05x04 - Infection, Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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05x04 - Infection, Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

- There she is.

- Ms.




In the last 48 hours, we've treated multiple cases of necrotizing fasciitis.

- That's flesh-eating bacteria.

- No.

It doesn't eat anything and it can be caused by many different bacteria.

But it is fatal?

No, only if it's not treated in a timely manner.

Listen, there is no need for alarms.

How do we know that?

Well, it only enters the body through a wound.

Listen, we will update you when we have more information.

Thank you.

No cuts back here.

Looking good, Hailey.

How 'bout your legs?

I just shaved them this morning.

I'm gonna check 'em for nicks, all right?

That girl I brought in, Veronica She gonna be okay?

Tissue is pale and non-perfused.


I can't believe this.

BP's tanking.

70 over 33.

Marty, I need more time.

I'm maxed out on pressure.

She's in septic shock.

If we don't get her off the table, we're gonna lose her.

Yeah, well, she'll die in ICU if we don't get this dead tissue off, so give me five minutes.

What happened here?

I don't know, probably a bit of hangnail or something.

Is that a problem?

- She's in V-fib.

- No pulse.

Start CPR and push epi.

Maggie, get the paddles.


- Charge?

- Charge.


Still no pulse.

Okay, one more of epi.

Charge again.

- Charge.

- Clear.


She's asystolic.

She's gone.

Okay, stop compressions.

Time of death, 10:38.

- I'm Dr.

Ethan Choi.

- Where are we headed?

- Follow me.

- Okay.


Goodwin, Dr.

Danover, CDC.

- Ms.


- Ah, yes.

Welcome to Chicago Med.

We have expedited a response team so we Hi, Andrea.

Will Halstead.

You two know each other?


Danover and I were bio majors together in undergrad.

- It's good to see you, Will.

- You too.

Wish it were better circumstances.

You tell us what you need and we'll assist you in any way we can.

Our goals are containment and treatment.

First, we need to isolate where and how victims are getting infected, then we need to determine a path to treatment that will prevent death and eliminate the threat of infection.

All right, you have free rein over our facilities.


Halstead, do you mind acting as liaison to assure all of her needs are met?

Sure, we've collected some soft tissue samples already.


I understand you've already ID'd a sixth victim?

Yes, Veronica Song.

She worked in the lab.

I'll need to speak with her as soon as possible I'm sorry.

We just lost her.

Ambo 61, man down, unknown causes.

45 South Fairfield, Apartment 12.

Did your call just say 45 South Fairfield?

Apartment 12.

We just got one for Apartment 10.

Could be a duplicate.

We got one for apartment 15.

Fire department.

- Drop 2 milligrams of Racet.

- On it.

What the hell is going on here?

Ah, Dr.


I just spoke to Sharon.

She says the only way to get this thing is from an open wound?

But we just got five cases on a single floor, so how is that possible?

Clearly there are other modes of transmission.

Yeah, maybe maybe an insect vector tick, mosquito.

Or it could be physical contact.

People shaking hands, touching their eyes, touching their mouths.

Oh, my God, you don't know.

Heads-up, Chief.

Coming through.

I've never seen a staph this aggressive before.

Look, my people are out there dealing with this thing.

I want to know that they are safe.

So I need more than guesswork.

We have to treat that building like it's Ground Zero.

Excuse me.

Let me get to my vehicle.

Thank you.

I have nothing for you.

I have nothing for you.


Goodwin, we've gotten the go-ahead to evacuate the apartment building.

I want every resident transferred to quarantine.

Okay, I'll coordinate with Fire, CPD, and we'll quarantine the patients here.

And I'm gonna an extra set of hands.

- Dr.


- Of course.

Once the building's clear, we'll see if we can locate the source of the infection.


- Sharon?

- Yeah.

Brett says that there might be upwards of 30 patients.

There's not enough room in the ED to quarantine that many.

You're right.

April, let's set up the tents in the old wing.

Got it.

Were dealing with an infectious disease.

Three more people are dead, Maggie.

Sharon, if you're concerned about me being immunocompromised, don't be.

- Maggie, you're going home.

- But I can Don't fight me on this.

