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03x01 - The Subsidence Adventure

Posted: 10/04/19 12:56
by bunniefuu
Are you by chance Billy McBride?


The Billy McBride?

The case is dismissed.

I'm also fining Mr.

McBride for direct contempt of court.

BILLY: Ever since I took this case, weird shit's happening to me, okay?


Gold, have you ever been charged with solicitation?


What did you blackmail the officer with exactly?

A sex tape.

JUDGE KELLER: The jury awards the Larson family $162 million.

MARISOL: Hi, I'm Marisol Silva, and I reach out to Oscar, and he said you visited Julio.

He's very special to me.

BILLY: I'm f*cked, aren't I?

MARISOL: We are both f*cked.

If Julio goes to jail, we are in the clear.

Julio goes free, we all go down.

Julio Suarez did not k*ll Hunter Friedman and Marcos Pena.

They're dropping the charges against you.

Oh, my God, thank you!

- Thank you so much.

- Oh.

BILLY: These f*cking people are gonna k*ll us,

- do you understand me?


Listen, my name's Billy McBride, and you saved my life.

Now, go, take her away.

JEFF: What makes you think that this is all right, Patty?

PATTY: I'm sorry that you're hurt, but, I mean, I would do it again.

Bye, Patty.

BILLY: Congratulations.

You won, honey.

I really hope that at the end of the night, when you lay your head on the pillow, that the last image you see is that kid hanging from that f*cking cord.


They asked me How I knew My true love was true Oh I of course replied Something here inside You know, Hamish gave a good review to that new Calvin Coolidge bio.


He would.



They Said someday You'll find All who love are blind


Oh When your heart's On fire You must realize



Well, we'll make payroll.


Oh, Gene, we knew that we might have a tough year, but I budgeted for it.

You know, we're doing pretty good, considering.

Yeah, I know.

You always take such good care of us.



Hey, Noodles.

What's he got there anyway?

What is that?

What is that?

Oh, it's a bird.


Noodles - Oh.

- You're a bird k*ller.

I'm gonna get a bag.

I'll clean it up.

Come on.





Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!



Where'd it go?


Oh Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Are you okay?

Honey, it's just a bird, it's just a bird.

Come on, it's just a bird.

It's okay, it's okay.







GENE: What is that?

It's okay, I got it.

- Go back to sleep, honey.







Oh Noodles!








- Gene!


- Bobbi!








Woke up this morning Happy as could be Looked out my window And what did I see?

Now coming up my sidewalk Just as plain as day Oh, well, here comes trouble that I never thought I'd see When you went away Hello, trouble Come on in You talk about heartaches Where in the world you been?

I ain't had the misery Since you've been gone Hello, trouble, trouble Trouble, welcome home


Hello, trouble Come on in You talk about heartaches Where in the world you been?

I ain't had the misery Since you've been gone Hello, trouble, trouble, trouble Welcome home.

GENE: The fall broke her neck.

Dog survived.

Stayed with her, right to the end.

I'm real sorry about this, Gene.

She was a hell of a gal.



Well She thought the world of you, too.

Always said you were the best.


I don't know about that.

She would've been a hell of a lot better than me if she'd gone into practice.

Yeah, well, look, um, I I'm glad you reconsidered this case, and I'm sure Bobbi would as well.



Ah, so These neighbors of mine, they, uh, they drill all around here, sucking up the water right and left, which makes the ground unstable.

Now someone has to be responsible.

'Cause my wife is dead.


Let's take a drive.

You can show me around, okay?


You know, this drought's been going on for three years.

- Look at this.

Never know it.

- Yeah.

Green, green, green, green, green.

- It's unbelievable.

- What's this field over here?

That's citrus.

Oranges, grapefruits, for the most part.

It's Roy Wheeler's farm.

- Is he one of the big farmers?

- He's big, not the biggest.

Uh, the biggest is the Tallgrass Farms, right up ahead.

Speaking of - Hey.

- Did you get my note?

I did and thank you for the care package.

Well I'm real sorry for your loss, Gene.

Anything I can do for you, you let me know.

Will do.


That's Wade Blackwood, one of my neighbors.

He owns Tallgrass Farms.

Big farm, right?

The biggest.

You know, that fucker offered to buy my land.

BILLY: Really?

Was it before or after it collapsed?

- GENE: After.

- Oh.

BILLY: You still have that note he sent you?

