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05x06 - Confidence Women

Posted: 11/11/19 07:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl Do what Lex Luthor failed to do.

Change the world.

Rip Roar m*rder*d my best friend, Russell Rogers.

The DEO caught Rip Roar and they were able to ID him.

It's Russell.

I sold CatCo to Andrea.

She and I go way back, since boarding school.

Jack Spheer and I, we used to be close.

- Until when?

- Just before I moved to National City.

You have the ability to incept thoughts into people's minds.

I want to study your brain, so I can develop a technology that can do the same thing.

Alex! What just k*lled her?



Thank you for coming down here, William.

Kara said if anyone would be able to reach Rip Roar, it would be you.

Russell's still in there, I know it, but he must be acting against his will.

The man I knew could've never done all of those terrible things.

Yes, 18 assassinations, plus one ecological terror attack.


- A thwarted terror attack.

Well, we know Rip Roar is working for someone.

I'm going to find out who and why they did this to him.

I can confirm that his biotech is still shielding him from the power of our Truth Seeker.

Can't we take that biotech off?

Whoever did this to him attached incredibly sophisticated technology to his nervous system.

If we remove it incorrectly, it may k*ll him.


We've been breached.

Initiate emergency protocol, secure the facility, Brainy, I want that power back up.

Alex, the shadow.

- [g*nshots]


Where'd she go?

I can't get her.

It's after Rip Roar.

Stay right here.

I don't know who or what you are.

This is my prisoner and if you touch him, I will light you up.


She's gone.



What do you want?

I need your help.

I need to break in to the DEO.

What's the DEO?

Stop it.

I know you've had government contracts with them before, that's why I'm here.


Say we both know what the DEO is.

Why does the head of a Fortune 500 company need access?

I know who was behind the tidal wave that almost took out National City.

I know because I work for them.

But if I tell who they are, they'll k*ll me.

And you too.

The DEO captured the agent that started the tidal wave.

The people I work for want me to k*ll him before he can talk.

Andrea, you come to my house and ask for my help to k*ll someone, are you crazy?

You know, I do know the director of the DEO.

What's to stop me from calling her right now and reporting you?

Because I don't want to k*ll him.

I want to save him.

He's important to me.

I can breach the facility.

But Supergirl is guarding him personally and I can't get past her.

You've worked for her before.

- Maybe you can.

- No.


Lena I'm asking as a friend.

We're not friends.

We used to be.



You're Lena, the new kid, right?

I'm Andrea.

My parents didn't come for visitor day either.

Why didn't they come?

My father runs a very successful business.

So he's, you know, busy.

Mother, on the other hand, is in Paris.

I don't interest her nearly as much as her friend, the baron.

What about your mom?

Let me guess.

- She's off screwing a duke?

- My mother's dead.



What do you say we go to a real party tonight?


Van Horne's is my father's favorite drink.

It's top, top shelf.

He didn't even card us.

Why would he?

We're 21.

- No, we're not.

- Lena The key to getting what you want is confidence.

Act like you already have it and no one will question us.

Come on.

Favorite movie One, two, three.




I saw it eight times in the theater.

Six times for me.

My brother mocked me relentlessly.

Screw the haters, we should all live like Rose.

Do you wanna meet your soulmate only to watch him die tragically?

No, Rose post -Titanic, - Rose Dawson.

- Oh.

She went out there and grabbed life, didn't waste a single moment.

That's my dream, go everywhere, experience everything, all while taking my dad's company to the next level.

- Those are lofty goals.

- That's what makes it fun.

I have a dream like that.



Well, now you have to tell me My mother used to always tell me this story about the medallion of the Acrata.

It's about this girl whose village was being ravaged by darkness, so she went into the wild in search of magic that could help.

What happens?

She finds the medallion of Acrata and was bestowed great gifts so that she alone had the strength to bend shadow to her will.

Did your mom make it up?

She found it in an old storybook.

She was obsessed.

She'd talk about it like it was real.

She'd draw the symbol everywhere.

Is that what you were doodling in your notebook?

She said when I got older, when things were better, that we would go on a quest to find it.


It's stupid.


I'm sorry.

No, it's not stupid, sometimes these legends are based in fact, and if this medallion is real, I'll help you find it.

- You will?

- Like Rose says, "You jump, I jump. " [CHUCKLES]


We just made first contact with an alien race and even apart from the existential threat that he poses to our entire species, I mean, how can we measure up?

From now on, this is Luther Corp.


This is insane, your obsession with k*lling Superman.

We're supposed to help people.

I think Spheerical Industries is hiring.

