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04x04 - Chapter Sixty-One: Halloween

Posted: 10/31/19 05:05
by bunniefuu

Previously on Riverdale I'm Charles, your brother.

Hey, your days of exploiting kids to do your dirty work ends tonight.

Didn't we say we were gonna turn this place into a community center, Red?


Are you my roommate?

So much for a new start.



What what is this?


It's literally six hours of our house.

Why would somebody do that?

Film it, and then leave the evidence on the front doorstep?


To unsettle you.

Let you know you're being watched.

Yeah, but why a videotape?

Why something so anachronistic?

Maybe it's just a prank.


If it was it was an elaborate one.

Over the next few days, then weeks, more and more citizens of Riverdale received copies of similar tapes, footage of their houses being watched from across the street, for hours upon hours.

No messages were included with the videos, which somehow made the whole thing even more disturbing, so that by Halloween, the entire town was on edge.

Who would get the next tape?

What did they mean?

Were they a warning?

A test?


Another one?

Keep me updated.

The Muggses also got a tape.


I'll get over there and get an interview with him for tonight's broadcast.

That's the fringe benefit of living with the Sheriff.

I get the inside scoop before any other reporter.

- Mmm-hmm?

- Mmm-hmm.


Hey, Betty, is Jug still coming home for Halloween?

Yeah, that's the plan, Mr.


We're going to hand out candy and watch scary movies.


Why don't you invite your brother?


Charles doesn't know anybody in town.

Okay, well, why is he still in town?

He's helping me with the tapes and a couple of other cases.

It's the one good thing that came out of this nightmare.

Brought the entire family together.

Except for Jughead, who's at Stonewall Prep.

And Polly, who's in a facility being de-programmed.


- [TONI]

I think it's time, Cheryl.


Time for what?

To say goodbye to Jason.

You've been promising me for weeks.

I know, and I'm going to.

But I can't do it before Halloween.

It's our favorite holiday.

Babe, then you're going to say the same thing about Thanksgiving And then Christmas.

You're not going to let this go, are you?

Okay, fine.

We'll rebury him on the Blossom family plot on the grounds of Thornhill.

But I'm warning you he's not going to like this.

I'll get the shovels.

Moose, why do you have this?

Oh, just thinking maybe I'm done with high school.

I mean, I'm 18.

The army doesn't care who you are or where you're from.

Dude, what Bret did, spreading that article about you, was a real scumbag move.

But you can't let him win.

He wants you to leave.


Hell, he wants both of us to leave.

Let's not give him that satisfaction, okay?

It's easy for you to say, Jug.

They're not calling you "Gargoyle Boy.




You and you, I made it very clear that there will be no costumes on school property.

Now take off the masks.

Come on.

Hand it over.



Bee you okay?

Um, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little on edge this Halloween.

I mean, people are dressed up like the Black Hood and the Gargoyle King And there are those damn videotapes.


- I'm with you, girl.

Ever since my dad broke into the Pembrooke, I've been looking over my shoulder.

And if the town's got a voyeur now [REGGIE]

What's up, guys?

Who wants to TP Mr.

Honey's office with me tomorrow night?

Reggie, It's senior year.

We're seniors.


It's senior year.

This is our last Halloween at Riverdale High.

I'm in, Reggie.

- Huh?

- What?



Honey gave me a week's detention for going to the bathroom without a hall pass.

- That's what I'm talking about.

- Mmm-hmm.


Yo, Red.

I just got some distressing news.

You remember that crew that was working out of the arcade?

Dodger and his boys?

He's still pissed that he got beat up and jumped by that, uh, vigilante.


They're planning on wilding Halloween night, looking to bust some heads.

Damn it.

The kids in the neighborhood will be sitting ducks.

We got to do something.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

Maybe keeping the center open later than usual.

Why don't you guys host a Halloween party at the community center?

That'll keep the kids off the streets and out of harm's way.

And don't worry about costumes.

One of my gal pals in New York, Katy Keen, she goes to the High School of the Performing Arts and is an amazing designer.

Let me see what she can whip up for you two.

Yeah, sounds great.



What about you, Jughead?