No, no, no, I've got a meeting I've gotta get to.

I'm sorry, sir, afraid you'll have to reschedule.

How long is this going to take?

We'll get you back home as soon as possible.

Uh, hey.

Need any help?

Excuse me?

Dennis Quan.

I'm trained to be a fireman.

I passed the EMTV test last week.

I'm scheduled to start at the academy next month.

- You live here?

- Yeah.

- I know the terrain.

- I appreciate the spirit, Dennis, but we need you to remain a civilian for now.

- Gotta get you in quarantine.

- Whatever you say.

Manager says there's a holdout.

Sharlene Hughes.

You should check on her.

Let's go.




You sure she's in there?

Yeah, she never goes out.

Open the door, please.

You have no right to come in here.


Hughes, you're at risk for having come in contact with a dangerous bacteria and you need to be examined by medical professionals.

No, you keep away from me.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but the officer will remove you forcefully if you do not comply.



Did you finish interviewing the lab personnel yet?

Yeah, no red flags.

We're checking on alibis.

What about people that had access to the lab?

Vendors, security guards, cleaning staff.

The lab keeps an electronic visitor log-in, so we're just going through it.

Right this way, people, please find a tent.

Aw, man.

All right, I'm gonna get back to the case, but the second I hear anything, I'll report back.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

They did this on purpose.

- They're lying.

- Ma'am.

Please, people here are just trying to help us.

No they're not, it's the same they did with Lyme disease.

And what did they do, Sharlene?

Who are you?

How do you know my name?

I'm Dr.


And I know your name because the manager of your building gave it to me.

The CIA, they're behind this.

How how so?

How's that work?

It's a biological w*apon.

Just like Lyme disease and AIDS.

They sprayed it all over the building.

And why why are they doing that?

You know.

We're the guinea pigs.

You're gonna watch and see how long it takes us to get sick.

Oh, I see.

You know, that's a terrifying thought, I can see why you're so upset.

I need to get out of here.

Look, Sharlene, I know that we don't know each other.

But I can see that you're angry and you're scared, and I'd like to help you.

You just wanna drug me.

I won't let you.

Can I help you, son?

Uh, yeah, um.

I think I might have some information that might be helpful.

So this guy goes to an interview for a babysitting job, and today he recognizes the woman he talked to from the news.

She's the Jane Doe with the baby who died from the bug.

They just moved here from Utah.


While she's interviewing him, she gets in a beef with an exterminator.

She doesn't want him spraying near the apartment because it's toxic and she has a baby.

Guess where she lived.

45 South Fairfield?

Ground zero.



I'm Hailey.


How'd you wind up here, Amanda?

I live in the building where people got that disease they're talking about.

Where are your folks?

It's just me and Grandma.

She was out.

They're looking for her.

She's at the River Casinos.

How old are you?

I'll be 15 in January.

Ninth grade.

It's a tough year.

Not for you, I bet.

For anyone.

All right, so all of our victims have come from one or two places: the CCU lab or this apartment building.

And there's some mystery bug sprayer.

- So when was this?

- This was yesterday morning.

Well, it definitely wasn't Stuart Anderson.

I mean, he was dying in his hospital bed.

On top of that, the OCD techs ran the source code behind the threatening messages on the college server.

Anderson's IP address was spoofed.

Somebody made it look like the threats came from Anderson.

All right, so that's gotta be our offender - just covering his tracks.

- Hey, look, this guy had access to the CCU lab.

He steals the bacteria then burns the lab down to destroy any evidence.

So let's track where he bought his bug spraying equipment.

And I want a full rundown on South Fairfield.

We're gonna nail this son of a bitch before he infects more people.

So when we did your initial intake, Amanda, we didn't find any cuts or bruises.

How are you feeling now?


Any pain or numbness?

Does anything hurt?


All right, well, I'm glad to hear that because everything looks good.

I'll be back to check on you again later, okay?

How about you, Hailey?

How are you doing?

I'm okay.

How are you?

I should have asked you earlier.

I heard you got knocked on the head pretty bad.

- Doing fine, thanks.

- Okay.

- You guys hang in there, okay?

