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05x16 - Checkmate

Posted: 10/16/19 07:57
by bunniefuu
Oliver: Previously on "Arrow"

This laptop contains 40 million rubles worth of bank transfers from Kovar that Gregor hasn't disclosed.

This is most disappointing.

I liked many of you.

Oliver: Prometheus surprised me with a very specific, unique move.

It was taught to me by a woman that I met in Russia.

You think you and Prometheus had the same teacher?

You're accepting the invitation to join Helix.

Full throttle.

What do I do with your secret?

I keep it.

I care about the city, and--and you're working double-time.

Can you talk some sense into him, please?

Mr. Mayor, Thea, meet my wife Doris.

I thought we could talk.

Can we set up a meeting tomorrow?

I'm late for a dinner.

It's important.

You could call it life or death.

You sure this is the place?

Curtis: I don't see any other monasteries on this mountain.

Felicity's note said something about a demon-- oh, wait, maybe that says, "lemon.

" Anyway, I--I texted her, but she has not hit me back.

It says, "demon.

" Oliver, I'm losing you!

I'll see you back in Star City.


[People grunting, trading blows.]

Where is she?

Who are you?

I'm a former student.

Former, which means you are not welcome here.

Talia: No!

Leave us.

I would apologize for my students' enthusiasm, but you should not have come to this place.

Well, Talia, it was difficult to find.

Our business together concluded 5 years ago.


One of your former students is trying to k*ll me.

Oh, he doesn't want to k*ll you, Oliver.

He means to destroy you utterly.

You knew?

If you knew, then why would you train him?

Why wouldn't you warn me?

Two years ago, he sought me out.

He'd already learned much about you.

He's a man of remarkable capacity.

Talia, enough!

If you knew what he wanted, then why would you train him?

You k*lled his father, and I helped him in his pursuit of vengeance because by then you'd k*lled mine!

I never told you my full name, did I?

No, you didn't.

It's Talia al Ghul.


Ra's al Ghul was your father.


My father and I came to be at odds, so I forged my own path But he was still my father when you put a sword through his chest.

So that's why you're not gonna help me.

That's why you won't tell who this Prometheus is.

Of course I will, Oliver, because I want you to suffer.

He calls himself Adrian Chase.

Arrow 5x16 Checkmate Everything ok?




Let's do this.

- Whoa.

- Yeah.

It's lit, right?

All these people, they're just You sound surprised.


I mean, I guess I just thought that a secret hacker organization would be a little bit more, well, I don't know, intimate.


Well, Helix is a worldwide operation, kind of like the U. N.

If it actually accomplished things.

You have 3D nanoelectrics designed to interface with a neural network.

We were working on something like this at Palmer Tech, and-- Who do you think we stole the prototype from?

What is that?

Real-time feed from every cell phone camera in the world running through a pattern recognition algo.

Holy-- that's-- So much bigger than anything the NSA is doing.

I know.

That's a lot of power for someone to have who's not government.

Well, the fact that we're not government's not the point.

Power to the people, right?


Power to the people.


Welcome to Helix, Felicity.

We're gonna change the world together.

Woman: Mr. Queen, I've been trying to reach you-- I need Captain Pike and Quentin Lance in my office, and I need to know where D. A.

Chase is right now.

Right now, Mr.

Chase is in the conference room.

Treatment for drug addicts over incarceration.

Mr. Mayor, I didn't think you'd be joining us this morning.

I guess you know what I've been up to, huh?

- Yeah.

- I've been working on addressing our sentencing policy for drug offenses.

Care to join?

I'd like to see you in my office, please.

Actually, can it wait?

The councilmen and I are on a clock.

Besides, you're looking a little ragged.

You tired Or is it that you've actually been asleep this whole time?

All the captains are dead.


Gregor will promote new ones loyal to him, and they will k*ll us all.

Gonna try it this way now.

I got to tell you, I don't know how that mask is gonna play here, especially since the city's not too fond of your alter ego these days.

I'll give them the Throwing Star k*ller, see how they feel.


That's your big plan, arresting me?

Oh, man, that's a bit of a letdown, I have to say.

Well, I'm not gonna k*ll you, if only because that's what you want me to do.

But you've done everything I've wanted so far.

Did you really think I'd let all this end in a parking garage?

What did you do?

I gave your girlfriend an exclusive.


Are you still dating Susan Williams?

I got to tell you, buddy.

It's been a little hard to keep track.

What did you do to her?

She's fine.

Don't worry.

