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07x01 - Inmate 4587

Posted: 10/30/19 06:52
by bunniefuu
Last season on "Arrow"

This is my city!

You want to stop me, you're gonna have to k*ll me!


So far Ricardo Diaz has been unstoppable.

You want my help?

I'm gonna need two things from you.

- Mr.

Queen, it's time.

- What is she talking about?

I thought you said we had immunity!

You do, but only if Oliver agreed to turn himself in.

There is still work to be done.

I am the Green Arrow.

- William, run!

- I can't run anymore.

Yes, you can!

Get up.

Get up.

Oliver, help!

Oliver can't help you.

Run now!


You're brave.

Oliver Queen took everything from me.

I'm gonna enjoy taking everything from him.

Morning, 4587.

Beautiful day.

Watch it, Arrow.

You're not gonna eat that, are you?

Lights out!

Morning, 4587.

Beautiful day.

You you're the Green Arrow.

Wrong guy.

But I saw you on TV.

That beard threw me off a little bit, but it's definitely you.

I'm a big fan.

"You have failed this city.

" Okay, I'm not that person anymore, all right?

Look, I'll join whatever g*ng you're in.

I don't care what I have to do.

I just I need your protection.

I'm not in a g*ng.

Then let me be your, uh, sidekick or your lookout or something.


Just I How am I supposed to survive in here?

I don't know.

Leave me alone.

What the hell?

I told you this wasn't over, didn't I?

We waited a long time for this.

Revenge is a bitch.

We don't have to do this.

But we want to.

Break it up!

Break it up!

You've all had enough fun for today, don't you think?

You know the penalty for being in possession of a w*apon, Mr.


Take him to the hole.

You're dead.

When I get out, you're a dead man!

He planted that.

That's not mine.

Deals can't miss, bro.

Primo product, great price.

Look, I'm on my way over now, okay?

It can't be you.


Would you mind handling the incident report?

I'd like to make date night with Curtis for a change.

Go get the captain.

4587, you pull that crap again from yesterday, I'm gonna make an example out of you.

Understood, inmate?

Yes, sir.

You got a visitor.

You know the drill.

You've looked better.

I've looked worse.

How are William and Felicity?

Still safe and sound in witness protection.

I've upped surveillance to 24/7 since we spoke last week.

Has the FBI made any progress?




Watson says she won't stop looking, and neither will I.

But, Oliver, it's been 5 months, man.

Five months.

Maybe we need to think about the possibility that Diaz is off the grid for good.

I can't believe that.

I know this must be so frustrating Losing all sense of agency like this.

Being out of control, I know, is not your strong suit.

I'm focusing on what I can control.

What's that?

Keep my head down.

Hopefully shorten my sentence.

That's smart.

I think that's a good play.

But I worry about the toll that's going to take on you, Oliver.

Cuts heal, John.

Not physically, bro.

Keeping passive, not fighting back.

Never been who you were.

I've always done what I had to do.

Right now This is what I have to do.

Don't lose yourself in here, Oliver.

I'll be okay.

Damn it.

What's up?

We're supposed to go live on this app today, but something in the upgrade is corrupting the break.

It's Can I take a look?

Be my guest.

Oh, yeah.

Are you some sort of, like, secret tech wiz or something?

I just know my way around a computer.

There you go.

You are a woman of many talents, Erin.

It's Saving the world one Espresso at a time.

This coffee's crap.

I'll make sure to take it up with our barista.

You ready to talk?

To a beat cop?

I've already wasted enough of my time.

I want to talk to your captain.

You sure about that?

Because officer anastas is a lot more patient than I am.

Lady Captain?

Oh, nice.


Well, you have quite the list of allegations against you, huh?

Fraud, racketeering, embezzlement.

The key word being allegations.

Well, where there's smoke, there's fire, Mr.


And in my experience, innocent men don't typically show up bound and gagged at my doorstep without reason.

There's a reason, all right.

The Green Arrow.

Maybe you hit your head a little too hard, but Oliver Queen is in prison.