Which of your favorite horror writers did you bring in to share?

I brought the collected works of HP Lovecraft.


There is nothing scary about Lovecraft.

Says the guy that brought in "The Raven"?

My favorite Poe story is "The Cask of Amontillado.

" That's the one where the guy is sealed behind a wall, behind bricks, and then is never seen or heard from again.

And that would be a horrible way to go, don't you think, Forsythe?

Just vanish.

Like the Stonewall Four, you mean?

I'm betting Forsythe could make it the Stonewall Five.

We're overdue for a vanishing.


Who or what are the Stonewall Four?

Four students, all of whom went to this school, all of whom [BLOWS]

disappeared without a trace.

All at the same time?


Uh, over 30 years or so.

And they didn't really go "missing.

" They dropped out.

So what're you saying?

Stonewall Four is an urban legend, Jughead.

It's campus lore, that's all.


I'm so proud of you, babe.

You're the strongest person that I know.

Well, it's not the first time I've had to bury my brother, but hopefully it's the last.

Well, it was the right thing to do.

Cheryl, what's that?

Oh, no.

I was afraid of this.

Of what?

Jason's ghost.

I think he's mad at us for what you made me do.

I know exactly where this is going the trash.

What are you reading, Jones?

Uh The Stonewall Sentinel.


It's fresh brewed.

Yeah, thanks.

Searching for something in particular?

Like articles about the Stonewall Four, perhaps?

How'd you guess?

You love a good mystery, don't you?

I've already searched through years of articles, and so far there's nothing about disappearing students.

My next stop is the town newspaper office and the police station.

Jones, are you okay?


Yeah, uh I think I I think I need some air.


You need to lie down.


Say hello to the Stonewall Four for us.

Okay, opening my eyes now.


- We look ridiculous.

You look adorable, both of you.

What are our names again?

According to Katy, you, Archie, are Pureheart The Powerful, and you, Munroe, are The Shield.

Right on.

Uh, Veronica, you need a ride to the center?

No, I'll take an Uber.

I still have to do some cleanup over here.

But save a dance for me, Pureheart, won't ya?



Why aren't you in a costume?

I am.

I'm dressed as Laurie Strode.


From the original Halloween movie [DOORBELL RINGING]

I got it.


Trick or treat!

You guys look great.

Have fun.

- [CHILD 1]

Thank you.

- [CHILD 2]

Thank you.



What time is Jughead getting here?

Uh, I don't know.

I keep texting him.


I'm going upstairs to play Minecraft.



Happy Halloween to me.




- Ow.




- Ouch.



All right.

All right!

It's really funny.

Let me out now.


All right, Bret.

I know you love Edgar Allen Poe.

But trying to prove that the premature burial is scary, the joke is on you because I've already survived way worse.



All right, you sick preppy bastard, let me out.

Let me out!





- Hello?






Is that you?


No, Betty, it's me.

Who is this?

You know who this is.


I don't know what kind of sick joke you think you're playing, but the Black Hood is dead.

And I'm calling the police.

Have you checked on the children lately?


Oh I'm sorry, but we're closed.


You know, I've been driving straight the last 18 hours.

I could really use a cup of coffee and a home-cooked meal.

I'll be quick.

I'm trying to get home to my family by daybreak.


Take a seat.

I'll get you a menu.

Thank you.



Eddie What the hell?

What are you doing with that?

You know the rules, you can't have a knife in here.

Hand it over.

- Can I get it back before I go?

- Maybe.

Red, we got trouble at two o'clock.

Dodger and his crew just came in.



Hey, this is a private event.


'Cause the sign outside says it's open to the public.

Not for you and your crew, Dodger.

Do I know you?


Well, I know that one.



You didn't tell me you were taking the night off.

Who's handling business out there while you're in here, having a good time?

Time is money.

Come on, let's go.

He's not going anywhere with you.

Oh, yeah?

What are you gonna do about it, Captain Spandex?

I heard you got your ass kicked not too long ago.

If you'd like a repeat, I'll happily oblige.

Now, leave.

This is private property.

Be seeing you boys.

You too, Eddie!

Keep moving.

