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04x01 - I'm Going Away

Posted: 10/25/19 15:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How to Get Away with m*rder"


ANNALISE: My mother has dementia.

I'll tell them you didn't burn down the house.

I did.

She has episodes.

Connor, marry me.

I mean it.

DR. HUANG: There's the heartbeat.

How much time do I have?

24 weeks.

We have to give Denver another suspect.

- Who is it?

- Wes?

It's the only way, Laurel.

I'm not gonna let you do that.

ANNALISE: Wes k*lled my husband.

He confessed to it on the voicemail he left that night.

WES: You can't go down for what I did.

DENVER: This points to Gibbins being behind both the murders.

I can't continue to prosecute her now that Mr.

Lahey's brought me this voicemail.

LAUREL: Hey, the guy who k*lled Wes is outside, and we have a chance to finally confront him!

- Laurel!

- Dominick?

It's me.

Tell me he's dead.


ANNALISE: I lost someone.


He felt like my son because he was my son.

And he's gone.



ANNALISE: To Michaela, Connor, Laurel, Asher.

I booked a table at Haywood at 8:00 tomorrow night.

I need you all there.

Please come.

JORGE: Do I need to take your phone away?

Or is ignoring your father just a part of the campus tour?


Are you hungry?

There's a really good café down the street.

I'd rather see your apartment.

It's a mess.

I had the jet stop over to visit you.

I get to see where you live.

No, not when I'm still mad at you.

Aw, what'd I do now?

You lied to me.

You're still lying.


When I bumped into Dominick in New York, he said he was there for work.

Because you weren't calling me back, again.

I knew Dominick would convince you to see me.

Is that the only reason why?

- Yes.

- Mmhmm.


What other reason would there be?

What is it?


There's a reason why I wasn't calling you back.

I found out I was pregnant.


That's Is it Frank's?

Laurel, this is a huge thing you're telling me.

It was a huge thing.

I had an abortion.

Please don't tell Mom.

She's gonna get all Catholic on me, and I can't take any more drama right now.

I won't say anything.

How are you?

Look at me.

Are you okay?

Because that's all that matters.


Yeah, I'm fine.

- Come here.

- Can we go eat now?

My apartment is really It's not that interesting.


But we need a picture.

Excuse me, miss, could I bother you?

I, um, I'd love a photo with my lovely daughter here.



Thank you.

LAUREL: I'm meeting a group for dinner.

The reservation's under Annalise Keating.

Follow me.


Sorry I'm late.

My Uber driver put in the wrong address.

What's this?

She won't tell us.

I'll tell you, but we should order first.


DESMOND: You're judging me.

I'll buy you one so I'm not the only degenerate on the plane.

I'm good.

Probably for the best.

I wouldn't want to corrupt you.

- Any good gossip?


Sorry, I talk a lot.

I just know I'd kick myself later if I didn't at least try.



I had a Great Aunt Bonnie.

Know what her last words to me were?

"Shut your trap, Desmond.

" Too bad for you I still haven't learned my lesson.

No, you haven't.

Not one bit.


WOMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, we have just begun our final descent into Memphis.

At this time, we kindly request you return your seats and tray tables to their upright position.


CELESTINE: Oh, right on time!

I guess TSA wasn't screening for ex-cons.

Kiss my ass.


What, are we selling liquor from the back of the house now?

That's his idea of a solution.

Anna Mae, Anna Mae.

Oh, Mama.


Girl, you used to have a shelf booty.

Can't put nothing on that now.


- Let's eat.


MAC: You could always use the money to buy a new house.

Thelonius has that construction experience.

I bet he'd help.

Thelonius is in Atlanta thinking he's gonna invent an app.

How much money is the insurance company giving you anyway?

It's enough.

Well, are we talking Oprah money or Gayle money?

Don't answer that.

Otherwise the whole town will be rushing over here with their hands out.

Well, you'll be the first one in line.

Well, whatever you do, I hope you use some of it to get yourself a proper office.

Actually, Mama And hire Nathaniel too.

Wouldn't hurt to have a pretty secretary.


- Mama Mama, listen.

What's wrong?

There's a Memory Care Center in Harbor Town, Mama.

And now that I have some extra money, we thought that we could take a look.

MAC: Is this really necessary?

Your mother and I are getting along real good here.

According to who?

She wandered over to Miss Francine's house in the middle of the night.

She could've gotten sh*t.

I took care of that.

You put a bell on the door.

Now, Mama, I'm not saying that you have to go.

Just that we should visit while I'm here.

Stop it.

How dare you?

Getting me all excited because I think you've come to see me.

This was my idea as much as Anna Mae's, Mama.

