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03x05 - Blindspots

Posted: 10/15/19 12:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Scream".

BETH: Deion thinks he's the hero of this story.

That's what makes him the easiest target of all.

- Man, I need a g*n.

- JAY: If you mixed up in it, then I'm mixed up in it.

You said I'm the only brother you got, right?

We gotta stick together, y'all.

Well, not if it's one of us doing this.

One of us?

Nobody wants to show you their dark side.

REYNOLDS: Sometimes you don't see it until it's too late.

- Help!

- No!

I'm done leaving my friends when they need me.

You smell like Skittles and smoke.

BETH: Well then why don't you taste the rainbow?




- Freeze.

Get down.




- [SIGHS.]


- Hello?

- DEION: Hey, it's me.

I can't believe Amir is gone, you know?

Me either.

Not like I've had any time to process, though, not with everything that's going on with my dad, too.

Is he okay?

They stopped the bleeding finally, but he's still unconscious.

He gonna make it?

They don't know yet.

Where are you?

Still at this police station, answering questions.

They just finally let me make a call.

Deion, you can't say anything to the police.

Remember what Ghostface told us?

Snitches die.

Look, what did you tell the cops to get me caught up like this?

I said that I heard my dad was hurt and that you're the one who told me.

I wasn't trying to get you in trouble.

Look, you don't think I had nothing to do with what happened to your dad, do you?

And what about you?

You didn't come right out and say it, but you believe I'm the k*ller?

Liv, I almost died tonight because of you.

I got handcuffed and thrown into the back of a police car because of you.

I'm here getting grilled about something I had nothing to do with because of you.

k*ller or not, it don't matter.

I just need you to do one thing for me.

What's that?

Never talk to me again.


Don't worry, as long as your dad's in there, nobody comes in or out without my say-so.



Liv keep your chin up.

We're pulling for him.



This is all my fault.

I'm sorry for this, for everything.


- [GASPS.]



- NURSE 1: V-tach.

- NURSE 2: I'm checking his lines.

Check his airways.


- Sir, can you hear us?

- BP is dropping.

Good news, Mr.


Officer Reynolds came to just long enough to clear you of any involvement.

Says you weren't the one who att*cked him.

You mean I can go now?

Unless, of course, there's anything you wanna add before you leave.

Maybe something to help lead us to whoever k*lled that Muslim kid?

Man, that Muslim kid got a name.

That's my friend Amir.

And I just spent the last seven hours telling you that I didn't have nothing to do with that.

What, you wanna listen now?

Just do your damn job.

There's people dying out here.

Good people.



Well, good morning, gangster.


Why you acting like a sad little bitch, man?

You out.

My friend died last night, man.

Then why you trying to go to school right now?

- Maybe you should take a day.

- Can't.

Game's tomorrow.

That's all that's on your mind?

'Cause you ain't so much looked at me once since you got in my car.

Man, you gave me an unloaded g*n yesterday.

What's up with that?

Man, you pop somebody, that ain't a night of questioning.

That's a mandatory minimum in a state pen.

And then what happens to all them little football dreams?

Thought that and that little cheerleader were the only thing you cared about.

Not no more.

Me and Liv are done, man.

Either way, I did your ass a favor with that g*n.

Yeah, whatever.

I got my own stuff to deal with.

Yeah, like what?

DEION: What's that?

Stuff for a party?

Yeah, I do a little promoting on the side.

Something you'd probably know if you thought about anybody but yourself.

JAY: All right.

We're here.

You can go.

Don't wanna be late, schoolboy.


I'll hand these out for you.

Favor for a favor.

- Deion, wait.



That don't mean we even.



What do you want?


Cops talk to you about Amir?

Yeah, only all night.

If you wanna talk about it, I understand what you're going through.

Then please, tell me, what What am I going through?

Grief, pain.

You lost your dude just like I lost Manny.

You and Manny were best friends.

I didn't I didn't even know Amir.

Either way, Beth, k*ller took a lot from us both.

Speaking of I've been thinking a lot about what Deion said last night about Liv.

- About how she's Ghostface?

- Mm-hmm.

And I was also thinking that maybe we should find out for sure.

Investigate her together.

Team up?


Right, that's a terrible idea.

Girl, we Riggs and Murtaugh.

- What?

- We just left the world of horror good riddance, by the way and now we buddy cops.

Two police officers, different cultures, different perspectives, - forced to be partners.


So not my genre.

But it's mine, though, okay?

48 Hrs.

, Rush Hour, Lethal w*apon, Turner & Hooch.

Well, that last one's about a white guy and a dog, but you get the point.

