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03x02 - Devil's Night

Posted: 10/15/19 11:48
by bunniefuu
- BOY: I got you, bruh.

- I had a brother named Marcus, and we went out on Halloween when we was kids.

I left my twin brother to die.

- Help me!

- Y'all wanna party tonight?

Everybody knows that nobody knows who Fade really is.

DEION: Now somebody is wearing his costume - threatening to k*ll all of us.


KYM: Somebody has it out for Deion.

What the hell does that have to do with the rest of us?

"Show me your insides"?

What does that mean?

We're in a horror movie.

We're being hunted by a k*ller here.

K*llers have codes and horror has rules.

And I'm pretty sure we're all gonna die.




- Where you going with all them movies?

- Studying.


You're looking for some company.

My Netflix and chill game is on point.

I find it hard to believe you have much practice sleeping on your mama's couch, LATAVIOUS.


- What y'all laughing at?

You know you've been checking me out girl, so I think it's time we get together and make this work.


- Good night.




- KYM: Girl, the k*ller in the house.

- Get me another beer.

Get out the house, sis.

- [SIGHS.]


MAN ON TV: All right, I'll go.



WOMAN ON TV: Okay, enough.

Joke's over.


- [CRIES.]

- KYM: Told ya.


- [SIGHS.]


- Who this?

- GHOSTFACE: Do you like scary movies?

No, I do not because everyone in them is stupid as hell.

- Do you like to play games?

- I ain't buying what you're selling.

So, unless you tell me who you are, I'm hanging up.

But I wanna know who you are, Kym, on the inside.

- Ghostface?

- See?

You're good at games.

Too bad we're not playing 20 Questions.

We ain't playing, period.

Yes, we are.

The game started the second Avery's body hit the ground.

The only question is, which one of you hypocrites dies next?

You get off on scaring people, huh?

Well, too bad I ain't scared.

We'll see.

Because I'm not here to scare you.

I'm here to k*ll you.

Go ahead, then.

I got people over badder than you.

You look alone to me in your pink, fuzzy slippers.


Come outside, then.

I'll introduce you to my people!

You mean the drug dealers exploiting the community they live in?

They're the biggest hypocrites of all.

We may even agree on that, but at least they strapped.




Call 911!

Officer down!

Officer down!

White officer down!

- White officer down!


- Kym.

- What happened?

Are you okay?

- Hell, no.


- It's gonna be all right.

Okay, the k*ller was wearing a mask, like, a Halloween costume.

- You getting this?

- Sure, loud and clear.

Then why aren't you writing what I'm saying in that little pad of yours?

We appreciate your cooperation.

- We'll handle it from here.

- You're not handling nothing.

Now step back.

You're in an active crime scene.

You ain't gotta tell me.

I live here.


- Yo, what's going on, Kym?

You know, just another Tuesday in College Park.

- Damn, that Squeaky?

- It's what's left of LATAVIOUS.

I found him after some dude turned him into a Pez dispenser.

- Know who k*lled him?

- Cops won't hear our theories.

They already had it figured out.

Some sort of gangland thing.

JAY: Hmm.

Always talking down on the hood.

You only been here a few years, so you're still fresh as far as this neighborhood concerned.

Yeah, well, it's my home now.

- I'mma make my mark.

- What's that supposed to mean?

I'd rather not get into it right now.

You know, present company and all.

I'm out, y'all.

BETH: As much as I'd love to sit around here and mourn the dearly departed, can we please get back to the issue at hand here?

Kym almost got k*lled last night.

So we know that the k*ller's after us, but why would he k*ll LT?

He was trying to k*ll me.

But he did say something about LATAVIOUS being a hypocrite, which is true.

But LT was also fine.

I did not mind him hollering at me.

I keep telling you guys, K*llers have codes.

Code or no code, I should've gotten there sooner.

And do what?

Have an asthma attack?

I love you, Manny, but conflict isn't your strong suit.

DEION: Maybe Beth's right.

Because if the k*ller went after Kym, then he's keeping good on his word.

- I think we should call the cops.

- No, no.

In horror movies, the cops are totally useless.

They don't believe the victims until it's too late.

Works that way in real life, too.

By the time Five-0 got there last night, they already had their story straight.

Apparently, dope dealers like masks just as much as psychopaths do.

