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01x03 - The Berlin Proposal

Posted: 10/30/19 05:56
by bunniefuu
Treadstone used someone named Martin Wells.

Now, if someone's waking up these assets, he might know how it could be done.

Program candidates who were susceptible to hypnotic triggers this type of method was used to wake them up.

The longer an asset's been sleeping, the more unreliable he might prove to be upon activation.

I want to talk to this guy.


I have a daughter who attends boarding school in France.

Bring her to the Ecuadorian embassy in Paris.

The ambassador is expecting you.

Kohler thinks I've been turned.

He didn't give me any other choice.

I can't even remember who or what I ever wanted to be.

Those memories they're just gone.

- Baby.


- Hey.

Did something happen out there?

I guess I'm not feeling myself lately.

Your father has been k*lled, and I think the same people who k*lled him are on their way here for you.

Dimitri, no!

Jang-Mi, are you okay?

Come on.


Come on.

Move, Jang-Mi.

No, come on, we have to keep moving.

Jang-Mi, we have to get to the embassy.

No, no, come on.

We've got to move.

Down here.

Duck down.

Duck down.

Keep your head down.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

Out here.

Come on.


Just a few more blocks.

There it is.

Get inside the gate.

Come on, come on.

Who are you?

Look at me.


- I'm sorry I'm so late.

- It's okay.

- I'm so sorry, honey.

- It's okay.

How did it go?

We won.

It's the most successful lawsuit protecting privacy rights in three years.

I'm so proud of you.

Well done.

You've got something on your mind.

Tom, I can't leave my job just yet.

I know we had a plan.

You know, we were supposed to get out of this D. C. rat race, buy that place in Nags Head, and raise our kids somewhere healthy.

Ellen I'm so sorry.

Talk to me.

I'm outside the sh**t's apartment.

Is he Treadstone?

I'll know after I get a closer look.

What does that mean?

Wha I'm gonna break in.

Matt, look, I do not want any blowback from this.

I've got to do something.

This guy's in police custody right now, and I can't talk to him.

Then just give me a few minutes and let me try to gain you proper access.

Anything on the sh**ting victims?

There was a stay-at-home mom.

There was the clerk behind the counter, retired auto worker, and then there was a podcast host.

I want to know more about the stay-at-home mom.

Okay, yeah, I'll look into it.

It doesn't end there.

Haynes's landlord went missing shortly thereafter.

Police found him in Haynes's apartment with a b*llet in his head.

I'm gonna continue looking into the victims.

Be careful, Matt.


What did Haynes keep in here?


If Haynes was an asset, what could make him lose his mind?

They were trained in a highly controlled environment, monitored around the clock by technicians.

If you remove them from that baseline for an extended period of time there's really no way of predicting the outcome.

I thought these Cicada operatives were meant to function autonomously.

It's an imperfect science.

They're people, not robots.

They grow, they change, they fall in love.

Some might succeed.

It appears others might go insane.

They say one of you is a doctor.

I am, Stephen.

I get headaches bad ones.

Can you help?

I'd be happy to try, but first, let's talk about what happened at the store.

Why did you k*ll those people?

I don't know.

That's not good enough, Haynes.

I don't.

Look at me, Stephen.

I'm gonna make you better, okay?

But first, I just wanted to ask you something.


Did you feel compelled to k*ll those people, like it was something you just had to do?

Does the name Treadstone mean anything to you?

They they installed it.

Installed what?

In my mind they installed it.

The idea to k*ll those people, is that what they installed?

Can you remember how they installed the idea, Stephen?

They sent a target package address, a time photograph.

Who sent it to you?

- Control.

- Who's "Control"?

I don't know.

Why did they send you the target?

- I don't - I need you to think, Haynes!

We don't ask why!




Will you let me in?

I don't want to go back.

I just need you to trust me.

Three, two, one Okay, Stephen, we're gonna go back several years now.

Were you part of Treadstone?

You want to save American lives?

Yes, sir.

It's my duty.


Then have you made your decision?

Will you do it, soldier?

Will you commit to this program?

I'll be whoever you need me to be, sir.

Good, and who are you?

