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05x23 - Lian Yu

Posted: 10/23/19 13:38
by bunniefuu
Oliver: This season on "Arrow"

Oliver: Either I'm willing to do whatever is necessary, or I shouldn't be out there at all.

John: One day, your actions might have some unintended consequences.

Oliver: Prometheus.

You want revenge.

I'm going to show you how everything you touch dies.

Talia: He calls himself Adrian Chase.

He means to destroy you utterly.

Adrian: Your crusade was based on a lie.

Make it home.

Make it better.

Right my wrongs.



Adrian: You used your father's memory to justify a k*lling spree.

Oliver: I am not going to k*ll you.

I am never going to give you the satisfaction of being the man that you think I am.

You're wrong.

Please help me.

Oliver: Where is my son?

No, no.

I said you let me go, and I'd keep your loved ones safe.

I'll see you on the boat.

Oliver: I know where he's taking them.

Oliver: The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu.

It's mandarin for Purgatory.

What brought you back to the island?

Like I said I need your help.

What the hell's going on here?

We have a problem, and I need you to get off the island.

I'm not going anywhere.

- Neither is he.

- I'm taking him, and I'm taking Digger Harkness.

There's an Argus supply boat that is docked on the eastern shore.

You take it, and you go.

I'm not abandoning my post.

Suit yourself.


Would you like to explain what's going on?

I'd like to talk about you for a minute.

- You seem - What, in possession of all my marbles?

The Mirakuru wore off a long time ago, kid.

I mean, I remember everything that happened.

I'm not trying to escape that, but it feels like some bad dream.

Now, regardless of my sanity, why do you want to help me after everything I've done?

There is a man here on the island named Adrian Chase.

He's holding my friends and my family hostage, including Thea And my son.

Since when do you have a son?

Slade, are you gonna help me or not?

I think I'm stating the obvious when I say I k*lled your mother, and for that alone, you should have k*lled me.

Maybe what's happening now is the reason I didn't.

This is all the Intel that I've been able to gather on your son Joe, including his present whereabouts.

Are you offering to help me find my son?

I want us to find both of our sons.

You and me, kid, like old times.

Lian Yu You know, if we're going to fight side by side, you're going to have to at least speak with me.

I know.

It's awful.


By now, I thought you'd realize that by disbanding the League of Assassins, I freed us both.

Are you looking for applause?

Clapping is a little more difficult for me these days.

Have you offloaded the supplies?


g*ns and a*mo are still on the plane.

By the way, what do you need an RPG for?

Well, like I said, Chase has Talia, an army of her students, Evelyn Sharp, and a meta-human.

I have no interest in this being a fair fight.

Is that why you released the animals from their cages?

Harkness: Oh, come on, luv.

That is no way to start a new friendship.

Look at me again like that, and I'll feed you your eyes.

You're not her type anyway.

Oliver: All right.

That's enough.

Let's offload the rest of the gear.

[Rocket whooshing]


So much for our gear.

There goes our ride home, kid.

Are you sure you heard the g*nsh*t?

Very sure.

You sound surprised.


Well, I knew he would crack, but, uh, I expected him to last a little longer.

It was almost disappointing.


Kovar: Find him.

And, Gennady No one kills him but me.

Oliver: In 48 hours?


In two days.

[g*n cocks]

The RPG that took out the plane came from over there, and the call from my son originated just west of here.

Hostages could be in either place.

Slade: Or neither.

This is a large island.

- I'll check the RPG site.

- I'll accompany you.

Oh, it's almost like you don't trust me, Nyssa.


It's exactly like I don't trust you.

Oliver: Check it out.

Stay on comms.

Harkness: Why does he get a w*apon and I don't?

I trust him more than you.

Didn't he k*ll your mother?

You listen to me very carefully.

You help me take down Chase, you walk.

You screw with me even a little bit, and I will put you right back into that hole.

Just a g*n is all I'm saying.


I see movement.

Stay sharp.

Felicity: Oliver!

Slade: Keep your voice down.

What the hell is he doing here?

Where's William?

I don't know.

We were separated.