Beth, if we're trapped in a horror movie how do we survive?

By not listening to her.

I did the research, y'all, and the type of horror movies that Beth's talking about are white people in white-people places making dumb white-people mistakes.


That's exactly what horror is.


There are horror movies with black folks, too.

Oh, really?

Name one.

Besides Get Out.

I don't have to because we're making our own rules just like Jordan Peele.

No spoilers.

I haven't seen it yet.

It ain't a spoiler when it's the title.

Chris gets out.

He survived by going straight at the K*llers, and I say we do the same.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but - I think Kym's right.


BETH: Think about it.

In most horror movies, nobody actually goes after the k*ller until almost everybody's dead.

If we do that now, we flip the script.

- Ghostface won't see it coming.

- DEION: You're forgetting something.

- We have no idea who Ghostface is.


All right, five minutes till Homeroom.

I don't plan on detention ever again, so what are we doing?

We hold tight, at least until we figure out who's doing this to us.

- When are we gonna do that?

- After school.

We'll meet up and talk suspects.

But until then, nobody stick their neck out.

- DEION: Cool?

- BETH: Fine.

Do you guys wanna flip a coin and see who's gonna call the princess and let her know?

As long as both sides say "not me.

" Where is Liv today?

You can't keep me locked up in this house like I'm some kind of convict.

If you were a convict, you might listen to me for a change.


I didn't mean that.

It's only been two days since that boy you were hanging out with died.

I think you're still in shock.

Then I should be at school with my friends, not alone with my thoughts.

You wanna share any of those thoughts with me?

You wanna tell me when I can go back to school?

Tomorrow, after Devil's Night.


But Devil's Night is just harmless pranks, egging houses, shaving cream on sidewalks.

Maybe where we're from, but we're not there anymore, are we?

A drug dealer got stabbed to death in College Park last night.

I don't want you out in that kind of chaos, period.

- I won't get into any trouble.


Hey, Dad?

Did you guys find anything else out about Avery, how he died?

His blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit.

He got drunk and he fell.

End of story.

It was an accident, not some mystery for you to solve, okay?




Elliot, got a minute?

We need to get to that assembly.

It's all cool, Kym.

I'll catch up.

- How you doing, Coach?

- Kym.

- What's up?

- Look, there's no easy way to say this, but our quarterback's dead, which means I need you under center.

Wait, me?

Why me?

C'mon Coach I'm a running back.

- I never took a snap in my life.

- It doesn't matter.

You're the best player I got, Elliot.

Need the ball in those hands as much as possible.

Come on, learning a whole new position in a week?

I know you got a lot riding on this game, which is why I need you to trust that I'm doing the right thing here.

- I trust you, Coach.

- Then let's go.

I got you cleared from last period to get a jump on things before practice.

I-I can't today, Coach.

I got people waiting on me.

And you're gonna have someone from SDSU in the stands at the game.

Which is more important to you, Elliot?

- It's not that easy.

- Yeah, it's hard.

Just like all the work you've put in to earn this opportunity.

I don't wanna see you screw this up.

Come on now, we got plays to learn.


Thank you, Weaver High AV Club, for that emotional presentation.

Avery left this world too soon, but he's in a better place.

- Are you crying?

- No.

Not for Avery.

This song just always gets me.

FITCH: And now, would you all give a warm Weaver welcome to Officer Reynolds?


- Thank you.

I know this is already a somber day, but I'm here to talk to you about dr*gs and alcohol.


- And why you shouldn't do them.

- Avery Collins is a cautionary tale.

- Ain't that the truth?

Same dude that k*lled him trying to k*ll us.

We still need your help in locating the person who organized the event.

He's a former student here who uses the alias "Mr.


" So useless.

The cops don't know anything.

I don't know about that.

I'm pretty sure I just figured out who the k*ller is.

KYM: Who was in detention that gave us the invitation?

Who's the one that gave us the freaky costumes?

Who was the one at the door collecting all that cash?


- So Shane is Fade?

- And Fade is Ghostface.

But why would Shane k*ll Avery?

Avery used to buy from Shane all the time.

Maybe a deal went bad?

What about those costumes?

How'd he know what they meant to Deion?

- Maybe that was a bad coincidence?

- That's a lot of maybes.

