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05x20 - Underneath

Posted: 10/23/19 13:31
by bunniefuu
Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen.

After 5 years in hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city.

Today, I fight that w*r on two fronts.

By day, I lead Star City as its mayor, but by night, I am someone else.

I am Something else.

I am the Green Arrow.

Previously on "arrow" Before he was taken, Cayden was working on a biometric tracker that could recognize a heartbeat anywhere in the world.

Anywhere Adrian Chase is.

You're gonna help me free Cayden from wherever Argus is holding him.

We can think of another way to find him.

This is our only chance.

Don't do this.

Helix is about to extract Cayden James.

John: You're holding someone with no lawyer, no trial.

The woman I love could never do this.

Lyla, this job has changed you.

You didn't back my play.

All of the times that I supported you, you couldn't do the same for me.

What's that?

The tracker's homing in on Chase's location.

Where is he?

He's here.


[Muffled expl*si*n]

[Ears ringing]






Chase--he's here.

Don't move.

That's not gonna be a problem.

Arrow 5x20 Underneath All right.

If Chase is here, he's not on this level.

That--it felt like an expl*si*n, but there's minimal damage.

It was an EMP.

A burst of electromagnetic radiation.

Everything in the bunker with an electric circuit has been fried.

How do you know?

Because the spinal implant that helps me walk isn't working.

I can't feel my legs.

You know, under different circumstances, these chemlights might seem festive.

No sign of Chase.

It looks like the EMP was his play.

Elevator and security doors offline.

Did you check the emergency exit door?

I did.

It's welded shut.

If Chase wasn't so evil, I might actually be impressed.

The air vents are gonna be down, too.

The air vents will last a little while longer, butyeah, we have to get message out.

Other than standing at the door and yelling really loudly, I don't really know what our options are.

We're trapped.

Felicity, voice-over: Do you ever feel like we're trapped?

What do you mean?

Like we're trapped in this vicious cycle.

I mean, you put an arrow in one crime lord, and another just, like, pops up.

Well, a lot of people are trying to fill the vacuum left by Damien Darhk.

Yeah, and this week's winner is Werner Zytle.


Do you have a location on him?

Not yet, but Curtis is working on fixing a twenty.

Sounds like you don't even need me.

Have you seen Curtis try to throw a punch?

I mean, we don't need you.

We need 10 of you.

Nice try.

If we had more boots on the ground or masks on faces or whatever, we might actually have a real possibility at catching one of these guys that is auditioning to be the new Damien Darhk.

I don't have the bandwidth or, more importantly, the temperament to train a new team.

Besides, you're trying to fix something that's working.

We are a good team.

Yeah, we are, and we always have been.


Oh, my God.

That's a nasty cut.


Well, it's not gonna scar, but I was thinking maybe-- maybe getting some Kevlar sleeves.

You know me too well.

Curtis: Ahem.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- Hi, Curtis.

Palmer Tech has been working on an advanced thermal imaging prototype, which I borrowed, tweaked, and developed to find Boom!

Bad guy on a yacht.

- Dang.

- Thank you for the assist.


Help is good.

I will contact you when I'm on site.

Call me back, will you?

Better yet, just show up.

Things are going to all kinds of hell around here.

Rene: Still no luck?


[Telephones ringing]

It's like Oliver's dropped off the face of the earth again.

How's it going over here?

Well, every defense attorney in town just found out that the D. A.

is a serial k*ller, so not good.

You think the court's gonna overturn Chase's convictions?

If I didn't, I wouldn't have convened this w*r room.

It'd sure be nice to have a mayor heading it up, though.

You heard from Felicity?

Radio silence, but I got Curtis.

- And?

- He's gonna check and see if Oliver's at the bunker.

Get on it.

Rene on phone: You find Oliver yet?

Hey, Rene.

You do realize that you called me literally 15 minutes ago, right?

Blame it on Lance.

Guy gets freaky when he's worried.


Well, lucky for you, I can run fast.

- Weird.

- What's weird?

No power.

Whole place.

What are the chances that Oliver forgot to pay his electric bill?

Infinitesimal considering I rigged the place so that it'd be off the grid and-- [expl*si*n]

And a b*mb just went off.

- Not funny.

- I--I'm not kidding.

I heard some kind of expl*si*n.

Felicity: How many is that?


Hasn't made a dent yet.

What's that thing made of anyway?


It's a proprietary alloy developed by the U. S.

government to repel nuclear blasts.

So you're saying even if we had a nuke down here, it wouldn't work?