- Thanks.

That was good news.

Yeah, I guess.

So, when did you know you wanted to be a police officer?

Um There's a sergeant.

Her name's Trudy Platt.

When I was 12, this guy robbed my dad's restaurant.

He p*stol whipped my dad, stuck a g*n in my face.

And they took me down to the police department and I got to watch the most badass woman in the world doing her thing.

She commanded the room.

Talked to officers and perps both like she was the boss of everything and everyone.

And I wanted to be like her.

And now you are.

Not even close.

But I keep trying.

Make sure to swab all handrails and doorknobs.

Again, we are checking anywhere people might put their hands.

If this bug is more communicable than other strains of staph It could explain why so many people are getting infected.

Oh, I just got word from my brother.

They think someone may be spreading this with a bug sprayer.

Bug sprayer?

Just found something in the furnace.

Think you can take anything off of that?

Let's hope.

Then this is no outbreak.

It's an act of terrorism.

Bacteria in the nozzle, the same staph we found in the victims.


So now we start combining antibiotics to extend the spectrum of activity and stave off resistance.

Uh, if I remember my microbiology, some dr*gs attack the cell walls, some the DNA inside.

Therefore we have to hit the infection from multiple directions.

Now there's the Will I remember from undergrad.

And had a crush on.


Why are men so obtuse?

You ever marry?

I came close, but no.


In the middle of a very ugly divorce.

You know, you're lucky you're single.

It's less complicated.

Oh, my God.

Whoa, it did not look like that a few hours ago.

I have never seen anything like this.

I-it's reproducing so quickly.

It's unbelievable.

We need the people from the university lab.

Maybe they'll have some idea how to deal with this.

Look, we still haven't even ID'd the suspect, let alone found the connection to 45 South Fairfield.

So I need to interview the tenants of that building and see if they know anything.

Well, they're in quarantine, and we can't release them until we're sure that they haven't been infected and that they're not contagious.

So I'll interview them in quarantine.

Hank, I mean, at this point a number of these people are, emotionally, extremely fragile, and I got one woman who might even be psychotic.

She's definitely suffering from paranoid delusions.

All right, well, you're a doctor.

Give 'em some dr*gs, sedate 'em.

I can't do that without their permission.

And none of them, at this point anyway, are a danger to themself or others.


Charles, there is someone out there who targeted that building with weaponized bacteria.

The key to why may well be within that group.

Now you tell me some of these people are emotionally fragile.

So, Dan, then come with me.

Keep 'em calm, but I have to talk to 'em.


Hey, Sarge.


How you feel?


Feel like I should be doing something.

I can arrange that.

Do you have any connection to the CCU lab or know anyone in the building who might?

No, I don't.

Yesterday, did you see an exterminator?

A man spraying for bugs.

Oh, for God's sakes.

When are they gonna let us out of this place?

If you're asymptomatic and your throat culture comes back negative, you can leave.

In the meantime, I would really appreciate it if you try and answer the detective's questions.

So, exterminator.

Yeah, he was wearing this meth suit.

Did you see where he was spraying?

Down the hall.

We have an ant problem so I thought that was why.

Can you describe him?

Race, height.

Definitely white.

I could see his face around his mask.

He was on the tall side, about six feet.

Anything else you can tell us about him?


Thanks for your time.

So, look, I'd like to take another crack at Sharlene, but I wanna do it alone, okay?

Give me five minutes.



Bruno Geller, Central Chicago University.

David Seldon, Heather Holcomb, microbiologists.

- Hi.

- Dr.

Halstead, Chicago Med.

Thank you for coming.

We hope you can help.

Do you recognize this staph?

Oh, my God.


That's E-87.

But that's changed.

How in God's name did this get out?

Well, you tell us what was your level of security?

The highest, level four.

There's no way that could've gotten out.

Yeah, well, it did.

But why were you even culturing something so dangerous?

- For research.

- Research for?

We're working to develop antibiotics to help this kind of resistant bacteria.

Did you have any luck finding anything?

Actually, we might have been quite close, but All our data was destroyed in the fire.



Well, Dr.

Seldon, Dr.