GENE: Yeah, somewhere.

BILLY: You may want to hang on to it.

You never know.

And, Gene, I'm gonna start checking in on what your neighbors are up to around here.

It's a little tricky because, you see property lines are man-made, but water, it goes everywhere.

- Right.

- It's kind of hard to prove who it belongs to.

So, I'll see what I can do.

Well, you're the first hope I've had since all this started.

This is Bobbi's dream.


I mean, hers and mine.

I thought we'd have a nice little retirement out here.

Drink a little wine, just, uh enjoying our life together.




Bobbi wanted you to have this.

- Oh, what is it?

- I don't know.

Might be a sculpture, might be a mistake.

Yeah, she took up ceramics this past year and, uh, bless her heart, she really wasn't very good at it.


- Got a whole kitchen cabinet filled with problematic coffee mugs.


Got it.

But she loved making stuff.

Well, I'm happy to have it, one way or the other.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

I know.


PATTY (OVER PHONE): McBride and Solis-Papagian.

- BILLY: Hey, where's Marva?

- Marva is occupied with your new squatter who is near me again for no reason.

Oh, oh, is that Billy?

- No, it's not.

- Hi, Billy!

When you coming home?

- She got to go.

- I'm-I'm not kicking her out, - I told you that.

- I will kick her out.

- I will kick her out.

- She'll grow on you, trust me.

Anyway, it's temporary.

It's not temporary, because she has shit in a drawer here.

Her stuff is everywhere.

That's not temporary.

Here's Marva Marva.

- How you doing?

- Oh, I'm okay.

How's Gene?

- Not good, of course.

- Aw, poor guy.

- There any leads?

- Well, there's something up with these corporate farmers out here.

I mean, they seem to be all doing fine.

And I don't know, we're three years into a drought, and there can't be that much groundwater left.

I think it may have something to do with Bobbi's death.

Anyhow, uh, can you get me Blackwood County Water Board's address, please?

Uh, you got it.

I'll text you, okay?

All right, I'll call you later.

- Bye.

- All right, bye.

Um, hi.

Um, you know, I was thinking, would you like, would you like a top coat?

I-I could just, like, do a quick topper.

- The f*ck I would, no.


I love your earrings.

My great aunt had some just like that, and she's got dementia and they won't let her wear them in the home because she just rips them out.

Oh, wow, I just got so sad.





Excuse me.

I'm looking for Blackwood County Water Board.

This is Central Valley Tallgrass Farming Company.

Okay, but, um, the address I have for the water board is the same address as this.


So, this is the water board?

This is Tallgrass Farms.


Well, is, is the water board in this same building?


Well, that wasn't clear 'cause there's no sign or anything out there, you know I'm about to step out to lunch.

Yeah, I saw I saw that.

Hey, how how does that, uh, come about, you know?

Like, a public water board being in the same offices as a private company?

Tallgrass had the space.

Well, I was hoping that I could get some information on, uh, drilling and water distribution in Blackwood County.

Could you help me out?

Water is transported from the Sierra Nevada mountains in the north via the California Aqueduct.

And everything else you need to know is in this handy-dandy pamphlet.

You can take that with you.



So, Wade Blackwood is the president of the water board, - right?

- Correct.

How does that work, you know?

I'd like to talk to him.

You'll need to make an appointment.


Let's make an appointment.

- I'm out to lunch.

- Well, I mean, not yet.

We could make, you can make an appointment, right?

- It'll only take a second.

- If you need more information, this video on the history of the California Aqueduct is very informative.


Sorry about that.

- Mm.

NARRATOR (OVER VIDEO): Water, the basis of all life.

It's eternal, and it's old as time.


- The same molecules in your drinking water once flowed through the bodies of dinosaurs.

But in California, more than two-thirds of the state's freshwater is only found in the northernmost region, far from the dense city centers of the arid south as well as the nutrient-rich soil of the barren Central Valley.

With booming populations and growing agricultural demands, - (GOAT BLEATING)

- California decided it needed to do something drastic in order to supply a steady source of water across the state.




- Hey, how's it going?

- Good.

- What can I get you?

- Uh, I got 30 on the pump, pint of Jack and a pack of Bilsons, please.


- It smells good around here.

Is that barbecue?

Yeah, ribs.

They're legendary.

- Oh, I betcha.

- Six bucks, quarter pound, you come back in, uh, three hours, best ribs you ever had in your life.


