04x02 - I'm Not Her

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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04x02 - I'm Not Her

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "How To Get Away With m*rder" You left him there to die!

Come on, Wes!


I tried to save him.

You need to go and k*ll yourself.

That's the one good thing you're gonna do in your life.

You're gonna go, and you're gonna k*ll yourself, Connor!

And I'm thinking, "Why can't this queen defend me?" I'm having the baby.

I'm due in 5 months.

That's my news.

You didn't let me finish.

I'm letting you go.

We're halfway through law school.

No stupid recommendation letter is gonna make up for my embarrassing GPA or the fact that we're pariahs on that campus!


Ms. Winterbottom?

I'm ready for you.

For me to report favorably, do not show up late, do not cancel, do not drink.

A nurse said they found dr*gs in her system.

- What dr*gs?

- Where's the baby?

Tell me where my baby is!

No, it's not the time to discuss this.

You know what you're doing.

You know it's wrong.

You keep going and I'll stop picking up your calls.

She's here.

I'll call you after.

Let's go.

How does it feel to be back?


You don't have to say that for my benefit.

I'm not.

I'm just tired.

Are you not sleeping?

I'd imagine hotel living is not as glamorous as it sounds.

Hotel is fine.

It's cheap.

There's a maid.

You could just wake up and run away without any guilt.

Is there a mini bar?

Most hotels, they have one.

I haven't had a drink.

You can Breathalyze me if you want.

I'm tired because I went back to work.

I took on my first case last week.


Yeah, I mean, I know it's soon, but this client she needed me.


The Queen is back!

Oh, stop.

They told me it was a lawyer in here.

I thought it was my broke-down public defender.

The outside look good on you, roomie.

No more ashy skin or that c-cutout weave.

You know, you should go show the other girls, - make 'em jealous.

- I still owe Claudia an ass whuppin'.

Yes, you do.

But this time, you'd probably win.

I can see it in your eyes You got your groove back.

Well, there's a reason for that.

Ooh, you get yourself a man?

No, I got my license back.

And I know who I want for my first client.

Don't be messing with me.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Okay, they're charging you with illegal possession of a firearm.

The officer said that he pulled you over for solicitation and found the g*n.

- Do you deny that?

- I'm a hooker.

A girl needs her protection.

Okay, don't say that in front of the judge.

With your past felony convictions, a guilty sentence carries an a*t*matic 8 to 10 years.

Public defender said plead it out, that go down to six.

Public defenders always say that.

Here, sign this.

What is it?

It's a change-of-counsel form to make it official.

What, you don't want the Queen defending you now?

I can't afford you, Annalise.

You can't afford free?

You one crazy-ass bitch, I will give you that.

Damn it.

What was your most pivotal experience as a law student?

10 words or less Go.

Meeting the love of my life while trying to seduce him for a case.

That was more than 10 words, but good answer.

Uh, what is your greatest asset?

You know what my greatest asset is.

Connor, take this seriously.


Is someone nervous about my job prospects?

One of us has to actually pay for this apartment, and my hourly wage at I. T.

For Me isn't exactly gonna cover it.

Do they purposely want you to emulate an eggplant emoji in that uniform, or am I just a perv?

All the other colors were taken.

And for future reference, your greatest asset is this.

Your heart.

Oh, I-I got it.

I just don't want to barf on my only clean shirt.

You have cream cheese on your face.

- You wanna lick it off?

- Is that a dare?

Will you two knock it off?

They've been sizing us up since we walked in here Judging our posture, how we interact.

Trying to psych us out.

Of course.

This is "Lord of the Flies," baby.

Not every little Piggy's gonna make it off the beach alive.

- Are you gonna eat the rest of that?

- Button your blazer.

No one's gonna hire you with your belly poking out.

I'm barely showing.

Your boobs are.

Just kidding.

Like I've ever even looked at your boobs or thought about them.

Well, I say free the bump, and if they discriminate, you can sue, and you can use the money to sit on your ass for a few years.

Because clearly a pregnant woman wouldn't want to work?

No, I just T-That's not what I meant.

I don't care what you meant.

I did my research.

I know what firm I want.

Caplan & Gold they have offices all around the world, the best clients, and they have a class-action suit that's probably gonna go to the Supreme Court.

I'm meeting them at noon.

How did I not know about that case?

Do your own research, Micky.


Looks like, uh, someone else is the Piggy now.

Your flop sweat is starting.

Oh, I don't think so, sweetheart, not today.

I've got my secret weapons in place.

