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02x08 - Tongue Tied

Posted: 10/04/19 12:53
by bunniefuu
I want you to come away with me.

I think it would be good just to get away from all this.

I had a dream about us last night.

That we were married.

Tom Wyatt.

Leave me a message.

Hey, hola, muchacho.

Listen, uh this is the fourth message I've left here.

I'm getting a little nervous.

I'm having a little difficulty getting ahold of our, uh, our friend south of the border.

As in, "No pesos, no más.

" Capiche?

All right?

Now, uh, I shouldn't be worried, should I?

Uh I mean, I I mean, I'm not, I'm not worried.

I'm not worried.

Uh uh No, you're probably on vacation, right?

In fact, I think, I think you said something about going on vacation.


That's actually a good idea.

I think I may, uh I may join you on that.

So I will talk to you, uh, later.





f*ck, f*ck.







All right.

Can I help you?

Hi, Pete.

This is gonna go a lot easier if you cooperate.


Well, you know who I am, but I don't know who you are.

Yeah, well, I'm Billy, and this is Patty.

We were Julio Suarez's lawyers.

I'd suggest you start from the beginning and tell us every f*cking thing you know.


Loomis is dead, Roman's dead.

You want to be next, or you want to f*cking talk?

Look, man, I-I don't know what - who you're talking about.


- Yeah, okay.

Don't bullshit me, m*therf*cker.


Either I f*cking k*ll you, or somebody else is.

I think you know who I'm talking about, right, m*therf*cker?

All right, look, I'll For real, okay?

Totally honest.

Real talk.

Okay, yes, I All I did was I put money in a locker for Keith Roman.

That so, that That's all you did?

Real simple, huh?

That's it.


I was I was just a bag boy.

- Start f*cking talking.

- Okay.



All right, all right.

- Listen, let's stop it!

- Really?

- Okay, okay, okay.

- I ain't pissed at your car.

- I'm pissed at you, dude.

- Okay.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

I'll give you what you want, but I'm-I'm gonna need full immunity.

All right?

And a, and a couple of other things.

Two two things.

Watch your head.

Guy's a real piece of work.

Oh, we know.

His testimony gives us Wyatt dead to rights on money laundering, drug trafficking through Gabriel Ortega's La Mano Cartel.

Name Claudia Quintero mean anything to you?

- Should it?

- Well, she's a signatory on all the shell corporations.

We'll look into her.

What about Julio?

Connecting Wyatt to Julio's death is gonna be a lot harder.

Okay, well, I'll talk to Wyatt and make the connection.

I'll be picking Wyatt up soon.

Anything that happens between now and then, I don't know anything about.


You know, Wyatt could be dangerous.

Oh, shit.

One more.


It's completely incomplete.


Patty what's-her-who really wants to talk to you right now.


Yeah, I should get that.


What's up?

Are you with Tom Wyatt?

Yeah, why?

Yeah, um Okay, what time does his plane get in?


Yeah, all right.

I'll, um, I'll call you back once I get to LAX.

Oh, okay.

All right, yeah.


What's that all about?

Uh, Tom, I'm so sorry.

- Aw.

- I know.

We were gonna have so much fun.

- It's very inconvenient timing.

- I know.

Planes are always late.

We could probably just finish up.

- No, I, um - It's okay.

It's okay.

But he's he's about to get in.

Yeah, and he can take a f*cking taxi, like everybody else.

I-I promised that I'd get him.

I forgot.

Everything okay?

No, not really.


You hurt my feelings, Brittany.

I-I don't understand.

I think you understand perfectly well.

Tom, honestly, I Don't f*cking tell me what you f*cking didn't do!

You f*cking ruined it!


You f*cking lied to me.

You tried to get away from me.

Get the f*ck out before I get upset.

There are those who will disagree with the future we see so clearly.

But with every setback, we will move forward together.

To my community, to my supporters, tonight "One L.


" That's really f*cking funny, Marisol Silva!



Come out here and face me!

She tried to k*ll my dad, you know that?

I know what you f*cking did, you bitch!

You come near my f*cking family again, I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!

Do you hear me?!

She's a f*cking liar!

You don't even f*cking know who she is!

Come on out, little jailbird.

Do you hate me?

Of course not, silly.

Come on.

- Thanks again, Harper.

- You got it.

Please don't tell Mom.

Who do you think I am?

Why would I do that?

Are you okay?


I feel like a f*cking idiot.

Yeah, well, that makes two of us.

I should've known.

Yeah, I know.

You said that before.

Once again, that makes two of us.

- Hey, Dad.

- Yeah?

I don't feel good.

Let's go.

Come on.

I'm f*cked, aren't I?

