fashion house in Milan.

She's usually the shopper in the family.

I was developing a clothing and wellness brand for the digital space.

But then I got married.

Was there a conflict of interest?

Korean anti-corruption practices are very strict.

I had to sell everything.

The things we do for love.

Policy is so much more interesting than fashion anyway.

I'm not sure my daughter would agree with you on that.

But they're so intertwined.

Take cosmetics.

In our previous trade agreement, the U. S. and South Korea placed a mutual tariff of 7.

9% on skin care.

Then K-Beauty exploded overseas, but the tariffs were holding us back in the U. S. market, so now the new agreement includes a provision for both our nations to reduce all cosmetics duties by two percentage points annually.

It's just numbers on a page, but it's how powerful men decide what those girls get to wear.

Sounds like you had a hand in that, too.

My husband appreciates my perspective.

It's a shame that the trade agreement has to be put on hold.

On this matter, I have no influence.

Like you with Beyoncé.

YoureVid shares the president's concerns about fake news.

It was a top item at our retreat this year.

Well, here's an idea: take down some fake news.

It's more complicated than that.

Is it?

You guys tear into licensed content like dogs on a ham hock.

We have guidance from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to enforce copyright issues.

We have no such guidance on deepfakes.

Sure, you do.

From me.

Take down the video.

I appreciate your sense of urgency, but you have to understand I am the steward of a massive system of representation where every decision holds ramifications for the future of all expression online.

Some deepfakes are social commentary, others satire.

We can't make blanket policy here.

Yet somehow you manage to monitor pornography and explicit v*olence.

Through user reporting and retro review.

Well, why can't you do the same here?

Because we are a platform, not a publisher.

300 hours of video is uploaded to our site every minute.

Hiring human moderators to ascertain whether videos are real or fake isn't scalable.


Weldon, deepfakes like the one millions of people are watching right now thr*aten to undermine our whole concept of objective reality.

Do you understand what that's gonna do to our democracy?

I don't know if you heard, but a fan of Shawn Olson's broke into my house and shot 50,000 volts of electricity into me.

That wouldn't have happened without your platform.

And that is horrible, but it's the risk we've always taken with free speech.

It's why our policy is the same as our Founding Fathers': let the people think for themselves and trust that good speech will fight bad speech.

Our Founding Fathers had no idea there'd be so many idiots.

- Hey.

You made it.

- Hi.


Uh, I was able to get away.

- No security?

- No.

I asked them to wait outside.

Hey, Talia.

- Good to see you.

- You, too.

Uh, I think you know my friends from the Agency, Molly and Dylan.





You worked with my father.


How's he liking the big house?

You can be honest.

He misses us, right?

His new job is definitely different from intelligence.

For example, today his duties included shopping with a K-pop star.

What is K-pop?

It's this whole genre of pop music from South Korea.


I contain multitudes.

Actually, you know, you really need to see the first lady of South Korea.

She's, like - I mean, she's this huge star.

- Amazing.

Do you mind if I?


No, no, no.

I want to see.

Play: Bye-bye, boy Excellent choice.

That's the one.

Uh, yeah.



Guyana, huh?


I, uh I thought I'd celebrate my new citizenship by leaving the country.

So, what-what are you gonna do there?

Uh, help build houses for an organization.


Are you, like, addicted to hardship?

- You think I have a problem?

- I think you should definitely - get it checked out.

- Uh, yeah.

I-I thought so.

Well, I'm glad you were able to, you know, to get away from the refugees to have a drink.



You, uh you enjoying your new job?

Yeah, I'm not really sure "enjoying" is the right word, but it's very fulfilling.

Then you know why I'm going to Guyana.

So, there I am in this clothing store uh, oh, uh, by the way, big sale on sports bras - Thanks.

- When Min-hee starts to quote specific numbers from the trade deal.

Turns out that she collaborated with President Choi on certain passages.

So I think that we have a legitimate back channel to getting the deal signed before they leave.

I could try, anyway.


I mean, absolutely.

Anything that you can do, that would be Thank you.

What's going on?


- Oh - There another video?


But once I searched for it on YoureVid, the algorithm started autoplaying all of these other paranoid videos.


Illuminati, flat-earthers.

All the classics.

