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Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)

Posted: 10/29/19 17:26
by bunniefuu
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)

# Bum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum #

# Bum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum #

- Mister Sandman, bring me a dream #

- Bum-bum-bum-bum #

- # Make him the cutest That I've ever seen #

- # Bum-bum-bum-bum #

- # Give him two lips Like roses and clover #

- # Bum-bum-bum-bum #

# Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over #

- # Sandman, I'm so alone #

- # Bum-bum-bum-bum #

- # Don't have nobody to call my own #

- # Bum-bum-bum-bum #

# Please turn on your magic beam #

# Mister Sandman bring me a dream #

- # Bum-bum-bum-bum #

- # Ba-bum-ba-bum Ba-bum-ba-bum-ba-bum #

# Ba-bum-ba-bum-ba-bum #

- # Bum-bum-bum-bum ##

Shit !

- Oh !

- Hey.

Hey, Miss Wittington.

What's goin' on ?

- My house was broken into.

- No shit ?

No shit.

Hasn't anyone told ya ?

Secondhand smoke kills.

Yeah, but they're all dead.


Yeah, it's um...


Right, thanks.

They said to give 'em - Jimmy, where are you going ?

- Check out your house.

- No, wait for the police.

Where's the fun in that, huh ?

- Are you coming ?

Nah, l-l better stay here and protect her.

Oh-ho !

Right, dude.


All right, let's not anyone mess with me here !

Jimmy been suspended five times this year already... for gettin' a little crazy with the stick, all right ?

Okay !



Shit !


All right.

Nothin' to fear.

The coast is clear.

- You sure ?

- Yeah.

- I checked all the rooms and all the closets.

- Nothing's missing.

I don't think so, but they, uh, they did a real number on your office.

- My office ?

- Yeah, there's crap everywhere.

Oh, and, uh, also they messed up your kitchen really bad, too.


Good night.

So much for the cops.


- We got beer !

Yes !

- We'll get messed up, man.

I say we egg the house across the street.

- Shut up, dude.

- Why not ?


[ Man On TV ] Even a stronger nation than now.

[ Man #2 ] You see ?

You see ?

Your stupid minds-- Jimmy !

Oh, my God !


Oh !

Oh, my God !

Oh !

Hey !

Oh !

Help !

Andy-- - Looks like a prank.

- Andy !

Oh !

Police !

Anybody home ?

Andy !

He's not dead !

Team 9-10 requests burglary detectives at, uh, Hey, Bobby !

What do ya got ?

Looks like we hit the Daily Double here.

- What, another B and E ?

- Yeah.

So, whose house is this, anyway ?

Marion Wittington.


Sam Loomis's nurse ?

He was that shrink that died a few years ago.

He lived here.

She took care of him.

Oh, I remember him.

I saw a thing on 60 Minutes on him.

Spent his life tracking down that Halloween guy... who butchered all those kids up in Haddonfield, right ?

- Michael Myers.

- Right.

- Hey, you don't think Michael Myers-- - They never found his body.

Yeah, but that was, like, 20 years ago.

f*ck me.

Loomis was obsessed with Michael Myers.

This is quite a love fest.

- I'll call up to Haddonfield and warn 'em.

- There's no way, Fitz.

Just a precaution.

Tomorrow's Halloween.

All right, you tell 'em to look for a guy with a cane and Alzheimer's.

The guy would be younger than I am, okay ?

I was 15 when he k*lled his sister back in '63.

Yes, Fitzsimmons.

Patch me through to Haddonfield, please.

- Yeah.

- Michael Myers.

Yeah, right.

I met him 15 years ago.

I was told there was nothing left.

No reason, no conscience.

No understanding.

Even the most rudimentary sense of life... and death, of good or evil... right or wrong.

I met this six-year-old child... with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and... the blackest eyes.

The devil's eyes.

I spent eight years trying to reach him... and then another seven trying to keep him locked up... because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes... was purely, and simply... evil.

Mom !

Mom !



- Mom !

Mom !


Mom !

You okay ?

You all right ?


Oh !

- Everything's okay.

It's okay.

- Do you need somethin' ?

- Oh !

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, please.


- Sure.

- It's okay.




- Making toast.

- Mm-- No.

None for me, thanks.

- Caffeine is not a food group.

- We're out of Percodan.

Got mail.

It's from your dad.

- Birthday card.

- It's only two months late.

I'm impressed.

Cash is good.

I'm gonna need it when I go to Yosemite.

