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07x06 - Due Process

Posted: 10/30/19 07:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Arrow"

- And you want my help.

- Yeah.

I never thought this day would come either, but here we are.

- Time to go, inmate.

- Where are you taking me?

You're going back to Level One.

- Where did you get this?

- Felicity.

She's the one who sent us to Star City.

I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Felicity Smoak is dead.

DIAZ: Just making good on an old promise.

Isn't that right, Anatoly?


DIAZ: You, uh You remember the last time we saw each other?

You k*lled my brothers, all of them.

Let me, um let me jog your memory.

You betrayed me After I trusted you I gave you my friendship.

Man like you has no friends.

Where are your friends now?


Oliver Queen!



The Arrow Team [LOUD THUD]

They're all gone, brother.

You picked the losing side.

What are you waiting for?

k*ll me!

Not yet.

I got a little job for you.

You're gonna help me destroy Oliver Queen.


STANLEY: I thought that mind control stuff only happened in movies.

It wasn't exactly mind control.

This place seems like it's gotten a lot worse.

STANLEY: They came in after you stabbed that guard.

These guys are professional jerks.

Less yard time, cell checks every half-hour.

Have they been rough on you?


No way.

I'm glad they're here.

Brick's been pissed ever since you shut down his fight club, and I'm the only one he can take it out on.

If they weren't here, he'd have come after me.

You totally saved me.

Typical Green Arrow move.

Pick it up.

I thought Dunbar was on Brick's payroll.

Not anymore.

Ever since that fight club fiasco, dunbar's got a slap on the wrist.

Now he treats Brick like, well, you.

DUNBAR: On your feet, 4587.

- Speaking of.

- Time to go.

Have my meal privileges been revoked?

I said, let's go, inmate.

- Err.

- I'm not telling you again.


That's what I thought.

You have a visitor.

I thought I didn't have any visitation.

Well, it must be your lucky day.

What do you want?

Try sounding a little bit more grateful, Ollie.

I had to file an emergency motion just to get in here to see you, and it's a good thing that I did because you look like crap.

Just need to document - Hey.

- Your injuries really fast.

What are you doing?

We got the Level Two psych records from wherever or whoever you had sneak them out of Slabside.

How did you do that, by the way?

No, no.

Never mind.

Don't tell me.

It's better for your case if I don't know.

What do you mean, my case?

- Your case.

- What what are you working with Jean Loring?


I'm working with your wife.

Felicity would have told me if she was working with you, and the only reason that you would ever help me or anyone is if there was something in it for you.

- That's not true.

- Yes, it is.

You're the reason that Diaz got away in the first place.

Do you remember?

You know, the Ollie I knew, he had a hard time taking responsibility for his failures, too.

You know what's amazing?

You're nothing like her.

So go ahead and pretend to be Laurel, my Laurel, for as long as you want.

You never will be, ever.

Stay away from my wife.

I can't believe she's dead.


I don't really drink.

ROY: Well, I do.

So what happened?

How did she die?

It was a couple weeks ago, give or take.

She was m*rder*d.


Who would hurt Felicity?

Roy, the Felicity you knew was very different than what she became.

We wanted her to join us, but she cut ties.

Instead, she went underground.

She started calling herself the calculator.

- Like her father?

- She ran in some dangerous circles.

You walk that path long enough, sooner or later, it catches up to you.

I'm sorry, William.

However Felicity died, whatever the circumstances, she still sent me this signal, and I need to know why.

ROY: You don't owe her anything, William.


Well, maybe she owed me.



I noticed this earlier.

You see the color variation?

I think Felicity was trying to lead us there.

This is kind of crazy.

You know that, right?

All I know is I've come this far.

I'm not stopping now.

Has the sil*ncer's flight touched down from Moscow yet?

An hour ago in Star City just like we thought.

My facial recognition algorithm indicates she hasn't had a rendezvous yet with Diaz, but I did get an update on why Diaz sent the sil*ncer to Russia.

Anatoly Knyazev?

I can't get specific confirmation, but the rumor on the dark web is that the entire Bratva was massacred two nights ago in Moscow, which doesn't bode well for our frenemy Anatoly.

How'd things go with Oliver?

Is he okay?

He's fine.

He hates me, he thinks I'm a monster, and he doesn't want my help, but he's fine.