Well, it starts with the crazy Project Falanx stuff, which brings in the people who are already suspicious of big institutions, and then it starts validating all of their views, playing one video after another.

And somehow, it all leads to white nationalism.

The pot of gold at the end of the extremist rainbow.


You know, Chelsea Weldon says that YoureVid is a neutral platform, but the way it's set up, it just keeps feeding you more and more poison, you never see anything that offers another point of view.

It doesn't want you to.

How do they justify it?

What is the rationale?

Russell says that their philosophy is "fight bad speech with good speech.

" But how, if the algorithm only lets you hear one kind of speech?

Well, it's not a happy comparison, but it makes me think of pharmaceutical companies - that push opiates.

- Yes.

That is exactly what I was thinking.

It's an addiction model.

Anger and fear, you know, produce an endorphin rush.

So you have to keep watching rage-inducing videos to get your fix.

YoureVid doesn't want to self-regulate, because they need their users to be addicted to their product.

That's what's driving their bottom line.

And they have free speech to back it up.

I mean, the game is fixed, and bad speech is winning.

We couldn't get YoureVid to take down one video.

We're kidding ourselves if we think we're gonna regulate the biggest streaming platform on the planet.

Every other medium is regulated.

Print news has libel laws.

Radio and television, the FCC.

Why are we making an exception for digital platforms?

Because they're popular.

And cracking down on them when they say bad things about you - makes you look like a tin-pot dictator.

- Oh Oh, look, I couldn't regulate YoureVid unilaterally even if I wanted to, because that would be a job for the Federal Trade Commission.

So we're back to Rachel Ballard.

I know she's aggressive.

But that's why we need her.

She can make the argument to the Senate, we can take it to the public.

Look, this is so much bigger than one bad video about me.

It's an as*ault on truth and objective reality.

I'll take the Senate majority leader's temperature on Ballard, but I'm pretty sure I know what he's gonna say.

Well, then make a better argument, Russell.

- Okay?

- In the meantime, we have a trade agreement with South Korea to try to save.

Henry's on that.

Sorry, really?

How, exactly?

I hope this isn't too fast for you.

I was a fighter pilot.

I'm good with speed.

I couldn't be in the military.

Too much obedience.



But your husband was, uh, an officer in the army, right?


Before he was expelled for criticizing the government.

Clearly you've opened his thinking in many ways.

He was a bold thinker long before we met.

It's why I love him.

I was very impressed with your contribution to the trade agreement.

I was wondering if you had any other ideas about things that came up during negotiation.

I know you want my husband to sign the trade deal.

I I'm not suggesting I want him to sign, too.

But you have to understand.

He won the presidency by a slim margin.

He's concerned about his public image.

That's why, if there's something he wants, if there's something to help repair the damage If you could drop the barriers of entry for South Korean software, that might be persuasive.

I wasn't aware that software restrictions - were part of the deal.

- Because they've always been there.

Based on some old idea that South Korean software could expose Americans to foreign hacking.

But you already use our hardware.

If we wanted to hack you, we would've done it by now.


Would you take a video of me while I drive?

- Sure.

- Vertical, please.

Better for Insta stories.

I love America!

- Hi.

- He's not here.

No, can I talk to you, please?

Yeah, I've got four minutes.

Three minutes.

What's up?

Okay, Griffin is probably the nicest guy that I have ever dated.

- Bastard.

- He's funny, he's smart, he's thoughtful without being, like, "milady" about it.


- You know, like, "Would milady like another Chardonnay?" Those guys that are super pleased with how attentive they are, and it's, like, kind of weird and off-putting.

I'm so glad I'm not dating anymore.

What's the problem?

There's this other guy.

- Ruh-roh.

- Yeah.

Um, we-we dated for a while, - Mm-hmm.

and it was very passionate and kind of secretive, and then he was gone for three years, and it took me most of that time to get over him.

He's back.

In two days he's leaving for Guyana.

Is he joining a cult?


He's going there to build houses, because, you know, on top of being a fantastic kisser, he's also very into service.

Well, then it's a good thing he's going to Guyana.

- Really?

- Yes, if it didn't work out before.

It was never going to.

You're all caught up in everything you've been fantasizing about for the last three years.

