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02x04 - Alo

Posted: 10/04/19 12:19
by bunniefuu
My grandfather made the first Alo using just what he had: a soup can, a skate key and a broken clock.

When Alo became popular, everything changed for our family.

We were no longer poor.

It was my father who started shipping Alo internationally.

Wasn't long after that, he was approached by a friend who had, well, some ties to the cartel, and they offered to conceal their product in ours for a very generous price.

Of course, it wasn't really an offer, and saying "no," well, that's never an option.

And that is how the family business expanded.

Well, at least it added a few zeroes to your bank account.

And even more zeroes when my father eliminated the men who tried to push themselves into our business, then took over, himself.

You see, my father, God bless him, he oh, he had no tolerance for people who tried to push him around.

Well, sounds like he hated bullies, and I hate them, too.

So You know, it wa-it wasn't just about the money.

We had the ability to provide for the community.

You know?

To sustain a livelihood for the town.

Well, that's important.

You like to give back.

I I really like to do the same.

I think we're we might be cut from the same cloth.


Almost But, well, obviously, the Los Angeles is a bit bigger than Rosarito, but you know.

Más o menos.

Well, now we have the opportunity to help each other.


Uh, it's my understanding that you have an extremely generous return on investment.

I could use that.

I'm trying to build some big, shiny buildings.

Well, and it is my understanding you have the liquefiable assets to convert into quick cash, and, well, I need cash in hand.

Well, then, I think we should do this.

I don't know if we shake hands, or if there's champagne that we can She's ready.

Well, before we make this official, I would like to show you something, Mr.


Please, follow me.


Uh, yeah.

Yeah, of course.

After you, Tom.


Come in.

You know, I never wanted to take over the family business.

I studied to be a surgeon, but you know Are you-are you sure you want me in here?



No, no, no, no, no.

Please, don't.

Don't you ever interrupt me again.

I hate to be interrupted.

You know, I promised my father on his deathbed I was gonna take over the business, and I always keep my promises.


Come in.

Are you familiar with the concept of contrapasso?


- No.

- No?

It's Dante.

In short, let the punishment fit the crime.

Now, I'm a generous person, Tom, but I don't like to be taken advantage of.

She took advantage.

When I ask her about it, she ran from me.

Well, that ends today.

Oh, shit You can go now, if you want.



Pufnstuf, who's your friend when things get rough?

Don't worry.

You'll get the hang of it.

This is the g*n that Detective Roman found at the scene of the crime.


And this is the g*n from the security footage.

Now, you see that flash of chrome?

- That's not the same g*n.

- That's just the way the light is hitting the metal.

You just entered two contradictory pieces of evidence into trial, bud.

No, look, zoomed in like that, the footage is too grainy to be conclusive.

Now, I'm sure that I can find an expert witness to testify that that is, in fact, the same g*n.

Let me save you the trouble.

That's the g*n in the video.

Where the hell did that come from?



This g*n belonged to Pedro Suarez.

That's Julio's older brother.

Julio had it with him the night of the murders.

It's been with his girlfriend ever since.

Oh, yeah?

And whose word are we supposed to take for that?


There's no telling where this g*n has been since the sh**ting.

There's no telling who's been tampering with this g*n since the sh**ting, or if that is even the same g*n that's in the video.

The girlfriend is prepared to testify to its chain - of custody.

- Oh, well, good, then, I want a warrant for her arrest.

She's an accessory after the fact.

She's not an accessory after anything.

She's 15, and that g*n was never used in any crime.

And you're willing to bet her life on that?


Go ahead and have it tested.

When it comes back clean, we'll move to suppress the video.

Your Honor, the jury can't see Julio in that video with that g*n.

- It's bad character evidence.

- Okay, look.

g*n or no g*n, this footage clearly shows that Julio was there around - the time of the murders.

- We'll stipulate to that.

Hell, and just because we can only see one g*n in the video, it doesn't mean that he didn't have another one on him.

What are you talking about?

Well, it seems like we're in a little bit of an evidentiary quagmire here, but I've heard enough to warrant a suppression hearing, so we'll schedule it.

By the way, Mr.

McBride, nice suit.



I, uh, I was at Costco, and I didn't want to be late.

You know, just it's kind of across town, so so, yeah.

So I definitely had better things to do last night.


- But I googled you.

- You did?

- Yeah.

- I'm flattered.

- Mm-hmm.

- What did you find?

Oh, nothing impressive.

Um, just that you built half of downtown L. A.

- Only half?

- Mm-hmm.

You have a seat on every f*cking board of everything.

- Not true.

- And you're allergic to wool.

That's actually true.

- Really?

