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04x12 - Ask Him About Stella

Posted: 11/08/19 08:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How to Get Away With m*rder"

Did you know Nate's dad has been in jail for 33 years?

- You have more than enough plaintiffs.

- I want to make him my face case.

He's in.

The D. A. 's office is investigating Dr. Roa for m*rder.

JUDGE WILLIAMS: I have decided to have the child remain in the care of his maternal grandfather.

Wes entered an address into his map the day before he d*ed.

I pulled the street-camera footage.






Were you staging your daughter's su1c1de?

He drugged his own daughter.

Why k*ll her?

Were you molesting her?





WOMAN: Next!

- Cheeseburger and fries.

- Anything else?

Can I have that wrapped in foil?

Coming up.


Isaac, it's Annalise!

Open up!


I'm sorry.

I know it's not true.

BONNIE: Could you get any more creepy?

Can't be too careful.

All I could get was Sandrine's Social Security number.

Ah, it's perfect.


Take this.

So we can talk without Denver or Jorge eavesdropping.

Plug this into your car's data port.

It'll ding me if anyone messes with the brakes.

What, no g*n?

Like you don't already have one under the mattress.

And Laurel?

Will you let me know when you tell her?

I'm not telling her.

Until she makes googly eyes at you and you cave.

Let's figure out what Mom's deal is, then tell her.

You mean if you figure it out.

Don't go telling Annalise any of this.

Whatever you say, Frank.


- Hey.

- Bonjour, mon ami!


What are you doing here?

I thought your mother was still here.

Oh, I put her on a plane back to Mexico until the visitation is scheduled.

I know what'll cheer you up till then.

Homemade croissants.

We've all been through so much, you especially, so I figured why not experience some joy for once?


I'm staying forever.

Get to work.

The class-action trial's next week.


- Oh, speaking of.


We're all here.

- Did you get me into the prison?

- CONNOR: Yeah, you're cleared to see old man Lahey every day this week.

And the draft of my opening statement?

We're gonna dig in on that now.

Uh, I have a question, actually.

Do you plan on paying any us for this?

- Michaela.

- As much as I wish I could reform the entire justice system on my own, I need help, whoever's willing.

We are all willing and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something this epic.

Hey, Annalise.

It's Laurel.

Any update on the baby visitation?

I was thinking if we got Isaac's investigation drop [BEEP]

Why didn't you call me back last night?

I was at my girlfriend's.


ANNALISE: Jorge's lawyers made up that evidence.

Everyone in the courtroom knew that.

Then why is the D. A. investigating me?

Well, the investigation means nothing if they don't charge you.

And if they do?

Do you understand what this would do to Jacqueline?

She's not gonna find out.

- You don't know that!

- I do, too!


If the D. A. 's office goes anywhere near you, Jacqueline, or anyone else, I'll find out.

You have Bonnie working on this?

You can trust her.

You two were just trying to destroy each other!

But we worked it all out, Isaac.

Especially now that you need us.

- God knows we both owe you.

- Okay.


I'm the reason why you're in this mess.

Let me fix it.

It's not that, okay?

Just let me say this.

- What?

Is it Stella?

- No.

I can't fix anything if you lie to me.

I lied to you about where I was last night.

Not about Stella.

Never about Stella.

I don't have a girlfriend.


I was here.

I was high.



It's an opioid.

If you want to walk out of here right now, I'll understand, okay?

Why'd you do it?

It was a mistake.

A mistake that felt good?

Hey, look at me!

Look how much I'm hating myself here!

I was sober for 23 years until last night, and I threw it all away for nothing.

Ohh I'm not going down that hole again.

That's good, Isaac, because if you do, you could go to jail.


I need to be on my best behavior now, right?

No, you need to go to a meeting.

AA, NA, whatever your thing is.

I lost my therapist.

My life is all stress right now.

I'll go with you, if that helps.

You don't have to do that.

I want to.

ANNALISE: Ooh, finally.

This was the only thing getting me through Cocaine Lady's whining.


'Cause she just had me thinking about the '80s.


I never got into cocaine.

You know, even during law school when they were practically serving it on trays.