Then there's another psycho in green leather assaulting people with a bow and arrow.

There have been no Vigilantes in this city for 5 months.

Looks like you got your work cut out for you, then, don't you?

Now, are you gonna let me go, or do I have to sue your asses?


Just as soon as officer anastas takes your statement Very slowly.

Guys, guys, remember, always keep your hands high.

That's your guard.

Tony, yeah.

In and out.

Yeah, but keep your distance.

Nice one, peanut.

Isn't it bad to punch things?


Lopez says Gandhi wasn't violent.

Gandhi ain't from the glades.

Besides, self-defense isn't about being violent.

It's about being focused and disciplined so you can protect yourself and the ones that you love.

That's just 'cause there's no more heroes to keep us safe, right?

Hey, dad, my bag's leaking.

Uh, nothing a little duct tape can't fix.

Are we ever gonna get new stuff?

This bag's kind of gross.

Still waiting to hit that lottery, Zoe.

Besides, gross builds character.

Ten-minute break while I patch these things up.

What's up with you, man?

This class is dumb.

Boxing's not gonna win you a fight in the glades, and you know it.

Boxing's not about winning.

It's about being focused and disciplined so you don't have to fight.

You mean with, like, a hockey mask?

Come on, man.

Everyone here knows that you're wild dog after that trial.

And you just didn't punch people.

I don't do that anymore.


Maybe you should.

'Cause my family just got robbed last week.

And the cops don't care about us in the glades.

So it's on us to protect ourselves.

Hitting these bags isn't gonna do it.

You know, I ain't into blondes myself.

Put that down.

Slow your roll, Arrow.

You wouldn't want this conversation to get messy.

You know I can just take that from you, right?

Well, that'd be a good thing.

You see, it'd save us the trouble of planting it when we rat you out to yorke, just like you did to Turner.

Now, I know you're trying to get back to this pretty little face.

You're probably counting down the days.

Just tell me what you want.


Well, you see You see, me and Sampson here, we've got a 3-man operation with Turner.

Side hustle.

And, uh, because of you, we're a man down.

So I think you should take his place.

No chance.

Now, here's two reasons why I don't believe you.

Now, I bet you really wish you hadn't have stopped merlyn from k*lling me, don't you?

See you soon, Arrow.

So I can sell cheap to the culebras, no problem.

Whatever you want, Mr.



You got it.

I got you.

My man.

This ain't no playground, kid.

Keep it moving.

Y'all sell g*ns, right?

That depends.

How much money you got, little man?

He's not interested.

You followed me?

Yeah, I figured you would do something stupid, and it looks like I was right.

Hold on.

I know you.

You're the one that dropped a dime on Oliver Queen.

Uh, crazy dog or something like that.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Let's go.

Come on.

Unfortunately for you, you just saw my whole operation.

And that can't be good for anybody.

Get down.

You okay?

Was that the Green Arrow?

I don't know who the hell that is.

We should turn around!

It's not safe.

But is it impossible?

No, not impossible, but it's not very smart.

Then how about I add another 100 grand to the 200,000 I've already paid you?

Most people would pay that kind of money to stay away from here.

This place must be very important for you.

It's not the place.

It's the person I'm hoping to find there.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Thanks for your help the other day.

Yeah, it was nothing.

Ah, it was more than nothing.

The app's number one thanks to your genius.

Oh, well, I'm pretty sure I just touched somebody's snotty snot rag, so I am also living the dream.

Well, I hope I'm not one of those customers that you secretly complain about.



You're polite and nice.

And your hygiene is fairly on point from what I can tell.

The bar seems pretty low.


You should work here a month, you might change your mind.

You could always I don't know change my mind over dinner?

Unless if that just put me on your creepy customer list.

You're asking me out.

And now I'm regretting it.


I mean, I'm flattered and everything, because, like, "Whoa. Still got it!" Not interested?

I I get it.

No, you definitely don't get it.

Breaking news out of star city this morning as the D. A.