- You're not going.

- Yes, I am.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am, and with your full blessing.

Do you want to know why ?

- Why ?

- Because today is the day.

I can feel it.

Today is the day... that you're going to realize that I'm 17 years old... and your overprotection and paranoia is inhibiting my growth process.

Want to go camping ?

I'll take you camping.

I don't want to go with you.


- Dad would let me go.

- Well, Dad... is an abusive, chain-smoking methadone addict.

Who would attract someone like that ?

- Ouch.

- And just think, he left you.

Look, John.

I know you get your smart mouth from my side of the family, so I'll give you a break.

- But point check, you're going too far.

- No, I'm goin' to Yosemite.

- No, you're not.

- Look, Mom, help me out here.

I need a little more open air.

I've earned it.

Look, I know today is the day, but I think that-- - Oh, really ?

What day is that, John ?

- Halloween.

Oh, I hadn't noticed.

Look, Mom, we're through with all that.

We really are.

You know what you're becoming ?

You're becoming an Oedipal enabler, you know that ?

- Thank you.

- I'm serious !

Twenty years from now, you're still going to be living with her.

Probably running some weird motel out in the middle of nowhere.

- So this means no Yosemite ?

- Correct.

- Now, how do I get out of it ?

- Why don't you want to go ?

Oh, it's so lame.

No, no, no.

It's worse.

I-l went there two summers ago with my family.


No, it's worse.

It'll come to me.


You know ?

Okay, think-think... campfires, s'mores-- Repugnant !

That's it, repugnant.

I would rather have my eyes pierced.

I'm very sorry.

I wish I could help.

I'm sorry.

- But he promised that-- - No.

I'm not going.

You couldn't pay me to go.

- Hey, what's wrong ?

- Oh-- Uh, my dad.

He flaked on my financial aid again.

- The bursar's being such a d*ck.

Now I can't go to Yosemite.

- You're not going either ?

- No.

- I'm not going.

- How are you going to get out of it ?

- Please.

- Hey.

Hold on.

We ditch Yosemite.

It means we could have a Halloween party, just the four of us.

Whole place would be empty.

We'd have the run of it.

- We could have a roaming orgy.

- I love the way this man thinks !

Hope that's not the only thing you love about me.

- Hey, come on.

- All right, let's go.


You see, I told you we'd make it.

When I was a little girl, we used to pee in the woods.

- Ohh !

Uh-- - Don't worry !

Come on.

Mom, that's the boys' room.

Then the boys are just gonna have to deal with it.

Hello ?


Coast is clear.


Come on.

I'll be just next door.

Mom's gotta go too.

## "Mary Had A Little Lamb" - Oh !

- Mom ?

I know.

- Mom ?

- It's just the door, Casey.

Here's some tissues-- Casey ?

Spiders !

All right.

Ready ?

You know why you're here.

The buses leave for Yosemite at 4:15, sharp.

And now it's time for me to do my obligatory plea... that you uphold the standards of Hillcrest.

And that means no musical sleeping bags.

- No booze.

- No dr*gs, no kidding.

Undoubtedly, someone will ruin it for the rest of them... so I just want to remind you that the entire teaching faculty has-- - Hey !

Guess what this is.

- What ?

It's my history report.

Forgot to hand it in.

Guess who's not going to Yosemite.

I'm so bummed.

Guess who has a fever of 102... and has to stay in bed all weekend long.

- You two company ?

- So, what's the plan ?

Romantic dinner, candlelight, soft music.

- Animal sex.

- You need a hormone suppressant.

You're embarrassing the newlyweds, Charles.

That's it.

Have a good time.

And why aren't you going camping, Miss Tate ?

Because it sounds like fun.

And you, Mr.

Brennan ?

Guidance counselors aren't usually a big hit in the wilderness.

Besides, somebody has to stay behind and watch over the three or four outcasts.

Oh, good morning, Miss Tate.

- Morning, Norma.

- Your mail and messages are on your desk, along with the new quarter budget, and oh, surprise, surprise, the drains in the girls' shower room are clogged again.

- Can I talk to you alone for one second ?

- But, l-l called the plumber, and he assured me that he will be here as soon as he can-- Thank you, Norma.

Thank you very much.


Wait, wait, wait.

Place of employment.

I'm sorry, l-l just-- I needed a fix.

- We still on for lunch ?

- Uh-huh.


You are, without a doubt, the most amazing, challenging woman I have ever met.