I mean, what happens when it's no longer a hot secret, and you find out he's into bad music and chews with his mouth open?

Well, what if he's the one, and I'm, like, letting him drift out of my life forever?

Here's what Jane Austen doesn't tell you: there is no "the one", there's only "the handful.

" Griffin adores you and he lives in the same city.

If it works, stick to it.

Sorry, I got to run.

Senator Breckinridge.


What brings you to the roller rink?

The president is looking to nominate Rachel Ballard for Federal Trade commissioner.

We need to get her confirmed.

Now, before you tell me why we can't get a majority, you should know that the fake video YoureVid still won't take down has made this a top priority.

I'll also remind you how effective this president has been at building bipartisan coalitions.

You undermine her at your peril.

I was gonna ask how Carol's doing, but okay.

I think Ballard's a great pick.


So who's her opposition?

You should be good with the center right, they love putting the squeeze on Big Tech.

Since when are Republicans in favor of industry regulation?

Tech firms are the future of American media, which means they're the future of American politics, and they're all owned by a bunch of California Democrats.


But I'll take it.

So, you think we have the votes to confirm.

I wouldn't say that.

With the principled libertarians and the pro-growth Dems, it is not a guarantee.

Unless What?

You get Hanson.

I know he's causing the president some trouble.

W He's investigating her for treason.

He forced one of her closest colleagues to resign last week.

He's with you on Big Tech, and he's got three junior senators in his pocket.

That'll get you past 50.

It's either that or roll the dice.

So the only way to regulate these false att*cks against me is to appeal to the guy leading the att*cks.


You got to love the irony in that.

Oh, I don't.

But Breckinridge thinks Hanson's the path to confirmation.

Well, you're not sending me in.

I already had to let Miller take credit for the ESI bill.

That's as far as I'm going with selling my soul for political expediency.

Well, then, we go to the bullpen.

Make the call.


It's been too long.

That is has, Mr. Vice President.

How are Vicki and the kids?

Doing good.

Lucas is about to graduate, if you can believe it.

Wow, that's terrific.

We'll have to have you over next time they're in DC.

Could we start with some some calamari?


Sounds good.

Do you mind one piece of business?

And here I thought you just wanted to catch up.

I want to take your temperature on Rachel Ballard for Federal Trade commissioner.

The liberal economist?

That's, uh Hmm.

- That's a tough confirmation.

- Yeah.

Breckinridge wants to give her a hearing, and he thought you might be able to help.

Did he?


We have a rare opportunity here.

Digital media is a dangerously unregulated force for disruption.

And right now, California Democrats are calling the sh*ts.

With regulation, we can ensure that real conservative principles not just the alt-right - get a full hearing online.

- And what does that look like an equal time law for online videos?

Open up the algorithms that drive the big platforms.

Ensure there's no bias against any party or ideology.




That's it?

I'd love to see Big Tech come to heel, but not if it's another socialist win for this administration.

This isn't cable news.

ESI was a massive government handout.

She yanked the political center of gravity way to the left, and betrayed everything she ran on.

I'm sorry, what do you mean?

She ran on ESI.

No, she ran on the legacy of Conrad Dalton.




The way she got that bill funded was none of those things.


So that's it, no compromise?

I have enjoyed working with you, Carlos, but is this is this what you imagined for yourself?

Sitting on your hands while the president bloats the federal government beyond FDR's wildest dreams?

Believe it or not, she meant what she said on the campaign trail.

She wants to work with all sides.

I'm more interested in seeing what you can do for this country.

That moment can be here sooner than you realize.


He actually said that?

Forget Rachel Ballard and the FTC.

Forget regulating YoureVid or banning deepfakes.

Hanson wants to take you down.

What an excellent sign for a constitutional democracy.

What exactly makes me such a threat?

- Did he say?

- He either sincerely believes that you are a crypto-socialist autocrat or he's making a power grab.

It's a tough call.

I don't buy it.

The Iran scandal's nearly dead.

Hanson knows he's out of moves.

This is his death spiral.

I'm not so sure.

It looks like he's still recruiting candidates to get dirt on the president.

- Like who?

- Like me.

He all but offered to make me president.


And what did you say?

I didn't dignify it with a response.

Okay, fine.

