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02x06 - Persona Non Grata

Posted: 11/01/19 06:11
by bunniefuu
Over here, Bright Boy.

- Back so soon?

- Yeah, I hit a wall in London.

No shit.

At 60 miles an hour.

Let's go.

I'm not gonna lie, you picking me up from the airport - makes me feel special.

- You must be mistaken, because I didn't pick you up at the airport.

In fact, I haven't seen you since you went to London.

Don't worry, Mike won't know.

You're damn right he's not gonna know.

He thinks I'm picking up my laundry.

Hey, how did he take it when you told him about your heart condition?

Don't f*cking try to turn the tables on me.

I'm just saying, I'm the one who should be nervous, 'cause your secret's bigger than my secret.

That's bullshit.

Listen, I'm not going anywhere near the embassy.

I just want to know about Monica Herrera.

- What'd you get?

- Glove box.

Herrera filed a business license for Cinco Palmas SRL.

She's also listed as the CFO.

Her entire practice seems to be just a setup for shell companies, you know, money laundering, tax evasion, - illicit trade - Okay.

So we know that whoever hired Max to k*ll Moreno went through her.


We don't know.

But we're gonna go and check it out.

And then your ass is back on a plane to Dulles.

- Understood?

- I didn't even book a hotel.

Candidato Bonalde Hola.

¿Cómo está?


Uh Mm-hmm.

Timothy Horton.


Uh Gracias, señor.

- Señor.

- Sí.


Yeah, I got that part.

We're diplomats.

Diplomáticos, diplomáticos, de los Estados Unidos.


Well, this would be a nice spot for a picnic, kids.

I should've brought a nice ham and cheese sandwich.

Oh, yeah.

I got our ham and cheese sandwich right here.

Nah, I think Disco's more of a hot dog guy.

- f*ck!

- Take cover!

Center peel!





Go, go!



Move it!


How did these f*cking assholes find us way the hell out here?

- They must have set up on us.

- How they hell'd they do that?

I couldn't do that shit.


We're pinned in!

We got to get the f*ck out of here!

You think?

Disco, cover my six.

Let's move!

Where the f*ck did these guys come from?

Frag out!

All right, let's move!

Move, move!

- Who the f*ck is that?

- I don't know.

They must be on our side.

Move up!

- Let's go!

Up the ridge!

- Let's go!




This way!

I got you!



Where the f*ck did you come from?

What the hell happened?

I got lost and found a prison camp over the ridge, but I heard the sh**ting, so here I am.


That's not bad for a dirty boat guy.


- What's in the case?

- I have no idea.

Well, whatever it is, it's important to them, so it's coming with us.

We got to split up.

You guys get back to the river.

- I'm gonna lead 'em away.

- f*ck that.

- We're coming with you.

- That's a f*cking order, Coyote!

You make sure that shit gets back to Greer, you understand?

Let's move.

Coyote, peel off!




I thought we'd have some lunch.

Do you know anything about polo?

I know Ralph Lauren makes a great shirt.

It is the greatest of all games, but not for the timid or the poor.

In competitive play, players can switch horses every three, four minutes.

50 horses can be used just in one match.

We appreciate the sports lesson.

Why are we here?

We're diplomats, and we were brought here - at gunpoint.

- Diplomats?

The United States, and more specifically you, Dr.

Ryan, seem intent on pinning the assassination of Senator Moreno on me, despite the fact that I brought the real K*llers to justice.

Actually, you didn't.

The man who shot Senator Moreno, his name is Max Schenkel, and he was k*lled in London yesterday.

So either you've imprisoned innocent men by mistake or you're just not telling the truth.

So, if what you say is true, Dr.

Ryan, any proof you have would be very helpful.

I'm working on it.

You think you know me, but all your assumptions are based on ignorance.

You've disrespected me.

You disregarded all my efforts to help you bring this matter into a swift conclusion.

But now things are going to change.

No, no!

You heard what he said.

We're going to the boat.

Man, f*ck that.

Get off.

- Get out of my way.

- Yeah, or what?