'S office is set to comment on growing speculation that the Vigilante known as the Green Arrow has returned.

For an official statement from the district attorney, we go live to city hall.

- Are the rumors true?

- Is the Green Arrow really back?

Did Oliver Queen escape?

Do you have any idea who's under that mask?

We have reason to believe that a Vigilante impersonating the Green Arrow is out there.

While we're still pursuing leads as to the identity of this unknown assailant, we can tell you with 100% certainty that he is not Oliver Queen.

This is someone new.

You said, "assailant. " Does that mean city hall considers this new Green Arrow a threat?

To the rule of law?


Star City continues to employ a zero-tolerance policy against any and all acts of vigilantism.

Anyone found committing or aiding and abetting these acts will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Think she's full of crap?

You really have to ask me that?

You done giving your statement?

Green guy with a bow and arrow takes down a weapons deal and saves my ass.

If you ask me, you should be helping this guy, not hunting him down, especially with Diaz still out there.

Diaz has been gone for months, and the FBI still has its eye on us.

So as much as I doubt Laurel's motives And, uh, believe me, I do Taking a hard-line stance was the right play, because if Agent Watson even so much as suspects we have something to do with this Our immunity goes adios.

That's right.

And that's why we have got to find this Green Arrow wannabe and shut him down.

Rene, we all agreed, for better or for worse, we were not gonna go out as Vigilantes.

Otherwise, what was Oliver's sacrifice for?

Ok, so we're supposed to just ignore the rising crime rate and do nothing about it?

Actually, I think risking my officers every day fighting to maintain law and order is doing something about it.

I I get that, D.

, but Oliver asked us to carry on.

So whoever's behind that mask is doing what we're supposed to be doing.

But he's not helping the problem.

Actually, he's making it worse.

Rene, I'm not saying that we can't still be heroes to this city.

We just have to do it in a little bit of a different way.

So where you at finding this wannabe?

Well, we retrieved a few arrows from the scene, but forensics still turned up empty.

But what about the perp?

Any pattern as to how he's selecting his targets?

This weapons dealer has a rap sheet 12 feet long.

He was an obvious mark.

But this first guy Stent I still haven't figured out how he fits into the puzzle.

You don't think he's innocent.

This guy?

Hell, no.

But his rap sheet's only clean because he paid to make sure it was.

Well, it looks like you might have to take a deep dive through his financials.


But I can't exactly subpoena his records based on a hunch.

Who said anything about a subpoena?

I really miss this, guys.

Not that I don't like being the head of R&D at A. R. G. U. S.

It has better benefits, as in there are actually benefits.

I just miss the team.

Less talking, more typing.



Uh, it should only be a couple of minutes before I'm in, which Felicity could beat one-handed.

Miss her.

I really appreciate the assist here, you guys.

You especially, John.

I know you've been in some hot water here at A. R. G. U. S. , burning so many of their resources going after Diaz.

Well, Lyla's down at HQ right now, trying to smooth things over.

Besides, I want to get this Green Arrow imposter off the streets as bad as you.

I don't want Watson thinking that Oliver set this in motion in some type of way.

There's enough trouble as it is.

How's he holding up?

He's surviving.

- And that's a bingo.

- What did you find?

How stent's been making his money.

And it's not from defrauding pensions.

He's been peddling black-market arms.

What kind of dumbass leaves his entire criminal enterprise online?

He was actually pretty smart about it.

He kept himself clean, off the radar, activities washed through a series of shell corporations.

I just happen to be smarter.


So this is how the targets are connected.

Stent supplied the weapons, Medina sold them.

The Vigilante's trying to shut down stent's whole network.


And according to this text exchange, he's panicked.

Stent's trying to sell the rest of his inventory off in a huge buy tonight.

Do we have a location?

Not until an hour before the buy.

I'll keep you guys posted.

That's where we'll find our Green Arrow wannabe.

So, uh, any guesses on who this might be?

Well, my money was on John.

Whoever it is, they won't be hiding under the hood for long.

If you don't hear from me in a week, I'm not coming back.