Oliver, what is going on?

Slade: Why are they unguarded?

It seems pretty obvious to me, mate.


It's a trap.

Don't even think it, Oliver Or your son loses his mother.

Harkness: Oh, and don't worry about that g*n, mate.


Chase gave me this nice new one [Cocks g*n]

Along with a better offer.

Evelyn: Adrian said it would be pointless to reach out to you.

Talia: Although given this turn of events, perhaps you've changed your mind.

What's it gonna be, Slade?

Care to side with the winners?

Harkness: What's it gonna be, mate?

Put a g*n to his head.

Sorry, kid, but there's no giving up to these guys.

Harkness: I assumed you'd want to be on the winning side.

Assumption is the mother of all failures!

Nyssa: Sister!


6 men are dead.

It's impossible.

Nothing is impossible with him.

Where you going?


I'm going to end this.

[Cage opening]

- You ok?

- Go to hell.

I'll take that as a yes.

You've been left behind.

You should choose your friends more wisely.

Oliver: Where is everyone else?

Not sure.

Chase split us up into groups when we got here.

We are gonna talk about that, right?

Oliver: Yes.

We're gonna talk about that.

Right now, we need to focus on finding the others.

Where are they?

I wish I knew so I could tell you to go screw yourselves.

Merlyn: Why did Chase split up all the hostages?

Evelyn: Why does Chase do anything?

So far, he hasn't laid out a single hoop you could keep yourself from jumping through.

Maybe leaving me here was part of the plan.

How'd Chase get you here?

A plane.

You think you can find your way back to it?

Curtis: Yeah, probably, but-- Malcolm, can you fly a plane?

If it's anything like the 3 Gulfstreams I used to have, yes.

Get them to the mainland and then come right back for us.

Felicity: We are not leaving you here.

I need to focus, and that means getting you out of harm's way, and despite my better instincts, when this is all over, I will come back for you.

When this is all over, you'll be dead.

Thea: Can I talk to you for a sec?



What the hell are you doing?

- What do you mean?

- I mean Slade Wilson and Malcolm Merlyn.

- Thea-- - No.

We are orphans because of those two.

You know what I'm up against here.

Yeah, so why are you sending Curtis and I away?

Because I need the two of you to keep Felicity and Samantha safe.

We need to get them off of the island.


Curtis can handle it.

I can understand if you don't want to go with Malcolm.

Damn right I don't.

I do not want to rely on Slade Wilson.

There's nothing about the situation that's ideal, Thea.

I need your help, Speedy, and this is how you help me.

- Ok.

- Ok.

Nyssa: My sister and Harkness fled into the forest, but I can track them.

Slade: They might lead us back to the rest of the hostages.

They're our friends, and we don't need your help.

I see you haven't lost your feistiness, Ms.


Oliver: Get them to the plane, make sure that everyone stays safe.

Comms just in case something goes wrong.

You mean "when," right?

That's detailed satellite imagery of the island.

Again, just in case.

What was that for?

Just in case.

We're gonna make it through this.

You can't know that for sure.

I didn't want to regret not kissing you.

When it comes to the two of us, I regret enough as it is.

Let's talk more about this when we're off the island.

You all keep each other safe.

Quentin: Nice place.

This island got a Big Belly Burger, too?

Before the Chinese turned Lian Yu into a prison, it was a holy retreat.

And now you're using it for payback for a guy you barely know on a guy you barely know.

Chase freed me.

I don't owe Oliver Queen a thing.

- John!

- Hey.

Rene: Hoss, you ok?


Black Siren: Ok, everyone.

Calm down.

The four of you are gonna have plenty of time to catch up.

See you later.

John: I'm assuming that you tried your Sonic scream.

Sonic dampener.

I can't even whistle.

Don't worry.

Oliver will get us out of this.


What makes you think he even knows where we are?

The trail's gone cold.

Are you sure?

No doubt my sister knew we would follow.

Let me go on ahead, see if I can recover the trail.


So instead of marrying the blonde, you marry Ra's al Ghul's daughter?

UhNyssa talks too much.

She hasn't explained your beef with Chase.