There was free cocaine, and you didn't get into it?

I had already discovered vodka in undergrad, so I was good to go.



And you?

When did you start?

It was after undergrad for me.

Um I moved into New York, thinking that I was gonna be in a band or a writer.


Just as long as I wasn't a doctor like my sisters.

You know how it is.

You're just trying whatever you have the chance to.

So I-I tried things.

All of them.

But, um heroin It was good.


10 years later I'm pretty much homeless, I'm not talking to my family.


One night, I'm in line in this bodega, and there's this girl in front of me and she's trying to return some potato chips, saying that the bag was open when she, uh, bought it.

The kid, the cashier says he has to go talk to the owner, so I'm like I'm freaking annoyed now, you know?

So, this girl turns around, I guess to apologize.

She has this smile on her face that just, uh [CHUCKLES]

It just went right through me.

It hit me right there, and I-I knew I wanted something else.



I mean, I wanted a life with her, too, now.

But, uh She helped me.

Got me clean.

Went back to school.

Had Stella.


Things were good for a long time, you know, uh - WAITRESS: Fresh coffee?

- Yeah.


BONNIE: I heard Denver assigned you the Isaac Roa case.

You jealous?

Only because you'll get to go up against Annalise if you charge him.

Oh, you're still holding a grudge against her.

If you knew our history, you'd understand.

Well, tell me more.

Buy me a drink.

Or five.

I'll tell you all of it.

The point is, if you want the help, I could look over his file, help you figure out the Annalise defense angle.

Oh, we haven't even charged the guy yet.

Then I'll help you figure out how to charge him.

You're scared I'm gonna steal the case.

Never mind.



All right.

I surrender.


If you actually figure out how to charge the guy, I'll buy you that drink.



Annalise is a great storyteller.

That's why she wins.

So let's use Nate Senior's story as the framework for her opening.

This is a civil trial.

There's no jury.

The judge isn't gonna care about some sob story.

We have a face case for a reason.


You write up your version.

I'll write up mine.

Or we all just snickerdoodle and chill.

- Oh!

I love the new you!

- Two, please.


I've been on this case longer than any of you.

We do what I say.

Sob story, it is.

- Is he this bossy in bed?

- If I'm lucky.

- You're always lucky.


Why is Frank calling me?

- Hello?

- O-man, I need that - big, beautiful brain of yours.

- For what?

I'm trying to use the SS7 program to hack into some phone records.

That's for hacking international phones.

- I know that.

- Whose phone is he hacking?

Dominick's, obviously, which means he and Bonnie still don't know why Wes left that voicemail.

Tell Michaela to stay in her lane.

- Frank, it's me.

- Give the phone back to Oliver.

LAUREL: Is Michaela right?

Are you hacking Dominick's phone?

- No.

- Frank, if you do anything to piss my father off right now, he is going to figure out a way to block me from seeing my son.

So stop, okay?


Are your fingers crossed?

I heard you.

I'll stop.

Thank you.

ANNALISE: You've been doing so well during our prep, I've decided to call you as my first witness in the trial.


You say that like you're surprised.

I'm impressed.

That means that we have to go over your testimony again.



I'm sick of myself.

Yeah, but the more you tell your story, the easier it'll be for you on the stand.

And it means more time out of the SHU.

It's not a bad deal, right?

CONNOR: "Nathaniel Lahey Senior was just 26 years old when his life was h*jacked by the justice system.

Before that, he was just your average man trying to keep a roof over his family's head.

" A man's got one job in my book.

That's to put food in his kid's mouth.


I did what I had to do, took what I needed.

- You stole what you needed.

- You watch your kids be hungry.

See if you don't steal some food stamps, cash, whatever's around.

I never stole nothing that wasn't for my family.

MICHAELA: "The for-profit private prison system in this country has made commodities of human bodies.

African-American bodies, in particular, are incarcerated more than five times the rate of whites.

" In 1982, you violated your parole three weeks after being released.

Can you explain that for the court?

I came home to a bill from the prison, charging me thousands in court fees.

How they expect me to pay when I couldn't get a job?

I was a convicted felon.

ASHER: You should quote Jay-Z.

