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04x03 - It's for the Greater Good

Posted: 10/25/19 15:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How to Get Away With m*rder"

I bet you 100 bucks.

That in a couple of months, she'll be back in jail.

Denver promoted me to lead investigator, Annalise.

My life is finally coming together, so please stay out of my way.

Caplan & Gold is the firm that represents my father.

My father k*lled Wes, and you're gonna help me take him down.

ANNALISE: You've reached the voicemail of Annalise Keating.

Please leave a message.

Tell me where the baby is!

Where the hell are you?

She's awake.

Answer the damn phone!


Leave me alone.

Slow down, I'm pregnant!

That's why we can't do this.

Things are good in our lives for once, we have a second chance.


Can you please at least let me tell you my plan?

- No!

- All you have to do is access my father's account.

It's called Antares.

You just need to find some illegal activity that we can leak to the S. E. C. or FBI.

Oh, my God.

- We'll Enron him!

- You Enron him!

- I can't!

- Why?

Are you afraid he'll find out and k*ll us?

Well, that scares me, too!


- This is for Wes, Michaela.

He is exactly who you sound like right now.

He spun out about Sam and Rebecca and the Mahoneys, and look what happened to him!

My father k*lled him.

Okay, and where's your evidence?

I'm trying to get it!

That's what I'm trying to get - No!

- You were trying to get me to steal files from my dream job based on circumstantial evidence.

The evidence is my entire life, okay?

My father is a terrible person.

He has done terrible things and he needs to go to jail and you can make that happen.



Don't follow me.


- Michaela.

- No.




VIRGINIA: We're Public Defenders.

We're used to being overworked, underpaid.

It's like a badge of honor at this point.

It's why we started the program.

We're calling it the Philadelphia Right to Counsel in the hope that private attorneys like yourself can help with case overflow.

Sounds like a great idea.

You're one of the only ones who thinks so.

And you should've seen my face when I heard that the Annalise Keating called to sign up.

Well, my caseload is light, so I thought it would be a good time to help.

Help who?

Our clients or your reputation?

How many clients are your PDs juggling out there?

200 at a time?

I mean, did you know that I got a woman's record sealed after decades of convictions?

I heard about that.

Yeah, did you also hear that I'm broke?

So, the last thing I need to be doing is chasing after some poor-ass client.

I'm here.

Put me to work.

What about your other problem?

Which one?

The drinking.

I have that under control.



But beware.

This is one of those cases that keeps me up at night.

Ben Carter.

I represented him 12 years ago when he was convicted of k*lling his fiancée.

He wrote his own appeal from jail, and he's getting a retrial.

On what grounds?

Jury bias.

They couldn't not judge a book by its cover.

You my new lawyer?

I got 'em when I was 16.

It's how we repped our set.

I met Kym two years later, and she begged me to get out.

You know how hard that is?

Nobody leaves that world and stays above ground.

But I did it for Kym.

Kymberly Wheeler was an impressionable 19-year-old when she met the defendant.

That's when he sold her on the idea that he was a reformed g*ng member A story she believed till he did this.

Pushed the mother of his 8-month-old baby from the 10th story of their apartment.

I didn't push her.

She jumped.


Kymberly tried to end her relationship with Ben that night.

And when he couldn't convince her to stay, he became angry, and pushed her to her death.

She wasn't going to leave me.

That's not what our fight was about.

I can't help you if you tell me the same lies you've been telling for the last 12 years.

We got into a fight about Madison.

Is that your daughter?

Kym told me she wasn't mine.

12 years ago, Ben Carter not only lost his fiancée, but any relationship with his daughter, Madison.

But somehow, he found the strength to write his own appeal in his cell because he desperately wanted a jury to recognize the truth.

I called her a ho, trash.

Said Madison would probably grow up to be a slut just like her mom Stop Stop.

Did you push her?


Because I know if someone had told me that my baby wasn't mine, I'd snap.

I said terrible things, yes.

Things that probably got her to k*ll herself.

But I never hurt her.

Kym was suffering from postpartum depression when she k*lled herself.

But the prosecution doesn't want you to know that.

Instead, they want you to cave into your most basic, judgmental instinct and convict my client based on his appearance.

Because that's the only piece of evidence the prosecution has in this case.

Think about it.


12 years in prison for no other reason than the way you look?

We owe Ben his freedom.

Imagine if an enemy gets into your system and steals your files or holds them for ransom.

Belive me, this office is very susceptible to an att*ck.

Seems like the only way you'd know how "susceptible" we are is if you hacked us yourself.

