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07x04 - Level Two

Posted: 10/30/19 07:02
by bunniefuu
My name is Oliver Queen.

After 6 years of being a vigilante, the only way to achieve my goal and save my city was to confess to being the Green Arrow.

Now my family and friends must carry on my mission without me.

I am no longer a hero.

Now I am inmate 4587.

Previously on "Arrow" - Where'd you get that?

- Felicity gave it to me.

I opened it up, and I found this.

They're GPS coordinates for this island.

I know exactly where this is.

Grab your stuff.

We're going back.

- Back where?

- To Star City.

The sil*ncer's the only lead we have on Diaz.

We can't let her escape.

Isn't this kind of what we've been doing the whole time, stepping in when the system fails?

Isn't that sort of the vigilante M. O. ?

Sometimes, you have to cross the line for that.


Nobody believes in that more than me.

I'm just not sure that's what this is.

You'll never get to The Demon because you're on the wrong level.

The Demon is on Level 2.

Let's go, 4587.

You're going downstairs.

I am Dr.

Jarrett Parker, chief psychiatrist on Level Two.

Keeping me in here without food or water.

I understand these conditions may cause some discomfort, but your recent behavior indicates that you are a danger to other inmates and yourself.

Until I can determine you are in the right mental state to be with the other inmates, it will be just the two of us for a while.

I'm here to conduct your psychiatric evaluation.

But I'm not crazy.

That's what I aim to determine.

Now let's begin.

What is your name?

You know my name.

Please answer the question.

My name is Oliver Queen.

I don't belong here.

I'm hearing someone who doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions.

The choices that led you to Slabside are of your own design.

You're not understanding me.

A man named Ricardo Diaz tried to k*ll my family.

Somebody on this level has a connection to him.

I need to find this person.

The only reason that I am here is because I put myself here.

- Do you understand?

- For the sake of argument, what will you do after you find this person?

I will use them to stop Diaz.


By hurting or k*lling him and then Mr.


Recidivism is the likelihood that a violent criminal offender will commit another violent crime when set free.

That is what I'm trying to prevent, but I believe everyone here has a chance at redemption, even people like you.

I don't need your help, and I don't need redemption.

You don't?


How many people have you hurt besides the prisoners and guards you sent to the infirmary?

I don't know.

How many people have you m*rder*d?


Would you say you have violent tendencies?

I would say I'm trying to protect my family.

And they do seem like a lovely family.

We'll unpack this more later.

Where is Diaz?

No food or water, heat on blast.

Call this an interrogation?

It can only get worse for you.

You don't have the stomach to do what you need to do.

Diaz is only getting stronger.

You have no idea what's coming.


- Any luck?

- No.

Actually think she might be enjoying herself.

We're gonna need to turn up the heat.

Any hotter, she'll turn into soup.

I meant turn up the stakes, do whatever it takes to make her give us the information.

- You don't mean t*rture?

- I don't not mean it.

Felicity, you don't know what you're saying.

Torturing someone is a line you do not want to cross.

When the Navy discharged me for what I did to a prisoner, I learned the lesson about the cost to my humanity because I still have nightmares of what I did, even though I saved lives, so when Tobias church tortured me for over 20 hours, it was the universe paying me back.

That's evil for evil.

I'm sorry about that.

I am.

Church broke you.

You gave up Oliver's identity, Rene.

It worked.

She tried to k*ll Dinah and Laurel and us.

Diaz hired her.

He's not gonna stop coming after us until we are all dead.

Oh, sh**t.

I was supposed to meet with Dinah 5 minutes ago for a town hall.

She is not going anywhere, so we're gonna take a break, and we're gonna figure this out later.


All right.

Star City's seen better days.

God, this place.

I swore I'd never set foot here ever again.


Me, too.

Sounds like I'm not the only one with bad memories.

The coordinates have changed since Lian Yu.

Something must have triggered it.


She must know we're here.

Well, let's see where she wants you to go.


Lost track of time.

We're just about to start.

Hey, hey.

Don't you want to know what's going on in your community?

I need to know what's going on for my algebra quiz tomorrow.


The rich part of Star City gets 5 squad cars for every one that The Glades get.

Ma'am, I assure you that's not the case.

When my store got robbed, it took SCPD two hours to get there.

You know who showed up only minutes later?

That new Green Arrow.

Where were you?

I apologize for that response time.

We are doing the best we can with limited resources.

You and mayor pollard are in way over your heads.

Ok, guys.


Captain Drake is here.

She's trying to help.

Let's all be reasonable.

Well, facts are, Rene, things were better off with the vigilantes.