- Yeah, it's really embarrassing.

- Why is that on there?

- Oh, it limits my it limits my wardrobe options.

I don't know.

I don't Uh-huh.

So you just wear, like, scuba sweat suits every day, or?

You're making fun of my clothes?

Did you just work out?

I don't understand.

I thought I looked cool.

You look cool.

I didn't say you didn't look cool, it's just All right.



- Very athletic.

- Mm-kay.

- Cool, I'll take that.

- Yeah.

All right.

My turn.

Um I didn't google you.

I Yahoo searched you.

Um And I didn't find very much.

You're very mysterious.

Well, Yahoo isn't really the good search engine.

- Sorry.

- Yeah.

Maybe that's what it was.

- Um - Or maybe, you're kind of secretive?

I-It's not secretive.

I just I don't know.

I I prefer it that way.

Fair enough.

Um, start easy.

Do you you work?

I do work.


Are you going to make me ask what you do?

'Cause that was I was trying to imply I'd be interested in knowing that.

Um, I work, uh I work for a lawyer.

- A lawyer?

- And I mean, I-I I do yeah, I do, like, um, like, paralegal stuff.

So how'd you end up with this lawyer situation?

- Okay.

Uh, Billy?

- Mm-hmm.

Uh, he's my boss, the lawyer.

- His name's Billy?

- Yeah.

Billy McBride.

I don't know if you've heard it.

Anyway, um, he, uh he kind of got me out of a jam.

I-I got picked up on a little drug thing, and needed a job, and he hired me.

That's great.

He sounds like a great guy.

- Actually, yeah.

- Yeah.


You have any, uh, interesting cases or anything you're working on?

Um, uh, yeah, actually, there's this kid who just got arrested for a double hom Excuse me, um, I'm sorry.

Are you Rachel's friend from Cedars-Sinai?

Um N-No.


I know I know you.

It's driving me crazy.

I'm sorry.

Um, Vegas?


No, I don't I don't I don't go to Vegas.

- Um

- Right.

- Um, uh, my mistake.

- Yeah.

That was weird.

Okay, fine.

You're probably gonna hear about this - in a meeting sooner or later, so, um - Mm-hmm.

Okay, until a couple months ago, I was kind of an escort.

I just really needed the money.

And anyway, I'm behind all that.

It's past me now, so, yeah, that's my darkest secret.

What's yours?

First off, I'm gonna tell you something very important.

You're way too ugly to be an escort.

That's what you're ashamed of?

Don't be ashamed of that.

Our imperfections make us beautiful.

Come on.

My closet's got way worse skeletons than that.

If you take me out to dinner, I might even tell you.

- Yeah?

- Actually, you know what?

I'll take you out to dinner.

I'll pay, 'cause I'm You know, I built half of downtown, - so I'm really - Right.


You're really

- I'm rich as shit, okay?

- You're really rich.

- Let's just call it.

- Right.

Right, right.

Did you build this place?

With my bare f*cking hands.

Oh yeah?



- Hey.

- Hey.

- How'd it go?

- Fine.

We got a suppression hearing scheduled, so

- Oh, that sounds good.

- Yup.

You got a package.

- Who's it from?

- I don't know.

- There's no return address.

- Huh.

Uh, I tried the insurance company

- a couple of times, uh

- Yeah?

but I couldn't get through.

They do know that I'm trying to pay a bill, right?


You'd think they'd be thrilled to take your money, but ugh.

Is this the bunion thing?

No, it's the hip thing.

Oh, Irene threw her hip out?

No, Gor has the hip thing, but it's fine now.

Oh, I can't keep them all straight.

Yeah, well, neither can the insurance company, so What?

You get candy from an admirer?

- It's okay, ma'am.

- Uh-uh, sir.

Excuse me, sir?

I got a special delivery for Detective Roman.


- What's up, Roman?

- Who's that?

Got something for you to book into evidence here.


What is it?

Also, I'll see you at the suppression hearing.

- Yeah.

- What the f*ck?

We tried to tell you he was the f*cking sh**t, but you wouldn't do shit about it,

- so you're in trouble now, buddy.

- Are you f*cking

- I'm in trouble?

- Yeah, you're in trouble.

I'm in trouble?

You bring this shit

- I would think so, yeah.

- You threatening me?

Well, I don't know if it's a threat or not, but You come in here and you f*cking bring this shit and you thr*aten me?

You out of your f*cking mind?

Turn around.

- Why would I turn around?

- Turn the f*ck around.

- Why would I turn around?

- You f*cking assh*le.

g*dd*mn it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Roman, you all right?

- Yeah.

I'm good, man.

I'm good.

This is never gonna stick, dude.