Holcomb, you have experience working with this bacterium.

Would you assist us?

Well, now, hold on, but that research Well, whatever remains is proprietary.

The university can't just hand over intellectual property People are dying and you're worried about your bottom line?

- No, that's not what I was - We will help.

Of course we will help.

At the very least, I can help you to rule out the antibiotic combinations I know to be ineffective.


Let's get to work.

Marty, I need that epi.

1 milligram, it's in.

Paddles, 200.


- She's still in V-fib.

- Damn, again.


Come on, Lynn.

Don't leave us now.

Epi's in.


Damn it.


Another round?

No, we lost her.

Stop compressions.

Lynn Messick time of death 13:42.

Has the family arrived yet?

Not yet.

Okay, I'm gonna put on some fresh scrubs and get something to eat.

Find me when they're here.

All right.

Hey, they need you in Baghdad.

How long will it take your team to turn over the hybrid OR?

Thirty minutes.

Today we're doing it in ten.

Good, so you'll be ready for it.

- Another one?

- Yeah, another one.


It turns out that you were absolutely right.

Your building was deliberately infected with bacteria that was very likely genetically altered.

By the CIA.

They have secret labs everywhere, but you know all about that.

You know, I wish I could convince you that I don't actually know all about that but You're not gonna drug me.

Hey, that's that's fine, that's your choice, but Sharlene, tell me, how'd you figure it out?

I mean, this person who was spraying your building, how did you know that he was CIA?

You're just playing games with me.

You're trying to trick me?

Sharlene, I'm just trying to figure out what happened here.

I promise you.

I'm not blind.

I see everything.

From my window, everything.

The drones with their cameras, the helicopters Yeah, but the guy that was actually doing the spraying, how did you know he was CIA?

He wasn't a real exterminator.

He didn't even have a van, just a little blue truck.

It was so obvious.

I see, and what kind of truck does the CIA prefer these days, like, what make?

They change it all the time so it isn't suspicious.

Well, can you remember what kind this one was?

A blue one.

The one with the silver circle.

The silver circle.

Somebody help me.

I need a doctor.

Help me!

- April!

- Somebody help.

Let me get a wheelchair!

I thought it was a bruise and it's just gotten worse and it's getting black.

Okay, we're gonna take you to surgery.

Somebody help.

Look, look, help!

Look at it!

Sit down, cover it up.

Let's go.

That's Mr.


He lives next door to me and Grandma and he's got it.

Okay, we don't know what his exposure to the bacteria was, how strong his immune system is.

Gotta be stronger than mine.

I mean, he's always working out.

Amanda, stop.

Hey, hey, hey, calm down.

Look at me.


You gotta think good thoughts.

All right, Dr.

Charles pulled some information off one of the tenants.

I don't know how reliable it is, but according to her, the vehicle in question is a blue pickup with a silver circle logo.

Okay, so that's gotta be either a Toyota or a Nissan, nothing domestic.

Well, I got Burgess dumping all the pods outside the building, running it through the Secretary of State and Chris System.

All right, I'll get with Ruzek and Atwater.

We'll go through truck rental companies.

- Beautiful.

- Okay.

I understand your concerns, I do, but let's take this one step at a time, okay?

You're in good hands here, all right?

Okay, Mr.

Quan, I'll be back, all right?

Hang tight.

How's Mr.


Meds are helping him stay calm, but he's scared rightfully so.

Did he tell you he wants to be a firefighter?


So if he loses his arm Not gonna think about that right now.

- You should get scrubbed.

- I'll be right there.


Trimming the layer of fat and soft tissue from the infected area.

You nasty bug.

Where did you come from?

Come on, Quan, show me the good stuff.

- Is it still spreading?

- Always.

You're in deep, you son of a bitch.

Let's go, show me some blood flow.

Come on.

Damn it.

None of the muscle's alive.

You're down to the bone.


You can't save his arm, can you?


I made him believe it was gonna be okay.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with pushing hope.

I would have done the same thing.

Give me the saw.

When you spoke to us earlier today, you said we had nothing to worry about.

We didn't have all the information that we have now.

The key is to be mindful of hygiene and sanitation.