Uh, that would be illegal.


It would.



I need a favor.


In case you change your mind.


OLIVER: Bonnie works at the D. A.

- LAUREL: What?

- It's bad, right?

She probably made a deal with Denver to turn on all of us.

No, BonBon wouldn't do that.

Then why is she there?

'Cause Annalise fired her.

- What?!

- How do you know that?

- Frank told me.

- You spoke to Frank?

Yeah, I'm helping him study for his LSATs.


- Okay, what the hell is going on right now?

He's trying to get a fresh start like the rest of us.

BonBon, too.

And, actually, they live together now.

It's kind of adorbs.

Who wants a drink?

My treat.

Uh, it's noon, and you need to sit down.

- We have big news.

- Mine is bigger.


What is that?

A refund.

What'd you return, a boat?

A law school degree.

I just dropped out.

Is the Commonwealth prepared to call its first witness?

We call investigator Nate Lahey to the stand.



Everything okay?


KYM: Ben, it's me, Kym.

I know how angry you are, but we need to talk.


I'm trying to figure this out, at least for the baby.

- Please come home.


Mr. Lahey, why wasn't this voicemail available at the initial trial?

It's only with new technology we were able to recover it from Ben's cellphone.

But why didn't you find it in Ben's voicemail when he was brought into custody?

He deleted that voicemail.

Nothing further.

Mr. Lahey, where is the investigator that was originally scheduled to testify today?

She got sick, ma'am.

And why are you filling in for a sick colleague?

I'm the Lead Investigator.

It's protocol for me to replace an investigator if they can't appear.

And how did you obtain this position as Lead Investigator?

I earned through hard work and intelligence, ma'am.

Neither of which means that you're prepared for this case.

I mean, what have you had?

20 minutes to familiarize yourself with this case prior to testifying?

I'm more than familiar with all our cases.


Then explain to me why the police found no hard evidence against my client.

Deleting a voicemail which speaks to motive could be considered evidence against your client.

Well, how do you know my client deleted that voicemail and not someone else?

Objection, calls for speculation!

I am I'm speculating, just like Mr.

Lahey is doing by even equating deleting a voicemail to m*rder.

I mean, in that case, we're all murderers.

Have you ever deleted a voicemail?

JUDGE: That's enough, Ms.


Finish up, or I'll strike your cross.

No need.

The witness can go.

SIMON: I didn't say "fruitcake," I said "cheesecake. " [LAUGHTER]

I thought it was going to be free.


I told you not to call me at work.

Connor dropped out.

He lost his mind.

- What?

- Talk some sense into him.


Who is it?

- Why are you being an idiot?

- I'm not.

I just had a breakthrough on my run this morning.

Yeah, he means a breakdown.

Seriously, Connor.

Go back and return the money.

No, not when I feel this great.

Come on.

Let's go celebrate.

Drinks are on me.


- Meet us at Debriefed.

- I have a job.

- ASHER: This is more important.

- Are you on a personal call?


Who is this?


Uh, this is Lionel, uh, Bigsby, Esquire.

I'm here to discuss a legal matter with Ms.

- Boyfriend?

- No.

Yes, but it was an emergency.

That was strike one.

Get up.


It's go time.

Get your asses up!

You heard her, you worthless bottom feeders!

- Come on!

- Unh!

Everyone gather round.

Put the coffee down.

And bring your diapers.

We don't want any accidents like last year.

This is a tradition we like to call the Caplan & Gold Hell Bowl.

Tournament-style fight to the death.

You'll each go head-to-head facing off on your knowledge of everything C&G related until we're down to the final four.

The winner not only gets this pricey puppy but also gets to pick which Partner they want to work under.

Round one, Biggins vs.


What year was Caplan & Gold first established?


- Pratt.


Take the floor, loser.

Suck it.

What was the largest cash settlement.

Caplan & Gold has ever won?


1 billion.


Which partner passed the bar at the geniusly young age of 22?

Tegan Price.

Is that right, Ms. Price?

I'm a savant.

What can I say?


2,436 attorneys worldwide?


Lucia v. S. E. C. Eh.


Kokesh v. S. E. C.

The Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine.


WOMAN: Patent Prosecution Firm of the Year Award.


2,000 annual billable hours per litigator.

The Laughlin and Stokes Merger.

What's the name of our Miami-based client with the largest spyware market share in the world?

Antares Technologies.

Antares is correct.

And that ends round 1.

Let's give it up for the final four!





It only took Oliver.

About 5 minutes to go squeal.