Look, I know we're supposed to be curled up in a corner crying somewhere, but I've done enough of that.

I don't know about you, but I could really use some company while I try to figure out who k*lled my friends our friends.

One condition.

- Am I Chris Tucker or Jackie Chan?

- Bitch, I'm both.

Sounds like a plan partner.

[IMITATES g*nsh*t.]



He's stable.

- Thank God.

- But he isn't out of the woods yet.

Both lungs were punctured during the attack.

Well, is he gonna be okay?

With surgery, most likely, but we tend not to make guarantees.

We'll do everything we can, I promise.


Have a seat.

- This about last night?

- You're damn right.

I got caught up, but I got cleared.


I didn't do nothing wrong and the police know that now.

You ever heard of the phrase "Perception is reality," Deion?

No, sir.

It means that whatever people think is true might as well be true.

San Diego State's head coach got in town late last night.

Guess what he read with his morning coffee.

Now he thinks you had something to do with that cop getting hurt.


As a young black man, whether you did it or not is beside the point.

- Perception is reality.

- But we got to tell him the truth.

I mean, change his perception or something.

- Oh, he's not coming to the game.

- Why not?

He's not interested in recruiting you anymore.

He's already here!

You're my coach.

You can do something about it, can't you?

Look at me.

We talked about this.

This was your shot, D.

You blew it.

It's over.



- Hey.

Your dad was able to talk a little bit before they took him back to surgery.

And we completed a sketch right here based on his account.

Does this mean something to you?

I've never seen anything like it.

If he dies, blood will be on both our hands, so call me back, or better yet, show up.

KYM: Damn.


That was harsh, even for me.

You guys here to monitor how polite I am on the phone?

What do you want?

To know who you were talking to, for starters.

- Yeah, on that phone.

- Oh, I see what this is.

- You came to interrogate me.

- Let's just cut to the chase.

Why you always MIA when people wind up dead, Liv?


Manny, Amir?

My dad is fighting for his life, and you two have the nerve to bring this here, now?

Look, all we want is some answers.

- If you're not the k*ller - If?

All right, screw both of you guys and your questions.

Think whatever you want.

I don't have time for this.

- Well, that went well.

- We just came at it wrong, is all.

And when an investigation hits a snag in a detective movie, boom!

It's time for a little good cop, bad cop.

JAY: So, let me get this straight.

The whole reason you called me is because you wanna work for Mr.

Fade, huh?

Yeah, I went to his last party, and it was lit.

Till our QB died.

And since when you interested in promoting?

You didn't even know I was messing with it till today.

I didn't know football wasn't an option for me either until today.

What you mean?

San Diego State blew me off this morning.

I guess the time for dreams and fantasies, man, that's over.

It's time for me to deal with what's real.

Like this.

This seems like a good way to make money.

Or you can introduce me to Fade.

Maybe he can hook me up.

Sorry, can't help you.

- Come on, Jay, why not?

- Because I don't know the dude.

I'm partnered with a dude who's partnered with a dude who's partnered with a dude.

But I ain't never met Fade.

Look, the party's tonight, huh?

Then just let me help out.

If I do a good job, you send my name up the ladder.

Maybe your boys can get paid to holler at me.

I don't know, man.

I ain't no choirboy.

I'm not so sure you can handle the things I'm getting into.

Believe it or not, I ain't no choirboy neither.

All right?

I ain't who you think I am, Jay, trust me.

Just let me prove it, please.

All right.

We're gonna see if you can walk the walk.

Just don't say I didn't warn you.

You back for another round of questioning, Officer?

We shouldn't have came at you as hard as we did.

I'm sorry.

For real.

I get it.

I'm the new girl that threw out wild theories.

I'm coincidentally absent at all the wrong times.

What do you want me to say?

I'm not the k*ller.

That burner phone, though, you have to explain that.

My mom gave it to me so I could always reach her.

That doesn't make any sense.

Long story short, my mom cheated on my dad.

He was so mad that she started to worry he might stop me and her from talking, so she gave me the phone before she left.

But she's not answering my calls now when I need her.

It's my fault they broke up.

Kids are always blaming themselves for a divorce, but grown-ups split up all the time.

My Auntie Monica had five husbands.


That's a basketball team.

Ain't nobody fault but hers and the lames she chooses to marry.

No, you don't get it.

It's actually my fault.

I'm the one that caught my mom, and, admittedly, I didn't take it too well.

- Maybe I acted out.

- What do you mean, acted out?

I just went crazy for one second.

- [SIGHS.]

- And the next thing I remember, we're all mad at each other.