If I don't help you m*rder Superman, you're firing me?

I am not gonna let you k*ll him.


Papa, you almost ready?

The car's waiting.


The new T-Pixel 8 will excite Papa, you have to get dressed, we have Obsidian Worldwide's new phone launch in an hour.

- The press is waiting.

- No, they're not.


Lord Industry just announced a new T-Pixel 8.

The chip is four times faster than ours.

Four times?

That's impossible.

We are going to lose billions.

We have to let go of 70% of the company by Christmas.

If my company is worthless, my life is worthless.


Why is your life insurance policy out?


You promised you wouldn't do this again, Papa.

You are the best thing in my life.

I refuse to ruin you.

Go and do something better, mi cielito.

Consider yourself fired.




You're just the voice I needed to hear right now.

We won't know how bad things really are for us until next week when the board decides to either push the launch of the phone or k*ll it completely.

Papa's locked himself away in his lab till then.

I've seen him bad before but never like this.

The way he looked yesterday, it scared me.

Oh, how about you?

How are things going in Luther Corp?

You're not the only one with family business problems.

Lex is completely unhinged.

His obsession with Superman is out of control.

He'll stop at nothing to k*ll him and I am very afraid that a lot of people are going to get hurt or k*lled in the process.

- Can't you stop him?

- He pushed me out.

I mean, Lex's latest plan is to seed the atmosphere with Kryptonite.

What is Kryptonite?

According to Lex, it's Superman's greatest weakness.

- Can he do it?

- No, not yet.

First, he has to figure out how to sublimate it into vapor, but he has this mad theory that this ancient alien element is going to help him do that.

I mean, this element crash-landed on Earth millions of years ago.

All I need to do to [SIGHS]

Save humanity from Lex's madness is find the element first.

You already found it, didn't you?

Thanks to you.

Okay, so do you remember your anthropology dissertation about the Aztec village that lived in the shadow of the volcano but never got covered in lava no matter how much the volcano erupted?

And you think that's where the alien element is?

I did an intensive satellite scan of the area and I found this.


It's that symbol you used to draw.

The medallion of Acrata.

What are the odds that my mother's story would lead me to the one thing that has the properties I need to stop my brother?

- It's crazy.

- It's fate.

All right, so that's where the signature is strongest, so we need to get to it.


No, no, no, I can't leave right now, my father needs me.

I know, but it's three days, tops, I promise, and you yourself said that the board wasn't going to be making a decision for another week.


My brother is in a downward spiral and I am the only one who can save him from himself.

But I can't do it alone.

All right?

You studied this culture, you know the area and the language.

Besides, isn't it what you always wanted?

To go out there and grab life?

Come on.

What would Rose Dawson do?

"You jump, I jump, right?" [GROWLING]


Maybe there's a way around it or through it.


"And when the world around her turned to stone, impenetrable by hope, the girl looked down to the core and was shown the winding way.

" The snake, it's an arrow, we go this way.

That's impressive.

The proverbial "X" must be around here someplace.



Aztec serpent-headed flowers.

Didn't the girl from the book fight the head of a snake?


No! Andrea.

Oh, my God, are you okay?

Yeah, still in one piece.

I think.

We'll make a rope ladder and get you out.

Stay right there.


Lena, wait.


- Andrea Rojas.



- Who are you?

- I am a messenger.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Serpent-headed flowers, they have psychedelic properties and I'm hallucinating, that's what this is.

Oh, this is very real, I assure you.

As they are who sent me, Leviathan.

What do they want?

Your father, Bernardo Rojas, he's not well, is he?

How do you He's a brilliant man.

Things will turn around for him.

He's not as strong as you believe him to be, mi cielito.

He's on the brink of ending everything, that is why you devote yourself to him.

What do you want from me?

Your happiness and your service, one for the other.

- What does that mean?

- What matters now is if you agree, your father will live and live well.

All you have to do is take this.



No, no, no, I can't.

My friend Lena, she needs this.

This is all she's ever wanted.

You want to save your father or not?

Take the medallion.

Accept your fate.


Keep it on you always.

Never speak of it or all that you love will be lost.

And remember, there will come a day when we will call upon you.

Be prepared.

- [LENA]



- I'll be right there.



Are you okay?

I was so worried.

Yeah, I just wanna get out of here.


This is it, Andrea, we found it.

It's the medallion.

These etchings, they match the description in the story.

My calculations were right.

My mother was right.

But where is it?

It looks like it should be here.

Maybe someone got to it first.

No, it has to be here, it's supposed to be here, there should be some kind of trace, the satellites Are fallible.

You could have been picking up anything.