"Wash our hands," that's the best you can do?

That was our own Jim Meyers with Sharon Goodwin from Gaffney Chicago Medical Center.

Truly horrifying Flesh-eating terror.

That won't cause a panic.

I spoke to them for over ten minutes, gave them facts, precautions, but all they show are ten seconds edited to sell fear.

Well, what do you expect?

Nine people have died, Daniel.

I expected that maybe this time, they'd take the high road.


You saw them take him away.

We gotta get outta here or we're gonna get sick, too.

- Listen to her, she's right.

- Yeah.

Sharlene, I need you to stop yelling, okay, please.

You're the problem.

Let me outta here.

Let me out.

Let me out!

Let me out.

Let me out.

Everyone, please be calm.

The lab is analyzing your cultures as fast as they can, and as soon as the results are in, we'll start letting people go.

- Let me out!

- I'm scared.

Amanda, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

You stay focused on me, okay?

You can't keep us here!

It's not right!

- Sharlene, I need you to stop.

- Let me out!

If you don't stop, I'm gonna have to medicate you, all right?

Let me out.

Let me out.

Five of Haldol IM number 7, right now.


Let's get outta here.

Come on!

Run, everybody, run.

You're making a big mistake.

You're endangering yourselves and the public.

Maybe we should go, too.

No, we stay put.

We're safe here, I promise you.

No more questions, no more.

You guys have been misquoting me anyway.

- Ms.


- Yeah?

We were able to round up most of the escapees, but Sharlene Hughes and a few others are still out there.

- I got names and descriptions - Kevin, you've got to find them.

If they are active carriers, they're putting themselves and this city at risk.

- I got you; we'll find them.

- OK.

Thank you.

You can't do this.

What gives you the right?

No skin to skin contact, five feet apart.

I want more food, blankets, water down here right away.

- These people are exhausted.

- Yes, sir, right on it.

You took my arm.

Yeah, sorry.

But we did everything we could.

The infection was just too deep.

What am I gonna do now?

Well, we have occupational therapists, and I'll send one up to talk to you.

Look, we saved a good part of your upper arm.

All right, and when you heal, we can talk about a prosthesis.


Quan, you are clearly a man with a lot of focus and determination.

Now, I'm certain you're gonna find another place to put that drive.


Now, I'll come back and check on you.

- Dr.


- Nurse Sexton.

Bet you won't mind when this day is over.

You don't have to do that.

Live life lightly, Nurse Sexton.

Life live lightly.



John Sorenstein from the mayor's office.

You let 30 infected people escape quarantine.

I expect you not to make things worse than they already are.

Have you made any progress on finding a cure?

We're devoting all of our resources So no progress.

You are the public face of this crisis.

Everyone's gonna be looking to you for assurances.

For God's sake, give them something, anything.

Tell them we'll be toasting to a cure at Oktoberfest.

You need to cancel Oktoberfest.

Are you joking?

This is one of the biggest weekends of the year.

We're not canceling anything.

That's your call, but I'm not gonna lie.

This city is on the verge of a meltdown, and if that happens, people are going to be looking to assign blame.

I'm gonna make damn sure nobody's pointing a finger at the mayor.

Yeah, well, blame is the least of my concerns, but then again, I'm not a politician.

People are dying, sir.

And you're wasting my time.

Hailey, good news, your observation has been cleared, and your cultures came back free of infection.

What about Amanda?

I don't know yet, her cultures are still incubating.

I'll sit with Amanda.

Thank you.

Amanda, you're gonna be okay too, all right?

Look, I'm proof that not everyone in here contracted the bacteria.

I had my hand covered in it.

Ample opportunity to get it.

You know what.

I gotta go back to work.

But Dr.

Manning's gonna take my place.


Could you see if they found my grandma?

Yeah, I'll check.

Remember, only good thoughts, okay?

So, Amanda, what are you into?

YouTube clips, memes, give it to me.


What's wrong?

My leg, it feels weird here, kind of, like, numb.

All right, let me see.

When did the sensation start?

I-I don't know, a few minutes ago?

Come on, let's get you upstairs and see what's going on with that leg, okay?