We are both f*cked.

I suppose you are gonna ask me if it was ever real if I ever loved you.

- Hey.

- Hey.

You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.


Me, too.

You gonna be okay to drive?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm fine.


Glad you're okay.

Thanks, Patty.




You have something of mine.

What are you talking about?

Try again.

I needed it.


You know, the last thing I wanted to believe is that you would completely screw me by stealing this.

What, did anyone notice it was gone?

- That's not the point.

- So, what's the point?

What makes you think that this is all right, Patty?

We hit a dead end with Julio and you weren't helping us fast enough.

- What was I supposed to do?

- You broke the chain of custody and you're a smart lawyer, so you f*cking knew that.

I'm sorry that you're hurt, but, I mean, I would do it again.

You know I could have you arrested?

- Sure, but you won't.

- No.

No, I won't.

I guess you got what you really wanted.


Bye, Patty.


I really do appreciate you staying over here with her.

Of course.

You know, Tom sent me these.


Yeah, you know, the f*cked up thing is I really liked him.

Like, I felt bad for him.


I can never get it right.

Yeah, hardly anyone can.

Hi there.

Hey, how's it going?

Sorry I couldn't find an ashtray.

Hope it's not a family heirloom or something.

It's a fun little surprise having you here.

Oh, I don't know if I'd call it fun or not.

Yeah, I'm not sure, either.

I'm assuming this is about Brittany.

No, it's not.


You want to be friends?

I had a talk with your business associate, Pete Oakland.

He gave you up on money laundering, drug trafficking we got you connected to the La Mano Cartel.

You know, little shit.

He gave us enough to put you away for quite some time, bud.

That doesn't sound like little shit, that sounds like sounds like big boy stuff right there.


Well, I'm honored that you think of me that way.

Um I can assure you, I'm just a real estate guy.

I'm not a kingpin.

Uh, your friend, Pete, is a dipshit.

His testimony will never hold up in court.

My lawyers will f*cking squash him.

So, unless you have something legitimate to discuss would you mind getting the f*ck out of my kitchen?

Is conspiracy to commit m*rder legitimate enough for you?

And who did I conspire to m*rder exactly?

You had to get rid of Julio to cover up all your shit, didn't you?

You think I got rid of Come on.

I thought you're supposed to be this top-tier, hot-shit attorney.

You really don't know?

Well, I watched her work you over.

I knew she could do some gnarly shit.

I didn't realize how gnarly until until she gave that order.

Yeah, you should talk to Marisol about Julio.

You don't want to believe me, but you do 'cause it makes sense.

Politician, have to clean up her shit.

I'm really sorry, bud.

I honestly thought you were smarter than that, but I guess, um I guess love really is blind.

Well, here's something you don't know.


What's that?

Your other business partner, Gabriel Ortega, that's her brother.

f*ck you.

Who told you that?

He did.

Looks like we both got played.

The only difference is I'm not going to prison.

That will give you plenty of time to jerk off.

Might even have some help.

So I'll get the f*ck out of your kitchen.

Jesus, you're the one that introduced Tom to La Mano.

Through a friend of a friend.

I-I I don't know the guy at all.

And I never would've been involved with anything like this.

All I did was arrange for you to meet.

I don't know her.

I've never met her before.

You have a relationship with her, and we need her happy.


You've reached Marisol Silva.

- f*cking pick up.

Come on.

- Please leave a message.


You've reached Marisol Silva.

Pick up.

Don't you f*cking dodge me.



You're avoiding me.

That's a bad f*cking move!

Yeah, I know about you and your brother Gabriel, huh?

Yeah, you didn't think I'd know about that, did you?

Well, guess what?

After everything I did for you, you're gonna f*ck me over?

I don't think so.

You're not as safe as you think you are, okay?

Enjoy City Hall.

It's not gonna last f*cking long.





Hey, is that her?



I'm Billy McBride.

My daughter Denise worked the campaign with you.

- Uh-huh.

- Yeah.


- Um, this is Patty.


- I'm Patty Solis-Papagian, hi.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I'm right in the middle of a No, no.

Hang on just a second.

Denise was real fond of you.

She talked about you all the time.

- She said you're a great person.

- She's lovely.

Yeah, she's a great girl, right.

Anyway, she told me you were fired.

Is that right?

No, I got another job opportunity.

We need information on Marisol Silva, that's why we're here.

I can't help you.

You don't even know what I'm gonna ask you yet, so What happened to your face?

I tripped.

So they got to you.

Look, we can offer you protection if you give us some information.


I don't want any part of this.




Will you, will you just hear me out?

I know you want to help us, and we can really use it, so, please, anything you have.

I'll tell you this, Marisol isn't who she says she is.