I am Stephen Lee Haynes, sir.

What did you do in the program?

- Trained.

- To do what?

To be Stephen Lee Haynes, sir!

Who told you to k*ll those people?

- A woman.

- What woman?

Tell me about the woman, Haynes!

I don't know her.

Why did the woman want those people dead, Stephen?

- Don't send me back.

- Back where?

It never stops.

It doesn't stop!

I didn't want to hurt anyone.

I tried to stop it.

I can't fight the urge.

The urge to what?

- We need to end this - Not yet.

Who woke you up?

- This man needs help!

- Who woke you up?

- Help him!

- Who woke you up?

Who woke you up?

Miss me already, Mike?

I had a thought, Dougie.

What kind of thought?

Last I checked, we could both use some extra cash.

Hear me out.

Doing a favor for a guy I know.

An illegal kind of favor?

I'm just offering you the same lifeline that got tossed to me.

Hard pass, Mike.



Long shift?


Yeah, the county ER is never boring, that's for sure.

I'm glad you're home.

- Did you get some sleep?

- Yeah.

Are you okay?

You look a little tired.

Oh, I'm fine, Sam.

Just don't put too much pressure on yourself.

Getting laid off is stressful enough as it is.

Yeah, Mike's already calling with all sorts of half-baked ideas.

Look, I love Mike, but maybe just let him do his thing and find your own way this time around.

Hey, listen, why don't we go get some drinks and go dancing?

You want to go day drinking with me?

- Yeah, I mean - Yes.

I just got fired.

You got the rest of the day off.

- Why not?

- Okay.

- Okay?

- Yeah.

Oh, there's this place I want to check out called Cloonie's in Huntington.

Okay, I'll be ready in ten.

Oh, you're making this way too easy.

All right.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

I'm gonna run to the ladies'.

- I'll re-up on the whiskey.

- Okay.


Any chance you've seen this woman?

Never seen her before.

I'll take two whiskeys and as many quarters as we can get.

- Thanks, bro.

- Cheers.


Oh, yeah, that is nice.

I like that.

Excuse me.


What's happened?

Last week this 25-year-old kid inherits the second largest pharmaceutical company in Germany.

And this morning someone sprayed an aerosol in his face while he was in the Himalayas on a retreat, and he was dead 15 minutes later.

Well, that's fairly brutal.

We need to talk Treadstone.

One of the victims from that convenience store sh**ting she was a stay-at-home mom, but she was also formerly an employee at ExPo Oil.

She worked on one of their Arctic rigs.


Last week she reached out to "Washington Post", "The New York Times", and she claimed that she had proof of major labor violations.

Haynes k*lled her before she could reveal any of that information.

I don't see the link to Treadstone.

ExPo Oil's biggest ally on the Hill is Senator Eamon Wray, and he has been in their back pocket for years.

- You're reaching.

- Am I?

Wray sat on the Senate Intelligence Committee for the Blackbriar hearings.

So you're saying that he knows about Treadstone and he might have an agenda.

I'm saying it warrants a closer look.

- This is Ferguson.

- It's me, Frank.

Where the hell are you, John?

- We need to meet.

- Are you crazy?

Ever since you ran off, Kohler's dialed up the pressure.

He's been picking my brain for anything I know that could help him find you.

- Well, what do you tell him?

- As little as possible.

Thanks, man.

Look, I need to prove I'm on the right side.

And how are you gonna do that?

I went back to the lab where the KGB was keeping me.

My plan was to break in there, find some evidence that I'm innocent, but the place was cleared out.

I mean, Petra and the team were gone.

I need your help, Frank.

What can I do?

The Agency's on alert.

Kohler issued a sh**t-on-sight order.

Three undercover assets vanished in Budapest five months ago.

I don't have anything to do with Budapest.

Kohler thinks he knows exactly what you were doing while you were gone.

Dan Ellender, Kurt Jenkins, and Kay Newman.


Their bodies washed up in the Spree the very day you walked back in from the cold.

That's not a coincidence, is it?

You recognize them, don't you, John?

Not from Budapest.

Two days ago, they gave me my final test to see if I'd been brainwashed enough to k*ll targets with no remorse.