As long as I'm around to make sure she gets some food and water.

Starvation and dehydration-- terrible way to go.

Bottom line--I die, she dies.

I don't make it back to her in time, she dies.

Now you could try torturing me for her location.

We both know what you're capable of in that department, but I think that we both know what I'm capable of, so, Ollie, who do you think can last longer-- Susan or me?


I'm 10 steps ahead of you, and you haven't even figured out what game we're playing yet.

Quentin: That son of a bitch.

Yeah, I'd say that pretty much covers it.

This is a hell of a city you got here.

District attorney's a serial k*ller.

He's way worse that that.

Infiltrating the government like that at the highest level right next to Oliver?

We underestimated this guy.

I underestimated him.

I trusted him.

Where is Felicity?

I've been texting her like crazy, but her phone's off.

You don't think that Prometheus has-- No.


His game is Susan.

For now.

We have to make sure Thea's safe.

Lyla and J. J. are secure at Argus.

I got in touch with Thea.

She's fine B-but we have to find Susan.

We cannot make a move on Chase until we know she's safe, until we have her here.

Keep looking for Felicity.

You GPS her phone if you have to.

We should go to Pike, tell him Chase is the Throwing Star k*ller.

And then he asks for evidence, and you say what?


Quentin's right.

Dinah, we keep the SCPD out of this until we have something.

This guy has us in check.

Yeah, for now.

John: Sent Curtis and Dinah to Opal City.

- For Chase's mother.

- He has leverage, we need some of our own.

That's not gonna work.

This guy always seems to be 10 steps ahead.

Well, Oliver, it's pretty easy, you confronting him in public like that.

What the hell were you thinking?

I wasn't thinking.

Where you going now?

According to city records, Chase's house has a subbasement.

Chase does everything sideways, man.

I doubt he has Susan someplace obvious.

I don't know what's obvious anymore.

Oh, no.

I can't let you go out there alone.

- I'm going with you.

- I can handle it.

Never said you couldn't.

3 of us cannot defeat Gregor.

We need more men.


We need a way to convince the Bratva that Gregor sold them out.

We had way.

Well, we don't have anyone that can pull data off a b*llet-ridden laptop, so Without proof, Gregor will say we are traitors.

Rest of Bratva will believe them.

And then they will k*ll us.

So we've got to k*ll him first before he tells anyone.


You've had enough to drink already.


Where would Gregor go-- I mean, where would he go right now?

He'd go to ground.

Bratva stronghold is hockey rink, but it's heavily protected.


We wouldn't even get through the door.

I think I know someone who can.

I guess Norma Bates got the hell out of Dodge.

Chase anticipated this play.

I never said that he wasn't clever.

So am I.

UmWhat's your toy doing?

It's detecting resonance frequencies upstairs.

It's not a toy.

It's a T-sphere.


Every horror movie ever has basically said that you do not go upstairs at a creepy serial k*ller's mother's house.

[Susan screams.]




Adrian: Excellent.

Now give us another scream.

So, what, we're supposed to just go to work like things are normal?

Because newsflash-- they ain't.

Tell me something I don't already know.

Chase: Ho ho!

I did think of one or two things.

This is nice, everything being out in the open now, all the cards on the table, as it were.

You got some nerve showing up here.

Why wouldn't I?

I take my job very seriously.

Speaking of, I thought my office had requested your verifications on the latest ComStat reports from the SCPD.

What you been doing?

I'm gonna k*ll you in ways that will hurt.

Threatening a city official's a felony, Mr.


You think you're so clever.

This isn't over, you son of a bitch!

I agree.

In fact, I think we're just getting started.

I want those ComStat verifications on my desk by tomorrow morning, Dog.

We can't just let that son of a bitch walk around here.

- We got to do something.

- We are doing something.


Rene and I have got eyes on Chase.

He's at city hall.

You got a green light to move on his house.

Roger that.

Ok, Spartan.

You check the upstairs and work your way down.

I'll sweep the basement.

We can meet in the middle.

Roger that.

- Please don't hurt me.

- Mrs. Chase.

What are you doing in my hou-- Mrs.

Chase, I'm not gonna hurt you. Get away from me.

Your husband isn't who you think he is.

Get out of my house.

Mrs. Chase, your husband is the Throwing Star k*ller.

He's holding an innocent woman hostage, and I need your help to find her.

- You're insane.

- Doris, please.

You need to understand the truth.

You have to know at some level that your husband has been keeping something from you.

And police and the mayor say that you're the k*ller, you.

Officer: On the floor.