He wrote a New York Times op-ed about the parole system.

The judge isn't gonna know who Jay-Z is.

No, it's not about Jay-Z.

It's about the fact that even the slightest probation infraction can send you back to jail for a sentence longer than your original crime.

I wasn't allowed to get a traffic ticket or be near liquor.

Miss my curfew?



LAUREL: Add a section about the systematic destruction of families that the children that are separated from their parents are more likely to fall into a life of crime themselves.

I'm not talking about my baby.

Each time I went back to jail, I was a target.

Everybody wanted to test out the boxer.

They'd taunt me till I had no choice.

It was k*ll or be k*lled.

Shouldn't we at least address the m*rder?

Who did he m*rder?

I didn't wanna hurt that fella.

He come at me in the yard, talking about he wanted to see what the boxer had inside of him.

He threw the first punch.

I swear.

Then something [SIGHS]

Then something went off in me and I blinked, and I was on top of him, pounding as hard as I could.

I felt his skull cr*ck under my fist.

They say it took, uh, five C. O. 's to pull me off of him.

Do you remember how long you had been in solitary before this happened?


A month?


A year.

CONNOR: "Yes, this was an act of extreme v*olence, but it was v*olence that stemmed from the 12 brutal, inhumane months that Mr.

Lahey spent in solitary confinement.

" - Calm down, Atticus.

- "My client was not born a criminal" "but born into a system that made him one.

" So what do you think?

It's good, right?

- Doesn't sound like me.

- That's what I told him.

Thanks for your hard work, but I'm gonna wing it.


JUDGE SALINAS: This is the class-action trial of Lahey vs.

the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Today we'll begin with opening statements.

Witness testimony and documentary evidence will be tomorrow.


Keating, please, begin.

ANNALISE: Thank you, Judge Salinas.

Today, I'm proud to present the class action that has the potential to correct the most egregious inequities poisoning our country.

Uh, my apologies, Your Honor.

The attorney general sent me to notify you and Ms.

Keating that no trial will be happening here today.

- Excuse me?

- Explain, Counsel.

This morning, the attorney general received a King's Bench petition from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

They're pulling the case from trial court in order to hear it themselves.

ASHER: Oh, God.

- Why "Oh, God"?

What's happening?

- They're stealing the case.

Your Honor, the governor and attorney general have clearly called in some backroom favors to make sure I don't get a chance to argue my case.

Not true, Judge.

As the petition states, the State Supreme Court has asked that both sides submit a written brief in lieu of a trial.

The entire case is predicated on the fact that my plaintiffs have never seen the inside of a court, and now it's happening again.

You can put this all in your brief to the justices, Ms. Keating.

A written document cannot communicate the gravity of injustice at stake here.

I agree with you, but we all know the seven justices in Harrisburg rule over whatever decision I make.

This decision is out of my hands, Ms. Keating.

- Court adjourned.



I thought getting to go to the State Supreme Court was the whole point of this thing?

But I don't get to go.

They just want me to write a brief.

That way, it's easier for them to throw the whole thing out.

And you're just gonna take their no for an answer?

I didn't even know that was an option with you.


Shut your mouth.


- You should take it.

I have to go.

- Annalise.

- Can I get the check?

- Please.

Don't rush out.

I have a whole brief to write.


Stella passed three years ago today.

That's the only reason she's calling.

Well, she's your ex-wife.

Of course she would call.

We haven't spoken since our fight about you.

You should call her back.


I'm too pissed.

Uh Oh, no, you don't get to be pissed.

Not on a day like this.

Most days I don't even miss Sam.

And I mean that.

But when I drive by a car accident or see a baby he's the only one I want to talk to.

So, who's buying this time?

- My turn.

- Me.

You got the last one.

MILLER: You find my smoking g*n on the doctor?

Not yet.

I mean, Stella had a history of depression.


She just failed out of school.

There's the su1c1de note she texted her mom.

Um, what about waiting 15 minutes to call 911?

I'm just saying I need more time.

Yeah, that's fine.

But at least let's go get that drink.


It's a personal call.

You mind?

SENIOR: So I spilled my guts for nothing?


Everything you told Annalise, she will put in the brief.