Maybe I'll take you up on it.

You wouldn't know Wade Blackwood by any chance, would you?

Oh, everybody knows Blackwood.

He employs the town.


Would you know where to find him off the clock?


Hey, look, you got to get out of here.

It's payday.

I cash checks.

Workers come in, see an old white dude, they're gonna think you're ICE and go somewhere else.

You'll cost me money, you know?


I get it.

What about Blackwood?

He's mostly at the casino, plays a lot of keno.

All right, appreciate it.

And I ain't that f*cking old, okay?



- Pretty old.

You got it, amigo.








WOMAN: Yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, what condition my condition was in I woke up this morning with the sundown Shining in I found my mind In a brown paper bag within I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high I tore my mind On a jagged sky Just dropped in to see What condition my condition was in Yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, what condition my condition was in I pushed my soul in a deep dark hole Then I followed it in I watched myself a-crawling out As I was a-crawling In I got up so tight I couldn't unwind I saw so much I broke my mind Just dropped in To see what condition my condition was in You having any luck?


Just enough to keep me coming back.


Oh, I got a feeling you'd be back one way or the other.

- My name's Billy McBride.

- Oh.

I'm a lawyer.

I work for Gene Bennett.

- Oh.

Wade Blackwood.

- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, Gene.


He sure got the shit end of the stick, didn't he?

- Yeah, he did.

- Yup.

Actually, that's, uh, kind of what I was wanting to talk to you about.

- Well, have a seat.

Have a seat.

- Oh, thank you.

I appreciate it.

Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah What condition my condition was in You play?

Oh, all that cards and shit?


No, I never was a gambler.

I'm not worth a shit at it.

That's 'cause you're not trying hard enough.


I don't know.


Uh, I'm a hell of a lot better drinker than I am a gambler.

Well, we got that, too, we got it.

Hey, Jimmy?

Why don't you set us up over here?

BILLY: Yeah, just some kind of bourbon, I don't care.

BLACKWOOD: Yeah, me, too.

Yeah What happened to Bobbi Bennett, - it was tragic.

- Yeah, yeah, it sure was.

Yeah, Gene sunk his nest egg into that place.

It's bone-dry now.

Well, I just had to rip out 10,000 acres of almond trees myself this past year.

It hurt.

- Cost me a pretty penny.

- Mm.

Well, I've been driving around here, it looks to me like you and a couple others are still doing pretty well, though.

I just dropped in to see Drought does not play favorites.

And Gene, his sinkhole, they call it subsidence.

It's just part of the gamble of farming in California.

The whole damn county is sinking.

Well, why did you offer to buy Gene's land?

Well, I feel bad for the guy.

- Isn't it worthless?

- Well, maybe to him, but not to me.

Well, it must be a hell of a lot easier to weather a drought when your name is Blackwood in Blackwood County, and you happen to be the president of the water board.

Yeah, I'm sure it looks like that way from the outside looking in, doesn't it?

Like the deck's stacked in my favor.

- Mm.

- I mean, the water board is literally under my roof, but it's free rent for them.

And as far as being president, well, that just It's an unpaid job, nobody wants to do it, and that's what the name Blackwood gets you.


So, you're saying that, in Gene's case, it's just bad luck?

We all feel terrible about what happened to Bobbi.

Now, who's we?

Us, the farmers, the ranchers around here.

They're just like me.

The land's been in their families for generations and everybody's had their turn on the shitter.


Now it's Gene's turn.


You got to understand something.

Right where you're standing right now, 100 years ago, there wasn't a drop of water for as far as you could travel in a wagon in a day.

Now, can you imagine the will of consciousness it took to rewrite God's plan and to bring all that water from way up north and deliver it all the way down here to this valley, so that our crops can feed the world.

And that was one man.

One man with the grit and the balls to lock horns with Mother Nature and win.

And that's the kind of soul you need to farm this land.


I'm just gonna take a wild s*ab at this, but was the guy's name Blackwood, by any chance?

It's my grandfather.

- Yeah.

- Look, working this land is like, um being in a relationship.

There's give and take, and there's trust.

And there's a shitload of betrayal.

- Gene's just waking up to that.

- Well, till then, how does the water board figure into all this?

The water board is there to insure the quality of the water and allocate that water for generations to come.

Yeah, I-I understand that part, but the water board controls the distribution of water.