If Hanson was our last shot at getting a couple of Republicans to s to stand up for truth in digital media, let's head to the other side of the aisle.

Centrist Democrats looking a little vulnerable in midterms for 500?

Senator Stulbarg of Minnesota.

Senator Furey of Pennsylvania.

I'm sure they'd love the help of the White House to shore up their constituencies.

- Get into it, Mike.

- I'm on it.

Digital media needs regulating, to be sure.

I just don't know if Rachel Ballard is the one to do it.

She's hostile and divisive.

Isn't a tough negotiator exactly who you want trying to reign in one of the biggest industries in the world?

I think we can protect the general public without impeding innovation and growth.

I get it.

Tech companies have been great supporters of Democrats like you, but ask yourselves, do you have to choose between the health of our democracy and a couple of million dollars in campaign contributions?

I'm sorry, but it's a little rich taking lessons from you on money and politics, Mike.

You ladies know me as a pragmatist and a survivor.

I'm not asking you to do anything that would thr*aten either of your futures.

I'm offering you a way to win.

How is that?

The White House is currently renegotiating our free trade agreement with South Korea.

We can all but guarantee South Korean companies will build manufacturing plants in your states.

Thousands of well-paying blue collar union jobs delivered to the good people of Minnesota and Pennsylvania, weeks before the election.

That's a tricky phrase "all but guarantee"?


In politics, it means you've got nothing.

Let's just say I can guarantee that we almost certainly have a guarantee.

When you have something real, - get back to us.

- And how about next time, you cross Pennsylvania Avenue?

Or you know what?

Bagels and coffee.

If you're gonna make us come here for nothing.

I hear the aerospace caucus got souvenir pens.

Nobody ever gave me a pen.

Did you know that the U. S. has these old, out-of-date restrictions on Korean software?

I just assumed we always use our own because we have it.

Not entirely.

We use them because NSA thinks that foreign-designed software can lead to security breaches, even if they were designed by a longtime ally.

Min-hee said that it's the deal point that President Choi wanted to address, but for some reason it's never been part of the negotiation.

Meaning that if we could NSA to move off the restriction, I think we can get Choi to sign the deal.


Getting NSA to ease off restrictions - it's not a slam dunk.

- Min-hee said that Korea survived the recession of 2008 by focusing on domestic production, but then the economy stagnated, they faced a lot more competition, which is why they've become the world leader in 5G technology.

Maybe if you argue the value of competition Yes.


Because the best way to regulate capitalism is to force it to regulate itself.

Is that Adam Smith?

No, it's me.

Uh Maybe it's Adam Smith.

I don't know.

But I'm gonna be up in a few minutes.

I just I want to call Russell.

- So that's it.

Y-You're done?

- Yep.

- Yeah.

- H-Hey.

We just got word that every single application was accepted by the Swedish embassy.

- Wha Damn.

Way to go.

- I know.

I know.

It's a huge win.

Well, here-here's to the hundreds of people who get to start a new life because of you.

Because of a lot of people.


Thank you.



I'm sorry.

- Careful.

I got it.

- So sorry.


Uh Hey, so, uh, I don't want to make a, like, a big deal out of this or anything, but I just wanted to say that I I've been really enjoying getting to know you.

Uh I really like you.

But Look, I kn-I know that we haven't talked about being exclusive, but I just wanted you to know that I'm not that-that, uh, I'm just saying, I only want to see you.

I-I don't know about you, but I-I've been feeling like this could maybe be the start of something real.

- You know?

- Yeah.


What, uh, what do you think?

Um Hi.


Sorry it's late.

Um I guess you're-you're probably getting ready to go.

But, um Can you do me a favor?

I need you to tell me that we are done.

'Cause, uh, I've been trying to move on with someone who Well, he lives here.

He-he lives in this city, he's not running away to the jungle to build houses.

He's nice to me.

He cares about me.

It's not complicated.

I'm lucky to have him in my life and then you show up, you are back.

I just I see Every time I-I see you, I-I just Every time you see me, what?

I just want to, um My son listens to this stuff on repeat.

It grows on you.

It's a little overproduced.

Your hair's a little overproduced.