They're getting divorced and me and my dad are moving to Atlanta.

Thanks to my snooping, my parents split.

My dad is here in the hospital.

Deion's not even talking to me anymore.


What do you mean Deion's not talking to you?

Oh, I don't blame him.


He thinks I'm responsible for getting him locked up, and he's right.

It still hurts, though, especially after we Especially after what?

JAY: This the spot.

You're gonna go in there and ask for Dro.

- He gonna have something for you.

- You ain't coming?


You trying to see what this life about, so go see.

Hey, and don't come back without that package.

You feel me?




Jay sent me.

So what's up with this package, man?

I don't really think I should just be putting that package in anybody's hand except for Jay's.

You know, he dropped a lot of cash on it, so.

I'm his brother.

You can trust me.

Yeah, you're the little football dude he was talking about, right?


Wait, didn't I hear something about you getting arrested last night?


I mean, no.

- They just wanted to talk.

- Oh.

So, you talked to them?

The police?

Not exactly.

They Look, man, I didn't see nothing.

So I ain't have nothing to talk about.

You know, it's real crazy 'cause you know, police don't just be letting people just, you know, walk out of their station unless they cooperate.

You ain't no snitch, is you, boy?

I ain't no snitch.


Stay right there.

DRO: Come on, man.

All the air left in that bag.

Make sure y'all bagging that tight.

What you doing, man?

Being sloppy over there.

MAN: Yo, man, chill.

BETH: You must be out of your mind.

- No, I am not staying here.

- You gotta.

I need to find Deion, and he's not picking up his phone.

So, you're just gonna leave me alone here with a serial k*ller?

That's the thing.

I'm not so sure Liv's the k*ller anymore.

Why the hell not?

Some sob story about her parents' divorce and Deion using her for sex?

- Nowadays, we call that sophomore year.

- Call it a gut feeling.

You're taking this good-cop thing way too far, because my gut feeling says Liv is still our prime suspect.

That's because you're the bad cop and exactly why you should stay here.

Keep an eye on her.

- I thought we were in this together.

- Yeah.

But this is the part of the movie where the partners split up just for a few scenes, then come back together to solve the case.


You didn't see how bad it's hitting her.

She's a mess.

And if she's not the k*ller, we need to be sticking together.

Trying to talk some sense into Deion might actually help, so have a heart, Beth.

I know you have one in there.


I can't stand this family-boy-sex drama.

I'm so not equipped.


Just be there for her.

Can you do that?

Man, hurry up!

We already late.

Put that in the trunk and let's bounce.

JAY: Damn.


- JAY: What you doing back there?


- I told you we late.

- Man, what the hell is this?

What it look like?

It's a Halloween costume.

Jay, I'm being serious.

- You need to answer me.

- Man, why you tripping?

Man, it's the same costume that Marcus had on when he died.

Man, come with me, and I promise you you'll get the answers you need.

Man, why we here?

I thought you said I was gonna get some answers.

And you will.

Just chill.

What's this stuff anyways?

My guess, probably two parts cornmeal, a little bit of flour, a little bit of garlic.

I don't know.

Dro got a secret recipe.

Here's that catfish breading.

- Sorry it's late, man.

- You was messing with me?


You think I would really send you in there to get some dr*gs?

Dro went to culinary school, bro.

I texted him before you went in and told him to mess with you.

But why, man?

'Cause it was hilarious.

You should've seen the look on your face.

Man, you can laugh all you want, but that still don't explain why you got that costume.

Actually, it does.

I do deliveries for Fade.

I pick up at one place, drop off at another.

Couple days ago, I was supposed to take these costumes to the Old Metro Station for some big party.

I don't know.

This one probably fell out the trunk.

But who chose that costume?

Marcus' costume?

Hey, man, you can get that at any dollar store.

- It's probably just a coincidence.

- Look, Jay, who chose it?

- It was Fade's party.

- Well, then I need to talk to Fade.

I already told you I don't even know the dude.

Why this so important to you anyway?

This got anything to do with why you got locked up?

Or why you needed a loaded g*n?

Maybe you should start telling me some answers.

I can't.

Man, you need to get out of my face, then.

For real.


KYM: Deion Elliot.

We need to talk.

DEION: How'd you find me anyways?

Why are you trying to play Liv?

She told me you hit.

It's not even like that.

All right?

She set me up.

I spent a night at a police station because of her.

Look, I just left the hospital with both her and Beth.

Liv knows she screwed up, but she really likes you, Deion, and you'd know that if you'd stop partying and picked up your phone.

Does it look like I'm kicking it right now?

Not really.

So, why are you here?

