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05x18 - Disbanded

Posted: 10/23/19 13:25
by bunniefuu
Oliver: Previously on "Arrow"

You k*ll because you like it.

That's not true, Anatoly.

Someday is going to fall apart, and when it does, you're not going to like the man you see underneath.

You don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.


You helped me discover who I am.

That's what I'm gonna help you do, Oliver.

You don't k*ll because you have to.

So why?

I wanted to!

And I liked it!

John: We're gonna get this son of a bitch for whatever he did to you.

Oliver: I don't want to do this anymore.

I'm shutting everything down.

[Clears throat]

John: Oliver, what happened?


What did you mean by "shutting this all down"?

Oliver, I really think that you should be checked out by an actual doctor.

The only thing I need is for all of you to go home.

Oliver, we're not going anywhere.

Not a suggestion, John.

Don't you think you at least owe us an explanation?

The explanation is simple.

Chase is right.

Everyone that is, uh, down here, around me Well, they either suffer or they die.

Oliver, I can't imagine what you've just been put through, but you have to know that Chase is wrong.

I don't think that he is.

And I can't-- would you just go, please?

Can, uh, the two of you give us the room?

It's just you and me now, Oliver.

And you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but I don't think you should be alone.

I think I should.

John, I want you to leave.

Arrow 5x18 Disbanded Rene: He said all that?

Felicity: I've never seen him so broken, and I've seen him at his lowest.

Did he say what Chase did to him?

Curtis: Nope.

Don't want to know.

I already have more than enough nightmare fuel from this job to last me a while, so L--Le--let's back up a second.

He said the team's over?

Like, we're supposed to just sit back and let Chase run wild?

Nobody's sitting around, Rene.

Look, Oliver's in a bad place right now, but he will get it together.

I don't have to remind any of you of how strong he is.

- What did Thea say?

- She agreed.

He just needs time to get his head right.

She says she'll contact him once we update her.

I don't know.

This time, it just seems different.

He will bounce back, Felicity.

He will.

Until then, we are this city's last line of defense.

Except our gear's back at the bunker.

Oliver reprogrammed all the security protocols.

Lyla will loan us gear from Argus.

And what about Chase?

He's still out there.

John: We just have to remain alert.

We're not just the anti-Prometheus team.

There are a lot of people in this city who need saving.

I'm on Chase.

You guys just focus on protecting the city.

Feel free to use my apartment as your new secret lair.

Where is she going?

No place good.

[Heavy sigh]

Well, the city council bought my story about your, uh, spiritual retreat.

And it turns out councilwoman Pollard is a big fan of all that stuff.

You know, the woo-woo zen stuff.

[Clears throat]

Look, eh, I'm not asking what he did to you, all right?

All I got to know is what we're gonna do to him.

I mean, nothing.

It's over.

Well, how do you figure that?

Chase doesn't give up easy.

He doesn't need to do anything.

He's already won.

[Knock on door]

Mr. Mayor, your 11:00 is here.

Thank you for your compassion in granting me bereavement leave, Mr. Mayor.

Uh Doris' death has been very difficult.


Well, maybe you shouldn't have k*lled her, then.

I'd like to speak to the mayor in private.

That's not gonna happen.

Quentin, please just [Scoffs]

What are you doing here?

You won.

It's over.

What did I ever say that gave you that impression?

What are you doing?

Proving a point, so to speak.

You think I'm gonna s*ab the district attorney in the middle of city hall?

You're an animal who enjoys m*rder.

There's no telling what you'll do.

And it's not like your alter ego can k*ll me, not since the SCPD put me in protective custody since the Green Arrow slaughtered my wife.

So you k*ll me in broad daylight, or you let me live knowing that there's nothing you can do.


You can keep that knife.

Idea of returning to Lian Yu makes me weep like tiny baby, but Oliver Queen, he plan vacation there.

It's not a vacation, Anatoly.

People are gonna want to know where I've been for the past, nearly, 5 years.

Lian Yu is the simplest answer.

It's good to see you thinking about the future.

I only wish I had more time to spend with this Oliver Queen.

You have 48 hours.

I know just how to spend them.

In old days, Bratva used to work on behalf of Russian people.