So, what do you think, Ms.


Are we ready for any trick-or-treaters that might come our way?

Oh, we're ready for a lot of things about now Ms.





And cue the toxic twins.

They're being fussier than usual.

It must be the blood moon tonight.

Aren't they with Nana?




They're asleep.

Nana, where's the other baby monitor?

I heard him crying.

Your brother.

In the chapel.


Okay, that's not possible.

I threw that doll away!

I told you.

It's Jay-Jay.

He's angry.

And now he's haunting us.

Cheryl, are you messing with me?

On the ashes of Thornhill, I swear I'm not.

But I do think we should have a Halloween seance to try to talk to Jason.



Can we get outta here, now, Reggie?

Relax, dude.

We're good.

We're golden.

You saw the parking lot.



You, stay here.

Kevin, come with me.



Are you okay?



Got ya.


You should see your face.


Do not answer that.

Stay in here.

Lock this door.


Listen to me, you sick son of a b*tch.

I don't know who you are [MAN]

Yes, you do.

I'm your father.

That's impossible.

I saw you, him I saw him die.

- You saw what I wanted you to see.

- Stop lying.

Tell me, Betty, do you know where this call is coming from?

Leave me alone!

It's coming from inside the house.




What the hell are you doing here?

I was just headed home, I thought you guys might want some pizza Wha Is everything okay?



Here you go.

Right off the grill.


I appreciate it.

Hey, can I show you something?

It's my family.

My wife and my two little girls.

Aww Aren't they angels?

They are, they're beautiful.

And very lucky to have a father who's willing to drive through the night for them.

- I'm gonna get you a refill.

- Thank you.


So, someone pretending to be the Black Hood keeps prank-calling you?


On and off, all night.

You know, um I could help you trace the call.


You can do that?



I've got a unit in the back of my trunk, and it would only take a few minutes to set up.

What do you think?

Let's do it.

I've been reviewing your records, Kevin.

You've had a rough year.

Well rough couple of years.


You know, after everything you've been through, I can only imagine how alone you must feel.


Sometimes, yeah.

And it's that vulnerability that Mr.

Mantle exploited, isn't it?


Burble tells me your first choice for college is NYU.

The theatre program.

It's a great school.

It could be a fresh start for you.

Sadly, I doubt you'll get in.

Excuse me?

Hmm, well Not after Carrie.

Not after Heathers.

And not after tonight.


It was It was Reggie's idea.

To to trash your office.

I'm I'm so sorry.

Okay, Mr.



It's very good, Kevin.

Very good.

That's all I needed to hear.

You can go now.


Talk to me, Eddie.

What's Dodger got you doing for him?



Stealing hubcaps?

What do you care?

I care because I don't want you getting in trouble.

Or worse.

Yo, Red, you're gonna wanna check this out.

- What?

- Some of the kids wanted to go home.

I went outside to make sure everything was cool and And?

There's trouble out front.

Hey, wait, can Can I bounce?

Hell, no, you're staying here until the party's over, and then I'm walking you home.




I told you to get outta here.

Nah, it doesn't work that way.

That crap gym of yours might be private property, but this lot isn't.


That's it, I'm done playing.

Yeah, you do that, son!

Come here and get your ass shot.

That would make our Halloween.

Right, boys?


- Come on.

Come on.



Jones, it's Archie.

Can you do me a favor and swing by the gym?

We got a bunch of kids here and some punks with g*ns out front.

Let me know.

What do we do in the meantime?

We keep the party going, as late as we have to.


I call upon the invisible forces all around us to aide and guide us through this communication with the spirit world.

Is the entity inside this doll present?

Okay, come on, Cheryl.

Stop moving it.

I would, T. T. , except, I'm not.

I swear.

Spirit, what is thy name?


I know you're upset that I made you bury your dead brother's corpse, but this is so messed up.

I already told you, it's not me.

It's Jay-Jay's ghost self trying to engage with us.

This is not Jason, Cheryl.

He's not moving this board.

Antoinette's right.

It's not Jason [WHISPERS]

it's Julian.

What do you mean, Nana?

Who is Julian?

Your mother held three babies in her womb.