Adult diapers.

I'm as dry as the Sahara.

Like your vag*na.

It's adorable the four of you showed up The lowest-ranked people in the class.

I can't say I'd be as brave if I was in your shoes.

Yeah, it's 'cause your shoes are small like yo Like my package, yeah.

Why don't you get on your knees and I'll show you?

You know, just so we're clear, the only reason the four of you guys even got interviews is because people want to gossip about Annalise.

He's wrong.

They wouldn't be tacky enough to ask about her.

It's gonna be their first question.

The prosecution's case is based solely on an illegal stop-and-frisk.

There was no probable cause to search my client, thereby making the g*n evidence fruit of the poisonous tree.

Your Honor, the defendant's a convicted prost*tute who was stopped on a street where she's known to ply her trade.

That's when the officer - discovered the g*n.

- My client lives there.

She was walking home.

Being black is not adequate ground for suspicion.

That's good.

Judge, these are all arguments beyond the scope of this hearing This goes to the heart of my motion.

We can argue the facts of the case at trial, Ms.


Motion to suppress denied.

Your Honor, I'd like to file a continuance.

I've only now just come on board as Ms.

Bromelle's counsel.

Did you file the 106 motion?

I didn't have time.

No paperwork, no extension.

Trial starts tomorrow.

Next case.

That was expected.

Tell that to your face.

Move it along, Ms.


I have a full docket today.

No, this is not the time nor the place.

I know.

Where's the A. D. A. on this next case?

Right here, Your Honor.

Oh, you file the 106 motion on the third floor.

Talk to Pearl.


Is the Commonwealth ready for the hearing?

No, Your Honor.

We've had some trouble contacting one of the witnesses.

Despite multiple phone calls and a visit to his home She's been in and out of prison her whole life.

Prostitution, dr*gs, assaulting her pimp.

I counted 10 public defenders who've represented her.

Most have wanted her.

To plead out, do the minimum.

You rack up enough felonies, then the minimum becomes a life sentence.

Am I boring you?

I forgot to have you fill this out during our first session.

It's a list of traumatic life events that are often risk factors for substance-abuse disorders.

You just check all the boxes that apply.

If you've ever experienced a natural disaster, - if you've been in a serious accident.

- And then?

So, you've wasted 17 minutes now telling me about your case.

- I want to know about you.

- It's my job.

It is about me.

I think you're telling me about her to avoid telling me about you.

Well, this is our second session, and clinical guidelines specify that the therapist is supposed to listen in the early sessions, let the patient guide the narrative.

Is that what your last therapist did?

You can take all the time you need.

Of course she had a g*n.

She's servicing men behind Dumpsters.

That doesn't make her a bad person.

She has two as*ault convictions on her record.

Her pimp filed the charges!

Please, I'm just asking for a little sympathy.

I showed sympathy when I didn't charge her for the other violations, Annalise.

What are you talking about?

Watch the body-cam footage, then you'll see what a nice guy I am.


So, I got assigned to that trespassing case, and we go to trial next week.


I work here now.

For like three days.

Okay, but I do, and Julie or Judy or someone said that you might be able to help me find the eyewitness.

Can't help you.



Do you and Annalise think you're really fooling anybody with this?

I don't work here for Annalise.

You expect me to believe that?

I'll find the witness on my own.

Why are you interested in interning at Caplan & Gold?

One, your stellar reputation, two, your global presence, three, the diversity of your casework, specifically your spyware class-action suit.


You seem to have all the right answers.

- Thank you.

- But, to be honest, we're concerned about your academic performance.

How do you explain it?

My grades suffered because I spent most of my first year working on real cases, but this practical, hands-on experience was pivotal to my education.

Did you write that answer up beforehand?

It sounds scripted.

No, I just I knew you'd be curious about my GPA Are you calling our questions basic?

No, no, no.

That's not what I meant.


Social justice has always been my focus.

Sometimes that meant prioritizing clinic work over grades.

My concern is our clients need the most focused lawyers on their side there can be no distractions So my question is can you promise to dedicate 100% of yourself to this work?

Most definitely.

Think about, uh, FDR, for example.

I mean, he failed the bar his first time and look where he ended up.

You're as smart as one of our greatest presidents.

- Is that what you're saying?

- No.

No, no, no, no.

Uh, ego is not a problem with me.

In fact, I'm, uh, humble to a fault.

Not a big fault, just a just a little one.

You'll note that I raised my GPA by 0.

7 points last semester, which is a higher improvement rate than anyone else in my class.