Come on.

All set.




Everybody stay calm, make your way to the exit.

Let's go.

Guys, you heard the lady.

Move your asses!


I got to get Zoe.

Zoe, no!

This way.


She's over here.

She's right here.

Sweetheart, are you okay, huh?

I'm okay.

The Green Arrow saved me.

It's all right.

Although the origin of The Glades youth center fire has yet to be determined, the SCPD has a leading suspect.

The new Green Arrow was spotted at the scene of the crime.

We believe he may be involved.

Now I've instructed Captain Drake and the SCPD to utilize every resource to find and apprehend him.

Vigilantism will not be tolerated.

What a load of crap.

The guy's a hero.

He saved her life.

How's she doing?

Doc Schwartz says she'll be fine.

They're just holding her as a precaution.

She's a fighter just like her not-so-old man.

I got her a little something.

Hey, man.

Isn't she too old for that?

Do not hate on Beebo.

He brings comfort to people of all ages.



Let's let her rest.

So if it wasn't the new Green Arrow that started that fire, then who was it?

Maybe it's a homicidal maniac running around town with a shiny, new flamethrower, goes by dragon, hates our guts.

- It wasn't Diaz.

- How do you know?

Because the perps used an accelerant that's also been used in a rash of other fires around The Glades, one on the same night Diaz broke into the CDC.

That gives him an alibi.

This is A. R. G. U. S.

We have to go.

Keep us posted.

- How's Zoe?

- She'll be okay.

- Good.

- The guy who did this won't be, not when I get my hands on him.


We'll find him and that vigilante.

I've got patrols combing the city.

We both know that new Green Arrow's not who you should be looking for.

Are you implying I don't care about finding who did this?

No, but the mayor doesn't give a crap about a fire in The Glades.

She cares about locking up the new Green Arrow because it will make her look good.

He saved Zoe's life.

Doesn't definitively make him innocent.

What was he doing there in the first place?

I'm sure he has a good reason.


Let me help you by finding the guy who really did this.

Rene, I already have one vigilante to deal with.

I do not need two.

I'm not talking about Wild Dog.

That's my kid there, D.

I became a vigilante for her because I wanted her to be able to walk the streets and not get att*cked, not have her purse stolen, and not be offered dr*gs because her mother died in these streets already.

I just want a better life for her.


I care about Zoe, too, and I promise I will find out who set that fire, but you saw what happened at that town hall, Rene.

These people have completely lost their faith in law enforcement because Diaz corrupted it.

My job is to catch whoever did this and restore that faith.

All I'm asking is that you have faith in me.



I got it.

Good morning.

Good morning!

I see you've found a way to keep track of time.

I'm impressed.

An active mind means you're thinking about things.

What is your name?

I'm not answering any more of your questions.

Still resistant.


I suppose we'll have to try a different approach.



What wa what was that?

That will help make you more comfortable, allow us to have a real conversation.

You don't have to fight anymore.

You've fought enough in your life.

You consider yourself a hero.

The question is, when was the moment the playboy son of a billionaire became the man known as the Green Arrow?

You can survive this, make it home, make it better, right my wrongs, but you got to live through this first.

You're struggling.

What do you see?

I'm with my father at sea.

Are you on the Queen's Gambit?


We're on a life raft.

Gambit's already gone down.

Was there anyone else there with you and your father?


His his bodyguard Ha-Hackett.

We there were the 3 of us who survived.






What did you see?

I see my father asking me to right his wrongs Right before he shot himself in the head.

He sacrificed his life for mine.

Is that why you became a vigilante?

- Yes.

- Because he put his sins on you?

Would you please stop?

A father passes on more than just his name to his children.

He provides them their legacy.

What became of Hackett?

There was only enough food and water for one person.

My dad shot him.

Your father shot him?

Then what?

Like he doesn't matter in this story, just collateral damage?

People without the last name Queen are human beings, too.

They have hopes, dreams, lives.

Your father wasn't a hero.


Queen, he was a m*rder*r.

He saved me.

He condemned you.

He is gone, but here you are caught in the same vicious cycle, paying for his crimes.

How'd you get past my SCPD detail?

You know I went to MIT, right?

It's like Harvard for computer geeks with an acceptance rate of 6.

7%, so if I can get in there, I can get in pretty much anywhere except for here, which is why I had to resort to saying that We were sorority sisters.


So you are actually practicing law.

Why does everybody find that so hard to believe?

Well, probably because you're not the real Laurel or a real lawyer.


Try saying that 3 times fast.

What a tongue twister.



I am doing this for Quentin, so if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to work now.

Yeah, I get it.