Now that we're back in each other's lives you think I'm gonna be a burden to you, is that it?

You'd rather pick out my tombstone.

This is for your safety, Mama.

The hell do you know about safety?


You've got people dying all around you every day!

And you're gonna tell me how to live?

If that's your idea of Mama love, I don't need it.

Don't come back here no more.


ANNALISE: Mama, please open the door.

I made some cobbler from the pears you left in the kitchen.

I can't promise there'll be anything left in the morning.


- Hi.

- BONNIE: How's it going?


Did the Bar postpone my hearing?


It's about the insurance money.

- They're freezing the payment.

- Why?

Hannah Keating is contesting your ownership of the house, claiming the insurance money should go to her.

I'll file a Petition for Declaratory Judgment to get the funds released, but it's going to take a few months.


MAC: Anna Mae?

I'll call you back.

You feel like a little nightcap on the porch?

I'm tired.

Well, you know where to find me.



Where are you headed?




DESMOND: Bonnie.


I'm still a little stunned you called.

Yeah, me too.

Well, I got us a couple of spots at the bar.

They're known for their martinis.


I'm not here to drink.


- Come dance with the bride!

- No.

She has to dance with a guy in a red shirt.

You're in a red shirt.

First of all, this is a gay bar, not a zoo attraction.

Harvey Milk didn't die so that you could suck face with strippers.

Who d*ed?

Uh, wwhy don't you go buy us some drinks and then.

Maybe we'll dance with you.

- Yas Qween?

- Yaassss, Qween!

Yas, Qween.

Be nice.

It's this or risk getting date-r*ped at a straight bar.

Do you see what I'm talking about now?

That is what getting married does to people.

Why would we do that to ourselves?

Because we love each other?

We don't need to get married to prove that.

It just It feels forced and Hetero-normative.

And blah, blah, blah, blah.


- I've been hearing this speech for over a month now, so why don't we just cut to the chase?

Say yes.

Or maybe I'll dump you before that for always looking at your phone.

It's Annalise.

She's making all of us get dinner with her tomorrow night.

Oh, she is?


By "all of us," you mean everyone but me.

Be relieved.

I know how you can get out of it.

We go to Vegas and elope.

This time tomorrow, we could be screaming our married heads off at Britney.

I'd rather get dinner with Annalise.


You're such a bitch.


DESMOND: I should've put this stuff away earlier.

'Cause you knew I was coming?


I hoped.

Can I say something you're not going to like?

- No.

- Too bad.

Everything about you, your eyes, your skin, the way you carry yourself I feel very lucky you're here.



- Sorry.

- It's okay.




- My bad.


Just one second.


Don't move.

Hey, CeCe!

Oh, hell no.


Thanks for calling, all right?

Talk to you later.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

- That was rude.

- It's rude for CeCe.

You do you.

CeCe's my daughter.

She lives in L. A.

I make her call every night when she gets home.

Look, we can call her together if you want.

But it might be kinda awkward.


Come here.

Come on.

Let's do this.




Wait a second.

We can go slower if that's what you want.


My name's Annalise.



Anna Mae?

Anna Mae, wake up!

Anna Mae, wake up.

The house is on fire.

- Mama?

- The house is on fire.

Get up.

- He fell off drunk.

- Daddy?

No, Clyde!

And I lit him up.

The house is on fire.

We're gonna burn up if we don't get out of here!

Anna Mae!

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on!

Anna Mae, the house is on fire.

The house is not on fire.

- It is!

- You're confused.

If we don't get out of here, we're gonna burn up.

- Anna Mae!

- Clyde is dead!

He's dead, Mama.

This is just the dementia.

You understand?


- Oh, my God.

Oh, my body is in love.

It's the kinda bed.

You can spend all day in, right?


Excuse me, um, what's your most, uh, durable mattress?

'Cause my girlfriend here and I, we're very much in love and, as you can probably tell, - we're very active.

- Asher.

So we need a bed that can handle our once, sometimes twice-a-night visits to pound town, just [CHUCKLES]

- Give us a minute.

- No prob.

Hmm, thanks.

Bye, Chad.


Threatened much?

Bae is brilliant, powerful, and hawt.

It is my job to be threatened.


- Did you just toot?


It's my phone.


Well, that's good news.

How do you know?

Haywood's like 4 dollar signs on Yelp.

She wouldn't take us there unless she had money coming in, which means they didn't disbar her.

Or she doesn't want us making a scene when she delivers terrible news.

Like Denver.

Reopened his investigation.

She's throwing us a last supper.

Or she misses us.

Baby, she's dead inside.

She misses no one.


Why does she have to ruin everything?