I mean, prison's obviously been rough on Oliver.

I mean, that's the whole point of prison.


But he doesn't know the new you.

I mean, he just knows the old, scarier, murdery version of you.

I don't really care what Oliver thinks of me, but he doesn't want me representing him, and I don't know how quickly you're gonna find substitute counsel.

No way.

We are not changing our strategy, not now.

Oliver's constitutional rights were violated.

A prosecutor stepping over to the opposite side of the line to defend him is the best leverage that we have.


I just got a hit.

Diaz and the 3 Longbow Hunters were spotted outside a munitions plant in Orchid Bay.

He's probably looking for some kind of w*apon.

Too bad he's not gonna live long enough to get it.

We have to move before they change locations.

FELICITY: Why do bad guys always pick the creepiest places?

Oh, wait.

Was that a serious question?

Well, I mean, you used to be a bad guy Well, gal, so I figured you'd know.

RENE: This doesn't look like official D. A.


Did we have to invite him?

- Are you two, like, friends now?

- It's a long story, but the punch line is that the sil*ncer and Diaz are inside, which means we're finally gonna get a chance to bring them down.

And you know this how?

Oh, wait.

Let me guess.

Long story.

Can we just leave it at that?

- So are you in?

- You really got to ask?

RENE: Where the hell is she?

FELICITY: According to my tracker, she's she's in there.




- RENE: b*mb!

- JOHN: Go, go, move, move, move, move, move!



A. R. G. U. S. has been tracking Diaz ever since he slaughtered the Bratva in Russia.

The SCPD was responding to a munitions plant break-in, so please tell me, Felicity, how the hell do you end up in the middle of my op again?

Why don't I just say exponential search algorithm, and we'll just leave it at that?

We planted a tracker on the sil*ncer's belt.

Obviously, Diaz must have found it and is using it as bait against us.

How did you manage that?

You were nowhere near the sil*ncer at the CDC.

CURTIS: That thing at the CDC was you guys?

RENE: Uh, Felicity wasn't near her.

I was.

We snuck her out together.

DINAH: So you two captured the sil*ncer?

But Felicity and Laurel were the ones that tortured her.

LAUREL: Actually, I convinced her not to.

You're welcome.

So now you're working with Laurel?

- LAUREL: I'm standing right here.

- DINAH: To be fair, she did help shut down that illegal psychiatric program at Slabside.


Hold on a sec.

You're gonna give me crap about working with the new Green Arrow, and meanwhile, you're siding with the Black Frickin' Siren?

Again, still here.

You're working with the new Green Arrow?

CURTIS: Guys, I think that the whole point of this is that maybe we could all pick up our phones a little more, huh, sh**t a text.


I am totally talking about the fact that everyone forgot my birthday last week.

Your party is next week.

Act surprised!


Now that all of our deep, dark secrets are out, do you think that we could switch our focus back to the psycho who just tried to blow us up?

Sounds like good idea.

JOHN: First, ground rules.

No new Green Arrow.

Secondly, no one who isn't from this Earth.

You're kicking me out?

DINAH: Well, you are the D. A.

You could have been exposed tonight, and I think there's no need to risk that again.

So an international mob boss gets to stay and I have to leave, is that it?



Laurel, wait.

Laurel, please wait.

It looks like you and your husband don't need my help after all.

He does, we do, I do, but, more importantly, I need the D. A. to help Oliver.

Well, I was happy to help your little charity case when I had some downtime, but now that Diaz is back in, I don't.

Laurel, Laurel, please!

If I could trade places with you so that you could go get Diaz, I would, but this is my only chance to get Oliver out of prison.

This is it!

This This is my only chance to get my husband back.

Laurel, please.

You know, sometimes, I really hate being your Laurel.

I promise you that when we catch Diaz, I will call you and we will finish this just like we planned.


We're close.

Should be just up here.

All these years, and you're still that boy who hates not knowing stuff.

Are you still that girl who loves getting into trouble?

You know it.

It's good seeing you.

I tried to keep in touch after everything.

Yeah, I know.

Guess it was just easier for me to move on than to hold on, you know?

Wish I could do the same sometimes.

I cannot believe that they're full-grown adults.

Which means we're old.

I never thought I'd see you again.

This is the last place I ever thought I'd come back to.

I wanted William to leave me on Lian Yu.