Seven judges will read it and, we hope, decide in our favor.

- You think I'm soft, right?

- What?

Look at where I live, man.

I know how to take bad news.

This isn't bad news.

They just changed the rules.

No trial, no witnesses.

What kind of trial got seven judges, no jury?

- You changed your mind, is all.

- No, no, no.

What kind of monster would crush a man's skull?

I'll show you the paperwork if you don't believe me.

There's no way in hell you're gonna put him on the stand.

I ain't gotta look at no paperwork to know when I'm being played.

It's your hoochie, right?

Yeah, she's afraid I'm a bad look for her case.

I get it.

There's people you can't trust, especially in here, but I'm not one of them.

I got your back.


I want back to my house.

GUARD: You sure?

You still have a few minutes left.

No, I'm done.

For good.


People of color represent about 60% of the people living below the poverty line.

But most of the justices who will be reading this brief are white!

We have to offset that bias.

Annalise will agree with me!

I think Annalise would also agree that this is my best batch of joy yet.

A week ago, you could care less about this case.

A week ago, I didn't know that this case had the potential to go to the Supreme Court!

It already is at the Supreme Court!

The actual United States Supreme Court!

You actually think that's possible?


Because I should probably spend less time baking.

Yeah, I get it now.

Your sudden interest in this case is all about getting your name mentioned in the brief.

- Someone's name has to go in it.

- Yeah, mine.

You think Dershowitz put his secretary's name in his briefs?

I am not Annalise's secretary!

- Okay, beauty-school dropout.

- What is your problem with me?

- She has a point.

- No, she doesn't.

Look how invested you are, Connor.

Like, you're all up in arms about the Constitution.

That's some real nerdy law-school behavior.

Why don't you just re-enroll?

LAUREL: Oh, my God.

The The judge just e-mailed me, and I get to meet my baby at the hospital tomorrow.

Baby, baby, baby!


Oh, my God.

I have to buy my mom's flight.

- Whoo!

- Yeah!


I got into Mommy's phone records.

Only took you a week.

Don't be mean.

She called Jorge every day this week.

They're working together.

You have to tell Laurel.

Not until after she meets the baby.

She's gonna see them both at the hospital, Frank.

She deserves to know.

You've been bad, haven't you?


That some sort of come-on?

You came to confess that you couldn't leave the voicemail alone and you found some crazy news about how Wes used to be secretly an FBI agent - I'm not here about the voicemail.

- Then what is it?

I hit you.

That's why the baby came early.

- No.

- Michaela told me, so don't go trying to protect me.

And don't get mad at her.

I needed to know.

- I don't blame you.

- You should.


This whole mess Dominick, my father, the baby coming early I made all of that happen.

My elbow made it happen, and now I want to be there for you as much as I can.

So can I go to the visitation?

Um, well, my mom's meeting me.

Your dad has to be there, too, right?


I can handle him.

You shouldn't have to worry about him.

Make that my job, and you can just be with your kid.


I-I need to do something good for you.

Otherwise, this Catholic guilt might k*ll me.

CONNOR: We analyzed years of written briefs that went to the State Supreme Court.

Based on those statistics, we think you should start your argument emphasizing 14th Amendment violations.

And if you don't agree, I e-mailed you an alternative structure starting with the 6th Amendment.

You didn't tell me you did that.

Oh, quiet.

They're both good.

Well, if you had to choose, which is better?

I helped on both versions, A. K.


BONNIE: It's about Isaac.

Good news or bad?

Good, I think.

There is bruising that proves Isaac did CPR on Stella, which also can explain away the 15 minutes before he called 911.

That, combined with her psych history, makes it pretty easy to convince Miller to close the investigation.

It just depends whether Denver will let him.

What is it?

The drug she took.




It's an opioid.


What's wrong?

Jorge's lawyers were telling the truth.


Did you give Stella those dr*gs?

Stella was living with us again.

She'd just dropped out of Amherst.

I had gotten home.

I thought I would cook dinner and see if Stella wanted to see a movie.


You here?


I thought I hid them well.

But she must have known something was up with me.

You told me you had been sober for 23 years.