On the floor!

Get down on the floor!

On the floor.

Get down on the floor!

You all right, Mrs.


I'm--I'm fine.

We got a call from your husband.

Don't worry.

We got this handled.

Get her out of here.

Tell me what you want me to do.

I am not getting into a sh**t with the SCPD.

Copy that.

I'm out.

Smart move, douchebag.

I wasn't talking to you.

Drop the bow and get on the ground!


Whole thing's about 30 seconds long.

I've been over every frame, and there's nothing to indicate a location.

At least it's proof of life.


She was alive when this video was made, but we don't know how long a--sorry.

It's fine.

He'll-- he'll keep her alive to keep me in check.

I never should have gotten involved with Susan.

I don't know what I was thinking.

You were thinking you were lonely, man.

Everyone needs somebody.


Well, maybe I gave up that right when I put on the hood.

Felicity: Hi!



I'm sorry.

I know I'm late.

I'm sorry.

I got Curtis' messages.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm here now.


Can you give us the room, please?


Much appreciated.


I usually like my tongue lashings to be done in private, so thank you.



I'm not angry.

You don't--you don't work for me.

You-- I'm worried.


Of course, for all you know, Prometheus could have kkhhk--ooh.

Not I'm worried about you.


Because you're into something, and you don't want to tell anyone about it, or maybe you just don't want to tell me.

I think we can both agree that keeping secrets doesn't end well, so Yeah, you're right.

It's just that right now is not really a good time with everything going on.

You just have to trust me on this one, ok?

- Ok.

- But speaking of the something that I'm into, it actually helped me go through the petabyte of data we took off of Chase's mother's computer.

- This - Who's Simon Morrison?

- Adrian Chase.

- What?

Simon Morrison is his birth name.

That's his real identity.

But his mother's name is Amanda Westfield.


Well, she changed her name when she went off the grid, so it runs in the family.

Well, if Adrian Chase is an alias-- then the proof that his background is fake would be enough for the ACU to arrest his ass.

However you did it, good work.

Let's put this all on the drive.

- I've got to get to city hall.

- Wait.



I mean, it's past 10:00.


Before the 11:00 news, I have to make a statement on the Green Arrow breaking into the D. A. 's house.

Obviously, this is a horrifying development.

Uh, we believe the Green Arrow was retaliating against this office for speaking out against his recent crimes.



[Camera shutters clicking.]


This office is in complete agreement with D. A. Chase.

This situation has become untenable And I am determined to bring it to a just and successful end.

I will not let anyone, anyone Terrorize this city And so I am demanding that the Green Arrow turn himself in.

He has 24 hours before I am ordering the SCPD to sh**t on sight.

[Reporters clamoring.]

That's all.

[Clamoring continues.]

Thanks for seeing me.

I know it's late.

Uh, I think we both know our jobs don't recognize late and early.

What can I do for you?

What's this?

That is evidence that Adrian Chase is a false identity.

His real name is Simon Morrison.

In the midst of an investigation, you will learn that he is the Throwing Star k*ller.


That's one hell of an accusation.

That's why I'm giving you that.

And this evidence comes from where?

An investigation that I've been conducting off the books.

With what personnel?

Work the lead, Captain Pike.

Consider that an order if it helps.

One last thing.

You didn't get that from me.

I serve at the pleasure of the mayor.

There you are.

Viktor has confirmed Gregor's location, but tell me, why did you want him gone and why are you playing Robin Hood?

I met a woman.

She taught me how to give my darkness an identity so that it doesn't consume me.

And you believed her?

[Speaks Russian.]

Oliver, whatever you think is inside you is inside you.

You--you cannot name it like that and keep it apart from you.

This woman's taught me differently.

This woman does not know what she is talking about, and if you're not careful, Oliver, one day she will be the source of your greatest pain.

Oh, my God.

And this is-- We've been calling him Prometheus, but you helped me I. D. him as Simon Morrison.

I've been striking out at getting a location off this, but someone with a cell phone at some point must have entered this room, which means there should be pictures of it on your database.

If I can cross-reference the images of your database with this video, I should be able to help the police find her.

And that's, like, really cool and noble and all.

I mean, she definitely needs your help But?

But, Felicity, we gave you Pandora.

We helped you sort through that data pull, and now, well, people are starting to ask what you're doing for us.

I mean, we didn't invite you in just so you could check items off your to-do list.


It feels gross saying-- No.

Uh, no.

You're right.


So quid pro quo.

I help you, you help me.