Frank had already told Asher.

Tell everyone.

There's nothing to worry about.

We're not worried.

Then why are you here?


I want to be your intern.

- No.

- Please?

I checked online, and the D. A. 's office has a program - Laurel.

- My GPA sucks, okay?

Who else is going to hire me, especially when I'm like this?

- Nate.

- Oh, no.

Tell Bonnie how good of an intern I'd make.

You're not working here.


No munchkins allowed.




What's up?

You finally want to get that Annalise stink off you?

They keep assigning you the crappy cases, right?

I'm new.

Or they all still think you're team Annalise.

Trust me.

I've been there.

Come on.

It'll be fun.


Ben called.

He said you were putting him on the stand.

Are you two screwing?


Listen, you lost the case the first time because of the jury.

Those were your words.

I'm going to win by showing them he's more than a tattooed gangbanger.

He's not ready for this.

- Ms.


- What?

I'm from the disciplinary board.

Are you here to micromanage me, too?

I need to take a urine sample.


You need to witness me wipe, too?


Results will be back in a few days.

Can't wait.


Part of your probation?

How are you?



Everyone else is good, too.

Oliver started his own I. T.


Michaela got a great internship.

Asher's still looking for one.

So am I.

Guess those letters weren't that helpful.

And Connor just decided to drop out completely.

Oh, and we still don't know who k*lled Wes.

So, yeah.

Everything's great.

I'm trying to move on with my life, Laurel.

I know that's hard to hear.

It's not hard.

It's a relief.

To be free from you, actually.

What do you want?

Make sure I know that you hate me, hurt my feelings?

That would require you to have feelings.

You know, you're about to have a child.

You need to stop acting like one.

You're right.

It's a boy, by the way.



MAN: Which lawyer are you going to intern for if you win?

SIMON: I'm thinking I might either go with Berman or Hornstock.

It depends on who has the better caseload.


Ooh, it depends on memememememem.


Stand up.

That is not a request.

Do not let that man-child get in your head.

No, he's not.

He's in there, I can tell, which means he already has the upper hand.

He doesn't.

I promise.

If he loses, he sucks.

But if you lose, women suck.

That's why you need to annihilate him.

I thought this was one of the best firms for women.

It is.

Go study.

Otherwise, I'm out 2 grand.

Uh, what?

I bet on you.

Be flattered.



Si el ritmo te lleva a mover la cabeza - Y empezamos como ves?

- This is your plan, huh?

You're just going to stuff your entire tuition down a go-go boy's cr*ck?

If that's what my true heart desires.

Yeah, I don't think it's your heart that's doing the desiring here.

What, are you jealous?

That's hot.


Oh, look, it's, uh, probably a work call because responsible adults don't spend their days at the bar.

I'll be responsible tomorrow, then.

Can you fix this?

Can't stop, won't stop.

Hampton I. T.


It's Nate.

Feel like making some money?

I'm sorry.

I can't really find anything.

Check her voice memos.

- I did.

- NATE: You're lying.

Weren't you just begging for this job?

That was when it wasn't hacking Annalise.

She's had you do this a million times to win cases.

This is a little different.

She didn't even respect you enough to fire you to your face, Oliver.


There's a deleted voice memo from yesterday in her cache.

- Play it.


ANNALISE: I can't help you if you tell me the same lies you've been telling for the last 12 years.

BEN: We got into a fight about Madison.

Is that your daughter?

Kym told me she wasn't mine.

Mr. Carter, how did you feel after Madison was born?

I was happy.

I never realized I wanted to be a dad until I met Madison.

And Kym?

She stayed in bed a lot.

Barely ate.

Did you see a therapist about postpartum depression?


We're not from the type of place where people talk about stuff like that.

But knowing what happened, you know, Kym hurting herself I wish I'd done something to help her feel better.

Your witness.

Your Honor, the Commonwealth would like to request.

Mr. Carter submit to a paternity test.

On what grounds?

That Mr.

Carter is hiding the fact that he is not Madison's biological father.


Isn't that the real reason why you and Kym were fighting that night?

Judge, what evidence does he have to support any of this?!

That's why you pushed her to her death!

Strike that from the record, Your Honor!

- No!

- Mr.

Modrow, enough!

Because Madison is another man's child!

Don't listen to him, Madison.

Ben, stop!

You're still my girl, you hear me?

Ben, stop!

I love you, Madison.


So it's true.

You and Bonnie are playing house?

Doucheface tell you that?

He said he was helping you study, too.

I got a lot of time on my hands.