Maybe y'all wanna think about this until he shows up at your houses and try to turn you inside out.

Bottom line, I say Shane is Ghostface, and we need to do something about it before he does any of us.

Let's vote.

Are we gonna wait for Deion?

We need to act now, with or without him.

Manny votes for my plan, obviously, so that just leaves you two.

I'm in.

Wait, wait.

What is your plan, exactly?

Trap him so we can ask him some questions.

Shane's a total badass.

He had a moustache since, like, the third grade.

I think I know a way.

- All you have to do is trust me.

- Hmm.




No No problem.






That means you go right this time, Hawkins.


My ass been riding the pine for four years because of you, cuz, so don't be giving me no lip.


On three.

- Ready?




DEION: Black 40!

Black 40!


GRIFFIN: Hold on to the damn ball!

- Go again!




- Elliot, where the hell are you going?

- Hut!


- GRIFFIN: Wrong way, Hawkins!



- GRIFFIN: That's enough!

All of you, hit the shower because you guys stink.

GRIFFIN: This was a terrible idea.

What are you waiting for?

Take it.

I've never stolen from my parents before.

We're not stealing, okay?

We're borrowing.

The money's just bait.

Still, a thousand bucks.

That's a lot of cash.

- Couldn't we take less?

- No, less won't work.

We need Shane to believe this is a legit deal.


But when this is done, all the money goes back, right?

Every last dollar.


- Bang, you're dead.

- Are you crazy?

Put that back!

We're about to confront a psycho k*ller.

We need to bring this.

No, no.

The g*n stays, okay?

We can take the money.

But my parents need that to protect themselves and the shop.

Put it back.

You know, even Luke Skywalker dipped his toe into the dark side once.

Wait, you like Star Wars, too?


The Force is strong with this one.

Way to ruin the moment, nerd.

KYM: Probably a lot easier if we just hit him over the head with a bat if you ask me I'm just saying, what if this whole "knockout gas" thing goes sideways and one of us winds up dead?

Trust in the honors chemistry student.

We're gonna be fine.

If I can find the right delivery system, - which should be around here somewhere.

- Yeah, I trust you.

But, uh, hypothetically speaking, what's your dream funeral?

- Who even thinks about that?

- Me.

I want the Boys Choir of Harlem to sing "The End of the Road" by Boyz II Men.

Well, unless you get the real Boyz II Men.

Then I want future president, Michelle Obama, to deliver my eulogy.

And for the finale, I want the entire Black Student Union to read I Leave You Love by Mary McLeod Bethune.

Except for Latrice.

Her resting bitch face would just bum everybody out.

Your turn.

Okay, I'm not playing this game Kym.

One of us is next on Ghostface's hit list.

So can you please just help me find this damn fog machine?


I found it ten minutes ago.

I wasn't expecting this conversation to get so deep.




- All right.


- What's good?

- Nothing.

- Remember the homies, right?

- Yeah.

Seen them around a few times.

- Why y'all here?

- Came to give you a ride.

You know it's Devil's Night.

It's gonna get crazy.

People already getting cut up left and right.

Oh, yeah, I heard about LT.

Yeah, so hop in.

Let's go.


I gotta learn how to play QB by tomorrow and I ain't got time to be getting a contact high with you and the Migos.

Man, let's roll, Jay.

Boys, take the whip.

Me and lil bro got some work to do.


DEION: Black 40, hut!


Ain't nothing wrong with your hands.

The problem's all in your head.

Probably just pressed about Halloween tomorrow night.

Rough day for the family, you know?


No, we'll get through it, just like we always do.

You including me in that "we"?

I don't know, Jay.

You tell me.

We both lost a lot that night.

Marcus was my brother.

Even more than that, my twin.

I ain't trying to replace nobody.

I'm trying to figure out what we are to each other.

We got the same pops, but it ain't like he ever around.

Hey, just Lay off Earl.

He drive that truck to take care of us.

It ain't his fault he always on the road.


Yeah, he do a lot on that road, too.

Look, Jay, me and you ain't never been tight, and that's something that we need to work on.

- But now ain't the time.

- Because you got tunnel vision right?

Eyes on the prize.

That's not the prize I'm actually talking about.


- Hey.

Where was you at today?

- Don't "hey" me.

You lied.