I was kind of hoping you'd say that.

We've been trying to break the encryption on a certain Homeland security drone.

- Why?

- Need to know, I'm afraid.

Question is what are you willing to quo in exchange for your quid?

Uh, can you check some files for me?

Any legal records you can find on a Simon Morrison.






You ok, buddy?

Need some medical attention or something?


- What happened?

- Some lowlife att*cked him outside the precinct.

SCPD's canvassing, but the security cameras, they did not get a shot of his face.

But How's Pike?

He's comatose.

This was Chase.

I don't know, Oliver.

m*rder by lowlife is not exactly his style.

Earlier tonight, I gave Pike a lead connecting Chase to Prometheus.

I thought we didn't have any leads.

Felicity resurfaced with something.

Is Pike's family in there?

Nope, but somebody else is.

Life's just so fragile, isn't it?

Decades of hopes and dreams, and in one moment, one little mistake, and it all just goes away.

I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else.


Because so far, you haven't been able to do much to stop me.

Susan's fine by the way.

Well, alive at any rate.

Me and my team are gonna find her, and when we do, the second that we do I'm gonna put an arrow right through your heart.

You do realize how impotent you sound, right?

You think this is a game?

I don't feel like playing anymore.

You don't have a choice, Oliver.

If you k*ll me, you k*ll Susan, and she will be as dead as your mother, as Tommy, as Shado, as Laurel, as your friend Pike here probably-- all dead because of you.

So go ahead.

k*ll me.

Let's find out how much more loss you can take because I don't think it's much.

I think that you're one loss away from being destroyed.

I guess we'll have to find another way to handle this then.

You see, that's the beautiful thing about all of this, Oliver.

If you k*ll me, you'll only really be k*lling yourself.


[Arrow whooshes.]


[Deep voice.]

Thanks for the assist.

What is thing you are doing with your voice?



[Both typing.]



Oh, oh!

I'm in.


We're in.



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Did we just accidentally hack a DHS drone system?

Well, I wouldn't exactly say accidentally.

- Tch.

Am I right?

- Uh-uh, uh-uh.

Felicity, please explain to me why we're hacking Homeland security drones instead of finding Susan's location like you told me we would be!

Because hacking the drones is what's gonna lead us to Susan.

It's--it's So complicated.

Holy crap.

You just sent the receiver false data, and now you are spoofing the GPS system.

There's nothing slight about this.

This is just straight-up illegal.

Spill 100% deets right now.

- Right now!

- Ok, ok.

So I've--I've kind of made some--heh-- new friends.


And they have access to unaccessible amounts of data and Intel, tons of it.

They helped me get John out of prison, and now they're willing to help us find Susan.

That's all.

If you redirect a few U. S.

border control drones.


Don't look at me like that.


I've already gotten chapter and verse from John and Oliver.

Please don't, please.

I can't imagine them signing off on you hacking Homeland Security.

They don't know, do they?

All they need to know is that I am a grown woman making my own grown-up decisions.


Got anything for me?


What is it, man?

Is it Susan?

Not yet, but it's just a matter of time.

I don't know what I can do to stop it.

Well, Oliver, there are always options, and you're not alone.

Do you think that's the problem?

You've done a wonderful job of convincing me that I'm changing for the better With the recruits and the [Sighs.]

The transparency, more optimism, more--more trust.

You think none of this would have happened if you hadn't trusted Chase, right?

Trusted anyone.

Because I--I can't see anything past me just creating more targets.


We're not targets, man.

We're your teammates.

We're your strength.

You give me strength until Chase turns it into a weakness.

Look what happened with Susan.

I let myself get close to Susan, and in so doing, I gave Chase a way to get to me.

That could happen with you, with with Felicity with my son.

All of you make me vulnerable, John.


Maybe we do But caring about people, Oliver, that makes you human.


Being human's a luxury I might not get to have.

[Cell phone vibrating.]



Got it.

Tell Dinah and Rene.

Felicity found out where Chase is keeping Susan.

- Let's go!

- John.

There's something I need you to do for me.

If I'm gonna beat this guy, it'll be by playing his game And I know someone who makes him vulnerable.

Rene: This is where Prometheus is holding Susan?

Or at least he was when he shot that video.

I'm reading a few dozen heat signatures inside.

Chase brought backup?

Or he's using decoys.

It's decoys.

Prometheus works alone.

Problem is Susan could be any one of those heat signatures.

We should split up, canvass floor by floor.


Overwatch, any word on Spartan?

Uh, package is en route.