And what's wrong now ?

Can you just stop with the Keri analysis just once, please ?

You can do it tomorrow, all you want.

But please, can I just have today off ?

- Whatever you want.

- Thank you.

- Lunch.

Don't forget.

- 1:00.

Uh-- "He turned, just in time to see her enter the room, with her long, slender legs that climbed high up her skirt, Ieading to two tumultuous, round, melon breasts." Round melon what ?

Now why do you want to label it like food ?

A-And what kind of melon you talkin' about ?

Cantaloupe ?

Watermelon ?

What ?

Baby, it's fiction !

People like to read descriptive adjectives.

- It sets the scene.

- It's stupid is what it is.

It's sensual and romantic.

Ronny, it's unrealistic.

This whole writing career is unrealistic.

Ronny, it's unrealistic.

This whole writing career is unrealistic.

Hey, we're married now, baby, we gotta get serious.

- This is serious.

- Honey, I been patient, but this writing thing... just ain't takin' off, and I want a baby before I get so old...

- I can't get my butt back.

- You gotta give me a chance, honey.

I have to express myself creatively.

We payin' the bills, aren't we ?

- Uh !

f*ck me !

Shit !

- What ?

Not you, honey.

Hold on for a sec.

You scared the shit out of me !

Sorry, Ronny.

I gotta ask a favor, man.

- I'm not lettin' you out of here.

- Aw, come on, man.

- Jus-Just for lunch.


- Look, your mom told me... the next time I let you loose, I was gonna be fired.

- Look, man.

I got a date with Molly tonight.

- Mm-hmm.

And I want to make it special.

What do you say ?

Look, I promise I'll be back for afternoon classes.

Huh ?

I just want to get a gift.

Come on, man, have a heart.



Can't do it.

Aw, come on, man.

Okay, how about this ?

- You accidentally press the gate.

- Mm-hmm.

And when you have your back turned, we sneak out.

Ronny, don't you get your ass fired-- - Don't you do me wrong, okay ?

- Not a chance, man !


- All right.

- Get outta here, get outta here.

Comb your hair.

- Just one more book.

Just one more, and I promise I'll work with your daddy, all right ?

- Oh.


- Oh, Jesus, Will.

- I'm sorry.

I thought you saw me.

- No.

You see me now ?

How are you doin' ?

You wanna talk about it ?

I think I'm losing John.

I think he's finally tired of my bullshit.

How about you ?

You tired of my bullshit ?

I'm a counselor.

I'm attracted to it.

- So counsel me.

- Oh, no.

I know better.

I love you just the way you are.

Do you think it's possible... that something so tragic can happen to somebody... that they never recover from it ?

I like to believe that recovery is always possible.

There's a little back story that I haven't been, um...

- completely successful with.

- I know.

I've tried everything.

I really have.

I've tried everything.

Twelve steps, uh, self-help, group therapy, shrinks, meditation-- - Everything.

- That's not everything.

Oh, yeah ?

What else is there ?

I'm a really good listener.


Some night, by a... warm fire.

I'll be right back.

Can I get another glass of Chardonnay, please ?

- Today.

- Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.


Thank you very much.


I can't believe we're doin' this.

- Desperate measures.

- It's illegal.

It's harmless, and expected.

Studies have proven that all teenagers, at some point...

- in their adolescent lives, have shoplifted.

- What studies ?


We could have avoided this whole thing... if you woulda simply scored some of your mom's booze.

- Look, my mom's a functioning - alcoholic.

She accounts for-- - John !

- John, what are you doing here ?

- Just gettin' some off-campus lunch.

You're not allowed to have little off-campus lunches, John.

- You know that.

You too, Charlie.

- Sorry, Miss Tate.

Come on, I'll drive you back.

You know what ?

Charlie, here.

Go get in the car.

I'll be right there.

What the f*ck do you think you're doing ?

Mom, I'm really uncomfortable with you saying that word.

Well, then don't put me in the position, John.

Do you know what day it is ?

Of all the days for you to pull this shit-- What do you think you can do ?

Just wander around town ?

I don't ask you for very much.

- Just give me one day !

- Mom, I've given you 17 years !

And I need you to be responsible.

- Do you know what that means ?

- Responsible.

Don't talk to me about responsible, Mom !

- I just need this one thing !

- Mom, I am not responsible for you !

That's it.

That's enough.

I can't take it, Mom.

He's dead.

Michael Myers is dead.

- What do you want me to say ?