Then selfish leaders like Gregor corrupted our cause.

So the new Pakhan wants to bring the Bratva back to its roots.

The new Pakhan needs your help.

I fear I cannot rebuild brotherhood without you, Oliver.

Like I said, you have 48 hours.


I finished that worm.

I would've been a lot faster if I knew what kind of system I was embedding a backdoor into, but-- Your timing is perfect.

I just finished the compilation.

This is all that we found on your target from all available video sources-- cell phones, traffic cams, security footage.

Please promise me you're never gonna make a Felicity version of this.

The world doesn't need to know how often I'm at the wine shop.

[Both chuckle]

I guess it's too much to hope that Chase took off his mask on camera.

Actually, he did.

Yeah, I figured he wouldn't.



Why is his face all pixilated?

We're assuming the use of optics scrambling.

He's got tech that prevents a camera from capturing his image?

Like those scarves that celebrities use to frustrate paparazzi.

Oh, yeah.

But here's the thing, if he's using a piece of tech-- Both: We can reverse engineer it.

If we can produce video that Chase is Prometheus, that's game over for him.

Let's get started.


They told me you were back.

I had to see you.


I'm so sorry.

This wasn't you, Oliver.

It was him.

Well, I--I created him.

And I know that that might sound weird, but, uh, this happened to you because of me.

Don't let him do this to you.

Don't let that bastard inside your head.

I gave the police a statement about him.

But they didn't believe you because he probably had an ironclad alibi, right?


But if you corroborate my statement-- I can't.

I know.

It--it would probably mean outing yourself as the Green Arrow, but-- it has nothing to do with that.

It has to do with the fact that Chase would have planned for that just like he has planned for everything else.

My only chance is--well, I have to do something that he hasn't planned for.

Well, like what?

Listen, Susan, I know that W--we never got a chance to resolve things.

I can't be with you.

My apologies if that's presumptuous.

O--Oliver This is not how This is not how I wanted my life to--to touch yours.

I should have known better, and for that, I really, truly am sorry.

Thank you for being here on such short notice.

I understand that after last time, I have run out of favors.

But this is an impossible situation, and you're my only option.


Last time you made very clear you did not want Bratva in city.

Circumstances have changed.

I need you to k*ll Adrian Chase.

Anatoly: Interesting.

I never thought you would give up the hood.

Well, you were the one who told me it was silly to think that a A piece of cloth could contain the monster inside of me forever.

You were right.

Such a burden, always being right.

Life has no secrets.

I should've listened to you back then.

At least now you see self clearly.

Man must know who he is in order to be happy.

You think I deserve to be happy?

Why not?

I am happy.


My old friend has finally remembered his oath and is about to make his brothers very rich.

You should be happy, too.

I just want to see Adrian Chase in the ground.

You'll be pleased to know I've got only the best men with me.

I'll get you Chase's schedule and known locations.


There is only small matter of my down payment.

There's no down payment, Anatoly.

I want Chase dead immediately.

After last time, I need small gesture of goodwill so my men can see that you are serious.

It's like you Americans say, "Let's make deal.

" You said that your fee has two parts, yes?


I will make sure that you acquire the first tonight.

You get the second when you take Chase out.


I knew we could both be reasonable.


Let's toast.

Please tell me you did not put away the vodka.

Felicity: Adrian Chase, winter is here.

It's spring.

We're gonna talk about you not watching "Game of Thrones," but first, look at this.

The pixilation pattern was consistent with that of an optics scrambler that Kord Industries is planning on bringing to market in the next 6 months.

How does it work?

It interferes with the camera's digital conversion circuit.

That's good!

That means we can use an algorithm to remove the distortion from the existing image.

Yes, but to do that, I would need physical access to Chase's scrambler.

Oh, I'm sure he'd be happy to help.

Sounds like a super-accommodating guy.


Rene: I've seen more firepower in the stands at a Dogs game.

Lyla can only authorize hardware that wouldn't be missed.


Have you heard from Felicity?

It'd be nice for her to have our backs when we hit the streets.

Radio silence since she left for Helix, but without our coms, I'm not sure she'd be much help.

We have these.