I've been wanting to call you, Laurel.

Why didn't you?

'Cause I didn't think you wanted me to.

Am I wrong?


I need you to convince Bonnie to hire me as her intern.


- She's not gonna do that.

- Just ask.

- You don't want to work there, anyway.

- I do, too.

They're a bunch of chowderheads.

I am going to become that sad mommy sell-out you predicted if you don't help me.

First time we met, you said that I was going to give up my career to become a mom.

And guess what?

I'm at the bottom of my class, I have no internship, and there's this.



New girlfriend?

Pretty much.


Yeah, we need you, and we need your meatballs, stat.


It's going to be fine.

Oh, it will be when I get this case back.

No, I can handle this.

It's not about you anymore.

It's about Ben.

So, why don't you put your ego aside and give me back the case?





Get in your car.

I get why you'd do this.

I put you through hell.

- Annalise.

- But you, hate me if you want, but don't ruin a man's life because your feelings got hurt.

I'm not on your case.

Did you ever think.

About how that girl would feel finding out the truth like this?

Hey, calm down.

You could never separate your emotions from your job.

- That's you right now, not me.

- Walk away.

That's what always made you a bad lawyer.

You got b*at, and you can't take it.


I'll tell you, I'll b*at your ass.

- How about that?!

- Hey!


- You're so lost!

- Hey!

- You got on your knees for Denver.

- Beg for a job!

Get in your car!


It was all me, by the way, Annalise.



I'm not giving you my case, Virginia!

WOMAN: Hello?

Is this Annalise Keating?


I'm calling from the County morgue.

We have reason to believe you can help us identify a body.




Do you recognize this woman?


She was my client.

The Queen is back!

You want to save me?

Go back to when I was 13!

Jasmine Bromelle.

What happened?

No autopsy yet, but you can see the track marks, so Police found her in an alley.

There's been a slew of O. D. s in the area.

Dublin, Lima, Madrid, Brussels, Singapore, New Delhi, Johannesburg Don't forget about Kigali.

My father pillages Rwanda for minerals, so he made C&G set up a tiny office there.

Okay, we are not talking about this here.

What about the baby?

What am I going to tell him about his father when he grows up?


How am I going to say he was m*rder*d and I did nothing about it?

What's the gossip, girls?

Her baby shower I don't want to plan.


I can plan the shower.

They're here!

They're here.


Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

I sacrificed precious study time to be here.

We're doing this.

It's just going to make him dig in his heels more.



- Surprise.

What is this, an intervention or something?


It's family dinner, just like old times.

- I'm leaving.

- Okay, it's an intervention, yes, but with meatballs, so it's a dinnervention!

ASHER: Dear Connor, becoming your friend has been one of the best things that's happened to me.

We've all been through so much, but you stuck by my side - Can I say something?

- God, yes.

Uh, actually, when I did this with my sister Chloe, the counselor said the family gets to speak first.

Well, we're not a family.

We're a screwed-up, toxic waste dump of dysfunction.


- Hey.

Everyone's here 'cause they care about you.

Okay, how is anyone okay with him being here right now?

- Dude.

- No, seriously.

A few months ago, we thought that you k*lled Wes, And now we're just supposed to pretend - that we're besties again?

- Frank didn't k*ll Wes.

- Are we sure?

- Yes.

And I am the only one who has the right to drop out right now.

You bailed on your internship interviews.

Out of anyone here, you should understand this decision.

OLIVER: You're going to regret day drinking and watching TV in a week.

Then I'll volunteer at an animal shelter or something!

Do you understand how sad that sounds?

How are you fighting me on this right now?

You were just pushing me to do something more meaningful.

MICHAELA: Oliver didn't mean like this.

He fell in love with a smart, ambitious winner!

I can speak for myself.

Meanwhile, here you are behaving like some aimless, deadbeat loser that no one wants to marry, let alone date.

Wait, do you feel this way about me 'cause I don't have an internship?

I should be studying for the Hell Bowl right now, but I am here because, like Frank said, I care about you, and I want what's best for you.

Then hear me, and hear me good.

What's best for me is you trust that I know how to make my own life decisions, whether you agree with them or not, because that's what a real, supportive family does.

Are we clear?

Great meatballs, Frank.



It was either come here or the bar.

I told you this would happen, that she would get out, get high.


I'm losing my case.

Well, losing cases is part of the job.

Losing a friend, that's another thing.

She wasn't my friend.

You want my help?

How can you help me?

Rule 1.