I hope you do.

You know, you pay me a lot of money to do very stupid things.

Always a pleasure.

This food isn't as bad as I thought it'd be You can't sit here.

It's just like high school.

I don't really know how to be much clearer than I've been being.

Go away.

So what do you think about your replacement?

It's got to bug you there's a new guy that can do all the things that you can't do anymore.


Just because I have decided to let you sit here doesn't mean that we're having a conversation.

You understand?

- You ready to hustle?

- No.

Listen, if you try to leverage my family ever again, I will expose whatever it is you have going on to every single guard in here.

Disappointed to hear that.

We'll just have to try this a different way.

This your new friend?

It's nothing to do with him.

- It is now.

- I didn't do anything.

Do you want to come with us now, Queen?



I can't help you.

Oliver don't.


Please Uh!


Looking pretty crazy out there.

I wanted everyone ready to move the second Curtis has a location.

With any luck, we'll establish a perimeter and gain some lead time.

And if that vigilante shows up?

Then we take him down, too.

I still don't think you should do that.

I thought we settled this, Rene.

For the last few months, all I kept hearing is how scared my kids at the center were.

And then this Green Arrow wannabe shows up, and they have hope again.

So, to me, that's worth a hell of a lot more than our immunity deal, rule of law, whatever the hell crap Laurel said.

Sometimes people just need something to believe in.


I get it, Rene.

I really do.

But how do you know you can believe in this guy?

You don't know what his motives are.

You don't even know who he is.

I know he could've let me die, and he didn't.

That's good enough for me.


You sure he saved you?

Or were you just not his target?

Because there's a big, big difference.


The buy's going down in an hour.

Old manufacturing plant by the wharf.

You arrest that vigilante, D. , you're making a big mistake.

No, Rene.

I'm doing my job.

Felicity Hey.


Did I wake you?

I couldn't sleep.

Everything okay?

I guess.

How was school today?

The same.

It sucked.

Well, did you at least crush your geometry test?


I just miss my old school.

And I miss old my job.

I really, really miss your dad.

Me, too.

At least we still have each other, right?

How much longer do we have to stay here for?

I don't know.

Are you okay?

What do you care?

I'm not gonna survive in here.

Yeah, you will.

You'll be fine.

You you just left me to die.

I I knew that they didn't want to k*ll you because they I knew that they were coming after me.

So you just let them beat the crap out of me?

I'm on the guards' radar after what happened the other day.

And I I get another strike against me, and I'm back to square one, and I want to get back to my family.

I can't I can't do that to them.

I have family, too.

Did you ever think about that?

I mean, I shouldn't even be in here.

I was wrongfully accused of m*rder.

And that's what the city's like now.

There's no justice.

Just keep your head down, you'll be fine.

That that's your advice?

All this time, I thought you had a raw deal, like I did.

But it makes sense now why there's a new Green Arrow out there.

Because the old one is a coward.

Lights out!

There's close to $1 million worth of product here.

All yours for 400k.

What's the catch?

I got burned out on the business.

I decided to liquidate for my mental health.

Stent's about to make the exchange.

Should we move in?

We can make this bust in our sleep.

I'm waiting for the Vigilante.

400K of assorted cryptocurrencies, as requested.

I do miss the old ways.

You mean a briefcase full of money?

No, thanks.

That's him.



I'll give you anything.

I have what I came for.

Jason Stent, you have failed this city.

Drop your w*apon now.

Don't be stupid.

Vigilante heading north!

Where the hell are you hiding?

I was just trying to get free!

You never should have come here.

Morning, 4587.

Beautiful day.

Ohh, you think I'd be sick of coffee by now.


Heh heh.

Hey, Erin, you're a hard woman to find.

No one to save you now.

It's just you and me.

I swear to God, if you hurt him.

You're gonna do what?

You're gonna sic Oliver after me?

Right now, he's realizing how difficult prison life is.

What the hell do you want?

Pretty simple, actually.

I want Oliver to spend the rest of his life in prison knowing I k*lled his wife.