[Computer buzzing]

We have a break-in at Batoon Medical Research Laboratories.

Let's move out.

Talk to me, Curtis.

Without the infrared from our body cams, we won't be able to pull heat signatures.

So we won't really know how many hostiles we're up against.

Also, this mask is really making my face itch.

Perimeter sweep has two tangos at the back entrance.

No others.

I know we don't have our tranq a*mo, but I need this done as clean and bloodless as possible.

Not a problem.

I'm all for blood, but look at the label on those crates--Oplimid.

That's a diabetes drug.

[Man groans]

Back entrance is clear.

Spartan and Wild Dog moving in.

John: Hands up.

Hands up.

Hands up.

Hands up.

Hands up.

Hands up!

He doesn't like repeating himself.

[Speaking Russian]

Curtis: That sounds like Russian.

Bros'te oruzhiye.

Anatoly: Look, this one's accent has not improved.

Still sounds horrible.


John Diggle, my favorite American.

Rene: We know this guy?

John: What the hell are you doing in Star City?

Isn't it obvious?

[Speaking Russian]

Anatoly, I can't let you steal these dr*gs.

It's not matter of "let.

" I have invitation to be here.


From whom?

Oliver, have you brought Anatoly Knyazev to Star City?

Yes, I did.

And he just told me that his operation was nearly compromised by my team.

Well, I said, "that's impossible.

The team no longer exists.

" The hell it doesn't!

When I told you to stand down, I meant it.

Anatoly is here for a reason.

To steal dr*gs.

I had to give him that to get what I wanted.

He's here to k*ll Adrian Chase.


We don't hire criminals and pay them with diabetes dr*gs.

Chase has k*lled innocent people in this whole sick game he's been playing, trying to get to me.

Star City will not be safe until he is in the ground, and there is no price I will not pay to see that happen.

Even selling your soul?

Better my soul than yours or Felicity's or Curtis' or anyone on the team.

So you got Anatoly to k*ll Chase so we wouldn't have to.

I created Prometheus, John.

I created this whole thing.

Chase's death should be on my conscience, not yours.

What the hell did Chase do to you, man, to convince you to think that any of this is ok?

This is a mistake, Oliver, a mistake that you will not be able to come back from.

And I'm not gonna let you make it.

Well, I'm not gonna let you get hurt.

And so here we are.

Felicity was right.

Prometheus trying to convince you that you are responsible for everything bad that's happened to people, Oliver, I swear that's just a bunch of crap.

Tell that to Laurel.

Tell that toTommy.

Tell that to my mother.

Tell that to Billy Malone.

Maybe tell it to Thea.

She's so damaged that she had to leave town.

This is not post-traumatic stress, John.

This is a truth that I was keeping myself from seeing, and I am no longer doing that.

Anatoly and his men will k*ll Adrian Chase.

That is the solution.

The team is done.

So I'm telling you.

I'm not asking you.

I'm telling you for the last time, stand down.

I don't believe it.


I mean, Oliver can't go after Chase himself, so he finds guys who can?

He let them steal from a company that was barely hanging on.

Oliver put hundreds of jobs on the line.

And I know he knows that 'cause I was in the same briefing.


Speaking of which, why haven't you gone back into city hall?

John: Because Lance banned him till Chase is taken off the board.

Something to do with Rene threatening to "pop a cap in his ass.

" What about breaking up the team?


Prometheus is in Oliver's head, Curtis, like I've never seen before.


Can we talk in private?




You and I need to talk some sense into Oliver before he does something that he's gonna regret.

I'm not stopping you.

Well, Felicity, I know you're full throttle with this Helix, but it has to be the both of us.

We have to present a united front so we have the best chance of getting through to him.

- Well, maybe we shouldn't.

- What do you mean?

The team has been after Chase for months, and he's always been one step ahead of us.

If Oliver thinks that the Bratva is our best chance at getting to him, then maybe we should stay out of his way.

And when chemicals from both medicines bind, it creates powerful opioid.

It's more addictive than heroin.

Just what the world needs.

Revenue is what Bratva needs.

It's gotten bad, Oliver.

I'm under much pressure.

Th--this drug will help secure my position as Pakhan.

So that's why you need the medicine.