A lawyer should withdraw from a case if their physical or mental condition impairs their ability to properly rep their client.

Well, that's not what's happening here.

You said you were feeling the urge to drink But I came here.

For help.

And that's what I'm offering.

This is too much for anyone, Annalise.

Look, I can give the judge an affidavit saying this is what needs to happen for your health.

And only the judge would know why you withdrew no one else.

Well, I can see you hate that idea.

- I hate being a failure.

- Okay.

But isn't losing your license because you took a drink worse?



I'm searching for the difference between What content and content can bring I'm trying to find the difference FRANK: She feels lost and needs a job.

She played you, Frank.

Mommy said no, so she went to Daddy.


But it's Laurel.

You know you care.

I don't, so please stop.

She's pregnant, Bon, with the dead puppy's baby.

What are we supposed to do, kick her to the curb?

How'd it feel when your family did that to you?

You go live with her.

If she's that important to you.




Did you drop this off?

- FRANK: What?


The DVD at my door.

I didn't drop off anything.

You're the only one who knows where I live, Frank.

I have no clue what you're talking about.

What's on it?

Do you want me to find out who sent it?

Please let me help, Annalise.

I'm trying to find the difference Show up on time, sit in this chair, and do whatever I say.

Get coffee, file, photocopy.

That's all.

- Got it.

- No.

Because if I catch you doing anything out line or screwing up this job for me You'll chop off my head and feed it to Denver.

Thank you again.

Thank Frank.

20 copies before my staff meeting.

You caved?

She's alone and pregnant, and every other intern in here is related to a judge.

We could do worse.

Did Annalise ask for a continuance?

No, but she's got to be up to something.

Isn't she always?


You okay?

We've said so much worse to each other.

It's fine.

- It's, uh, quaint.

- Just tell me who sent it.

I talked to the night manager.

Got her to show me the lobby footage.

She saw a guy she didn't recognize get in the elevator.

- He had a manilla envelope.


What's wrong now?

For once, nothing.

But work with me here.

I want you to say exactly what I tell you.


FRANK: The manager made the guy show his I. D. on the way out.

His name's Bill Stanton.

He works at a bar across from City Hall.


I'm not dropping the case.

I know.

Ben asked me to be here.


Because he's terrified you're going to lose the case.

Please tell me you have a plan.

I got some new evidence last night.

- What is it?

- You'll see.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

FRANK: He's a real dog with the ladies.

Just get to the point, Frank.

Guess who he's screwing?

Is the defense ready to proceed?

Yes, Your Honor.

I'd like to call my next witness.

It's your Chief Defender.

Virginia Cross.


No prior notice was given.

The witness was added after exculpatory evidence was received late last night.

Your Honor, I'm the defendant's former attorney, not a material witness.

That's not true anymore.

In fact, I'd like permission to treat Ms.

Cross as a hostile witness.

What's your title at the Public Defender's office, Ms. Cross?

Chief Public Defender.

And is it true that the county has cut your budget by 35 percent in the last 3 years?

Yes As we all know, budgets across the entire government have been cut.

And with those cuts, do you feel that you're still able to provide effective representation to each client even though some of your lawyers will have over 200 cases at once?

It's challenging, but we do our best.

And does your best entail being overwhelmed and making mistakes?

Mistakes happen in any job.

I'm sure you've made some in your career.

Oh, of course.

But the question is did you make a mistake in overlooking a key piece of evidence in my client's first trial?

Your Honor, Ms. Keating is clearly taunting the witness with whatever she's holding.

This is footage from an ATM machine which I'd like to enter into evidence, Judge.

Why are we just hearing of this evidence?

Because the witness just delivered it to my doorstep last night.

Isn't that right, Ms. Cross?

Ms. Cross?

Your Honor, Ms.

Keating needs to tell us - what's on that footage.

- The A. D. A. 's right.

Let's play it, if that's okay with you, Your Honor.

I'll allow it.




Why did you keep this evidence hidden this whole time?

Is it because you were protecting your position - as Chief Defender and - No.

I only saw it when I was working on Ben's appeal.

And when was that?

2, 3 years ago?

It was in a box with all the security footage from that area.

So you had this in your possession during the first trial?

I had 45 minutes to prep a case back then!

How was I supposed to find 45 hours to watch every second of that security footage?

Oh, so we can't blame you.

It's the Public Defender's office that's at fault, here, because - That's not what I said!

- You've made your point.

You can't provide effective counsel, so you're overwhelmed, underpaid, and that's the excuse.

I don't have an excuse.

It was a mistake.

I'm human.