Seems like Cisco did such a good job of turning this place into an impenetrable fortress, he turned it into an impenetrable death trap.

Chase doesn't want to k*ll me, remember?


He just locked you down here for the fun of it.

He locked us down here because he is up to something up there, and I can't do anything about it.

Well, the good news is there's not much left for him to do.

I mean, he's already gone after Curtis, Lance, Evelyn, even Susan, and Thea's away, and Lyla and J. J.

have Argus protection.

I mean, who's left?


William's in a different town with a different name and a different address.

I'd be surprised if Chase even knows about William.

When he was holding me c*ptive, heshowed me a picture of him.


Does he-- He doesn't know where he isyet.

We have to get out of here.

Cisco's original blueprints are in that cabinet.

If you're just gonna stand there, you might as well say something.

I thought you were sleeping.

I couldn't sleep.

I know you're upset.

I know you think that I've violated some kind of trust between us, but-- Lyla.

When you said that you wouldn't become like Amanda Waller, I was worried about you.

I'm fine.

You're the one who seems to have a problem with the way that I've been running Argus, which is particularly interesting to me since neither one of us has a job that fits the conventional definition of morality.

Well, what's that supposed to mean?

You're upset because Argus is locking people up without due process when you and Oliver and your team of masked recruits has been playing judge and jury for years now.

Lyla, I can't believe you'd actually compare team Arrow to this--this-- this clandestine government superagency!

Well, I just did!


[Knock on door]

Curtis: Hello?

Diggle family?

Anybody home?

I definitely heard Lyla yelling.

Knock--knock again.

Lyla: Didn't know we were having a party.

Rene: I'm sensing a lot of marital tension.

What do you guys want?

Dinah: So sorry to interrupt.

There's a problem at the bunker.

Oliver: I can get us out of here by climbing up the elevator shaft.

If you can think about going up the elevator, Chase has already thought of a way to stop you.

So you're saying it's booby-trapped?

I'd bet my copious Palmer Tech severance pay on it.

- I'm saying I can handle it.

- Or we figure out a new plan, like getting a signal out to the team.

You just said that everything with an electrical circuit down here has been fried.

Only because I haven't figured out how to get power yet.

So figure out how to get power, and I will go up the elevator shaft.

Seriously, are you still not listening to me?

Did the EMP give you short-term amnesia about what we were arguing about down here in the first place?

This feels like the best choice right now.

Besides the one I just gave you.





Felicity: I told you so, I told you so, I told you so.

How many times do you think that is?

I was not keeping count.


11, I think, but not nearly enough.

You ready?

Because your operating theater is now lit, and of all the things that we need to do to get ourselves out of this hermetically sealed bunker, stitching up a wound from a fall that I totally predicted isn't one of them.

I think that counts as 12.


I'm ready.



- That hurt?

- Yes.

Yes, it did.

I won't say "good," but let the record show I was tempted.

Do you remember what we were discussing before we got EMP-blasted?


The fact that I back your play even when I don't agree, but you don't have the same consideration for me.

You didn't listen to me when I wanted to join Helix.

With good reason.

I could say the same thing about you a million times over, but I support you because I trust you.

Felicity, I trust you.


Because the hole in you back says otherwise.

Fair enough.

That the painkillers talking?

If you have a plan that will get us out here, fantastic.

Let's finish this up, and let's try it.


Rene: What's an edm?

Something you might hear at a nightclub?

This was an EMP.

Actually, fun fact, the previous lair used to be underneath a nightclub.

- Curtis.

- Right.


Lyla: And you said Felicity's down there, too?

According to the last position logged by her tracking nanites.

What do we need to get them out?

Rappelling gear, acetylene torches, wideband active field probes, tungsten carbide drill bits.

I can cobble together most of those things, but-- Lyla: Text me a list of whatever you need.

Argus is at your disposal.

- Great.

- If that's ok with you.

Dinah: I hate to ask this, but how much air do they have left down there?

Well, if they don't exert themselves, 5, maybe 6 hours.


We're here.

Now what?

The mainframe has a built-in cellular chip, but our rewire didn't generate enough kilowatts to jump-start it.

Right because everything with an electronic circuit is fried.

Everything with an electronic circuit.

My old bike.

Felicity: She's a beaut, good old-fashioned combustion engine.

So we can generate electricity without an electronic starter.

- Oh, yeah.

- That is smart.

SCPD is happy to have Zytle off the streets or, more appropriately, off the docks.