If you'd have done your g*dd*mn job Huh, McBride?

You think it's a f*cking joke?


I'm gonna call the Feds on you guys You think this is a f*cking investigate your whole f*cking department.

You're an assh*le.

- Keep walking, Billy.

- Okay.

- Just keep walking, assh*le.

- Yeah, you're so full of shit.

- Keep walking, m*therf*cker.

- Uh-huh.

So, the government knows that I know who k*lled Kennedy and why they k*lled him, how they k*lled him

- and how they covered it up.

- Right.

They created the Assassination Reports Collection Act.

- Mm-hmm.

- That means that they've got to release all these documents, 3,000 of them, to the They've been hiding, covering up

- Uh-huh.

I hear you.

- Know what they did with the car?

They didn't

- They didn't do a

- How you doing?

- Hey.

I'm all right.

- You have hair just like my ex-wife.

- Yeah?

- I could never run my fingers through it.

- Yes, it's a challenge.

- It's real pretty, but too sticky.

Use hair spray?

- Uh, no.

I use glue.


- Ah.


- Jeff.

- You should've called me about Tito before you got yourself arrested.

Well, I didn't exactly plan on getting arrested, so Yeah, nobody ever does, but, you know, the shit rolls downhill, sometimes.

You gonna take Tito with you or what?

No, I'll have - one of my guys pick him up.

- Great.

Don't trust those bastards.

They're in your bank accounts.

Never do anything online.

They can't rob you blind if you ain't blind.

That's it, Jim.

You got it, buddy.

It's good talking to you, man.

I'll catch you next time.

- At the Chez Jay.

- Yeah.

- I'll scout you out, Billy.

- You got it, man.

Good talking to you.

Hey, Patty.

- Hold on a sec.

- What?

You look nice.

- You hungry?

- No.

- You want to grab a drink?

- No.

Okay, well, look, if you change your mind - I don't want that.

- Oh!

Go on, take the card.

He seems like a nice guy.


I think that whoever sent that f*cking head knows who you are, knows where you live probably knows everyone you know, including me and Denise and, man, if you don't stop I mean, something's gonna happen.

If you want to get out, I completely understand.

I didn't say that I was quitting.

I'm just worried and I needed to say it out loud.



I heard you.



Oh, my God.

This is ridiculous.

What'd you marinate it in, like, a lemon something?

Take some home.

I mean, Keith ate nothing, as usual.

It's just work stress.

- I'm sure he's just fine.

- Mm-hmm.

Where do you keep your, um, your Ziplocs?


In there.

Look, it's what Keith does.

He gets all worked up over something and then it just goes away.

You sure I can take all this?

You know, he used to talk to me.

You know, like, a-a little at least, and now I Like, I don't know if he's, uh, having an affair.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Mary.





Look, I never thought I'd be one of those women, okay?

But I was talking to Rachel Sherman.

You remember Rachel?

- No, I don't.

I don't.

- Yes, you do.

She graduated the year before all of us.

- Oh.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Yeah, okay.

Her husband was acting really weird.

She hired a PI and found out he had a whole other family in Huntington Beach.

- Oh.

Okay, okay.

- So Hang on.

Hang on a second.

You come here.

Come here.

- What?

- Come here.

You Come here.

- You are you are talking crazy.

- Am I?

I would know.

I know you would know, but would you tell me?

- Wh?

- There's like guy code or whatever.

- Listen to me.

- So Do not waste your money on a private investigator.

- Okay?

- Yeah, okay.

- Okay.

- I'm just I'm, like, this close.


That's just just keep it that close.

Just don't-don't-don't do it.


- It's okay.

- Yeah, I'm just

- All right.

All right.


- Mom!

I think you missed a spot.

I saw his head in a f*cking box.

I know.

I know.

Dude, y-y-you're scaring the shit out of Mary.

I mean, she thinks you got a secret f*cking family somewhere.

She-she's talking about hiring a PI.

That could be really f*cking bad for us, dude.

- Really f*cking bad.

- For us?

You don't give a f*ck about what happens to me.


You f*cked up my life.

- I f*cked up your - You f*cked up my life.


Dude, you-you know what?

You got to keep your shit together.

- Oh, yeah?

- That's the f*cking bottom line.

- Keep your shit together.

- Or-or what?

If you don't, at a certain point, it's gonna be out of my hands, man.

What are you saying to me?

Oh, come on, dude.

I'm just - I'm just saying, there's

- f*ck you.

Okay, yeah.

It's my fault.

f*ck me.

That's f*cking great.


What the f*ck, man?

- What the f*ck?

- f*ck.

Get off me.

- Get off of me.

- Calm the f*ck down.