I believe this proves that I thrive in adverse situations, and I look forward to any opportunity to improve myself.

Why'd you even come to law school in the first place?

My father's a lawyer.

I always admired him.

I didn't ask about your father.

I asked why you want to be a lawyer.

To protect the vulnerable Plain and simple.

I want to be an agent of change using the laws dictated by our Constitution.

Um I was pretty much raised in the courtroom.

It's in my blood.

Okay, um we all know you're not gonna get this job, so why don't you just tell us what we really want to know?

What was it like working for Annalise Keating?

Is she as complicated as people say?

You know, honestly, I don't think that we'd be having this conversation if she were a man.

The, uh patriarchy is alive and kicking, as we all know.

I was one of many interns.

I didn't really get to know her that well.

She was, uh, you know intense.

The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was not getting chosen to be a part of her cult.

Each of her interns nearly flunked out due to her drama, and those are the ones still alive.

I learned so much from Professor Keating, but the most important thing she taught me is exactly the kind of lawyer I don't want to be.

Come on, baby.

Let Mama turn you out.

You can make the whole thing go away.

Oh, what's this?

You didn't tell me you were packing tonight.

Come on.

Let me get you off.

You're under arrest.

- Let go of me.

- Turn around!

Let go of me!

You probably can't even get that tiny, fat fold of skin up.

You see how rough he was with me?

You're lucky you got possession.

They could've given you battery, soliciting an officer.

It usually work.

It's 10 minutes in the back of a squad car, you're free to go.


You mad at me?

You need to tell me these things, Jasmine, before I'm blindsided in court.

So now it's my fault if we lose this thing?

Not you for screwing up in court?

No one's pointing a finger at you.

I should've known you can't get nothing good for free.

Jas, I'm trying to help you here.

You trying to help yourself.

I knew it the minute you rode up in here, feeling all proud that you got to help your poor black sister.

And what's wrong with that?

It make you stupid!

You want to save me?

Go back to when I was 13 and my daddy sold my ass to a crew for a couple of bags of smack.

You know what they do to the new girl?

Strip you naked and take turns.

They call it "wolfpackin'," because then you are so broken, they can work you full-time.

In vans and basements, and the only way to get through it is sh**t up and get numb!

And who do you think takes the heat?

So you plead out, and you do your time, only to get back out, sell your body again for more dr*gs, get arrested again, plead out again until you have spent your whole life in a cell.

And here you come, thinking you can save me?


Get me the hell out of here.

You were in captivity?


Which is also where I met my client that you won't let me talk about.


Why this client?

Why make her your first case back?

You told me she needed you, but you went to her.

You persuaded her to leave her public defender.

She helped me while I was in jail, kept me from getting my ass beat.

So that's the only reason?


What, you don't believe me?

- No.

- Excuse me?

Annalise, you're an alcoholic, which makes you an expert at self-deception.

But in here, I'm the expert.

So quit deflecting, and do the work to get better as you stated you wanted to in our first session.

Or I can alert the Board to your refusal to participate.

I'm participating.

You're hiding, for two sessions now.

Maybe your last therapist put up with that, but you're stuck with me.

So talk.

Or get out.

You've only given me.

My client's felony arrests.

I need her entire arrest record - Misdemeanors, too.

- Like I said, for misdemeanors, you need to go to the third floor.

- See Louis - Louis sent me here.

Regina giving you a hard time?

I only give people a hard time who give me a hard time.

I guarantee Ms.

Keating here has had a harder time than you over the past few months.

Give her a break.

You owe me some Entenmann's.


Thank you.


I'm sure your mole, Bonnie, already told you, but I want nothing to do with whatever this is.

- You're wrong - Denver promoted me to lead investigator, Annalise.

I know.

I got you the deal.

Yeah, to help yourself, not just me.

My life is finally coming together, so please stay out of my way for once.

I fired Bonnie.

I didn't know she worked for the D. A. 's office until this morning.

Why'd you fire her?

Everybody's better off without me, like you said.

I'll find out if you're lying.

Good thing I'm not.

You two still a thing?

Say you want to be a lawyer because, "I'm great at debate" or "I believe in our Constitution" or "I want power" - Or money.

- To help people?

Look, maybe the reason that I couldn't come up with an answer is 'cause I don't want to be a lawyer anymore.

My God, you could not sound more white right now.


Look at everything that you've gotten away with.

People are dead and you didn't go to jail and you have the nerve to have an existential crisis?

Oli makes a pretty good point.

I haven't made my point yet.