Ah, there she is.

You all right?

Flesh-eating bacteria free.

- Glad you're okay.

- Thanks.

Then you're okay to work?

- Yeah, all set.

- Good.

- We got something, guys.

- All right.

I got a blue pickup truck, two blocks away from the apartment, right in our timeframe, and check this out.

HAZMAT suit.

License plate?


LEADS has the vehicle registered to Mersh Equipment Vehicle and Rental.

You and Ruzek, let's go.

Looks like the bacteria's sensitive to the Vanc.


No, it's not.

Damn it.

The Vancomycin is only bacteriostatic.

It's slowing the infection, but it's not actually k*lling it.

We need something that works stronger and faster.

Try gentamacin then?

Dose it higher?


Let's do it.

How are you doing, Amanda?

You all right in there?

I'm trying.

All right, we're almost done here, okay?

Image is up.

Ugh, there it is.

Air and fluid in the deep fascia.

- Yeah.

- Ow!

Doctor Manning!

- You all right?

- It really hurts.

I feel something moving.

All right, just take a deep breath, okay?

Keep breathing.

We'll take a look, okay?

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

Call the OR and tell them we're on our way up, and get me an isolation gurney, now.

It's okay, we're gonna take care of this, all right?

Just keep breathing.

Am I gonna die?

No, you're not.

We caught this very early.


Marcel's gonna fix your leg.

- Amanda?

- Hailey?

I'm right here.

I just heard.

Let's go.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Oh, thanks.

What's up, Dalton?

Uh, the sky.

Okay, let me tell you, we're not in the mood for that.

What do you need?

Blue Nissan pickup, Wisconsin license plate, WXT-221.

We need a list of who rented it in the last two weeks.

- Okay, y'all have a warrant, or - Dalton, listen.

We don't have time for this, pal, all right?

We're working an infection case, it's already k*lled a half dozen people, so we need you to focus, we need you to answer our questions.

Blue Nissan.


Yeah, pickup's only been rented once.

Uh, I got a name, but it's Mike Smith, and he paid cash, so When?

Uh, three days ago.

Okay, let's try a little harder, okay?

What time?

Morning, afternoon, when?

Yeah, yeah, afternoon.

It was right before I ate my lunch.

I take my break at 2:00, so it was right around then.

Great, what did he look like?

Oh, white guy, um, yea big, kinda his height.

I think he had a blue hat.

Is there a video?

Yeah, yeah, but it's hosted off-site, so the security company's gonna have to Dropbox you the footage.

Call them, we want footage for the entire day.

Right on.

- Now, Dalton.

- Yep, you got it.

An as yet undisclosed number of patients who fled quarantine remain at large.

Authorities are working diligently to track them down.

It's wall-to-wall coverage with this now.

Yep, Cindy called, they're closing Luke's school.

Seems that somebody over at that building happens to be a janitor over there, and now a bunch of the parents are demanding that the entire place get disinfected.

Guys, this is that restaurant up the street we go to, Garcia's Hacienda.

Also reporting a surge in requests - for broad-spectrum antibiotics.

- What the hell?

It's one of those conspiracy sites.

It's trending on Twitter.

What's it say?

That the outbreak is some kind of MS-13 El Salvadoran plot to get revenge on America.

Mama Garcia must be somehow involved because her food truck was over in Soldier Field, and her restaurant is only a half a block from the quarantined apartment buildings.

It's ridiculous.

Mama Garcia's pretty much the sweetest lady in Chicago.

Those who must commute via train or bus are wearing store-bought protective gear.

It's the kind of news that gets people k*lled.

Pleading with the public to remain calm.

In the next hour, we'll be speaking with a representative from the CDC who will give us a status report on their research progress.

Truck 81, public disturbance.

That's a blue hat right before 2:00.

Got it.

I know this guy.

He works at the CCU lab.

Oh, say, Heather, why don't you join the others?

Get a bite.


I could use it.

Bring you something?

No, no, I'm good.


What are you doing?

I'm sorry?

You're destroying our work.

Oh, no, no, these were contaminated samples.

You know what, you need to stay right here.
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