Okay, we'll keep looking, we'll figure out who was here and when Lena, look, finding this place was hard enough.

Seeing who came before or after, it's impossible.

I was so close.

I'm so sorry.



No, no, I haven't.

Lord Industries is blowing up the market literally.

Their latest smartphone contains a faulty chip causing devices to explode.

But their loss is Obsidian Worldwide's gain.

Their stock hit an all-time high today.


That's incredible.


Now back to you, Rick.

- Thank you for that I think things are only going to get better for us.



Why did your brother turn the sun red?



Luthor won't be answering any questions without a lawyer present.


I was such an idiot.

I thought I could save him with what?

- Magical thinking?

- You believed in the good in him.

That means something.

- Does it?

- Let's get out of here, out of town for a while.

I have that conference in London, come with me.


You were right.

I needed this.

It's nice to see you smiling again.

- Go be charming.

I'll get drinks.

- Right.




I had no idea you'd be here, I didn't know that you were in London.

Wait, what's that?

I knew it.

The medallion was there, and you're the one that took it even though you knew how much it meant to me.


Look, there are things I couldn't That I can't tell you.

You looked me in the eye and you lied to me.

I trusted you more than anyone in the world and you made a fool out of me.

You know, I expect this kind of betrayal from the Luthors, but not you.

- Lena, please.

- There's nothing you can say.

We're done.


Ever since London you've been a completely different person you've barely talked to me and now you're leaving Metropolis?

It's my responsibility to make up for the stain my brother left on the world.

To do something good.

We were going to do something good.


What about our company?

You see this?

This is why I need to be in National City.

There are people doing good there, who are trying to help.

If I stay in Metropolis, I will always be the sister of the egomaniacal lunatic, but I go to National City, I can be the Luthor that shares her home with a Kryptonian.

That helps her put the world back together instead of tearing it apart.

You know I can't leave, Lena.

I'm not asking you to.

So So you're choosing to redeem the Luthor name?

Over me.

Over us.

Lena, please, look, talk to me.

You can trust me.

I can't trust anyone anymore.


Going back to the studio.

And the trial of Lex Luthor continues to shock the nation, painting a vivid picture of just how far the once great name of Luthor has fallen.


I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure they call that a drink 'cause that's what you're supposed to do with it.

I guess I'm not in the mood.


I usually do all my drinking when I feel the way you look.


Like you've just lost your last friend in the world.

Well, I'm sure you're very busy, enjoy your drink.

Actually I've got nothing but free time right now.

I've been stood up.

- Ouch.

- That's all right.

I was going to reject them anyway.

Then it all worked out.

- I guess it did.

- Hmm.

What about you?

What drove you to a day of heavy non-drinking?

I had a big meeting and I completely forgot about it.

It's so unlike me, I'm usually type A, but But the friend thing got in the way.

Okay, how do you know that?


I didn't, I just have a best friend too, that's all.

I'm Andrea, by the way.

Oh, I know.

I'm Russell Rogers.

You're the meeting I blew off?


How long did you know?

Only since you mentioned a business meeting.

I swear.

Wait, you said that you were gonna turn down Obsidian's offer?

Well, now, this is awkward.

I'm afraid I can't accept the position.

I'm starting my own company focusing solely on cyber-bionics.

- Oh.

- Which is fortuitous on many levels.

But mostly because I'd like to ask you to dinner.

Which could've gotten very dicey if you were my employer.


- So what do you say?


Breaking news from National City.

Lena Luthor, National City's newest predominant resident, was rescued from an assassination attempt today by the Kryptonian duo of Superman and Supergirl.

Well, if it isn't National City's newest hotshot reporter.

- I was just reading your article.

- That's actually why I'm here, I have to say thank you for helping me find that fight club.

You've been in the city a month and you've already saved my job an embarrassing amount of times.

Well, I am sure you will return the favor when the time comes.

On that note, I also wanted to give you this.

Someone hacked into the emails at L-Corp and sent them to CatCo anonymously.

I was able to snag the data and there are some potentially embarrassing things in there, but for the most part, it's not newsworthy.

I just remember you saying you want to make a name for yourself outside of your family and I would hate for some jerk to ruin that.

I knew there'd been a breach but I thought we caught everything.

Thank you, Kara.

You know how you could thank me?

We have this game night thing and my sister and I dominate and we are in desperate need of a worthy adversary.

I'm sorry, Kara, when I said I wanted us to have a positive relationship, it was because I thought we could help each other.

But let me be clear, I meant a business relationship.

I would hate for you to give me these emails out of some misplaced sense of friendship.