- Great.

So mission accomplished.

- Yeah.

What's next for my favorite power couple?

- Power couple?

- Yeah.

I thought that you and Oliver-- you guys aren't hooking up again?

- Oh, no.


God, no.

- Oh!

Why would you even think that?

Well, because every time I come by, you guys are in the middle of exchanging longing looks for each other.

- No, we're not.

- Oh, Felicity.

- We look nothing like that.

- "I miss Oliver.

Wish I didn't break up with him.


" What?


"You know, we were so happy together.

" - Were.

- Yeah.

- Past tense.


- Look.

I know that he hurt you by not telling you about his son, but-- look.

It's not about William.

It's about what William represents.

Oliver having sex with another woman.

No, but thank you for that visual.

William is symptomatic of a larger problem between Oliver and I.

That being?

Oliver doesn't trust me.


The man who has put his life in your hands a couple thousand times.

Trusting me as Overwatch is one thing, but we're talking about his son.

Curtis, his child.

If Oliver doesn't trust me enough to share important information and crucial information with me, what's the point of being in a relationship at all?

I'm not gonna say that Oliver Queen plays great with others.

- But?

- But he can still change that about himself.

- Tch.

- You know what he can't change?


That way he looks at you.

You both owe it to each other to see, Felicity, tonight.



Why tonight?

- Well - Don't.

Oliver: Curtis, next time Pick up your own Chinese food.

Curtis: Um, you know, I just thought we'd all be hungry from the crimefighting.

Heh heh.



Oh, man.

I--you know, I just remembered I have a date night with Paul, my husband.

I have a date with my husband, so I--I have to go to that.

You guys enjoy that, though.

You enjoy that.

Also, there is wine in the garage, sobye.


I'll go get the wine.

Ok, gentlemen.

Eyes are up.

Rene: Got to say this team is never boring.

Didn't think I'd be doing this when I woke up this morning.

Oliver and Felicity might suffocate.

How can you be so glib?

You've met me, right, and how come your toy balls can't float down there and do this for us?

For the thousandth time, Rene, they're called T-spheres, but if you want, call them by their proper name.

You named them?

Kodo and Podo.


You know, Dar's thieving little ferrets on "The Beastmaster. " Let's just say a young Marc Singer was quite helpful in me discovering my h*m*.

Dinah: And my heterosexuality.

You're on an open channel by the way.

Open line.

Curtis: Look.

I can't get my T-spheres because they are in the bunker and therefore fried, so whatever.

I swear those two are going to make the cutest couple one day.




Anything in particular you're looking for with that thousand-yard stare?

It's that obvious, huh?

Rene wasn't the only one who could clock tension between you and the missus, if that's what you mean.


Let me guess.

You confronted Lyla about the Argus black site, and it didn't go too good.

Something like that.

You want to talk about it?

Not really.


Well, if you did, I'd tell you about Vinnie and me.


My undercover partner on and off the job.

Working UC, we had to keep certain things from each other, and we didn't do it because we wanted to.

We did it because we had to.

[Door opens]


It took some horse trading, but I got everything Curtis asked for.

- Oh, great.

- What's the status here?

He and Rene are getting the lay of the land.

Kodo and Podo, any updates?

Curtis: No good ones.

The EMP fried the hydraulics system.

We have to cut through the magnetic seal in order to reach the manual override.

We're gonna need the acetylene torch.

And the wideband active field probe.

Without my T-spheres, there's no telling what's on the other side of this thing after the EMP blast.

[Engine revs, running]

- Is it working?

- Give it a second.

Thanks again for trying things my way.

First time for everything.

Regarding Helix, you know why I didn't back your play, and you know-- or you should-- that it had nothing to do with a lack of trust.

If you're going to start saying yet again that it's because you don't want me to be like you, you can hold your breath, particularly since we are running out of oxygen.

Cayden James is a criminal-- Cayden James is a hacker, as in so much less worse than the Bratva.

I made the exact same tradeoff you did to get Chase.

I picked the lesser of two evils.

The fact that I didn't want you to do that doesn't make me a hypocrite.

- What does it make you, then?

- It makes me someone who doesn't want you tobe like me.


[Mainframe powering up]


That's what I'm talking about!

[Engine sputtering]


- Are you ok?

- Yeah, depending on what that sound is.

That's not good.

One of the pipes is damaged.

I just hope it's not the highly toxic and flammable gas pipe.

So much for doing things my way.

Felicity: Careful.

Don't breathe!