I lied.



She had taken just about every pill in that bag.

Was she trying to k*ll herself?

I don't know.

All I do know is that she had grown up her whole life hearing me talking about my struggle [SOBBING]

No, no, no, no.

how dr*gs almost k*lled me to the point that my entire life had been about being sober.



I knew the only thing worse than losing Stella was if Jacqueline were to find out that it was my fault.


So you wrote the text.

Her mother still thinks those were her last words.

- You could just step away.

- No.

You have enough to worry about right now.

He lost his only child, Bonnie.

He blames himself for that.

He lied to you.

How many sessions did you have with him?

He helped you.

Now you just want to walk away?

You have to convince Denver to close the investigation.

I can't go anywhere near Denver right now.

Then convince the ADA.

I'm on it.

Thank you.

ANNALISE: "How we treat a person during the darkest moment of their lives is a benchmark of humanity.

" LAUREL: Mom.



You two talking about me?

You can go now.

We'll call when we're done.

- Mom.

- It's a special day, Laurel.

I want Frank here.

Where's Dad?

- He's not here.

- Why not?

I called him every day this week and begged him to tell the judge to let you meet your son on your own.

She called Jorge every day this week.

They're working together.

ANNALISE: "When a prisoner is torn from their home and put into a cage, it is not just the prisoner that suffers.

Their entire family is institutionalized.



Hi, there.

Hi, you.

I'm your mom.



Oh, my God.

I love you.

I do.

I love you so much.

I love you so much.

ANNALISE: "The current system disproportionately impacts on the lives of poor people, people of color, people experiencing mental-health issues" [LAUGHS]

ANNALISE: "It's a system that is manifestly unjust and which has profound constitutional implications.

" Christopher.


Wes' name was Christophe.

So I want to call him Christopher.

It's perfect.

ANNALISE: "Nowhere in the Supreme Court's precedence do they sanction discrimination based on race or class.



- Ohh.

Miss Castillo?

We have to wrap up.

Oh, just just a little bit more time.

I'm sorry.

The judge has set very strict time limits.

Would you please?

This way.

- Hey.

- Any news?

They've been keeping me waiting for over an hour.

The justices wouldn't call you to Harrisburg if they weren't seriously considering the case.

Or they just want to laugh in my face before ruling against me.


You got this.


- What's up?

I read your report on the Roa case.

I'm with you.

There's not enough to charge him.

But I'd be an idiot to trust what you wrote.


You know, I probably would have just let that case sit on my desk, but then you came in here smiling at me, which was weird for so many reasons.

But, really, it made me realize that you're still working for Keating.

And nothing you wrote explains why a girl with no history of drug abuse suddenly d*ed from the very opioids that her father was addicted to.

So I went to Denver, and I told him to charge Dr.

Roa with death by delivery.

Maybe even m*rder two.

Now get out of my office.


I apologize for the wait, Miss Keating.

Not a problem.

Is the panel ready for me?

Right this way.



- What the hell?

- Shut up.

DENVER: What is this?

BONNIE: The research recovered from Simon Drake's computer.

There's evidence here that links Antares to your campaign funds.

I destroyed it, along with any other evidence that incriminates you.

You think I'm a thr*at.

Well, you should.

But if you want me dead, gone, cut the brakes on my car, set my house on fire this and every other conversation we've had since I've started working here will get leaked to the press.

You're bluffing.

You'd be taking a big risk to test that theory, so here's what's going to happen.

Drop your investigation into Isaac Roa.

No arrest, no charge.

Jorge Castillo got what he wanted, custody of that child.

So end the witch hunt, or lose your election from jail.


It's over.

We lost.

- I'm so sorry.

- Stop.

You tried.

That's more than most people.

BONNIE: Annalise?


The D. A. 's dropping the investigation.


Are you sure?


Thank you.

Oh, no.

Thank Bonnie.

Thank Bonnie.

Thank you.

Thank you.


What is it?

You're high.

- You're a liar.

- Hey.

I'm broken.

- We're all broken.

- This situation here has just brought everything with Stella back.

Stop making excuses!

Own your mistakes!

So much I wanted to tell you.