- ETA 5 minutes.

- Package?

Oliver's got something up his green sleeve.

These puppies should help double our search capabilities.

Next time, I get to kick the door in.


Whatever floats your boat, Lassie.


Get back!

What was that?

Some sort of expl*si*n.

Dinah, Rene, do you copy?




We copy.

But we're trapped in here.

- Oh.

Son of a bitch!

- Yeah.

What if those heat signatures are incendiary devices?

I think we can pretty much confirm that.

We got 5 minutes for search and rescue before this whole place comes down.

You get Dinah and Wild Dog out of here.

- I will find Susan.

- Assuming she's still here.

Which I'm totally sure she still is.





Are you ok?

- Yeah.

A-Adrian Chase is-- - I know!

Don't worry.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

[Elevator rumbling.]

What's happening?

Chase is controlling the elevator.

Susan, we need to get you out of here.

- This building is gonna explode.

- What about-- Chase wants me.

You're no longer his target.

I was gonna say what about you?

I'm gonna finish this.

Get to safety.

Hello, Oliver.

Can you guys hear me in there?


Just waiting on that rescue.


Step back!

I'm glad Talia told you.

I prefer it this way, face to face.

There's an honesty to it.

Well, honestly I'm gonna keep both of us here until this building comes down on top of us.

Then you'd be dead.

So would you.


You really think I'd let that happen, Oliver?


Remember, I'm always 10 steps ahead of you.

You know, if that were true, you probably would have seen this coming.


You shouldn't be here.

How else was I supposed to find out the truth?

You k*lled all those people.

It's not that simple.

You k*lled them.

It's simple.

I know, baby.

This can't be you.

It's not you.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Why did you make her come here?

To get you to stop.

You have to stop.

You have to--you have to turn yourself in.

I can't do that.


Whatever this is, whatever you're doing, it's over.

You'd tell the police?


You tell them.

You're right.

I'm gonna take care of this.



[Both grunting.]


Felicity: I've got an ambulance en route to your position.

Oh, my God.

Oliver's in there with Chase.

Go help him now!




[Adrian panting.]

I told you, Oliver.

I'm not gonna k*ll you, and you can't k*ll me.

Yes, Adrian.

Yes, I can!

[Metal scrapes.]

[Arrow whooshes.]

Felicity: What's going on?

Guys, some sort of sitrep.

Chase is gone.

And so is Oliver.

Where's Oliver?

- Guys!

- We have to assume that Chase has him.

What about Susan and Chase's wife?

Felicity: Susan's at the precinct.

Quentin is with her, um, but Doris passed away en route to Starling General.

Rene: We've got to work on finding Oliver.

Felicity, you found Susan.

You can find him.

You're right.

Felicity, please tell me you're not going to see them again.

Dinah's right.

They're the ones that found Susan.





Oliver, is that you?


It's the man who's gonna k*ll you.


You up for making a statement?

Yeah, I'm up for anything that puts Adrian Chase in the electric chair.

Actually, we only got lethal injection in this state, but I like your thinking.

Hello, Ms.


Long time, no see.

You get away from her.

Please don't thr*aten me.

I'm in mourning.

Haven't you heard?

The Green Arrow k*lled my wife earlier tonight, and apparently, the mayor's missing.

You wouldn't happen to know where he is, Quentin?

Honestly, it doesn't look good, Oliver disappearing under these circumstances.

You give me one good reason why I shouldn't have you arrested right now.

Because you don't want your friend back in pieces.


Everyone's megaimpressed with the DHS hack you did for us.

That's great.

You've also been chosen as the first woman to go to Mars.


A friend of mine is missing.

The information we gave you didn't help?

Different friend.

You have a lot of missing friends.

Yeah, and this time, I have no leads whatsoever.

You guys have better resources than I do, and I have to use everything that I can to find him and do whatever you need me to do for you.

[Chains rattling.]

[Metal door opens.]


Talia: I don't believe I taught you how to escape from shackles, Oliver.

Your father was an honorable man.

You've allied with a psychopath, and he'd be ashamed of you.

Well, when it comes to the shame of fathers, I shall bow to your superior expertise.

Just make sure he suffers.

That was always the plan.

My friends will find me.

They're my strength.

That's sweet, but I'm running out of ways to tell you, Oliver.

I'm not interested in k*lling you.

Then what the hell is this game that we're playing?

When I had Susan as my guest, I confessed to her that you'd helped me discover who I really am.

That's what I'm gonna help you do, Oliver.


Move your head.