How did he convince you?

I found a message inside of Oliver's bow, the mark of four.

That's impossible.

Who could've put it there?

I don't know, but I think it's best that we keep this between us.

None of us have seen William for years.

You sure we can trust him?

He's Oliver's son.

That is exactly what worries me.

ZOE: Hey.

According to the map, it's only a few hundred more feet this way.


- Let's go, inmate.

- What?


GUARD: Oh, you're going to the hole permanently.


What's going on?

Officer dunbar was k*lled last night, and this little bastard was the last one seen with him.


I didn't k*ll anybody.

It wasn't me!


How do you know it was him?

STANLEY: Oliver, it wasn't me, I swear!

It must have been brick!

He set me up!



Look who just got out of the loony bin.

You learn any life lessons in there?

Maybe those doctors helped get your head on straight.

Tell me what you know about Dunbar's m*rder.

Sounds like you're accusing us of something.

I heard the poor chap got stabbed 8 times.

Messy way to go.

You and he had a falling out, Brick.

Maybe we did, and maybe we didn't.

Maybe an innocent man is rotting in the hole in your place.

There are no innocent men in here, Queen.

You should know that.

Brick, Stanley didn't k*ll that guard.

Well, I guess he's got nothing to worry about.

The truth will set him free.

Go ahead.

Then you can join your friend in the hole.

Hey, Brick.

If you or anyone in your crew had something to do with this, I'll find out.

Come on.

Meet Pyotr Roslov Former KGB, lots of deep, scary ties to the Russian military.


He looks like a real charmer.


He is not.

Pyotr and I were associates at KGB, but we had a disagreement.

Then why did Diaz have you call him?

Diaz wants to buy some kind of very powerful w*apon from him.

He wants to destroy Oliver Queen by destroying what he loves, his city.

CURTIS: That's why Diaz was trying to steal the directed energy w*apon.

And whatever was at the CDC.

We find out where Diaz plans to launch his attack, we snag him there, we find out what Roslov sold him, and you're gonna help us.

No, no, no.


Pyotr can smell a rat.

Anatoly, we will help you.

I play hero once before, and Diaz k*lled all of my brothers as punishment.

- Never again.

- Oliver was your brother, too, and he would want you to help us get Diaz.

Yeah, but Oliver tried to do the same thing.

Look where he is now.


Time for me to go somewhere nice, tropical.

Maldives maybe.

I think it's really hard to travel when you're on homeland security's most wanted list.

Yes, but I am on no such You are threatening me?

Call it an enthusiastic suggestion.

A couple minutes in Roslov's office, you download his hard drive, you're on your way to the Maldives.

You're not Felicity smoak I remember.

Well, she couldn't catch Diaz.

Maybe this one can.


I got a visual.

ROSLOV: Anatoly Knyazev.

He's in.

ROSLOV: I suppose I owe you a debt of gratitude for sending the Dragon my way, Knyazev.


I'm pleased your dealings with Mr.

Diaz were, uh, profitable.



Very profitable.

Speaking of, you need 4K TV, sarin gas?

All fall off truck, I swear.

FELICITY ON COMMS: Anatoly, you need to get to that computer.

Eh, Pyotr, why don't we sit down like old friends?


Now distract him and insert the drive.

Something wrong?

I I was promised drink.

Um, on rocks Please.



He's got incoming.

Anatoly's been compromised.

We have to get him out of there.

The drive still needs a minute before he can retrieve the data.

Felicity, he doesn't have a minute.

FELICITY: Anatoly, there is no immediate threat.

Keep him talking.

Forgive me, Pyotr.

JOHN: Felicity!

Losing Bratva was very painful.

The pain taught me to see all the pain that I have inflicted.

I'm hoping that you can see it in your heart to forgive me.

A snake may shed its skin, but it is still a snake.




[COCKS g*n]

JOHN: Anatoly.



We got it.

Damn it.


How's Anatoly?

He'll be out cold for a few hours, but he'll be fine.

- Good.

- Felicity, it wouldn't have been if I showed up a few seconds later.

But he is fine, and we got this.

It's encrypted and probably in cyrillic, so it's gonna take me a while to decode, but it is a huge lead on what Diaz is planning.

And this would have been worth anatoly's life?

Well, think about how many lives we're gonna lose if we don't stop Diaz.