Julian was to be your triplet.

But, in the end, only you and Jason were born.

Because, as the midwife explained it, you, Cheryl, had absorbed the third one.

Eaten it.

That that can't possibly be true.

Penelope was devastated.

So she procured this doll and reared it alongside the two of you until you were no longer infants, at which point Julian was retired to the attic.

So now that the doll's back, the spirit of Julian is haunting Thistlehouse?

What other explanation could there possibly be?

That you and Nana Rose are working together.

And to what end would Nana and I be colluding?

I don't know, babe, to make me realize that things were better when Jason was here?

So we dig him back up and park him at the kitchen table.

Back here in the chapel would be acceptable.

And if we did bring Jason back home, would this haunting stop?

Could we get rid of this creepy-ass doll once and for all and bury him in Jason's grave?

Yes, T. T. , I agree to your terms.

You know, this persona that you've cultivated, Mr.

Mantle, this prankster, this class clown, has made it impossible for your peers and your teachers to take you seriously.

Do you think this has anything to do with your father abusing you?


People won't notice the bruises or the pain if they're laughing at one of your jokes.

Is that the thinking?

Because the thing is they're not laughing with you, Mr.

Mantle, they're laughing at you.

Now, you consider that as you clean up my office, and you leave it exactly as you found it.


We haven't talked much since everything went down with the Farm.

Haven't we?

You have every right to be wary of me.

Starting with the fact that you let Mom walk right into the lion's den with Edgar.

Let the record show that when I reconnected with Alice, and she found out I worked with the FBI, she wanted to go undercover.

To help Polly, to get a story.

What about you?

What do you want?

I guess I've, uh I've always wanted to be part of a real family.

But I know that that takes time.



Um Just, um, keep him talking.




Hello again, Betty.


Who is this?

Don't play dumb.


I just have been getting a lot of prank calls tonight pretending to be you.

I mean, it is Halloween, and I do live in the m*rder house.


You're testing my patience.

You remember Halloween, don't you?

We used to go trick-or-treating as a family.

You, me, Mom, Polly.

We'd walk up and down Elm Street.

I remember.

And when we got home, we would go through our bags of treats.

You didn't want us to eat apples because you thought there might be razor blades in them.

Which is pretty funny, all things considered, huh?



- Bye, you sicko.

Did you trace it?

The number?


What is it?

Where is the call coming from?

Um It's coming from Shady Grove Treatment Center, where your sister's been staying.

Polly has been prank-calling me?

Well, I'll call the main line at Shady Grove and see - how she got access to a phone.

- No, no, no.


I have a better idea.


Shady Grove, how may I assist you?

Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to one of your patients, please.

Name of patient?

Polly Cooper.

Who may I ask is calling?


One moment, please.



Is it really you?

No, b*tch, it's your sister.


Edgar is worm food, and you're as good as dead to me now, too.


Betty, how could you pretend to be Edgar?

How could you pretend to be Dad?

- I I - You are sick, Polly.

Really truly.



So ends the Case of the Mystery Prank Caller.

You know, I wish that I could say tonight's been particularly insane because it's Halloween, but no, this is actually fairly typical.


I'm not usually on kitchen duty, so I hope the burger was all right.

Oh, delicious.

Nothing like a home-cooked meal.


We here at Pop's try.

Any room for dessert?

We have pumpkin pie, homemade.

Oh, well, well, I will take a slice of that.

- All right.

- Thank you.



We have just received breaking news.

An extremely dangerous patient escaped Shady Grove Treatment Center earlier today.

A serial k*ller nicknamed "The Family Man," Michael Matthews, forced his many victims to cook him meals before brutally murdering them.

He is of average height and medium build.

After escaping from Shady Grove, he k*lled a trucker and stole his clothes and vehicle.










Locker rooms are secure.


- Check the bay doors next.

Mr. Jones?

Hey, Red, sorry it's taken me a minute.

It's been a crazy night, but I'm pulling up right now.

Okay, great.

Where's Eddie?

I'll check around back.





- Eddie?


- Eddie?

- I need an ambulance now, El Royale Boxing Club.

Right now!