I'm looking for Mr.


But Shane was Fade, and he's dead.

Kym, somebody's throwing this party.

- You think Fade's here?

- Well, he could be.

All I know is that Jay's working for him.

He knows more than what he's telling me.

So, if you can get Jay to give up Fade, then Then maybe Fade can lead me to Ghostface.


I think I can get it out of him.


Enhanced interrogation techniques.

Watch me work.

Somehow I knew you was the Elliot with all the right moves.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

I mean, I know I grew up with Deion, but I always had my eyes on you.

Pretty sure I caught you catching sneak peeks of me, too.

Yeah, I've been looking at you.

You official.

So, uh, Mr.

Fade sure knows how to throw a good party.


You know, I was gonna throw a benefit, a dance for the kids down at the Y.

I thought maybe it could use Mr.

Fade's magic touch.

Can you introduce him to me?

- I'd like to meet him.

- Tsk.

- Deion put you up to this?

- What?


He told you I'm working with Fade?

Okay, look, Jay, with everything he's got going on, we've got going on, I mean, it would help a lot if you could introduce us to him.


Come on, please.

Don't be like that.



JAY: Yo.

You can't be putting my business out there like that.

- What?

- You trying to play me?

You sent Kym to come get info out of me?

You really that desperate?

Yeah, I actually am.

All right, then.

Well, get your ass up.

- Why?

- Because you about to meet Mr.


Man, where's Fade at?

Man, I told you I'm gonna make the intro.

But you gotta tell me what's going on with you first.

I've done a lot for you recently.

And I knew you was holding secrets and I still didn't pressure you.

But Kym knows what's up?

Me, your own brother, don't?

All right.

Look, there's a serial k*ller on the loose, all right?

- He's after me.


Man, I thought you was gonna tell me the truth.


Look, I'm not playing, Jay.

Same dude that got LT, four other kids from my school, man, my friends.

But he really want me.

- I know that sound crazy - Yeah, it does.

It sounds crazy.

Man, we live in a rough place.

- That don't mean - That's exactly what it mean.

Serial k*ller, man.

Now, you trying to hear about it or not?

All right.


I'm listening.


You okay?


You want to I don't know talk about it, or?

What, with you?

You wouldn't even be here if you didn't think I was Ghostface.

- Technically true, but - You know what?

Just leave me alone.


I'm here for you.

JAY: A serial k*ller?

I mean, clearly you've been dealing with some things, but that's deep.

What's it got to do with Fade, though?

I was thinking that maybe Fade knows who the k*ller is.

- Maybe the k*ller himself.


- Now you're reaching, bruh.

- No, I'm not Come on, Jay.

The costumes, man.

Ain't no way around that.

Well, like I said, that probably was a coincidence.

Not to me, it ain't.

Where's Fade?

Let him explain it to me.

He just did.

What you just say?

I'm Mr.


Well, at least now I am.

I was working with Shane, and this party was already on the books.

So, I just decided to step up.

Man, I'm out here hustling.

Unlike you, I ain't waiting for no coach, or college, or magic fairy to come and save me.

I saw a chance to get money and I took it, simple as that.

It's the truth.

Why you still looking at me like that?

You gave me an unloaded g*n so just in case I had the chance to sh**t the k*ller, I wouldn't sh**t you.

- Deion, look, man - No, no.

Don't touch me, bro.

That's what it is.

Yeah, the k*ller gotta be somebody close to me.

Somebody that know my past, my personal life, where I'm at, when I'm near, where to hit me, where it hurt the most.

Then I ain't him.

Man, we ain't never been close like that.

We blood, though, right?

We brothers, right, Jay?

If that mean anything, you tell me this.

Where was you at last night?


I don't gotta answer to you.

- Man, what you talking about?

- Let's do it.

You don't deserve a brother.

Where you going?

Hey, man.

Man, I'm talking to you.

Where you going?


You think I'm the k*ller?

Then ask yourself this.

What would I do next?

Maybe visit your little girlfriend and her daddy down at the hospital.


Like you said, hit you where it hurts the most.









- Hey, hey.

Where's Liv?

- I don't know.

She just had, like, a major hissy fit and bailed.

Kym said she was with you, and she's not answering none of my calls.

Yeah, I don't blame her.

You pumped and dumped, dude.

- What's going on?

- Find her, please.

But you guys gotta get out, okay?

My brother Jay's the k*ller and he's coming for her right now!



Let me help you with that.

Thank you.



You mind watching that for a sec?

We're short-staffed.

I need to answer that.

Thank you.

Intensive Care Unit.






Excuse me.