To manufacture a street drug.

You shouldn't be here, John.

You should've known that Curtis would hack the locks, Oliver.

I didn't think I could be more disappointed.

I guess I was wrong.

I'll let you have room.

I'm not gonna keep having the same conversation.

That's too bad 'cause I dedicated 5 years of my life to your crusade.

So I'm the one that gets to say if I need protecting, not you.

I'm not gonna have your death on my conscience.

Oliver, don't talk to me about your conscience, not when you get back in bed with the Bratva.

This isn't you, man.

The Oliver I know would never let a group of dangerous criminals crawl into his city, let them steal medicine.

You don't know what kind of man I am.


What the hell did Chase do to you, Oliver?

Whatever it was, he m--he messed with your head in a way I didn't think was possible.

Look at me, man.

I could help you.

I'm your brother.

You don't want me as a brother.

What does that mean?

Chase showed me the truth about myself.

You signed on for a crusade that turned out to be an outlet.

It was an excuse for me to m*rder people.

Oliver, please.

I put on a hood, and I created a persona because, John, somewhere along the way, something in me broke.

Something is sick inside of me.

The crusade-- all of this-- the foundation of it is a lie.

So I disbanded the team because I won't sit by and watch all of you participate in my m*rder spree.

I am beyond redemption.

You and the team will be fine ifYou stay away from me, you stay away from this, you stay away from Chase, and you allow the Bratva to do their job.

Let my crusade die.


Ha ha!

That kid won't last a month.

They have tuberculosis?


The disease comes from prison.

Super resistant strain.

Well, I--I mean, is it in any way treatable?

Mm, yeah, with right medicine, yes, but even Bratva cannot buy for them, not in quantities needed.

All we can do is pay for funerals.

Anatoly, is this how we're planning on spending my last two days in Russia?

I thought, what better way to cap off your time here than a good old-fashioned heist?

If Diggle's the new Oliver and I'm, obviously, the new Felicity--don't hate-- which one of you guys is the new Diggle?

Both: I am.


You've been here, like, what, 10 minutes?

You don't even have a code name.


You're the new Dig.

The fact that she was not petty and-- I mean, that's extremely Dig-like.

You--you see that, right?

She's the new-- yeah.


You're the new Dig.

But as the only Rene Ramirez, I got to ask, shouldn't we be cool with letting the Bratva k*ll Adrian Chase?

No, we shouldn't.

Look, guys, if Oliver lets the Bratva k*ll Chase, he's just going right back into his old habits, and he's willing to make that sacrifice right now, but I think once Oliver's thinking clearly, he's gonna regret this.

So we're just supposed to let Chase live to k*ll another day?


We're gonna bring Chase to justice the right way.

This isn't about saving Chase.

It's about saving Oliver's soul.

[Computer beeps]

Dinah: Curtis, the hack you put on the D. A. 's office just pulled up Chase's schedule.

He's about to leave city hall.

Trip to the safe house SCPD's keeping Chase in is the perfect time for the Russians to do their thing.

John: We can't let the Bratva get a hold of Chase.

I can pull up his route remotely, and I saw something on Felicity's computer that might help us get Chase.

John: Good.

Do that.

Let's suit up.

Suit up.


We don't have suits.

Oh, you meant figuratively suit up.

Suit up, like, "we're still in the lair.

Suit up," like, but we're not in the lai-- but do you see what I'm saying?

Quite an escort.

Green Arrow could be anywhere.

Who do you think is under that hood?

The department's got to have a theory.

Oh, my God!

Make sure that Kevlar stays on.

[Canary cry]




Why interfere?

You want Chase dead, yes?

Yes, but not like this.

Mr. Holt.

How's that husband of yours?

[T-sphere whirring]


I'm over here!

I'm over here!

The hitters are retreating.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Rene and Diggle?

Driving off Anatoly's men.

Did you get it?

- I got it.

- Good man.

It's clear the attack occurred after details of the D. A. 's schedule were compromised.

A leak?

Man: Until we can confirm the source, D. A.

Chase will be transferred into the federal witness protection program.

No Star City employee will have access to his file.

Adrian: I'm really not sure all of this is necessary.

Oliver: Adrian, please.