Well, breathe, but don't inhale.


- Done.

- You ok?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

I'm a little, uh A little lightheaded.

Felicity: Ok.


How much more duct tape do we have?


That was the last of it.

Um, we have the epoxy spray that Cisco gave us to fix our suits.

It's upstairs, and that's definitely flooded by now.

How much time do we have?

20 minutes max before we asphyxiate.

Good times, right?

Oliver, we've already gone over that.

It's just full of dead ends, which is an unfortunate but accurate choice of words.

- Wait a second.

- Yeah, we can wait.

We only have 20 minutes, but we can wait.

There's a steam tunnel underneath this part of the bunker.

Do we have anything to pry this open?

I don't know.

It doesn't look pryable.

Felicity, this is it.


This could be the fumes talking, but I think I have a slightly insane idea.

How insane is "slightly insane"?

Well, that depends on how you feel about setting off an expl*sive arrow in a room full of flammable gas.

Careful, Rene.

That seal is pure titanium.

It has a melting point of between 1,600 and 1,700 degrees Celsius.

Just let me do my thing, Hoss.

[Device beeping]

[Loud beep]

That's weird.

That would mean-- no, no, no!

Rene, stop!


[Both panting]

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!



I'm gonna need you to stop making that noise.

I'm sorry my agonizing pain is bothering you.

I mean, thank you very much for helping me with this.

These are just second-degree burns, Curtis.

You should be just fine in a couple of weeks.

Do we know what caused the expl*si*n?

High levels of methane.

Am I the only one that thinks this is Prometheus?

No, but we need to find a way of saving our friends without blowing them up.

- What about acid?

- No.


I don't think that will work.

Wait, wait.

You said the hatch was titanium, right?


Hydrochloric acid will turn it into Swiss cheese.

I used to work undercover with a g*ng of safe crackers.

John: That's good.

Let's get cooking.

[Gas hissing]


If the powder is one gram under, the grating won't blow.

What if it's one gram over?

Well, it will increase the breaching radius, igniting the gas, filling this entire place with fire, and-- It will k*ll us both was what you were gonna say, right?


- No pressure.


- Mm-hmm.


- Wait.

- What?

My math is probably right, but what if it's wrong?

Are you still Felicity Smoak?

- Yeah.

- Your math is always right.



Um, the arrow needs to go in at exactly a 45-degree angle.



By exactly, do you mean exactly?

Well, one centimeter off, and the blast will force the grate off, igniting the gas, and Please don't miss.

You didn't miss.

Looks like about a two-story drop.


I'll get the climbing gear.

Felicity: Remind me again why I thought this was gonna be a fun idea.

I don't know.

Hop down, hop down, hop down.

- Ohh!

- Excuse me.




So This is just a chin-up.

- Ok.

- Everybody knows a chin-up.

- Well - All right.

It's a chin-up with a flourish at the end.


I can't do a chin-up.

- Come here.

- Ok.

Um - I don't flourish well.

- I believe in you.

- Oh.

- Ready?


Oh, my God!



I'm chinning and upping.

- Kind of.

- Ooh!

- Ok.

- Oh, ow.


- All right.

- Ok.

- You ready?

- Mm-hmm.

1, 2, 3, go!

Nope, nope, nope.

Help, help, help.

- That's too high.

- Hang on.

I got you.

Oh, God.

That's higher than it was before.

I got you.

Uh, yeah.

I kind of did it, I think.

- Sure.

- There was the chin-up part I think we could work on.

- You did a half of one.

- Half.

I'll take the half.


I don't think that's really my thing.

In fairness, you've had a little bit to drink.

- Ahem.

- I've had a lot to drink.


Get that?

Actually, could you just--thank you.


John: What happened?

Did the acid work?


It's just it's gonna take 10 seasons of "The Bachelor" before it melts those hinges down.


I don't judge your DVR.


How much time do they have left?

Rene: 10 minutes, give or take.


Somebody better order up a miracle.

Lyla: I don't know if this counts, but it could help.

Where the hell did you get this?

Argus likes to keep tabs on interesting tech.

You copied my T-sphere?


We improved them.

John: No.

You're both wrong.

Lyla, if you stole this, what other surprises can I be expecting from you?

- Whoa!

- Ohh!

That's ok.

Just hang--hang on tight.

Not that tight.

Not that tight.

That's ok.

- Almost there.

- Ok.


I got you, I got you, I got you, I got you.


- All right.

- We're here.

- Yeah, I know.

- Thanks.


Are you ok?