Calm the f*ck down.


Dude, hey, it's okay.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Look at me.

Look at me.

- Breathe.

- What did we f*cking do, man?

- What did we f*cking do?

- Look at me.

Look at me.

You are gonna be great tomorrow.

- No.

- You are gonna be great.

- I don't think so.

- Listen.


Just remember this: Billy McBride cannot prove shit.

I don't know, man.

No, no, no.

I know.

We're gonna get through this together.

I'm getting you more money.


Hey, do you trust me?

Patrolling the perimeter, I noticed a section of the fence behind a couple of garbage bins was slightly askew.

I searched there and that's where I found the handgun.

- This handgun?

- Correct.

Did you send this to forensics for testing?


I-It had been wiped clean of fingerprints, but ballistics confirmed that it was the g*n used to k*ll Marcos Peña and Hunter Friedman.

Thank you, Detective.

There you go.

I'll take that, bud.


This is the g*n you found at Julio's apartment?

- That's what I just said.

- Yeah, okay.

Did you find this one, the one that we know he had on him that night?

- No.

- No?


So, Detective Roman, you went back two weeks later and conducted a search of Julio's apartment after having already conducted a thorough search of the apartment?

Based on an anonymous tip.

Yes, Your Honor.

Based on that tip, I requested that Detective Roman go back out and perform a second search for that g*n in all the common areas near the apartment.

I-I didn't ask you, Mr.


Detective Roman, you searched Julio's apartment the first time right after the murders with a K-9 unit and yet, no w*apon was found, is that right?

Well, we didn't search the outside, okay?

The original warrant didn't cover that.

Was the dog aware that the warrant didn't cover it?

Did you tell him to turn off his sense of smell that day?

Your Honor, objection.

I'm sorry.

Is this a joke?

Mr. McBride, that's enough.

So, how can a trained g*n-sniffing dog fail to notice a w*apon five feet away from the apartment?

Believe it or not, I'm not an expert on canines.

Your Honor, at some point, I hope we get some type of legitimate question from Mr.


Okay, here's a question.

Was the g*n found in a location that was under Julio's exclusive control?


Was it the same w*apon that Julio had on him in the security video that night?

- No.

- Were there any fingerprints - to connect Julio to the g*n?

- No.

So, you're telling me the g*n was there for two weeks, and during that time, there was an exhaustive police search with people coming and going everywhere and yet, you're the only one who found the w*apon.

Well, look, I I've explained that it was hidden behind the garbage bins, all right?


Okay, so it's your position that Julio was so shrewd that he discarded the non-m*rder w*apon with his girlfriend, wiped his fingerprints off the m*rder w*apon, and yet he was so careless that he tossed it five feet from his apartment.

Is that your contention?

I I don't know what tell you, Counsel.

So, the g*n was in a fence open to the world.

Anybody could've put it there.


I don't I don't think it Hell, I mean, you could've even planted it there, Detective.

Objection, Your Honor.

Detective Roman is a distinguished veteran of our police force with an impeccable record.

He's slandering him.


There's no physical evidence tying Julio to this m*rder w*apon, leaving it with no probative value.

The prejudicial effect is immense.

- You have to suppress it.

- Suppress Your Honor, we are we're not talking about a w*apon.


We are talking about the m*rder w*apon, which was found five feet from the defendant's residence.

We'll let the jury decide its probative value, thank you.


I-I thought that was the court's job.

Yes, it is.

I decide what the jury sees, Mr.


So if there's nothing further?


My clerk will notify you of my decision.

Court's adjourned.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Is what happened good?

Well, we won't know till we hear from the judge, but it looks pretty good, yeah.

So when will we know?

A day or two, probably.

I keep forgetting to thank you.

Both of you.

Well, thank us once we get you out of here, okay?

Hey, you'll be all right.

Gonna be all right.




Oh, f*ck!


Oh, sh Do I have your attention?

What the f What did I do?

What the f*ck?!

Miguel is outside.

He will drive you.

Ah - Any trouble at the border?

- No.

But this one's pissing his pants.

Get him a diaper for the way home.

- Welcome, Tom.

Please, sit down.

- I-I'm sorry, Gabriel, do you mind if I ask what I'm doing here?

I'm not really sure I can uh, you know.

This I'm gonna tell you.

Please, have a seat.

You know, I don't like to make a habit of repeating myself, but I guess you didn't hear me the first time.

- I - Ah, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

- Good.

- I'm sorry.

Now, Marisol Silva's still a problem.

I have it in good authority that the case is going good, which means the Suarez kid can be acquitted.

And if he is acquitted, Tom, that would only bring more questions.