- Or you're about to find out.

- Stand the f*ck down.

- You better listen to him.

- The both of you.

- Matice gave us an order.

- Man, f*ck the orders.

You heard that shit.

They got to him already.

We don't leave guys behind.

That's not some rule.

That's the f*cking rule.

You guys do whatever the f*ck you want.

He came back for me, I'm going back for him.

- f*ck.

- Yo, f*ck him.

- f*ck him.

- Let's go.

Damn it!

f*ck you, assholes.




There's nothing we can do, man.

We got to get out of here.

We got to get out of here.


g*dd*mn it.

- What do we do about Mike?

- Don't worry about Mike.

I'll handle him.

I thought I told you to leave the country.

- You did.

- You went over my head.

- No, what I did - You went around me to get to Chapin.

Do you have any idea what it means to be on a team?

- Mike, if I may - It means you do not make your own decisions and do whatever the f*ck you want whenever you want!

Mike, if I may I've worked with Ryan.

Is he an ass?


But does that make him wrong?

No, it doesn't.

Now, this lawyer, Monica Herrera we're on to something tangible.

I mean, she's connected.

- Connected how?

- She paid Schenkel on behalf of whoever ordered Moreno's assassination.

Look, no matter how you feel about him, Reyes is spooked.

We're getting close.

Look, you have every right to be pissed.

I'm sorry.

But I just can't let this go.

Mike, the ambassador needs to see you.

- Not now.

- She said it's urgent.



Holy shit.

My God.

Get out.


What we need to do What you need to do is shut the f*ck up.

He just said that we tampered with the election.

He declared us persona non grata and ordered us to evacuate the embassy immediately.

We need to get everyone out now.

You put American lives in danger.

Let's go!

Clear the embassy!

- Let's move!

Let's go!

- Open up!

All right, they're coming out!

Stay eyes on!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Get the flag down!

Let's go!

All right, the flag's down!

Everybody, go!

Jack Ryan calling.

Jack, where are you?

I'll send a car to get you right now and bring you here.

I don't think today's the best day to do that.

Why not?

I'm in Caracas.

Jesus, Jack.

Yeah, I know.

Listen, sir, I have new information.

I have critical information.

I just need more time down here to follow it up.

Well, I can't undo Reyes's order to close the embassy.

I'm only asking for a few days to What is this new information?

Well, to be honest with you, sir, I-I don't feel comfortable talking about it on an unsecure line.

I value you, Jack, especially the kind of guy you are in the world we live in, but I can't do anything down there.

You get your ass on a plane and get back here and brief me.

I hope it's not too late to clean this up.


I'll do that.


I've been looking for you.

Mike wants to see us in his office.

You wanted to see us?

Shut the door.

My life was a lot simpler before you guys showed up.

No drama.

Used to go for runs on my lunch break.

Two Americans are dead.

One of them, a United States senator.

And we have three missing operatives in the jungle.

I'm not leaving.

That's my personal decision.

You guys stay you have no protection.


We are supposed to be on that plane.

We do this, nobody's coming to save our asses.

I don't give a shit.

Thank you.

This way!

- This way, ma'am.

- Let's go!

Let's go!


We have to go.

Watch your head.



Come on.

Grab some bags.

Load up.


- Is he okay?

- He'll be fine.

He doesn't look it.

I'll handle it.

Let's move.


These are for you, capitán.

Thank you.

These are your rides.

Both have full tanks.

They're old, but they work.

This is your plan to blend in?

Play cops?

No, we don't all get to play cops.

False compartments.

One of you in each.

Pick your poison.

Weapons and cash with me.

Listen to me.

- Are you sure you're gonna be okay?

- I'm good.

Take him straight to the airport.

I thought he was going to the safe house with you.

Take him straight to the airport.

Make sure he gets on that plane.

- Do you understand?

- I understand.


Hang tight.

Come on.

No, no, no.

Oh, f*ck me.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

All good.

José, how we doing?

We're almost there.

g*dd*mn it, José, can you k*ll that?

Drop the g*n.