Make it already.

Well, you got a second chance.

We all did, so maybe it's time that we do something meaningful.

Like teach grandmas how to tweet?

Actually, I have some news for all of you.

I'm starting my own I. T. company.

- Oli!

- And I'm expecting all of you to put in a good word for me at those fancy law firms that I know you're gonna work at.

You're calling it "Control Oli Delete"?

Yeah, that's funny, right?

- Maybe?

- Callbacks are in.

Schwartz & Abrahams, Lindstrom, Caplan & Gold!


- I got five callbacks, b*tches!

- Good for you.

I got three callbacks.

Caplan & Gold, too!


- Connor?

- Zero.

Tell me I'm not the only loser.

You're not the only loser.

Great, we can, uh, start a club.

I'm not that desperate.


- Oh, I'll take that.

- No, no, no.

Girls against boys.


I'll explain everything else I know.

That That's reverse sexism.

I told you she still hates me.

Just give her some more time.

You know what they do to the new girl?

Strip you naked and take turns.

They call it "wolfpackin'," because then you are so broken, they can work you full-time.

And the only way to get through it is sh**t up and get numb!

You want to save me?

Go back to when I was 13 - - And my daddy sold my ass to a crew - - for a couple of bags of smack.

- When was the first time you were arrested?

- I don't know.

Well, you said you were r*ped when you were 13, but the earliest charge I found was when you were 18, so you never went to court before that?

Yeah, of course I did.

- When?

- First time?

Uh, well, I-I was way younger than 18.

Uh, cops busted me with a john.

Judge gave me freebie, let me go.

What you smiling at?

You were a minor.

They sealed your file.

What's good about that?

'Cause that's how I'm gonna get your ass out of here.

I didn't check all the boxes that I should've.

But you already knew that because you Googled me.


Well, you should've, because I'm quite interesting.

What I know from you is from the file that the Board sent over.

Oh, yeah?

What did the Board say?

My reputation is garbage and my career's over?

Look, I understand why my having knowledge about you - might make you uncomfortable.

- No, what makes me uncomfortable is you telling me that what I want to discuss in here is wrong.

I mean, I'm here, I showed up on time, and all you've done is make me feel more screwed up than I already am.

I don't know you, you don't know me, no matter what you read about me, so why not give me the damn time to feel comfortable before telling you all the horrible details of my life?

She was 13.

It was her first arrest.

Yeah, that record was sealed for her own benefit.

- Well, you can unseal it.

- Yeah, so can a judge.

Look, I'm not gonna do your job for you.

You can help this woman, Bonnie.

Please leave.

She's a sex-trafficking victim.

She was forced into it at 13.



It even smells like money.

You sure that's a good idea?

They want to know.

If you can hold your liquor.

Well, I've got an album of photos that says that you can't.

I'm sure they'd love to see you passed out on a cheesesteak.

Oh, of course he's here.

Okay, tell me what's in the secret Laurel file so we can both destroy him.

Mm not gonna happen.

Oh, your fly is open.


Michaela Pratt.

I represented a domestic-abuse victim in my legal clinic.

We got her out on parole.

It was amazing, and it made me realize that I should pursue more ways to help the less fortunate, try and not be so white, you know?

Did all of the corporate firms reject you?


Well, I mean some did.

The very definition of white privilege is you thinking you can slide into a callback interview I already have eight qualified candidates for.


Um I'll go away now.

Laurel Castillo?

Ms. Castillo?

Going once Hey.

I thought you were cooking me dinner tonight.

I got to study.

LSAT's coming up.

How's Week One going?

Fine, until I ran into Annalise.

She talk to you?

Only to ask me to unseal the juvenile record for one of the ladies she was in jail with.

You do it?

What, be a pathetic, little weenie man?


I slammed the door in her face.

It felt great.

Are you tanked?

Of course.

One of the best parts of being free of her is having booze in the house again, so I'm going to drink myself stupid until I don't even remember what her dumb face looks like.

I'm impressed how you navigated the transborder surveillance and privacy shield agreement.

I bet that required some serious lobbying of the DNI.

You've clearly done your homework.

Hm, telecom litigation is actually a passion of mine.

- Quit stuffing your face.

- Want me to stuff yours?

Ooh, there's that frat boy.

Would you excuse me?

Why don't you check your aggression, bro, before this firm starts digging into your family tree?

- What the hell does that mean?

- Well, what do you think it means?

What's going on?

I was just telling your boyfriend here that these law firms do background checks on all their prospective interns.