My past is coming back to haunt me.

Seems to be a recurring theme with you, kid.

Don't know why.

Well, it's not really that complicated.

You suffer from survivor's guilt.

You can't get over the death of your father.

Adrian Chase has nothing to do with my father.

Kid, when it comes to you, everything has to do with your father.

You and I are not dissimilar.

We're both haunted by our pasts, and the only way to bury that ghost is by forgiving yourself.

Forgiving myself for what?

You blame yourself for your father's su1c1de and everything else that has gone wrong since.

You need to forgive yourself for your sins.

You say that like it's easy.

It's the hardest thing in this world.

If the two of you are done relaxing, I've picked up the trail.

There's something I need to tell you.


Can we save the horribly awkward conversation for when we're off this island?


That's what I need to say.

When we get to the airplane, I'm not gonna get on it.

- What?

- I'm not leaving William behind.


Oliver will bring him back.

I know, but I can't abandon my son.

You know, for what it's worth, I wasn't in favor of sending William away, not that I was consulted.

Is that why you two broke up?

I'm sorry.

I just-- I saw you're not wearing your engagement ring.


I know.

It's just-- it was complicated, you know?

I saw that kiss you gave him.

Doesn't seem that complicated to me.

You know, I traveled halfway across the world to rescue you.

I thought it would at least entitle me to a conversation.


Well, it doesn't.

Did it every occur to you that I'm here because I'm your father?


You're not.

We are nothing to each other.

Don't you ever understand that?

[Metallic click]

Thea You ok?

No, she's not.

She just activated a landmine.

Don't move.

The trigger's rusted over.

That's--that's good, right?

That's--that's a good sign?


That's really bad news.

That means we can't disarm it.

Samantha: Well, somebody needs to do something.

Thea, on the count of 3, take your foot off the mine.

Felicity: No.

That will blow us all up.

- I'm gonna take her place.

- That's crazy.


You're not the first one to call him that.

I'll just find a boulder around her or something.


We don't have that kind of time!

- Thea.

- No.


No one is doing this, ok?

Ok, ok.

It's all right.

All right.


I forgot how stubborn you could be.


Felicity: Oh, my God!


Thank you for reminding me.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm gonna take care of them, disarm the mine, and I'll catch up with you.

Yeah, and how are you gonna do that with one foot planted on the-- He's not going to.



If you think that you need to prove something to me, you don't, ok?

You proved it.

I'm not trying to prove anything.

From the moment you were born, all I ever wanted was to protect you.

You don't have to.

I didn't ask for you to.

A child doesn't have to ask.

Don't do this, ok?

You may not think of me as your father, Thea But you'll always be my daughter.

[Boomerang flying]

Merlyn: All right.



Get her out of here.

All of you, go!

- This is insane!

- Go!

Go after the rest.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.


Well, you don't seem too bright.

Just standing out here in the open like this.

What kind of ass-backwards strategy is that?

Let me show you.


The trail continues this way.

This place brings back memories.

Feels like a lifetime ago.

For Shado, it was.

No time for nostalgia.

I know where they're going.

[Neck snaps]

[Helicopter flying]

Do either of you know anything about this place that could give us a tactical advantage?

I've only seen it one time, and that was from a distance.

Well, maybe we should split up.

Should we?


Go, Nyssa.

We'll be fine.

She doesn't trust me.

Can you blame her?


Tell Mr.

Chase I have a gift for him.

John: Oliver.

Black Siren: Don't blame me.


Wilson's the one who gets credit for this trophy.

Slade, you son of a bitch.

Oliver: I never should have trusted you.

- Are you all right?

- Where's my son?


Chase took him, too?

Dinah: We didn't know anyone else was here.


What makes you think he's here?

He took Samantha, showed me a video of William.

He is on this island somewhere, and we need to find him!


I'd ask if you're ok, but I don't see how you possibly could be.

Honestly, I-- I don't even know how I feel right now.

24 hours ago, I-- I couldn't even think of Malcolm without wanting to scream, and now--now I miss him.

Is--is that insane?

I-- It's not insane.

He's your father.