- Wait till I move.

- OPHELIA: Okay.

All right, Mama.

- All right.

- Okay, Mama.


There you go.

Little boy, little girl?

Yes, ma'am Did you get any eggs?

Yes, ma'am Did you bring me mine?

Yes, ma'am Bessie Jones.

Don't you remember?

You and me and and Celestine, we sang that every night before you went to bed.

Did you bring me mine?

Yes, ma'am Then, shoo BOTH: Shoo, shoo, Turkey Throw your feathers way off yonder Shoo, shoo, shoo, Turkey Throw your feathers way off yonder [BOTH LAUGH]


I haven't lost my whole mind.

Not yet.


We'll go tomorrow.


The nursery home.

We'll take a look around tomorrow.


Little girl, little boy?

Yes, ma'am Well, did you go down town?

Yes, ma'am Well, did you get any eggs?

Yes, ma'am Well, did you bring them home?

Yes, ma'amv Now, shoo, shoo, shoo, Turkey Throw your feather way yonder IRENE: The Acacia campus has been open for over 20 years.

The layout is easy to navigate.

There's 24-hour access to specialist nurses and structured activities which we have designed specifically for patients suffering from memory loss.

You've found our photo collection.

Our residents like reminders of the good old days.

Whose good old days?

- Oh, Mama, look at the garden.

- Yes.

Do you know how much this place costs?

Best facility in the state.

$5,000 a month.

Meanwhile it costs nothing for me to take care of her in our own house.

You mean the house she tried to burn down last night?

I can handle whatever care she needs.

That's all I'm saying.

You couldn't handle her when you were young.

What makes you think you can do it now?

I'm a better man now.

You're no better than the day you left her.


We are not gonna be the ratchet family - fighting in public.

- Mama was so desperate, she had to ask Uncle Clyde to move in with us, and we all know how that turned out.

It always comes back to that with you, don't it?

This is about that.

Even last night, that's the memory Mama can't escape!

- Only 'cause you're here!

- What did you say?

- I'm begging you.

- You think she goes.

Through these spells about Clyde when you're not around?

That's you stirring up these memories.

You're not too grown that I can't still whip your ass.


You're in these people's homes.

You know better than that.

And God knows I taught you better.

So now get it together!

Humiliating me in public, for shame.

There's free parking, Wi-Fi.

Put a nice stencil here on the window Keating, Winterbottom, Delfino.

- Frank - Relax.

I know she still hates me.

I just figured she needs a new office.

She hasn't even gotten her license back yet.

You're gonna win it back.


Still, we can't afford a place this nice.

I got that covered.

The suitcase money?

It'd be a shame if nothing good ever came of it.

That is not the way to get Annalise to forgive you, Frank.

You busy tomorrow night?

My mom's cooking chicken parm.

I got plans.

Hot date?

Annalise is having a dinner.

So it is a hot date.

The kids will be there, too.

I'll win her back.

Just give me time.

CELESTINE: He's wrong.


I'm just saying, whatever happened last night wasn't triggered by you.


So Mama walks around talking about burning down the house even when I'm not here?

I'm a nurse, okay?

I know how dementia works, and that ain't it.

I don't have the money, Celestine.


Sam's sister's suing me for the house.

They froze the insurance payout.

That's okay.

We've still got our jobs.

I don't know if that's true anymore.

They found alcohol in my blood when I was arrested.

I might be disbarred.

Because you had a little too much to drink?

I was on probation at the time.

For what?


I'd be drinking too if I had your life.

Where's Daddy?

Hardware store.

Pretty soon enough I won't be able to use the restroom without setting off a bell.


What do you want, Mama?


Where do you want to live?

Would you rather stay here with Daddy?

Doesn't matter what I want.

Well, that's the only thing that matters.

It doesn't.

Mama, I'm not gonna be able to leave here if I know you're upset with me.

Anna Mae, I want you to hear me and I want you to hear me well because you're the one who's confused right now.

I'm going away.

You know it.

I know it.

My mind's going.

So whether I live or die, it's not about me.

It's what you want, your father wants, - what your sister wants.

- That is not true.

I mean, listen to you right now.

You're clear-headed, sometimes more than any of us.

And next time you come to visit?

And the time after that?

Anna Mae, what happened to you is not right.

I've had my share of loss, too.

No one my sweet baby girl, should lose as much as you have lost.

What Mama's trying to do is to protect you from losing any more.

But it's happening.

You're losing me.

You're losing me, and there's nothing you can do to stop it from happening.

The best thing for us to do is to prepare ourselves so it won't be a surprise.


I can't.

Don't worry.

I'll stay as long as I can.