And we don't want more questions, do we, Tom?

Uh, no, no.

Um It's funny, you seem to know more about this case than I do.

Well, that's a problem, isn't it?

Well, then, what's the solution?

That's why you're here, we need a simple solution to the Suarez kid situation.

I hate that it comes down to this, but a signed confession and a su1c1de would be the best option.

I don't know how we get there, but we'll leave that up to you.


I-I agree with you, this is the best option.

Uh, the problem is Marisol.

How do you keep her from losing her shit?

She's obsessed with this kid.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- He's become her whole world.

- Well, that's your job, Tom.

- It's insane.

I mean, I would love to do it myself, but I don't know her I've never met her before.

You have a relationship with her, and we need her happy.

Because if she's not happy when she's mayor, then you don't get your big, shiny buildings, and I don't get access to Los Angeles ports.

And then both of our businesses suffer.

You see what I'm saying?

I'm not saying this is easy, but you're Tom Wyatt, and there's nothing Tom Wyatt can't do, right?



f*ck, I don't know.

Yes, "f*ck" is absolutely right.

No, go fix this, Tom.

Oh, okay.


I got it, thank you.

Roman's scared of something.

I don't know what.

Yeah, I don't really feel bad for him.

Judge Wallace's clerk just called.

Both the g*n and the video footage are staying in evidence.


Do you need me to get any more info?

- No, that's okay.

- I'm sorry.

All right, what do you want to do?

I don't know.

I'm gonna run next door.

You want to go?

No, I don't want to go.


Don't sneak up on me like that.

- Hey, man.

- Hey, Billy.

How are you, man?

- Got your hearing-aid in?

- Say again.

Your hearing-aid.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

- How are ya?

- Oh, you know.

So what's up?

Wallace screwed me.

Yeah, you lost a battle.

The w*r's not over.

Yeah, I know, but it shouldn't be this hard.

Prosecution doesn't even really have much, you know?

I'm not sure who I'm up against anymore.

Give it a little time.

They'll stick their head out.

- Yeah.

- Speaking of which, I understand you found Tito Garcia.

- Yeah.

- Although not all of him.

Well, the word on the street is that this was no hack job.

- This was surgical.

- This was professional.

Any idea who?

Could be La Mano Cartel.

Head shows up.

Well, in that case, maybe I should

- move the family to Idaho, huh?

- No, no.

If you were in the crosshairs of the cartel, you wouldn't be standing here right now.

Trust me.

Why would they give a shit about this kid, anyway?

Since when is anything ever about what it's about?


You know anything about this cop, Keith Roman?


Yeah, I've run into him a couple times.

He seems to be okay.

Of course, he's never arrested me.

He's lead detective on a case that I'm consulting on.

g*ng shit, the usual.

He's acting real guilty.

I'm not sure why.

I'll keep my ear to the ground.

I know you will.

You were hoping I'd know more than I do.

Of course I was.

Yeah, well, you know, the ground's not talking yet, but it will, it always does.


Shake it a little, will ya?

It's California, Billy.

Don't need to shake it, ground shakes on its own.

And we're due for a big one.

Now let's go.

Let's go, m*therf*cker, serve.

All right, f*ck you.

It was slippery, all right?

- Just f*cking serve.

- That's from your sweat.

- Just f*cking go!

- Okay, I'm going.

Eat this, m*therf*cker.

Okay, all right, time.




- Time, time.

- You gotta play, man.


Jesus, when's the last time you exercised, man?

July of '87.

I was getting ready for the Poison Oak tour.

Oh, shit, you're not gonna tell me about your f*cking band again, are you?

Hey, we sort of opened up for Atomic Punks, all right?

- You told me that.

- No, no.

Listen, dude, I gotta go see a doctor, 'cause Dude, we've been playing for, like, ten minutes.

Do you have any Bayer aspirin?

That's the stuff you need, right?

You're not having a heart attack, are you?

Oh, yeah, you'd love that, wouldn't you, Danny, you f*ck?

No, I might laugh at first, but I'd call 911.

Yeah, you'd laugh throughout the whole thing.

- You're an assh*le.

- Let's go.

f*ck you you're the p*ssy.

- Jesus Christ!

- You're the p*ssy.

You're the p*ssy.

Oh, I'm glad you guys are having a good time in here.

'Cause I just got back from a romantic getaway for two to f*cking Rosarito, where it almost cost me an arm and a leg, if you know what I'm talking about, and I think you do.

How's that my fault?

Okay, I can see you two have a lot to discuss, and three's a crowd, so I'll, uh Can I borrow that for-for a second?

- Just real quick?

- Yeah.

- Thank you very much.

- Sure.