- Yeah.

I'm fine.

- We made it, we made it.

- We made it.

- Yep.



It's another dead end.


Please stop using that term.

We bought ourselves some time away from the gas at least.








Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.

You got to stay awake, ok?

I think I'm losing a lot of blood.

Tell me something I don't know.

I'm so sorry.

Normally, I would relish an Oliver Queen apology, but this sudden admission is making me nervous.

You were right.

I didn't have your back, but it wasn't because I didn't want you to end up like me, Felicity.

- It was much more than that.

- Ok.

Lots of blood loss with exposure to toxic gas makes you go crazy.

Now we know that.

- I need you to hear this.

- I will later, right?

- I might not have a later.

- Do not talk like that.

I need you to know the truth.

About what?

I didn't have your back.

It was not because of you or lack of trust.

It was because of me.

It was because of me.

I'm not the man you think I am.

I'm not the man you fell in love with.

I put the hood on to right my father's wrongs, but the basis of it, the--the foundation of it and what you did and what Dig did and what the team did in my name, it was all based on a lie.

What are you talking about?

Chase--he showed me when held me hostage that I didn't do what I did to be a hero.

I did what I did Because there was a part of me-- a bigger part than I would like to admit-- I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed k*lling.

It's not about not trusting you.

I will always trust you.

I don't trust myself.

Oliver, Oliver, don't.

Oliver, Oliver.



Oliver, come back!

Come back!


Come back.

Promise me you're not gonna tell anyone that we had bunker sex, and by anyone, I mean Curtis because he'd never look at me the same.

Are you sure?

Because he had me pick up Chinese food, and then he suggested wine.

I'm pretty sure that he was rooting for exactly this, so Maybe he saw something that we didn't see.

I think Curtis watches too many romcoms with Paul.

You ok?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just Talk to me.

What's going on.

This was nice, you know.

It was really nice.

It just-- it doesn't change things between us.

We still have our problems.

Because we never talked about our problems.

We never talked about William.

Even if there was no William, there still wouldn't be an us Because you don't trust me.

I was hoping that you'd change But you don't trust anyone, and I don't know why.

You know, maybe if I knew why, things would be different.

I don't even think you know why.

I love you But that is why I can't settle for anything less than your full trust.

I know I should be mad that you stole my tech, but the modification designs you guys put on here are ridonculous.


How about less geeking out and more figuring out how to use that thing to get to Felicity and Oliver?

They ran out of time 10 minutes ago.

What is this?

It's an audit of every black op I've signed off on as director of Argus.

Why are you giving me this?

I don't want there to be any more secrets between us, John, but there is one thing I need to know from you.

Name it.

No matter what Oliver Queen does, no matter how morally compromising, you stand behind him.

- Lyla.

- No matter what.

Why can't you do that for me?



Lyla, I guess I never really thought of it like that.

Well, maybe you should start because I'm not Oliver, Johnnie.

I'm your wife, and even though I disagreed with many of your choices, I trusted those choices.

I trusted you.

I think I deserve the same consideration.

Curtis: I figured it out!



Were you guys in the middle of something?

It looks like you were probably in the middle of something, but I did figure it out, so let's Chop, chop, chop.

It's ok, Curtis.

We're fine.

Let's go get Oliver and Felicity out of there.



Oh, damn it.

Wake up.




Are you ok?

Oh, my God.

You're ok.

I think the wound reclotted.




Felicity, I don't-- I don't know that I can get us out of here.

Well, it will give us some time to talk about something, like this crazy idea that you enjoy k*lling.



That's why you disbanded the team, isn't it?


Oliver, you said that I don't know the kind of man that you are.

I wouldn't have fallen in love with you or wanted to marry you if I didn't know exactly the kind of man that you are.

Chase tortured you for a week.

You're the toughest person I know, but anyone--anyone would have admitted to being a tap-dancing flamingo after what he put you through.

Adrian Chase didn't make me a k*ller.


5 years in hell did that, 5 years dealing with the city's worst did that.

You have spent a decade dealing with horrors that most people don't even realize exist, and the fact that that didn't turn you into a monster proves exactly the kind of person that you are.

I don't know what kind of person I am.



Lyla: Not just Curtis.

Are you guys ok?

Oliver is a little hurt.

We could use your help.

Rene: About that.

We got a new problem.

The bunker's generators have a doomsday scenario failsafe.

Assuming a catastrophic attack, they're tamper-proof, so no one can stop them from turning back on.

Oliver: Wait.