I promise you I will hold on to me for as long as I can, and what I want is for you to hold on to you too.

MAN: Today we begin the disbarment proceedings for Attorney Annalise Keating.

This hearing arises out of a violation of a previously imposed probation that prohibited Ms.

Keating from using any dr*gs or alcohol.

She can't leave the room if she doesn't have a key.

I know it's not ideal but This one's on you.

If she hurts herself or someone else, it's your job to take care of her.

'Cause if I find out that you've had one too many drinks, if you slept through that damn bell Just keep her safe.

I give up, okay?


I'm sorry for what Clyde did to you.


I'll text you when my plane lands.


MAN: Police reports state.


Keating violated this probation on the night of November 3rd.

- I'm here - On the night of her arrest, Ms.

Keating was found to be intoxicated.

Lab tests showed a blood alcohol content of 0.

15, thereby triggering this disbarment hearing.

We'll now hear arguments on why this Board should not disbar Ms.



Winterbottom, has counsel prepared a statement?

We have.

It's our firm belief that Ms. Keating's lab results on the night in question are unreliable as they may have been tampered with - by the A. D. A. handling the case.

- ANNALISE: Bonnie.

The allegations are correct.

- Annalise.

- I was drunk that night.

It's true.

My house b*rned down, and as a result, I lost everything that I owned.

None of it matters, though, because a life was lost too.

My student, Wes Gibbins, took his life at my home.

And I wake up every day knowing that a young man with so much potential, who needed me the most, d*ed because I decided to take a drink.

I have not had a drink since.

I've worked very hard to stay sober, and I will continue to do so by going to AA meetings, seeing a counselor.


Keating, the conditions of your probation were that you could and would not drink again.

- I know.

- You agreed, to my face, that we were to disbar you if you relapsed.

And if you do that, I will have nothing.

I've lost everything.

My home, my husband, my reputation, my teaching.

It's all gone.

And you're deciding to take the only thing that I have left.

Now, I understand that you have the right to do this, and it's all on me, but I am standing here begging you Begging To take mercy on me.

Please, please, just give me one more chance.


Sorry I'm late.

My Uber driver put in the wrong address.

Oh, what's this?

She won't tell us.

I'll tell you, but we should order first.


Just to be clear, is there a limit to how much we can order?

Because I'm thinking about getting the rib-eye for two, for one.

- Order whatever you want.

- Great.

I'm gonna have lamb chops.

Now can we open them?

After dinner.

I think that we've had enough suspense to last a lifetime.

So why don't you just tell us why we're here?

I had my disciplinary hearing today.

Oh, my God.

They disbarred you, didn't they?

Just let her finish.

I won.

I get to practice again right away.

- For real?

- Yeah, but, uh So this is a celebration then?

Waiter, more champers in here, waiter!


Does this mean you can teach?

Well, I think stepping foot on campus is not a good idea.

No, that's just letting them win!

Or she just needs a breather.

We need another glass for Laurel.

No, it's fine.

AK said we can eat and drink as much as we want.

I can't.

I'm having the baby, so I thought about it, and I want to have it.

I'm due in 5 months, which is soon.

That's crazy soon, but, yeah, that's my news.

So it's a double celebration then.

Not only is the band getting back together, but the band's gonna have a baby.

MICHAELA: Do you know if it's a boy or girl?

But I get to help pick the name, right?

CONNOR: Well, obviously the child's "guncles" will be in charge of picking the name.

- BONNIE: You okay?

- Listen.

Does the fact that you're calling yourselves "guncles" mean you've said yes?

- Yes to what?

- Oh, Oliver proposed.

You need to say yes already, scaredy cat.

You didn't let me finish.

Inside the envelopes are recommendation letters.

I wrote one for each of you.

That's so sweet.

I'm letting you go.

Look at us.

We're here, at this restaurant.

We've been given a second chance.

We don't need each other anymore.

So it's time we went our separate ways.

Remember who you were before you met me, why you went to law school.

I came here to be you.

And look how that turned out.


Who isn't at this table?


And I know you think about him every day.

So do I.

And I'm the reason why he's gone.

No, that was Denver and the Mahoneys.

- We don't know that anymore.

- Since when?

Laurel's right.

I'm not gonna blame anyone for what happened anymore.

It was me.

I ruined him.

But I'm not gonna ruin all of you.

Is that it?

Are we free to go?


Good night.

- What the hell is wrong with you?

- Michaela, calm down.

Do not defend her, you pathetic little sycophant!

We are in a relationship, all of us, whether you like it or not, so you don't get to unilaterally decide when it's over.


We're like the Corleones.

We got to stick together.

CONNOR: Why are you both complaining?

