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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 10/03/19 09:40
by bunniefuu
I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred.

When I was a child, my sister, Thyra, was att*cked by Sven, and he looked at her nakedness.

Our father exacted his revenge.

Then I shall only take his one eye.




Kjartan, you are banished!

So, years later, Kjartan burned down our home and k*lled our parents.

I thought Thyra dead.

I will not stand by and have everything that's mine taken from me.

But she lives.

Held in chains, just as I was held in chains.

She will not die a sl*ve.

She will not share Halig's fate.

Under orders of King Alfred, my brother, Ragnar, found and freed me.

Seeking revenge for my friend, for my own captivity and Gisela being taken from me, I k*lled the Abbot Eadred, a man of God.

My price was to renew my oath of allegiance to Alfred of Wessex.

Destiny is all.

- Uhtred?

- Mm?

When you go to Eoferwic will you k*ll my brother?

Are you asking if I will, or are you telling me to do it?

The first one.

I have sworn to Alfred that Guthred will not be harmed.

I want to go with you.


You might return to find me claimed by another, like vacant land.

Gisela, no.

Alfred could marry me off to some ealdorman and you would not be here to stop it!


What is funny?

It would not be the first time a king has tried.

You're not coming with me.

It would be too dangerous for you.

It is for you, too.

I could not I could not bear it to have you taken from me again.

What's this?

Are you leaving without me?

Brida has gone already.

She's gathering my men whatever is left of them.

You will meet them where?


I'd ask you to come with me, but I hear you've been making more of your oaths.

I will be with you.

- Our plan doesn't change.

- You belong to Alfred.

Our plan doesn't change.

Alfred sends me to k*ll Erik and Sigefrid.

If I succeed, then Guthred will be in my debt and I will demand the use of his men.

I have men and we have our own w*r, we do not need Guthred's.

How many men?

Enough to take Dunholm?

Guthred made you a sl*ve!

And by swearing to Alfred, you remain a sl*ve!


I have my reasons.

I would like to hear those reasons.

I did not forget what Guthred did to me.

But if it means we have a greater chance of k*lling Kjartan, if it means we find our sister, then I will do what Alfred asks.

Kjartan falls by MY sword.

He will, brother.

He will.


You asked for me?

I did.

The king should be at the centre surrounded by his enemies.

I am sending Uhtred to Eoferwic to aid Guthred against the brothers who would take the city for themselves.

I want you to go with him.

Stea pa shall accompany you.

Remain at his side.

Lord, forgive me, but I do not see what need Uhtred would have of me.

It is not Uhtred's need that concerns me, it is mine.

Guthred's misjudgments have divided Northumbria.

I sent Uhtred to reassert Guthred's authority.

I am sending you to remind King Guthred of his debt and obligations to Wessex.

Surely a letter would suit the purpose?

A letter is constant, whereas I shall merely come and go.

Think of this as a reward, Aethelwold.

You have proven yourself, both in battle and within my Witan.

You have also sought greater responsibilities.

In Wessex, yes.

Responsibilities in Mercia, perhaps, but Northumbria?!

Lord, they are almost Scots.

Should I turn my hair red?

You will remind Uhtred of his oaths, but, above all, you will reassure our northern king that in spite of what has passed, my commitment to his prosperity has not waned.

Eoferwic must remain Christian.

You do me a great honour.

You shall be my eyes, ears and voice, Aethelwold.


A bold response.

Yes, Father, I thought so.

Take this.

It is the symbol of my kingship.

Bear it with authority.

Make yourself ready.

Consider how you spend this time.

Tomorrow, you're my errands man.

- Father Beocca?

- Uhtred!

Thank you.

- Come to make your peace with God?

- Come to find you.

You weren't in your room, nor the brothel.

Well, l I've been very busy.

These are for Guthred?


Fortunes of kings.

Their failures are rewarded with gifts.


- Is something wrong?

- I need you to marry me to Gisela.


I want us to make our pledges before I ride for Eoferwic.

Mildrith has joined the order, I am free to marry.

You have Alfred's blessing?

It's not Alfred I wish to marry!

Beocca, this cannot wait.

- You love her?

- I do.

I feel you are too fond of love.

Nevertheless, bring her here, but quietly.

We need to be quick and discreet.

Quick and discreet!

We're off to the great north, you and l.