- Want to try that again?

- Tom I'm sorry.

How can I help?

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

- Sure.

- So, things with Brittany are progressing nicely, thanks to the tip from you.

I appreciate that.

However, the situation with Marisol and the kid is becoming a little more complex.

So I'm gonna need you to open up some more cash for us, so I can play the role of sweet benefactor because she knows that I need her and she's grinding me to the f*cking wall on it.

It's all about keeping Marisol happy, while at the same time convincing her to come down on that f*cking kid.

Super easy, right?

I should do it all on my own.

- Right?


- N-N-N-No I-I hear you, Tom, but-but why don't we just take care of the kid?

I mean, we've got guys on the inside.

It doesn't have to be this hard.

That's a pretty f*cking good idea.

I should have thought of that myself.

- Thanks, Danny.

Here you go.

- You're welcome.


Did you not f*cking hear what I said?!

I need to keep Marisol happy!

You need to keep me f*cking happy!

Do I look happy to you, you f*ck?!


I do feel a little bit better, though.

Thanks for that.


- Good luck with it.

- f*ck.

Why are we going in here?

When you said walking distance, I didn't think you meant 100 feet.

Yeah, I did.

What's up, honey?

- Please, have a seat.

- Yeah.

Have a chair.

- Welcome to Chez Jay.

- There you go.

- Thank you.

- Have a seat, honey.

Where's everyone?

I bought the place for the night.

It's just you and me and the g*ng here.

Hi, boys.

- Gracias.

- Frankie, I just ordered one flower.

- Nice job.

- Yeah, they're pretty.

Shit's real, too.

It's not one of those fake ones that just looks like a light.


I wouldn't know it if it bit me on the ass.

Yeah, just ask her.

- Um, it looks amazing.

Thank you.

- Okay.

Carrot cake.

You remembered.

Thank you.

Yeah, I pay attention sometimes.

Uh, Billy, don't you have something to say?


Yeah, yeah, right.

So, uh, you guys all rigged up there?

All right.

Got a little toast here.

To our great old gal, Los Angeles, California, and to the next mayor, Marisol Silva, and to our buddy, Oscar.

God rest his soul.

What a f*cking great guy.

And, uh, one second, Lucho.

I know.

f*cking dude, right.

So, uh, here's seagull shit in the eyes of all the New Yorkers who come out here and love the beaches and the weather and their jobs and shit like that and still bitch about it.

f*ck you all.

Go home.

I don't remember sending out an invitation.

- Here's to you.

- Hear, hear.


Yeah, baby.

Wanting it.

Thanks, Frankie.

So, it's just, uh, wine and carrot cake?

- Well, did you want something else?

- Yes.

I'm feeling some disappointment.

Like what?

- Food.

- Food.



Oh, sorry.

Gosh damn it.

I-I knew I forgot something.

All right.

Sorry about that.

Well, anyway, we can still get drunk.

I really Hey, Lucho!

You guys got any grub back there?

- Oi!

- See there?

What do you think, I'm an assh*le?

And he thought of everything.

Thanks, guys.


Bon appétit.


Thanks, Frankie.

Good job, honey.

This is very nice.

Thank you.


No, I I can't.

I can't drink anymore.

Oh, I bet you can.

I'm not used to this.

Usually, one glass of wine is my limit.

Well, maybe two.


Some people are named Hymen.

Mm Can you imagine that?

I mean, I think it's spelled different, but g*dd*mn.

Can you imagine that shit?

That's like being named Foreskin.

Or testicle.

That's gross.

Yeah, it is.

Well sometimes it's pretty helpful.

I don't I don't want to hear about that.

Do you know anything about the La Mano Drug Cartel?

Your brain, it's really f*cked up.

Wait, how do you put together foreskin with a drug cartel?

I wasn't putting together foreskin and drug cartels.

So, you know anything about 'em?

Mm Why?

- Just do you know anything about 'em?

- You think I want to know if you know anything about 'em.

Okay, so, because I'm Mexican, do you think I know everything about drug cartels?

No, I think 'cause you work with the City Council Drug Task Force thing.

- I think that's why - Oh you might know something, not 'cause you're Mexican.

Let's just not talk about work now.


Tonight's supposed to be fun.

It is fun.

I'm having fun.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

So, you know anything about 'em?

Why do you want to know?

'Cause I think they're trying to scare me off Julio's case.

That's why.


I don't see the connection between the two.

Do you know anything about how they operate?

Well, even if I did, there You know, I can't discuss it.

- It's privileged information.

- Mm.

I'm not privileged?

I think we have to have some boundaries when it comes to our work.

Come to bed.