They dig into us, our parents, any mental health issues - Shut your mouth - so I wouldn't hang my hopes on Daddy's name if I were you, Millst.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Hey, go to the bathroom, hit the trash can if you have to, but do not let them see you lose it.

Beast mode.

Thank you.

I don't know what happened to you as a child to make you behave like a sociopath.

But if you ever go near him again, I'll cut off your balls and feed them to you.

Trust me, I've done worse.

I can see you.

I have the sealed file for Jasmine's case.

Let me in.

I'm always gonna be here.

When you want me, when you don't want me.

I'm always gonna.

Take care of you, Annalise.

Let me in, Laurel.

I went to your place uh, old old place, I guess.


I thought maybe you were shacking up with Frank, but Wes's apartment makes more sense.

It smells better Why are you here, Connor?

You had a callback at Legal Aid, but you didn't show up.


So why lie?

I don't know.

Maybe I just don't care anymore?

About poor people or about being a lawyer?


So it's not about anything else?

If you have something to say, say it.

Look, I get it.

If you're still trying to figure out - what happened to Wes - Don't say his name to me.

You're having his baby, Laurel.

- Not everything is about the stupid baby.

- No, of course not.

I know.

I just want you to know that That I'm here for you if if if you need me.


Can you leave now?

- No.

You know - I'm not asking.

Not until I say this, okay?


I was there, Laurel.

I saw him dead.

And you could've died, too.

And then I lied to your face all that time.

I hate myself more than you could ever hate me if that makes you feel any better.

It doesn't.

What can I do to make it better?

You can't.

None of us can.

He's gone.

And it's not your fault, so stop hating yourself.

I can't.

Fine, but you owe me, and you have to do what I say, so at least try.

I'm not hiding from you.

I'm not bringing up the case just to avoid talking about myself.

- I'm just - You think she's you.

Jasmine she's you.

Mr. Hedstrom, how many years did you work as a prosecutor with the Commonwealth of Philadelphia?


That's a long time.

You deserve a vacation Somewhere on a beach with a piña colada.

I'm retired.

No need to worry about me.

You recognize this, Mr.


It's Ms.

Bromelle's prostitution charge from 1968 - A charge that you prosecuted - Objection.

These are the defendant's sealed juvenile records.

I cite Davis v.

Alaska as precedent.

It allows for the witness to testify to the sealed contents of cases.

Objection overruled.

So now I'm projecting myself onto a 60-year-old hooker?

Why else would you make this woman your first client back?

I told you.

She helped me in jail, and after everything that she's been through You mean the sexual abuse that she experienced as a child?

How old was the defendant at the time of these charges?

Why were you prosecuting her for prostitution instead of treating her as a victim of sex trafficking?

The whole concept of sex trafficking is relatively new.

In my day, you booked for solicitation and let them do the time Catch and release.

And in your day, did you actually believe that a 13-year-old child was making the choice to have sex with grown men for money?

You're sick.

- Excuse me?

- Is that why you took this job - To project your sick fantasies onto people?

- Annalise - Don't call people out for being sexually abused.

You don't trigger them for no reason.

I released her from juvenile detention and got the file sealed.

There really wasn't much else I could do at the time.


Sheri Watson, Patricia Adams, Carol Anne Peterson Any of these names ring a bell?


I'll refresh your memory.

All of these are underage girls who were picked up for solicitation in 1968.

All these cases were assigned to you.

But, instead of charging them, you petitioned that each of them be sent to rehabilitation.

Every case is different, Ms.

Keating Well, as a matter of fact, each of these cases are virtually identical to my client's in every way except for one My client is black, and all of these girls were white.

It's not for no reason.

Many of the women that I see with addiction issues have been abused often physically, sexually.

If Jasmine were treated like a white girl, she would've been sent to a safe place to eat, sleep, maybe even given the opportunity to go to school.

- Objection.


- But instead, she's treated like a criminal by the officers and prosecutor whose duty it was to protect her and save her from the hell that was her childhood.

I apologize if I'm wrong.

I don't know everything about you, but it's my job to point out connections that you might not be able to see yourself.

But you turn her back out onto the streets until she had a criminal record that prevented her from getting a job, government housing, assistance Your Honor, please censure Ms.


each violation leading to the next, all stemming from the first arrest - Ms. Keating, please sit.

- when the system that should've been protecting this vulnerable 13-year-old girl blamed her and doomed her to a life in and out of prison.

I'm nothing like her.