Her real name is Claudia Quintero.

Wait, wait, wait.

How do you know that?

Talk to Sister Maria Isabella at the church in Marisol's hometown.

And if anyone asks, I will deny ever having this conversation.

Do not talk to me again.

Excuse me, do you speak English?

- Yes, a-a-a little.

- Okay.

- Are you Sister Maria Isabella?

- No.

Do you know where she is?

S-Sister Maria Isabella is, um, desaparecido.


Do you know the name Claudia Quintero?

- No.

- Well, can we at least look at your parishioner records, or baptism records,

- anything like that?

- No, no.



Why not?

It's destroyed.

How you doing?

I need to talk to Gabriel.

Nobody by that name lives here.

Yeah, Gabriel.

That's it I was just here.

I'm sorry, senor.

I don't know you.

Yeah, you do.

I'm sorry, senor.

Who are you?

Who are you?

Who is this?

Look, I need to talk to Gabriel.

That's all.



Gabriel Ortega, the guy who lives here.

White suit, beard, that guy.

I don't know what your problem is, but I've lived here for ten years.

Yeah, well, my problem is, I need to talk to Gabriel and for some reason, you're not letting me.

No, no.

I-I need to talk to Gabriel.

Hang on a second.

Hey, buddy.

Eduardo, right?


Yeah, Eduardo.

You remember me, right?

With Gabriel?


- Hmm.


- Gabriel, your boss.

El jefe.

The guy who whacked your rig off there.

And he was seeing if it was okay.


He was looking at your arm.



Where's Gabriel, dude?

Cut the bullshit.

You speak English, right?

- You speak English?

- No.

- Ugh.

Let's go.

Come on.

- You're lying to me.

How many f*cking guys have one hand out here doing this shit?

I'm telling you, this everything about this, this place.


- He looked.

I'm telling you.

- He didn't look.

He didn't look.

- The son of a bitch looked at me.

- He didn't look at you.


This is Elena.

Elena, hi.

It's Billy McBride.

Listen, I really need your help.

I don't know a Billy McBride.

Don't call back.

I want you to tell me that you love me.

I suppose you are gonna ask me if it was ever real if I ever loved you.

- Hey, there.

- Hi.

- Is Anita here yet?

- Uh, five minutes late.

All right, um, push Lou 15 minutes and then

- Tom Wyatt?

- Uh, yeah.

We have a warrant for your arrest.

- Oh, cool.

- On the car.

- Whoa.

On the car, okay.

- I'll call your lawyer.

Yeah, call Roger.

He'll get me out of this real quick.

I'll be back before you miss me.

I'm gonna go have one.

- I'll-I'll see you.

- Okay.

- Hey, Patty.

- Yeah?


You know, uh Yeah.


That's a good sign.

- Could be temporary, but - Eh.


With Patty, you got to take what you can get.

We're here for Tom Wyatt.

He's under arrest.

Which way?

You already arrested him.


When Alo became popular well, everything changed for our family.

We were no longer poor.

And it was my father who started shipping Alo internationally.

It wasn't long after that he was approached by a friend who, well, he had some ties to the cartel.

And Before we make this business official, I would like to show you something.

Please come with me.



What happened?

I thought I was getting arrested.

You're doing very well, Tom.

Thanks to you.

- You saved my ass, pal.

- Yeah.

What's wrong with him?

Given time, a man can get used to almost anything.

Oh, shit.

What'd you do?

You stole Look at me.


Do-do I still have my d*ck?

Oh, please, Tom.

I'm not a monster.

- Yeah!

- Not a monster, Tom.


But, Tom, I know - how much you love to talk.

- I look so good.

So, unfortunately, you're not gonna get used to losing your tongue.

You don't have to take my tongue.

- Mm-hmm.

- I won't.

I you're my friend.

I'm not gonna talk.

Look, I'll zip it.

I'll zip it right up.

I pro hey, hey.

I cross my heart.

Oh, don't you lack the means to do so?

- That's funny.

- Mm-hmm.

- You're funny.

- Open up.

- You-You-You're a good friend.

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.



- All right, Tom.


No, no.


There you go.

There you go.

Hey, stranger.

Why here?

'Cause I want to show you something.

Uh, you don't Thank you.


You won, honey.

You see that?

It's all yours.

All those things you told me you wanted to do for this place, I hope you do them.

I really do.

I hope you're a huge success.

I suppose you are gonna ask me if it was ever real, if I ever loved you.

I never did.

What you did to me or what you tried to do to me and what you did to Julio I really hope that at the end of the night when you lay your head on the pillow, that the last image you see is that kid hanging from that f*cking cord.

Thank you for the wishes.