I mean, prosecuting criminals must be a lot harder than being one.

- You're still here.

- I have a case that you might be interested in.

Your Laurel might have done the whole pro bono thing, but this Laurel doesn't.

Hypothetically, if there was a female assassin who went by, I don't know, the name the sil*ncer, who had for purposes of this illustration Only att*cked the D. A. with a belt device that canceled sound, well, if someone has captured said assailant and was holding her hostage, do you think the D. A. in this perfectly random hypothetical might be interested in serving justice?

You kidnapped and imprisoned the sil*ncer?


No, not me.

- Just asking for a friend.

- And you want my help.


I never thought this day would come either, but here we are.

You are a hell of a lot more interesting than I thought.

Where is she?


They didn't have strawberry, so I got you some options.

You still like cantaloupe, right?

For, like, the 100th time, I'm fine.

Shouldn't you be out looking for the bad guys who started the fire?

Hey, hey, hey.

I'm your pops.

I'm right where I need to be.

Besides, your aunt Dinah doesn't want me doing that.

There's a fire at the lofts.

Dad, you got to go.

You taught me only punks forget about their community.

Why you always got to listen to everything I say?

Hey, hey.

I'm on your side, remember?

He got away.

- Who got away?

- Jon Cortez.

Is he the one who's been setting these fires?


Put your w*apon on the ground.

Raise your hands above your head slowly.

- D.

- I got a call about a suspicious fire.

I had a hunch you might be involved.

He's just trying to help.

Then he can prove that by turning himself in!

Step aside, Rene.



- Damn it!

- I'm sorry, D. , but I just couldn't let you arrest him.

- Turn around.

- What?

Turn around!

Are you kidding me?

I warned you the last time.

I asked you to trust me.

Instead, you just actively tampered with my investigation, so now I have no choice.

Are you serious?

Rene Ramirez, you are under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, so I suggest you shut the hell up.

Let's go.



Good morning.

Please state your name.

Oliver Queen.

You were just now meditating.

- Yeah.

- Where did you learn to do that?

- Hong Kong.

- Who taught you?

Tatsu Yamashiro.

When we last spoke, you mentioned your father k*lled a man Hackett So you could live.

That's right.

I feel like my father had to Make an impossible choice.

- An impossible choice?

- Yes.

How do you think your son would feel if he knew his grandfather was a m*rder*r?


Parker, please leave my son out of this, please.

At times, love can blind a person to the harm they're inflicting on their families, the cycle of v*olence they're creating that they have learned from their own parents.

I would never intentionally harm my son.

Did you know that children of the incarcerated are 3 times more likely to enter the justice system than children of non-offenders?

William is nothing like me.

That may be true, but what effect do you think you're having on William?

I think he's alive.

Alive but with no father, his mother dead, and no home?

Does that sound like a good life?

No, it doesn't.

Everything that I've done I've I've done for my son.

I don't doubt that, but it is my duty to point out uncomfortable truths so that you can reform yourself so that you can become the man you want to be for your son.

You created your vigilante persona so that you could avenge your father's wrongs.

Isn't any part of you concerned that William will take your lead and become a m*rder*r just like you?

Then listen to me.

That promise to your father was made when you were vulnerable and desperate.

It tainted your mission from the start, infecting you and now your son.

It wasn't fair of your father to ask what he did of you.

You must let go of the past.

Only then can you spare your family from paying for your sins.

Go to hell.

He's not responding.

Prepare the machine.

Tell me exactly what she said.

Besides telling me to go frak myself, nothing.

Well, lucky for you, I've been working on my cross examination.

Your witness.


Remember me?

What's the matter?

Cat got your tongue?

You have no idea who I am, what I survived.

You're in way over your head.

I don't think I am.

A little advice from someone who used to work with that psychopath Diaz You think you're being loyal.

The only loyalty he knows is to himself.

He'll k*ll you without a second thought.

I'd do the same thing to anyone who got in my way.

I don't think you're hearing me.

Maybe I need to talk a little bit louder.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Got a call From Rene.


Of course he called you.


To talk some sense into me?

I just came by to find out why you locked him up.

Because he broke the law again, and I can't keep making exceptions just because he's our friend, John.

Sometimes, it's hard being on the other side of this.

Enforcing the rules.


That's been a tough transition for me, too.


I know Rene believes he's doing the right thing here, but our circumstances have changed.

There is no way any of us can help anyone if we're arrested by the FBI for violating the immunity deal.

More importantly, this police force is a complete disaster after everything Diaz did to it.

Dinah, you're under pressure, a lot of pressure.

I get that, but you sure it's not something more?