I didn't come here to make friends, so by all means, publish the emails.

I would never do that, Lena.

But if you change your mind, the invite always stands.

Every Friday night.

How can a vegan restaurant not identify itself?

- It's cruel.

- I know.

Our six-month anniversary ruined.

You know, I vote for a do-over.


Stop talking so sexy.


- See you tonight?

- Yes.

- Ah.


He's very handsome.

Sorry, I don't have any cash on me.

I don't need your money, just what you promised.

Your service.

You knew there would be a time when Leviathan would call on you.

What do you want from me?

Go to this location, find the man on this card and k*ll him.


- I'm not a k*ller.

- You are what we say you are.

You weren't successful and then we said you were.

Your father was suicidal and now he's not.

Did you really think all of this didn't come with a price?

I won't do it.

You refuse us, but a day from now your father will be accused of insider trading, stocks will tumble, the company will be decimated.

One night, while awaiting trial, your father will put on his striped pajamas, he will take the elevator to the roof and when he steps up on the ledge, his last words will be, "I failed you, mi cielito.


Listen to me very carefully.

Take the medallion, tap it three times, you'll know what to do.


Governor Harper?

Governor Harper! Last month Cat Grant joined the Marsden Administration and since her appointment, she's made a big impact.

Today in technology news Lena.

- Kara.

- Hi.


- Hi, it's really good to see you.

- Are you waiting for someone?

- Not today, I have a hot date with some spreadsheets.


I'm actually meeting my sister here, she loves it.

She makes us order every appetizer on the menu.


Actually, I'm lying, I'm the one that orders all the appetizers.

- That sounds like fun.

- Yeah.

Look, I heard you when you said you didn't wanna connect with anyone but I've been the new girl in town and I put my guards up too.

But I was miserable.

And if I hadn't let someone in, my sister, actually I think I would've drowned in it.



And I guess my sister has to work.

I You do, too, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone.


Don't be ridiculous, you can't eat all those apps on your own.

Why don't you join me.


Okay, but I'm warning you, people have been underestimating how much I can eat for years.

Oh, game on.

- You all right?

- Russ.

Hey, you're home early.


What's going on?

Something's been off with you for weeks.

I'm worried you're into something bad.

Something dangerous.

It's just, um A private family thing.

Look, I'm exhausted, I'm gonna go take a shower.




What are you doing?

No, stop! [GASPING]

You know Leviathan required complete discretion.

You were careless, he got too close.

Our secrets are more important than any life.

No, no, no, he's a good person.

This isn't his fault, please.

Finish it, make it look like a home invasion.

No, wait! [GASPS]

He can help you.

This is Russell Rogers, he's working on medical advancements.

He has a prototype that can bring soldiers back from the brink of death and then some.

He can be very useful to you.


It's okay.



Your friends have been lying to you from the start.

Every last one.


the last five years.

And we have an update on the Lex Luthor story.

Lex Luthor and his master plan to manipulate the Kaznians.

The Girl of Steel saves the day again.

- Supergirl saved - Obsidian Worldwide announced this week that they will be opening a new branch to be spearheaded by CEO Bernardo Rojas' daughter Andrea Rojas.


Obsidian's entrance into the North American market marks a turning point for the company, which has thus far avoided the American market.

CEO Bernando Rojas, once a gallant trailblazer I never needed them.

Any of them.

But that doesn't mean they can't be useful.

I was glad to get a call from you, Lena.

I've missed you.

It's been a long time.

I thought I'd never hear from you again.

Well, I was thinking that you and I have too much to offer each other to let ancient history get in the way of a potential partnership.


I'm listening.

Well, I'm sure you've heard of Lex's latest misdeeds.

He's left me with quite a mess to clean up.


So I'm selling CatCo.

- That's a shame.

- I'm glad you think so.

Because I believe I've found the perfect person to take it over.


I already run a tech company.

Tech gets you money, but media gets you control of the markets.

And CatCo would be the perfect advertising platform for Obsidian.

That's an interesting thought, I've honestly never considered it.

You should.

And I know you've been looking for a place for Obsidian North's new headquarters.

I think National City could be a good fit.

It would be nice to be in the same city again.

Just like old times.

Why don't we discuss the details?

Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of all the horrible things I've done.

Honey, every time I look at you, all I remember is pain.

Lena, for so long I wanted to tell you the truth, but I was scared.

That medallion was the only thing that could've stopped my brother - and you knew that.

- Everything I did, every decision was to save my father's life.

My brother was a homicidal maniac.

A lot of innocent people are dead because of him, because of you.

I am well aware of how much blood there is on my hands.