Your safety is of paramount importance to this office.

Do it.

You actually tried something.

Consider me impressed.

This isn't over.

[Knock on door]

Chase is being transferred into federal protection, which means that the Bratva can't get to him.

You're welcome.

Hmm, feel better?


We're not done, Oliver.

You and me, we're never gonna be done.

Do you understand that?

Listen, man, you can tell me that you're a serial k*ller, that you're crazy, or you're whatever Chase has shoved into your head, but I'm not believing any of that, even if you do, and that's because I know the kind of man you are, Oliver.

The good, the bad, and the ugly I know, and you don't need to punish yourself or isolate yourself, but what you need to do is stop pushing me away because I'm not going anywhere, Oliver!

Do you get that?

What do you want me to do, John?

I've told you what I am, who I am, and even if you don't believe it, I do.

I do.

So I don't know where that leaves us.

It leaves us right back at Langham, Oliver.

Do you remember that?

I k*lled my brother, Oliver And I was gonna let myself rot in prison for what I did But you told me to atone for what I did as Spartan.

And if that's true for me, it it 100 times truer for the Green Arrow.

You don't get to just walk away from this, man.

The hood is who you are.

You don't think you deserve it?


Work to become the man who does.

I--I don't know how.

You just ask for help.

You don't have to do this alone, Oliver.

I have an idea.

We hack WITSEC.

Ok, we find out what town Chase is going into, and then we get hired as waitresses at the inevitably folksy diner.

We drug his coffee.

We steal his scrambler.

You know how I know I'm exhausted?


That plan actually sounds plausible.

Free pie for life.

That's all I'm saying.

Free pie.

- Felicity.

- Yeah.

Do you know this guy?


You told him about our operation?

Felicity: No.

I turned off the GPS on my phone.

How did you-- you son of a bitch.

Those damn-- Tracking nanites.


Blueberries weren't the only surprise in those pancakes.

I knew they were funky.

Um, can we talk in private?

- Uh, no.

- Fine.

Then you don't get to ask me any questions about how I got this.

Is that-- Chase's optics scrambler.

Sure is.

How did you know we were looking for it?

I might have taken a peek at your IRC window.

I guess you could say that I hacked the hackers.


[Typing on keyboard]

Curtis: What?

The pixilation algorithm is encrypted.

I should've known it would be encrypted, but it's encrypted.

Well, how long will it take you to break the encryption?

If my math is right, (3.

1610^18)(E^6)(75 teraflops)-- 13 months.


Well, I know someone who can break it faster.

Kord Industries.

I mean, they set the encryption.

They can break it.

Curtis: I don't think that Kord is gonna help us hack their stolen tech.

That's why you'll have to break in.

It shouldn't be too hard for Overwatch and Mr.

Terrific, who could pull off a heist at Kord.

You told them about our operation?

I didn't.

- How did you-- - Oh, come on, Felicity.

You really think we didn't know?

It took me 8 minutes, 3 for this guy.

These hackers are mean.

Well, deal with it.

We have to deal with this.

Thanks for meeting.

I'm only here for you to explain why team you disbanded keeps interfering with business.

Because they don't give up.

They convinced me not to.

Anatoly, I'm sorry, but you need to tell your men to stand down.

Our deal's off.


Excuse me?

You want Chase to keep breathing?


But I'm not leaving Star City, not till I get what I came for.

You know as well as I do once there is deal, it is forever.

I understand how the Bratva works.

I-- I am asking you this as a friend.


And I am telling you as friend, if you interfere with my operation, no favor exists that can repair break between you and I.

You either Bratva brother or you Bratva enemy.

We are in position.

Oliver: I'll meet you by the side entrance.

[Fires p*stol]

[Neck snaps]

The Bratva aren't backing down, which means I have to stop them.

John has convinced me not to do it alone.

I wanted to shut all of this down because I was afraid.

I was afraid that asking you to k*ll Chase would corrupt you more than-- more than I already have.

To me, the--the-- the Bratva was the best option, but John insists that as a team, we can find another way to bring Chase to justice.

You've put your faith in me, and I'm putting my faith in you now.

Because once--once we handle the Bratva, I-- I need your help to prove that John is right and Chase is wrong.