I'm to be Alfred's errand boy.

He wants me away from Winchester - Aethelwold, I'm not listening.

- He wants me dead, even!

Now that is the plan, I know it!

One may be overpowered.

Two can defend themselves.

A cord of three is not so quickly broken Now that you are bound together, Uhtred and Gisela I can declare you man and wife.

Now I will never be taken from you.

Ragnar rides with them, Lord?

A Dane?

You have doubts, Odda?

Then we shall air them.

Lord, should he survive, I fear Uhtred will not return.

You believe he will break his oath?

I believe Bebbanburg will hold a greater pull than Wessex.

Should he rid Northumbria of these Northmen, he will look towards Kjartan, his blood feud.

Yes, but that is no bad thing.

But, Lord, should he defeat Kjartan, then who holds the power in Northumbria?

Uhtred and Ragnar?


Well, there is that risk, but firstly, Uhtred is a warrior.

A Viking, even.

- He will forever be restless.

- Perhaps.

And secondly, should he turn his attention to Bebbanburg, and, indeed, to Northumbria as a whole, then Steapa is under instruction to k*ll him.

When will we have sight of Eoferwic?

I have never ridden for so long nor so far.

Have you a sore arse, lord?

I have a sore everything.

I need a woman to rub and bathe me.


We will be stopping soon enough.

At Eoferwic?

We ride first for Loidis.

What awaits us at Loidis?

We shall see.

Need I remind you, first and foremost, our purpose here is the king's business.

Nothing has changed but our path, Beocca.

We shall see.


You brought friends?

They serve Alfred.

Do we have men?


- Hm?

- This way.

Well, that was a warm greeting.


Uhtred, you were sent north to aid Guthred, not to go chasing revenge.

Perhaps I plan to do both, Father.

Well, I think I know what you plan.

Uhtred, revenge will not bring you peace, only death.

Father Beocca, you will have me k*ll for Alfred but not for myself.

Why is that?

And what business does Alfred have with Northumbria?

God's business!




I didn't think so many would come.



What makes you think we're here for you?


Guthred is seen as weak and friendless.

These men won't fight the brothers for a turd.

We need the turd's army to take Dunholm.

So, why not k*ll the Northmen, then k*ll the turd, take Eoferwic and its army for yourself?

- The woman's got a point.

- No, she does not have a point.

Those are the words of a traitor!

I don't want Eoferwic.

All I want is Kjartan's heart on the end of my sword, and to see my sister.

We will need Guthred's army.

I promised these men silver and the glory of avenging your father.

Don't dishonour them by getting them k*lled for Guthred, the turd.

Oh, Ragnar, your woman's got the balls of a bear.

I like her.

- She's right.

- What do you mean, she's right?

Beocca, she's right!

These men are here for Ragnar, we can't ask them to die for the like of Guthred.

Isn't it what Danes do, fight?

- We cannot face the brothers alone.

- Why not?

Finan, there is bravery and then there is stupidity.

The Northmen have a camp, do they not?

Not a fortress, but an open camp.

If it is Sigefrid and Erik we must k*ll, then let us just do that.

We k*ll them while they're sleeping.


Open the gates!

They are here in Northumbria.

- Uhtred and Ragnar.

- How many men?

They had barely 50 at Loidis.

They'll find others.

They'll go to their poxy King Guthred.

I want every man aware and ready.

No drunkenness till it's done, no matter how long.

Do you believe they will attack?

Place rocks, wood and fire on the ramparts.

We should hunt them down now, before they can turn their 50 men into 500 men.

50 men can win a battle in the open, but no army of any size can breach this fortress.

If Uhtred and Ragnar's wish is to k*ll me they can die trying at my gates.

Was I not heard?


Father, what can I do?

Go to your wild whore.

Tell her she need not feed her hounds.



I told you to stay out.

Your brother Ragnar is here in Northumbria.

He will attack.

My father demands that you let the hounds go hungry.

But if you don't if you do not want that, I can tell Father that I have no brother.


I have no brother!

Get out!





I see three on watch.

The rest will be huddled inside their furs.

There could be more behind the tents, sitting low.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Which tents are full and which are empty?

And in which tent is Sigefrid and which is Erik?

We are blind.


The game, tafl.

The king is positioned at the centre of the pieces.