- That it's over ?

That we should try to get on with some attempt at a happy existence, Mom.

Because all the shit that's going on in your head is leakin' out on me.

And I can't take it anymore.

You told me yourself you watched him burn.

- I didn't e-exactly stay to see his ashes, John.

- Mom, 20 years.

Twenty years.

Don't you think he would have shown up by now ?

What's he waitin' for, huh ?

Okay, Mom.

I can't live like this.

I'm sorry.

Wha-- What does that mean, John ?

If you want to stay handcuffed to your dead brother, that's fine.

But you're not draggin' me along.

Not anymore.

- # Mister Sandman #

- Yes ?

# Bring us a dream Give him a pair of eyes with a-- ## Ronny ?

- Mom, let me.

- Where the hell is he ?

- Ronny !

Hey, Ronny !

- Where the hell were you ?

- Norma told me to walk the perimeter.

And where were you when these two got out ?

Eyes up, Ronny.


Okay, bye !

- Dennis !

- Don't send down any more, all right ?

I gotta go to class.

Dennis ?

- Oh !

Uh !

- Shh !

The best part.

Oh !

Do I get points or what ?

Huh ?

You score.




Well, it just occurred to me today... that I've never celebrated Halloween before.

And why is that ?

Oh, we've got a psychotic serial k*ller in the family, Ioves to butcher people on Halloween, and...

I just thought it in bad taste to... celebrate.

So why now ?

Mm, because there comes a point in your life where you have to concentrate... on what's right about it.

Really ?

And you... are a sterling example... of what's right.

And tonight you get my full concentration.

I'm honored.

Very good point, A.J.

So, what could Victor have done... to save Elizabeth ?

Anybody at all ?

Come on, people.

Did anybody read the book ?


It's "Frahnk-en-steen."

- You could have watched the movie !



Do you have any thoughts on Victor and Elizabeth ?

Well, uh-- Um...

Well, I think that Victor should have confronted the monster sooner.

I mea-- He's completely responsible for Elizabeth's death.

He was, he was so paralyzed by fear that he never did anything.

It-lt took death for the guy to get a clue.

And why do you think he was finally able to confront his monster ?

I think that Victor had reached a point in his life where he had nothing left to lose.

I mean, the monster saw to that by k*lling off everybody that he loved.

Victor finally had to face it.

It was about redemption.

It was his fate.

Okay, everybody, um, have a good time !

John !

What ?

It's a permission slip.

Bus leaves in 45 minutes.

- Go pack quick.

- Ma, I don't have to go.

Go, just go !

Have fun.

- You sure ?

- Yes.

Look, it's good for you.

It's good for me.

So, just call me.

You know, call.

And call.

If you feel like you've called too many times, call once more.

Have a great time.

Thanks, Mom.

- Hi.

So what was that all about ?

- Hey.

She changed her mind about Yosemite.

- So now you're goin' ?

Ah, I wouldn't say that.

I don't know.

If we were at the midterm-- No, she's doing fine.

No-- Mrs.

Cheney, can I call you right back ?

- Uh, oh !

Oh !

- Damn it !

Oh, Miss Tate, I'm-l'm so sorry.

I-l didn't mean to make you jump.

- It's okay.

- Well, it's Halloween.

I guess everyone...

- is entitled to one good scare.

- I've had my share.

- U-Uh, Miss Tate, I know it's not my place.

If I could be maternal for a moment, I don't like to see you like this.

I've seen you like this before, and... we've all had bad things happen to us.

The trick is to concentrate on today !

What do I know ?

You just take care of yourself, okay ?

Thank you very much.

I'll see you Monday.

Oh !

Mi-Miss Tate, uh, Happy Halloween.

"She took off her clothes, revealing her satiny-soft femininity.

And Lawrence looked at her with lust in his eyes...

and said, 'l want to invade every part of your being.

I want to tantalize myself with your sweet nectar.'" Old Tanya better not fall for that shit.

- I smell that a mile away.

- "And Tanya laughed at him.

'You don't expect me to fall for that shit,' she said." That's right, make her smart.

That's it.

- Oh, shit, honey, someone's here.

Can I call you back ?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I'll hold on.

I wanna know what stupid line...

-Tanya falls for.

-The same one you did.

Hold on a second.

- Hello !

Hello !

- Hey, honey.

- What's up ?

Where did you go ?

I don't know.

Some car at the gate.

I'm gonna have to call you.

- Hey.