It should be easy considering Prometheus is all the way wrong, Hoss.

Dinah: I think what Rene is trying to say is that it's not all on your shoulders.

We're here for you, Oliver.


Suit up.

Alarms haven't been triggered all night.

No break-ins.

Yeah, except us.

Anatoly needs Revlextra to manufacture his drug.

The Bratva will definitely be here.

Oliver: Spartan's right.

Anatoly won't back off now.

They could be anywhere.

This place is huge.

Felicity and Curtis picked a hell of a night to take off.


I'm in.

CCTV is compromised.

Got anything?

West wing is clear.

So is the east.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to punch anybody.

All right.

I just took out a sentry.

They can't be far.

John: They're not.

Better get over here fast.


[Syringe hisses]

- That worked.

- Whoa!

You can't win.

Is that you behind mask?

What happened to hood?

It's over, Anatoly.

Leave the medicine and go.

I had feeling you would say this, so I prepared insurance plan.

[Woman whimpers]

You have chosen where you stand with Bratva.

Now you must make one more choice.

Save pills or save hostages.

Spartan, Wild Dog, get the hostages.

I'll handle the Bratva.

k*ll them.

In Russia, you would have k*lled him.

And you would have stopped him.

Looks like we're not in Russia anymore.

[Woman whimpering]

You all right?

Curtis didn't leave us completely hanging.

Hand me your tablet.

You brought the scrambler here?

I wasn't gonna wait to see if we could break the encryption.

Go ahead, Oliver.

You want to k*ll old life?

Start by k*lling me.

[g*nsh*t, alarm sounds]

Very stupid!

Now you have to run.

So do you.

- Did you get it?

- Oh, yeah.

Oliver: That is what we needed-- something that he couldn't plan for-- you.

Dinah: Please let me be the one to walk this into SCPD.

Knock yourself out.

Yeah, and then I'm gonna throw it up on YouTube.

There won't be anywhere that son of a bitch can run.

Does this mean that we're officially back in business?

Aside from a few minor changes, yeah.

The new lineup could use a little more green, Hoss.

I'm not quite there yet.

I'm thinking that with this team behind me, it'll be sooner rather than later.

Oliver: How does it feel to be Robin hood?

You tell me.

You're the one with bow and arrow.

I know I said that Russia's not good for you, Oliver.

But you thought that this heist and helping these people would convince me to change my mind about leaving.


Like I said, I need your help.

Russia is your home, Anatoly.

Let me go save mine.

You can do this without me.

I am not worried about what Bratva will become without you.

I worry about what I become.

But more important question-- how drunk can we get before dropping you off at Lian Yu?


You have two minutes, and then I'm calling the SCPD.

Oliver Queen afraid to be alone with Bratva gangster?

How far you have fallen.

Anatoly, you didn't bring me here to insult me.


I give you friendly tip.

I go back to Russia tonight but leave Star City a little present-- my best men.

Your best men were arrested.

Already out on bail.

I hear they cannot wait to get revenge on vigilantes that put them away.

This is between you and me, no one else.

"No one else"?

You betrayed every man in Bratva.

You betrayed Russian community.

You even worked against old team.

When I see this, I think I still trust him anyway.

What a fool I was.


I'm the fool.

Because I thought that our friendship-- everything that we have been through together-- actually meant something to you.

The person that I knew would never betray a friend, would never thr*aten innocent people over what?

A payday.

When I left Russia, I was convinced that you could lead the Bratva, that you could set them on a better path, and now look at you.

You're no better than Gregor.

I told you, I was worried about what I would become without your help.

I did what I had to do to keep Bratva together and to stay alive.

I became what I had to become.

You asked why I changed.

That is it.

This video has been authenticated by 3 different experts.

And it hasn't been doctored or altered in any way.

That is raw footage.

Chase is in the protective custody of the U. S. Marshals.


Well, somebody better give them a call and place that son of a bitch under arrest.

[Cell phone vibrating]



[Breathing heavily]






The Rascals: it's a beautiful morning ah I think I'll go outside for a while and just smile just take in some clean, fresh air, boy ain't no sense in stayin' inside Greg!

Move your head.