We all have to take risks in the field, Dig.

That's true, but this was a risk that you coerced him into taking, Felicity.

I'm sorry that he got hurt, I am, but we got intel on Diaz because I didn't give up.

Give up?

Felicity, I didn't give up.

You pushed me out.

You wanted to do things your way, and I supported that decision, but that was before I knew your decision involved risking innocent lives.

Anatoly is hardly a girl scout, and don't lecture me, especially because you haven't been around.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to end this.

But then what?

Felicity, I've known you for a long time, and you are a good person, but I've been to the front lines, and I know exactly what that does to people.

I just hope when this w*r is over, you still come out a hero.




You okay?

The guards, they took turns hitting me.

They think I k*lled their friend.

Stanley, did they say why?

They haven't even found the m*rder w*apon.

Dunbar's a jerk, but I would never hurt him.

I would never hurt anyone.

Oliver, if they pin this on me, I'm gonna be in here forever.


I'm not gonna let that happen.

I heard that it happened in the shower.

- Okay.

- But that doesn't even make sense because I wasn't even close to there when that guy I know if anyone can find out what really happened, it's the Green Arrow.

Just sit tight, okay?



Of course.

LAUREL: I'm sure you're wondering what a state D. A. is doing here in federal court, representing someone on the opposite side of the law.

JUDGE: I am.

This is highly unusual.

I'm here as an Officer of the court.

This is Oliver Queen's current condition.

He has been psychologically tortured, harassed, and assaulted.

Upon information and belief, Mr.

Queen also had the opportunity to escape Slabside but instead smuggled information out to help his fellow inmates.

JUDGE: And you feel these things should negate his conviction?


Oliver queen made a deal with the FBI to protect his city, but the FBI failed to hold up their end of the bargain.

Meanwhile, Diaz has continued to commit numerous other crimes and nearly succeeded in murdering Mr.

Queen's wife and child while they were in federal witness protection.

Anything further, Ms.


Your honor, the hardest thing to do is to be a hero when no one expects you to be.

The easier path is to be a criminal.

The past 6 months, Oliver queen has chosen the hard road and has been a hero in terrible conditions, and since the FBI has not held up their end of the deal, Oliver Queen deserves to be a free man.

I agree that a federal investigation into the conditions of Slabside should be ordered.

However, I'm unconvinced that Mr.

Queen should be released at this time.

Therefore, his conviction stands.

Your appeal is denied.


Got your message.

Are you in?

Felicity had the brilliant idea to use a cyrillic dictionary attack on the table - of hashed passwords.

- It was pretty brilliant of me.

Our friend Roslov, on the other hand, less brilliant.

His decryption key is the Russian equivalent of "password69.

" Once we translated all the data, this is what we got.

Say hello to Betab-500.

JOHN: Yeah.

That's a top-of-the-line aerial expl*sive, razor-thin precision, able to cut through concrete like nothing.

Well, Diaz has two of them, so that means our list of potential targets just doubled.

Keep working on that hard drive.

What are you gonna do?

Prepare for a mass evac of Star City.

Why'd you do it, Turner?

What the hell are you talking about?

Why'd you k*ll Dunbar?

I didn't k*ll that guard.

Your blade says you did.

Guards found prints on it.

Turner, you're going to the hole, and this time, you're never coming out.

TURNER: You did this?


You got the wrong guy.


I heard you were up.

How are you feeling?

Heart pounding in head.

Each beat pow Like knife to brain.

I'm sorry.

I should have gotten you out sooner.

So you are not new Felicity Smoak after all.

What do you mean?

You want to be ruthless to pursue madman, I'll not judge you.

I am, after all, wanted criminal.

I actually thought you'd be more pissed I almost got you k*lled.

Of course I'm angry.

You thr*aten my life, but I don't like apologies.

You cannot take away mistake by wishing it so.

In my line of work, you make choice, you do not look back.


So you don't regret working against us with Diaz last year?

Regret, guilt.

These are demons you choose to live with, a trade you make to get what you want.

How bad do you want to k*ll Ricardo Diaz?

More than anything.

Well, then you embrace demons.

No more half measures.

When I work with Oliver in Russia, he was not villain, but he did what needed to be done.

You remind me of him then.

What would that Oliver have done in this situation?

He would have ended Diaz, and he wouldn't care about the cost.