You told us Marcus was dead.

- I know, because he is.

- No, he isn't.

Your brother is alive, Deion.

And I can prove it.


So, what do you think?

- I don't see it.

I'm sorry.

- Oh, come on, Deion.

You don't find it suspicious that this person was k*lled the same day as Avery?

Ain't no connection.

Just another random white dude.

His name is Tommy Jenkins.

- Why does that name sound familiar?

- Look, here.

The account you gave the police when you were a kid.

You named Tommy Jenkins as the bully who stole your brother's candy.

They never found a body in that salvage yard.

The case went cold, and they declared Marcus a missing person.

Missing, not dead.

I saw Hookman grab ahold of Marcus that night.

I can still see it.

You didn't see what happened after that, did you?

Because you ran, you left your brother behind.

I don't need to be reminded of what I did.

I live with that choice every day of my life.

I'm not trying to hurt you.

I'm just asking you to keep an open mind.

What if Marcus didn't die that night?

What if he survived?

Was angry you abandoned him and has come back now for revenge?

- What if Marcus is Ghostface?

- Look, I don't I don't care what evidence you think you have.

Marcus was my brother, my twin.

We had the same face, the same laugh, the same heartbeat.

Look, you wouldn't get it.

You would not understand.

But when Marcus died, I felt his heart stop.

I felt him go.

It's all the proof that I need.

My brother's not the k*ller, Liv.

He's dead.

So is a part of me.


That deformed elephant gonna actually work?

It better.

- It will.

You got the cash?

- Right here.

Amir's on lookout.

I told him to k*ll the lights the second Shane comes in.

- I'm surprised he let you out of sight.

- What are you talking about?

He's into you.

It's obvious.


I would destroy that kid.

- Shane's here.


Hey, yo, Beth, where you at?







Hey, you better quit with these games girl and open the damn door!




What the hell?





Deion, wait up.

You don't have to take the bus.

I can give you a ride.

I think you've done enough for me today huh.

- I was just trying to help.

- If you wanna help me, just let it go.


I can't.

This is not just about you, Deion.

It's about all of us.


LIV: Dad?

What are you doing here?

You're the one who needs to be answering questions, Liv.

Because I told you, in no uncertain terms, you were not to leave the house today.

- Wait, have you been following me?

- Home, Olivia.


Hey, where do you think you're going?

You and me, we're gonna have a little chat.



What is this?

- Beth, I thought we had a deal.

- That was the point.

I lied.


That's messed up.

I - I need that money.

- To throw another m*rder party?

- What are you talking about?

- KYM: No.

You don't get to ask the questions, pusher man.

I do.

Now, I wanna know why you tried to k*ll me last night.

If I wanted to k*ll you, you'd be dead.

I still don't see where you're going with this.

How do you explain this?

Yeah so what?

Y'all were at the party.

We all have one.

Yeah, because you gave them to us.

So you could hide your face while you k*lled Avery.

Wait, wait, you think I had something to do with that?

It was your party, wasn't it?

Yeah, yeah, okay, I'm Mr.

Fade, but I ain't no k*ller.

- Avery's death was an accident, right?

- Wrong.

What about the costumes?

Why are you messing with Deion like that?

Messing with Deion?

They're just costumes.

Goes with the whole Mr.

Fade anonymity thing, you feel me?

- Where'd you get them?

- I got hookups everywhere.

One of my boys got them for me.

Don't know which one.

All I know is they're two bucks each.

Do you really expect us to believe that?

Yeah, I do, because I'm not a lying bitch like you, Beth.

You're the one who lured me in here, tied me up.

For all I know, it was one of you that sent me that creepy-ass text, too.

- Wait, what text?

- Check my phone.

I thought it was a joke, but if there's a k*ller out there, I guess he's after me, too.

So if Shane isn't Ghostface Then who the hell is?


GHOSTFACE: Attention, Weaver High students.

Slash is now in session, and it's time for one of you to die.


- This mean I can go now?

- Ran your information.

Came back clean.

So is that a yes?

Let's talk about what you can't do first.

Like dating my daughter.

Give me your word on that, you're free to go.

First of all, it wasn't even a date.

Second, I ain't gonna make any promises that I can't keep, so You seem like a good kid, Deion, so I'm gonna let you off with a warning.