If I passed, there'd be no going back.

I'd be under their complete control.

I'd be their cicada.


Look, you have to understand.

They drugged me to control my thoughts.

I thought it was a dream.

Tell me the truth, and I'll help you.

I'm not a traitor.

I k*lled them all.

I'm sorry, John.

You should have kept running.

I wasn't buying the whole brainwashing thing at first, but I believe you now.

We did find dr*gs in your blood, by the way.

You didn't really want to k*ll those operatives, did you?

- No.

- But you did.

I wish I could take you in, but I can't, not like this.

Hey, wait!


Wait, wait!

What kind of rat trades in his own friend, his own partner?

Think about it.

Somehow, they made you k*ll your own people.

I mean, the audacity, the brilliance of that.

We're at w*r, John.

The human mind, it seems, is the new b*ttlefield.

If we're gonna win, we can't be afraid to match our enemies' level of brutality.

Now, a red-headed woman helped Meisner with the programming.

You said her name was Petra.

Yeah, well, you k*lled Meisner, but she's still out there somewhere.

She can give me the details of how they did all this to you.

Track Petra down, bring her to me, we'll make all of this right.

I have no idea where she is now.

Well, sources tell me that you were seen with her in Budapest five months ago, around the same time those three CIA operatives went missing.

I'd start there if I were you.



Thank you for bringing her here.

I'm just glad we made it.

The men chasing you were North Koreans?



How you feeling?

I'm just trying to process everything.

My dad Dimitri Hector's gonna take great care of you.

What am I supposed to do from now on?

When I woke up in the morning, I had two people who loved me, and now both of them are gone.

You do exactly what they would want you to do.

You carry them with you wherever you go and be strong.

I lost my parents and my sister in a car accident when I was 10.

We went on a trip to the supermarket, and I was the only one who made it home.

I'm so sorry.

The people who love us always want us to keep moving forward.

Death it doesn't change any of that.

It just makes things clearer.

How did you get to be so strong?

Strength, is just the ability to care more deeply than anyone else around.

After reading the story you published a few years ago, I know you're familiar with that nuclear warhead for sale on the black market.

- Stiletto Six.

- Right.

Over the past month, a group within North Korea has raised funds to purchase the launch codes.

They were acting without government sanction.

General Kwon found out and hacked their funds 500 million in cryptocurrency.

He k*lled the sale, so they k*lled him.

The encryption key to access those funds is on this flash drive.

Kwon wanted me to give it to you.

What am I supposed to do with it?

Purchase those launch codes and make sure that m*ssile is neutralized.

- Tara?

- Thank you.

- For what?

- Warning me about Paris.

You were right.

Two men is a k*ll team.

But you're okay?

So is Kwon's daughter.

Thanks to you, I'll assume.

After the wire cut out in London, Kwon didn't mention anything else about Treadstone, but he did tell me Stiletto Six was real.

I followed up on some leads, and he was right, Edwards.

Tara I reached out to a contact of mine in Ghana.

She's a friend.

She's a journalist like me.

- Ghana?

- That's where I'm going next.

Why are you telling me this now?

I thought it was about time I started giving you a little information.

I'm listening.

I'm going to Ghana because I need to set the story straight about Stiletto Six.

And I think I finally have a way to do that.

I can't sanction this.

I'm not asking for your sanction.

Then why did you call me?

Because people have to know.


Ah Secure comms?



Text to follow.



Oh, my Wow, you've really got some moves.


Do you want to join me in the shower?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

I'm gonna gonna get a glass of water, be right up.

You want one?

Uh, yeah, yes.

Who the f*ck are you?

You botched your job in the Arctic.

You're coming with me right now for reprogramming, or we're going to clean-up protocol.

What do you know about the Arctic?

Well, I don't give a shit that you got laid off by ExPo, if that's what you're asking.

What do you know about me?

You're broken, but we can fix this.

You bled out the courier in the Arctic and left the heroin in the snow, Doug.

Let's talk about it in the car.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

Clean-up protocol it is, then.

You really don't remember anything, do you?

Well, maybe you should have just asked your wife.

Right, Samantha?