This is exactly what we begged for this entire time.

I want to be free of her once she's upheld her end of the deal!

- Michaela.

- We're halfway through law school.

No stupid recommendation letter is going to make up for my embarrassing GPA or the fact that we're pariahs on that campus!

- Only you can fix that!

- We're no good for each other.


Have a terrible rest of your life.

Maybe next time maybe don't invite people to a fancy dinner to dump them.

Thank you.

They'll understand eventually that this is good for them.


You don't have to do this.


A daily newspaper is complimentary.

And we offer a host of other amenities for all of our guests.

This is our fully-furnished 1-bedroom suite.

As for your neighbors, we've got lots of single men.

And women, too, depending on your flavor.

Most guests pay weekly, but we give a discount for a monthly rate.

I'll take it for the month.

I'll be right back with some forms to sign.


ANNALISE: As a member of the Pennsylvania Bar and former professor at Middleton Law School, it is with great pleasure I write this recommendation on behalf of one of the most impressive interns to work at my firm Laurel Castillo.

Upon our first meeting, I underestimated Ms. Castillo.

I took her quiet demeanor as a sign of weakness instead of what it is A clear, unwavering sense of self.

Ms. Castillo knows who she is and what she wants.

This will serve her well when the vagaries of the law would lead most astray.

Mr. Millstone refuses to be defined by his family name.

Instead, he forges his own path, guided by his compassion and strong sense of teamwork.

Ms. Pratt is fearless, possessing a confidence I wish I had at her age.

ASHER: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.



Come on, I'm sure yours is way more complimentary than mine.


I mean no more giving that bitch our time or energy.

We're finally free of her.

We have to use it to our advantage.

Get amazing internships and become the Michelle and White Barack we're meant to be.

Come on, come on, come on.

It's beast mode time!

Say it with me!

Beast mode?

Not "beast mode?" Beast.


- Beast mode!

- Yeah!

- Beast mode!

- That's what I'm talking about!

Okay, uh, what exactly does that mean in this situation?

Get your laptop, fix your résumé.

It boggles one's mind how a young person like Ms.

Pratt can possess such poise and self-reliance.

The more the odds are stacked against Mr.

Walsh, the more he fights.

Any client would be lucky - to have him on their side.

- "Any client would be lucky to have him on their side.

" She's just blowing smoke up our asses so that we don't bother her again.

She didn't even tell me I was fired, let alone write a letter.

Combine that with the fact that you still won't respond to my marriage proposal, my self-esteem's really taken a blow.

Not the good kind.


Of course I want to get married.

- You do?

- Yes!

I want us to have kids and a house and a dog and grow old and die within a week of each other.

But I want to say yes because we're in a good place, not not because you're afraid that I'm going to jail or someone's going to k*ll us, but because things are normal and good and we're happy just being boring old us.


For once, I want to do something the right way.

That's the best rejection I could've asked for.

It's this personal growth that gives me the confidence to say hire Ms. Castillo immediately.

She will work tirelessly for you.


- And as the darkness falls, it fills up both my eyes My life before me like a flash in the night With my arms open wide No matter what obstacles stand in her way, no matter how hard the challenge, Ms.

Winterbottom is defined by her sense of loyalty.


What are you doing here?

I've got an appointment.



Ms. Winterbottom?

I'm ready for you.

Well, it's cold, cold, cold, cold inside Darker in the day than the dead of night ANNALISE: She stood by my side through the worst times of my career.

The pain of seeing her leave is softened only by the knowledge that she is destined for bigger and better things.

Sincerely, Annalise Keating, Esquire.

Ms. Keating?

You're late.

So, this treatment is court-ordered.

For me to report favorably, do not show up late, do not cancel, do not drink.

Do you understand these terms?



Normal to be nervous your first time.

I've been to therapy before.

Your nerves, they're about something else?

I just want to get better.

You showed up.

That's a good start.

Doctor, look into my eyes I've been breathing air, but there's no sign of life FRANK: Down here.

- How is she?

- Still unconscious.

A nurse said they found dr*gs in her system.

- What dr*gs?

- WOMAN: Page Dr.


Tell him she's waking up.

A nurse said they found dr*gs in her system.

- What dr*gs?

- WOMAN: Page Dr.


Tell him she's waking up.

- Hi.

- Frank?

What is it?


What happened, Frank?

Where's the baby?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What happened?

Everything's gonna be all right.

- Where's the baby?

- Laurel.

- Tell me where the baby is.

- Shh, shh.

- Tell me where the baby is!

- It's gonna be okay.

- Shh, shh.

- Where's my baby?!

Where's my baby?!

Tell me where my baby is!


Tell me!