Stay away from Liv if you know what's good for you.



- Hello?

- D-Day?

It's Amir from school.

- I sit behind you in - Yeah, I know who you are, Amir.

- Why the hell are you whispering?

- Because our plan backfired.

What plan?

I told you guys to wait.

Long story short, we tried to trap the k*ller.


You know who Ghostface is?

We thought we did, but we got it wrong.

The actual k*ller turned the tables and trapped us.

- Where are you?

- We're in the school.

Just hold tight.

I'm coming.

He's on his way.

Well, I don't plan on being here when his ass finally shows up.



Rookie mistake.

When the k*ller's in your midst, the last thing you do is head off by yourself.

That's almost as stupid as saying, "I'll be right back.

" Either way, you're dead meat.

For the last time, Cruella, I'm not in one of your damn horror movies.


Anybody that wants to roll with me is welcome.

I got Mace, and I'm doing whatever it takes to survive.

And that means vacating.

And I'm with Kym, obviously.

Me, too.

Which one of you fools wants to cut me loose?

What about you, Amir?

We'll be right behind you after we get Shane on his feet.


Your funeral.


I'm not actually gonna die, right?

Because my parents will k*ll me.



You made the right call, okay?

Now all we have to do is wait until we hear Kym and Manny scream.

Then we bounce.

Why Why would they scream?

Probably because Ghostface stuck a knife in them.

That's messed up.

SHANE: Well, you're right, Amir.

She is messed up.

Which is why you should follow my lead out the door.

Trust me, you do not wanna go out there alone.

I ain't going it alone.

Smith & Wesson got my back.

[MANNY WHISPERING Come on, coast is clear.

All right, let's go.



You was right for sticking with me.

We're getting out like Rod and Chris.

- MANNY: Rod and Chris.

- Let's go.


- MANNY: No, no, no, no.

- Ghostface must have locked it.

I am not dying here.

This is my worst nightmare.

Calm down, Manny.

You're gonna give yourself an asthma attack.


- Dang!

- Where's your inhaler?

- Locker.


Breathe, breathe.


It's from the party.

Okay, Manuel, I'mma do you a solid and pretend this isn't suspicious as hell.

- Come on, come on.



There's a master key in the principal's office by the PA.

I always see it when I'm reading your bulletins.


That'll work.

But you're in no shape to come with.

So get your scrawny ass in here and wait.

- Don't say it.

- I'll be right back.

Okay, I know you're the expert, but why are we in here, exactly?

Because storage closets are a classic horror hiding place.

Does that mean we're safe?


Almost always works.

- And when it doesn't?

- It goes horribly wrong.


- BETH: Shh.

- That was clo - Shh, shh!




BETH: Okay.

Okay, now we're safe.

How did you know he was gonna come back?

'Cause the k*ller always comes back.

I don't make the rules, donut boy.

I just play by them.

Can we get out of here, please?


I mean, if that's what you really want.

I I don't know what I want.

All I know is you smell like Skittles and smoke.

It's intoxicating.

Well, then why don't you taste the rainbow?

Kiss me, Amir.


I dare you.

Shane was right.

You are crazy.



Now we gotta go or we get gutted.


Damn it!

- Damn!



- Attention, Weaver High students.

Slash is now in session.


Double damn.

And stay down, bitch!



Hey, open up!



Come on.


Okay, Ghostface, you're right.

I am scared.

You hear me behind that mask?

I said I'm scared!

Relax, Kym.

Only one going down is this freak.


- sh**t him, Shane!

- Okay, okay.

Oh, don't tell me you're getting cold feet.

- Shut up, Kym.

- I thought you was hard.

So what you gonna do?

Call the police and have them put this creep in the system?

His face is white.

He'll be out in no time trying to k*ll us again.

I said shut up, Kym!

KYM: Okay, you know what?

How about I go over there, get that g*n and sh**t him myself?





- KYM: sh**t him!

sh**t him!

What you waiting for?

Pull the damn trigger!

- Give it to me.


- Give me the g*n!

- Let go.

I can do this!







- Where did he go?

- He got away.

Thanks to your bitch ass, Mr.


Wait, you Mr.



But I ain't no k*ller, obviously.


Oh, my God, you're bleeding.

Who's bleeding?

Kym, are you okay?

I'm fine.