I would say that tent there is the king.

From any other mouth, it'd make perfect sense.

It is perfect sense.

- I will go in alone.

- I think you should.

No, we go in as agreed, together.

We cannot risk the both of us being k*lled.

Yes, we can.

This is for Alfred, you must save your sword for Kjartan.

If it is for Alfred I will go with you.

And me!

It was my bastard plan.

And I shall wish you all the best of luck.

- If you get caught?

- Do nothing.

Ragnar, think only of our blood feud and of Thyra.

I hope you're light on your feet, big man.





You want to k*ll me, Uhtred Ragnarson?

That was the plan.

You don't like me?

I can be a funny man.









Stand clear, let them see me!

Let them all see me!

They'll be slaughtered where they stand!

And you with them.

You save your sword for Kjartan!

Erik, I swear, I'll k*ll him and be damned what follows!

- No-one is to move!

- No-one!

Stand still!

k*ll him!

k*ll him!

k*ll him!

No-one is to as much as raise their sword!

Uhtred, you will spare him!

Steady your men!



Uhtred, you will spare my brother!

Name your price!

k*ll him, Erik!

k*ll him, I say!



Sigefrid, there will be another day, another time!

- k*ll HIM!

- Uhtred!

Name your price.

It will be done, I swear!

I give you my word.

k*ll him and you k*ll yourself.

Your word?!

I swear!

Believe me!

You will take one ship and you will leave Northumbria.

One ship!

You will not return!

For my brother's life, this is done!


I swear that I will k*ll you, Uhtred Ragnarson!

- This is not finished!

- I see you ARE a funny man.


We are here at the request of Alfred of Wessex!

The king will wish to see us!

- Open the doors!

- Uhtred, I will speak first.

Father, you will say nothing!


Father Beocca, I I had heard that you were close.

I, er I'd not realised how close.

- Lord, King Alfred has sent us here to - Father Beocca!

You will allow King Guthred to speak first.

I had also heard that you had been recovered, Uhtred.

I am glad.

Believe me.

Well, if you're here to k*ll me, I don't blame you.

I would k*ll me, too.


But it would be a mistake.

Another mistake.

Lord Guthred?

I am Lord Aethelwold, I come in King Alfred's stead.

We have gifts.

Sigefrid's sword hand.

The brothers won't trouble you again.

- They are dead?

- In return, you will give me your army.

- You will ready them to march.

- But You will do as I ask, Guthred, or I shall k*ll you.

He does not know what he says, Lord.


Steapa, no!

I will k*ll you and take every consequence.

What you did to me what you did to Halig I could never forget.

I shall never forgive.

You will ready your men to march.

How do I know that the brothers are gone?!

How do I know that this hand belongs to Sigefrid?!

Like your uncle, I would have preferred a head.

- Two heads!

- Another word, Lord, and it will be your own head.

You will do as my brother asks, or I will take Eoferwic and the army for myself.


The king has a decision to make.

He's either with us or against us.


You're lucky.

Nothing's broken.

It'll hurt wielding your sword, though.

Well, we cannot wait for the wounded.

You will not have to wait for the wounded.

We should k*ll him.

Guthred, the turd king.

Do you never tire of menace?

I do not.

If we are successful in taking Dunholm, who gets to keep it?


Guthred, naturally.

He has Eoferwic.

- Ragnar should have it.

- No.

It is Alfred's wish that it goes to Guthred.

Alfred has never set one foot in Northumbria, it's not his decision to make.

Kjartan built Dunholm on the blood of Ragnar the Fearless.

Belongs to his blood son, Ragnar.

As long as my sword finds Kjartan's heart, I do not care.

I care.

The arseling is right, for once.

He is wrong.

Uhtred, you say Alfred has never set foot in Northumbria.

He has no need.

We are here, all of us, to do his bidding.

And he knows how each of us will think, what each of us will do.

Eoferwic can never be the seat of power in Northumbria whilst Dunholm remains strong, and so he allows Uhtred to attack.

He allows nothing.

I'm here because it's my business to be here.

Uhtred, you are his man.

You, more than anyone, will bring about his dream of an England.

Alfred's wish is for Guthred to become the one true lord of the north, and you will make that happen.

I say it as I now see it.

You have shit in your eye.

I see it as a king would see it.