You know what helps me?

Spending time with J. J.

Family, Dinah.

That helps us through.

John, living in the shadows is when all the worst things happen.

Oliver going to prison, Vince first undercover, and then That's the real reason, because as much as I believed in Team Arrow, I had to move on.

I had to be a different kind of hero for this city.


You know, sometimes, I wonder if there's any form of justice that's 100% on the level, even at A. R. G. U. S.

I think sometimes you need vigilantes and law enforcement working together to get results.

Quentin Lance He did things by the book, but, Dinah, Lance was willing to work with anyone who could help him.

This Green Arrow isn't Oliver.

I can't risk everything for a stranger.

But a stranger with good intel.

Rene asked me to look into Jon Cortez, a merc arsonist with his own crew for hire.

What you do next with that information is up to you.

So this was Smoak tech?

Must have been something in its heyday.

This was Felicity's office.

You know, it makes sense that she would lead us here, but wouldn't it just be easier for her to reach out to me?

Why is she playing games?

I have no idea.

I mean, ironically, she was the one who influenced me to go into the tech field, even after everything that happened.

Well, you're a lot more forgiving than me.

Looks like a system Felicity showed me when I was a kid.

Back then, it was just a set of designs.

Can you fix it?

It's an extremely outdated model, so yes.

Just a simple recursive algorithm followed by a little Felicity special.


This is a restricted area!

What are you doing here?

I'm sorry about this, guys.

I I was supposed to meet an investor, and, um, obviously, I got the wrong address.

You're such a bad liar.

Shut up.

Please don't k*ll us!

I'm not gonna hurt you.

You shouldn't have come back here, Roy.

I knew Dig was the right choice for that phone call, and Felicity didn't answer.

John's not bailing you out.


I can't have you out there trying to catch those arsonists on your own.

You don't like that, you can stay locked up in here, but your intel It was good, so help me catch them by working with me.

I I'm sorr I I'm sorry.

Just, ears are a little clogged.

It just sounded like you wanted to team up.

Not permanently, no, but in this case, bending the rules might be the only way to serve the greater good.

That sounded like something captain Lance used to say.



Right now, the SCPD on its own, we just we can't get justice for The Glades, so I am willing to give working together a shot if you do it my way.


I've been trying to make this happen for weeks.

All right.

A. R. G. U. S. found something I don't have jurisdiction to get to bank records.

Jon Cortez has been receiving regular payments from patbane holdings.

So let me guess.

Patbane holdings isn't on the up and up.

It's a shell company, one that's been buying these torched-up properties at highly reduced rates.

So somebody's been burning down The Glades and then buying it back up?

So who's at the top of the patbane food chain?

That's what we need to find out.


Time to bail you out.

You scared the crap out of me.

You find out where Diaz is?


She's not being very chatty.

Of course she's not.

Make her chat.

That's why you're here.

I tried, and if I keep trying, I'm gonna k*ll her.

Since when did you care about anybody's life?

I don't, but if she's dead, she can't talk, and then we have nothing.

Which is what we have now.

We need that information.

And you're gonna get it with a rusty screwdriver?

If Diaz taught me anything, it's patience.

He waited 30 years to get revenge on one person.

We don't have 30 years.

- This isn't you.

- This is the new me.

This is the me who doesn't wait around to get m*rder*d.

This is the me This is the me that fights back.

I respect that.

In fact, I can actually stand being around this new you.

It's just once you do this, it's it's really hard to get back to who you were before, and I don't know if you ever can.

Well, I've already accepted that my old life is over, so I don't have anything left to lose.


I used to be just like you.

Well, that I find hard to believe.

On my earth, I loved my father and my Ollie, but they were taken away from me because they were m*rder*d.

It's when you lose the people who matter most.

Once you get through the grief, you get angry, you want revenge, and I took it, but the darkness, it swallows you the more you feed it, and digging yourself back out to the light, it's It's really hard.

In fact, I wish someone would have warned me before I got blood all over my hands the first time.

Maybe that way, I would have been more like your Laurel.

I don't know what else to do.

We need to play the long-term game here.

I need you to use that big brain of yours and think.

You took out those cops.

They would have k*lled Roy for being a former vigilante just like they would have k*lled me.

I don't understand.

You were police captain.

What happened?

That was a long time ago.


There were police everywhere, and you just dragged us through the sewer to get here.

What the hell happened to Star City?

Star City fell when The Glades rose.

They built a wall.

They closed their borders.

No one outside The Glades is allowed to enter.

The SCPD are basically hired g*ns.

They protect The Glades from what's outside their wall.