Oh, thank god, you monologue.

Run now!


You're gonna suffer for that.

The only reason you're still breathing is so you can hear this message: Diaz found Felicity.

Your wife is dead.

I, um I need to make a phone call.

Rough night, 4587?

I have reason to believe that my family has been att*cked.

Please allow me to make a phone call.

You know you don't have phone privileges.

You got a visitor, though.

You're okay.

How's William?

He's fine.

Are you?

I am now.

I've missed you.

I love you so much.

And I'm so sorry that I wasn't there.

I should have been there.

How could you have been?

The only reason that I'm here is to keep you and William safe.


I know.

I need you to tell John to set the two of you up with new identities.

I need I need you I need you back in the witness protection program.

I have William set up at a boarding school in Cambridge.

He leaves tomorrow.

You're not going with him?

No, I'm not.

- Felicity - I'm done hiding, Oliver.

I'm done being a person who doesn't fight back.

Diaz broke in, and all I could think about was protecting William.

I tried, and I couldn't do it.

If A. R. G. U. S.

Hadn't gotten there when they did Do you know what it feels like not being able to protect your family?

I have lived with that feeling every second since I stepped in here, Felicity.

Don't Don't tempt that, please.


I am begging you to go back to witness protection.


I won't.

You don't get to decide this time, Oliver.

I love you, and I will always Always wait for you.

But I can't let what happened to William and I happen again.

I can't.

I have to fight back.

You, of all people, understand that.

Time's up, 4587.

I I need a bit more time.

And I don't care.

I love you.



I love you.

Hey, guys, listen up.

I got some news.

We need more duct tape, Dad.

Not anymore, peanut.

We got ourselves some new equipment.

I'm talking about bags, gloves.

You were talking about you wanted some new shoes, right?

We got that, too.

Hey, you win the lottery or something?


I just got some help from somebody looking out.

But I thought you said the old stuff builds character.

That that was before I knew we would get newer stuff.



Yeah, yeah.


Uh, keep practicing.

And when we get back, we're gonna be ripping these bags apart.


What's up, D. ?

What brings you to these parts?

Well, uh, a couple of mom and pop shops called the precinct.

They said they opened up to find cash waiting.

It seems like 15 other hard-up businesses from the glades also got the same exact amount that went missing from the weapons buy the other night.

So, uh, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

Uh, no.


I can't I did.

But it does sound like the work of a hero, though.

That's what it feels like.

I should be arresting you for the crap you pulled the other night.

Do you have any idea the position you're putting me in, Rene?

Hey, look, I'm sorry, D. , all right?

But I couldn't let you lock him up.

He's not a criminal, and you know it.

No, I don't.

And it's not a leap of faith I'm willing to take.

You know, I am working so hard to restore the city's faith in the men and women who serve it.

Rene, if you go out there as wild dog again, I will not hesitate to lock you up just like that vigilante.

Are you serious, D. ?

I just want you to think long and hard about what that means, okay?

For these kids and for Zoe and for our city, man.

'Cause I'm not gonna give you a second warning.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How is he?


Reading, mostly.

I'll give you two a minute.

Thank you.


Did you see him?

I did.

I wish I could've come with you.

Yeah, me, too.

It's too dangerous.

No one can know that you're here.

Hey, I got something for you.

What's this?

It's a symbol of reconnection.

Your aunt Thea gave it to me before she left town, and it's something your father had given her.

As long as you have this, I will always be able to find you.

I don't understand.

You have to go somewhere.

It's super-super safe.

I can't come with you.

- You're leaving me.

- I'm not leaving you.

It's only temporary, okay?

Just until we get Diaz, I promise.

And then as soon as we do, I'm gonna come get you.

It's all gonna be over I swear.

Check it out.

Queen, you don't look too hot there.

Maybe I can help you Uh!

Stand down.

Don't be a hero.

You should've k*lled me.

Who sent you?

No one.

But you knew my father.

How am I supposed to know who your old man is?


My father Is Oliver Queen.