Why would you want to stop them?

The methane.

The power coming back on will spark it.

If we don't get the air vents back online first somehow.

You guys are sitting underneath a 4-story b*mb.

[Device beeping]

How long do we have before the generator kicks back on?

Curtis: And blow you up?

12 minutes, but don't worry.

- Too late.

- We have a plan.

John: Careful.

We got to be getting close.


Think we're there, D.

Lyla: Talk to me, Curtis.

I'm trying to hack the city grid to reroute power to the ventilation system.

Can you blow the gas before the generators come back online?

Well, we'll know if we hear an earth-shattering kaboom beneath our feet.

Slow down, slow down.

We don't have time to slow down.


Well, we don't have time for you to bleed to death either.

- Ok?

- That's a good point.

- That's good.

- Oliver.




Oliver, Oliver.

Curtis, Oliver's down.

We need your help!

Hang on.

Coming to you.

This looks like the Death Star interrogation droid.

I loaded it with 20 ccs of adrenaline.

You're gonna have to inject that into Oliver-- [gasps]


Ohh, ohh, ohh!

- I'm ok!

- Nowhere close, but we gave you enough adrenaline to get us out of here.


- Good.


All right.

- Ok.


Dinah: Are you really gonna climb down there?

Somebody has to meet them halfway.

Nice jump, Dig.


Are you ok?!

I'm good.

Lyla: We are running out of time.

I've almost got the ventilation systems back up.



- Yeah!

- Hey!


You guys all right?

No, not really.




You ok?

Stay there, and we'll figure something out.

John, we don't have time!


Do you have enough cable to meet us halfway?


That's optimistic.

We only have 30 feet.

That's not helping.

Throw him the line.

This is crazy.

Don't hear me arguing, do you?

- All right.

Hang on tight.

- Yeah.

I've always appreciated you doing the salmon ladder but never as much as in this moment.



John: I got about 5 feet of slack.

I can make it.

Oliver, if you don't I will.



Felicity: Ohh!

Oh, my God.

You have to let me go.

You have to let me go.

You have to go!

John: Curtis, cut the vents.

- Now he tells me?

- Do it!

I'm sorry, Felicity.



I know you hate it when I don't listen to you.

Rene, pull us up.

[Motor running]

Hey, Lyla.

Thanks for letting us come here.


Argus isn't always used for evil.

I know.

You were right.

I should have trusted you.

I--I do trust you.

We just work in morally gray areas, Lyla, and I--I let that cloud my perspective a bit.

- Or a lot.

- Or a lot.

I'm sorry But I promise we will get through this.



Any word on Oliver?

Lyla's checking now.

Got to say it's good to see you up and walking again.

Felicity: Yeah.

Thank Curtis.

He's the miracle worker.

It's just a temporary fix.

I'll have to run more comprehensive diagnostics.

You guys are gonna have to explain to me how all this works one day.

You really don't want them to do that.


Lyla: Oliver just got out of surgery.

He's going to be fine.

- Can we see him.

- Actually, he asked to see you.




We were all thinking that.

Would it help if I didn't ask for lessons on a particular piece of equipment?


I know you're probably a little upset about what I said last night still.

I'm not mad.

- You were right.

- So were you.

You know, we never really did talk about anything, and I walked.

That was wrong.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

I'm not saying never about the talk.

I just Maybe not quite yet.

I'm not ready yet.

I'm not going anywhere.


[Heart monitor beeping]



You're walking.

I am.

More importantly, you're living.

You really gave us a scare back there.

Oh, I figured you'd be used to seeing me close to death by now.

Heh heh heh.

Never gonna get used to it ever.

But speaking of being close to death, uh I said a few things back there.

I really, really appreciate what you said.

Any of it stick?


- I'm sorry.

- For what.

For being a hypocrite.

You were right.

I was starting to become like you and not in the heroic, honorable, muscular way.

It was just after I lost Billy, I was willing to do whatever to get Chase.

It drove me to work with Helix, and I was willing to break any rule or do anything to get payback, and, you know, what I'm trying to say is I think I got the tiniest taste of what you've been through, the tiniest.


I get it now.

I understand Why you lied to me about William, why you had to.

I get it, and for the extent that I judged you-- and I did judge you-- I'm sorry.

You know, you said you didn't know what kind of person you are.

I think you should figure that out.


My name is Matthew.

But it used to be William, right, before you and your mom left Central City?

You know my mom?

Actually, I knew your father, and he knew mine.


Move your head.