I think maybe we should have stayed on Lian Yu.

But then we wouldn't have gotten this.

What is this thing?

It's a new form of electrical therapy that targets areas of memory in the brain, the places where our greatest fears are held.

I've used it to help reform Slabside's more stubborn cases.

I don't need to be reformed.

Your will is one of the strongest I've encountered, but even mountains fall over time.

Don't fight it.

You can survive this, make it home, make it better, right my wrongs, but you got to live through this first.

Are you on the raft?


What is your father asking you?

He's asking me to right his wrongs.

And setting you on a road to ruin that will one day poison your son.

Dad I'm scared.

Come here.

I'm gonna take care of everything, all right?

You're gonna be fine.

Those last moments on the raft, your father asked you to redeem his own life, but if you had been in his place, what would you have told your son?

We're gonna die here.

You're gonna make it through this.

You're gonna get off this raft, and you, William, you are Are gonna have an amazing life Because you're destined for great things, not to die on this raft.

Promise me that you will forget about me, and and go live your life.


- Dad!

- William, I love you.


You were talking just now.

You told your son you loved him.


Because he's the most important thing in the world to me.

Then it is up to you to end your father's cycle for the good of your son.

Only you can do it.

Do you see that now?


Guys in cyber untangled the patbane holdings web.

This is our guy Marcus Fish, a real estate investor here in Star City.

He managed to buy up real estate on every Glades block where a fire happened.

Can't be a coincidence.

Cortez has been getting paid in two installments Half up front, half the day after the job.

There's an odd number of payments.

Patbane made a deposit earlier today but no second payment.

That means the next attack is happening tonight.

You know, I heard somebody was trying to buy the starling palladium, old movie house over on 8th.

Owner's a crotchety bastard.

Ain't no way he'd ever sell.

And that's just a few blocks from here.

I've made a vow not to k*ll, but it seems I must.



We got company.

Hey, dummy.

Hands up.

Watch out!

- Thanks for the save.

- Where are the other two?

Guessing over there.


Nice shot.

Back to work.

I'll take care of her.

Drop it now!

You okay, D. ?


You got the others?

Yeah, we stopped them.

How do we stop this?

The sprinklers are jammed.

There's nothing to keep this from spreading.

Help me get him.

D. !

You guys better clear out before the cops arrive.


Stand down, stand down!

I'm a friendly.

You're not, uh, here to arrest me again, are you?

Uh, no, not today.

I actually just came to drop this off for Zoe and to thank you and your new Green Arrow friend for helping catch the arsonists.

I really appreciate what you did tonight.

Feels good to be fighting side by side again.

Aunt Dinah, what are you doing here?


So sorry, kiddo.

I didn't mean to wake you up.

Just checking to make sure you're okay.

Brought you a little something.

This is so cool.

Is it a bird?


It's a canary.


Let me help you.

Good evening.

Now that you've had time to think things over, have you come to any conclusions?

- Yes.

- That's good to hear.

State your name.

My name is inmate 4587.

Where's Diaz?

If your friend isn't getting it out of me, you definitely aren't.

Diaz took everything from me My husband, my family, my life.

I don't have anything to lose!

- Felicity!

- I'm getting that information.


What the hell is wrong with you?

You told me to use my brain.

Your brain?

That was you using your brain?

You need to stop with your little games and let the grownups handle this.

She's gone.

How'd you know she was gonna take the belt?

Lucky guess.

The RFID chip I installed in it is gonna lead us straight to Diaz.


- What?

- You're different.

You remind me of the Felicity from my earth.

We know each other on Earth Two?

Everybody knows you.

You run your own empire.

- This girl?

- Yep.

Except for she's ruthless.

Are you prepared to be ruthless?

Because once the sil*ncer leads us to Diaz, we won't just be torturing him.

We're gonna have to k*ll him.

Can you handle that?

This is a waste of time.

How much longer are we gonna be trapped in here?

You used to be a lot more patient.

Shouldn't be too much longer.

Felicity told me that making a pattern on a Rubik's Cube is like running an algorithm.

My favorite was cube in the cube because it's a puzzle within a puzzle.

A cube in the cube.

Still, no answers.



What just happened?

Is that some sort of map?

It's The Glades.

You two remember Zoe.

Hi, Roy, William.

Wh what are you doing here?

I'm with the vigilante resistance, one of the few left fighting to save Star City.

Is your dad here, too?

My dad wouldn't be caught dead in Star City.

This map shows secret routes in and out of The Glades.

Where did you get this?


She's the one who sent us to Star City.


That's impossible.

William, I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Felicity Smoak is dead.