- Wait, wait.

What's goin' on, baby ?

- I don't know.

Honey-- Where'd you-- Ronny !

You always f*ckin' doin' this.

You get me goin', and then you gotta go.

Ro-- Hello ?

- Aah !

- Oh !

I keep scaring you today.

Wh-What are you doing ?

Uh, n-- Nothing.

I, um-- What are you doing ?

I'm making the rounds.

I still have to check on the kids, but...

I was hoping I would have the honor of spending the evening with you tonight.

I'd like the company.

- Give me 20.

- Okay.

I'm okay.

Hello ?

Do you want to die tonight, Cici ?

- Oh, uh, come on... in.

Sarah, Molly.

Just checking on the Hillcrest remains.

You girls okay ?

- Good.

Thanks, Mr. Brennan.

- And how are you, Mr. Brennan ?

Looking cute as ever.

Thank you, Sarah.

What are you two up to tonight ?

Well, we thought we'd hit the town, pick up some guys.

You know, drop some Roofies in their drinks.

Have a whole date-r*pe evening.

- Oh.

Sounds good.

- Care to join us ?

I can't.

I'm, uh, I'm having my nipples pierced.

- Oh.

- But you two have a good time.

- Will do.

- If you need anything, contact me or Miss Tate.

- Okay ?

- Thanks, Mr.



- My stash.

Come on.

- Come on.

- All right.

Send it through here.

Come on, man.

Let's go.


Come on.


Come on !

I got you.

f*ck it.

I thought we'd do this right.

Come on in.

Oh, I love food.

I really do.

I hope you don't mind if I get really big and dumpy.

- It's my goal in life.

- Oh, no.

I, uh, I always found obesity to be very sexy.

God, you are so Renaissance.

Oh, the buffet has arrived !

Ah, for your pleasure tonight, we have prepared Wednesday, Thursday and Friday's Hillcrest dinner selections, ignoring Meat Loaf Monday and Turkey Tuesday.

- Thank you very much.

I hate that meat loaf.

- Where's the booze ?

- We need a corkscrew for that.

- Oh, I'll go get it.

- Just don't start anything without me.

- Don't worry.

I'm not who you think I am.


Who are you ?

My name's not Keri Tate.


What is it ?

Laurie Strode.

- Strode ?

- Strode.


I changed my name when I went into hiding.

Oh, I like that.

That's like-- Iike the-- Iike the witness protection program.

What, did you like rat out the mob or something ?

My brother k*lled my sister...

- when she was 17.

- Wow.

Well, that's...

"sucky." How'd he do that ?

With a really big, sharp kitchen knife.

That's terrible.

Take off your clothes.

You said you'd listen.


They locked him up for a long time, but he got out and... he came after me, but I got away.

But he k*lled a lot of my friends.

- It happened-- - On Halloween.

- You've heard the story.

- Who hasn't ?

Michael Myers.

It's like 20 years ago, right ?

And the girl that-- What happened to the sister ?

She died, right ?

No, she faked her death.

And now she's the headmistress... of a very posh, secluded private school in northern California.

What ?

Hoping and praying every year... that her brother won't find her.

You're tellin' me the truth ?

- Now do you want a drink ?

- Yeah.

I'll be right back.

Explains a lot, doesn't it ?

So you-- you have been living with this for 20 years ?

Something like that.

But honey, you-you don't-- You don't think that after all this time h-he'd-- he'd still be comin' after you, do you ?

He sat in a sanitarium for 15 years, waiting for me.

And then... one rainy night, he decides to go trick-or-treating.

How old were you ?


What ?

Do you think they made it to Yosemite ?

Do you think they're there ?

- I don't know.

- I just-- I just want to call Johnny.

Just-- What is it ?

Keri, what are you doing ?

My phone's dead.


- What's goin' on ?

- Somebody didn't go to Yosemite.


Uh, what are you doing ?

- I'm just gonna go find John.

- Th-- This is nuts.

I hope so.

- Jesus !

- Christ !

Ronny, the phones are out.

I know, and there's a strange car parked down at the gate, but I can't seem to find any signs of trespassing.

- f*ck.

- Okay, th-there's no reason to get upset yet.

Let's just calm down.

Look, I'm gonna go look for John and the kids.

See if you can get the phones working, and we'll meet back at the gate, okay ?

Come on.

Charlie !

Charlie ?

Where are you, Charlie ?

We're waiting on you.


Inconsiderate, party of one, your table's ready.