Well, I just figured since, uh, you're so interested in Julio and everything that, you know, maybe you'd like to help out a little bit.

I don't like the sound of that.

What are what are you insinuating?

I'm not insinuating anything.

I'm just saying that you know, you-you came to me.

I didn't come to you.

And it was about the case, so I figured you had some interest in it and if you could help, you would.

That's all.

You know?

What am I gonna do, tell a f*cking news station or something?

I'm That's not what I'm trying to do here, honey.

I just need some information about 'em, and I figured maybe you have some.

I don't know the connection either.

That's what I'm trying to find out.

But I told you, I can't discuss anything about my work with the Drug Task Force.

It could endanger the whole operation if something slips out.

Well, to tell you the truth, I'm feeling a little endangered myself.

Does that mean anything to you?

Let's just stop this.



Let me ask you something else.

What are you doing hanging around me?

What do you mean?

Well, I mean, you're beautiful, and you're successful, and you hang out with all these big shit f*cking guys all the time, you know.

What're you doing hanging around in a sh*thole with me?

That's all.

I like spending time with you.

And, you know, I said I agreed when you said, "We're f*cked.

" What do you think that means to me?

I know what it means to me.

What does it mean to you, exactly?

Because I thought we were close enough to where I could actually ask you a f*cking question about something important,

- and instead of

- Why are you being aggressive?

- I don't under Why

- I'm not being aggressive.

- But now I

- I'm try I don't understand what you're doing, right now.

You see, we're talking about a f*cking drug cartel here, - and I'm telling you - What are you doing?

- I don't understand what you're

- that I think they're trying to push me out of this f*cking thing for some reason, and they don't f*ck around, as you probably know.

- Why-Why are you being like

- I'd like to keep the top half of my body attached to the bottom half of my body.

- Wow.

- Yeah.

Th-Then that's Now, it's my fault.

- I don't understand - Who said it was your fault?

I didn't say a f*cking word about it being your fault.

- You're being just selfish

- No.

and you're just got too much to drink.

- A-Actually, no.

What I'm saying is

- Okay I thought we were close.

I thought we were f*cking friends, and all of a sudden we can't talk about your work?

- Ah, we were f*cking friends?


- You're You know what?

- Okay, no.

- That's how this started out.

- I'm not talking - Was your work and my work.

I think you've just had too much to drink.

- No, I didn't have too much to drink.

- Yes.

As a matter of fact, I could use a little more.

I was trying to talk to you because I thought we were close enough

- To do that

- I don't like this.

I don't like this bullshit.

- Really?

- Yes.

I'm not gonna talk to you when you're drunk.

- That's it.

- Oh, okay.

- Yeah.

- Well, good luck.

You'll talk to me about five minutes a f*cking month.

- Why are you being so hostile?

- Look, I know I'm not the smartest f*cking guy in the room, and I ain't the prettiest f*cking guy in the room.

- That's for f*cking sure.

- That's not true.

And you know what?

I talked you into this.

You didn't talk me into it, okay?

- That's not true.

That's not - Wasn't the other way around.

I'm afraid it is true.


Maybe we shouldn't be seen together in public, either.

Oh Where What are you doing?

I wouldn't want your f*cking suits.

I'm going out for a minute.

The walls are getting a little close to me in here.


- Yeah?

- Keith.


Listen, I know McBride tried to throw you off your game.

Just wanted you to know that Wallace didn't buy it.

- So the g*n is in?

- The g*n and the videos.


That's great, man.

That's as it should be.

Yeah, McBride's probably sh1tting in his pants

- right about now.

- Yeah.

- Well, he deserves it.

- Yeah, he does.

He tried to attack you and it backfired on him, so the good guys won today, right?


Thanks for the call.

All right.

Talk to you later.

Hey, Martha.

I knew you were gonna screw me on the g*n, Your Honor.

I'm sorry.

I knew you were gonna screw me on the g*n, but you let the video in?


Good morning to you, too, Billy.

This is highly inappropriate.

If you want to discuss this, I think Mr.

Rashad should be present.

Your Honor, please reconsider your order.

Take it up on appeal.

Well, we don't have time for an appeal.

Listen, since we started this case, our client lost his only alibi, who was shot and k*lled, then the prime suspect gets deported to Mexico and beheaded, by the way.

And then, magically, the m*rder w*apon appears just outside our client's home.

JT believes it has something to do with the La Mano Cartel, and I don't doubt him, whatsoever, okay?

Stop right there.

I-It's the m*rder w*apon.

Whether the jury ties this to your client or not depends upon your argument and the evidence you bring in the room.

And as far as the video goes, as you so ably argued, it supports your theory the g*n was planted.