He was crying like a baby, so I just


Oh, his eyes were popping out of his head, I swear to God!


Uhtred, will you join me, please?


I am a little afraid of you, Uhtred of Bebbanburg.


I am king because the abbot claimed to have seen my face in a dream.

But it was your face that he assumed to be king, I I feared that you would take my newly-found power.

I gave you my word.

You did.

But you made me a sl*ve.

- Yes.

- Hm!


But in my defence, I was meant to k*ll you.

- I spared your life.

- Uhtred!



You were my friend and I betrayed you.

My sister is well?

She's my wife.




I shall write to Alfred, I shall inform him that that your journey to Dunholm is my instruction.


And I do hope that you can one day find a place in your heart to forgive me.

I still consider you my greatest friend.

What did he say?

He said Dunholm is yours, brother.


- Lord?

- You lied to me.

Lord, I would never You told me Dunholm has no weaknesses.

Yet last time I was there, I saw a door along the east wall.

Access to a water spring.

Yes, Lord, but you could never bring an army through it.

I would not be bringing an army.

This is madness.

The rightful King of Wessex helping to avenge the death of a big hairy Viking.

It would make a good song.

Well, should you die, Aethelwold, I shall have it written.




This is where we part.

We will show ourselves only when we know the east door has been opened.

We will attack then it's up to you to save us.

We will be theirs to slaughter.

Lord, may the gods be with you.


May God be with him.


You just watch over Ragnar, hm?

Good luck, little brother.

See you all in Dunholm.

Move quickly.

We must be in place before dawn.

This path is fit for goats only.

You be quiet and watch where you're placing your feet!

Bless you.

That ram we have dragged, it will not work.

It will not force open the gates but it will work in its own way.

We rest, we wait.


I know!


This will be the day.

Kjartan or Valhalla.

The day of days.



Their signal.

It begins.


Shield wall!

Warriors at the north gate!

Warriors at the north gate!

To the end.




Every man to the ramparts!


Keep together!




Stay close!

Go, go, go now!

More spears!





Use the fire!

Burn the bastards!

Tip it!


- When we attack, Steapa

- I know, Lord, to the gate.







We stand!

Every man is to stand!




With me now!


The gate!

k*ll them!

To the gate!

We must get to the gate!

Stop them!

k*ll them!

It is to the end!

Next group, go!

Glory or Valhalla!



Protect the gate!

Hold fast!

Hold fast, Ragnar!


Pull back!

Pull back!

Pull back!



Where are you?!

Shield wall!


Pull back!

Come on!






No Please!







Kjartan you are beaten.

Either you die alone, or together with all your men.

What is it to be?

You wish to fight me, baby Ragnar?

No, l wish to k*ll you.

Drop your weapons.

It's over.


Ragnar, no!

No, no!

No, Ragnar, don't give him the chance.

Burn the bastard, Ragnar!

- Brida!

- You and me.


We make the square!

Your sister made a good whore!



She still does!

Only now we have to tie her down to keep her from scratching when we hump her all night.

Come on, Ragnar!


- I k*lled your father!

- Get up, Ragnar!

- Now get up!

- I burned your mother!

Go, Ragnar!


No, give me my sword!

For Valhalla, you must give me my sword!

I won't beg you.


Give me my sword!









It's over.

It's over.

Shh, shh.

It's Thyra.


You left me.

Both of you, you left me!

Thyra, no.

I swear, we didn't know you were alive.

You are no better than the bastards who whored me.

Thyra, please.

The price for my life - is yours.

- No!

Thyra I forbid it.

Please Please.

Let me help you.

I'm a friend.


I have not seen you fight like that before.

That wasn't fighting.

That was Well, k*lling him was not enough.

It can never be enough.

But it's done.

We've honoured them.


So, er what now?




It must be Wessex, or Steapa will have instruction to k*ll me, I'm sure.

I need peace for a time.

I need my woman.

And what of Thyra?

Whatever else, she's safe.


I will not hurt you.

I promise.

You do not know me but I have known your brother Uhtred since he was a small boy.

I am Beocca.

This place is Ragnar's now.

You have no need to hide.

He and Uhtred have wanted for so long to find you.

You have shown incredible strength, Thyra.

I would say God-given.

Bless you.


Uhtred, he saved me once before, from Sven, when he was your little boy.


He would do that.