He manipulated me, he lied to me, he He got me to k*ll my friend's sister.

I--how can you miss somebody that you have hated so much?


I mean, I have some experience with evil dads, too.

My father abandoned me, lied to me, and then took a b*llet for me, saving my life.

Malcolm was not a good person, and he was an even worse father, but in his own way, he loved you.

Today, he proved that.

I don't know.

It's like today I got-- I got to see the father that he could have been but he'll He'll never get to be Because he's gone.

The plane, boss!

The plane!

Reference too dated?

Who's gonna fly the plane now?

Oh, don't worry.

Between Curtis and I, we have over 500 points of IQ, so we'll probably be able to figure it out.

Thea: No.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

It's not that.

Are those antennas?

Yep, and that's C4.

Curtis: This is way too many antennas for a remote trigger.

They must be networked.


So there's more than one.

Yeah, you could say that.

There's hundreds.

Way too many to defuse.

All right.

Let's get out of here.


I think Wilson did something to your head when he knocked you out.

Curtis worked this up for Dinah.

It's gonna control your Canary cry, but it's also gonna bypass the Sonic dampener.

Oh, I love that Curtis.

This may hurt a bit.

Just sing, Canary.

Quentin: Actually, it's Black Canary.

[Canary cry]

[Cry ends]

The prisoners.

Nyssa: Don't concern yourself with them.

We have unfinished businessSister.

I heard you gave up the ring of the Demon's Head.

What a foolish woman you've grown into.

It was your selfishness that forced me to grow up alone.

Our father never would have passed his mantle on to a woman.

I had to forge my own path.

And you left me, knowing I would suffer at father's hand.

Do you wish to settle the score now?

Nyssa: I stand with my friends.

You ally yourself with our father's m*rder*r?

He'd be ashamed of you.

Father was always ashamed of me.

[Swords scrape]


Do not interfere.

Do it.

Father would have wanted you to.


You're late.

But they're not.


He was only pretending to screw with you?

I needed a way to get Curtis' device to Dinah.

Have you seen my son?

Slade: I've searched.

Your son is not here.

We got to get my gear, we got to move.

We find Chase, we find my son.

Not so sure about that, Hoss.

Hello, Oliver.

Welcome back to Purgatory.

Where is my son?

I love this.

Even now at the end, You're still 10 steps behind.

Where is my son?


Good name.

Sort of a sweet kid, actually.

You sure he's yours?

Adrian, where is my son?!

If you want to get your son back, you know what you have to do.

I know what you want me to do And I won't do it.

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

No matter what you do, that is never going to happen.

Never say never.


You said nothing ever really dies?

You're going to.

Do svidaniya, Konstantin.



[Click, click]

My men overheard your conversation with that traitor Knyazev.


The boat he's arranging will be here soon.


I don't have to k*ll you, Oliver Queen.


Only need to make sure you never get on that boat.




[Canary cries]

[Black Siren groaning]

You thought you could replace me?

Ha ha ha!

That's cute.


You didn't have to do that.

Oh, I did for so many reasons.

Oliver, do you copy?

Are you sure you can't defuse these bombs?

Well, I can with my equipment back in Star City, but with this teeny, tiny, little tablet, all I can do is try and locate the trigger.

Thea: Ok, but you can try, right?

Yeah, I can try.



You do that, and then, Curtis, you just--you work on the comms, ok?

- How?

- I don't know.

You're the genius, all right, you both are, so we need you to do this, so you guys just got to both do this right now.

There's the k*ller that I know and love.


Maybe you're stronger with that hood of yours.

Tell me where my son is!

Pain's fascinating, isn't it?

I told you I was gonna make sure that you were dead this time.

Adrian: Do it.

You know you want to.

Yeah, ok.

Adrian, tell me.

Tell me where my son is!


[Watch beeping]

You're not going to make the boat.


Island will remain your prison-- [coughs]


[Neck snaps]

[Swords clanging]

[Punches landing]

Adrian: It's all over but only if you do it.

Do it, Oliver, and show everyone, show yourself who you really are.