It looks to me like you got your hand on the tap.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but the-the high stakes room is ready.

Well, I'm gonna have to go, then.

Sorry about that.


He runs the place here, and he don't let me hold the game up.

Well, listen, I'm gonna be here for a while, so, uh, I can just hang out here if we meet a little bit later?

Well, tonight's no good, but you live in L. A. ?

- Yeah, Santa Monica.

- I got a place in Encino.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, so Tell you what, I'll make sure you get my address.

You want to stop by tomorrow night?

- Appreciate it.

- I just love talking about water.


I bet.

All right, then.

- You bet.

- All right.

Good to meet you.

And leave you there So, you and your wife have fun here?

Um, I'm-I'm here alone.


Next time, then.

You know, we'd love to give your wife the opportunity to win her money back.




You got me mixed up with somebody else.


No, Mr.


We have met.


Where was that?


Well, right here, of course.

No, I-I That's not possible.


- I've never been here before.

Well, my mistake, then.



McBride's tab is on the house tonight.

And, uh, get Mr.

Blackwood's address for him in Encino.


Appreciate it.

Oh, and, uh enjoy your evening.

Thank you, sir.


Excuse me.

- Me?

- Can I ask you a question?

Sure, why not?

Do you believe in love at first sight?


Um Yeah, actually, I do.

- Me, too.

- Yeah, good deal.


- How have you been?

Been all right.



Real good.


He, uh, says he doesn't remember - being here.

- Hmm.

Let's keep an eye on that campfire.

I don't want it getting out of control.

Got it.



MAN: McBride's downstairs.


MAN: Unimpressive dude.

- Don't underestimate him.

- Well, he doesn't know much.

What is he gonna find out?

- Totally agree.

- MAN 2: What do you mean?

- I mean, there's - You two, just listen.

Wade, it was his wife.

Gene's not gonna let it go.

BLACKWOOD: You're probably right.

But let's not worry just for worry's sake.

Have you ever known me to worry for no good reason?


I'm worried.

I hear you, all right?

But I know the solution will find us.

It always does.

Oh, put your pom-poms away.

You're gonna lose your spot on the bench, son.


You comfortable here?

- Yes, sir.

- Yeah?

Your family's good?

- Yeah.

Yes, sir, they're very well.

- All right.

- All right, then.

- Thank you.



Some say love, it's like a river, and that it drowns the tender reed.

And some say love, it is a razor, and that it leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love It is a hunger An endless Aching need I say love It is a flower And you Its only seed


ALL: When the night Has been too lonely And the road Has been too long And you think That love is only For the lucky And the strong Just remember In the winter Far beneath The bitter Snow Lies the seed That with the sun's love In the spring Becomes the rose.


Did you see her, too?


I didn't need to see her to know you did.

She's never been wrong.

Diana's not the answer.

Not this time.


It wasn't even my purse, so what did I care - if he puked into it?


- Hmm.

I don't know what buffet he went to.

I mean, what's tilapia, anyway?

Isn't it just flounder with a funny name?

BILLY: I don't know.

I'm not sure.


RITA: Man.

I f*ckin' hate L. A.


It's just assholes marrying other assholes.


That's a nice ring, though.

She can pawn that later when things don't work out.


- Yeah, you always need

- a good backup plan.

- Oh, are you kidding me?


I am always coming up with backup plans.

RITA (FADING IN): I was in the Northridge earthquake.

It was horrible.

My condo was destroyed.

I lost my cat.

Anyway, this place I know every exit here, even the secret one, back by the bathroom, the one that nobody talks about.

So, if you ever get stuck back there, let me know, I'll show you where it is.

- Yeah, I'll do that.

- Compliments of Mr. Blackwood.

Oh, that's okay.

I'm good.

No, Mr.

Blackwood knows how long it takes to drive back to L. A.

But, uh we'll leave it up to you.

Yeah, I appreciate that.

Hey, if you're not gonna use that, I will.

- What?

- I'm not talking too much, am I?


Gosh, no, no.

RITA: Just, my last boyfriend said I talk too much, so He's dead now.

Died in that earthquake.

Along with the cat.








MAN: Bring it in.

FOREMAN: Oh, it's you again.

I told you before, get the f*ck out of here.

Don't know what you're talking about, bud.

- I'm just lost.

- Once is a coincidence.

Twice - is a f*ckin' problem.