Laurel, you look a little upset.

Why don't we go cool off?

Get out of my way.

It seems like you were about to open your mouth and do something you're going to regret, counselor.

I'm not an attorney, as you've reminded me many times.

You sure looked like one in that courtroom today.


Well, it doesn't matter, does it?

Oliver's not getting out of prison.

Now, if you don't mind, I have some unfinished business with that judge.

Did you even bother to listen to yourself in court?

You spoke from your heart.

Big surprise, by the way, you do have one.

You said, "the hardest thing to do was to be a hero when no one expects you to be.

The easier path is to be a criminal.

" What do you care, anyway?

If anybody knows the true me, the real me, it's you.

You know, you've been telling people for 6 months now you've changed.

It wasn't until I saw you in that courtroom that I actually believed it.

Do not throw that away just because it's getting hard now.

I don't want you coming to one of my court appearances ever again.

WILLIAM: This has to be where Felicity was hiding out.

DINAH: Yeah, but doing what?

Uh, guys.

VOICE ON P. A. : You have triggered security protocols.

If you do not provide access credentials in 30 seconds, you will be terminated.

All our weapons were targeted.

Please say you can hack this.

Hack Felicity?

Yeah, right!


- VOICE ON P. A. : Denied.

She wouldn't lead us here without access.

What are those?

OICE ON P. A. : 20 seconds.

No freakin' way.

Get the bow.

WILLIAM: Remember how my dad used to train?

VOICE ON P. A. : Access granted.

ROY: You'd think Felicity would have made that a lot easier.

DINAH: She's obviously trying to protect something.

I'll bring up the last files she accessed.

DINAH: These are structural maps of all the buildings throughout Star City.

City Hall, Central Library, Old Rockets Arena All areas outside The Glades.


Along with schematics to build expl*sives and the money to fund it.

This is a plan to level all of Star City.

What you got?

Anatoly said in order to catch Diaz, I couldn't worry about the cost.

Felicity, you know how I feel about this.

I know, and that's not the point.

The point is that Diaz does worry about the cost.

I mean, it's basically his whole M. O. Diaz wants to make a statement.

The man carries around a flamethrower.

Subtlety isn't his strong suit.

So I started wondering, what is a statement worthy of a Dragon?

I ran an algorithm cross-referencing the Betab-500 and the manufacturer's specification.

Turns out that this model is a new version, where you can attach it to a pipe.

For instance, a pipe underground filled with gas.

- JOHN: Gas plant.

- FELICITY: Mm-hmm.

JOHN: That building's totally fireproof.

Rest of the city, not so much.

FELICITY: If Diaz sets off those bombs, a whole river of gas underneath the city goes up in flames literally.


A. R. G. U. S. will continue the evac.

We'll handle these bombs.

Does that mean what I think it means?

JOHN: Call the whole team.

We're gonna need all the help we can get on this one.

ANATOLY: I miss good old says when b*mb could be turned off by computer far away in dark warehouse.


These are not those type of bombs, and since we're on the topic of freaking out, the bombs are linked, which means we can't disarm one without detonating the other.

CURTIS: Which means we'll have to disarm them at the exact same time.

RENE: It's like the world's worst trust fall.


I was hoping it would look less scary in person.

- Wishful thinking.

- Bogey number one is attached to the main pipeline leading straight into Star City.

DINAH: We got eyes on the second b*mb.

FELICITY: Guys, this timer's started already.

Mine, too.

FELICITY: This timer was activated manually.

Diaz is still here.


Dinah, meet me outside.

Anatoly, Rene.

We'll keep an eye on the b*mb squad.

Bring in our exfil.

I want to watch the fireworks from above.

Curtis, each linking device is protected by its own crypto-key.

We decrypt the passcodes, and then we input them at the exact same time.


I'm gonna need a little bit more time on my end.

You got the easy b*mb.

We do not have more time.

- When can we run?

- Not now.

Guys, we have a problem.

My little bundle of joy came with a backup detonator.

- CURTIS: Cell phone transmitter.

- FELICITY: Can you remove it?

Not if we don't want to set it off.

We can't input those passcodes until we have that master phone.

Once Diaz realizes that the timers have been stopped He blows us up with phone call.


You go get that phone.

I got this.


[MUFFLED g*nsh*t]

Got the passcode.