[b*llet clatters]

[Adrian gasping]

That's who I was.

That's who I was before!

It's not who I am now.

You can blame me for your father's death for the rest of your life.

I am done blaming myself for mine.

I knew it would come to this.

Your son is dead, Oliver.

I don't believe you because you're a liar.

You're lying to me to manipulate me into doing what you want, but, Adrian, here's the thing.

If you are telling the truth If you k*lled my son, I am never going to be the person you want me to be.

Not ever.

Felicity on comms: Oliver.

- Oliver, do you copy?

- Felicity?

You can't k*ll Chase.

Did you hear me?

What are you talking about?

He's rigged the entire island with expl*sives.

They're remotely linked to some sort of dead man's switch.

If he dies, it detonates all the devices.

He wants you to k*ll him so it kills all of us.


Oliver, are you ok?

It's ok.

I'm fine.

John, you need to get to the plane and make sure that everyone's safe.

Felicity can talk you in.

Oliver, what the hell is going on?

Chase has put expl*sive charges all over the island.

You need to get to the plane, and you leave when you get there.

What are you gonna be doing?

I'm going after my son.

What if Chase is telling the truth?

I don't believe him.

I can't believe him, but either way, Adrian Chase is not getting off this island.

[Boat engine starts]

Where's William?



[Speaks Chinese]

Where Is William?

You really love that kid, don't you?


[Engine stops]


For an absentee father, your devotion is impressive.

You're worried about your kid when everyone else that you care about's on an island about to get blown up sky high.

My friends and my team can take care of themselves.

By using my plane to escape, right?

John: I can't start the engine.

Curtis: John's right.

There's definitely something wrong.

With the plane or the pilot-- no offense.

John: None taken.

I'm no Ace, but I know how to start a plane.

Whatever this was, it's not pilot error.

Slade: Either way, we're not going anywhere without Oliver or his son.

Actually, we're not going anywhere at all.

I found this 10 feet from the wing.

Please don't tell me that's what I think it is.

Depends on if you think that's an on-wing hydraulic system.

Dinah: Can we repair it?

With what tools?

So we're stuck here.

Is that what you're saying?

We have to tell Oliver now.

Felicity on comms: Oliver, do you copy?

I'm here.

Chase sabotaged the plane.

We can't get off the island.

There's an Argus supply ship on the eastern shore.

That's on the other side of the island.

Slade knows where it is.

Go now!

They'll never make it in time.

Besides, we're not finished here.


Don't do that.

Even if you had a shot, you've already told me that you wouldn't k*ll me, or have circumstances finally changed?

If I die, everyone you care about dies except your son, but if you don't k*ll me, I k*ll him.

You son of a bitch.

William Or everyone else.

You choose.

Right now.

Either way, it proves me right, huh?

Either way, it's exactly like I told you.

Everyone around you, everything you touch dies.

William, come here, come here!


Are you ok?

Are you all right?

Are you all right?

Did he hurt you?

You all right?


He's gonna be fine.

Don't you talk to him!

Don't even look at him!

[Line ringing]

Moira: Hello?


Who is this?

Mom, it's It's Oliver.

My son has been dead for 5 years.

Please don't call here again.

Mom, mom, please just listen to my voice.

It's Oliver.

I did not die on the gambit.

I'm alive.

I'm ok.


Oliver, is that you?

Yeah, Mom, it's me.

Just please don't hang up, ok?

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

I won't.

Oh, my beautiful boy.

Is--is your father a-alive?



He--he and, um-- and Sara didn't make it.

Oliver Sweetheart, I can't imagine what you've been through.

W-where are you?

I--I'm not entirely sure, but I'm I'm--I'm on a boat.

I love you, and And I'm coming home, ok?


I love you!

Oh, Oliver, I love you so much.

Adrian: You won.

Your son has his father back, and he learned exactly who his father was just like you learned who your father was right here On these very same waters.

- What?

- William's younger than you were, so he's gonna be fine, you know And you have each other What are you saying?

Which is good.

Oliver, that's good because it's gonna be lonely without mom and Felicity.

No, Adrian!



[Explosions continue]