And I'm so sorry.

Because you say you're sorry, it doesn't make everything better.


How am I supposed to believe you now?

Because you were right all along.

It was magical.


"And she had the strength to bend shadow to her will.

" It wasn't a metaphor about overcoming darkness, it was literal.

It came with the ability to move through shadows.

And you've had this ability the whole time?

It's not a gift, it's a curse.

I never wanted to betray you.

But my father, he was gonna die so I did what I had to do.

But it cost me the love of my life and my best friend.


Taking this from you was the biggest mistake of my life.

I know I've done terrible things.

But this is my chance to do something good.

Please, you have to believe me.

I believe you.

I'm tired of people hurting each other.

Doing harm.

So you'll help me?

"You jump, I jump, right?" [CHUCKLES]

- Did Brainy say anything?

- Not yet.

But there is an old piece of Cadmus tech in the vaults that could help us remove his biotech and force an answer out of him.

So I'll go get it.


William told me about you, well, he told me about Russell, how good a friend he was, how devastating it was to lose him.

You know, William sacrificed everything, dedicated himself to finding out what happened to Russell.

So I guess you must've been pretty special.

The person William knew is gone.

I don't agree.

I think you're working for someone and they're forcing you to do these things.

I know you feel you've gone too far to ever be Russell again but you're wrong.

It is never too late to try to make things right.

Or at least better.

Who did this to you?

I can keep you safe.

They're called Leviathan.


Now here's how this will go.

I'll handle Supergirl.

I have to go, um Thank you.



- Lena.


- Kara.

Oh, thank God you're here.

It was horrible, it was here one minute and gone the next, she's like a shadow.


I'll jam all incoming signals.

I've recently developed a device that can incept a single thought into the surrounding area, "Do no harm.

" Plant it at the DEO.

It will disable all agents that get in your way.

I'll control it from here and then the DEO is yours.


J'onn, is everything okay?

I felt a psychic attack at the DEO.

It felt like my brother.

That's impossible.

There must be something else.

I just have a bad feeling.

Well, we still have the psychic inhibitor buds.

- I'll be careful.

- Okay, see you soon.

Supergirl, I think we have a bit of a situation here.

Supergirl, do you copy?

Director Danvers.

Agent Dox, someone incepted the DEO, we're the only two unaffected.

That is an erroneous assumption.


We must do no harm.

Sorry, Brainy.

I knew I felt something.

Where is Supergirl?

Oh, hell no.

Make sure the shadow doesn't get to Rip Roar.




Supergirl! Alex is in trouble, stay here.

No, no.


If you think you can hurt my friends, to get me out of the way, you got another thing coming.

Please don't fight.

I want to help you.


No! Lena, I honestly don't know how I can ever repay you.

You can start by giving me the medallion.

I can't.

You'd incept me to give you this.

Much worse.

Russell, pick up the scalpel.

Now hold it to your carotid artery.

And press.


Please, Lena, don't do this.

Then give me the medallion.

This is what you wanted this whole time.

I helped you save Russell, now I want what I deserve.

I was desperate, my father was weak, he was going to die.

Everything I did, I did for love.

That's what hurt the most.

I cared about you more than anyone else in the world and I never would've betrayed you.

I told you this thing is a curse.

Our friendship was the curse.

Russell, put the scalpel down.


- Now go, both of you.

Malefic must've been working with the assassin.

How else could he have incepted everyone?

Believe me, I want to know who is responsible, but Malefic did not do this.

So we're back to square one.

We're not, I got something from Rip Roar.

A name.


We'll start gathering Intel immediately.

Okay, but I have to break some bad news first.

- [KARA]

Russell got away.


The same operative that att*cked yesterday came again, they worked as a team and now he's gone.

I'm so sorry.

I was wrong about him all along.

No, I don't think you were.

Supergirl told us he's been working against his will.

I don't think he ever meant to betray you.


I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, they never would've come for you.

You saved my life.

Even before that, you made it worth living.



Russ, no, no, Russ.

No, no, no! Somebody help, please.

Russ! Please, somebody help! You can't escape us, nor the powers we bestowed upon you.

I don't even have the medallion anymore.

What do you want?

The powers never came from the medallion.

It activated them.

But they came from the darkness within you.

And that is something you can never escape.



Not so fast, Lena, I'm gonna get you.

I got you.



Oh, no, no.


I found it, Mother.

End simulation.


Luthor, preliminary tests confirm any properties the medallion may have had are gone.

Doesn't matter, can you translate these markings?

Now access the memories of Eve Tessmacher and tell me everything she knows about Leviathan.