Ready to input it.

I'm ready, too.

Dig, Rene, do you copy?




Come on.

Come on, Rene.


We cannot wait any longer.

They're gonna come through.


On 3.

1, 2, 3, type.

Now we run.

DIAZ: Impressive, but it's pointless.



Breaking news out of Star City.

Notorious fugitive Ricardo Diaz is behind bars tonight, thanks to the efforts of the unidentified Green Arrow.

Earlier this evening, the vigilante foiled an attempted bombing at the natural gas plant, leaving many to wonder should the anti-vigilante law be revoked.


Well, just like the good old days, huh?

The Green Arrow swooping in to save the day.

CURTIS: We do all the work, and he gets all the credit.

About time he got some credit.

The important thing is we caught Diaz.

DINAH: And this is a huge collar for the SCPD.

The feds are gonna be pissed they didn't get him first, and we are gonna charge Diaz with every crime in the book.

CURTIS: Guys, we caught Diaz.

This is what can happen when we all work together.

I don't want to say I told you so - But you are, right?

- Yeah.

DINAH: You know what?

Let's go get a drink and celebrate.

- We deserve it, huh?

- Oh, yeah.

Well, Felicity, after everything, you did it.

How's it feel?

Well Diaz is behind bars.

What could be better than that?

OLIVER: I mean, I thought I made myself clear.

I don't want your help.

That's just too bad because as your legal counsel, I am obligated to inform you of your case status.

That should be your copy of the court's ruling.

Spoiler alert We lost.

Must be difficult to win a case when you're not a real lawyer.

Says here the judge is ordering an investigation into prisoner abuse at Slabside?

Turns out the government isn't a big fan of lobotomizing their prisoners.

That will help a lot of people in here.


Thank you.

I don't want your thanks.

I didn't do this for you.

I did this for me, and, no, I am not your Laurel.

I'm not the old Laurel.

I'm me.

Everyone has good and bad inside of them, and you can't put people in one box or the other ever.




What, because I am Russian?

That is stereotype, but da, yes, vodka.

I only have a bit left.

I hope they have vodka in the Maldives, that is, if you can do an American accent.



I am Jason brown from Denver, Colorado.




You're a strong person, Felicity Smoak.

You catch Dragon.

Now don't look back.

Doesn't make any sense.

Felicity wouldn't do something like this.

Like we said, she changed.


Let's say you're right and Felicity somehow became overwatch of evil.

Why lead us here?

Maybe she had a change of heart, tried to back out last second.

It'd explain why someone would want her dead, right?

Not to state the obvious, but if we start poking around, it's gonna make us targets, too.

None of us have any idea what Felicity's intentions were or why she reached out to you.

Following this lead means taking a risk.

I don't know what happened to Felicity these past few years, but what I do know is there was a time when all of us loved her.

Isn't finding out what really happened worth the risk?


We'll start by tracking down whoever she contacted last.


Last call out was to someone named Blackstar.

That doesn't sound ominous at all.

I swear to god, if this gets me k*lled, - I'm gonna m*rder you.

- Noted.

I liked you better with pink hair.

You don't scare me.

I don't think that's true.

See that camera?

No red light.

That means you and I are completely alone.


You took my husband from me.

I had to send my son away.

You destroyed my life.

What you gonna do about it?

You don't have the guts.


I do.

You see, that's the problem.

I do have the guts because you made me into this person.


Go ahead.

Sweetheart, this is the big boys' table.

You should leave.

Felicity, don't.

Couldn't be without me, could you, baby?

I'm ending him, Laurel.


You don't want to do this, trust me.

- Yes, I do.

- No, you don't!

We need him to help Oliver.

What do you mean?

I made a deal with the feds, a trade.

Diaz for your husband.

If Oliver agrees to assist them with their case against Diaz, he'll be a free man again.

Oliver's coming home?



How did you do it?

I knew the Green Arrow was good, but I didn't think he was that good.

Stanley, I'm just glad you're okay.


I'm great!

I was this close to being stuck in here for the rest of my life.

If you hadn't found Turner's blade, it would have been all over for me.

How'd you know it was Turner's blade?

- What do you mean?

- You were in the hole, Stanley, so how'd you know it was Turner's blade?

I guess I must have heard it somewhere.

You gonna eat that?