Don't want to see you anymore Better walk right out that door Bye-bye, boy Say goodbye-bye, boy Don't want to see you anymore Better walk right out that door Bye-bye, boy, baby, bye-bye, boy She's great.

Don't want to see you anymore Better walk right out that door Bye-bye, boy Say goodbye-bye, boy Don't want to see you anymore Better walk right out that door.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I love you all.

Ms. Weldon.

I'm so glad that you came.

Madam President.

Well, thank you so much for the invitation.

This is my husband Damon.

So nice to meet you.

It's a pleasure, Madam President.

Can I steal her for a minute?

And I promise you'll be back before the beef Wellington.


Kwon, that was terrific.

Oh, thank you so much.

Michael Barnow, advisor to the President.

May I introduce you to Senators Jane Stulbarg and Linda Furey?

It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kwon.

That was probably the most fun I've ever had at the White House.

- Thank you.

- If you have a moment, they would love to discuss the benefits of American manufacturing - in their home states.

- Mm.

Sounds intriguing.

- Why don't you join me and my husband?

- Why, thank you.

Chelsea, you've met my chief of staff Russell Jackson.

Sure have.

The president and I just, uh, wanted you to know that the new Free Trade Agreement with South Korea is back on track.


With a few amendments.

Yeah, we will be allowing South Korean software and digital applications to enter the American market.

You're, uh, you're familiar with HuySo?

A new streaming platform out of South Korea, of course.

Yeah, very similar to YoureVid, but uh, with a few key differences.

Uh, strict community guidelines for misinformation and abuse, uh, verified news sources, human moderators.

I know.

I-I don't know how they do it.

We were impressed.

And no algorithmically-generated autoplays or deepfakes.

I get it.

But this is a model that works for South Korea.

Like gangbusters.

It's really taking off.

Well, especially in the 18-35 demographic.

- Yeah.

- It turns out young South Koreans vastly prefer HuySo over YoureVid 'cause the interface is simpler and the videos have better resolution, but mainly because they find the content more trustworthy.

HuySo will be aggressively moving into the U. S.

- once the new trade deal is signed.

- Can I just ask, Madam President Yeah.

Have you considered what it'll be like campaigning for a second term as the president who threatened free speech in favor of a foreign company?

I'm willing to face the tribunal, as long as voters have reliable information to make their decision.

Well, and with streaming platforms operating like HuySo, they'll get it.

Madam President?

I'm so sorry.

I-I have to get back.

Thank you.

So, basically, shift the entire culture of the Internet in two weeks.

Or do I get four?

What do you guys like to say move fast and break things?

You're a great American company.

We'd like to see you stay that way.

So, I don't know what Mike did, but looks like the senators are swapping baby photos with the first family.

Looks like two more votes for my FTC commissioner.

Take that, deepfake makers.

I'm not sure that's what they call themselves.

Thank you so much for spending the time, Mr.



Thank you for the introduction.

- Very cool ladies.

- Ms.

Kwon, can I just say, my son is such a huge fan.

I don't think he would forgive me if I didn't ask for an autograph.

Of course.

- What's your son's name?

- Michael.

You know what?

Just "Mike.

" "B.

" - Awesome.

Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.


Vice President.



Congratulations on your confirmation.

Thanks to your auspicious tiebreaking vote.

Just exercising my constitutional duty.

It's great to have you aboard.

Quite a week for you, Mr.


I'm a little surprised to see you here.

No, I love the East Room.

Did you know Nixon delivered his farewell address here?


Well, I'm telling you this as a friend.

68% of the public is against impeachment.

The American people aren't with you on this.

I have one superpower, Carlos.

I never, ever quit.

- Is this guilty dogs?

- No.

And what?

It's that guy, Shawn Olson.

He got banned from YoureVid and now he's ranting at some dude for stealing his parking spot.

- How about some eggs?

- Oh, I love this.



Stinkin' communist!

What's that?

It's that, uh, that crazy guy Shawn Olson.

He's freaking out in a parking lot.





Oh, my God.

Wow, that's, uh, that's hilarious, yeah.

Wait, you don't want to see the end?

I mean, the-the bad guy has egg on his face.

It's good enough for me.

Uh Wait, what is that?




- That.

- Passion fruit.


I got it for you because Well, you know, in case you were sad about skipping Guyana.

Are you?