You would have brought it into trial anyway.

If you want to exonerate your client, you're gonna need proof, so bring me evidence of this conspiracy, not just JT's wild hunches, and then maybe we'll have something to talk about.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Don't thank me.

I haven't done anything.

But I get it, Mr. McBride.

You've planted the seed of conspiracy into my head and you've ruined my coffee.

Now go.

- Sorry about that.

- Sorry.

Oh, and if JT wants to come by and chat, he knows where to find me.


- You want this pushed back in?

- Go.



Tito, he thought he was some f*cking tough guy.

- He was a f*cking midget.

- Working with the cops.

Making all this money.

I never saw any of it.

Maybe that other twat he was banging did.


He was a f*cking rat bitch.

No, no, no, no, no.

More like a mouse.

He's not big enough to be a rat.

Oh, shit!

Did you see that rat with that slice of pizza?

That rat f*cking loved pizza.

Yo, my cousin sent me that.

Did you see it?

- I did.


- f*cking hilarious.

Did Tito ever mention a cop by name?


Even without his f*cking head,

- his mouth's probably still running.

- Oh, dude.

That is dark.

- It's dark, but it's true.

- Girl.

Damn, what is that cop's name?

I know I know it.

Stop chasing it.

It'll come to you.

Tranquilo, huh?



I'm gonna enjoy the ride and the lovely company.

- Oh!

- Look at you!

- Charmer.

- Okay.

Oh, yeah.

- Yeah.

- He's cute.

I think he's flirting with you, girl.



Um, how are you?

I'm-I'm sorry to bother you.

You could never bother me.

Is your father here?

No, he's actually not, but do you want to come in?

- Is - Sure, thank you.

is everything okay?

Uh, we no We had an awkward conversation last night, and he said he was gonna go for a walk, but never came back.

Yeah, sorry about that.

He, um He disappears, sometimes.

Sometimes for an hour, sometimes for a couple days, but don't worry, he'll be back

- and pretend like nothing happened.

- Okay.

- I'll text him.

- Thank you.

Yeah, he he has a unique personality.

That's one way of putting it.

- Um, would you like some water?

- Sure, thank you.

It's a beautiful home.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, it's gorgeous.

You know, I told him not to screw it up with you.

You're the best thing that's happened to him in a while.


Oh, yeah, by far.

He has a tendency to screw things up when they're good for him.

But he's crazy about you.

He said that?

No, I just I-I can tell.



You know what?

I almost forgot.

I brought you this.

- Thank you so much.

- Yes.

You can put it in your car, or Thank you.

That's really, really sweet.

- Oh, my pleasure.

- Um Yeah, no response yet, but it's not unusual.


I know he's under a lot of pressure lately with this case.


Did he talk to you about it?

Oh, no.

He's he's pretty private about that stuff.


Yeah, he said something about the FBI now looking for another suspect.

That's probably in his mind right now.


You know what?

You guys are really close.

I think it would be good for him if you talk to him.

You know, and ask him about it.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I could, I could do that.

But just don't mention that I, you know, said-said this to you

- No, totally.

- Because I don't want him to think that I'm prying.

I'm just worried about him.



What's up?

- How're you doing?

- All right.

You know, you don't have to dance around me.

- What do you mean?

- I just mean, like, if something's wrong or if, you know, work's not going well or whatever, that you can talk to me.

What makes you think work's not going okay?


I just Jesus, I'm just trying to let you know that I'm here for you.

All right.

Marisol came by.


Marisol came by.

Came by where?

The house.

What'd she say?

I mean, you know, she's worried about you.

She doesn't know you that well.

Dad, she hasn't had time to get used to your disappearing act.

I'll call her.

- You should.

- Yeah.

One of the coolest women in town likes you, so don't be an assh*le.

What else did she say?


She's just, you know, worried and So anything new on the case, or with work or Nothing you want to talk about?


Hey, this is Billy.

Leave a message.

Billy, the ground has opened up.

And it's talking.

What the f*ck are you doing?

When were you gonna tell me Tito Garcia was your CI?

Who told you that?

A little bird.

It kind of puts an interesting spin on everything that's happened kind of, doesn't it?

Doesn't mean d*ck.

The guy worked for you and you never even mentioned it.

He was a confidential informant.

You wouldn't even pick him up for questioning.

You don't know shit, McBride.

Well, then tell me.

The way I see it, you're the low man on the totem pole now, 'cause the guy below you, his head's in a box.

Look, I can get you a deal.

I can protect you.

I can protect your family.

But you got to give me enough to take to the prosecution.

You might want to consider my offer.

'Cause I ain't gonna k*ll you.

Can you say the same thing about the other guys?