You're okay, you're okay.


Hey, I've been thinking, um, given how well you handled yourself with the Farm, at the motel, I think you'd make an excellent candidate for the Junior FBI Training Program.

An FBI program for high schoolers?

Is that actually a thing?

- It is.

- Hmm.

We could work together trying to figure out who's sending these videotapes.

You know this town a whole lot better than I do.

That's true.

Will you consider it, at least?



Looks good, Mr.


So, can I go home?

I mean, it's already morning.

As long as we understand each other, we can walk out of here together.

What the hell?




What happened to my car?

It's such a shame when someone disrespects your property, isn't it?


Wonder who did this.

Probably hooligans having some Halloween fun.

Would you like a ride, Mr.



No, thank you.

Well get home safe.

You're home now, Jay-Jay.

For good.

All is right in the world.

Isn't it, my love?


Everything's back to normal.










I'm trapped!

Help me.





Good morning.

I, uh I see you've been had.



Mr. Chipping [GASPING]

Where Where I'm always amazed at my students' antics.

How they get extra creative at Halloween.


Don't take it personally, Jughead.

It's a Stonewall Prep tradition.

It means you belong now.

Belong to what?

To us, of course.

Here is your phone.

You've got a lot of missed texts and calls.

Did you know about this?

Absolutely not.

What was even the point of this?

It was just a bit of Halloween fun, that's all.


Did we go too far?

In that case, you could always just leave.


I'm good.

Happy Halloween, kids.


How you feelin', Eddie?

Like I got shot in the leg.

Doctor said it was just a flesh wound.

You got really lucky.

Eddie, it could've been a lot worse.

If Dodger and his crew did this, we can help you.

Me, Munroe, Sheriff Jones.

Help how?


The last thing I need is for these guys to think that I snitched, especially since you took away my switchblade.

That's not gonna protect you from guys like Dodger, but Munroe and I will.

Come hang with us at the center.

They won't step foot in there ever again.

And then what happens when the center closes at 10:00?

Where do I go then?

I'm back out on the street 'cause I have to be.

A lot of us are.

I have two options either I roll with Dodger or hide from Dodger.

That's it.

I can't believe you held that guy off on your own.

I mean, I can.

You know you're a total badass, right?


I like to think so.

And how did Pureheart hold up?


Honestly I don't know what I'm doing.

I vowed to create a safe space for the kids in this town, something my dad could be proud of.

It's never going to happen as long as guys like Dodger are out on the streets.

Okay, so then we clean up the streets.

Archie As well as you fill them out, you're not actually considering fighting crime in those tights, are you?

Of course not.

I'm going to need a mask.



How was your shower, my love?

Why was this sitting on the bed?

I thought we agreed to put an end to this.

Jason's back.

You got what you wanted.

Although it pains me to admit it Yes, I was gaslighting you before.

And for that, I apologize, but, I swear, on Jason's life, I have no idea how that got back into this house.


Well, then, how is this happening?

I mean We for sure buried this doll.



I told you It's Julian.

T. T.

I'm afraid the true haunting of Thistlehouse has only just begun.

Moose, you're not going to believe what Bret [JUGHEAD]

I mean, it's like Moose completely vanished.

There's not a trace of him anywhere, Betty.

Well, is it possible he actually joined the Army?

I don't know.

I placed a couple calls, but I know it was them that chased him out of here.

I mean, did they lock me in that coffin because they wanted me out of the way while they terrorized Moose into leaving?


I don't know.

I just hate that they kept me from helping you.

I'm sorry that you had to go through that alone.

Well, technically, I wasn't alone.

I was with Charles.


So are we warming up to our half-brother now?

I guess so.


Kind of.

He wants me to join the Junior FBI, which, I don't know.


I might actually be good at.



I think you would be great at it.

I'm just glad that Charles was there for you.



He might be the real deal.

Meanwhile, I feel guilty that I wasn't there for you, Jug.


Well, actually, you were there for me.

Thinking about you was the only thing that kept me from losing hope.

And my sanity.

I think deep down, I know that if I ever really went missing, that you would be the one to find me.

I would, Jug.

I promise.