Where's Beth?

- I'm not sure.

We got separated.

- KYM: How convenient.

When the k*ller's coming for my ass, you and Morticia make a run for it.

I'm here.

Totally in one piece, so you can quit worrying about me now.

Oh, and by the way, I take Morticia Addams as a compliment, so, thanks.

Look, I told y'all to not make a move without me.

- What happened?

- My plan worked, that's what.

We had Ghostface dead in our sights until Shane here couldn't pull the trigger.

Too bad you weren't here.

I know.

I'm sorry, but I promise y'all that I'll fix this.

Ain't no pep talk gonna work.

This is not a football game.

This is real life.

How we gonna find out who the man behind the mask now?

Look, Kym, I said I'll fix it.

Manny, come on, let's go.

Find a way out this damn school.

Are - Let's go.

I'll walk you home.

- I think I'm gonna roll with the geek.

At least I know he's a p*ssy.


Your parents really know their stuff, huh?

Yeah, jelly's their specialty.

- That'll be a buck.

- Mm.

Put it on my tab.

I wasn't, uh I wasn't talking about the donut, FYI.

I mean, look at you.

- They must've raised you right.

- I never really had another option.

You did tonight, in that closet.

Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.

What, having regrets?

My only regret is I almost did something I would have regretted.

That's a really confusing sentence.

I know.

It's all very confusing.

Doesn't have to be.

You're right.


My parents raised me a certain way.

But at some point, I had to make a choice.

Their beliefs are my beliefs, too.

And I believe I believe we should just be friends.

This is This is a bad idea.

Relax, Skywalker.

You're not my type anyway.

I just I just thought maybe you'd wanna go out with a bang.

- You're awful quiet.

- Just been thinking.

What about?

About how I want my funeral to be.

Thought you didn't wanna play that game.

Trust me, I don't.

But it's becoming pretty obvious that death is a real possibility.

- Okay, what you got in mind?

- Nothing big.

Want the people I love to meet up at my favorite spot.

Look out over the city lights like I always do.

Maybe pour out some kombucha for the homie.


I wanna be remembered for who I am, not for who anyone else wanted me to be.

- I'm glad you're okay.

- I wouldn't go that far.

I'm sorry about earlier.

It's what I do.

I go sticking my nose in places it doesn't belong.

Oh, no, no.

It's not your fault.

It's mine for not accepting the truth.


I saw something tonight that I haven't seen in such a long time.

- What?

- I think you might be right.

Marcus is alive, and he's trying to ruin my life.

Well, that's the thing about the truth and family.

They can be a real bitch, but I promise we'll deal with this together.

No, no.

Look, we won't.

Liv, if that's my brother under that mask, that's my problem.

I gotta deal with that alone.

I'm sorry.


Is somebody there?

Yeah, it's just me, Grandma.

How you feeling tonight?

Same as always, like dancing.


Here you go.

This should last you a while.

In case you pull a muscle dancing or something.


I've been putting in some overtime.

I said I was gonna make enough to get us out of this place.

Home is wherever me and you at.

We don't need nothing more.



- [THUDS.]

- Ooh.

What was that?



SHANE: It's this damn Devil's Night.

I'll be right back.




- Who's this?

- GHOSTFACE: Someone looking to score.

Yeah, what you need?

I got oxys, Vikes.

I'm looking for something a little harder than that.

But don't worry.

You have it running through your veins.


- I'm warning you, I ain't playing.

- Yes, you are.

You just don't know the game.

We're playing chicken, Shane.

- And you already blinked.

- Yeah?

Well, my eyes are wide open now, okay?

- It ain't gonna happen again.

- We'll see about that.

New game, hide-and-seek.


- Come find me.





SHANE: Get me outta here!

Hey, hey, hey!

What the hell?

Come on, man.

Hey, don't do this.

I got stuff.

Wait, hey, listen to me.

Listen to me.


Wait, wait, wait.

Please, please, please.




GHOSTFACE: Then go back to the scene of the crime.

Deion could be walking into a real trap.

I'm not gonna sit around and watch as other people get hurt by my own brother.

"Friends don't matter if you're dead.

" "So pick one of them to die instead"?

Maybe we shouldn't do this.

Having sex with a k*ller on the loose.

Wait, we're gonna have sex?