You know, horrible things happened to me as a child, but I had a mother who loved me, teachers who told me I was smart and I could go to college and I believed them.

Because that's what we do to black people, women, and gay people in this world.

We turn a blind eye, and we tell them that their lives don't matter.

But they do matter.

Jasmine Bromelle matters.

I'm not her.

I'm not.

And as much as I wish we could go back to 1968 and somehow assist this young girl instead of punishing her, we can't.

I can't.

But it's not right.

That's why I'm demanding that the court not just vacate her current charges, but all of her prior convictions.

It's the only way that Ms.

Bromelle will be shown the basic human decency that she's been deprived of her entire life.

It's okay.

If I got to go back and do time, I'll be okay.

At least I can say I was defended by the female Johnnie Cochran.

All rise.

Ms. Keating, today you ignored the case at hand and tried a case of your own invention, ignoring the fact that, in this country, we ask every man and woman to take accountability for their own actions.

But how could we expect them to do so when we have hobbled them before their life has even begun?

Ms. Bromelle this courtroom owes you an apology.

The law was in the wrong when it treated you like a criminal instead of a victim, and as much as I would like to vacate all of your criminal history, the best that I can do is to seal your prior convictions.

So as long as you never appear in my courtroom, you will be eligible for assistance and jobs without disclosing your criminal history.

It's as much of a fresh start as the law will allow, the one you should've been given in 1968.

I won.

I mean, it was my first case back, and I won it.

That's why I wanted to tell you about it, because it felt good.

It was something good.

That's all.



I-I wasn't asking you to say that.

Why not?

You did a great thing here.

You got this woman a fresh start.

Here's your government-issued ID.

You'll need it to apply for a job.

She's a career prost*tute and drug addict.

There's no such thing as a fresh start.

And here.

Uh, I can't.

No, take it.

Take it.

I bet you that I'll turn on my phone after this session, and there's gonna be a voicemail from her saying that she's back on dr*gs and begging me to come rescue her from a jail.

If you really believe that, you wouldn't have fought so hard to win this.

I said I bet you 100 bucks that in couple of months, she'll be back in jail.

You know, you are allowed to feel hope in these situations.


You work with drug addicts every day.

You know they don't change.

I changed.

I was a heroin addict.

Now I'm here, I'm clean.

I've changed.

That's all I'm saying.

I wish you hadn't told me that.


Phone number for the eyewitness.


Annalise fired you.

Which means your only option was to come down here and blackmail Denver for this job.

I didn't blackmail him.

In what world does he hire anyone who worked for Annalise?

So I blackmailed him a little.

We should start our own support group Annalise Anonymous.

For therapy, we could get drunk.

Not soon enough.

I was just out of law school, and I thought it was what really smart people did, you know?

They go to therapy, they share their feelings, right?

Of course, only thing I could talk about was the law firm that I started working at.

Say hello to Caplan & Gold's new interns, suckas.

Oh, my God!

Simon got the Caplan & Gold job?

Yeah, we're trying not to dwell on that right now.

What about Michaela?

Did she hear from them?

Yeah, she got three offers, 'cause that's who she is An awesome badass dating a pathetic loser who let some nut-sniffer - get under his skin.

- Relax.

You and me and Laurel will just go work for Oli.

Hello, ladies and gents.

Hampton I. T. Services For all of your computer and technology needs.

- Michaela!

- Oh, my God.

Did you hear?

I got three offers, which is amazing!

I am amazing!

You have to take the Caplan & Gold job.

I already did.

They pay the most.

Oh, thank God.

Why do you care so much?

Caplan & Gold is the firm that represents my father.

Oh, then just have him make a call for you.

No, I don't want him to.

Why not?

Because he k*lled Wes.

What did you just say?

My father k*lled Wes, and you're gonna help me take him down.

I wouldn't open up, and my therapist could see that.

So then he opened up to me Started sharing things about his life.

He taught me how to share, and it worked.

I started talking I mean really talking And it felt so nice.

And then he became my husband.

Nurse said they found dr*gs in her system.

What dr*gs?

Tell me where the baby is.

Where's my baby?

Where's my baby?!

Where's my baby?!

You've reached the voicemail of Annalise Keating.

Please leave a message.

Where the hell are you?

She's awake.

Answer the damn phone!

D. A. 's office.

Maxwell here.

I've got another update on the crime scene at the Easton Hotel.

The manager confirmed the room is registered to Annalise Keating.

We're still trying to locate Ms.

Keating, but a search is currently going on in the room.

One item of interest found is a g*n
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