Charlie ?

Hi !


You shit.

I found these, but no corkscrew.

Come on.

I'm hungry !

Where are you going now ?

To see if there's a corkscrew upstairs.

- I'll be right back.

- Charlie.



- Shit.

Lights up, Charlie.

No sex games till I've eaten.



Charlie, what are you-- Oh, shit !

Oh, my God !

No !

Oh, my-- Aaah !

Oh !

- Oh !

# They're laid to rest before ##

- Did you hear that ?

- No.

What was that ?

## [ Off ]

I'm gonna go check on those guys.

They've been gone for a while.

- What do you think they're doin' ?

- Hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

- Kind of rates a cheap scare, doesn't it ?

- Let's go.

- All right.

Oh, f*ck !


Oh, please !

- Hello !

- Maybe they just skipped to dessert.

- What the hell's that ?

- Oh, man.

What the f*ck ?

This is a sick joke.

- Oh, shit !

Who's that ?

- Let's get out of here.

Keep moving.

Keep moving !



- Go.

- Come on !

- Come on !

- John, please !

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

What the f*ck are we gonna do ?

We go to the dorms, and we're gonna call the cops.

Okay ?

- Come on.

Oh, my God !

Oh, no, please !

Aaah !

Come on !

Come on.

Come on.

Get up.

Oh !

My keys.

- f*ck !

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

- Come on.

Come on.

I can't find it !

Oh, God.

- Find the f*cking keys !

- I know !

f*ck !

Oh... shit !

- Molly !

- Molly !

- No !

- Molly !

Somebody open the f*cking door !

Oh, my God !

- Somebody open the door !

- What happened ?

- Oh, God, he's stabbed.

- Can you walk ?

- Yeah.

- Oh, God.

- Wait.

- Who was that ?

My brother.

Get in there.

Barricade the door.

Lock it.

- Do as I say, now !

- Go.

Go !

All right, what do we do ?

What do we do ?

Try to live.


- What ?

- Jump.

Go !

- Keri.

- I'm not leaving you.

- I'm not leaving John.

Keri !


Oh, no !

Oh !

Oh, God !

Oh, God.

Oh, no.

- Oh.

Oh, God.


I thought-- - Will !

Oh, f*ck !

Open up !

It's me !

- Open up !

- Oh, my God !


Go !

Run !

Run !

Run !

Oh, my God !

Shit !

Come on.

Go !

Now !

Mom !

- Mom !

Oh, my God !

Miss Tate, come on !

- Go.

- What ?

- Go !

I want you to drive down the street to the Becker's.

It's a mile down the road.

Tell them to call an ambulance and get the police.

- No, we're not leaving you.

- Do as I say, now !

- Mom ?

- I'll be right behind you.

- Mom !

- I'll be right behind you.

Go !

Michael !

Michael !

Michael ?

Ohh !

- He's dead.

He's dead.

H-He's dead.

- No.


- Shh, shh, shh, shh.

He's dead.

He's dead, gone.

Shh, shh.


I got it !

Hey, baby, I'm gonna write a romantic thriller !

- What ?

- Yeah, a thriller.

- I love you.

- I love you too, baby.

Yeah !

I'm fine.

The b*llet just grazed me.

Don't move.

Load him in !

Shut the door !

- Hey, hey !

Wait a minute.

- You, move !

Watch out !

Come on.

Come on.

Get up.

Michael ?

Michael ?

Michael !

# Hurray for a child #

# That makes it through #

# lf there's any way because #

# The answer lies in you #

# They're laid to rest before #

# They've known just what to do #

# Their souls are lost because #

# They could never find #

# What's this life for #

# What's this life for #

# What's this life for #

# What's this life for #

# I see your soul It's kind of gray #

# You see my heart, you look away #

# You see my wrist, I know your pain #

# I know your purpose on your plane #

# Don't say a last prayer because #

# You could never find #

# What's this life for #

# What's this life for #

# What's this life for #

# What's this life for #

# But they ain't here anymore #

# Don't have to settle the score #

# 'Cause we all live #

# Under the reign #

# I say, you know of the one king #

# One king, one king #

# But they ain't here anymore #

# Don't have to settle no g*dd*mn score #

# 'Cause we all live #

# Under the reign #

# I said, you know, of the one king #

# One king, one king #

# But they ain't here anymore #

# Don't have to settle no g*dd*mn score #

# 'Cause we all live under the reign #

# Of one king ##