Um, I'm looking for a patient, Reynolds, maybe Intensive Care?

I'm sorry, son, but unless you're family, visiting hours been over.

No, you don't understand.

I really need to see him.


- Well I'm showing smoke on the third floor right across from ICU.

WOMAN: Fire and Medical has been informed and dispatched.

MAN: Here.

MAN: Ladies, to the left.

Jay, listen to me, man.

Don't do this.





Hey, come on, man, don't do this.

Come on, look, I'm right here!

I'm the one you want.




- Jay!


Man, don't do this, man.

Come on, look, I'm right here!




Come on.

Breathe, breathe.

Please breathe.


Come on, man.

Come on, man!

- [GASPS.]

- Don't die on me.


- There we go.

There we go.


There we go.

DOCTOR: I'll take it from here, son.

I got it.

- DOCTOR: Nurse, vitals?

- NURSE: Yes.

- Here we are.

- 80 over 40.


Here you go, Doctor.

- DOCTOR: We got you.


BETH: There you are.

I feel like I've been looking for you my whole life.

The machine spit out two.

I'm not even pissed you guys would think it was me.

I mean, it just hurts that Deion was thinking it, too.

He didn't even give me a chance to explain myself the way you and Kym did.

Welcome to dating dudes 2018.

After we hooked up, I thought we were closer than that.

Me and Amir banged last night.

I don't know if it brought us closer together, if it even meant anything or whatever, but I do know I was really rooting for that kid.

I wish it didn't end like that.


Endings are rough.

Then maybe don't let this be the end of you and Deion.

Hey, you wanna get Starbucks or something?

Yeah, hard pass.

Look, you're not as lame as I thought you were, but we can't be friends or anything.

Uh, okay.

Why not?

Because friends are blind spots.

You let somebody get too close, you start to miss things.

- Just look at Deion and Jay.

- What about Deion and Jay?

When you ghosted, Deion called me.

Jay's the k*ller.


- Corner.



- Ugh.

What is that?

Five in a row?

Maybe now that you're done taking all my money, you'll reconsider coming to that game tomorrow night.

Oh, no, no.

My AD would have a fit if he thought I was even thinking about recruiting a felon.

We've been over this.

Deion wasn't even arrested.

Why are you putting yourself on the line for this kid anyway, Griff?

He's a good kid.

He just needs another chance.

I'll tell you what.

Double or nothing.

But if I win, you come to that game tomorrow.

- You are on.

- Can I break?


Your funeral.


- LIV: Deion, wait.

I'm not sure if you're still mad at me or whatever, but I wanted to say thank you.

They told me what you did for my dad.

- It's all good.

Don't mention it.

- Are you okay?

Beth told me what's going on with Jay.

Are you sure your brother's Ghostface?

My half-brother.

You know, I can't see how it can be anybody else.

I mean, least of all you.

You had my back since the jump, and I just kept you at an arm's distance, and I should've just trusted you.

- I'm sorry, Liv.

- I'm sorry, too.

- I got you thrown in jail.

- Yeah.

Maybe when this is all over, we could find a way to start fresh.

No need to wait.

First, I gotta I gotta find Jay.

I gotta end this.


Okay, name one horror movie that ends with the kids going to the cops and the cops catching the k*ller.

You ain't been listening, Beth.

We're not in a horror movie right now.

This is a detective story, and we just cracked the case.

What if Deion's wrong?


Okay, let's review the evidence.

Deion said he saw a mask in Jay's car earlier, then Deion called you and said that Jay was on his way to the hospital.

Now we at the hospital and Ghostface is over here attacking fools.

What more proof do you need?

Still, going to the cops seems so drastic.

Well, drastic times calls for b*tches to grow a pair.

Yeah, but, Kym, snitches die, remember?

Everybody's dying already.

Okay, fine.

Go ahead.


I need a white girl next to me.

Adds credibility.

Excuse me, Officers.

I'm completely unarmed.

We know who's behind that mask.

His name is Jay Elliot.




- [GASPS.]




GHOSTFACE: Hello, Jay.

New phone.

Who's this?

You know exactly who it is.

You made a big mess tonight.

Maybe I can help you clean it up.

Man, why you playing?

You've taken some undeserved credit.

I can't have that.

Charade comes to an end tonight.







JAY: Wait, wait Wait.



Next time on "Scream".

GHOSTFACE: Ironic, isn't it, that you're so sure you figured out who I am.

LIV: Whoever this is has evaded detection at every turn, somehow avoided any ounce of suspicion.

You have no idea who I really am.

Me and you, we're not final girls.

LIV: How's the k*ller gonna finish us off?