I'm not the one you should be talking to.

Tell Jacqueline!

Isaac, we're no good for each other.

Of course we're no good for each other!


You really think I'd be in this position if it weren't for you?


You're blaming me?

I blame myself for blurring the lines here.

I blame myself for not telling you no.

'Cause that's what you need in your life someone to stand up to you and say, "Hey, enough.

" Tell me no?


I've lost my freedom.

I-I lost my husband.

I lost my baby.

Everybody has told me no!

God has told me no!

I came to you because I wanted to get better.

See, and here you are.

Still, you're yelling at me like you're some victim.

That's your narcissism talking.

I diagnosed that after our first session.

I-I could show you the notes.

And somehow, I doubted my own instincts.

I saw all those warning signs.

I knew better.

And here I am.

I'm just sucked into your life!

Look at me.

You want to know how long it's been since I've gotten this low?

'Cause I haven't felt this bad since Stella d*ed.

And here I am I'm worse off now than when I was a heroin addict.

But this time, I'm worse, because this time I've actually got something to lose here and I don't care about any of it!

- That's because of you.

- I didn't ruin you.

You were that way when we met, probably your whole life.

And if there's anything that you've taught me, it's that I can't make anyone who they don't want to be!

So, you go ahead, you choose your dr*gs, you do whatever!

But this is the last time I'm gonna help you.


You've only hurt me!


You know what?

All right.

We're gonna keep it up.

What are you doing?

Put down that phone.

Jacqueline, this is Annalise Keating.

I swear to God, put the phone down!

All right.

I'm with Isaac.

And he's relapsed, and he needs you.

Ask him about Stella.

- You need help.

- So do you.

Not from you!

Thought I told you not to come back here.

I wanted to let you know we lost the case.

You lying again?

- I was never lying to you.

- So we lost the trial you said wasn't happening in the first place?



What am I supposed to think?

You don't know me at all.

I am no liar.

So hear me out.

We lost your case.

But you're not losing me.

'Cause no matter how hard you try to scare me away, I'm gonna keep coming back here, visiting you.

So you don't hate me?

We're good now.

- I know what we need.

- Don't say cookies.

- Pizza.

- Okay, yeah.

- And chicken wings.

- And fries.


- Where are you going?

We've been eating our feelings for weeks and it's done nothing.

We lost, Michaela, and now we have to lick our wounds.

That's called giving up.

You might do that, but I don't.

Dry your tears She's right.

But I want pizza.

No, I mean, about quitting.

If I take summer classes, I can catch up and be a 3L with the rest of you.

I mean, it'll be a bitch juggling school and planning a wedding, but why the hell not?


Did you just?

What do you say?

You still want to marry me, Ollie?

You're a big part of a big, big sun [CHUCKLES]

You're the one that called it off.

- Well, it's called back on.


Now, that's what I'm talking about!

Joy, baby!











When your heart's in many pieces Hey.

Where are you?

Helping my dad with something.

What's up?

I want you to move back in.


You're that scared?

Denver's pissed.

Just say yes.

Of course.

I'll be there soon.


You're a big part of a big sun You're a big part of a big sun Hey, there.

What is this?

I went through your phone records, bills, all of it, but I can't figure it out.

So I decided to just come here and ask you to your face.

How'd you know Christophe?



I figured out how to fix the class action.

It's over, Michaela.

Not if you appeal to the real Supreme Court!

There's no chance in hell the Supreme Court is gonna hear this case!

You just need to ask for help.

Like you said to me, nobody does anything worthwhile alone.

Getting your case heard at the Supreme Court, for example.

They only take 2% of cases submitted.

That's why you need to know people.

People with power, people that have influence, fix problems!

I know who that is!

You're a big part of a big sun COLLEGE CHANCELLOR: She's been behind every closed door in town.

She's run campaigns, served under two presidents.

If you're a senator or a congressman and you've gotten in trouble, she's held your hand and steered you towards safety.

She was arguably the most powerful person in this country, and still, shockingly, she's agreed to come talk to us.

And so, without further ado, I give you our newest guest lecturer Olivia Pope.

Big part of a big sun You're a big part of a big, big sun