I made a mistake.

A terrible, terrible mistake.

I am so sorry.


You have officially lost it.

You're getting back on this elevator and never coming here again.


I have proof, Michaela.

I got access to the FAA's flight log at the D.A. 's office, and look.

My father's jet landed in Philadelphia the day Wes d*ed.

Dominick was probably on it.

So you go back in there, and you win this for Wes.

Go talk to her.

I don't know what to say.

That's okay.




Why'd you do it?

Listen, you put me on the case to win, and that's what I did.

You could have shown that footage in chambers.

No one needed to know where it came from.

But you came for me.


Are you that desperate to be accepted by them?

- I'm going to be disbarred, Annalise!

- No.

If they didn't disbar me, they're not going to disbar you.


ISAAC: This was about Jasmine.

You were angry and you needed to take it out on someone.


So there weren't other ways to win this case?

Of course there were.

But you chose to jeopardize this woman's entire career anyway.

It was for the greater good.

I can win my client's cases.

I know how to do that.

But now when they've already been beaten down by the system.

Jasmine d*ed because of that, and God knows what'll happen to Ben.

You know, you keep downplaying these major victories that you've won for these people Because I won them too late!


The system's failing.

The Public Defender's office has no resources, and poor people are paying the price for it.

And we all know it, but we tolerate it.

No one's doing anything to fix it.

How does destroying a colleague fix anything?

I got the Chief Public Defender of Philadelphia to admit, under oath, that she was unable to provide her clients with their constitutional right to a fair trial.

- And?

- And it's what I needed to file a class action suit.

Against who?

The governor, the state, and the entire justice system, if I'm lucky.

Virginia was a sacrificial lamb.


You walked in here the other night afraid you were going to drink, and your answer to that is to launch a class-action suit?

- Someone's got to do it.

- You are repeating the risky behavior that got you here in the first place!

Well, there's lots of reasons why I ended up in here, but fighting for poor people wasn't one of them.

- You're lying to yourself.

- This is an opportunity to help people who are desperate.

- People or yourself?

- Both.

Because I want to feel better, and this idea makes me feel better.

There's a big difference between feeling better and being better.

Well, then, why don't you call the Board and tell them that I'm not acting appropriately?

You know I don't want to do that.

Yes, you do.

Annalise - Because ever since I told you about my husband, you've been afraid that I was going to do the same thing to you.

Admit it.

You lost power in that moment.

You're trying to get it back Ambushing me to take urine tests, telling me to drop my cases, anything to make me know that you're the one in control here and not me.

The person you're in a power struggle with here isn't me It's you, because you say you want to get sober, but your ambition or ego, whatever it is, is risking everything.

You can't save everyone, Annalise.

Only yourself.

That's who you need.

To be a hero for right now - For you.

You are not going to break me.

BLAKE: Here we go.

We're down to our final two competitors.

Whoever answers right becomes our big cheese.

Prepare for a beatdown.


In what foreign city is Caplan & Gold's smallest satellite office?

Mr. Drake.

Lagos, Nigeria.

That's incorrect.


Ms. Pratt, it's all on you.

LAUREL: Don't forget about Kigali.

My father pillages Rwanda for minerals, so he made C&G set up a tiny office there.

Ms. Pratt?

Do you need to pass?


Kigali, Rwanda.

That's correct.

Ladies and gentlemen, our new Hell Bowl champion, Michaela Pratt!




Maybe I'll drop out, too.

Michaela's going to dump me now that I'm a jobless loser, so You could work here.

You've got the right ass for it.

I do like to dance.


OLIVER: Connor!

You need to start picking up your phone more often.


C man thinks I've got bubble butt for days!


Sorry, gentlemen.

I play for the vaginal team.


These two twinks might be interested in a foursome.

These are Connor's dads.

They came to our apartment looking for him.

So, this is where my tuition money's going.


Tender we fall Your ass is going down next time.

Quiet and alone Yeah?

I thought you might be thirsty.


Thank you.

You need something else?

I want to work for you.


You're brilliant, you win all your cases, and you have the best client list in the firm.

I'd k*ll to work on any of your accounts.

Antares, for example.


But it's your funeral.

Close the door on your way out.

- Where's the baby?

- Coming up for air Answer the damn phone!

Coming up for air, air Coming up for air Coming up for air, air Annalise?


Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought you were Annalise.


Is he dead?

He's dead, isn't he?


Everyone around us dies.

That's what we do.


Everyone dies.

Everyone dies.

Everyone dies.

Everyone dies.